PDP-10 Archives
There are no other files named emacs.ctl in the archive.
! This file does actually create a new EMACS, assuming you have the correct !
! definitions for EMACS: and INFO:. If the version numbers of the EMACS files!
! files are incorrect, you can expect all sorts of problems !
! Assemble TECO and build a new EMACS.
! Make sure EMACS: and INFO: point to where the *new* EMACS and INFO are to be
! installed. (Define logical names to point to where <EMACS> will live, or
! change these if it lives elsewhere)
@define emacs: ps:<emacs>
@define info: ps:<info>
! EMACS: must be at the front of SYS: in this file to hide any DEC TECO.EXE.
! If this is not run under batch, you should be sure that MIT TECO is invoked.
@define sys: emacs:,sys:
! when TECO starts up, it must run TECO.INIT from <EMACS>, so connect there.
@connect emacs:
@vdirectory sys:midas.exe
@vdirectory teco.mid, tectrm.mid, config.mid
@vdirectory vtsdef.mid, tnxdfs.mid, twxdfs.mid, twxbts.mid
@vdirectory teco.init, info:emacs.init, zed.tec, view.teco
@vdirectory teach-emacs.init, teach-emacs.txt
! compile the new TECO
!Now start up the new TECO, and dump out the environment the init file creates!
*mmruneinit? document
@delete temp.exe
! Make a stand-alone INFO
*er info:emacs.init@y m(hfx*)
*er emacs:teach-emacs.init@y m(hfx*)
! Make ZED.EXE and VIEW.EXE. These are not EMACS-based, so hide the default
! teco.init file from the build process for them
@set file invisible teco.init.*
=er zed.tec @y m(hfx*)xteco 2f? ei @ejzed.exe
=er view.teco @y m(hfx*) 10f? ei @ejview.exe
@set file visible teco.init.*
! see what we've done
@vdirectory teco.exe, tecpur.exe, nemacs.exe, emacs.doc, emacs.chart
@vdirectory ninfo.exe, teach-emacs.tutorial, teach-emacs.exe
@vdirectory view.exe, zed.exe