PDP-10 Archives
There are no other files named mbuf.mac in the archive.
; This file is written in -*-MACRO-*- assembler
title MBUF
; Machine dependent buffer handling for the AMIS editor, under TOPS-10.
search jobdat, uuosym, macten
;?==15 ;Frame pointer.
;?==16 ;Used by pascal.
bptlh: point 7,,6
point 7,,13
point 7,,20
point 7,,27
point 7,,34
; The makbp macro makes a byte pointer from a character offset.
define makbp (ac)
< idivi ac,5
hll ac,bptlh(ac+1)
; Some useful macros to decrement a byte pointer more efficiently than
; ADJBP does.
define dbp (ac) ; Decrement Byte Pointer
< caml ac,[35b5]
jrst [sub ac,[340000,,1]
jrst .+2]
add ac,[7b5]
define dldb (ac,bpac) ; Decrement (byte pointer) and LoaD Byte
< dbp bpac
ldb ac,bpac
define ddpb (ac,bpac) ; Decrement (byte pointer) and DePosit Byte
< dbp bpac
dpb ac,bpac
; procedure movebytes(source,dest: refchunk; si,di,n: integer);
; moves N bytes from offset SI in chunk SOURCE, to offset DI in chunk DEST.
; The source and destination may overlap.
move q1,a4
came a1,a2
jrst mvbfwd
caml a3,a4
jrst mvbfwd
move t0,a3
add t0,a5
camge t0,a4
jrst mvbfwd
;Here we have to move the string from the end, backwards.
mvbbwd: makbp t0 ;Construct source byte pointer.
add t0,a1
add q1,a5 ;Construct destination byte pointer.
makbp q1
add q1,a2
bwdlup: dldb a1,t0 ;Loop, moving bytes.
ddpb a1,q1
sojg a5,bwdlup
popj p,
; Here if the string can be moved in the normal direction.
mvbfwd: idivi q1,5
add q1,a2 ;Compute destination word.
jumpe q2,fwd.2 ;Go now if word aligned.
hll q1,bptlh-1(q2) ;Build a byte pointer to the previous byte.
subi q2,5 ;Convert (1,2,3,4) to (-4,-3,-2,-1)
movei t0,4(a3) ;Copy source index.
idivi t0,5 ;build byte pointer to source byte.
addi t0,-1(a1)
hll t0,bptlh(t1)
fwd.1: ildb t1,t0 ;Get source byte.
idpb t1,q1 ;Store in destination.
sojle a5,.popj ;Return now if no more bytes to move.
addi a3,1 ;Bump source index one.
aojl q2,fwd.1 ;Go back if dest. word not filled.
movei q1,1(q1) ;Convert byte pointer to addr. of next word.
;Come here with:
; A1/ source chunk.
; A3/ source index.
; A5/ number of bytes left to move.
; Q1/ addr. of next word to store.
fwd.2: subi q1,1 ;Sigh...
idivi a3,5 ;Get word and byte offset.
add a1,a3 ;a1 := source word addr.
idivi a5,5 ;a5 := #words, a6 := #bytes.
jumpn a5,@footab(a4) ;Dispatch according to alignment.
fwd.9: jumpe a6,.popj ;Maybe not needed?
hrli q1,(point 7,,34);Make q1 an IDPB pointer.
hll a1,bptlh(a4) ;Make a1 an LDB pointer.
fwd.9a: ldb t0,a1 ;Get next source byte.
ibp a1 ;Increment for next time.
idpb t0,q1 ;Increment and store.
sojg a6,fwd.9a ;Decrement count and loop.
.popj: popj p, ;All done, return.
footab: exp fwd.x0
exp fwd.x1
exp fwd.x2
exp fwd.x3
exp fwd.x4
fwd.x0: hrli t0,(a1) ;Get source,,0
hrri t0,1(q1) ;Get source,,destination
add a1,a5 ;Update source and destination pointers.
add q1,a5 ;(Making q1 = last word in BLT).
blt t0,(q1) ;Move the data.
jrst fwd.9 ;Go move the remaining bytes.
fwd.x1: dmove t0,(a1) ;Get next source word, and junk.
addi a1,1 ;Increment pointer.
lsh t0,-1 ;Shift data into place.
lshc t0,10
push q1,t0 ;Store ...
sojg a5,fwd.x1 ;Decrement and loop.
jrst fwd.9 ;Go move the remaining bytes.
fwd.x2: dmove t0,(a1) ;Get next source word, and junk.
addi a1,1 ;Increment pointer.
lsh t0,-1 ;Shift data into place.
lshc t0,17
push q1,t0 ;Store ...
sojg a5,fwd.x2 ;Decrement and loop.
jrst fwd.9 ;Go move the remaining bytes.
fwd.x3: dmove t0,(a1) ;Get next source word, and junk.
addi a1,1 ;Increment pointer.
lsh t0,-1 ;Shift data into place.
lshc t0,-16
push q1,t1 ;Store ...
sojg a5,fwd.x3 ;Decrement and loop.
jrst fwd.9 ;Go move the remaining bytes.
fwd.x4: dmove t0,(a1) ;Get next source word, and junk.
addi a1,1 ;Increment pointer.
lsh t0,-1 ;Shift data into place.
lshc t0,-7
push q1,t1 ;Store ...
sojg a5,fwd.x4 ;Decrement and loop.
jrst fwd.9 ;Go move the remaining bytes.
; function findchar(c1,c2: char; r: refchunk; pos,range: integer): integer;
; searches for a character that matches c1 or c2, starting at offset pos in
; chunk r, testing (at most) range characters. Returns number of tested chars,
; or 0 if unsuccessful.
; function bfindchar(c1,c2: char; r: refchunk; pos,range: integer): integer;
; searches for a character that matches c1 or c2, starting at offset pos-1 in
; chunk r, testing (at most) range characters. Returns number of tested chars,
; or 0 if unsuccessful. bfindchar searches backwards.
;--- New code here. Dont look, unless you can stand a heart attack. ---
findch::jsp t1,ssetup ;Set up things for searching.
movei n,-1(count) ;Number of chars to test.
addi n,(pos+1) ;Adjust for skipped bytes.
camn ch1,ch2 ;Go somewhere to start this mess.
jrst@[ exp ff1.0, ff1.1, ff1.2, ff1.3, ff1.4](pos+1)
jrst@[ exp ff2.0, ff2.1, ff2.2, ff2.3, ff2.4](pos+1)
bfindc::subi pos,1 ;Adjust to calling conventions.
jsp t1,ssetup ;Set up variables.
hrroi pos,-1(pos) ;Moby kludge...
movei n,-1(count) ;Number of chars to test.
add n,[exp 4, 3, 2, 1, 0](pos+1) ;Adjust for skipped bytes.
camn ch1,ch2 ;Go somewhere to start this mess.
jrst@[ exp fb1.4, fb1.3, fb1.2, fb1.1, fb1.0](pos+1)
jrst@[ exp fb2.4, fb2.3, fb2.2, fb2.1, fb2.0](pos+1)
;Common routine to setup search variables.
ssetup: skipg count,range ;Save range, test for zero.
jrst retzer ; Lose if it is.
move wrd,ch1 ;Ho hum...
and wrd,ch2
rot wrd,-7
move mask,wrd
rot wrd,-7
iorb mask,wrd
rot wrd,-16
ior mask,wrd
rot wrd,-7
ior mask,wrd
idivi pos,5 ;Get word offset and byte number.
add pos,r ;Get absolute address of first word.
move wrd,(pos) ;Preload first word.
xor wrd,mask
jrst (t1) ;Return to whatever.
;Loop to search forward, looking for one character:
flup1: move wrd,(pos)
xor wrd,mask
ff1.0: txnn wrd,<774000,,000000>
jrst fchr.0
ff1.1: txnn wrd,<003760,,000000>
jrst fchr.1
ff1.2: txnn wrd,<000017,,700000>
jrst fchr.2
ff1.3: txnn wrd,<000000,,077400>
jrst fchr.3
ff1.4: txnn wrd,<000000,,000376>
jrst fchr.4
subi n,5
jumpl n,retzer
aoja pos,flup1
;Loop to search forward, looking for two characters:
flup2: move wrd,(pos)
xor wrd,mask
ff2.0: txnn wrd,<574000,,000000>
jrst fchr.0
ff2.1: txnn wrd,<002760,,000000>
jrst fchr.1
ff2.2: txnn wrd,<000013,,700000>
jrst fchr.2
ff2.3: txnn wrd,<000000,,057400>
jrst fchr.3
ff2.4: txnn wrd,<000000,,000276>
jrst fchr.4
subi n,5
jumpl n,retzer
aoja pos,flup2
;Loop to search backward, looking for one character:
blup1: pop pos,wrd
xor wrd,mask
fb1.0: txnn wrd,<000000,,000376>
jrst fchr.0
fb1.1: txnn wrd,<000000,,077400>
jrst fchr.1
fb1.2: txnn wrd,<000017,,700000>
jrst fchr.2
fb1.3: txnn wrd,<003760,,000000>
jrst fchr.3
fb1.4: txnn wrd,<774000,,000000>
jrst fchr.4
subi n,5
jumpge n,blup1
jrst retzer
;Loop to search backward, looking for two characters:
blup2: pop pos,wrd
xor wrd,mask
fb2.0: txnn wrd,<000000,,000276>
jrst fchr.0
fb2.1: txnn wrd,<000000,,057400>
jrst fchr.1
fb2.2: txnn wrd,<000013,,700000>
jrst fchr.2
fb2.3: txnn wrd,<002760,,000000>
jrst fchr.3
fb2.4: txnn wrd,<574000,,000000>
jrst fchr.4
subi n,5
jumpge n,blup2
jrst retzer
;Common exit code:
fchr.4: sojl n,retzer
fchr.3: sojl n,retzer
fchr.2: sojl n,retzer
fchr.1: sojl n,retzer
fchr.0: sub count,n ;Win! Return number of tested chars.
movem count,1(p)
popj p,
retzer: setzm 1(p) ;Return zero.
popj p,