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MIC - Macro Interpreted Commands
F.D. Brown
MIC - Macro Interpreted Commands Page 2
MIC (Macro Interpreted Commands) provides the TOPS-20
user with a method of storing command files on the disk and
having them performed on his terminal. It provides more
capability than the standard TAKE command, in that it can
have user input as well as EXEC commands.
The format of the command file is similar to that of a
batch control file. That is to say that it uses the "@"
character to indicate command lines and "*" to indicate user
input. In addition it provides a means of substituting
parameters at "execution" time. The command file has
parameter calls embedded within it and the actual values are
supplied by the user when he invokes the macro.
1. Command Format.
A command file is invoked by the EXEC command "DO".
This command has the format:
@DO Command-file Parameter-list
where "Command-file" is the name of the macro file (default
type is .MIC) and "Parameter-list" is a list of parameters
seperated by commas and terminated by a carriage-return.
Parameters are referenced in the command file by the
inclusion of an apostrophe (') followed by a letter in the
range A-Z indicating the parameter number. 'A is the first
parameter, 'B is the second, and so on.
MIC commands can be nested by simply including a "DO"
command within the outer macro. Note: the nested command
file will have a completely new set of parameters and will
not have direct access to the previous set. This means that
any parameters of the outer command file which need to be
accessed by the inner macro will have to be passed as
parameters in the "DO" command.
At the termination of a MIC macro (or the outer macro
if several are nested), MIC will print the message:
where FILE.TYP.GEN is the filename used in the "DO" command.
2. Interaction with MIC.
It is possible to interact with MIC in a limited
fashion. A MIC macro can be suspended, continued or
aborted. A macro can be suspended by typing one or two
Control-Bs (^B). A single Control-B will suspend the
current MIC macro (and any outer macros) when EXEC or a user
program next requires input. MIC will indicate that it will
no longer type by printing the message:
[MICBRK - MIC is breaking]
MIC - Macro Interpreted Commands Page 3
on the users terminal. Two Control-Bs have a similar effect
except the message will be printed immediately. Thus two
Control-Bs act similarly to two Control-Cs to the extent
that they both apply immediately whereas a single control
character does not take effect until the terminal is in an
input wait state. During a "break" state, the user can type
commands and/or user input without having to worry about MIC
typing anything. Note: if MIC is not in a "break" state,
the user can still type characters ahead but input from the
user and input from MIC will be mixed in an undefined way if
the terminal is in an input wait state.
A suspended MIC macro can be continued by typing one or
two Control-Ps (^P). The use of one versus two Control-Ps
is the same as in the above paragraph. To indicate that MIC
will now type it prints the message:
[MICPRC - MIC is proceeding]
on the users terminal and will continue from the point in
the macro file at which it was suspended.
A MIC macro can be aborted at any time by the use of
one or two Control-As (^A). On intercepting this control
character MIC will display the message:
[MICABT - MIC is aborting]
on the users terminal and will close the current file
without typing any more. Note: a Control-A will only
terminate the current macro file. It will not affect any
outer macro in process so if it is desired to abort all
macros in progress it would be necessary either to use a
Control-A to abort each level or, alternatively, to use the
"KMIC" command to kill MIC completely (see description of
the KMIC command below).
3. KMIC Command.
The KMIC command kills all MIC processing. It will
close all macro files This command has no parameters and so
has the simple format:
It is typed automatically by MIC if, at the end of a macro
(or outer macro if there were nested calls), the user is
left in command mode. This is so that another "DO" command
can be given without MIC nesting. If the user is left in
"user mode" on completion of a macro this command will not
be given. MIC will automatically be terminated when the
user program exits.
MIC - Macro Interpreted Commands Page 4
4. Error Messages.
There are a few error messages which may be output by
MIC (rather than EXEC). These are documented below:
1. ?MICPND - Parameters Nested too Deeply - Aborting
This error message means that a parameter call has
nested (perhaps by calling itself) beyond the limit
allowed - currently 40 deep.
2. ?MICJSE - JSYS Error:
This is a general trap for unexpected errors. It
will be followed by some diagnostic from the
monitor indicating the cause of the error.
Currently these are the only two errors which MIC will
report. There are some error messages which are output by
EXEC on the "DO" and "KMIC" commands:
1. ?MIC not found
This error indicates that the file MIC.EXE could
not be found. EXEC will look for the file on SYS:,
and if not found there on the users DSK:. If it
cannot be found on either area, this error message
will occur.
2. ?MIC Macros nested too deeply
This error will occur if a user has tried to nest
"DO" commands beyond the limit that EXEC permits.
Currently this limit is approximately fourty.
3. ?MIC is not running
This error message will be printed if a "KMIC"
command is typed when MIC is not active for the