Trailing-Edge - PDP-10 Archives - bb-k345a-sb

OCT-6 1980

Start of Saveset CUSTOMER SUP CUSP on MTB260 701

System RZ64D KL #1026/1042 TOPS-10 monitor 701(22171) APR#1026

1600 BPI 9-track 11-Aug-80 13:24:11 BACKUP 2A(313) tape format 1

Tape number 1

   11     6670(7)  <***>           8-Aug-80 701ccp.dir
   80    10240(36) <***>          16-Jul-80 aid.exe
    3     1740(7)  <***>          12-Mar-79 aid20a.doc
   72    46080(7)  <***>           9-Apr-79 arith.mac
  276   176640(7)  <***>           9-Apr-79 interp.mac
   37    23680(7)  <***>          12-Mar-79 kmon.mac
    3     1620(7)  <***>           7-Mar-79 dml6a.doc
   16     2048(36) <***>          16-Jul-80 dmpfil.exe
   34    21760(7)  <***>           7-Mar-79 dmpfil.mac
    5     3080(7)  <***>           8-Mar-79 dmpfil.mem
    8     1024(36) <***>          17-Jul-80 copy.exe
    4     2265(7)  <***>           8-Mar-79 cpy007.doc
    3     1895(7)  <***>           8-Mar-79 dtc007.doc
   20     2560(36) <***>          17-Jul-80 dtcopy.exe
   43    27520(7)  <***>           7-Mar-79 dtcopy.mac
   74    47000(7)  <***>           8-Mar-79 dmp4.doc
   68     8704(36) <***>          18-Jul-80 dump.exe
  265   169565(7)  <***>           8-Mar-79 dump.mac
    6      755(36) <***>          13-Aug-72 quikdm.ccl
   22    13710(7)  <***>          12-Mar-79 fact.mem
   16     2048(36) <***>          16-Jul-80 factpr.exe
   56    35840(7)  <***>          12-Mar-79 factpr.mac
   12     7415(7)  <***>          15-Mar-79 fpr2a.doc
   19    12160(7)  <***>           8-Mar-79 failsa.doc
   32     4096(36) <***>          16-Jul-80 failsa.exe
    6      675(36) <***>           7-Jun-72 failsa.hlp
  242    30852(36) <***>          17-Oct-74 failsa.mac
    4      512(36) <***>           7-Jun-72 failsa.opr
   56     7168(36) <***>          16-Jul-80 filex.exe
    5      640(36) <***>          11-Jul-75 filex.hlp
  280   179200(7)  <***>           8-Mar-79 filex.mac
   14     8445(7)  <***>           8-Mar-79 flx17.doc
    8     1024(36) <***>          16-Jul-80 gripe.exe
    1      126(36) <***>          16-Apr-74 gripe.hlp
   13     8320(7)  <***>           8-Mar-79 gripe.mac
    5     3140(7)  <***>           8-Mar-79 gripe.mem
    5     2995(7)  <***>           8-Mar-79 grp4.doc
   16     2048(36) <***>          16-Jul-80 lined.exe
   56    35840(7)  <***>           9-Mar-79 lined.mac
    3     1565(7)  <***>           9-Mar-79 lnd13b.doc
    4     2430(7)  <***>          22-Jul-77 exist.mac
   20     2560(36) <***>           2-Feb-78 graph1.exe
    8     5035(7)  <***>           6-Jan-78 graph1.for
   16     2048(36) <***>           2-Feb-78 lines.exe
   29    18385(7)  <***>          14-Dec-77 lines.mac
   40     5120(36) <***>           2-Feb-78 lnsrpt.exe
   27    16950(7)  <***>          24-Jan-78 lnsrpt.for
   71     9063(36) <***>          14-Feb-78 lodtst.mem
   12     1536(36) <***>           2-Feb-78 lodave.exe
    2      855(7)  <***>          28-Jul-77 lodave.mac
   12     1536(36) <***>           2-Feb-78 lodcor.exe
    1      470(7)  <***>          12-Jul-77 lodcor.mac
   12     1536(36) <***>           2-Feb-78 lodcpu.exe
    1      520(7)  <***>          15-Nov-77 lodcpu.mac
   12     1536(36) <***>           2-Feb-78 lodio.exe
    1      585(7)  <***>          15-Nov-77 lodio.mac
   12     1536(36) <***>           2-Feb-78 lodopn.exe
    2      750(7)  <***>          12-Jul-77 lodopn.mac
   12     1536(36) <***>           2-Feb-78 lodpq1.exe
    2      665(7)  <***>          15-Nov-77 lodpq1.mac
   12     1536(36) <***>           2-Feb-78 lodslp.exe
    1      525(7)  <***>          15-Nov-77 lodslp.mac
    5     2565(7)  <***>           2-Feb-78 lodtst.ctl
   16     2048(36) <***>          20-Feb-78 lodtst.exe
   43    27210(7)  <***>          20-Feb-78 lodtst.mac
   61    38970(7)  <***>          14-Feb-78 lodtst.rno
   36    22825(7)  <***>          14-Dec-77 lodunv.mac
    4     2120(7)  <***>           2-Feb-78 perfor.ctl
   47     5980(36) <***>          14-Feb-78 perfor.mem
   39    24925(7)  <***>          14-Feb-78 perfor.rno
   60     7680(36) <***>          11-Jul-80 mic.exe
  363   231780(7)  <***>           1-Jul-80 mic.mac
   44    28075(7)  <***>          11-Jul-80 mic.mem
   13     7810(7)  <***>          11-Jul-80 micimg.mem
  137    87360(7)  <***>          11-Jul-80 micref.mem
    5     3025(7)  <***>           9-Mar-79 mny17b.doc
   16     2048(36) <***>          16-Jul-80 money.exe
   43    27520(7)  <***>           9-Mar-79 money.mac
    5      551(36) <***>           4-Aug-77 cblcom.ctl
   20     2451(36) <***>          10-Jul-75 ii.ctl
    3     1735(7)  <***>           9-Nov-78 status.ctl
    2      248(36) <***>           4-Aug-77 cpysys.ctl
    2     1260(7)  <***>           4-Aug-77 pario.ctl
    2     1050(7)  <***>           4-Aug-77 loglog.ctl
    4     2405(7)  <***>           4-Aug-77 tecmac.ctl
    4     2360(7)  <***>           4-Aug-77 shrh1.ctl
    4     2350(7)  <***>           4-Aug-77 shrh2.ctl
    3     1475(7)  <***>           4-Aug-77 ttusr1.ctl
    2      870(7)  <***>           4-Aug-77 ttusr2.ctl
    2      206(36) <***>           4-Aug-77 paguuo.ctl
    2      212(36) <***>           4-Aug-77 bufio.ctl
    6     3570(7)  <***>          24-May-79 simupd.ctl
    2      200(36) <***>           4-Aug-77 enqdeq.ctl
    8      966(36) <***>           4-Aug-77 bastst.ctl
    6      725(36) <***>           4-Aug-77 linfor.ctl
    6      749(36) <***>           4-Aug-77 sosfor.ctl
    5     2890(7)  <***>          25-Mar-80 montst.ctl
    2      970(7)  <***>          25-Mar-80 update.ctl
   36     4608(36) <***>          10-Jul-75 hiseg.hgh
   64     8192(36) <***>          17-Apr-77 paguuo.exe
   52     6656(36) <***>          23-Jul-75 bufio.exe
    8     1024(36) <***>          28-Apr-76 update.exe
   12     1536(36) <***>           7-Jul-78 wrtupd.exe
   48     6144(36) <***>          23-Jul-75 redupd.exe
   20     2560(36) <***>           7-Dec-78 enqdeq.exe
  156    19968(36) <***>          17-Jul-80 mtcopy.exe
    2      240(36) <***>           9-Jan-72 mtcopy.hlp
   32    20480(7)  <***>           9-Mar-79 mtcopy.mac
    5     2965(7)  <***>           9-Mar-79 mty3.doc
    5     3165(7)  <***>          21-Jun-80 path.doc
   56     7168(36) <***>          19-Jun-80 path.exe
   10     6100(7)  <***>          21-Jun-80 path.hlp
  151    96295(7)  <***>          19-Jun-80 path.mac
    8     1024(36) <***>          16-Jul-80 reatta.exe
   16    10240(7)  <***>           9-Mar-79 reatta.mac
    3     1425(7)  <***>           9-Mar-79 rta3.doc
    5      524(36) <***>          10-Feb-71 redall.cco
   12     1536(36) <***>          16-Jul-80 redall.exe
   21    13440(7)  <***>          15-Mar-79 redall.mac
   44     5632(36) <***>          17-Jul-80 script.exe
  151    96575(7)  <***>           3-Jul-80 script.mac
    3     1715(7)  <***>          14-Dec-79 sdlcnv.doc
   12     1536(36) <***>          18-Jul-80 sdlcnv.exe
    2      730(7)  <***>          14-Dec-79 sdlcnv.hlp
   18    11250(7)  <***>           6-Dec-79 sdlcnv.mac
   68     8704(36) <***>          18-Jul-80 sos.exe
   17     2078(36) <***>           7-Apr-78 sos.hlp
  343   219520(7)  <***>          12-Mar-79 sos.mac
   24    14905(7)  <***>          12-Mar-79 sos21.doc
  194   123830(7)  <***>          12-Mar-79 sosug.mem
   20     2560(36) <***>          17-Jul-80 space.exe
    1      103(36) <***>           1-Mar-72 space.hlp
   45    28255(7)  <***>          12-Mar-79 space.mac
    6     3435(7)  <***>          15-Mar-79 spc3.doc
    3     1805(7)  <***>          12-Mar-79 str1.doc
   10     6400(7)  <***>          12-Mar-79 strcnv.mac
    9     5760(7)  <***>          12-Mar-79 strdcl.mac
    6     3840(7)  <***>          12-Mar-79 strerr.mac
    1       59(36) <***>           4-Sep-74 string.for
  157   100350(7)  <***>          12-Mar-79 strlib.mem
   39     4980(36) <***>          11-Sep-74 strlib.rel
    7     4480(7)  <***>          12-Mar-79 strloc.mac
   50    32000(7)  <***>          12-Mar-79 strusr.mac
   35    22085(7)  <***>          18-Jul-80 bldcst.ctl

End of Saveset CUSTOMER SUP CUSP on MTB260 701

System RZ64D KL #1026/1042 TOPS-10 monitor 701(22171) APR#1026

1600 BPI 9-track 11-Aug-80 13:25:43 BACKUP 2A(313) tape format 1

Tape number 1

Start of Saveset CUSTOMER SUP MONITOR on MTB260 701

System RZ64D KL #1026/1042 TOPS-10 monitor 701(22171) APR#1026

1600 BPI 9-track 11-Aug-80 13:27:35 BACKUP 2A(313) tape format 1

Tape number 1

    3     1610(7)  <***>           8-Aug-80 701cmn.dir
    4      425(36) <***>          31-Oct-78 72blda.ctl
   13     7700(7)  <***>           1-Nov-78 8cards.mac
   41    25910(7)  <***>          31-Oct-78 boot.pal
   40    25195(7)  <***>          14-Jan-77 bt71.pal
    5      529(36) <***>          14-Jan-75 cldr.pal
   86    54850(7)  <***>           7-Dec-78 dc72ck.mem
    4     2225(7)  <***>           7-Dec-78 dc72np.doc
  329   210300(7)  <***>          20-Jun-79 dc72np.pal
    7     4425(7)  <***>          31-Oct-78 dump.pal
    1      415(7)  <***>          27-May-80 dc7515.ctl
    8     4520(7)  <***>          16-Jan-80 dncddp.p11
   13     7710(7)  <***>          16-Jan-80 dncdds.p11
   22    14005(7)  <***>          14-Jan-80 d76int.mac
    2      219(36) <***>          26-Sep-79 dc76.ctl
  114    72335(7)  <***>           8-Aug-78 dc76.p11
   11     6600(7)  <***>          26-Jun-80 dc7621.doc
   95    60175(7)  <***>          14-Jan-80 d78int.mac
   10     6070(7)  <***>          14-Jan-80 cciint.mac
   20    12385(7)  <***>          14-Jan-80 disser.mac
   48    30135(7)  <***>          14-Jan-80 dlsint.mac
   19     2336(36) <***>          10-Jun-80 fhxkon.mac
    1       90(7)  <***>          14-Jan-80 ftdls1.mac
    6      712(36) <***>          11-Feb-71 l680.pal
    6      649(36) <***>          11-Feb-71 l680.rim
   27    17220(7)  <***>          21-Aug-75 m680.mac
   74     9439(36) <***>          21-Apr-71 p680.pal
   27     3450(36) <***>          21-Aug-75 x680.bin
    1       22(36) <***>          13-Apr-71 x680.opr
    5     3200(7)  <***>           3-Oct-78 x6801a.doc
   31     3936(36) <***>          23-Aug-78 tcxkon.mac
    1       58(36) <***>           8-Feb-80 unsup.fil
   21    12970(7)  <***>          14-Jan-80 vbcser.mac
  390   249210(7)  <***>          18-Mar-80 xtcser.mac

End of Saveset CUSTOMER SUP MONITOR on MTB260 701

System RZ64D KL #1026/1042 TOPS-10 monitor 701(22171) APR#1026

1600 BPI 9-track 11-Aug-80 13:27:51 BACKUP 2A(313) tape format 1

Tape number 1

Start of Saveset TOOLS on MTB260 701

System RZ64D KL #1026/1042 TOPS-10 monitor 701(22171) APR#1026

1600 BPI 9-track 11-Aug-80 13:28:43 BACKUP 2A(313) tape format 1

Tape number 1

    6     3265(7)  <***>           8-Aug-80 tools.dir
    1      375(7)  <***>           5-Jun-80 tools.bwr
   48     6144(36) <***>          16-Apr-80 cpu.exe
   15     9170(7)  <***>           2-Feb-79 cpu.for
   24     3072(36) <***>          17-Mar-80 ddb4.exe
  176    22482(36) <***>          17-Mar-80 ddb4.mac
   61    38525(7)  <***>          16-Apr-80 dpypak.mac
   10     1194(36) <***>          16-Apr-80 dpypak.rel
   26    16300(7)  <***>          17-Jan-79 dpysub.mac
   10     1163(36) <***>          17-Jan-79 dpysub.rel
   68     8704(36) <***>           5-Dec-79 fast.exe
   85    54275(7)  <***>           5-Dec-79 fast.mac
   41     5135(36) <***>          30-Jun-76 kill.doc
   28     3584(36) <***>           6-Jul-80 kill.exe
    3     1690(7)  <***>           6-Jul-80 kill.hlp
  184   117520(7)  <***>           6-Jul-80 kill.mac
   12     1536(36) <***>           9-Jul-80 lnm.exe
   22    13685(7)  <***>           9-Jul-80 lnm.mac
   60     7680(36) <***>          11-Jan-80 mbr.exe
   13     7750(7)  <***>          12-Jan-80 mbr.mac
   32     4096(36) <***>          13-Jul-79 mondm4.exe
   85    10836(36) <***>          18-Mar-79 mondm4.mac
  107    68230(7)  <***>          30-Sep-79 nrunof.doc
  324    41472(36) <***>          22-Jan-80 nrunof.exe
    5     2830(7)  <***>          30-Sep-79 nrunof.hlp
   42     5301(36) <***>           3-Dec-76 q.unv
    8     1024(36) <***>          21-Dec-76 reload.exe
   64     8192(36) <***>          13-Feb-80 relod2.exe
    2      805(7)  <***>          13-Feb-80 relod2.mac
    1      255(7)  <***>          18-Apr-79 snoopy.ctl
   24     3072(36) <***>          22-May-80 snoopy.exe
   64    40760(7)  <***>          22-May-80 snoopy.mac
   35    22310(7)  <***>          12-Mar-79 snoopy.mem
   14     8925(7)  <***>          23-Jun-75 tatsub.mac
   44     5632(36) <***>          22-May-80 tattle.exe
   70    44470(7)  <***>          22-May-80 tattle.for
   60     7680(36) <***>          25-Feb-80 tstsup.exe
   18    10990(7)  <***>          25-Feb-80 tstsup.mac
   12     1536(36) <***>          27-Mar-80 fedel.exe
    3     1715(7)  <***>          25-Mar-80 fedel.hlp
   22    13455(7)  <***>          27-Mar-80 fedel.mac
   16     2048(36) <***>          26-Mar-80 monitr.exe
    1      490(7)  <***>          26-Mar-80 monitr.hlp
    9     5380(7)  <***>          25-Mar-80 monitr.mac
   18     2215(36) <***>           4-Jan-77 accscm.mac
  307   196455(7)  <***>           9-Sep-79 accscn.mac
  143    91185(7)  <***>          19-Dec-79 accwld.mac
   17     2132(36) <***>          20-Dec-79 nik.hlp
   13     8045(7)  <***>          20-Dec-79 nik.kbd
   42    26310(7)  <***>           6-Feb-80 nik.mac
    1       80(7)  <***>          20-Dec-79 nika.mic
    1       50(7)  <***>          17-Aug-79 nikasc.mac
    1       80(7)  <***>          17-Aug-79 niki.mic
    1       60(7)  <***>          17-Aug-79 nikimg.mac
   56    35325(7)  <***>           5-Feb-80 niklib.mac
   12     1536(36) <***>           2-Feb-78 pivot.exe
   21    12895(7)  <***>           4-Jun-80 pivot.mac
   53     6725(36) <***>          30-Apr-80 snup.mac
   11     1283(36) <***>          28-Feb-80 snup.rel
    8      963(36) <***>           4-Apr-80 snup.unv
    1      113(36) <***>           3-Mar-80 tracer.ctl
   20     2560(36) <***>          28-Feb-80 tracer.exe
   11     1330(36) <***>          28-Feb-80 tracer.mac
   16     2048(36) <***>          28-Feb-80 trdump.exe
    7      839(36) <***>          28-Feb-80 trdump.for
   16     2048(36) <***>           8-Apr-80 users.exe
    9     1105(36) <***>          25-Feb-80 users.mac
   44     5632(36) <***>          26-Mar-80 whycrs.exe
    2     1110(7)  <***>          26-Mar-80 whycrs.hlp
   24    14830(7)  <***>          25-Mar-80 whycrs.mac

End of Saveset TOOLS on MTB260 701

System RZ64D KL #1026/1042 TOPS-10 monitor 701(22171) APR#1026

1600 BPI 9-track 11-Aug-80 13:29:26 BACKUP 2A(313) tape format 1

Tape number 1