PDP-10 Archives
There are no other files named v3ind.hlp in the archive.
Many more new features have been added to IND in its latest incarnation
as of November 82. These are summarised below. For a fuller explanation of what
IND is, type HELP IND. For complete description, look at the file HLP:IND.DOC
(1) You can now specify a default name, type, account, directory
and device when prompting for filenames (with .ASKF).
(2) You can specify a default string answer for the .ASKS directive.
(3) The .CODE directive gets the ASCII value of part of a string.
(4) The .DELIM directive allows you to change the special substitution
character from ' (apostrophe) to any ASCII character.
(5) The .PARSE directive automatically breaks strings into substrings.
Eg "FRED,MIKE,ARTHUR,,PAUL" can be broken up into four names and a null
string by this directive. The parse breaks on user-specified characters.
(6) The .PURGE directive lets you undefine variables.
(7) The .TRIM and .PAD directives remove and add trailing blanks/tabs
to strings.
(8) There are many new "system" variables that can help your
command file work out what is going on. These are:
Variable Type What it is
-------- ---- ----------
<ACCOUNT> String Job's current account
<ALPHA> Logical True if last string from .ASKS or .TEST
was alphabetic only
<ALPHANUM> Logical As <ALPHA>, but tests for alphanumeric
<DISKUSED> Numeric Total used space in connected directory.
<JOB> Numeric Current job number
<LIQUOTA> Numeric Working storage quota of connected dir.
<LOQUOTA> Numeric Permanent quota of connected directory.
<NUMERIC> Numeric As <ALPHA>, tests if string is numeric.
<TERLEN> Numeric Terminal length in lines/page.
<TERMINAL> Numeric Terminal number for this job.
<TERWID> Numeric Terminal width in characters
(9) The .RAISE and .LOWER directives make strings upper or lower case
Any queries or suggestions to KEVIN via the mail, thanks.