PDP-10 Archives
There is 1 other file named rnohl1.for in the archive. Click here to see a list.
1 FORMAT(/41H Type the name of the file which contain,
120Hs the source text/25H which is to be proce,
236Hssed. Unless you specify otherwise,/9H this sou,
349Hrce file will be assumed to have .RNO as ,
43Hits/43H extension (the 3 letter portion of the na,
518Hme to the right of/27H the period). The output f,
634Hile will be named similarly, but/11H with .DOC,
749H as its extension and will be written to your are,
81Ha/9H on disk.//32H If you want to specify the outp,
929Hut device and/or the name of)
2 FORMAT(42H the output file and/or the owner of th,
119He area to which the/26H output file is to be ,
235H written (provided that you are/10H privilege,
349Hd to write to that area), then these can be typ,
42Hed/44H to the left of an equal sign preceding t,
517Hhe name of the/28H source file. You can als,
633Ho specify the device and/or owner/12H for the sou,
749Hrce file. Thus if you want to process the file/
849H named ONE.RNO which is on your disk area, if ,
912Hyour area is)
3 FORMAT(42H [20,56], and if you want the resulting te,
119Hxt to be written to/26H a file named ONE.DOC ,
235Halso in your disk area, then the/10H command w,
329Hhich you type could be either/6X,3HONE/3H or/6X,
437H[20,56]DSK:ONE.DOC=[20,56]DSK:ONE.RNO//8H If you ,
549Hwant to process the text which is in several so,
64Hurce/42H files and to have this text be treated as,
719H though it appeared/26H in a single source file, ,
835Hthen you can type the names of)
4 FORMAT(42H these files separated by commas, but i,
119Hf you would need to/26H type more than 72 charact,
235Hers, then you should type either a/10H comma or,
349H an ampersand at the right end of the line a,
42Hnd/44H continue typing the names of the files o,
517Hn the following/28H lines. Instead of retyp,
633Hing all of this information each/12H time, you c,
749Han place this information into another file, and/
849H type its name either preceded immediately ,
912Hor followed)
5 FORMAT(42H immediately by an at sign character (@). ,
119H Each line in the/26H command file must cont,
235Hain no more than 72 characters, but/10H the names,
349H of the files to be processed can appear eith,
42Her/44H separated by commas or on separate lines,
517H. If the command/28H file contains more than ,
633H a single command, then these/12H commands mu,
749Hst be separated by a semicolon. The extension of/
849H the name of the command file is assumed to be .C,
912HMD if you do/23H not specify otherwise./)
6 FORMAT(42H A few switches can be included either wit,
119Hh the name of the/26H output file or with t,
235Hhe name of the first source file./10H These swi,
349Htches start with a leading slash followed by ,
42Han/44H identifying word followed in some cases by,
517H a colon and then/28H by a number. Only the firs,
633Ht letter of the word is needed./12H The switche,
749Hs can be issued in any order if several are used./
8/14H /BEGIN:number/6X,27Hcauses all pages to be sup,
928Hpressed which precede the)
7 FORMAT(6X,39Hindicated page. The page count which i,
116Hs used in making/6X,26Hthe comparison is 1 fo,
229Hr the first page and is/6X,13Hincremented ,
342Hby 1 for each following page regardless of/6X,1Ht,
438Hhe page numbers marked on these pages.//7H /END:n,
55Humber/6X,38Hcauses all pages to be suppressed w,
617Hhich follow the/6X,25Hindicated page. The page,
730H count which is used in making/6X,12Hthe compari,
843Hson is 1 for the first page and is)
8 FORMAT(6X,39Hincremented by 1 for each following pa,
116Hge regardless of/6X,26Hthe page numbers marked on,
213H these pages.//15H /OFFSET:number/6X,9Hcauses th,
346He output to be shifted to the right by the/6X,
428Hindicated number of columns.//7H /PAUSE/6X,4Hcaus,
549Hes the output to be written to the controlli,
62Hng/6X,41Hterminal. The program will pause at t,
714Hhe top of each/6X,28Hnew page and wait for you to,
827H hit the carriage return/6X,15Hkey before co,
940Hntinuing. This allows you to insert)
9 FORMAT(6X,39Hindividual sheets of paper into the ter,
16Hminal.//17H /TERMINAL:number/6X,15Hselects the m,
240Hanner in which the output device/6X,3Hrep,
345Hresents superscript and subscript characters./6X,
448H/T:0 if output device cannot do half-line feeds./
56X,46H/T:1 if current output device cannot do ,
69Hhalf-line/6X,34Hfeeds, but document will ultim,
721Hately be printed on/6X,21Hdevice which can do ,
834Hhalf-line feeds. Document will/6X,9Hhave to ,
946H be processed again to produce the final)
10 FORMAT(6X,8Hversion./6X,25H/T:2 if output device is ,
130H Diablo or Xerox daisywheel/6X,12Hterminal wit,
231Hh uni-directional form tractor./6X,11H/T:3 if out,
344Hput device is Diablo or Xerox daisywheel/6X,
442Hterminal with bi-directional form tractor.//3H /V,
53HIEW/6X,40Hcauses the output to be written to t,
615Hhe controlling/6X,27Hterminal. The program w,
728Hill not pause at the top of/6X,14Heach new page ,
832Hunless /PAUSE is issued instead.//12H The command/
96X,19HONE/P/O:12/B:6/E:10/3H or)
11 FORMAT(6X,28HTTY:=ONE.RNO/E:10/B:6/O:12/P/8H would p,
149Hrocesss the file named ONE.RNO, writing the s,
24Hixth/42H through the tenth pages to the terminal,,
319H pausing at the top/26H of each page, and shiftin,
435Hg each line 12 columns to the/7H right./)