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                               SECTION 15

                     DEBUGGING - THE BREAK PACKAGE

15.1 Debugging Facilities

Debugging  a collection  of LISP  functions involves  isolating problems
within particular functions and/or determining when and  where incorrect
data  are being  generated and  transmitted.  In  the  INTERLISP system,
there are three facilities which allow the user to  (temporarily) modify
selected function definitions so that he can follow the flow  of control
in his  programs, and  obtain this  debugging information.   These three
facilities together  are called the  break package.  All  three redefine
functions in terms of a system function, break1 described below.

Break modifies the definition of its argument, a function fn, so that if
a break  condition (defined by  the user) is  satisfied, the  process is
halted temporarily on a call  to fn.  The user can then  interrogate the
state of the  machine, perform any  computation, and continue  or return
from the call.

Trace modifies  a definition  of a function  fn so  that whenever  fn is
called, its arguments (or some  other values specified by the  user) are
printed.  When the value of  fn is computed it is printed  also.  (trace
is a special case of break).

Breakin  allows the  user to  insert a  breakpoint inside  an expression
defining a  function.  When  the breakpoint  is reached  and if  a break
condition (defined by  the user) is  satisfied, a temporary  halt occurs
and the user can again investigate the state of the computation.

The following  two examples illustrate  these facilities.  In  the first
example,  the  user  traces  the  function  factorial.   trace redefines
factorial so  that it calls  break1 in  such a way  that it  prints some
information, in this case the arguments and value of factorial, and then
goes  on  with the  computation.   When  an error  occurs  on  the fifth
recursion, break1 reverts to interactive mode, and a full  break occurs.
The  situation  is then  the  same  as though  the  user  had originally
performed BREAK(FACTORIAL) instead of TRACE(FACTORIAL), and the user can
evaluate  various  INTERLISP  forms   and  direct  the  course   of  the
computation.   In  this case,  the  user examines  the  variable  n, and

    The break package was written by W. Teitelman.


instructs break1  to return 1  as the value  of this cell  to factorial.
The rest of the tracing proceeds without incident.  The user  would then
presumably edit factorial to change L to 1.

In  the  second  example,  the  user  has  constructed  a  non-recursive
definition of  factorial.  He uses  breakin to insert  a call  to break1
just after the PROG label LOOP.  This break is to occur only on the last
two iterations, i.e., when n is less than 2.  When the break occurs, the
user looks at the value of n.  mistakenly typing NN.  However, the break
is maintained and no damage is  done.  After examining n and m  the user
allows the computation to continue by typing OK.  A second  break occurs
after  the next  iteration,  this time  with  N=0.  When  this  break is
released, the function factorial returns its value of 120.


      ((ZEROP N

N = 4

   N = 3

      N = 2

         N = 1

            N = 0

            FACTORIAL = 1
         FACTORIAL = 1
      FACTORIAL = 2



    (PROG ((M 1))
            ((ZEROP N)
              (RETURN M)))
          (SETQ M (ITIMES M N))
          (SETQ N (SUB1 N))
          (GO LOOP])



15.2 Break1

The basic function of  the break package is break1.   Whenever INTERLISP
types a message of the form (- BROKEN) followed by ":" the user  is then
"talking to" break1, and  we say he is  "in a break." break1  allows the
user to interrogate the state of the world and affect the course  of the
computation.  It uses the prompt  character ":" to indicate it  is ready
to accept input(s) for evaluation,  in the same way as evalqt  uses "_".
The user may  type in an expression  for evaluation as with  evalqt, and
the value will be  printed out, followed by  another :. Or the  user can
type in one of the commands specifically recognized by  break1 described

Since break1 puts all of  the power of INTERLISP at the  user's command,
he can do anything he can do at evalqt.  For example, he can  insert new
breaks on subordinate functions simply by typing:

              (BREAK fn1 fn2 ...)

or he can remove old breaks and traces if too much information  is being


              (UNBREAK fn3 fn4 ...)

He can edit functions, including the one currently broken:


For example, the user might  evaluate an expression, see that  the value
was incorrect, call  the editor, change  the function, and  evaluate the
expression again, all without leaving the break.

Similarly, the user can  prettyprint functions, define new  functions or
redefine old ones, load  a file, compile functions, time  a computation,
etc.  In short,  anything that he  can do at the  top level can  be done
while  inside  of the  break.   In  addition the  user  can  examine the
pushdown list, via the functions described in Section 12, and even force
a  return back  to  some higher  function  via the  function  retfrom or

It is important to  emphasize that once a  break occurs, the user  is in
complete control  of the  flow of the  computation, and  the computation
will not  proceed without  specific instruction from  him.  If  the user
types in an  expression whose evaluation causes  an error, the  break is
maintained.  Similarly if the user aborts a computation   initiated from
within the break, the break  is maintained.  Only if the user  gives one
of the  commands that exits  from the break,  or evaluates a  form which
does  a retfrom  or reteval  back out  of break1,  will  the computation

Note  that break1  is  just another  INTERLISP function,  not  a special
system feature like  the interpreter or  the garbage collector.   It has
arguments which are  explained later, and returns  a value, the  same as
cons  or cond  or prog  or any  other function.   The value  returned by
break1 is  called "the value  of the break."  The user can  specify this
value explicitly by  using the RETURN  command described below.   But in
most cases, the value of a  is given implicitly, via a GO or OK command,
and is the result of evaluating "the break expression," brkexp, which is
one of the arguments to break1.

The break expression is an expression equivalent to the computation that
would have taken place had no break occurred.  For example, if  the user
breaks on  the function  FOO, the break  expression is  the body  of the
definition of FOO.   When the user  types OK or GO,  the body of  FOO is
evaluated, and its  value returned as the  value of the break,  i.e., to
whatever function called FOO.  The effect is the same as though no break
had occurred.  In other words, one can think of break1 as a  fancy eval,

    By typing control-E, see Section 16.

    Except that break1 does not "turn off" control-D, i.e.,  a control-D
    will force an immediate return back to the top level.


which  permits  interaction  before  and  after  evaluation.   The break
expression then corresponds to the argument to eval.

Break Commands

GO                      Releases the break and allows the computation to
                        proceed.   break1  evaluates  brkexp,  its first
                        argument, prints the value of the break.  brkexp
                        is set up by the function that created  the call
                        to  break1.   For  break  or  trace,  brkexp  is
                        equivalent to the body of the definition  of the
                        broken function.   For breakin, using  BEFORE or
                        AFTER,  brkexp  is  NIL.   For  breakin  AROUND,
                        brkexp   is  the   indicated   expression.   See
                        breakin, page 15.17.

OK                      Same as  GO except  the value  of brkexp  is not

EVAL                    Same  as  GO  or OK  except  that  the  break is
                        maintained after  the evaluation.  The  user can
                        then interrogate the value of the break which is
                        bound on the variable !value, and  continue with
                        the break.  Typing GO or OK following  EVAL will
                        not  cause reevaluation  but another  EVAL will.
                        EVAL is  a useful command  when the user  is not
                        sure whether or  not the break will  produce the
                        correct  value  and  wishes  to  be  able  to do
                        something about it if it is wrong.

RETURN form             The  value  of  the  indicated   computation  is
    or                  as the value of the break.
RETURN fn[args]         For example, one might use the EVAL  command and
                        follow this with RETURN (REVERSE !VALUE).

^                       Calls error! and aborts the break.   i.e., makes
                        it "go away" without returning a value.  This is
                        a useful way to unwind to a higher  level break.
                        All  other errors,  including  those encountered
                        while  executing the  GO, OK,  EVAL,  and RETURN
                        commands, maintain the break.

!EVAL                   function  is  first  unbroken,  then  the  break
                        expression is  evaluated, and then  the function
                        is  rebroken.   Very  useful  for  dealing  with
                        recursive functions.

!OK                     Function is first unbroken, evaluated, rebroken,
                        and  then  exited, i.e.,  !OK  is  equivalent to
                        !EVAL followed by OK.


!GO                     Function is first unbroken, evaluated, rebroken,
                        and  exited   with  value  typed,   i.e.,  !EVAL
                        followed by GO.

UB                      unbreaks brkfn, e.g.,

                        (FOO BROKEN)

                        and FOO is now unbroken

@                       resets the variable lastpos, which establishes a
                        context  for  the commands  ?=,  ARGS,  BT, BTV,
                        BTV*,  and   EDIT,  and  IN?   described  below.
                        lastpos is  the position of  a function  call on
                        the push-down stack.   It is initialized  to the
                        function just before  the call to  break1, i.e.,

                        @ treats  the rest of  the teletype line  as its
                        argument(s).    It  first   resets   lastpos  to
                        stknth[-1;BREAK1] and then for each atom  on the
                        line, @  searches backward, for  a call  to that
                        atom.    The   following   atoms   are   treated

                        @         do     not     reset     lastpos    to
                                  stknth[-1;BREAK1] but  leave it  as it
                                  was, and continue searching  from that

                        numbers   if  negative, move  lastpos  back that
                                  number of calls, if positive, forward,
                                  i.e.,      reset       lastpos      to

                        /         the next atom  is a number and  can be
                                  used  to  specify more  than  one call
                                  @ FOO / 3 is equivalent to
                                  @ FOO FOO FOO

                        =         resets  lastpos  to the  value  of the
                                  next expression, e.g., if the value of
                                  FOO is  a stack pointer,  @ =  FOO FIE
                                  will search for FIE in the environment
                                  specified by FOO.



                        If the push-down stack looks like

                                  BREAK1    (13)
                                  FOO       (12)
                                  SETQ      (11)
                                  COND      (10)
                                  PROG       (9)
                                  FIE        (8)
                                  COND       (7)
                                  FIE        (6)
                                  COND       (5)
                                  FIE        (4)
                                  COND       (3)
                                  PROG       (2)
                                  FUM        (1)

                        then @ FIE COND will set lastpos to the position
                        corresponding  to  (7); @ @ COND  will  then set
                        lastpos to (5); and @ FIE / 3 -1 to (3).

                        If @ cannot  successfully complete a  search, it
                        types (fn NOT FOUND),  where fn  is the  name of
                        the function for which it was searching.

                        When  @  finishes,  it  types  the  name  of the
                        function at lastpos, i.e., stkname[lastpos]

                        @ can  be used  on brkcoms.   In this  case, the
                        next command on  brkcoms is treated the  same as
                        the rest of the teletype line.

?=                      This  is  a  multi-purpose  command.   Its  most
                        common use is to interrogate the value(s) of the
                        arguments of the  broken function, e.g.,  if FOO
                        has three arguments (X Y Z), then typing ?= to a
                        break on FOO, will produce:

                        X =       value of X
                        Y =       value of Y
                        Z =       value of Z

    In fact, ?=  is a universal  mnemonic for displaying  argument names
    and  their  corresponding  values.  In  addition  to  being  a break
    command, ?=  is an edit  macro which prints  the argument  names and
    values for the current expression (see Section 9), and  a read-macro
    (actually ? is the read-macro character) which does the same for the
    current level list being read (see Sections 2 and 22).


                        ?= operates on the rest of the teletype  line as
                        its arguments.  If the line is empty, as  in the
                        above case, it prints all of the  arguments.  If
                        the  user types  ?= X (CAR Y), he  will  see the
                        value  of  X,  and the  value  of  (CAR Y).  The
                        difference  between using  ?= and  typing  X and
                        (CAR Y) directly to break1 is that  ?= evaluates
                        its inputs as of lastpos, i.e., it uses stkeval.
                        This  provides  a way  of  examing  variables or
                        performing computations as of a particular point
                        on the  stack.  For example,  @ FOO / 2 followed
                        by ?= X will allow the user to examine the value
                        of X in the previous call to FOO, etc.

                        ?= also  recognizes numbers  as refering  to the
                        correspondingly numbered argument, i.e., it uses
                        stkarg in this case.  Thus

                        :@ FIE
                        :?= 2

                        will  print the  name  and value  of  the second
                        argument of FIE.

                        ?= can  also be used  on brkcoms, in  which case
                        the next  command on brkcoms  is treated  as the
                        rest  of  the teletype  line.   For  example, if
                        brkcoms  is (EVAL ?= (X Y) GO),  brkexp  will be
                        evaluated, the  values of X  and Y  printed, and
                        then the  function exited  with its  value being

BT                      Prints  a  backtrace  of  function   names  only
                        starting  at  lastpos.   (See  discussion  of  @
                        above)  The  several  nested  calls   in  system
                        packages such as break, edit, and the  top level
                        executive   appear   as   the   single   entries
                        **BREAK**, **EDITOR**, and **TOP** respectively.

BTV                     Prints  a  backtrace  of  function   names  with
                        variables beginning at lastpos.

BTV*                    Same  as  BTV except  also  prints  arguments of
                        internal calls to eval (see Section 12).

BTV!                    Same as BTV  except prints everything  on stack.
                        (See Section 12).

BT, BTV, BTV*, and BTV! all permit an optional functional argument which
is a predicate  that chooses functions to  be skipped on  the backtrace,
e.g.,       BT       SUBRP       will       skip        all       SUBRs,
BTV (LAMBDA (X) (NOT (MEMB X FOOFNS))) will skip all but those functions


on FOOFNS.   If used as  a brkcom the  functional argument is  no longer
optional, i.e., the next brkcom must either be the  functional argument,
or NIL if no functional argument is to be applied.

For BT, BTV, BTV*, and BTV!, if control-P is used to change a printlevel
during  the  backtrace,  the  printlevel  will  be  restored  after  the
backtrace is completed.

ARGS                    Prints  the  names  of  the  variables  bound at
                        lastpos, i.e., variables[lastpos]  (Section 12).
                        For most cases,  these are the arguments  to the
                        function   entered  at   that   position,  i.e.,

The  following two  commands  are for  use  only with  unbound  atoms or
undefined function breaks (see Section 16).

= form, = fn[args]      only  for the  break following  an  unbound atom
                        error.  Sets the atom to the value of  the form,
                        or function and arguments, exits from  the break
                        returning   that   value,   and   continues  the
                        computation, e.g.,

                        (FOO BROKEN)
                        := (COPY FIE)

                        sets FOO and goes on.

-> expr                 for  use  either  with  unbound  atom  error, or
                        undefined    function   error.    Replaces   the
                        expression containing the error with  expr  (not
                        the value of expr) e.g.,

                        (FOO1 BROKEN)
                        :-> FOO

                        changes  the  FOO1  to  FOO  and  continues  the

    ->  does  not  change  just  brkexp;  it  changes  the  function  or
    expression containing the erroneous  form. In other words,  the user
    does not have to perform any additional editing.


                        expr need not be atomic, e.g.,

                        (FOO BROKEN)
                        :-> (QUOTE FOO)

                        For  U.D.F.  breaks,  the  user  can  specify  a
                        function and initial arguments, e.g.,

                        (MEMBERX BROKEN)
                        :-> MEMBER X

                        Note  that  in  the  case  of  a   U.D.F.  error
                        occurring immediately following a call to apply,
                        e.g., (APPLY X Y)  where the value  of x  is FOO
                        and  FOO  is   undefined,  or  a   U.B.A.  error
                        immediately  following  a  call  to  eval, e.g.,
                        (EVAL X), where the value of x is FOO and FOO is
                        unbound, there  is no expression  containing the
                        offending  atom.    In  this  case,   ->  cannot
                        operate, so ? is printed and no action taken.

EDIT                    designed  for  use  in  conjunction  with breaks
                        caused  by  errors.   Facilitates   editing  the
                        expression causing the break:

                        NON-NUMERIC ARG
                        (IPLUS BROKEN)
                        IN FOO...
                        (IPLUS X Z)
                        *(3 Y)

                        and user can continue by typing OK, EVAL, etc.

This  command  is  very  simple  conceptually,  but  complicated  in its
implementation by  all of the  exceptional cases  involving interactions
with compiled functions, breaks on user functions, error  breaks, breaks
within breaks, et al.  Therefore, we shall give the following simplified
explanation  which will  account for  90% of  the situations  arising in
actual usage.  For those others, EDIT will print an  appropriate failure
message and return to the break.

EDIT begins  by searching up  the stack beginning  at lastpos (set  by @
command, initially position of the  break) looking for a form,  i.e., an
internal call to eval.  Then EDIT continues from that point  looking for
a call to an interpreted function, or to eval.  It then calls the editor
on either the EXPR or the argument to eval in such a way as to  look for
an expression eq to  the form that it  first found.  It then  prints the
form, and permits interactive editing to begin.  Note that the  user can
then type successive  0's to the editor  to see the chain  of superforms
for this computation.


If the  user exits from  the edit  with an OK,  the break  expression is
reset, if possible, so that  the user can continue with  the computation
by simply typing OK.  However, in some situations, the  break expression
cannot be  reset. For  example, if a  compiled function  FOO incorrectly
called putd  and caused the  error ARG NOT ATOM followed  by a  break on
putd, EDIT might be able to  find the form headed by FOO, and  also find
that  form in  some  higher interpreted  function.  But  after  the user
corrected the problem in the  FOO-form, if any, he would still  not have
in any way informed EDIT  what to do about the immediate  problem, i.e.,
the incorrect call to putd.  However, if FOO were interpreted EDIT would
find the putd  form itself, so that  when the user corrected  that form,
EDIT could  use the new  corrected form to  reset the  break expression.
The two cases are shown below:

     ARG NOT ATOM                 ARG NOT ATOM
     (FUM)                        (PUTD BROKEN)
     (PUTD BROKEN)                :EDIT
     :EDIT                        IN FOO...
     IN FIE...                    (PUTD X)
     (FOO X)                      EDIT
     EDIT                         *(2 (CAR X))
     *(2 (CAR X))                 *OK
     *OK                          FOO
     FIE                          PUTD
     U = (FUM)
     :(SETQ U (CAR U))

IN?                     similar to  EDIT, but  just prints  parent form,
                        and superform, but does not call editor, e.g.,

                        ATTEMPT TO RPLAC NIL
                        (RPLACD BROKEN)
                        FOO: (RPLACD X Z)

Although EDIT and IN? were  designed for error breaks, they can  also be
useful for user  breaks.  For example, if  upon reaching a break  on his
function FOO, the user determines that there is a problem in the call to
FOO, he can  edit the calling form  and reset the break  expression with
one  operation by  using EDIT.   The following  two protocol's  with and
without the use of EDIT, illustrate this:

    Evaluating the  new brkexp will  involve reevaluating the  form that
    causes the break, e.g., if (PUTD (QUOTE (FOO)) big-computation) were
    handled by EDIT, big-computation would be reevaluated.


     (FOO BROKEN)                           (FOO BROKEN)
     :?=                                    :?=
     X = (A B C)                            X = (A B C)
     Y = D                                  Y = D
     :B                                     :EDIT
                                            IN FIE...
     FOO                                    (FOO V U)
     SETQ                                   EDIT
     COND          find which function      *(SW 2 3)
     PROG          FOO is called from       *OK
     FIE                                    FIE
                   (aborted with ^E)        :OK
     :EDITF(FIE)                            FOO
     *F FOO P
     (FOO V U)     edit it
     *(SW 2 3)
     :(SETQ Y X)   reset X and Y
     (A B C)
     :(SETQQ X D)
     X = D
     Y = (A B C)   check them

REVERT                  goes  back  to  position  lastpos  on  stack and
                        reenters the function called at that  point with
                        the  arguments  found  on  the  stack.   If  the
                        function  is  not already  broken,  REVERT first
                        breaks  it, and  then  unbreaks it  after  it is

REVERT is useful for restarting  a computation in the situation  where a
bug  is  discovered  at  some point  below  where  the  problem actually
occurred.  REVERT essentially  says "go back there  and start over  in a

    x  and  y  have  not been  changed,  but  brkexp  has.  See previous

    REVERT  can  also  be  given  the  position  using  the  conventions
    described for @ on page 15.6, e.g., REVERT FOO -1 is equivalent to @
    FOO -1 followed by REVERT.



?                       prints the names of the break commands.


The fourth argument to break1 is brkcoms, a list of break  commands that
break1 interprets and executes as though they were teletype  input.  One
can think  of brkcoms as  another input file  which always  has priority
over the teletype.  Whenever brkcoms=NIL, break1 reads its  next command
from the  teletype.  Whenever brkcoms  is not NIL,  break1 takes  as its
next  command  car[brkcoms]  and  sets  brkcoms  to  cdr[brkcoms].   For
example, suppose  the user  wished to see  the value  of the  variable x
after  a  function  was  evaluated.   He  would  set  up  a  break  with
brkcoms=(EVAL (PRINT X) OK), which would  have the desired  effect.  The
function trace uses brkcoms: it  sets up a break with two  commands; the
first one  prints the arguments  of the function,  or whatever  the user
specifies, and the second is  the command GO, which causes  the function
to be evaluated and its value printed.

If brkcoms is not NIL, the value of a break command is not  printed.  If
you desire to see a value,  you must print it yourself, as in  the above
example with the command (PRINT X).

Note:  whenever an  error occurs,  brkcoms  is set  to NIL,  and  a full
interactive break occurs.


The break package has a  facility for redirecting ouput to a  file.  The
variable brkfile should  be set to  the name of  the file, and  the file
must be  opened.  All output  resulting from brkcoms  will be  output to
brkfile, e.g., output  due to TRACE.  Output  due to user typein  is not
affected, and will always go to the terminal.  brkfile is initially T.

    REVERT  will  work  correctly  if  the  names  or  arguments  to the
    function, or even its function type, have been changed.

    Normally, when  a user  breaks or  traces a  function, the  value of
    brkcoms for the  corresponding call to  break1 will be  defaulted to
    NIL. However, it is possible to specify a list of break commands, as
    described in the discussion of break and break1 below.



Whenever an atomic command is  given break1 that it does  not recognize,
either via brkcoms or the teletype, it searches the list breakmacros for
the                 command.                 The form  of breakmacros is
( ... (macro command1 command2 ... commandn) ...).   If  the  command is
defined as  a macro, break1  simply appends its  definition, which  is a
sequence of  commands, to  the front of  brkcoms, and  goes on.   If the
command is not contained in breakmacros, it is treated as a  function or
variable as before.

Example: the command ARGS could be defined by including  on breakmacros:


If  the user  is developing  programs  that change  the way  a  user and
INTERLISP normally  interact, e.g., change  or disable the  interrupt or
line-editing  characters,  turn  off echoing,  etc.,  debugging  them by
breaking or tracing  may be difficult, because  INTERLISP might be  in a
"funny" state at the time  of the break. breakresetforms is  designed to
solve  this  problem.  The  user  puts  on  breakresetforms  expressions
suitable for  use in  conjunction with resetform  (section 5).    When a
break occurs, break1 evaluates each expression on breakresetforms before
any interaction with the terminal, and saves the values.  When the break
expression is evaluated  via an EVAL, OK,  or GO, break1  first restores
the  state of  the system  with respect  to the  various  expressions on
breakresetforms.  When (if)  control returns to break1,  the expressions
on breakresetforms are again  evaluated, and their values  saved.   When
the break  is exited via  an OK, GO,  RETURN, or  command,  break1 again
restores state. Thus the net effect is to make the break  invisible with
respect  to the  user's  programs, but  nevertheless allow  the  user to
interact in the break in the normal fashion.  

    If  the  command  is  not the  name  of  a  defined  function, bound
    variable, or lispx command, break1 will attempt  spelling correction
    using breakcomslst as  a spelling list.   If spelling  correction is
    unsuccessful, break1 will go ahead and call lispx anyway,  since the
    atom may also be a misspelled history command.

    i.e., the value  of each form is  its "previous state," so  that the
    effect of evaluating the form  can be undone by applying car  of the
    form   to   the   value,   e.g.,   radix,   printlevel,  linelength,
    setreadtable, interruptchar, etc., all have this property.

    Because a lower function might have changed the state of  the system
    with respect to one of the these expressions!


15.3 Break Functions

                        is  an  nlambda.  brkwhen  determines  whether a
                        break is to occur.  If its value is  NIL, brkexp
                        is  evaluated  and  returned  as  the  value  of
                        break1.   Otherwise   a  break  occurs   and  an
                        identifying  message  is  printed  using  brkfn.
                        Commands  are  then taken  from  brkcoms  or the
                        teletype  and  interpreted.   The  commands, GO,
                        !GO, OK, !OK, RETURN and ^, are the only ways to
                        leave break1.  The command EVAL causes brkexp to
                        be  evaluated,  and  saves  the  value   on  the
                        variable !value.  Other commands can  be defined
                        for break1 via breakmacros.  brktype is  NIL for
                        user breaks, INTERRUPT for control-H breaks, and
                        ERRORX for error breaks.

For error breaks, the input buffer is cleared and saved.  (For control-H
breaks,  the input  buffer was  cleared at  the time  the  control-H was
typed, see  Section 16.) In  both cases, if  the break returns  a value,
i.e.,  is not  aborted via  ^  or control-D,  the input  buffer  will be
restored (see Section 14).

break0[fn;when;coms]    sets up a break on the function fn by redefining
                        fn as a call to break1 with brkexp an equivalent
                        definition  of fn,  and when,  fn, and  coms, as
                        brkwhen, brkfn,  brkcoms.  Puts  property BROKEN
                        on  property  list  of fn  with  value  a gensym
                        defined  with  the  original  definition.   Puts
                        property  BRKINFO on  property list  of  fn with
                        value (BREAK0 when coms) (For use in conjunction
                        with rebreak).  Adds fn to the front of the list
                        brokenfns.  Value is fn.

                        If   fn   is   non-atomic   and   of   the  form
                        (fn1 IN fn2),  break0  first  calls  a  function
                        which  changes  the  name  of  fn1  wherever  it
                        appears inside of fn2 to that of a new function,
                        fn1-IN-fn2, which  it initially defines  as fn1.
                        Then  break0  proceeds  to  break  on fn1-IN-fn2
                        exactly as  described above.  This  procedure is
                        useful for breaking on a function that is called
                        from  many  places,   but  where  one   is  only
                        interested in the call from a specific function,
                        e.g., (RPLACA IN FOO), (PRINT IN FIE),  etc.  It
                        is similar to  breakin described below,  but can
                        be  performed  even  when  FN2  is  compiled  or
                        blockcompiled,  whereas  breakin  only  works on
                        interpreted functions.

                        If fn1 is not  found in fn2, break0  returns the
                        value (fn1 NOT FOUND IN fn2).

                        If fn1 is found in fn2, in addition  to breaking
                        fn1-IN-fn2  and  adding fn1-IN-fn2  to  the list
                        brokenfns, break0 adds fn1 to the property value


                        for  the property  NAMESCHANGED on  the property
                        list of fn2 and adds the property ALIAS with the
                        value  (fn2 . fn1)  to  the  property   list  of
                        fn1-IN-fn2.    This  will   enable   unbreak  to
                        recognize  what  changes  have  been   made  and
                        restore the function fn2 to its original state.

                        If fn  is nonatomic and  not of the  above form,
                        break0 is called for each member of fn using the
                        same values for  when, coms, and  file specified
                        in  this  call to  break0.   This distributivity
                        permits  the user  to specify  complicated break
                        conditions   on   several    functions   without
                        excessive retyping, e.g.,

                        break0[(FOO1 ((PRINT PRIN1) IN (FOO2 FOO3)));
                                 (NEQ X T);(EVAL ?= (Y Z) OK)]

                        will     break    on     FOO1,    PRINT-IN-FOO2,
                        PRINT-IN-FOO3, PRIN1-IN-FOO2 and PRIN1-IN-FOO3.

                        If fn  is non-atomic, the  value of break0  is a
                        list of the individual values.

break[x]                is   a  nospread   nlambda.   For   each  atomic
                        argument, it performs break0[atom;T].   For each
                        list,   it  performs   apply[BREAK0;list].   For
                        break[FOO1 (FOO2 (GREATERP N 5) (EVAL))]      is
                        equivalent      to       break0[FOO1,T]      and
                        break0[FOO2; (GREATERP N 5); (EVAL)]

trace[x]                is   a  nospread   nlambda.   For   each  atomic
                        argument,               it              performs
                        break0[atom;T;(TRACE ?= NIL GO)]   For each list
                        argument, car is the function to be  traced, and
                        cdr  the forms  the  user wishes  to  see, i.e.,
                        trace performs:

                        break0[car[list];T;list[TRACE;?=; cdr[list],GO]]

                        For  example,  TRACE(FOO1 (FOO2 Y))  will  cause
                        both  FOO1  and  FOO2  to  be  traced.   All the
                        arguments  of  FOO1 will  be  printed;  only the
                        value of  Y will  be printed  for FOO2.   In the
                        special case that the user wants to see only the
                        value, he can perform TRACE((fn)).  This sets up
                        a break with commands (TRACE ?= (NIL) GO).

    The  flag TRACE  is checked  for in  break1 and  causes  the message
    "function :" to be printed instead of (function BROKEN).


Note: the user can always  call break0 himself to obtain  combination of
options of break1  not directly available  with break and  trace.  These
two functions merely provide convenient ways of calling break0, and will
serve for most uses.


Breakin enables the user to insert a break, i.e., a call to break1, at a
specified  location in  an interpreted  function.  For  example,  if foo
calls fie, inserting a break in foo before the call to fie is similar to
breaking fie.  However, breakin can  be used to insert breaks  before or
after prog labels, particular  SETQ expressions, or even  the evaluation
of a variable.  This is  because breakin operates by calling  the editor
and actually inserting a call  to break1 at a specified point  inside of
the function.

The user specifies where  the break is to  be inserted by a  sequence of
editor  commands.   These commands  are  preceded by  BEFORE,  AFTER, or
AROUND, which breakin uses to  determine what to do once the  editor has
found the  specified point,  i.e., put  the call  to break1  BEFORE that
point,  AFTER   that  point,  or   AROUND  that  point.    For  example,
(BEFORE COND) will insert a  break before the first occurrence  of cond,
(AFTER COND 2 1) will  insert a break after  the predicate in  the first
cond clause, (AFTER BF (SETQ X &)) after the last place X is  set.  Note
that (BEFORE TTY:) or (AFTER TTY:)  permit the user to type  in commands
to the editor, locate the correct point, and verify it for himself using
the P command if he desires, and exit from the editor with OK.   breakin
then inserts the break BEFORE, AFTER, or AROUND that point.

For breakin  BEFORE or  AFTER, the  break expression  is NIL,  since the
value  of  the  break  is irrelevant.   For  breakin  AROUND,  the break
expression will be the indicated  form.  In this case, the user  can use
the EVAL command  to evaluate that form,  and examine its  value, before
allowing the computation to proceed.  For example, if the  user inserted
a break after a  cond predicate, e.g., (AFTER (EQUAL X Y)), he  would be
powerless to  alter the flow  of computation if  the predicate  were not
true,  since  the break  would  not be  reached.   However,  by breaking
(AROUND (EQUAL X Y)),  he  can  evaluate  the  break  expression,  i.e.,
(EQUAL X Y), look at its value, and return something else if he wished.

The message typed for a breakin break, is ((fn) BROKEN), where fn is the
name of the function inside of which the break was inserted.  Any error,
or  typing control-E,  will  cause the  full identifying  message  to be
printed, e.g., (FOO BROKEN AFTER COND 2 1).

A  special  check  is made  to  avoid  inserting a  break  inside  of an
expression headed  by any  member of the  list nobreaks,  initialized to

    A  STOP  command  typed  to TTY:  produces  the  same  effect  as an
    unsuccessful  edit  command  in  the  original  specification, e.g.,
    (BEFORE CONDD). In both cases, the editor aborts, and  breakin types
    (NOT FOUND).


(GO QUOTE *), since this break  would never be activated.   For example,
if (GO L) appears before the label L, breakin (AFTER L) will  not insert
the break inside of the GO expression, but skip this occurrence of L and
go on to the next L, in this case the label L.  Similarly, for BEFORE or
AFTER  breaks, breakin  checks  to make  sure  that the  break  is being
inserted at a "safe" place.   For example, if the user requests  a break
(AFTER X)  in  (PROG -- (SETQ X &) --),  the  break  will   actually  be
inserted AFTER (SETQ X &), and  a message printed to this  effect, e.g.,

                        breakin  is  an  nlambda.   when  and  coms  are
                        similar to when and coms for break0, except that
                        if  when is  NIL,  T is  used.   where specifies
                        where in the definition of fn the call to break1
                        is to be inserted.  (See earlier discussion).

                        If fn  is a  compiled function,  breakin returns
                        (fn UNBREAKABLE) as its value.

                        If fn is interpreted, breakin types SEARCHING...
                        while  it  calls the  editor.   If  the location
                        specified by where  is not found,  breakin types
                        (NOT FOUND) and exits.  If it is  found, breakin
                        adds the  property BROKEN-IN  with value  T, and
                        the     property     BRKINFO      with     value
                        (where when coms)  to the  property list  of fn,
                        and adds fn to the front of the list brokenfns.

                        Multiple break  points, can  be inserted  with a
                        single call  to breakin by  using a list  of the
                        form  ((BEFORE ...) .. (AROUND ...))  for where.
                        It is also possible to call break or trace  on a
                        function which has been modified by breakin, and
                        conversely to breakin a function which  has been
                        redefined by a call to break or trace.

unbreak[x]              unbreak  is  a nospread  nlambda.   It  takes an
                        indefinite  number  of  functions   modified  by
                        break, trace,  or breakin  and restores  them to
                        their original state by calling unbreak0.  Value
                        is list of values of unbreak0.

                        unbreak[]   will   unbreak   all   functions  on
                        brokenfns,  in  reverse  order.   It  first sets
                        brkinfolst to NIL.

                        unbreak[T] unbreaks  just the first  function on
                        brokenfns,  i.e.,   the  most   recently  broken

unbreak0[fn]            restores fn  to its original  state.  If  fn was
                        not broken, value is (NOT BROKEN) and no changes
                        are  made.   If  fn  was  modified  by  breakin,
                        unbreakin  is  called  to edit  it  back  to its


                        original   state.   If   fn  was   created  from
                        (fn1 IN fn2), i.e., if it has a  property ALIAS,
                        the function in which fn appears is  restored to
                        its  original state.   All dummy  functions that
                        were created by the break are  eliminated.  Adds
                        property   value   of   BRKINFO   to  (front of)

                        Note:    unbreak0[(fn1 IN fn2)]    is   allowed:
                        unbreak0 will operate on fn1-IN-fn2 instead.

unbreakin[fn]           performs the  appropriate editing  operations to
                        eliminate all changes  made by breakin.   fn may
                        be either the name or definition of  a function.
                        Value is fn.  Unbreakin is  automatically called
                        by  unbreak if  fn has  property  BROKEN-IN with
                        value T on its property list.

rebreak[x]              is an nlambda, nospread function  for rebreaking
                        functions  that were  previously  broken without
                        having to respecify the break  information.  For
                        each function on x, rebreak  searches brkinfolst
                        for  break(s)  and  performs  the  corresponding
                        operation.    Value   is   a   list   of  values
                        corresponding to calls to break0 or breakin.  If
                        no  information   is  found  for   a  particular
                        function,                value                is
                        (fn - NO BREAK INFORMATION SAVED).

                        rebreak[]  rebreaks  everything  on  brkinfolst,
                        i.e., rebreak[] is the inverse of unbreak[].

                        rebreak[T]  rebreaks  just  the  first  break on
                        brkinfolst,  i.e.,  the  function  most recently

changename[fn;from;to]  changes all occurrences of from to to in fn.  fn
                        may be compiled or blockcompiled. Value is fn if
                        from was found, otherwise NIL.  Does not perform
                        any modifications of property lists.   Note that
                        from and to do  not have to be  functions, e.g.,
                        they  can be  names of  variables, or  any other

virginfn[fn;flg]        is  the  function  that  knows  how  to  restore
                        functions to their original state  regardless of
                        any  amount   of  breaks,   breakins,  advising,
                        compiling and saving exprs, etc.  It is  used by
                        prettyprint,  define,  and  the   compiler.   If
                        flg=NIL, as for prettyprint, it does  not modify
                        the definition of fn in the process of producing
                        a "clean"  version of  the definition,  i.e., it
                        works on a copy.   If flg=T as for  the compiler
                        and define, it physically restores  the function


                        to its original state, and prints the changes it
                        is  making,  e.g.,  FOO UNBROKEN, FOO UNADVISED,
                        FOO NAMES  RESTORED, etc.   Value is  the virgin
                        function definition.

                        prints  backtrace  from  ipos  to  epos.   flags
                        specifies  the options  of the  backtrace, e.g.,
                        do/don't   print   arguments,   do/don't   print
                        temporaries of the interpreter, etc., and is the
                        same  as for  backtrace (Section  12).  baktrace
                        collapses the sequence of several function calls
                        corresponding to a call to a system package into
                        a  single  "function",  e.g.,  any  call  to the
                        editor  is  printed as  **EDITOR**,  a  break is
                        printed as **BREAK**, etc.  If skipfn is not NIL
                        and  skipfn[stkname[pos]] is  T, pos  is skipped
                        (including all variables).  baktrace is  used by
                        the  BT,  BTV,  BTV*,  and  BTV!  commands, with
                        flags=0,1,3, and 7 respectively.  
