PDP-10 Archives
There are no other files named list.emacs in the archive.
!* -*-TECO-*-!
!* <GERGELY.USERS>LIST.EMACS.11, 23-Nov-81 09:03:29, Edit by GERGELY!
!~Filename~:! !Macros for Listing Files and Buffers!
!& Setup LIST Library:! !<entry>:! !S Default setups!
0FO..Q LIST_Setup_Hook[0 fq0"G :M0' ]0 !* In case someone!
!* wants to something different!
:I*FO..Q Print_Old_Library[B !* QB gets the old print library!
:I*FO..Q Print_Library[A !* QA gets the current one!
F~A LIST"N QA'"# QB' M.V Print_Old_Library !* If already the!
!* same one then use the old one!
:I*LIST M.VPrint_Library !* Create the variable to be sure!
!& Kill LIST Library:! !S Kill the variables used by the LIST Library!
QPrint_Old_LibraryF([A) UPrint_Library
M(M.M Kill_Variable)Print_Old_Library
1:<M(M.M &_Setup_A_Library)W>
!^R Print Something:! !^R Prompt the user for which LIST macro to use.
A numeric argument says to enter subcommand mode in the program. The
calling sequence is
MM Print Object<file>
If the length of the string <file> is 0, then the current buffer
is used. !
:F"L !* If called from a key!
1 M(M.M &_Yes_or_No)"N !* Reply with yes or no in the!
!* echo area!
F@:M(M.M Print_Buffer)'
"# F@:M(M.M Print_File)' !* Else the File !
"# F:M(M.M Print_File)' !* Not from a key then standard call!
!Print Buffer:! !C Lists the current buffer using the program LIST.
A numeric argument says to enter subcommand mode in the program
The calling format is
MM & List Buffer$ !
FSQPPTR[0 !* Q0 gets the pushdown level!
0F[DVERSION !* Zero is the default version number!
F[DFile E[ E\ FNE^ E] !* Push the input and output!
FSHSname[A !* QA gets the login directory!
QBuffer_Filenames[B !* QB gets the buffer name if it!
!* exists!
[Buffer_Filenames !* Push the buffer filenames!
Q..f-Q.f"E QBfsdfile'
"# fsdfileub'
"# Q..f-Q.f"E !* If there is no filename then!
f[bbind !* Get a temporary buffer!
GBuffer_Name WH@FC WJ !* Get the buffer name!
<.-z; -1,1AUB QB:; !* If at end then quit!
QB:"D !* If not a digit!
QB-65"L W1D'
"# QB-90"G W1D' "# W1:CW''
' "# W1:CW' > !* Replace all non letters or numbers!
HFXBW f]bbind !* Pop the temporary buffer!
QBFSDFILE !* Set the default name!
"# fsdfileUB''
!* for long!
[c [d !* Push the temporary registers!
FQB "G !* If we have a buffer filename!
F[BBIND !* Get a temporary buffer!
1:<1,111110000001.ezB>"E WJ :XB'
FSDFN1UB !* QD gets just the filename!
!* The file is <home dir.><fsdfn1>.TMP!
0FSDVERSION !* Zero the version number!
FSDFILEUD !* QD gets the default filename!
' !* and will be used as temporary!
FQBuffer_Name"G !* If we only have the buffer with!
!* no filename!
QBuffer_Name:FCUD' !* Use the buffer name to form a file!
"# :IDUNKNOWN' !* Else UNKNOWN is used!
:IDBuffer:_D,_No_Buffer_Filename !* QD is the header!
B,Z M(M.M Write_Region)C !* Write out the current buffer!
FM(M.M &_List_Subroutine)DW !* Call the listing subroutine!
M(M.M Delete_File)C !* Delete the temporary file!
!Print File:! !C Lists the current file using the LIST program.
A numeric argument says to enter subcommand mode in the program
The calling format is
MM & List File$<File>$ !
FSQPPTR[0 !* Q0 gets the pushdown level!
0F[DVERSION !* Push it to get out of the way!
F[DFile E[ E\ FNE^ E] !* Push the input and output!
:I*'FSDFILE !* QB gets the buffer filename!
[Buffer_Filenames !* Push the buffer filenames!
5,F List_File[..4 !* Q..4 will temporarily get the!
!* file to list!
FQ..4:"G !* If no input file then want to!
!* list the buffer!
-(WFSQPPTR-Q0) FSQPUNWIND !* Unwind the stack!
:F"L @' F:M(M.M Print_Buffer)'
"# FSDFILEU..4''
F[BBIND !* Get a temporary buffer!
1:<1,111110000001.ez..4>"E WJ :X..4'
FF"N :I..4..4,'
WFM(M.M &_List_Subroutine)..4W !* Call the listing subroutine!
!& List Subroutine:! !S Interfaces with the List program.
The string argument is interpreted as the JCL to pass to the program.
A numeric argument says to enter subcommand mode in the program!
FQ..6 :"G
:I*C?_Listing_subroutine_failure.__Processing_terminated. !*
! fsechodisp 0fsechoactive '
Q..6 m.v Print_Source_File
FF"'E [A !* QA: Nonzero if we have arguments!
1:< Q..6fsforkjcl
60: !* Allow a couple of seconds !
1M(M.M &_Yes_or_No)"L
M(M.M &_List_Exec_Command)PRINT_1'
1:<M(m.m Kill_Variable) Print_Source_File>W !* Kill the printed!
!* file name!
!& List Check Superior:! !S Checks for the superior type. 0=EXEC, 1=OTHERS
Loads the EFORK library (if necessary) if the superior type is other than 0
!* Create a variable if not!
!* here already!
F[bbind !* Get a temporary buffer!
FSXJNAMEf6 J !* Get the jobname that!
!* called EMACS!
1+(:SMACS)USystem_Superior_type !* See if it is an!
!* EMACS variant!
F]bbind !* Pop the temporary buffer!
QSystem_Superior_Type"N !* If the type is non-zero!
1,M.M ^R_Invoke_Inferior"E !* Check to see if EFORK is!
!* loaded, and if not !
M(M.M Load_Library)EFORK'' !* then load it.!
!& List Exec Command:! !S Performs the string argument as an EXEC command.
The action it takes depends on the value of System Superior Type. It
it is 0 then a valret is performed else an inferior exec is invoked.!
M(M.M &_List_Check_Superior)
"# M(M.M ^R_Invoke_Inferior)*Y
/ Local Modes: \
/ MM Compile: 1:<M(M.M^R Date Edit)>
M(M.M^R Save File)
M(M.MGenerate Library)LISTLIST
1:<M(M.MDelete File)LIST.COMPRS>W \
/ End: \