PDP-10 Archives
TOPS-10 Integration Tools, V4, 10-Jan-1986
Start of Saveset TENTAPE4 on MTA260 TOOLS
System RL240B DEC10 Development TOPS-10 monitor 703(30357) APR#1026
1600 BPI 9-track 31-Oct-85 15:07:45 BACKUP 5(614) tape format 1
Tape number 1
16 9855(7) <055> 70,6067 31-Oct-85 dskc:[70,6067]t10tp4.dir
15 9395(7) <055> 70,6067 31-Oct-85 dskc:[70,6067]t10tp4.mem
2 1155(7) <055> 70,6067 31-Oct-85 dskc:[70,6067]t10tp4.mic
13 8050(7) <055> 70,6067 31-Oct-85 dskc:[70,6067]t10tp4.rno
End of Saveset TENTAPE4 on MTA260 TOOLS
System RL240B DEC10 Development TOPS-10 monitor 703(30357) APR#1026
1600 BPI 9-track 31-Oct-85 15:07:46 BACKUP 5(614) tape format 1
Tape number 1
Start of Saveset LSMTOOLS4 on MTA260 TOOLS
System RL240B DEC10 Development TOPS-10 monitor 703(30357) APR#1026
1600 BPI 9-track 31-Oct-85 15:07:47 BACKUP 5(614) tape format 1
Tape number 1
60 7665(36) <055> 70,6067 25-May-84 dskc:[70,6067,202vms]20tovm.mem
10 1166(36) <055> 70,6067 17-Sep-84 dskc:[70,6067,basic]basic.hlp
21 2586(36) <055> 70,6067 18-Sep-84 dskc:[70,6067,cis]cis.doc
12 1519(36) <055> 70,6067 9-May-84 dskc:[70,6067,cobol1]accnum.cob
6 646(36) <055> 70,6067 9-May-84 dskc:[70,6067,cobol1]alfjus.cob
28 3460(36) <055> 70,6067 14-Mar-84 dskc:[70,6067,cobol1]cbl102.rno
36 4588(36) <055> 70,6067 14-Mar-84 dskc:[70,6067,cobol1]cbl102.txt
8 1012(36) <055> 70,6067 9-May-84 dskc:[70,6067,cobol1]msgsre.cob
14 1670(36) <055> 70,6067 17-Aug-84 dskc:[70,6067,com10a]
5 529(36) <055> 70,6067 17-Aug-84 dskc:[70,6067,com10a]
1 85(36) <055> 70,6067 17-Sep-84 dskc:[70,6067,com10a]tdismo.hlp
1 109(36) <055> 70,6067 17-Sep-84 dskc:[70,6067,com10a]tdismo.rnh
20 2483(36) <055> 70,6067 17-Aug-84 dskc:[70,6067,com10a]
13 1598(36) <055> 70,6067 17-Sep-84 dskc:[70,6067,com10a]tmount.hlp
17 2058(36) <055> 70,6067 17-Sep-84 dskc:[70,6067,com10a]tmount.rnh
3 321(36) <055> 70,6067 17-Aug-84 dskc:[70,6067,com10a]
1 102(36) <055> 70,6067 23-Aug-83 dskc:[70,6067,com20a]
3 275(36) <055> 70,6067 9-Aug-83 dskc:[70,6067,com20a]
16 2040(36) <055> 70,6067 11-May-83 dskc:[70,6067,com20a]
2 160(36) <055> 70,6067 11-May-83 dskc:[70,6067,com20a]
2 162(36) <055> 70,6067 20-May-83 dskc:[70,6067,com20a]
5 554(36) <055> 70,6067 23-Aug-83 dskc:[70,6067,com20a]
3 316(36) <055> 70,6067 22-Aug-83 dskc:[70,6067,com20a]
2 219(36) <055> 70,6067 7-Jul-83 dskc:[70,6067,com20a]
1 97(36) <055> 70,6067 7-Jul-83 dskc:[70,6067,com20a]
6 643(36) <055> 70,6067 11-May-83 dskc:[70,6067,com20a]edtini.edt
4 499(36) <055> 70,6067 23-Aug-83 dskc:[70,6067,com20a]
18 2303(36) <055> 70,6067 23-Aug-83 dskc:[70,6067,com20a]
9 1133(36) <055> 70,6067 9-Jan-84 dskc:[70,6067,com20a]
1 55(36) <055> 70,6067 25-Jul-83 dskc:[70,6067,com20a]
1 2(36) <055> 70,6067 20-Jul-83 dskc:[70,6067,com20a]lqpff.lis
2 135(36) <055> 70,6067 22-Aug-83 dskc:[70,6067,com20a]
1 36(36) <055> 70,6067 13-Jul-81 dskc:[70,6067,com20a]
8 909(36) <055> 70,6067 11-May-83 dskc:[70,6067,com20a]pli.edt
4 438(36) <055> 70,6067 27-Jul-83 dskc:[70,6067,com20a]
2 222(36) <055> 70,6067 5-Jul-83 dskc:[70,6067,com20a]
5 626(36) <055> 70,6067 23-Aug-83 dskc:[70,6067,com20a]
4 400(36) <055> 70,6067 9-May-83 dskc:[70,6067,com20a]
18 2201(36) <055> 70,6067 23-Aug-83 dskc:[70,6067,com20a]
1 73(36) <055> 70,6067 7-Jul-83 dskc:[70,6067,com20a]
4 407(36) <055> 70,6067 7-Jul-83 dskc:[70,6067,com20a]
4 509(36) <055> 70,6067 14-Mar-84 dskc:[70,6067,com20a]xjanet.txt
2 218(36) <055> 70,6067 14-Mar-84 dskc:[70,6067,com20a]xtarta.txt
1 15(36) <055> 70,6067 28-Jul-83 dskc:[70,6067,compl1]
31 3925(36) <055> 70,6067 6-Aug-84 dskc:[70,6067,compl1]compil.for
15 1830(36) <055> 70,6067 17-Aug-84 dskc:[70,6067,compl1]compil.hlp
2 147(36) <055> 70,6067 22-Jul-83 dskc:[70,6067,compl1]compil.msg
17 2070(36) <055> 70,6067 3-Jul-84 dskc:[70,6067,compl1]compil.rnh
9 1085(36) <055> 70,6067 22-Jul-83 dskc:[70,6067,compl1]getfie.for
8 966(36) <055> 70,6067 22-Jul-83 dskc:[70,6067,compl1]getfil.mar
1 87(36) <055> 70,6067 28-Jul-83 dskc:[70,6067,compl1]readme.txt
1 64(36) <055> 70,6067 15-Dec-82 dskc:[70,6067,compl1]topic.rno
1 34(36) <055> 70,6067 15-Dec-82 dskc:[70,6067,compl1]topice.rno
1 63(36) <055> 70,6067 15-Dec-82 dskc:[70,6067,compl1]topici.rno
1 35(36) <055> 70,6067 15-Dec-82 dskc:[70,6067,compl1]topict.rno
26 16400(7) <055> 70,6067 1-Aug-85 dskc:[70,6067,conbat]conbat.mem
28 17390(7) <055> 70,6067 20-May-85 dskc:[70,6067,conbat]t10com.tbl
1 110(7) <055> 70,6067 20-May-85 dskc:[70,6067,conbat]t10dir.tbl
1 15(7) <055> 70,6067 20-May-85 dskc:[70,6067,conbat]t10str.tbl
47 29730(7) <055> 70,6067 6-Aug-85 dskc:[70,6067,conbat]vag003.cbl
60 7680(36) <055> 70,6067 6-Aug-85 dskc:[70,6067,conbat]vag003.exe
101 12806(36) <055> 70,6067 20-May-85 dskc:[70,6067,conbat]vag004.cbl
96 12288(36) <055> 70,6067 6-Aug-85 dskc:[70,6067,conbat]vag004.exe
1 123(36) <055> 70,6067 20-May-85 dskc:[70,6067,conbat]vaxcom.skl
32 3972(36) <055> 70,6067 11-Dec-83 dskc:[70,6067,convrt]convrt.for
76 9608(36) <055> 70,6067 15-Aug-84 dskc:[70,6067,decnet]mlib09.mac
109 13882(36) <055> 70,6067 15-Aug-84 dskc:[70,6067,decnet]mlib10.mac
42 5254(36) <055> 70,6067 15-Aug-84 dskc:[70,6067,decnet]mlibxx.mac
1 49(36) <055> 70,6067 10-Aug-84 dskc:[70,6067,decnet]
254 32448(36) <055> 70,6067 29-May-84 dskc:[70,6067,disdoc]case2d.doc
12 1439(36) <055> 70,6067 29-May-84 dskc:[70,6067,disdoc]case2d.not
36 4531(36) <055> 70,6067 18-Apr-84 dskc:[70,6067,dsconv]dsconv.for
11 1373(36) <055> 70,6067 18-Apr-84 dskc:[70,6067,dsconv]dsconv.mem
10 1221(36) <055> 70,6067 18-Apr-84 dskc:[70,6067,dsconv]dsconv.rno
4 410(36) <055> 70,6067 18-Apr-84 dskc:[70,6067,dsconv]dsletr.mem
3 362(36) <055> 70,6067 18-Apr-84 dskc:[70,6067,dsconv]dsletr.rno
2 210(36) <055> 70,6067 22-Feb-84 dskc:[70,6067,dumpr1]00dir.dir
2 139(36) <055> 70,6067 14-Jan-82 dskc:[70,6067,dumpr1]0readm.doc
5 528(36) <055> 70,6067 9-Jun-81 dskc:[70,6067,dumpr1]dmpcom.for
6 749(36) <055> 70,6067 20-May-81 dskc:[70,6067,dumpr1]dmphea.for
5 515(36) <055> 70,6067 20-May-81 dskc:[70,6067,dumpr1]dmprec.for
3 336(36) <055> 70,6067 7-Jun-81 dskc:[70,6067,dumpr1]dmpres.for
5 514(36) <055> 70,6067 9-Jun-81 dskc:[70,6067,dumpr1]dumper.for
6 681(36) <055> 70,6067 8-Dec-81 dskc:[70,6067,dumpr1]dumper.hlp
1 77(36) <055> 70,6067 3-Nov-83 dskc:[70,6067,dumpr1]dumper.mar
6 711(36) <055> 70,6067 22-Jun-81 dskc:[70,6067,dumpr1]dumper.rnh
154 19624(36) <055> 70,6067 3-Nov-83 dskc:[70,6067,dumpr1]dumper.txt
1 8(36) <055> 70,6067 9-Jun-81 dskc:[70,6067,dumpr1]
6 757(36) <055> 70,6067 18-Jun-81 dskc:[70,6067,dumpr1]overhe.for
1 12(36) <055> 70,6067 29-Jun-82 dskc:[70,6067,dumpr2]alldef.mar
1 32(36) <055> 70,6067 21-Sep-82 dskc:[70,6067,dumpr2]
4 490(36) <055> 70,6067 9-Nov-82 dskc:[70,6067,dumpr2]bigdum.for
68 8669(36) <055> 70,6067 29-Oct-82 dskc:[70,6067,dumpr2]
9 1059(36) <055> 70,6067 29-Oct-82 dskc:[70,6067,dumpr2]bigpro.for
15 1893(36) <055> 70,6067 9-Nov-82 dskc:[70,6067,dumpr2]bigval.for
3 318(36) <055> 70,6067 29-Jun-82 dskc:[70,6067,dumpr2]comman.for
9 1125(36) <055> 70,6067 29-Jun-82 dskc:[70,6067,dumpr2]cvt.mar
4 433(36) <055> 70,6067 29-Jun-82 dskc:[70,6067,dumpr2]cvtdat.for
1 28(36) <055> 70,6067 21-Jul-82 dskc:[70,6067,dumpr2]
4 510(36) <055> 70,6067 9-Aug-82 dskc:[70,6067,dumpr2]d.hlp
22 2748(36) <055> 70,6067 12-Oct-82 dskc:[70,6067,dumpr2]dmpact.for
1 21(36) <055> 70,6067 29-Jun-82 dskc:[70,6067,dumpr2]dmpchr.mar
5 528(36) <055> 70,6067 9-Jun-81 dskc:[70,6067,dumpr2]dmpcom.for
1 56(36) <055> 70,6067 29-Jun-82 dskc:[70,6067,dumpr2]dmpcom.mar
6 749(36) <055> 70,6067 20-May-81 dskc:[70,6067,dumpr2]dmphea.for
2 205(36) <055> 70,6067 11-Aug-82 dskc:[70,6067,dumpr2]dmpmes.msg
5 515(36) <055> 70,6067 20-May-81 dskc:[70,6067,dumpr2]dmprec.for
3 336(36) <055> 70,6067 7-Jun-81 dskc:[70,6067,dumpr2]dmpres.for
10 1190(36) <055> 70,6067 22-Jul-82 dskc:[70,6067,dumpr2]dmpsta.mar
4 483(36) <055> 70,6067 12-Oct-82 dskc:[70,6067,dumpr2]dumper.for
12 1536(36) <055> 70,6067 6-Aug-82 dskc:[70,6067,dumpr2]dumper.hlb
19 2321(36) <055> 70,6067 17-Sep-84 dskc:[70,6067,dumpr2]dumper.hlp
23 2925(36) <055> 70,6067 17-Sep-84 dskc:[70,6067,dumpr2]dumper.rnh
2 192(36) <055> 70,6067 29-Jun-82 dskc:[70,6067,dumpr2]errorm.mar
1 27(36) <055> 70,6067 11-Aug-82 dskc:[70,6067,dumpr2]
1 77(36) <055> 70,6067 22-Jul-82 dskc:[70,6067,dumpr2]lib.mar
8 985(36) <055> 70,6067 12-Oct-82 dskc:[70,6067,dumpr2]mtio.for
1 48(36) <055> 70,6067 17-Aug-84 dskc:[70,6067,dumpr2]mtioms.msg
6 757(36) <055> 70,6067 18-Jun-81 dskc:[70,6067,dumpr2]overhe.for
9 1058(36) <055> 70,6067 6-Aug-82 dskc:[70,6067,dumpr2]proces.for
19 2395(36) <055> 70,6067 21-Jul-82 dskc:[70,6067,dumpr2]restor.for
10 1230(36) <055> 70,6067 29-Jun-82 dskc:[70,6067,dumpr2]set.for
15 1892(36) <055> 70,6067 12-Oct-82 dskc:[70,6067,dumpr2]valida.for
452 57856(36) <055> 70,6067 15-Jul-85 dskc:[70,6067,edt10]edt.exe
64 40680(7) <055> 70,6067 9-Jul-85 dskc:[70,6067,edt10]edt.mem
19 11795(7) <055> 70,6067 9-Jul-85 dskc:[70,6067,edt10]edt1.mem
45 28480(7) <055> 70,6067 9-Jul-85 dskc:[70,6067,edt10]edt2.mem
29 18520(7) <055> 70,6067 15-Jul-85 dskc:[70,6067,edt10]edtf.mem
180 23040(36) <055> 70,6067 14-Nov-83 dskc:[70,6067,edt10]edthel.hlb
2 905(7) <055> 70,6067 31-Oct-85 dskc:[70,6067,edt10]readme.txt
68 8579(36) <055> 70,6067 17-Sep-84 dskc:[70,6067,emacs]emacs0.mem
13 1615(36) <055> 70,6067 17-Sep-84 dskc:[70,6067,fortra]fortra.hlp
109 13853(36) <055> 70,6067 29-May-84 dskc:[70,6067,icidoc]case3i.mem
29 18390(7) <055> 70,6067 20-May-85 dskc:[70,6067,isacon]cddict.skl
17 10730(7) <055> 70,6067 1-Aug-85 dskc:[70,6067,isacon]isacon.mem
10 6385(7) <055> 70,6067 17-Apr-85 dskc:[70,6067,isacon]loadit.skl
10 6120(7) <055> 70,6067 20-May-85 dskc:[70,6067,isacon]unload.skl
49 30775(7) <055> 70,6067 3-May-85 dskc:[70,6067,isacon]vag001.cbl
48 6144(36) <055> 70,6067 6-Aug-85 dskc:[70,6067,isacon]vag001.exe
89 11287(36) <055> 70,6067 3-May-85 dskc:[70,6067,isacon]vag002.cbl
84 10752(36) <055> 70,6067 6-Aug-85 dskc:[70,6067,isacon]vag002.exe
2 131(36) <055> 70,6067 17-Sep-84 dskc:[70,6067,locate]aaarea.txt
1 34(36) <055> 70,6067 17-Sep-84 dskc:[70,6067,locate]locate.cld
5 541(36) <055> 70,6067 17-Sep-84 dskc:[70,6067,locate]locate.for
3 344(36) <055> 70,6067 17-Sep-84 dskc:[70,6067,locate]locate.hlp
13 1647(36) <055> 70,6067 17-Sep-84 dskc:[70,6067,locate]locate.lis
4 407(36) <055> 70,6067 17-Sep-84 dskc:[70,6067,locate]locate.rnh
4 477(36) <055> 70,6067 17-Sep-84 dskc:[70,6067,locate]
1 60(36) <055> 70,6067 17-Sep-84 dskc:[70,6067,locate]qcjtri.for
199 25358(36) <055> 70,6067 6-Nov-84 dskc:[70,6067,recog3]helpfs.mem
16 1946(36) <055> 70,6067 10-Aug-84 dskc:[70,6067,recog3]helpus.l32
26 3233(36) <055> 70,6067 10-Aug-84 dskc:[70,6067,recog3]helpus.r32
8 962(36) <055> 70,6067 10-Aug-84 dskc:[70,6067,recog3]hlp.r32
13 1599(36) <055> 70,6067 10-Aug-84 dskc:[70,6067,recog3]hlpcol.b32
7 815(36) <055> 70,6067 10-Aug-84 dskc:[70,6067,recog3]hlpcon.b32
36 4491(36) <055> 70,6067 10-Aug-84 dskc:[70,6067,recog3]hlphan.b32
48 6049(36) <055> 70,6067 10-Aug-84 dskc:[70,6067,recog3]hlpini.b32
20 2476(36) <055> 70,6067 10-Aug-84 dskc:[70,6067,recog3]hlpio.b32
47 5964(36) <055> 70,6067 10-Aug-84 dskc:[70,6067,recog3]hlploo.b32
76 9686(36) <055> 70,6067 10-Aug-84 dskc:[70,6067,recog3]hlprec.b32
46 5850(36) <055> 70,6067 10-Aug-84 dskc:[70,6067,recog3]oldloo.b32
13 1633(36) <055> 70,6067 24-Jul-84 dskc:[70,6067,rev]
14 1759(36) <055> 70,6067 24-Jul-84 dskc:[70,6067,rev]rev.doc
52 6605(36) <055> 70,6067 3-Oct-83 dskc:[70,6067,sftovx]
9 1123(36) <055> 70,6067 3-Oct-83 dskc:[70,6067,sftovx]s2vspd.mem
8 1004(36) <055> 70,6067 3-Oct-83 dskc:[70,6067,sftovx]s2vspd.rno
147 18741(36) <055> 70,6067 29-Feb-84 dskc:[70,6067,sftovx]sf2vax.mem
124 15816(36) <055> 70,6067 29-Feb-84 dskc:[70,6067,sftovx]sf2vax.rno
21 2666(36) <055> 70,6067 22-Sep-83 dskc:[70,6067,sftovx]sf2vx0.apl
12 1440(36) <055> 70,6067 22-Sep-83 dskc:[70,6067,sftovx]
30 3800(36) <055> 70,6067 4-Mar-84 dskc:[70,6067,sftovx]sf2vx1.apl
62 7934(36) <055> 70,6067 27-Dec-83 dskc:[70,6067,sftovx]
13 1610(36) <055> 70,6067 26-Sep-83 dskc:[70,6067,sftovx]
36 4577(36) <055> 70,6067 4-Mar-84 dskc:[70,6067,sftovx]sf2vx4.apl
19 2374(36) <055> 70,6067 27-Dec-83 dskc:[70,6067,sftovx]
12 1508(36) <055> 70,6067 4-Mar-84 dskc:[70,6067,sftovx]
4 396(36) <055> 70,6067 4-Mar-84 dskc:[70,6067,sftovx]sftovx.ig
14 8535(7) <055> 70,6067 27-Nov-84 dskc:[70,6067]t10tp3.dir
14 8460(7) <055> 70,6067 27-Nov-84 dskc:[70,6067]t10tp3.mem
2 1020(7) <055> 70,6067 27-Nov-84 dskc:[70,6067]t10tp3.mic
12 7070(7) <055> 70,6067 27-Nov-84 dskc:[70,6067]t10tp3.rno
16 9855(7) <055> 70,6067 31-Oct-85 dskc:[70,6067]t10tp4.dir
15 9395(7) <055> 70,6067 31-Oct-85 dskc:[70,6067]t10tp4.mem
2 1155(7) <055> 70,6067 31-Oct-85 dskc:[70,6067]t10tp4.mic
13 8050(7) <055> 70,6067 31-Oct-85 dskc:[70,6067]t10tp4.rno
4 507(36) <055> 70,6067 14-Mar-84 dskc:[70,6067,teco]teco.txt
32 4096(36) <055> 70,6067 27-May-84 dskc:[70,6067,tell10]dotell.exe
81 10250(36) <055> 70,6067 27-May-84 dskc:[70,6067,tell10]dotell.mac
93 11831(36) <055> 70,6067 20-Dec-83 dskc:[70,6067,tell10]librry.rel
17 2112(36) <055> 70,6067 16-Dec-80 dskc:[70,6067,tell10]macros.unv
1 112(36) <055> 70,6067 10-Aug-84 dskc:[70,6067,tell10]
28 3584(36) <055> 70,6067 10-Jul-84 dskc:[70,6067,tell10]tell.exe
29 3624(36) <055> 70,6067 10-Jul-84 dskc:[70,6067,tell10]tell.mac
11 1307(36) <055> 70,6067 27-Nov-84 dskc:[70,6067,tell10]tell.rel
4 404(36) <055> 70,6067 9-Jan-84 dskc:[70,6067,tell10]tell.rnh
1 127(36) <055> 70,6067 10-Aug-84 dskc:[70,6067,telvms]
1 57(36) <055> 70,6067 15-Dec-83 dskc:[70,6067,telvms]
6 658(36) <055> 70,6067 15-Aug-84 dskc:[70,6067,telvms]tell.for
3 319(36) <055> 70,6067 4-Jan-84 dskc:[70,6067,telvms]tell.hlp
1 58(36) <055> 70,6067 28-Feb-84 dskc:[70,6067,telvms]
84 10752(36) <055> 70,6067 27-Nov-84 dskc:[70,6067,tentap]tenvax.exe
146 18645(36) <055> 70,6067 21-Apr-83 dskc:[70,6067,tentap]tenvax.mac
62 7825(36) <055> 70,6067 27-Apr-83 dskc:[70,6067,tentap]
37 4613(36) <055> 70,6067 27-Nov-84 dskc:[70,6067,tentap]tenvax.rel
23 2901(36) <055> 70,6067 23-Apr-84 dskc:[70,6067,tvaxv1]gtvr01.mar
22 2751(36) <055> 70,6067 23-Apr-84 dskc:[70,6067,tvaxv1]gtvr02.mar
25 3087(36) <055> 70,6067 23-Apr-84 dskc:[70,6067,tvaxv1]gtvr03.mar
31 3940(36) <055> 70,6067 23-Apr-84 dskc:[70,6067,tvaxv1]gtvr04.mar
10 1266(36) <055> 70,6067 23-Apr-84 dskc:[70,6067,tvaxv1]gtvr05.mar
6 724(36) <055> 70,6067 23-Apr-84 dskc:[70,6067,tvaxv1]gtvr06.mar
4 468(36) <055> 70,6067 23-Apr-84 dskc:[70,6067,tvaxv1]gtvr07.mar
2 184(36) <055> 70,6067 23-Apr-84 dskc:[70,6067,tvaxv1]gtvr08.mar
5 609(36) <055> 70,6067 23-Apr-84 dskc:[70,6067,tvaxv1]gtvr09.mar
1 26(36) <055> 70,6067 23-Apr-84 dskc:[70,6067,tvaxv1]gtvr10.mar
8 982(36) <055> 70,6067 23-Apr-84 dskc:[70,6067,tvaxv1]
34 4235(36) <055> 70,6067 23-Apr-84 dskc:[70,6067,tvaxv1]
136 17408(36) <055> 70,6067 12-Jun-84 dskc:[70,6067,tvaxv1]
28 3482(36) <055> 70,6067 23-Apr-84 dskc:[70,6067,tvaxv1]tv.mml
564 72192(36) <055> 70,6067 12-Jun-84 dskc:[70,6067,tvaxv1]tv.olb
113 14439(36) <055> 70,6067 23-Apr-84 dskc:[70,6067,tvaxv1]tv.ool
10 1230(36) <055> 70,6067 23-Apr-84 dskc:[70,6067,tvaxv1]tvax.doc
8 971(36) <055> 70,6067 23-Apr-84 dskc:[70,6067,tvaxv1]tvax.rnd
2 136(36) <055> 70,6067 23-Apr-84 dskc:[70,6067,tvaxv1]tvbuil.txt
5 635(36) <055> 70,6067 23-Apr-84 dskc:[70,6067,tvaxv1]
4 446(36) <055> 70,6067 23-Apr-84 dskc:[70,6067,tvaxv1]
4 445(36) <055> 70,6067 23-Apr-84 dskc:[70,6067,tvaxv1]
18 2186(36) <055> 70,6067 23-Apr-84 dskc:[70,6067,tvaxv1]tvmacr.mar
16 1981(36) <055> 70,6067 23-Apr-84 dskc:[70,6067,tvaxv1]tvmain.mar
23 2901(36) <055> 70,6067 22-Aug-84 dskc:[70,6067,tvaxv2]gtvr01.mar
22 2772(36) <055> 70,6067 22-Aug-84 dskc:[70,6067,tvaxv2]gtvr02.mar
25 3078(36) <055> 70,6067 22-Aug-84 dskc:[70,6067,tvaxv2]gtvr03.mar
31 3940(36) <055> 70,6067 22-Aug-84 dskc:[70,6067,tvaxv2]gtvr04.mar
10 1266(36) <055> 70,6067 22-Aug-84 dskc:[70,6067,tvaxv2]gtvr05.mar
50 6328(36) <055> 70,6067 26-Oct-84 dskc:[70,6067,tvaxv2]gtvr06.lis
6 724(36) <055> 70,6067 22-Aug-84 dskc:[70,6067,tvaxv2]gtvr06.mar
4 468(36) <055> 70,6067 22-Aug-84 dskc:[70,6067,tvaxv2]gtvr07.mar
62 7824(36) <055> 70,6067 26-Oct-84 dskc:[70,6067,tvaxv2]gtvr08.lis
2 184(36) <055> 70,6067 22-Aug-84 dskc:[70,6067,tvaxv2]gtvr08.mar
48 6062(36) <055> 70,6067 26-Oct-84 dskc:[70,6067,tvaxv2]gtvr09.lis
5 609(36) <055> 70,6067 22-Aug-84 dskc:[70,6067,tvaxv2]gtvr09.mar
9 1087(36) <055> 70,6067 26-Oct-84 dskc:[70,6067,tvaxv2]gtvr10.lis
1 26(36) <055> 70,6067 22-Aug-84 dskc:[70,6067,tvaxv2]gtvr10.mar
9 1033(36) <055> 70,6067 22-Aug-84 dskc:[70,6067,tvaxv2]
34 4310(36) <055> 70,6067 26-Oct-84 dskc:[70,6067,tvaxv2]
11 1286(36) <055> 70,6067 22-Aug-84 dskc:[70,6067,tvaxv2]tvax.doc
9 1031(36) <055> 70,6067 22-Aug-84 dskc:[70,6067,tvaxv2]tvax.rnd
2 136(36) <055> 70,6067 22-Aug-84 dskc:[70,6067,tvaxv2]tvbuil.txt
6 648(36) <055> 70,6067 22-Aug-84 dskc:[70,6067,tvaxv2]
4 460(36) <055> 70,6067 22-Aug-84 dskc:[70,6067,tvaxv2]
4 459(36) <055> 70,6067 22-Aug-84 dskc:[70,6067,tvaxv2]
18 2186(36) <055> 70,6067 22-Aug-84 dskc:[70,6067,tvaxv2]tvmacr.mar
165 21028(36) <055> 70,6067 26-Oct-84 dskc:[70,6067,tvaxv2]tvmain.lis
16 2033(36) <055> 70,6067 22-Aug-84 dskc:[70,6067,tvaxv2]tvmain.mar
1 375(7) <055> 70,6067 31-Oct-85 dskc:[70,6067]x.bak
2 820(7) <055> 70,6067 31-Oct-85 dskc:[70,6067]x.mic
End of Saveset LSMTOOLS4 on MTA260 TOOLS
System RL240B DEC10 Development TOPS-10 monitor 703(30357) APR#1026
1600 BPI 9-track 31-Oct-85 15:08:58 BACKUP 5(614) tape format 1
Tape number 1