
Trailing-Edge - PDP-10 Archives - mit_emacs_170_teco_1220 - info/emacs-in-2-pages.lpt
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                       CHALLENGE: EMACS IN 2 PAGES

Any ordinary character goes into the buffer (no insert command needed).
In commands, use carriage return, shown as <cr>, after a string unless the
chart shows $, meaning to use ESCAPE.  ESCAPE is called Altmode in EMACS.
C-       A control character.  C-F means "control F".  C-_ means "control
           underscore" (use C-? on a VT100 to get C-_)
M-       A two-character command sequence where the first character is
           Altmode.  M-F means "ESCAPE then F"
M-X string    A command designated "by hand".  M-X Revert File means:
           Altmode then "x" then type "revert file" then <cr>
point    EMACS term for cursor position in current buffer

C-X C-S  Write the current buffer into a new version of the current file
C-X C-W  Write the current buffer into a file with a different name
C-X C-Z  Finish by exiting to the exec
M-X Push Push to a lower exec fork (the same one each time)

C-X C-F  Get a file into a buffer for editing
C-X B    Select a different buffer (prompts; default is the last one)
C-X C-B  Display the list of available buffers
C-X K    Kill
a buffer (prompts for which one; default is current one)
M-<      Move to the top of the current buffer
M->      Move to the end of the current buffer

C-G      Abort anything at any time (it beeps, sometimes you need 2)
M-? x    What does this key do? (try M-? C-K as an example)
C-_ L    What happened?  Show the last 60 keys pressed
C-_ A string  Show every command containing string (try C-_ A Paragr)
C-_ D string  Describe a command (try C-_ D Query Rep)
M-X Undo Revert to buffer before last kill, unkill, fill, sort, etc.
C-Y      Yank back the last thing killed (kill and delete are different)
M-n      Provide a numeric argument of n for the command that follows
C-Q      Inserts a control character in the buffer (e.g. C-Q C-L)
C-X D    Directory editing subsystem (use ? to see its documentation)

C-B      Move left (Back)
C-F      Move right (Forward)
C-P      Move up (Previous)
C-N      Move down (Next)
RUBOUT   Delete left
C-D      Delete right
C-T      Transpose previous 2 characters (ht -> th)

M-B      Move left (Back)
M-F      Move right (Forward)
M-RUBOUT Kill left (C-Y yanks it back at point)
M-D      Kill right (C-Y yanks it back at point)
M-T      Transpose 2 words around point (if only -> only if)
M-C      Capitalize word

M-U      Uppercase word

C-A      Move to the beginning
C-E      Move to the end
C-O      Open up a line for typing
C-X C-O  Close up any blank lines around point
M-0 C-K  Kill from beginning to point (C-Y yanks it back at point)
C-K      Kill from point to end (C-Y yanks it back at point)

M-A      Move to the beginning
M-E      Move to the end
C-X RUBOUT    Kill from beginning to point (C-Y yanks it back at point)
M-K      Kill from point to end (C-Y yanks it back at point)

M-[      Move to beginning
M-]      Move to end
M-Q      Fill the current paragraph
M-n C-X F     Set the fill column to n (e.g. M-60 C-X F)

C-V      Show next screen
M-V      Show previous screen
C-L      Redisplay screen
M-0 C-L  Move the line where point is to line 0 (top) of the screen

C-X [    Move to beginning (last ^L)
C-X ]    Move to end (next ^L)

(note: EMACS has other search commands, all of which I prefer to
incremental search, but we are just describing defaults here)
C-S      "Incremental" search searches while you enter string (C-S str$)
C-R      "Incremental" backward search (C-R str$)
M-X Replace String  Replace one string with another (M-X Repl$one
M-X Query Replace  Replace one string with another, wants SPACE meaning
           "do it" or RUBOUT to skip (M-X Qu$one string$another)

REGION OPERATIONS.  Region is area of buffer between point and mark (or
mark and point).  Some commands set the mark, so check it before using.
C-@      Set the mark (for use with REGION commands)
C-X C-X  Interchange point and mark (i.e. go to the other end of the
           current region)
C-W      Kill region (C-Y yanks it back at point)

C-X 2    Split the screen in two windows (same buffer shown in each)
C-X 1    Resume single window (using buffer from top window)
C-X O    Move cursor to other window (all the usual commands apply)
C-Z V    Display the next screen in the other window