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$ save_verify := 'f$verify(command$debug)
$! Emulate the TOPS-20 define command
$! GMU 22-Aug-83 22:07 Version 2.05
$! Command syntax:
$! $ DEFINE name equivalence ;Define "name" as "equivalence"
$! $ DEFINE name ;Undefine "name"
$! $ DEFINE * ;Undefine all logical names
$! Since the VMS DEFINE command is so similar in format to the TOPS-20
$! DEFINE command, the main feature of this command file is that a
$! logical name can be undefined by specifying it with no equivalence
$! string.
$ on error then goto done
$ define := define ! Get around top level definition
$ if p1 .eqs. "?" .or. - ! If user wants help
p1 .eqs. "" then goto help_name ! or no parameters, prompt him
$ if p2 .eqs. "" then goto undefine_logical ! No 2nd param => undefine
$ if p2 .eqs. "?" then goto help_definition ! See if help on definition
$! $ DEFINE (LOGICAL NAME) FOO (AS) BAR - Define logical name FOO as BAR
$ define 'p1' 'p2''p3''p4''p5''p6''p7''p8' !Define the name
$ goto done
$! $ DEFINE (LOGICAL NAME) FOO - Undefine logical name FOO
$ if p1 .eqs. "*" then p1 := /ALL !Allow DEFINE *
$ deassign 'p1' ! Deassign the name
$ goto done ! go finish up
$! Here to clean up
$ save_verify := 'f$verify(save_verify)
$ exit
$! Here to help the user
$ write sys$output "$ Define (logical name) ?"
$ write sys$output " Logical name to define or delete,"
$ write sys$output " or "*" to delete all"
$ inquire/nopunctuation p1 "$ Define (logical name) "
$ p2 = "" ! Null out parameters
$ p3 = ""
$ p4 = ""
$ p5 = ""
$ p6 = ""
$ p7 = ""
$ p8 = ""
$ if p1 .eqs. "" .or. -
p1 .eqs. "?" then goto help_name ! Check for persistence
$ space := 'f$locate(" ",p1)' ! Find end of name
$ p1_length := 'f$length(p1)' ! Get length of parameter
$ if space .eq. p1_length then goto start ! If only one, continue
$ save_p1 := 'p1' ! Make a copy
$ p1 := 'f$extract(0,space,save_p1)' ! Extract just the first
$ space = space + 1 ! Step past the space
$ p2 := 'f$extract(space,p1_length,save_p1)' ! get p2
$ goto start ! Try again
$ if p1 .eqs. "*" then goto help_delete ! Different if deleting
$ write sys$output "$ Define (logical name) ''p1' (as) ? Definition list or null to delete"
$ inquire/nopunctuation p2 "$ Define (logical name) ''p1' (as) "
$ p3 = ""
$ p4 = ""
$ p5 = ""
$ p6 = ""
$ p7 = ""
$ p8 = ""
$ goto start
$ write sys$output "$ Define (logical name) * ? Confirm to delete all logical names"
$ inquire/nopunctuation p2 "$ Define (logical name) * "
$ goto start