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                               SECTION 18

                      THE COMPILER AND ASSEMBLER

18.1 The Compiler

The compiler is available in  the standard INTERLISP system.  It  may be
used  to  compile  individual functions  as  requested  or  all function
definitions in a standard format  LOAD file.  The resulting code  may be
stored as it is compiled, so as to be available for immediate use, or it
may be  written onto  a file  for subsequent  loading.  The  compiler in
INTERLISP-10 also  provides a means  of specifying sequences  of machine
instructions via ASSEMBLE.

The most common way  to use the compiler  is to compile from  a symbolic
(prettydef) file, producing a corresponding file which contains a set of
functions in compiled  form which can  be quickly loaded.   An alternate
way of using the compiler  is to compile from functions  already defined
in the user's INTERLISP system.   In this case, the user has  the option
of specifying whether the code is  to be saved on a file  for subsequent
loading,  or the  functions  redefined, or  both.  In  either  case, the
compiler will ask the user certain questions concerning the compilation.
The first question is:


The answer to this question controls the generation of a listing  and is
explained in full below.  However, for most applications, the  user will
want  to answer  this question  with  either ST  or F,  which  will also
specify an answer to the rest of the questions which would  otherwise be
asked.   ST  means  the  user  wants  the  compiler  to  STore  the  new
definitions; F means the user is only interested in compiling to a File,
and no storing of definitions is performed.  In both cases, the compiler
will then ask the user one more question:

    The  INTERLISP-10  compiler  itself,  i.e., the  part  that actually
    generates  code,  was  written   and  documented  by,  and   is  the
    responsibility of A.K.  Hartley. The user interfaces,  i.e., tcompl,
    recompile, bcompl, and brecompile, were written by W. Teitelman.


          OUTPUT FILE:

to which the user can answer:

          N or NIL      no output file.
          File name     file  is  opened  if  not  already  opened,  and
                        compiled code is written on the file.


          _COMPILE((FACT FACT1 FACT2))
          LISTING? ST
          (FACT COMPILING)
          (FACT REDEFINED)
          (FACT2 REDEFINED)
          (FACT FACT1 FACT2)

This process caused the functions FACT, FACT1, and FACT2 to be compiled,
redefined,  and  the  compiled  definitions  also  written  on  the file
FACT.COM for subsequent loading.

18.2 Compiler Questions

The  compiler uses  the free  variables lapflg,  strf, svflg,  lcfil and
lstfil which determines various modes of operation.  These variables are
set by  the answers  to the "compset"  questions.  When  any of  the top
level compiling  functions are  called, the  function compset  is called
which asks a number of  questions.  Those that can be answered  "yes" or
"no" can be answered with  YES, Y, or T for  YES; and NO, N, or  NIL for
NO.  The questions are:

          1.   LISTING?

The  answer  to this  question  controls the  generation  of  a listing.
Possible answers are:

          1    Prints output of pass 1, the LAP macro code.
          2    Prints output of pass 2, the machine code.

    compiler  printout  and   error  messages  are  explained   on  page

    The LAP  and machine  code are usually  not of  interest but  can be
    helpful in debugging macros.


          YES  Prints output of both passes.
          NO   Prints no listings.

The variable lapflg is set to the answer.  If the answer is affirmative,
compset will type FILE: to  allow the user to indicate where  the output
is to be written.  The variable lstfil is set to the answer.

There  are  three other  possible  answers to  LISTING? - each  of which
specifies a complete mode for compiling.  They are:

          S    Same as last setting.
          F    Compile to File (no definition of functions).
          ST   STore new definitions.
          STF  STore new definitions, Forget exprs.

Implicit in these three are the answers to the questions  on disposition
of compiled code and expr's, so questions 2 and 3 would not be  asked if
1 were answered with S, F, ST, or STF.

          2.   REDEFINE?

          YES  Causes each function to  be redefined as it  is compiled.
               The compiled code  is stored and the  function definition
               changed.  The variable strf is set to T.

          NO   Causes  function  definitions to  remain  unchanged.  The
               variable strf is set to NIL.

The  answer  ST or  STF  for the  first  question implies  YES  for this
question, F implies NO, and S makes no change.

          3.   SAVE EXPRS?

If answered  YES, svflg  is set  to T, and  the exprs  are saved  on the
property list of the function name.  Otherwise they are  discarded.  The
answer ST for the first question implies YES for this question, F or STF
implies NO, and S makes no change.

          4.   OUTPUT FILE:

If the  compiled definitions are  to be written  for later  loading, you
should provide the  name of a  file on which you  wish to save  the code
that is generated.  If you answer T or TTY:, the output will be typed on
the teletype (not  particularly useful).  If you  answer N, NO,  or NIL,
output will not  be done.  If  the file named  is already open,  it will
continue to be used.  The free variable lcfil is set to the name  of the

18.3 Nlambdas

When compiling  the call to  a function, the  compiler must  prepare the
arguments to the function in one of three ways:

    1.   Evaluated (SUBR, SUBR*, EXPR, EXPR*, CEXPR, CEXPR*)
    2.   Unevaluated, spread (FSUBR, FEXPR, CFEXPR)
    3.   Unevaluated, not spread (FSUBR*, FEXPR*, CFEXPR*)


In  attempting to  determine which  of these  three is  appropriate, the
compiler will  first look for  a definition among  the functions  in the
file that is  being compiled.  If the  function is not  contained there,
the compiler will  look for other information  which can be  supplied by
the user by including nlambda nospread functions on the list  nlama (for
nlambda atoms), and including nlambda spread functions on the list nlaml
(for nlambda list), and including lambda functions on the list lams.  If
the function is not contained in the file,  or on the list nlama, nlaml,
or  lams, the  compiler  will look  for  a current  definition.   If the
function is  defined, its  function type  is assumed  to be  the desired
type.  If it is not  defined, the compiler assumes that the  function is
                                                    6 7
of type 1, i.e., its arguments  are to be evaluated.    In  other words,
if  there are  type 2  or 3  functions called  from the  functions being
compiled, and  they are only  defined in a  separate file, they  must be
included on nlama or nlaml, or the compiler will incorrectly assume that
their arguments are  to be evaluated,  and compile the  calling function
correspondingly.  Note that this is only necessary if the  compiler does
not "know" about  the function.  If the  function is defined  at compile
time, or is handled  via a macro, or is  contained in the same  group of
files as  the functions  that call it,  the compiler  will automatically
handle calls to that function correctly.

18.4 Global Variables

Variables  that  appear on  the  list globalvars  or  have  the property

    Including functions  on lams is  only necessary to  override in-core
    nlambda definitions, since in the absence of other  information, the
    compiler assumes the function is a lambda.

    The function can  be defined anywhere in  any of the files  given as
    arguments to bcompl, tcompl, brecompile or recompile.

    Before making this assumption, if the value of compileuserfn  is not
    NIL, the compiler  calls (the value  of) compileuserfn giving  it as
    arguments cdr of  the form and the  form itself, i.e.,  the compiler
    does (APPLY* COMPILEUSERFN (CDR form) form).  If a non-NIL  value is
    returned, it is  compiled instead of form.  If NIL is  returned, the
    compiler  compiles   the  original  expression   as  a  call   to  a
    lambda-spread  that  is not  yet  defined. CLISP  (Section  23) uses
    compileuserfn  to  tell  the  compiler  how  to   compile  iterative
    statements, IF-THEN-ELSE statements, and pattern match constructs.

    The  names of  functions  so treated  are  added to  the  list alams
    (for assumed lamdas).   alams is  not used  by the  compiler;  it is
    maintained for the user's benefit, i.e., so that the user  can check
    to see whether any incorrect assumptions were made.


GLOBALVAR, with  value T, are  called global variables.   Such variables
are always accessed through their  value cell when they are  used freely
in a compiled funtion.  In other words, a reference to the value of this
variable is equivalent to (CAR (QUOTE variable)), regardless  of whether
or not it appears on the stack, i.e., the stack is not even searched for
this variable when the  compiled function is entered.   Similarly, (SETQ
variable value) is equivalent to (RPLACA (QUOTE variable)  value); i.e.,
it sets the top-level value.

All system parameters, unless otherwise specified, are global variables,
i.e., have on their property lists the property GLOBALVAR with  value T,
e.g., brokenfns,  editmacros, #rpars, dwimflg,  et al.   Thus, rebinding
these variables will not affect the behavior of the system: instead, the
variables must  be reset  to their  new values,  and if  they are  to be
restored to their original  values, reset again.  For example,  the user
might              write              ...(SETQ globalvar new-value) form
(SETQ globalvar old-value).   Note  that  in  this  case,  if  an  error
occurred during the  evaluation of form, or  a control-D was  typed, the
global  variable  would not  be  restored to  its  original  value.  The
function resetvar (described in Section 5) provides a convenient  way of
resetting global variables in such a way that their values  are restored
even if an error occurred or control-D is typed.

18.5 Compiler Functions

Note: when a function is compiled from its in core definition, i.e., via
compile, recompile, or brecompile, as opposed to tcompl or bcompl (which
uses the definitions on a  file), and the function has been  modified by
break, trace, breakin, or advise,  it is first restored to  its original
state, and a message printed  out, e.g., FOO UNBROKEN.  If  the function
is  not  defined as  an  expr, its  property  list is  searched  for the
property EXPR (see  savedef, Section 8).  If  there is a  property EXPR,
its value  is used  for the  compilation. If  there is  no EXPR  and the
compilation  is  being   performed  by  recompile  or   brecompile,  the
definition of the  function is obtained  from the file  (using loadfns).
Otherwise, the compiler prints (fn NOT COMPILEABLE), and goes on  to the
next function.

compile[x;flg]          x is a list of functions (if atomic,  list[x] is
                        used).  compile first asks the standard compiler
                        questions, and then compiles each function on x,
                        using its in-core definition.  Value is x.

                        If compiled  definitions are  being dumped  to a
                        file, the file is closed unless flg=T.

    Since the stack does not have  to be searched to find the  values of
    these  variables,  a  considerable  savings  in  time  is  achieved,
    especially for deep computations.


compile1[name;def]      compiles  def,   redefining  name   if  strf=T.
                        compile1  is   used  by  compile,   tcompl,  and
                        recompile.   If  dwimifycompflg  is  T,  or  def
                        contains a  CLISP declaration, def  is dwimified
                        before compiling.  See Section 23.

tcompl[files]           tcompl is used to "compile files", i.e., given a
                        symbolic  load   file  (e.g.,  one   created  by
                        prettydef), it  produces a "compiled  file" that
                        contains the same S-expressions as  the original
                        symbolic  file,   except  that  (1)   a  special
                        FILECREATED expression  appears at the  front of
                        the file which contains information used  by the
                        file  package,  and  which  causes  the  message
                        COMPILED  ON    followed  by  the  date,  to  be
                        printed  when  the  file  is  loaded;  (2) every
                        defineq in the symbolic file is replaced  by the
                        corresponding   compiled   definitions   in  the
                        compiled file;   and (3) expressions of the form
                        (DECLARE: -- DONTCOPY --)  that  appear  in  the
                        symbolic  file are  not copied  to  the compiled
                        file.  This "compiled"  file can be  loaded into
                        any INTERLISP system with load.

                        files is a list of symbolic files to be compiled
                        (if atomic,  list[files] is used).   tcompl asks
                        the  standard  compiler  questions,  except  for
                        OUTPUT FILE:  Instead,   the  output   from  the
                        compilation of each symbolic file is  written on
                        a  file of  the same  name suffixed  with COM,
                        e.g.,  tcompl[(SYM1 SYM2)]  produces  two files,

    strf is one of the variables set by compset, described earlier.

    The actual string printed  is the value of  compileheader, initially
    "COMPILED ON".   The user  can reset  compileheader, for  example to
    distinguish between files compiled by different systems.

    The compiled definitions appear  at the front of the  compiled file,
    i.e., before the other expressions in the symbolic  file, regardless
    of where they appear in the symbolic file.

    The actual  suffix used  is the value  of the  variable compile.ext,
    which is initially COM. The user can reset compile.ext or rename the
    compiled file after it has been written, without adversely affecting
    any of the system packages.


                        SYM1.COM and SYM2.COM.

                        tcompl  processes  each  file  one  at  a  time,
                        reading   in   the   entire   file.    For  each
                        FILECREATED  expression, the  list  of functions
                        that were marked as changed by the  file package
                        (see Section 14) is noted,   and the FILECREATED
                        expression is written onto the output  file. For
                        each   DEFINEQ  expression,   tcompl   adds  any
                        NLAMBDA's in the DEFINEQ to nlama or laml,   and
                        adds LAMBDA's to the list lams,   so  that calls
                        to these  functions will be  compiled correctly.
                        Expressions   beginning   with    DECLARE:   are
                        processed  specially  as  described  below.  All
                        other   expressions   are   collected    to   be
                        subsequently  written  onto  the   output  file.
                        After  processing  the  file  in  this  fashion,
                        tcompl compiles  each funtion,   and  writes the
                        compiled  definition   onto  the   output  file.
                        tcompl  then  writes onto  the  output  file the
                        other expressions found in the symbolic file.

                        The value of  tcompl is a  list of the  names of
                        the  output  files.   All  files   are  properly
                        terminated  and closed.   If the  compilation of

    The  file  name  is  constructed from  the  name  field  only, e.g.,
    tcompl[<BOBROW>FOO.TEM;3]   produces   FOO.COM   on   the  connected
    directory. The version number will be the standard default.

    for use  by recompile and  brecompile which use  the same  low level
    funtions as tcompl and bcompl.

    described earlier, page 18.4.

    nlama, nlaml, and lams are rebound to their top level  values (using
    resetvar)  by tcompl,  recompile, bcompl,  brecompile,  compile, and
    blockcompile, so that any  additions to these lists while  inside of
    these functions will not propagate outside.

    except for those functions which appear on the  list dontcompilefns,
    initially NIL.  For example, this option might be used for functions
    that compile open, since their definitions would be superfluous when
    operating with the compiled  file.  Note that dontcompilefns  can be
    set via block declarations page 18.21.


                        any file is  aborted via an error  or control-D,
                        all   files   are  properly   closed,   and  the
                        (partially complete) compiled file is deleted.


For  the purposes  of  compilation, DECLARE:  (see Section  14)  has two
principal applications: (1) to specify forms that are to be evaluated at
compile  time, presumably  to affect  the compilation,  e.g., to  set up
macros;  and/or  (2)  to indicate  which  expressions  appearing  in the
symbolic  file are  not  to be  copied  to the  output  file. (Normally,
expressions are not evaluated and are copied.) Each expression in cdr of
a DECLARE: form is either evaluated/not-evaluated  and copied/not-copied
depending on the settings of two internal state variables, initially set
for copy and not-evaluate.  These  state variables can be reset  for the
remainder  of the  expressions  in the  DECLARE:  by means  of  the tags
DOEVAL@COMPILE     (or     EVAL@COMPILE)     and     DONTCOPY,     e.g.,
used to set up macros at compile time.


The purpose of recompile is to allow the user to update a  compiled file
without recompiling every function  in the file. Recompile does  this by
using the  results of  a previous compilation.   It produces  a compiled
file similar to one  that would have been  produced by tcompl, but  at a
considerable savings in time by compiling selected functions and copying
from an earlier  tcompl or recompile  file the compiled  definitions for
the remainder of the functions in the file.

                        pfile  is  the name  of  the pretty  file  to be
                        compiled, cfile is the name of the compiled file
                        containing  compiled  definitions  that  may  be
                        copied.  fns indicates which functions  in pfile
                        are to be recompiled, e.g., have been changed or
                        defined for the first time since cfile was made.
                        Note that pfile, not fns, drives recompile.

                        recompile asks the standard  compiler questions,
                        except for  OUTPUT FILE:.   As with  tcompl, the
                                                                   18 19
                        output  automatically  goes  to  pfile.COM.   

    or pfile.ext, where ext is the value of compile.ext.

    In  general, all  constructions  of the  form  pfile.COM, pfileCOMS,
    pfileBLOCKS, etc.,  are performed  using the  name field  only.  For
    example,  if   pfile=<BOBROW>FOO.TEM;3,  pfile.COM   means  FOO.COM,
    pfileCOMS means FOOCOMS, etc.


                        recompile process pfile the same as  does tcompl
                        except that DEFINEQ expressions are not actually
                        read  into  core.  Instead,  recompile  uses the
                        filemap (see Section  14)   to obtain a  list of
                        the  functions  contained in  pfile,  and simply
                        skips over the DEFINEQ's.

                        After this initial scan of pfile, recompile then
                        processes  the  functions defined  in  the file.
                        For each function in pfile, recompile determines
                        whether   or   not  the   function   is   to  be
                        (re)compiled.  A function is to  be recompiled
                        if  (1) fns  is  a list  and the  function  is a
                        member of that list;  or (2) fns=T or  EXPRS and
                        the function is an expr; or (3)  fns=CHANGES and
                        the function is marked as having been changed in
                        the FILECREATED expression; or (4) fns=ALL.   If
                        a function  is not  to be  recompiled, recompile
                        obtains its compiled definition from  cfile, and
                        copies  it (and  all generated  subfunctions) to
                        the  output  file,  pfile.COM.    Finally, after
                        processing all  functions, recompile  writes out
                        all other expressions that were collected in the
                        prescan of pfile.

    A map is  built if the symbolic  file does not already  contain one,
    e.g., it was written in an earlier system, or with buildmapflg=NIL.

    The filemap enables recompile to skip over the DEFINEQ's in the file
    by simply resetting the file pointer, so that in most cases the scan
    of the symbolic file is  very fast (the only processing  required is
    the reading of the non-DEFINEQ's and the processing of  the DECLARE:
    expressions as described earlier).

    Functions that are members of dontcompilefns are simply ignored.

    In this latter case, cfile is superfluous, and in fact does not have
    to exist.  This option is useful, for example, to compile a symbolic
    file that has never been compiled before, but which has already been
    loaded  (since using  tcompl  would require  reading the  file  in a
    second time).

    If  the  function  does  not  appear  on  cfile,   recompile  simply
    recompiles it.


                        If  cfile=NIL,  pfile.COM  is  used  for copying
                        from.   If  both fns and  cfile are NIL,  fns is
                        set to T, meaning recompile all exprs.

                        The value of recompile is the new compiled file,
                        pfile.COM.  If recompile  is aborted  due  to an
                        error or control-D, the new (partially complete)
                        compiled file will be closed and deleted.

recompile is designed to allow the user to conveniently  and efficiently
update a compiled  file, even when  the corresponding symbolic  file has
not  been (completely)  loaded.   For example,  the user  can  perform a
loadfrom (Section  14) to  "notice" a symbolic  file,   and  then simply
                                          28                29
edit  the functions  he wanted  to change,    call makefile,    and then
perform recompile[pfile].

    In  other words,  if  cfile, the  file used  for  obtaining compiled
    definitions to be copied, is NIL, pfile.COM is used, i.e., same name
    as output file  but a different version  number (one less)  than the
    output file.

    This is the most  common useage.  Typically, the functions  the user
    has changed will have been unsavedefed by the editor,  and therefore
    will be exprs.  Thus the user can perform his edits, dump  the file,
    and then simply recompile[file] to update the compiled file.

    The  loadfrom would  be unnecessary  if the  compiled file  had been
    previously loaded, since this  would also result in the  file having
    been 'noticed'.

    As described in Section 9, the editor would automatically load those
    functions not already loaded.


As described in Section 14, makefile would copy the  unchanged functions
    from the symbolic file.


Since prettydef automatically outputs a suitable DECLARE:  expression to
    indicate  which  functions  in  the file  (if  any)  are  defined as
    NLAMBDA's, calls to these functions will be handled  correctly, even
    though the NLAMBDA functions themselves may never be loaded, or even
    looked at, by recompile.


18.6 Open Functions

When a function is called from a compiled function, a system  routine is
invoked that sets up the  parameter and control push lists  as necessary
for variable  bindings and  return information.   As a  result, function
calls can take up to 350  microseconds per call.  If the amount  of time
spent inside the function is small, this function calling time will be a
significant percentage of the  total time required to use  the function.
Therefore, many  "small" functions,  e.g., car, cdr,  eq, not,  cons are
always compiled  "open", i.e., they  do not result  in a  function call.
Other larger functions  such as prog,  selectq, mapc, etc.  are compiled
open because  they are frequently  used.  It is  useful to  know exactly
which functions are compiled open in order to determine where  a program
is spending  its time.   Therefore below  is a  list of  those functions
which when compiled do not result in function calls.  Note that the next
section tells  how the user  can make other  functions compile  open via
MACRO definitions.

The following functions compile open in INTERLISP-10:


18.7 Compiler Macros

The INTERLISP compiler includes a macro capability by which the user can
affect  the compiled  code.   Macros are  defined by  placing  the macro
definition on the property list of the corresponding function  under the
property  MACRO.    When  the  compiler  begins  compiling  a  form,  it
retrieves a macro definition for car of the form, if any, and uses it to

    The  user  can  also affect  the  compiled  code  via compileuserfn,
    described in footnote on page 18.4.

    An expression of the form  (DECLARE (DEFLIST ... (QUOTE MACRO))) can
    be used within a function to define a MACRO. DECLARE is  defined the
    same as QUOTE and thus can be placed so as to have no effect  on the
    running of the function.


direct the compilation.   The three different types of macro definitions
are given below.

(1) Open macros - (LAMBDA ...) or (NLAMBDA ...)

A function can be made to  compile open by giving it a  macro definition
of the form (LAMBDA ...) or (NLAMBDA ...), e.g.,

(LAMBDA (X) (COND ((GREATERP X 0) X) (T (MINUS X))))   for   abs.    The
effect is the same as though the macro definition were written  in place
of the function wherever it appears in a function being  compiled, i.e.,
it compiles  as an open  LAMBDA or NLAMBDA  expression.  This  saves the
time necessary to call the  function at the price of more  compiled code

(2) Computed macros - (atom expression)

A macro definition beginning with an atom other than LAMBDA, NLAMBDA, or
NIL,  allows  computation of  the  INTERLISP expression  that  is  to be
compiled  in  place  of  the form.   The  atom  which  starts  the macro
definition is bound to cdr  of the form being compiled.   The expression
following the atom is then evaluated, and the result of  this evaluation
is compiled in place of the form.   For example, list could  be compiled
this way by giving it the macro definition:

                   [X (LIST (QUOTE CONS)
                            (CAR X)
                            (AND (CDR X)
                                 (CONS (QUOTE LIST)
                                       (CDR X]

This      would      cause      (LIST X Y Z)      to      compile     as
(CONS X (CONS Y (CONS Z NIL))).   Note   the  recursion  in   the  macro
expansion.   Ersetq, nlsetq, map,  mapc, mapcar, mapconc, and  some, are

    The  compiler  has  built  into  it  how  to  compile  certain basic
    functions  such  as car,  prog,  etc.,  so that  these  will  not be
    affected  by macro  definitions. These  functions are  listed above.
    However, some of them are themselves implemented via macros, so that
    the user could change the way they compile.

    In  INTERLISP-10,  if  the  result of  the  evaluation  is  the atom
    INSTRUCTIONS, no code will be generated by the compiler. It  is then
    assumed the evaluation was  done for effect and the  necessary code,
    if any, has been added. This is a way of giving  direct instructions
    to the compiler if you understand it.

    list is actually compiled more efficiently.


compiled via macro definitions of this type.

(3) Substitution macro - (NIL expression) or (list expression)

Each  argument  in  the  form  being  compiled  is  substituted  for the
corresponding atom in car of the macro definition, and the result of the
substitution is compiled instead of the form, i.e.,

(SUBPAIR (CAR macrodef) (CDR form) (CADR macrodef)).   For  example, the
macro definition of add1 is ((X) (IPLUS X 1)).  Thus,  (ADD1 (CAR Y)) is
compiled as (IPLUS (CAR Y) 1).   The functions add1, sub1,  neq, nlistp,
zerop, flength,  fmemb, fassoc,  flast, and fnth  are all  compiled open
using  substitution macros.   Note that  abs could  be compiled  open as
shown  earlier  or  via a  substitution  macro.   A  substitution macro,
however, would cause (ABS (FOO X)) to compile as
(COND ((GREATERP (FOO X) 0) (FOO X)) (T (MINUS (FOO X))))            and
consequently (FOO X) would be evaluated three times.

18.8 FUNCTION and Functional Arguments

Expressions that begin with FUNCTION will always be compiled as separate
functions   named by attaching  a gensym to the  end of the name  of the
function in  which they appear,  e.g., FOOA0003.   This  gensym function
will be called at run time.  Thus if FOO is defined as
(LAMBDA (X) ... (FOO1 X (FUNCTION ...)) ...) and compiled, then when FOO
is run, FOO1 will be  called with two arguments, X, and  FOOA000n,   and
then  FOO1 will  call  FOOA000n each  time  it must  use  its functional

Note that a considerable savings  in time could be achieved  by defining
FOO1 as a computed macro of the form:
         (Z (LIST (SUBST (CADADR Z) (QUOTE FN) def) (CAR Z)))
where def  is the definition  of FOO1  as a function  of just  its first
argument and  FN is  the name used  for its  functional argument  in its
definition.  The  expression compiled contains  what was  previously the
functional argument  to FOO1,  as an open  LAMBDA expression.   Thus you


except when  they are compiled  open, as  is the case  with most  of the
    mapping functions.

    nlsetq and ersetq  expressions also compile using  gensym functions.
    As a  result, a go  or return  cannot be used  inside of  a compiled
    nlsetq or ersetq if  the corresponding prog is outside,  i.e., above
    the nlsetq or ersetq.

    or an appropriate funarg expression, see Section 11.


save not only the function call  to FOO1, but also each of  the function
calls to its  functional argument.  For example,  if FOO1 operates  on a
list of  length ten, eleven  function calls will  be saved.   Of course,
this savings in time cost space, and the user must decide which  is more

18.9 Block Compiling

Block compiling  provides a  way of compiling  several functions  into a
single block.   Function calls  between the  component functions  of the
block are very fast, and the price of using a free variable,  namely the
time required to  look up its  value on the  stack, is paid  only once -
 when the block is entered.  Thus, compiling a block consisting  of just
a single recursive function may  be yield great savings if  the function
calls itself many times, e.g., equal, copy, and count are block compiled

The output of a block compilation is a single, usually  large, function.
This function looks like any other compiled function; it can  be broken,
advised, printstructured, etc.  Calls from within the block to functions
outside of the block look like regular function calls, except  that they
are  usually  linked (described  below).   A block  can  be  entered via
several  different functions,  called entries.  These must  be specified
when the  block is compiled.    For example, the  error block  has three
entries, errorx, interrupt,  and fault1.  Similarly, the  compiler block
has nine entries.


One savings in block compiled functions results from not having to store
on the stack  the names of the  variables bound within the  block, since
the block functions all "know" where the variables are stored.  However,
if a variable bound in a block is to be referenced outside the block, it
must be included  on the list specvars.    For example, helpclock  is on
specvars, since it  is rebound inside  of lispxblock and  editblock, but
the error functions must be able to obtain its latest value.

    Actually  the block  is entered  the same  as every  other function,
    i.e., at the top. However,  the entry functions call the  main block
    with their name as one of its arguments, and the block dispatches on
    the name,  and jumps to  the portion of  the block  corresponding to
    that entry point. The effect  is thus the same as though  there were
    several different entry points.

    Arguments to the block that are referenced freely outside  the block
    must also be  SPECVARS if they are  reset within the block,  or else
    the new value will not be obtained.



Localfreevars is a feature  designed for those variables which  are used
freely by one or more of the block functions, but which are always bound
(by some other block  function) before they are referenced,  i.e., their
free values above the block  are never used.  Normally, when a  block is
entered, all  variables which  are used  freely by  any function  in the
block  are looked  up and  pointers to  the bindings  are stored  on the
stack.  When any  of these variables are  rebound in the block,  the old
pointer is  saved and  a pointer  to the  new binding  is stored  in the
original  stack position.   It  frequently happens  that  variables used
freely within a block are in fact always bound within the block prior to
the free  reference.  The unnecessary  lookup of the  value of  the free
variable at the time of entry to the block can be avoided by putting the
variable  name  on  the  list  localfreevars.   If  a  variable   is  on
localfreevars, its  value will not  be looked up  at the time  of entry.
When the variable is bound, the value will be stored in the proper stack
position.  Should the variable in fact be referenced before it is bound,
the program will still work correctly.  Invisible to the user,  a rather
time-consuming process will take place.  The reference will cause a trap
which will invoke  code to determine  which variable was  referenced and
look up the value.  Future references to that variable during  this call
to the block will be normal, i.e., will not cause a trap.

trapcount[x]            is  a  function to  monitor  the  performance of
                        block    compiled   code    with    respect   to
                        localfreevars.  If  x is NIL,  trapcount returns
                        the  cumulative   number  of  traps   caused  by
                        localfreevars  that were  not bound  before use.
                        If x is a number, the trapcount is reset to that

evq is another compiler artifice for free variables references.  (EVQ X)
has the effect of (EVAL (QUOTE X)) without the call to eval (if X  is an
atom).   evq  is  intended   primarily  for  use  in   conjunction  with
localfreevars.   For  example,   suppose  a  block  consists   of  three
functions, FOO1, FOO2, and FOO3,  with FOO1 and FOO2 being  entries, and
FOO3 using X freely,  where X is bound in  FOO1, but not in  FOO2, i.e.,
FOO1 rebinds X, but when entered via FOO2, the user intends X to be used
freely, and its higher value  obtained.  If X is on  localfreevars, then
each time the  block is entered  via FOO2, a  trap will occur  when FOO3
first references X.  In order to avoid this, the user can insert (EVQ X)
in  FOO2.  This  will  circumvent the  trap by  explicitly  invoking the
routine  that searches  back up  the stack  for the  last binding  of X.
Thus, when used with localfreevars, evq does two things: it  returns the
value of its  argument, and also stores  that value in the  binding slot
for the variable so that no future references to that variable  (in this
call) will cause traps.  Since the time consumed by the trap can greatly
exceed  the time  required for  a variable  lookup, using  evq  in these
situations can result in a considerable savings.


Another savings in  block compilation arises  from omitting most  of the
information on the stack  about internal calls between functions  in the


block.  However,  if a  function's name  must be  visible on  the stack,
e.g.,  if  the function  is  to be  returned  from retfrom,  it  must be
included on the list retfns.


Normally, a call  to apply from  inside a block would  be the same  as a
call to any other function outside of the block.  If the  first argument
to apply turned  out to be  one of the entries  to the block,  the block
would have to  be reentered.  blkapplyfns  enables a program  to compute
the name  of a  function in  the block  to be  called next,  without the
overhead  of leaving  the  block and  reentering  it.  This  is  done by
including on the list  blkapplyfns those functions which will  be called
in this fashion, and by using blkapply in place of apply,  and blkapply*
in place of  apply*.  For example, the  calls to the  functions handling
RI, RO,  LI, LO,  BI, and  BO in the  editor are  handled this  way.  If
blkapply or blkapply* is given a function not on blkapplyfns, the effect
is the  same as a  call to apply  or apply* and  no error  is generated.
Note however,  that blkapplyfns  must be  set at  compile time,  not run
time, and furthermore, that all functions on blkapplyfns must be  in the
block, or an error is generated (at compile time), NOT ON BLKFNS.


Compiling a function  open via a macro  provides a way of  eliminating a
function call.  For block compiling, the same effect can be  achieved by
including the function  in the block.  A  further advantage is  that the
code for this function will appear only once in the block,  whereas when
a function is compiled open, its code appears at each place where  it is

The  block  library  feature  provides  a  convenient  way  of including
functions  in a  block.  It  is just  a convenience  since the  user can
always achieve the same effect by specifying the function(s) in question
as one  of the block  functions, provided it  has an expr  definition at
compile time.  The block library feature simply eliminates the burden of
supplying this definition.

To use the  block library feature, place  the names of the  functions of
interest  on  the list  blklibrary,  and their  EXPR  definition  on the
property list  of the function  under the property  BLKLIBRARYDEF.  When
the  block  compiler compiles  a  form, it  first  check to  see  if the
function being called  is one of the  block functions.  If not,  and the
function is on blklibrary, its definition is obtained from  the property
value of BLKLIBRARYDEF, and it is automatically included as part  of the
block.   The functions  assoc,  equal, getp,  last,  length, lispxwatch,
memb,  nconc1,  nleft,  nth,  and  /rplnode  already  have BLKLIBRARYDEF

18.10 Linked Function Calls

Conventional  (non-linked) function  calls from  a compiled  function go
through the function definition cell, i.e., the definition of the called
function is  obtained from  its function definition  cell at  call time.
Thus,  when  the  user  breaks,  advises,  or  otherwise   modifies  the


definition of the function  FOO, every function that  subsequently calls
it  instead calls  the  modified function.   For calls  from  the system
functions, this  is clearly not  a feature.  For  example, the  user may
wish to  break on  basic functions  such as  print, eval,  rplaca, etc.,
which are used by the break  package.  In other words, we would  like to
guarantee   that  the   system  packages   will  survive   through  user
modification  (or  destruction)  of  basic  functions  (unless  the user
specifically requests that the system packages also be  modified).  This
protection is achieved by linked function calls.

For  linked function  calls, the  definition of  the called  function is
obtained at link time, i.e.,  when the calling function is  defined, and
stored in the literal table of the calling function.  At call time, this
definition is retrieved from where  it was stored in the  literal table,
not from the  function definition cell of  the called function as  it is
for  non-linked  calls.   These   two  different  types  of   calls  are
illustrated in Figure 18-1.

Note that while function calls from block compiled functions are usually
linked, and  those from standardly  compiled functions are  usually non-
linked,  linking  function  calls  and  blockcompiling  are  independent
features  of the  INTERLISP compiler,  i.e., linked  function  calls are
possible, and frequently employed, from standardly compiled functions.


                              Figure 18-1


Note that normal function calls require only the called  function's name
in the  literals of the  compiled code, whereas  a linked  function call
uses two literals and hence produces slightly larger compiled functions.

The compiler's decision as to whether to link a particular function call
is determined by the variables linkfns and nolinkfns as follows:

    (1)  If the function appears on nolinkfns, the call is not linked;
    (2)  If  block  compiling  and  the function  is  one  of  the block
         functions, the call is internal as described earlier;
    (3)  If the function appears on linkfns, the call is linked;
    (4)  If nolinkfns=T, the call is not linked;
    (5)  If block compiling, the call is linked;
    (6)  If linkfns=T, the call is linked;
    (7)  Otherwise the call is not linked.

Note that (1) takes precedence over (2), i.e., if a function  appears on
nolinkfns,  the call  to it  is not  linked, even  if it  is one  of the
functions in the block, i.e., the call will go outside of the block.

Nolinkfns is initialized to  various system functions such  as errorset,
break1, etc.  Linkfns is initialized to NIL.  Thus if the user  does not
specify otherwise, all calls from a block compiled function  (except for
those  to  functions  on  nolinkfns)  will  be  linked;  all  calls from
standardly  compiled  functions  will  not  be  linked.   However,  when
compiling system functions such as help, error, arglist,  fntyp, break1,
et al, linkfns is set to  T so that even though these functions  are not
block compiled, all of their calls will be linked.

If a function is not defined at link time, i.e., when an attempt is made
to link to it, it is linked instead to the function nolinkdef.  When the
function is later  defined, the link can  be completed by  relinking the
calling function using relink described below.  Otherwise, if a function
is run which attempts a linked call that was not completed, nolinkdef is
called.  If the  function is now defined,  i.e., it was defined  at some
point after the attempt was  made to link to it, nolinkdef  will quietly
perform  the  link  and  continue the  call.   Otherwise,  it  will call
faultapply and proceed as described in Section 16.

Linked function calls are printed  on the backtrace as ;fn; where  fn is
the name of the function.  Note that this name does not  actually appear
on the  stack, and that  stkpos, retfrom, and  the rest of  the pushdown
list functions  (Section 12)  will not  be able  to find  it.  Functions
which  must be  visible on  the  stack should  not be  linked  to, i.e.,
include them on nolinkfns when compiling a function that would otherwise
link its calls.

printstructure,  calls, break  on fn1-IN-fn2  and advise  fn1-IN-fn2 all
work  correctly for  linked function  calls,  e.g., break[(FOO IN FIE)],
where FOO is called from FIE via a linked function call.


The  function relink  is available  for relinking  a  compiled function,
i.e., updating all of its  linked calls so that they use  the definition
extant at the time of the relink operation.


relink[fn]              fn is  either WORLD, the  name of a  function, a
                        list of functions, or  an atom whose value  is a
                        list   of   functions.    relink   performs  the
                        corresponding        relinking       operations.
                        relink[WORLD]   is   possible    because   laprd
                        maintains  on  linkedfns  a  list  of  all  user
                        functions    containing   any    linked   calls.
                        syslinkedfns is a  list of all  system functions
                        that  have  any  linked   calls.   relink[WORLD]
                        performs     both      relink[linkedfns]     and

                        The value of relink is fn.

It is important  to stress that linking  takes place when a  function is
defined.  Thus, if FOO calls FIE  via a linked call, and a bug  is found
in  FIE,  changing  FIE  is  not  sufficient;  FOO  must   be  relinked.
Similarly, if  FOO1, FOO2,  and FOO3 are  defined (in  that order)  in a
file, and each call the others  via linked calls, when a new  version of
the file is loaded, FOO1 will be linked to the old FOO2 and  FOO3, since
those definitions  will be extant  at the time  it is read  and defined.
Similarly, FOO2 will link to the new FOO1 and old FOO3.  Only  FOO3 will
link  to  the  new  FOO1  and FOO2.   The  user  would  have  to perform
relink[FOOFNS] following the load.

18.11 The Block Compiler

There are three  user level functions for  blockcompiling, blockcompile,
bcompl, and brecompile, corresponding to compile, tcompl, and recompile.
All  of  them  ultimately  call the  same  low  level  functions  in the
compiler,  i.e.,  there is  no  'blockcompiler' per  se.   Instead, when
blockcompiling, a flag is set to enable special treatment  for specvars,
retfns,  blkapplyfns,  and for  determining  whether or  not  to  link a
function  call.   Note  that  all of  the  previous  remarks  on macros,
globalvars,  compiler  messages,  etc.,  all  apply  equally  for  block
compiling.   Using  block  declarations described  below,  the  user can
intermix  in  a  single  file  functions  compiled  normally,  functions
compiled normally with linked calls, and block compiled functions.


                        blkfns is a list of the functions comprising the
block, blkname is the  name of the block,  entries a list of  entries to
the block, e.g.,


                        Each of the entries must also be on blkfns or an


                        error is generated, NOT ON BLKFNS.  

                        If entries is NIL, list[blkname] is used, e.g.,
                        _BLOCKCOMPILE(COUNT (COUNT COUNT1))

                        If blkfns is NIL, list[blkname] is used, e.g.,

                        blockcompile   asks   the    standard   compiler
                        questions  and then  begins compiling.   As with
                        compile, if the  compiled code is  being written
                        to a file, the file is closed unless flg=T.  The
                        value of blockcompile is a list of  the entries,
                        or if entries=NIL, the value is blkname.

                        The  output of  a  call to  blockcompile  is one
                        function    definition    for    blkname,   plus
                        definitions for each of the functions on entries
                        if any.   These entry  functions are  very short
                        functions which immediately call blkname.

Block Declarations

Since block compiling a  file frequently involves giving the  compiler a
lot of information  about the nature  and structure of  the compilation,
e.g.,  block  functions,  entries, specvars,  linking,  et  al,  we have
implemented   a   special   prettydef   command   to   facilitate   this
commmunication.  The user includes in the third argument to  prettydef a
command of the form
(BLOCKS block1 ... block2 ... blockn)  where  each  block1  is  a  block
declaration.   bcompl and  brecompile described  below are  sensitive to
these declarations and take the appropriate action.

The form of a block declaration is:

(blkname blkfn1 ... blkfnm (var1 . value) ... (varn . value))

blkfn1 ... blkfnm  are  the functions  in  the block  and  correspond to
blkfns  in  the  call to  blockcompile.   The  (var . value) expressions
indicate the settings for variables affecting the compilation.

As an example, the value  of editblocks is shown below.  It  consists of
three block declarations, editblock, editfindblock, and edit4e.

    If only one entry  is specified, the block  name can also be  one of
    the blkfns, e.g., BLOCKCOMPILE(FOO (FOO FIE FUM) (FOO)). However, if
    more  than  one entry  is  specified, an  error  will  be generated,


                   EDITH (ENTRIES EDITL0 ## UNDOEDITL)
                   (SPECVARS L COM LCFLG #1 #2 #3 LISPXBUFS
                             **COMMENT**FLG PRETTYFLG UNDOLST
                   (RETFNS EDITL0)
                              HISTORYCOMS EDITRACEFN)
                               EDITMV EDITXTR)
                   (BLKLIBRARY LENGTH NTH LAST)
                   (NOLINKFNS EDITRACEFN))
                        EDITFPAT1 EDIT4F1 EDIT4F2 EDIT4F3 EDITSMASH
                        EDITFINDP EDITBF EDITBF1 ESUBST
                                 EDITBF ESUBST))

Whenever  bcompl or  brecompile  encounter a  block  declaraction   they
rebind   retfns,   specvars,   localfreevars,   globalvars,  blklibrary,
nolinkfns, linkfns,  and dontcompilefns to  their top level  value, bind
blkapplyfns and entries to NIL, and bind blkname to the first element of
the declaration.  They then scan the rest of the  declaration, gathering
up all atoms, and  setting car of each  nonatomic element to cdr  of the
expression if atomic,  e.g., (LINKFNS . T), or else  to union of  cdr of
the   expressions   with   the   current   (rebound)    value,     e.g.,
(GLOBALVARS EDITCOMSA EDITCOMSL).   When the  declaration  is exhausted,
the  block compiler  is  called and  given  blkname, the  list  of block
functions, and entries.

Note  that  since all  compiler  variables are  rebound  for  each block
declaration, the declaration  only has to  set those variables  it wants
changed.   Furthermore, setting  a variable  in one  declaration  has no
effect on the variable's value for another declaration.

After finishing all blocks, bcompl and brecompile treat any functions in

    The BLOCKS command outputs a DECLARE expression, which is noticed by
    bcompl and brecompile.

    Expressions of the form (var * form) will cause form to be evaluated
    and   the   resulting   list   used   as   described   above,  e.g.,


the file that did not appear  in a block declaration in the same  way as
do  tcompl  and  recompile.   If the  user  wishes  a  function compiled
separately  as well  as in  a block,  or if  he wishes  to  compile some
functions (not blockcompile),  with some compiler variables  changed, he
can   use   a    special   pseudo-block   declaration   of    the   form
(NIL fn1 ... fnm (var1 . value) ... (varn . value)) which  means compile
fn1 ... fnm after first  setting var1 ... varn as described  above.  For

appearing  as  a  "block  declaration"  will  cause  the  six  indicated
functions to be compiled while linkfns=T so that all of their calls will
be linked (except for those functions on nolinkfns).


bcompl[files;cfile]     files is a list of symbolic files.   (If atomic,
                        list[files] is used.) bcompl differs from tcompl
                        in that  it compiles all  of the files  at once,
                        instead of one at a time, in order to permit one
                        block to  contain functions in  several files.
                        Output is to cfile if given, otherwise to a file
                        whose  name is  car[files] suffixed  with COM,
                        e.g.,  bcompl[(EDIT WEDIT)]  produces  one file,

                        bcompl  asks  the  standard  compiler questions,
                        except  for  OUTPUT FILE:,  then  processes each
                        file exactly the  same as does tcompl  (see page
                        18.7).     Bcompl  next   processes   the  block
                        declarations  as described  above.   Finally, it
                        compiles those functions not mentioned in one of
                        the block declarations, and then writes  out all
                        other expressions.

                        The value of bcompl is the output file  (the new
                        compiled file).   If the compilation  is aborted
                        due  to an  error  or control-D,  all  files are
                        closed and the (partially complete)  output file
                        is deleted.

    Thus if you have several  files to be bcompled separately,  you must
    make several calls to bcompl.

    or value of compile.ext, as explained earlier.

    In fact, tcompl is defined in terms of bcompl.  The  only difference
    is that tcompl calls  bcompl with an extra argument  specifying that
    all block declarations are to be ignored.


                        Note that it is permissible to tcompl  files set
                        up  for  bcompl;  the  block  declarations  will
                        simply  have  no  effect.   Similarly,  you  can
                        bcompl a  file that does  not contain  any block
                        declarations and the result will be the  same as
                        having tcompled it.


Brecompile  plays the  same  role for  bcompl that  recompile  plays for
tcompl:  its purpose  is to  allow the  user to  update a  compiled file
without requiring an entire bcompl.

                        files is  a list of  symbolic files  (if atomic,
                        list[files]  is  used).  cfile  is  the compiled
                        file   corresponding  to   bcompl[files]   or  a
                        previous brecompile, i.e., it  contains compiled
                        definitions   that    may   be    copied.    The
                        interpretation  of  fns  is  the  same  as  with

                        brecompile asks the standard  compiler questions
                        except for OUTPUT  FILE: As with  bcompl, output
                        automatically  goes to  file.COM, where  file is
                        the first file in files.

                        brecompile processes each file the same  as does
                        recompile  as  described  on  page   18.8,  then
                        processes each block declaration.  If any of the
                        functions in the block are to be recompiled, the
                        entire   block   must   be    (is)   recompiled.
                        Otherwise,  the block  is copied  from  cfile as
                        with  recompile.  For  pseudo-block declarations
                        of   the   form   (NIL fn1 ...),   all  variable
                        assignments are  made, but only  those functions
                        so indicated by fns are recompiled.

                        After   completing   the   block   declarations,
                        brecompile processes  all functions that  do not
                        appear in a block declaration, recompiling those
                        dictated  by  fns,  and  copying   the  compiled
                        definitions of the remaining from cfile.

                        Finally, brecompile writes onto the  output file
                        the "other expressions" collected in the initial
                        scan of files.

    In  fact, recompile  is defined  in terms  of brecompile.   The only
    difference is that recompile calls brecompile with an extra argument
    specifying that all block declarations are to be ignored.


                        The value of brecompile is the output  file (the
                        new  compiled  file).   If  the  compilation  is
                        aborted due to an error or control-D,  all files
                        are closed  and the (partially  complete) output
                        file is deleted.

                        If cfile= NIL, file.COM is used.    In addition,
                        if fns and cfile are both NIL, fns is set to T.

18.12 Compiler Structure

The compiler  has two  principal passes.  The  first compiles  its input
into a macro assembly language called LAP.   The second pass expands the
LAP  code,  producing (numerical)  machine  language  instructions.  The
output of the second pass is  written on a file and/or stored  in binary
program space.

Input  to  the compiler  is  usually a  standard  INTERLISP S-expression
function definition.  However, in INTERLISP-10, machine  language coding
can be included  within a function  by the use  of one or  more assemble
forms.  In other words, assemble allows the user to write protions  of a
function in LAP.   Note that assemble is  only a compiler  directive; it
has no independent definition.  Therefore, functions which  use assemble
must be compiled in order to run.

18.13 Assemble

The   format    of   assemble    is   similar    to   that    of   PROG:
(ASSEMBLE V S1 S2 . . . SN).   V  is a  list  of variables  to  be bound
during the first pass of the compilation, not during the running  of the
object   code.    The  assemble   statements   S1 ... SN   are  compiled
sequentially, each resulting in one or more instructions of object code.
When run, the value of the assemble "form" is the contents of AC1 at the
end of the execution  of the assemble instructions.  Note  that assemble
may appear anywhere in  an INTERLISP-10 function.  For example,  one may

                                                 (MOVEI 1 , -5)
                                                 (JSYS 13)))

    See footnote on page 18.8.

    The  exact  form  of  the  macro  assembly  language   is  extremely
    implementation  dependent,  as  well  as  being  influenced  by  the
    architecture and instruction set  for the machine that will  run the
    compiled program.  The remainder of Section 18 discusses LAP for the


to test if job runtime exceeds 4 seconds.

Assemble Statements

If  an  assemble  statement  is  an  atom,  it  is  treated  as  a label
identifying the location of the next statement that will be assembled.
Such labels  defined in an  assemble form are  like prog labels  in that
they may be referenced from the current and lower level nested  progs or

If an assemble statement is not an atom, car of the statement must be an
atom and one of the following: (1) a number; (2) a LAP op-def (i.e., has
a property  value OPD);  (3) an  assembler macro  (i.e., has  a property
value  AMAC); or  (4)  one of  the special  assemble  instructions given
below, e.g.,  C, CQ, etc.   Anything else will  cause the  error message

The types  of assemble  statements are  described here  in the  order of
priority used in  the assemble processor; that  is, if an atom  has both
properties OPD  and AMAC,  the OPD  will be  used.  Similarly  a special
assemble  instruction  may  be redefined  via  an  AMAC.   The following
descriptions are  of the first  pass processing of  assemble statements.
The second  pass processing  is described  in the  section on  LAP, page

(1) numbers

If  car of  an assemble  statement  is a  number, the  statement  is not
processed in the first pass.  (See page 18.29.)

(2) LAP op-defs

The property  OPD is  used for  two different  types of  op-defs: PDP-10
machine instructions, and LAP  macros. If the OPD definition  (i.e., the
property value) is a number, the op-def is a machine  instruction.  When
a  machine  instruction,  e.g.,  HRRZ, appears  as  car  of  an assemble
statement, the statement is not  processed during the first pass  but is
passed to LAP.  The forms and processing of machine instructions  by LAP
are described on page 18.30.

If the OPD definition is not  a number, then the op-def is a  LAP macro.
When a LAP macro is encountered in an assemble statement,  its arguments
are evaluated and processing  of the statement with  evaluated arguments
is left for the second pass  and LAP.  For example, LDV is a  LAP macro,
and (LDV (QUOTE X) SP) in assemble code results in (LDV X N) in  the LAP
code, where N is the value of SP.

    A label can be the last thing in an assemble form, in which  case it
    labels  the location  of the  first instruction  after  the assemble


The form and processing of LAP macros are described on page 18.31.

(3) assemble macros

If car of an assemble statement has a property AMAC, the statement is an
assemble macro call.  There are two types of assemble macros: lambda and
substitution.  If car  of the macro definition  is the atom  LAMBDA, the
definition  will  be  applied  to the  arguments  of  the  call  and the
resulting list  of statements  will be  assembled.  For  example, repeat
could be a LAMBDA macro with two arguments, n and m, which  expands into
n    occurrences   of    m,   e.g.,    (REPEAT 3 (CAR1))    expands   to
((CAR1) (CAR1) (CAR1)).  The definition  (i.e., value of  property AMAC)
for repeat is:

                   (LAMBDA (N M)
                     (PROG (YY)
                       A   (COND
                             ((ILESSP N 1)
                               (RETURN (CAR YY)))
                             (T (SETQ YY (TCONC YY M))
                                (SETQ N (SUB1 N))
                                (GO A)))))

If car of the macro definition is not the atom LAMBDA, it must be a list
of dummy symbols.  The arguments  of the macro call will  be substituted
for  corresponding  appearances  of  the dummy  symbols  in  cdr  of the
definition, and  the resulting list  of statements will  be assembled.
For  example,  ubox  could  be  a  substitution  macro  which  takes one
argument, a number, and expands into instructions to compile the unboxed
value of this number and put the result on the number stack.

The definition of UBOX is:

                           (CQ (VAG E))
                           (PUSH NP , 1))

Thus     (UBOX (ADD1 X)) expands to:

                        ((CQ (VAG (ADD1 X)))
                         (PUSH NP , 1))

(4) special assemble statements

    Note  that  assemble  macros  produce a  list  of  statements  to be
    assembled, whereas compiler  macros produce a single  expression. An
    assemble  macro  which computes  a  list of  statements  begins with
    LAMBDA and may be either spread or no-spread. The analogous compiler
    macro  begins with  an  atom, (i.e.,  is always  no-spread)  and the
    LAMBDA is understood.


    (CQ s1 s2 ...)      CQ (compile quote) takes any number of arguments
                        which  are assumed  to be  regular S-expressions
                        and are compiled in the normal way.  E.g.
                             (CQ (COND ((NULL Y) (SETQ Y 1)))
                                 (SETQ X (IPLUS Y Z)))

Note: to avoid confusion,  it is best to have  as much of a  function as
possible compiled in  the normal way,  e.g., to load  the value of  x to
AC1, (CQ X) is preferred to (LDV (QUOTE X) SP).

    (C s1 s2 ...)       C (compile) takes any number of  arguments which
                        are first evaluated, then compiled in  the usual
                        way.   Both C  and  CQ permit  the  inclusion of
                        regular compilation within an assemble form.

    (E e1 e2 ...)       E (evaluate) takes any number of arguments which
                        are evaluated in sequence.  For example, (PSTEP)
                        calls a  function which increments  the compiler
                        variable SP.

    (SETQ var)          Compiles  code to  set the  variable var  to the
                        contents of AC1.

    (FASTCALL fn)       Compiles code to call fn.  Fn must be one of the
                        SUBR's  that   expects  its  arguments   in  the
                        accumulators,  and not  on the  push-down stack.
                        Currently, these  are cons,  and the  boxing and
                        unboxing routines.

                                  (CQ X)
                                  (LDV2 (QUOTE Y) SP 2)
                                  (FASTCALL CONS)

                        and cons[x,y] will be in AC1.

    (* ... )            * is used  to indicate a comment;  the statement
                        is ignored.


There are several  locations in the  basic machine code  of INTERLISP-10
which may be referenced from  compiled code.  The current value  of each
location is stored  on the property  list under the  property COREVAL.

    list may also  be called with fastcall  by placing its  arguments on
    the pushdown stack, and the number of arguments in AC1.

    The  value  of  corevals  is  a  list  of  all  atoms  with  COREVAL


Since these locations may change in different reassemblies of INTERLISP-
10, they are written symbolically on compiled code files, i.e., the name
of the  corresponding COREVAL is  written, not its  value.  Some  of the
COREVALs used frequently in assemble are:

                   CONS      entry to function CONS
                   LIST      entry to function LIST
                   KT        contains (pointer to) atom T
                   KNIL      contains (pointer to) atom NIL
                   MKN       routine to box an integer
                   MKFN      routine to box floating number
                   IUNBOX    routine to unbox an integer
                   FUNBOX    routine to unbox floating number

The  index registers  used  for the  push-down stack  pointers  are also
included as  COREVALS.  These are  not expected to  change, and  are not
stored  symbolically on  compiled code  files; however,  they  should be
referenced symbolically in assemble code.  They are:

                   PP        parameter stack
                   CP        control stack
                   NP        number stack

18.14 LAP

LAP (for LISP assembly Processor)  expands the output of the  first pass
of compilation to produce numerical machine instructions.

LAP Statements

If a LAP statement is an atom, it is treated as a label  identifying the
location of the next statement  to be processed.  If a LAP  statement is
not an atom, car of it must  be an atom and one of the following:  (1) a
number; (2) a machine instruction; or (3) a LAP macro.

(1) numbers

If car of a LAP statement is a number, a location containing  the number
is produced in the object code.

                   e.g.,          (ADD 1 , A (1))
                       A     (1)

Statements of  this type are  processed like machine  instructions, with
the initial number serving as a 36-bit op-code.

(2) Machine Instructions


If car of a  LAP statement has a  numeric value for the  property OPD,
the statement is a machine  instruction.  The general form of  a machine
instruction is:

                             (opcode ac , @ address (index))

Opcode is any PDP-10 instruction mnemonic or INTERLISP UUO.

Ac, the accumulator field, is optional.  However, if present, it must be
followed by a comma.   Ac is either a number  or an atom with  a COREVAL
property.  The low order 4 bits of the number or COREVAL are OR'd to the
AC field of the instruction.

@ may be used anywhere in the instruction to specify indirect addressing
(bit 13 set in the instruction) e.g., (HRRZ 1 , @ ' V).

Address is the address field which may be any of the following:

    = constant          Reference  to an  unboxed constant.   A location
                        containing the unboxed constant will  be created
                        in a region at the end of the function,  and the
                        address of the location containing  the constant
                        is placed  in the address  field of  the current
                        instruction.  The constant may be a number e.g.,
                        (CAME 1 , = 3596);  an  atom  with   a  property
                        COREVAL (in which case the constant is the value
                        of the property,  at LOAD time); any  other atom
                        which  is treated  as a  label (the  constant is
                        then the address of the labeled  location) e.g.,
                        (MOVE 1 , = TABLE)     is      equivalent     to
                        (MOVEI 1 , TABLE); or an expression  whose value
                        is a number.

    ' pointer           The  address  is  a  reference  to  a  INTERLISP
                        pointer, e.g., a  list, number, string,  etc.  A
                        location containing the pointer is  assembled at
                        the  end  of  the  function,  and   the  current
                        instruction  will  have  the  address   of  this
                        e.g., (HRRZ 1 , ' "IS NOT DEFINED")
                        (HRRZ 1 , ' (NOT FOUND))

    *                   Specifies the  current location in  the compiled
                        function; e.g.,  (JRST * 2) has the  same effect
                        as (SKIPA).

    The value is  an 18 bit quantity  (rather than 9), since  some UUO's
    also use the AC field of the instruction.

    The TENEX JSYS's are not defined, that is, one must write (JSYS 107)
    instead of (KFORK).


    literal atom        If  the atom  has a  property COREVAL,  it  is a
                        reference   to   a   system    location,   e.g.,
                        (SKIPA 1 , KNIL),  and the  address used  is the
                        value of the  coreval.  Otherwise the atom  is a
                        label referencing  a location  in the  LAP code,
                        e.g., (JRST A).

    number              The number is the address; e.g.,
                        (MOVSI 1 , 400000Q)
                        (HLRZ 2 , 1 (1))

    list                The  form is  evaluated,  and its  value  is the

Anything  else  in the  address  field causes  an  error  message, e.g.,
(SKIPA 1 , KNILL) - LAPERROR.  A number may follow the address field and
will be added to it, e.g., (JRST A 2).

Index  is denoted  by  a list  following  the address  field,  i.e., the
address field  must be present  if an  index field is  to be  used.  The
index (car  of the  list) must  be either a  number, or  an atom  with a
property COREVAL, e.g., (HRRZ 1 , 0 (1)) or (ANDM 1 , -1 (NP)).  

(3) LAP macros

If car  of a LAP  statement is the  name of a  LAP macro, i.e.,  has the
property OPD, the statement is a macro call.  The arguments of  the call
follow the macro name: e.g., (LQ2 FIE 3).

LAP macro calls  comprise most of  the output of  the first pass  of the
compiler, and may  also be used in  assemble.  The definitions  of these
macros are stored on the property list under the property OPD,  and like
assembler macros, may be  either lambda or substitution macros.   In the
first case,  the macro  definition is  applied to  the arguments  of the
call;   in the  second case, the arguments  of the call  are substituted
for occurrences of the dummy symbols in the definition.  In  both cases,
the  resulting  list  of  statements  is  again  processed,  with  macro
expansion continuing till the level of machine instructions is reached.

Some examples of LAP macros are shown in Figure 18-2.

    If  assemble  code is  intended  to be  swappable  (see  Section 3),
    indexing should not be  used in instructions that refer  to assemble

    The arguments  were already  evaluated in the  first pass,  see page


  (SVN ((N P)                        (* STORE VARIABLE NAME)
        (MOVE 1 , ' N)
        (HRLM 1 , P (PP))))
  (SVB ((N)                          (* STORE VARIABLE NAME AND VALUE)
        (HRL 1 , ' N)
        (PUSH PP , 1)))
  (LQ ((X)                           (* LOAD QUOTE TO AC1)
       (HRRZ 1 , ' X)))
  (LQ2 ((X AC)                       (* LOAD QUOTE TO AC)
        (HRRZ AC , ' X)))
  (LDV ((A SP)                       (* LOAD LOCAL VARIABLE TO AC1)
        (HRRZ 1 , (VREF A SP))))
  (STV ((A SP)                       (* SET LOCAL VARIABLE FROM AC1)
        (HRRM 1 , (VREF A SP))))
  (LDV2 ((A SP AC)                   (* LOAD LOCAL VARIABLE TO AC)
         (HRRZ AC , (VREF A SP))))
  (LDF ((A SP)                       (* LOAD FREE VARIABLE TO AC1)
        (HRRZ 1 , (FREF A SP))))
  (STF ((A SP)                       (* SET FREE VARIABLE FROM AC1)
        (HRRM 1 , (FREF A SP))))
  (LDF2 ((A SP)                      (* LOAD FREE VARIABLE TO AC)
         (HRRZ 2 , (FREF A SP))))
  (CAR1 (NIL                         (* CAR OF AC1 TO AC1)
         (HRRZ 1 , 0 (1))))
  (CDR1 (NIL                         (* CDR OF AC1 TO AC1)
         (HLRZ 1 , 0 (1))))
  (CARQ ((V)                         (* CAR QUOTE)
         (HRRZ 1 , @ ' V)))
  (CARQ2 ((V AC)                     (* CAR QUOTE TO AC)
          (HRRZ AC , @ ' V)))
  (CAR2 ((AC)                        (* CAR OF AC TO AC)
         (HRRZ AC , 0 (AC))))
  (RPQ ((V)                          (* RPLACA QUOTE)
        (HRRM 1 , @ ' V)
  (CLL ((NAM N)                      (* CALL FN WITH N ARGS GIVEN)
        (CCALL N , ' NAM)))
  (LCLL ((NAM N)                     (* LINKED CALL WITH N ARGS)
         (LNCALL N , (MKLCL NAM))))
  (STE ((TY)                         (* SKIP IF TYPE EQUAL)
        (PSTE1 TY)))
  (STN ((TY)                         (* SKIP IF TYPE NOT EQUAL)
        (PSTN1 TY)))
  (RET (NIL                          (* RETURN FROM FN)
       (POPJ CP ,)
  (PUSHP (NIL (PUSH PP , 1)))
  (PUSHQ ((X)                        (* PUSH QUOTE)
          (PUSH PP , ' X)))

                              Figure 18-2

                         Examples of LAP Macros


18.15 Using Assemble

In order  to use assemble,  it is helpful  to know the  following things
about how  compiled code  is run.  All  variable bindings  and temporary
values  are stored  on the  parameter pushdown  stack.  When  a compiled
function is entered, the parameter pushdown list contains,  in ascending
order of address:

    1.   bindings  of  arguments  to the  function,  where  each binding
         occupies one word  on the stack with  the variable name  in the
         left half and the value in the right half.

    2.   pointers to the most recent bindings of free variables  used in
         the function.

The parameter push-down list  pointer, index register PP, points  to the
last free variable pointer on the stack.

Temporary  values,  PROG  and  LAMBDA  bindings,  and  the  arguments to
functions about to be called, are pushed on the stack following the free
variable pointers.  The  compiler uses the value  of the variable  SP to
keep track of the number of stack positions in use beyond the  last free
variable pointer, so that it knows where to find the arguments  and free
variable pointers.  The function PSTEP adds 1 to SP, and  PSTEPN(N) adds
N to SP (N can be positive or negative).

The  parameter  stack should  only  be used  for  storing  pointers.  In
addition, anything in the left half of a word on the stack is assumed to
be a variable name (see Section 12).  To store unboxed numbers,  use the
number  stack, NP.   Numbers may  be PUSH'ed  and POP'ed  on  the number

18.6 Miscellaneous

The  value of  a function  is always  returned in  AC1.   Therefore, the
pseudo-function, ac, is available for obtaining the current  contents of
AC1.   For  example (CQ (FOO (AC)))  compiles  a call  to  FOO  with the
current contents of AC1 as argument, and is equivalent to:

              (E (PSTEP))
              (CLL (QUOTE FOO) 1)
              (E (PSTEPN -1))

In  using ac,  be  sure that  it appears  as  the first  argument  to be
evaluated in the expression.  For example: (CQ (IPLUS (LOC (AC)) 2))

There are several ways to reference the values of variables  in assemble
code.  For example:

          to put value of X in AC1:         (CQ X)

          to put value of X in AC3:         (LDV2 (QUOTE X) SP 3)

          to set X to contents of AC1:      (SETQ X)


          to set X to contents of AC2:

              (E (STORIN (LIST (QUOTE HRRM) 2 (QUOTE ,)
                              (LIST (VARCOMP (QUOTE X))
                                    (QUOTE X)

          to box and unbox a number:

          (CQ (LOC (AC)))                box contents of AC1
          (FASTCALL MKN)                 box contents of AC1
          (FASTCALL MKFN)                floating box contents of AC1
          (CQ (VAG X))                      unboxed value of X to AC1
          (FASTCALL IUNBOX)              unbox contents of AC1
          (FASTCALL FUNBOX)              floating unbox of AC1

To  call  a function  directly,  the  arguments must  be  pushed  on the
parameter stack, and SP must  be updated, and then the  function called:

          (CQ (CAR X))
          (PUSHP)                      (* stack first argument)
          (E (PSTEP))
          (PUSHQ 3.14)
          (E (PSTEP))                  (* stack second argument)
          (CLL (QUOTE FUM) 2)          (* call FUM with 2 arguments)
          (E (PSTEPN -2))              (* adjust stack count)

and is equivalent to:

          (CQ (FUM (CAR X) 3.14))

18.17 Compiler Printout and Error Messages

For each function compiled, whether from tcomp1, recompile,  or compile,
the compiler prints:

         (fn COMPILING)
         (fn (arg1 ... argn) (free1 ... freen))

The first  message is printed  when the compilation  of fn  begins.  The
second message  is printed at  the beginning of  the second pass  of the
compilation of fn.  (arg1 ... argn) is the list of arguments to  fn, and
(free1 ... freen) the list of free variables referenced or set  in fn.
The  appearance of  non-variables, e.g.,  function names,  words  from a
comment, etc. in (free1 ... freen)  is a good indication  of parenthesis

    Does not include global variables, see page 18.4.


If the  compilation of fn  causes the generation  of one or  more gensym
functions (see page 18.13), compiler messages will be printed  for these
functions between the first message and the second message for fn, e.g.,

              (FOO COMPILING)
              (FOOA0027 COMPILING)
              (FOOA0027 NIL (X))
              (FOO (X) NIL)

The  compiler  output  for  block  compilation  is  similar   to  normal
compilation.  The pass one message, i.e., (fn compiling) is  printed for
each function in the block.   Then a second pass message is  printed for
the entire block.   Then both messages are printed for each entry to the

In addition to the above output, both recompile and brecompile print the
name of each function that is being copied from the old compiled file to
the new  compiled file.   The normal compiler  messages are  printed for
each function that is actually compiled.

Compiler Error Messages

Messages  describing  errors in  the  function being  compiled  are also
printed on the teletype.   These messages are always preceded  by *****.
Unless otherwise indicated below, the compilation will continue.

         If user intended to treat  the value of form as a  function, he
         should  use apply*.   form is  compiled as  if apply*  had been
         used.  See Section 8.

         The compiler has assumed fn is the name of a function.   If the
         user intended to treat the  value of fn as a function,  he must
         use apply*.  See Section 8.

         tg is a PROG label that  is defined more than once in  a single
         PROG.  The second definition is ignored.


    The names of the arguments  to the block are generated  by suffixing
    "#"    and     a    number    to     the    block     name,    e.g.,
    (FOOBLOCK (FOOBLOCK#0 FOOBLOCK#1) free-variables).

    This message is printed when fn is not defined, and is also  a local
    variable of the function being compiled. Note that  earlier versions
    of the INTERLISP compiler did treat fn as a functional argument, and
    compiled code to evaluate it.


         tg is  a PROG  label that is  referenced but  not defined  in a

         tg is  a label that  is defined more  than once in  an assemble

         tg is a label that is referenced but not defined in an ASSEMBLE

         tg is a label that was encountered twice during the second pass
         of the compilation.  If this error occurs with no indication of
         a multiply  defined tag during  pass one, the  tag is in  a LAP

         tg is  a label  that is  referenced during  the second  pass of
         compilation and  is not  defined.  LAP treats  tg as  though it
         were a coreval, and continues the compilation.

         The value of a predicate, such as GREATERP or EQ, is used as an
         argument to a function that expects numbers, such as IPLUS.

         x is  a global variable,  and is also  rebound in  the function
         being compiled, either as  an argument or as a  local variable.
         The error message is to  alert the user to the fact  that other
         functions will not see this binding, since x is always accessed
         directly through its value cell.

         op appears  as car  of an assemble  statement, and  is illegal.
         See page 18.26-28 for legal assemble statements.

         blkapply  is  used  in  the block  blkname,  but  there  are no
         blkapplyfns or entries declared for the block.

         return encountered when not in prog.

         go encountered when not in a prog.

         An expr definition for fn could not be found.  In this case, no
         code is produced for fn, and the compiler proceeds to  the next
         function to be compiled, if any.

         Same as above except  generates an error, thereby  aborting all
         compilation.  For example, this error condition occurs if fn is
         one of the functions in a block.



         Occurs when  recompile or brecompile  try to copy  the compiled
         definition  of fn  from cfile,  and cannot  find it.   See page
         18.36.  Generates an error.

         fn  was  specified as  an  entry to  a  block, or  else  was on
         blkapplyfns, but  did not appear  on the blkfns.   Generates an

         Generates an error.

         on calls to bcompl and brecompile.
