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14.1 FILES
All input/output functions in INTERLISP can specify their
source/destination file with an optional extra argument which is the
name of the file. This file must be opened as specified below. If the
extra argument is not given (has value NIL), the file specified as
"primary" for input (output) is used. Normally these are both T, for
terminal input and output. However, the primary input/output file may
be changed by
input[file] Sets file as the primary input file. Its value
is the name of the old primary input file.
input[] returns current primary input file,
which is not changed.
output[file] Same as input except operates on primary output
Any file which is made primary must have been previously opened for
input/output, except for the file T, which is always open.
infile[file] Opens file for input, and sets it as the primary
input file. The value of infile is the previous
primary input file. If file is already open,
same as input[file]. Generates a
FILE WON'T OPEN error if file won't open, e.g.,
file is already open for output.
The argument name file is used for tutorial purposes only. Subrs do
not have argument "names", per se, as described in Section 8.
To open file without changing the primary input file, perform
outfile[file] Opens file for output, and sets it as the
primary output file. The value of outfile is
the previous primary output file. If file is
already open, same as output[file]. Generates a
FILE WON'T OPEN error if file won't open, e.g.,
if file is already open for input.
In INTERLISP-10, for all input/output functions, file follows the TENEX
conventions for file names, i.e., file can be prefixed by a directory
name enclosed in angle brackets, can contain alt-modes or control-F's,
and can include suffixes and/or version numbers. Consistent with TENEX,
when a file is opened for input and no version number is given, the
highest version number is used. Similarly, when a file is opened for
output and no version number is given, a new file is created with a
version number one higher than the highest one currently in use with
that file name.
In INTERLISP-10, regardless of the file name given to the INTERLISP
function that opened the file, INTERLISP maintains only full TENEX file
names in its internal table of open files and any function whose value
is a file name always returns a full file name, e.g.,
openp[FOO]=<TEITELMAN>FOO.;3. Whenever a file argument is given to an
i/o function, INTERLISP first checks to see if the file is in its
internal table. If not, INTERLISP executes the appropriate TENEX JSYS
to "recognize" the file. If TENEX does not successfully recognize the
file, a FILE NOT FOUND error is generated. If TENEX does recognize the
file, it returns to INTERLISP the full file name. Then, INTERLISP can
continue with the indicated operation. If the file is being opened,
INTERLISP opens the file and stores its (full) name in the file table.
If it is being closed, or written to or read from, INTERLISP checks its
internal table to make sure the file is open, and then executes the
corresponding operation.
Note that each time a full file name is not used, INTERLISP-10 must call
TENEX to recognize the name. Thus if repeated operations are to be
performed, it is considerably more efficient to obtain the full file
name once, e.g., via infilep or outfilep. Also, note that recognition
by TENEX is performed on the user's entire directory. Thus, even if
only one file is open, say FOO.;1, F$ (F altmode) will not be recognized
if the user's directory also contains the file FIE.;1. Similarly, it is
To open file without changing the primary output file, perform
i.e., directory name, extension, and version.
except for infilep, outfilep and openp, which in this case return
possible for a file name that was previously recognized to become
ambiguous. For example, a program performs infile[FOO], opening FOO.;1,
and reads several expressions from FOO. Then the user types control-C,
creates a FOO.;2 and reenters his program. Now a call to read giving it
FOO as its file argument will generate a FILE NOT OPEN error, because
TENEX will recognize FOO as FOO.;2.
infilep[file] Returns full file name of file if file is
recognized as specifying the name of a file that
can be opened for input, NIL otherwise. In
INTERLISP-10, the full file name will contain a
directory field only if the directory differs
from the currently attached directory.
Recognition is in input context, i.e., in
INTERLISP-10, if no version number is given, the
highest version number is returned.
infilep and outfilep do not open any files, or change the primary files;
they are pure predicates.
outfilep[file] Similar to infilep, except recognition is in
output context, i.e., in INTERLISP-10, if no
version number is given, a version number one
higher than the highest version number is
closef[file] Closes file. Generates an error, FILE NOT OPEN,
if file not open. If file is NIL, it attempts to
close the primary input file if other than
terminal. Failing that, it attempts to close
the primary output file if other than terminal.
Failing both, it returns NIL. If it closes any
file, it returns the name of that file. If it
closes either of the primary files, it resets
that primary file to terminal.
closeall[] Closes all open files (except T and the current
typescript file, if any). Value is a list of
the files closed.
openp[file;type] If type=NIL, value is file (full name) if file
is open either for reading or for writing.
Otherwise value is NIL.
If type is INPUT or OUTPUT, value is file if
open for corresponding type, otherwise NIL. If
type is BOTH, value is file if open for both
input and output, (See iofile, page 14.5)
otherwise NIL.
Note: the value of openp is NIL if file is not
recognized, i.e., openp does not generate an
openp[] returns a list of all files open for
input or output, excluding T and the current
typescript file, if any.
delfile[file] deletes file if possible. Value is file if
deleted, else NIL.
renamefile[old;new] renames old to be new. Value is new if
successful, else NIL.
For most applications, files are read starting at their beginning and
proceeding sequentially, i.e., the next character read is the one
immediately following the last character read. Similarly, files are
written sequentially. A program need not be aware of the fact that
there is a file pointer associated with each file that points to the
location where the next character is to be read from or written to, and
that this file pointer is automatically advanced after each input or
output operation. This section describes a function which can be used
to reposition the file pointer, thereby allowing a program to treat a
file as a large block of auxiliary storage which can be accessed
randomly. For example, one application might involve writing an
expression at the beginning of the file, and then reading an expression
from a specified point in its middle.
A file used in this fashion is much like an array in that it has a
certain number of addressable locations that characters can be put into
or taken from. However, unlike arrays, files can be enlarged. For
example, if the file pointer is positioned at the end of a file and
anything is written, the file "grows." It is also possible to position
the file pointer beyond the end of file and then to write. In this
case, the file is enlarged, and a "hole" is created, which can later be
Random access means that any location is as quickly accessible as
any other. For example, an array is randomly accessible, but a list
is not, since in order to get to the nth element you have to
sequence through the first n-1 elements.
This particular example requires the file be open for both input and
output. This can be achieved via the function iofile described
below. However, random file input or output can be performed on
files that have been opened in the usual way by infile or outfile.
If the program attempts to read beyond the end of file, an END OF
FILE error occurs.
written into. Note that this enlargement only takes place at the end of
a file; it is not possible to make more room in the middle of a file.
In other words, if expression A begins at positon 1000, and expression B
at 1100, and the program attempts to overwrite A with expression C,
which is 200 characters long, part of B will be clobbered.
iofile[file] Opens file for both input and output. Value is
file. Does not change either primary input or
primary output. If no version number is given,
default is same as for infile, i.e., highest
version number.
getfileptr[file] returns current value of file pointer for file,
i.e., the byte address at which the next
input/output operation will commence.
setfileptr[file;adr] sets file pointer for file to adr. Value is
adr. adr=-1 corresponds to the end of file.
geteofptr[file] Value is byte address of end of file, i.e., the
number of bytes in the file. Equivalent to
performing setfileptr[file;-1] and returning
getfileptr[file] except does not change the
current file pointer.
The address of a character (byte) is the number of characters
(bytes) that precede it in the file, i.e., 0 is the address of the
beginning of the file. However, the user should be careful about
computing the space needed for an expression, since end-of-line in
INTERLISP-10 is represented as two characters in a file, but nchars
only counts it as one.
Note: in INTERLISP-10, if a file is opened for output only, either
by outfile, or openf[file;100000q] (see page 14.7), TENEX assumes
that one intends to write a new or different file, even if a version
number was specified and the corresponding file already exists.
Thus, setfileptr[file;-1] will set the file pointer to 0. If a file
is opened for both reading and writing, either by iofile or
openf[file;300000q], TENEX assumes that there might be material on
the file that the user intends to read. Thus, the initial file
pointer is the beginning of the file, but setfileptr[file;-1] will
set it to the end of the file. Note that one can also open a file
for appending by openf[file;20000q]. In this case, the file pointer
right after opening is set to the end of the existing file. Thus, a
write will automatically add material at the end of the file, and an
setfileptr is unnecessary.
Searches file for x a la strpos (Section 10).
Search begins at start (or if start=NIL, the
current position of file pointer), and goes to
end (or if end=NIL, to the end of file). Value
is address of start of match, or NIL if not
found. skip can be used to specify a character
which matches any character in the file. If
tail is T, and the search is successful, the
value is the address of the first character
after the sequence of characters corresponding
to x, instead of the starting address of the
sequence. In either case, the file is left so
that the next i/o operation begins at the
address returned as the value of filepos.
For applications calling for extensive file searches, the function
ffilepos (below) will generally be 10 to 50 times faster than filepos.
ffilepos is an implementation of the Boyer-Moore fast string searching
algorithm [Boy]. This algorithm preprocesses the string being searched
for and then scans through the file in steps usually equal to the length
of the string. Thus, ffilepos speeds up roughly in proportion to the
length of the string, e.g., a string of length 10 will be found twice as
fast as a string of length 5 in the same position.
Because of certain fixed overheads, it is generally better to use
filepos for searches through fewer than 100 characters of the file. For
longer searches, ffilepos will generally be marginally faster for short
strings (length 3 or less) and significantly faster for longer strings.
Like filepos, except much faster in most
appliations. There are two restrictions. The
skip character option of filepos is not
available even though such an argument position
is supplied for compatibility with filepos. If
a skip character is supplied it is ignored. The
second restriction is that x may not contain
more than 95 characters. This restriction is
due to the fixed size of certain tables set up
during the preprocessing.
copies bytes, i.e., characters, from srcfil to
filepos was written by J. W. Goodwin.
ffilepos was written by J Strother Moore.
dstfil starting from position start and up to
but not including position end. Both srcfil and
dstfil must be open. Value is T.
The following function is available in INTERLISP-10 for specialized file
openf[file;x] opens file. x is a number whose bits specify
the access and mode for file, i.e., x
corresponds to the second argument to the TENEX
JSYS OPENF (see JSYS Manual). Value is full name
of file.
openf permits opening a file for read, write, execute, or append, etc.
and allows specification of byte size, i.e., a byte size of 36 enables
reading and writing of full words. openf does not affect the primary
input or output file settings, and does not check whether the file is
already open - i.e., the same file can be opened more than once,
possibly for different purposes. openp will work for files opened with
The first argument to openf can also be a number, which is then
interpreted as JFN. This results in a more efficient call to openf, and
can be signficant if the user is making frequent calls to openf, e.g.,
switching byte sizes.
JFN stands for job file number. It is an integral part of the TENEX
file system and is described in [Mur1], and in somewhat more detail in
the TENEX JSYS manual. In INTERLISP-10, the following functions are
available for direct manipulation of JFNs:
opnjfn[file] returns the JFN for file. If file not open,
generates a FILE NOT OPEN error.
The "thawed" bit in x permits opening a file that is already open.
Example: to write a byte on a file
(PUSH NP , 1)
(POP NP , 2)
(JSYS 51Q)
(MOVE 1 , 2)]
or to read a byte from a file
(JSYS 50Q)
(MOVE 1 , 2]
Making BIN and BOUT substitution macros can save boxing and unboxing in
compiled code.
gtjfn[file;ext;v;flags] sets up a "long" call to GTJFN (see JSYS
manual). file is a file name possibly
containing control-F and/or alt-mode. ext is
the default extension, v the default version
(overriden if file specifies extension/version,
e.g., FOO.COM;2). flags is as described on page
17, section 2 of JSYS manual. file and ext may
be strings or atoms; v and flags must be
numbers. Value is JFN, or NIL on errors.
rljfn[jfn] releases jfn. rljfn[-1] releases all JFN's
which do not specify open files. Value of rljfn
is T.
jfns[jfn;ac3] converts jfn (a small number) to a file name.
ac3 is either NIL, meaning format the file name
as would openp or other INTERLISP-10 file
functions, or else is a number, meaning format
according to JSYS manual. The value of jfns is
atomic except where enough options are specified
by ac3 to exceed atom size (> 100 characters).
In this case, the value is returned as a string.
Most of the functions described below have an (optional) argument file
which specifies the name of the file on which the operation is to take
place, and an (optional) argument rdtbl, which specifies the readtable
to be used for input. If file is NIL, the primary input file will be
used. If the file argument is a string, input will be taken from that
string (and the string pointer reset accordingly). If rdtbl is NIL, the
primary readtable will be used. readtables are described on page 14.17.
Note: in all INTERLISP-10 symbolic files, end-of-line is indicated by
the characters carriage-return and line-feed in that order.
Accordingly, on input from files, INTERLISP-10 will skip all line-feeds
which immediately follow carriage-returns. On input from terminal,
INTERLISP will echo a line-feed whenever a carriage-return is input.
For all input functions except readc and peekc, when reading from the
terminal, control-A erases the last character typed in, echoing a \ and
the erased character. Control-A will not backup beyond the last
carriage-return. Typing control-Q causes INTERLISP to print ## and
clear the input buffer, i.e., erase the entire line back to the last
carriage-return. When reading from a file, and an end of file is
encountered, all input functions close the file and generate an error,
read[file;rdtbl;flg] Reads one S-expression from file. Atoms are
delimited by the break and separator characters
as defined in rdtbl. To input an atom which
contains a break or separator character, precede
the character by the escape character %, e.g.,
AB%(C, is the atom AB(C, %% is the atom %, %^A
(i.e., %control-A) is the atom ^A. For input
from the terminal, an atom containing an
interrupt character can be input by typing
instead the corresponding alphabetic character
preceded by control-V, e.g., ^VC for control-C.
Strings are delimited by double quotes. To input
a string containing a double quote or a %,
precede it by %, e.g., "AB%"C" is the string
AB"C. Note that % can always be typed even if
next character is not "special", e.g., %A%B%C is
read as ABC.
If an atom is interpretable as a number, read
will create a number, e.g., 1E3 reads as a
floating point number, 1D3 as a literal atom,
Note that the CHARDELETE and LINEDELETE characters can be redefined
or disabled via setsyntax, see page 14.19.
1.0 as a number, 1,0 as a literal atom, etc.
Note that an integer can be input in octal by
terminating it with a Q, e.g., 17Q and 15 read
in as the same integer. The setting of radix,
page 14.30, determines how integers are
printed, i.e., with or without Q's.
When reading from the terminal, all input is line-buffered to enable the
action of control-Q. Thus no characters are actually seen by the
program until a carriage-return is typed. However, for reading by
read, when a matching right parenthesis is encountered, the effect is
the same as though a carriage-return were typed, i.e., the characters
are transmitted. To indicate this, INTERLISP also prints a
carriage-return line-feed on the terminal.
flg=T suppresses the carriage-return normally
typed by read following a matching right
parenthesis. (However, the characters are still
given to read - i.e., the user does not have to
type the carriage-return himself.)
When reading a list, typing control-W erases the
last expression read, echoing a \\ and the
erased expression, e.g., (NOW IS THE TIME^W \\
TIME) returns (NOW IS THE). Control-W can be
used repeatedly, and can also back up and erase
expressions on previous lines.
ratom[file;rdtbl] Reads in one atom from file. Separation of
atoms is defined by rdtbl. % is also an escape
Unless control[T] has been performed (page 14.28).
Actually, the line buffering is terminated by the character with
terminal syntax class EOL (see page 14.25), which in most cases
will be carriage-return.
The line buffer is also transmitted to read whenever an IMMEDIATE
read-macro character is typed (see page 14.22).
However, since control-W is implemented as an IMMEDIATE read-macro
character, (see page 14.22), once it is typed, characters typed
before it cannot be deleted by control-A or control-Q, since they
will already have passed through the line buffer.
character for ratom, and the remarks concerning
control-A, control-Q, control-V, and
line-buffering also apply.
If the characters comprising the atom would
normally be interpreted as a number by read,
that number is also returned by ratom. Note
however that ratom takes no special action for "
whether or not it is a break character, i.e.,
ratom never makes a string.
rstring[file;rdtbl] Reads in one string from file, terminated by
next break or separator character. Control-A,
control-Q, control-V, and % have the same effect
as with ratom.
Note that the break or separator character that terminates a call to
ratom or rstring is not read by that call, but remains in the buffer to
become the first character seen by the next reading function that is
ratoms[a;file;rdtbl] Calls ratom repeatedly until the atom a is read.
Returns a list of atoms read, not including a.
setsepr[lst;flg;rdtbl] Set separator characters for rdtbl. Value is
setbrk[lst;flg;rdtbl] Set break characters for rdtbl. Value is NIL.
For both setsepr and setbrk, lst is a list of character codes, flg
determines the action of setsepr/setbrk as follows:
NIL clear out indicated readtable and reset break/separator
characters to be those in lst.
0 clear out only those characters in lst - i.e., this provides an
unsetsepr and unsetbrk.
1 add characters in lst.
Characters specified by setbrk will delimit atoms, and be returned as
separate atoms themselves by ratom. Characters specified by setsepr
If lst=T, the break/separator characters are reset to be those in
the system's readtable for terminals, regardless of value of flg,
i.e., setbrk[T] is equivalent to setbrk[getbrk[T]]. If rdtbl is T,
then the characters are reset to those in the original system table.
will serve only to delimit atoms, and are otherwise ignored. For
example, if $ was a break character and * a separator character, the
input stream ABC**DEF$GH*$$ would be read by 6 calls to ratom returning
respectively ABC, DEF, $, GH, $, $.
The elements of lst may also be characters, e.g., setbrk[(. ,)] has the
same effect in INTERLISP-10 as setbrk[(46 44)]. Note however that the
"characters" 1,2,...,9 will be interpreted as character codes because
they are numbers.
Note: (, ), [, ], and " are normally break characters, i.e., will be
returned as separate atoms when read by ratom. If any of these break
characters are disabled by an appropriate setbrk (or by making it be a
separator character), its special action for read will not be restored
by simply making it be a break character again with setbrk. For more
details, see discussion in section on readtables, page 14.20-20.
Note that the action of % is not affected by setsepr or setbrk. To
defeat the action of % use escape[], as described below.
getsepr[rdtbl] Value is a list of separator character codes.
getbrk[rdtbl] Value is a list of break character codes.
escape[flg] If flg=NIL, makes % act like every other
character for input. Normal setting is
escape[T]. The value of escape is the previous
ratest[x] If x = T, ratest returns T if a separator was
encountered immediately prior to the last atom
read by ratom, NIL otherwise.
If x = NIL, ratest returns T if last atom read
by ratom or read was a break character, NIL
If x = 1, ratest returns T if last atom read
(by read or ratom) contained a % (as an escape
character, e.g., %[ or %A%B%C), NIL otherwise.
However, making these characters be break characters when they
already are will have no effect.
escape does not currently take a readtable argument, but will
probably do so in the near future.
readc[file] Reads the next character, including %, ", etc,
i.e., is not affected by break, separator, or
escape character. Value is the character.
Action of readc is subject to line-buffering,
i.e., readc will not return a value until the
line has been terminated even if a character has
been typed. Thus, control-A, control-Q, and
control-V will have their usual effect. If
control[T] has been executed (page 14.28),
defeating line-buffering, readc will return a
value as soon as a character is typed. In
addition, if control-A, control-Q, or control-V
are typed, readc will return them as values.
peekc[file;flg] Value is the next character, but does not
actually read it, i.e., remove it from the
buffer. If flg=NIL, peekc is not subject to
line-buffering, i.e., it returns a value as soon
as a character has been typed. If flg=T, peekc
waits until the line has been terminated before
returning its value. This means that control-A,
control-Q, and control-V will be able to perform
their usual editing functions.
lastc[file] Value is last character read from file.
Note: read, ratom, ratoms, peekc, readc all wait for input if there is
none. The only way to test whether or not there is input is to use
readp[file;flg] Value is T if there is anything in the input
buffer of file, NIL otherwise. Note that
because of line-buffering, readp may return T,
indicating there is input in the buffer, but
read may still have to wait.
readline[rdtbl] reads a line from the terminal, returning it as
Frequently, the input buffer will contain a single EOL character
left over from a previous input. For most applications, this
situation wants to be treated as though the buffer were empty, and
so readp returns NIL. However, if flg=T, readp will also return T in
this case, i.e., will return T if there is any character in the
input buffer.
Readline actually has two extra arguments for use by the system, but
the user should consider it as a function of one argument.
a list. If readp[T] is NIL, readline returns
NIL. Otherwise it reads expressions, using
read, until it encounters either:
(1) a carriage-return (typed by the user) that
is not preceded by any spaces, e.g.,
and readline returns (A B C)
(2) a list terminating in a "]", in which case
the list is included in the value of
readline, e.g., A B (C D] and readline
returns (A B (C D)).
(3) an unmatched right parentheses or right
square bracket, which is not included in
the value of readline, e.g.,
A B C]
and readline returns (A B C).
In the case that one or more spaces precede a carriage-return, or a list
is terminated with a ")", readline will type "..." and continue reading
on the next line, e.g.,
...(D E F)
...(X Y Z]
and readline returns (A B C (D E F) (X Y Z)).
Actually, readline performs (APPLY* LISPXREADFN T), as described in
Section 22. lispxreadfn is initially READ.
Note that carriage-return, i.e., the EOL character, can be redefined
with setsyntax, page 14.19. readline actually checks for the EOL
character, whatever that may be. The same is true for right
parenthesis and right bracket.
If the user then types another carriage-return, the line will
terminate, e.g.,
and readline returns (A B C).
is a skip read function. It moves the file
pointer for file ahead as if one call to read
had been performed, without paying the storage
and compute cost to really read in the
structure. rereadstring is for the case where
the user has already performed some readc's and
ratom's before deciding to skip this expression.
In this case, rereadstring should be the
material already read (as a string), and skread
operates as though it had seen that material
first, thus getting its paren-count,
double-quote count, etc. set up properly.
The value of skread is %) if the first thing
encountered was a closing paren; %] if the read
terminated on an unbalanced %], i.e., one which
also would have closed any extant open left
parens; otherwise the value of skread is NIL.
Most of the functions described below have an (optional) argument file
which specifies the name of the file on which the operation is to take
place. If file is NIL, the primary output file will be used. Some of
the functions have an (optional) argument rdtbl, which specifies the
readtable to be used for output. If rdtbl is NIL, the primary readtable
will be used.
Note: in all INTERLISP-10 symbolic files, end-of-line is indicated by
the characters carriage-return and line-feed in that order. Unless
otherwise stated, carriage-return appearing in the description of an
output function means carriage-return and line-feed.
prin1[x;file] prints x on file.
prin2[x;file;rdtbl] prints x on file with %'s and "'s inserted where
required for it to read back in properly by
read, using rdtbl.
Both prin1 and prin2 print lists as well as atoms and strings; prin1 is
usually used only for explicitly printing formatting characters, e.g.,
(PRIN1 (QUOTE %[)) might be used to print a left square bracket (the %
would not be printed by prin1). prin2 is used for printing
S-expressions which can then be read back into INTERLISP with read i.e.,
break and separator characters in atoms will be preceded by %'s, e.g.,
skread was written by J. W. Goodwin. It always uses filerdtbl for
its readtable.
the atom "()" is printed as %(%) by prin2. If radix=8, prin2 prints a Q
after integers but prin1 does not (but both print the integer in octal).
print[x;file;rdtbl] Prints the S-expression x using prin2; followed
by a carriage-return line-feed. Its value is x.
For all printing functions, pointers other than lists, strings, atoms,
or numbers, are printed as #N, where N is the octal representation of
the address of the pointer (regardless of radix). Note that this will
not read back in correctly, i.e., it will read in as the atom "#N".
spaces[n;file] Prints n spaces; its value is NIL.
terpri[file] Prints a carriage-return; its value is NIL.
The print functions print, prin1, and prin2 are all affected by a level
parameter set by:
printlevel[n] Sets print level to n, value is old setting.
Initial value is 1000. printlevel[] gives
current setting.
The variable n controls the number of unpaired left parentheses which
will be printed. Below that level, all lists will be printed as &.
Suppose x = (A (B C (D (E F) G) H) K). Then if n = 2, print[x] would
(A (B C & H) K), and if n = 3, (A (B C (D & G) H) K), and if n = 0, just
If printlevel is negative, the action is similar except that a
carriage-return is inserted between all occurrences of right parenthesis
immediately followed by a left parenthesis.
The printlevel setting can be changed dynamically, even while INTERLISP
is printing, by typing control-P followed by a number, i.e., a string of
digits, followed by a period or exclamation point. The printlevel will
As soon as control-P is typed, INTERLISP clears and saves the input
buffer, clears the output buffer, rings the bell indicating it has
seen the control-P, and then waits for input which is terminated by
any non-number. The input buffer is then restored and the program
continues. If the input was terminated by other than a period or an
exclamation point, it is ignored and printing will continue, except
that characters cleared from the output buffer will have been lost.
immediately be set to this number. If the print routine is currently
deeper than the new level, all unfinished lists above that level will be
terminated by "--)". Thus, if a circular or long list of atoms, is being
printed out, typing control-P0. will cause the list to be terminated.
If a period is used to terminate the printlevel setting, the printlevel
will be returned to its previous setting after this printout. If an
exclamation point is used, the change is permanent and the printlevel is
not restored (until it is changed again).
Note: printlevel only affects terminal output. Output to all other
files acts as though level is infinite.
The INTERLISP input and (to a certain extent) output routines are table
driven by readtables and terminal tables. A readtable is a datum that
contains information about the syntax class of each character, e.g.,
break character, separator character, escape character, list or string
delimiter, etc. The system packages use three readtables: T for
input/output from terminals, (the value of) filerdtbl for input/output
from files, and (the value of) editrdtbl, for input from terminals while
in the editor. These three tables are initially equal but not eq.
Using the functions described below, the user may change, reset, or copy
these tables. He can also create his own readtables, and either
explicitly pass them to input/output functions as arguments, or install
them as the primary readtable, via setreadtable, and then not specify a
rdtbl argument, i.e., use NIL.
In the discussion below, most functions that accept readtable arguments
will also accept NIL as indicating the primary readtable, or T as
indicating the system's readtable for terminals. Where indicated, some
will also accept ORIG (not the value of ORIG) as indicating the original
system readtable.
Another way of "turning off" output is to type control-O, which
simply clears the output buffer, thereby effectively skipping the
next (up to) 64 characters.
In INTERLISP-10, readtables are represented (currently) by 128 word
readtablep[rdtbl] Value is rdtbl, if rdtbl is a real readtable,
otherwise NIL.
getreadtable[rdtbl] If rdtbl=NIL, value is primary read table. If
rdtbl=T, value is system's readtable for
terminals. If rdtbl is a real readtable, value
is rdtbl. Otherwise, generates an
setreadtable[rdtbl;flg] resets primary readtable to be rdtbl.
Generates ILLEGAL READTABLE error if rdtbl is
not NIL, T, or a real readtable. Value is
previous setting of primary readtable, i.e.,
setreadtable is suitable for use with resetform
(Section 5).
copyreadtable[rdtbl] value is a copy of rdtbl. rdtbl can be a real
readtable, NIL, T, or ORIG, in which case value
is a copy of original system readtable,
otherwise generates an ILLEGAL READTABLE error.
Note that copyreadtable is the only function
that creates a readtable.
copies (smashes) from into rdtbl. from and
rdtbl can be NIL, T, or a real readtable. In
addition, from can be ORIG, meaning use system's
original readtable.
A syntax class is a group of characters which behave the same with
respect to a particular input/output operation. For example, break
characters belong to the syntax class BREAK, separators belong to the
class SEPR, [ belongs to the class LEFTBRACKET, " to STRINGDELIM, etc.
Characters that are not otherwise special belong to the class OTHER.
If flg=T, setreadtable resets the system readtable for terminals.
Note that the user can reset the other system readtables with setq,
There are currently 11 syntax classes for readtables: LEFTBRACKET,
SEPR, BREAKCHAR, SEPRCHAR, and OTHER. Syntax classes for terminal
tables are discussed on page 14.25.
The functions below are used to obtain and (re)set the syntax class of a
character. ch can either be a character code, or a character, i.e., if
ch is a number, it is interpreted as a character code. For example, in
INTERLISP-10, 1 indicates control-A, and 49 indicates the character 1.
getsyntax[ch;table] Value is syntax class of ch with respect to
table. table can be NIL, T, ORIG, or a real
readtable or terminal table. ch is either a
character code, a character, or a syntax class.
In the last case, the value of getsyntax is a
list of the character codes in that class, e.g.,
sets syntax class of ch, a character code, or a
character. table can be either NIL, T, or a real
readtable or terminal table. class is a syntax
class, or in the case of read-macro characters
(page 14.20), an expression of the form
(type ... options ... fn). The value of
setsyntax is the previous class of ch.
setsyntax will also accept class=NIL, T, ORIG,
or a real readtable or terminal table, as being
equivalent to getsyntax[ch;class], i.e., means
give ch the syntax class it has in the table
indicated by class, e.g., setsyntax[%(;ORIG].
class can also be a character code or character,
which is equivalent to getsyntax[class;table],
i.e., means give ch the syntax class of the
character indicated by class, e.g.,
table is NIL, T, or a real readtable or terminal
table. Value is T if code is a member of syntax
class class, e.g., syntaxp[40;LEFTPAREN]=T.
syntaxp compiles open. Note that syntaxp will
not accept a character as an argument.
A format character is a character which is recognized as special by
read. There are six format characters in INTERLISP namely [, ], (, ),
", and %. The six corresponding syntax classes are: LEFTBRACKET,
that the class ESCAPE refers to the input escape character.) Making a
character be a format character does not disable the character currently
filling that function, i.e., it is perfectly acceptable to have both {
and [ function as left brackets. To disable a format character, assign
it syntax class OTHER, e.g., setsyntax[%";OTHER].
The syntax class BREAK (or SEPR) corresponds to those characters treated
as break (or separator) characters by ratom. Thus,
getsyntax[BREAK;rdtbl] is equivalent to getbrk[rdtbl], and
setsyntax[ch;BREAK;rdtbl] is equivalent to setbrk[list[ch];1;rdtbl].
Note that the characters corresponding to the syntax classes
all break characters, and therefore members of the class BREAK.
However, getsyntax applied to these characters will return the syntax
class corresponding to their format character function, not BREAK.
In fact, getsyntax will never return BREAK or SEPR as a value. Instead,
characters which are break or separator characters but have no other
special function belong to the syntax class BREAKCHAR or SEPRCHAR (as
well as being members of the class BREAK or SEPR). In most cases, BREAK
can be used interchangeably with BREAKCHAR. However, note that
setsyntax[%(;BREAK] is a nop (since %( is already a break character),
but that setsyntax[%(;BREAKCHAR] means make %( be just a break
character, and therefore disables the LEFTPAREN function of %(. It is
equivalent to setsyntax[%(;OTHER] followed by setsyntax[%(;BREAK]. If
the user does disable one of the format characters, e.g., by performing
setsyntax[%(;OTHER], it is not sufficient for restoring the formatting
function simply to make the character again into a break character,
i.e., setsyntax[%(;BREAK] would not restore %( as LEFTPAREN.
The user can define various characters as read-macro characters by
specifying as a class an expression of the form (type fn), where type is
MACRO, SPLICE, or INFIX, and fn is the name of a function, or a lambda
expression. Whenever read encounters a read-macro character, it calls
the associated function, giving it as arguments the input file and
readtable being used for that call to read. The interpretation of the
value returned depends on the type of read-macro:
(1) MACRO The result is inserted into the input as if that
expression had been read, instead of the
read-macro character. For example, ' could be
defined by:
(2) SPLICE The result (which should be a list or NIL) is
nconc'ed into the input list, e.g., if ! is
and the value of foo is (A B C), when the user
inputs (X ! Y), the result will be (X A B C Y).
' is standardly defined as a read-macro character. The actual
definition checks to see if the next character is a separator, right
paren, or right bracket, and if so returns ' itself, e.g., (A ' B)
is read as (A ' B).
(3) INFIX The associated function is called with the list
of what has been read (current level list only),
in tconc format, as its third argument. The
function's value is taken as a new tconc list
which replaces the old one. For example, +
could be defined by:
The specification for a read-macro character can be augmented to specify
various options by giving setsyntax a list of the form
(type ... options ... fn), e.g., (MACRO FIRST IMMEDIATE fn), with the
following interpretations:
ALWAYS the read-macro character is a break character,
and is always effective (except when preceded by
the escape character).
FIRST the read-macro character is not a break
character, and is interpreted as a read-macro
character only when it is the first character
seen after a break or separator character, e.g.,
' is a FIRST read-macro character, so that A'B
is read as A'B.
ALONE the read-macro character is not a break
character, and is interpreted as a read-macro
character only when the character would have
been read as a separate atom if it were not a
read-macro character, i.e., when its immediate
If an INFIX read-macro character is encountered not in a list, the
third argument to its associated function will be NIL. If the
function returns NIL, the read-macro character is essentially
ignored and reading continues. Otherwise, if the function returns a
tconc list of one element, that element is the value of the read.
If it returns a tconc list of more than one element, the list is the
value of the read.
Making a FIRST or ALONE read-macro character be a break character
disables the read-macro interpretation, i.e., converts it to syntax
class BREAKCHAR. Making an ALWAYS read-macro character be a break
character is a NOP.
neighbors are both break or separator
characters, e.g., * is an ALONE read-macro
character in order to implement the comment map
feature (see page 14.48).
Note: ALWAYS is the default option for ALWAYS, FIRST, and ALONE.
ESCQUOTE, ESC when printed with prin2, the read-macro
character will be preceded by the escape
NOESCQUOTE, NOESC the read-macro character will be printed without
an escape, e.g., ' is a NOESCQUOTE character.
ESCQUOTE is the default option for ESCQUOTE and NOESCQUOTE.
IMMEDIATE, IMMED the read-macro character is immediately
activated, i.e., the character is essentially
seen by the line buffer, as an EOL, and the rest
of the line is passed to the input function.
IMMEDIATE read-macro characters enable the
user to specify a character that will take
effect immediately. For example, control-W is
defined as an IMMEDIATE read-macro character.
NONIMMEDIATE, NONIMMED character is a normal character with respect to
the line buffering, and so will not be activated
until a carriage-return or matching right
parenthesis or bracket is seen.
NONIMMEDIATE is the default option for IMMEDIATE and NONIMMEDIATE.
Note that as a result, characters typed before an IMMEDIATE
read-macro character cannot be erased by control-A or control-Q once
the IMMEDIATE character has been typed, since they have already
passed through the linebuffer.
Making a read-macro character be both ALONE and IMMEDIATE is a
contradiction, since ALONE requires that the next character be input
in order to see if it is a break or separator character. Thus,
ALONE read-macros are always NONIMMEDIATE, regardless of whether or
not IMMEDIATE is specified.
i.e., as soon as it is read, not as soon as it is typed. Characters
that cause action as soon as they are typed are interrupt characters
(see Section 16).
Note that read-macro characters can be "nested". For example, if = is
defined by (MACRO (LAMBDA (FL RDTBL) (EVAL (READ FL RDTBL)))) and ! by
(SPLICE (LAMBDA (FL RDTBL) (READ FL RDTBL))), then if the value of foo
is (A B C), and (X =FOO Y) is input, (X (A B C) Y) will be returned. If
(X !=FOO Y) is input, (X A B C Y) will be returned.
Note that if a read-macro's function calls read, and the read returns
NIL, the function cannot distinguish the case where a RIGHTPAREN or
RIGHTBRACKET followed the read-macro character, e.g., (A B '), from the
case where the atom NIL (or "()") actually appeared. Thus the first
case is disallowed, i.e., reading a single RIGHTPAREN or RIGHTBRACKET
via a read inside of a read-macro function. If this occurs, the
paren/bracket will be put back into the input buffer, and a
READ-MACRO CONTEXT ERROR will be generated.
readmacros[flg;rdtbl] If flg=NIL, turns off action of readmacros in
rdtbl. If flg=T, turns them on. Value is
previous setting.
inreadmacrop[] value is NIL if currently not under a read-macro
function, otherwise the number of unmatched left
parentheses or brackets.
setreadmacroflg[flg] resets the "read-macro" flag, i.e., the internal
system flag that informs read that it is under a
read macro function, and causes it to generate a
READ-MACRO CONTEXT ERROR, if an unmatched ) or ]
is encountered. Value is previous value of the
setreadmacroflg is useful when debugging read-macro functions to avoid
spurious READ-MACRO CONTEXT error messages when typing into breaks,
e.g., the user can simply put (SETREADMACROFLG) on breakresetforms (see
Section 15).
A readtable contains input/output information that is media-independent.
For example, the action of parentheses is the same regardless of the
device from which the input is being performed. A terminal table is a
If a call to read from within a readmacro encounters an unmatched
RIGHTBRACKET within a list, the bracket is also put back into the
buffer to be read (again) at the higher level. Thus, inputting an
expression such as (A B '(C D] will work correctly.
datum that contains those syntax classes of characters that pertain to
terminal input/output operations only, e.g., DELETECHAR (control-A),
DELETELINE (control-Q), etc. In addition, terminal tables contain such
information as how line-buffering is to be performed, how control
characters are to be echoed/printed, whether lower case input is to be
converted to upper case, etc.
Using the functions below, the user may change, reset, or copy terminal
tables. He can also create his own terminal tables and install them as
the primary terminal table via settermtable. However, unlike readtables,
terminal tables cannot be passed as arguments to input/output functions.
termtablep[ttbl] value is ttbl, if ttbl is a real terminal table,
NIL otherwise.
gettermtable[ttbl] If ttbl=NIL, value is primary (i.e., current)
terminal table. If ttbl is a real terminal
table, value is ttbl. Otherwise, generates an
settermtable[ttbl] resets primary terminal table to be ttbl. Value
is previous ttbl. Generates an
ILLEGAL TERMINAL TABLE error if ttbl is not a
real terminal table.
copytermtable[ttbl] value is a copy of ttbl. ttbl can be a real
terminal table, NIL, or ORIG, in which case
value is a copy of the original system terminal
table. Note that copytermtable is the only
function that creates a terminal table.
smashes from into ttbl. from and ttbl can be NIL
or a real terminal table. In addition, from can
be ORIG, meaning use system's original terminal
getsyntax, setsyntax, and syntaxp all work on terminal tables as well as
readtables. When given NIL as a table argument, getsyntax and syntaxp
use the primary readtable or primary terminal table depending on which
table contains the indicated class argument, e.g., setsyntax[ch;BREAK]
will refer to the primary readtable, setsyntax[ch;CHARDELETE] will refer
to the primary terminal table. In the absence of such information, all
In INTERLISP-10, terminal tables are represented (currently) by 16
word arrays.
three functions default to the primary readtable, e.g.,
setsyntax[ch1;ch2] refers to the primary read table. If given
incompatible class and table arguments, all three functions generate
errors, e.g., setsyntax[ch;BREAK;ttbl], where ttbl is a terminal table,
generates an ILLEGAL READTABLE error, getsyntax[CHARDELETE;rdtbl] an
There are currently six terminal syntax classes: CHARDELETE (or
EOL. These classes correspond (initially) to the characters
control-A, control-Q, control-R, control-V, and carriagereturn/linefeed.
All other characters belong to terminal syntax class NONE. The classes
CHARDELETE, LINEDELETE, RETYPE, CTRLV, and EOL can contain at most one
character. When a new character is assigned one of these syntax classes
by setsyntax, the previous character is disabled, i.e., reassigned the
syntax class NONE, and the value of setsyntax will be the code for the
previous character of that class, if any, otherwise NIL.
Used to indicate how control characters are to
be echoed or printed. char is a character or
character code. If mode=IGNORE, char is never
printed. If mode=REAL, char itself will be
printed. If mode=SIMULATE, output will be
simulated. If mode=UPARROW, char will be printed
as ^ followed by the corresponding alphabetic
character. The value of echocontrol is the
previous output mode for char. If mode=NIL, the
value is the current output mode without
changing it.
Note that echoing information can be independently specified for control
characters only. (However, the function echomode described below can be
used to disable all echoing.) Therefore, if char is an alphabetic
character (or code), it refers to the corresponding control character,
e.g., echocontrol[A;UPARROW] makes control-A echo as ^A. All other
values of char generate ILLEGAL ARG errors.
echomode[flg;ttbl] If flg=T, turns echoing for terminal table ttbl
on. If flg=NIL, turns echoing off. Value is
previous setting.
On input from a terminal, the EOL character signals to the line
buffering routine to pass the input back to the calling function.
It also is used to terminate inputs to readline, page 14.13. In
general, whenever the phrase carriage-return linefeed is used, what
is meant is the character with terminal syntax class EOL.
used for specifying the output protocol when a
CHARDELETE or LINEDELETE is typed according to
the following interpretations of type:
LINEDELETE message is the message printed
when LINEDELETE character is
typed. Initially "#".
1STCHDEL message is the message printed
the first time CHARDELETE is
typed. Initially "\".
NTHCHDEL message is the message printed on
subsequent CHARDELETE's (without
intervening characters).
Initially "".
POSTCHDEL message is the message printed
when input is resumed following a
sequence of one or more
CHARDELETE's. Initially "\".
EMPTYCHDEL message is the message printed
when a CHARDELETE is typed and
there are no characters in the
buffer. Initially "#".
ECHO the characters deleted by
CHARDELETE are echoed.
NOECHO the characters deleted by
CHARDELETE are not echoed.
and EMPTYCHDEL, the message to be printed must
be less than 5 characters. The value of
deletecontrol will be the previous message as a
string. If message=NIL, the value will be the
previous message without changing it. For ECHO
and NOECHO, the value of deletecontrol is the
previous echo mode, i.e., ECHO or NOECHO.
message is ignored.
Note: If the user's terminal is a scope terminal, deletecontrol and
echocontrol can be used to make it really delete the last character by
performing the following: echocontrol[8;REAL], (8 is code for control-H,
which is backspace) deletecontrol[NOECHO], (eliminates echoing of
deleted characters) deletecontrol[1STCHDEL;"^H ^H"], and
deletecontrol[NTHCHDEL;"^H ^H"].
This setting of 1STCHDEL, NTHCHDEL, and POSTCHDEL makes it easy to
determine exactly what has been deleted, namely all of the
characters between the \'s.
raise[flg;ttbl] If flg=T, input is echoed as typed, but
lowercase letters are converted to upper case.
If flg=NIL, all characters are passed as typed.
Value is previous setting.
In INTERLISP's normal state, characters typed on the terminal (this
section does not apply in any way to input from a file) are transferred
to a line buffer. Characters are transmitted from the line buffer to
whatever input function initiated the request (i.e., read, ratom,
46 47 48
rstring, or readc) when a carriage-return is typed. Until this
time, the user can delete characters one at a time from the input buffer
by typing control-A. The characters are echoed preceded by a \. Or, the
user can delete the entire line buffer back to the last carriage-return
by typing control-Q, in which case INTERLISP echoes ##. (If no
characters are in the buffer and either control-A or control-Q is typed,
In INTERLISP-10, both raise[] and raise[T] execute TENEX JSYS calls
corresponding to the TENEX command NORAISE. Conversion of lowercase
characters to uppercase before echoing is also available via
raise[0], which executes the JSYS calls corresponding to the TENEX
command RAISE. The conversion is then performed at the TENEX level,
i.e., before INTERLISP-10 even sees the characters. The initial
setting of raise in INTERLISP-10 is determined by the terminal mode
at the time the user first starts up the system. Following a sysin,
the raise mode is restored to whatever it was prior to the
corresponding sysout.
peekc is an exception; it returns the character immediately.
i.e., the character with terminal syntax class EOL.
As mentioned earlier, for calls from read, the characters are also
transmitted whenever the parentheses count reaches 0. In this case,
if the third argument to read is NIL, INTERLISP also outputs a
carriage-return line-feed. The characters are also transmitted
whenever an IMMEDIATE read-macro character is typed.
Typing rubout clears the entire input buffer at the time it is
typed, whereas the action of control-A and control-Q occurs at the
time they are read. Rubout can thus be used to clear type-ahead.
INTERLISP echoes ##.)
Note that this line editing is not performed by read or ratom, but by
INTERLISP, i.e., it does not matter (nor is it necessarily known) which
function will ultimately process the characters, only that they are
still in the INTERLISP input buffer. Note also that it is the function
that is currently requesting input that determines whether parentheses
counting is observed, e.g., if the user executes (PROGN (RATOM) (READ))
and types in A (B C D) he will have to type in the carriage-return
following the right parenthesis before any action is taken, whereas if
he types (PROGN (READ) (READ)) he would not. However, once a
carriage-return has been typed, the entire line is "available" even if
not all of it is processed by the function initiating the request for
input, i.e., if any characters are "left over", they will be returned
immediately on the next request for input. For example,
(PROGN (RATOM) (READC)) followed by A B carriage-return will perform
both operations.
The function control is available to defeat this line-buffering. After
control[T], characters are returned to the calling function without
line-buffering as described below. The function that initiates the
request for input determines how the line is treated:
1. read
if the expression being typed is a list, the effect is the same as
though control were NIL, i.e., line-buffering until carriage-return or
matching parentheses. If the expression being typed is not a list, it
is returned as soon as a break or separator character is encountered,
e.g., (READ) followed by ABC space will immediately return ABC.
Control-A and control-Q editing are available on those characters still
in the buffer. Thus, if a program is performing several reads under
control[T], and the user types NOW IS THE TIME followed by control-Q, he
will delete only TIME since the rest of the line has already been
transmitted to read and processed.
As described earlier, the CHARDELETE, LINEDELETE, and EOL characters
can all be redefined. Therefore, references to control-A, control-Q,
or carriage-return in the discussion actually refer to the current
CHARDELETE, LINEDELETE, or EOL characters, whatever they may be.
An exception to the above occurs when the break or separator
character is a (, ", or [, since returning at this point would leave
the line buffer in a "funny" state. Thus if control is T and (READ)
is followed by 'ABC(', the ABC will not be read until a
carriage-return or matching parentheses is encountered. In this case
the user could control-Q the entire line, since all of the
characters are still in the buffer.
2. ratom
characters are returned as soon as a break or separator character is
encountered. Before then, control-A and control-Q may be used as with
read, e.g., (RATOM) followed by ABCcontrol-Aspace will return AB.
(RATOM) followed by (control-A will return ( and type ## indicating that
control-A was attempted with nothing in the buffer, since the ( is a
break character and would therefore already have been read.
3. readc/peekc
the character is returned immediately; no line editing is possible. In
particular, (READC) followed by control-A will read the control-A,
(READC) followed by % will read the %.
control[u;ttbl] u=T eliminates INTERLISP's normal
line-buffering for the terminal table
u=NIL restores line-buffering (normal).
The value of control is its previous setting.
clearbuf[file;flg] Clears the input buffer for file. If file is T
and flg is T, contents of INTERLISP's line
buffer and the system buffer are saved (and can
be obtained via linbuf and sysbuf described
When either control-D,control-E, control-H,
control-P, or control-S is typed, INTERLISP
automatically does a clearbuf[T;T]. (For
control-P and control-S, INTERLISP restores the
buffer after the interaction. See Appendix 3.)
linbuf[flg] if flg=T, value is INTERLISP's line buffer (as a
string) that was saved at last clearbuf[T;T].
If flg=NIL, clears this internal buffer.
sysbuf[flg] same as linbuf for system buffer.
If both the system buffer and INTERLISP's line buffer are empty, the
internal buffers associated with linbuf and sysbuf are not changed by a
bklinbuf[x] x is a string. bklinbuf sets INTERLISP's line
buffer to x. If greater than 160 characters,
first 160 taken.
bksysbuf[x] x is a string. bksysbuf sets system buffer to
x. The effect is the same as though the user
typed x.
bklinbuf, bksysbuf, linbuf, and sysbuf provide a way of "undoing" a
clearbuf. Thus if the user wants to "peek" at various characters in the
buffer, he could perform clearbuf[T;T], examine the buffers via linbuf
and sysbuf, and then put them back.
radix[n] Resets output radix to |n| with sign indicator
the sign of n. For example, in INTERLISP-10, -9
will print as shown with the following radices:
radix printing
10 -9
-10 68719476727
i.e., (2^36-9)
8 -11Q
-8 777777777767Q
Value of radix is its last setting. radix[]
gives current setting without changing it.
Initial setting is 10.
fltfmt[n] In INTERLISP-10, sets floating format control to
n (See TENEX JSYS manual for interpretation of
n). fltfmt[T] specifies free format (see
Section 3). Value of fltfmt is last setting.
fltfmt[] returns current setting without
changing it. Initial setting is T.
linelength[n] Sets the length of the print line for all files.
Value is the former setting of the line length.
Whenever printing an atom would go beyond the
length of the line, a carriage-return is
automatically inserted first. linelength[]
returns current setting. Initial setting is 72.
position[file;n] Gives the column number the next character will
be read from or printed to, e.g., after a
carriage-return, position=0. If n is non-NIL,
resets position to n.
Note that position[file] is not the same as getfileptr[file] which gives
the position in the file, not on the line.
Currently, there is no input radix.
sysout[file] Saves the user's private memory on file. Also
saves the stacks, so that if a program performs
a sysout, the subsequent sysin will continue
from that point, e.g.,
will cause HELLO to be printed after
(SYSIN (QUOTE FOO)) The value of sysout is file
(full name). A value of NIL indicates the
sysout was unsuccessful, i.e., either disk or
computer error, or user's directory was full.
Sysout does not save the state of any open files.
Whenever the INTERLISP system is reassembled and/or reloaded, old sysout
files are not compatible with the new system.
sysin[file] restores the state of INTERLISP from a sysout
file. Value is list[file]. If sysin returns
NIL, there was a problem in reading the file.
If file is not found, generates a FILE NOT FOUND
Since sysin continues immediately where sysout left off, the only way
for a program to determine whether it is just coming back from a sysin
or from a sysout is to test the value of sysout.
will cause HELLO to be printed following the sysin, but not when the
sysout was performed.
sysout is advised to set the variable sysoutdate to (DATE), i.e.,
the time and date that the sysout was performed. sysout is also
advised to evaluate the expressions on aftersysoutforms when coming
back from a sysin, i.e., when the value being returned by sysout is
a list.
In INTERLISP-10, file is a runnable file, i.e., it is not necessary
to start up an INTERLISP and call sysin in order to restore the
state of the user's program. Instead, the user can treat the sysout
file the same as a SAV file, i.e., use the TENEX RUN command, or
simply type the file name to TENEX, and the effect will be exactly
the same as having performed a sysin.
readfile[file] Reads successive S-expressions from file using
read (with filerdtbl as readtable) until the
single atom STOP is read, or an end of file
encountered. Value is a list of these
Reads successive S-expressions from file (with
filerdtbl as readtable) and evaluates each as it
is read, until it reads either NIL, or the
single atom STOP. Value is file (full name).
If printflg=T, load prints the value of each
S-expression; otherwise it does not. ldflg
affects the operation of define, defineq, rpaq,
and rpaqq. While load is operating, dfnflg
(Section 8) is reset to ldflg. Thus, if
ldflg=NIL, and a function is redefined, a
message is printed and the old definition saved.
If ldflg=T, the old definition is simply
overwritten. If ldflg=PROP, the function
definitions are stored on the property lists
under the property EXPR. If ldflg=ALLPROP, not
only function definitions but also variables set
by rpaqq and rpaq are stored on property
permits selective loading of function
definitions. fns is a list of function names, a
single function name, or T, meaning all
functions. file can be either a compiled or
Using resetvar (Section 5). dfnflg cannot simply be rebound because
it is a global variable. See Section 18.
except when the variable has value NOBIND, in which case it is set
to the indicated value regardless of dfnflg.
loadfns was originally written by J. W. Goodwin, and subsequently
modified by W. Teitelman.
If a compiled definition is loaded, so are all compiler generated
symbolic file, i.e., any file that can be loaded
by load. The interpretation of ldflg is the
same as for load.
vars specifies which non-DEFINEQ expression are
to be loaded (i.e., evaluated): T means all, NIL
means none, VARS is same as (RPAQQ RPAQ),
FNS/VARS is same as (fileCOMS fileBLOCKS), and
any other atom is the same as list[atom].
When vars is a list, each atom on vars is
compared with both car and cadr of non-DEFINEQ
expressions, e.g., either RPAQQ or FOOCOMS can
be used to indicate (RPAQQ FOOCOMS --) should be
loaded. For more complicated specification, each
list on vars is treated as an edit pattern and
matched with the entire non-DEFINEQ expression.
In other words, a non-DEFINEQ expression will be
loaded if either its car or cadr is eq to some
member of vars, or it matches (using edit4e)
some list on vars, e.g.,
would cause (RPAQQ FOOCOMS --), all DECLARE:'s,
and all DEFLIST's which set up MACRO's to be
read and evaluated.
The value of loadfns is a list of (the names of)
the functions that were found, plus a list of
those functions not found (if any) headed by the
FUM)). If vars is non-NIL, the value will also
include those expressions that were loaded, plus
a list of those members of vars for which no
corresponding expressions were found (if any),
again headed by the atom NOT-FOUND:.
If file=NIL, loadfns will use whereis (page
14.61) to determine where the first function in
fns resides, and load from that file. Note that
the file must previously have been "noticed".
(For more discussion, see page 14.53).
same as loadfns[NIL,file;ldflg;vars]
loadfrom[file;fns;ldflg]same as loadfns[fns;file;ldflg;T]
As mentioned in Section 9, once the file package knows about the
contents of a file, the user can edit functions contained in the file
without explicitly loading them. Similarly, those functions which have
not been modified do not have to be loaded in order to write out an
updated version of the file. Files are normally noticed, i.e., their
contents become known to the file package (page 14.52), when either the
symbolic or compiled versions of the file are loaded. If the file is
not going to be loaded, the preferred way to notice it is with loadfrom.
For example, if the user wants to update the file FOO by editing the
function FOO1 contained in it, he need only perform loadfrom[FOO],
edit[FOO1], and makefile[FOO]. Note that the user can also load some
functions at the same time by giving loadfrom a second argument, e.g.,
loadfrom[FOO;FOO1], but its raison d'etre is to inform the file package
about the existence and contents of a particular file.
loadblock[fn;file;ldflg]calls loadfns on those functions contained in
the block declaration containing fn.
loadefs[fns;file] like loadfns except returns a list of functions
and their symbolic definitions, plus a list of
those functions not found, if any, headed by the
atom NOT-FOUND:, e.g.,
loadfns[(FOO FIE FUM);FOO] = ((FOO (LAMBDA ...))
A file map is a data structure which contains a symbolic 'map' of the
contents of a file. Currently, this consists of the begin and end
address for each defineq expression in the file, the begin and end
address for each function definition within the defineq, and the begin
and end address for each compiled function.
makefile, prettydef, loadfns, recompile, and numerous other system
functions depend heavily on the file map for efficient operation. For
example, the file map enables loadfns to load selected function
definitions simply by setting the file pointer to the corresponding
address using setfileptr, and then performing a single read. Similarly,
the file map is heavily used by the "remake" option of prettydef (page
14.57) those function definitions that have been changed since the
previous version are prettyprinted; the rest are simply copied from the
old file to the new one, resulting in a considerable speedup.
loadblock is designed primarily for use with symbolic files, i.e.,
to load the exprs for a given block. It will not load a function
which already has an in-core expr definition, and it will not load
the block name, unless it is also one of the block functions.
byte address, see getfileptr, page 14.5.
The internal representation of the file map is not documented since
it may change when the map is extended to include information about
other than just function definitions.
Whenever a file is read by load or loadfns, a file map is automatically
62 63
built and stored on the property list of the root name of the file,
under the property FILEMAP. Whenever a file is written by prettydef, a
file map for the new file is also built and stored on the FILEMAP
64 65
property. In addition, the file map is written on the file itself.
Thus, in most cases, load and loadfns do not have to build the file map
at all, since a file map will usually appear in the corresponding
The procedure followed whenever a system package that uses file maps
accesses a file is embodied in the function getfilemap. getfilemap first
checks the FILEMAP property to see if a file map for this file was
previously obtained or built. If there is none, getfilemap next checks
the first expression on the file to see if it is a FILECREATED
unless buildmapflg=NIL. buildmapflg is initially T.
the file name with directory and version number stripped off.
Building the map in this case essentially comes for free, since it
requires only reading the current file pointer before and after each
definition is written or copied. However, building the map does
require that prettyprint know that it is printing a DEFINEQ
expression. For this reason, the user should never print a DEFINEQ
expression onto a file himself, but should instead always use the
FNS command, page 14.41.
For cosmetic reasons, the file map is written as the last expression
in the file. However, the address of the file map in the file is
(over)written into the FILECREATED expression that appears at the
beginning of the file so that the file map can be rapidly accessed
without having to scan the entire file.
unless the file was written with buildmapflg=NIL, or was written
outside of INTERLISP.
The full name of the file is also stored on the FILEMAP property
along with its map.
expression that also contains the address of a FILEMAP. If neither are
69 70
successful getfilemap returns NIL, , and a file map will be built.
writefile[x;file] Writes a date expression onto file, followed by
successive S-expressions from x, using filerdtbl
as a readtable. If x is atomic, its value is
used. If file is not open, it is opened. If
file is a list, car[file] is used and the file
is left opened. Otherwise, when x is finished,
a STOP is printed on file and it is closed.
Value is file.
pp[x] nlambda, nospread function that performs
output[T], setreadtable[T] and then calls
prettyprint: PP FOO is equivalent to
is equivalent to PRETTYPRINT((FOO FIE)).
Primary output file and primary readtable are
restored after printing.
currently, file maps for compiled files are not written onto the
files themselves. However, load and loadfns will build maps for a
compiled file when it is loaded, and store it on the property
FILEMAP. Similary, loadfns will obtain and use the file map for a
compiled file, when available.
getfilemap also returns NIL, if usemapflg=NIL, initially T.
usemapflg is available primarily to enable the user to recover in
those cases where the file and its map for some reason do not agree.
For example, if the user edits a symbolic file that contains a map
using a text editor such as TECO, inserting or deleting just one
character will throw that map off. The functions which use file maps
contain various integrity checks to enable them to detect that
something is wrong, and to generate the error FILEMAP DOES NOT AGREE
WITH CONTENTS OF file-name. In such cases, the user can set
usemapflg to NIL, causing the map contained in the file to be
ignored, and then reexecute the operation. A new map will then be
built (unless buildmapflg is also NIL).
While building the map will not help this operation, it will help in
future references to this file. For example, if the user performs
loadfrom[FOO] where FOO does not contain a file map, the loadfrom
will be (slightly) slower than if FOO did contain a file map, but
subsequent calls to loadfns for this version of FOO will be able to
use the map that was built as the result of the loadfrom, since it
will be stored on FOO's FILEMAP property.
71 72
prettyprint[lst] lst is a list of functions (if atomic, its value
is used). The definitions of the functions are
printed in a pretty format on the primary output
file using the primary readtable. For example,
Note: prettyprint will operate correctly on functions that are
broken, broken-in, advised, or have been compiled with their definitions
saved on their property lists - it prints the original, pristine
definition, but does not change the current state of the function. If
prettyprint is given an atom which is not the name of a function, but
has a value, it will prettyprint the value. Otherwise, prettyprint
will perform spelling correction. If all fails, prettyprint returns
A facility for annotating INTERLISP functions is provided in
prettyprint. Any S-expression beginning with * is interpreted as a
comment and printed in the right margin. Example:
The prettyprint package was written by W. Teitelman.
prettyprint has a second argument that is T when called from
prettydef. In this case, whenever prettyprint starts a new function,
it prints (on the terminal) the name of that function if more than
30 seconds (real time) have elapsed since the last time it printed
the name of a function.
In order to save space on files, tabs are used instead of spaces for
the inital spaces on each line, assuming that each tab corresponds
to 8 spaces. This results in a reduction of file size by about 30%.
Tabs will not be used if prettytabflg is set to NIL (initially T).
except when prettyprint is called from prettydef.
((ZEROP N) (* 0!=1)
These comments actually form a part of the function definition.
Accordingly, * is defined as an NLAMBDA NOSPREAD function that returns
its argument, i.e., it is equivalent to quote. When running an
interpreted function, * is entered the same as any other INTERLISP
function. Therefore, comments should only be placed where they will not
harm the computation, i.e., where a quoted expression could be placed.
For example, writing (ITIMES N (FACTORIAL (SUB1 N)) (* RECURSIVE
DEFINITION)) in the above function would cause an error when ITIMES
attempted to multiply N, N-1!, and RECURSIVE.
For compilation purposes, * is defined as a macro which compiles into no
instructions. Thus, if you compile a function with comments, and load
the compiled definition into another system, the extra atom and list
structures storage required by the comments will be eliminated. This is
the way the comment feature is intended to be used. For more options,
see end of this section.
Comments are designed mainly for documenting listings. Thus when
prettyprinting to the terminal, comments are suppressed and printed as
the string **COMMENT**. The comment map feature provides a way of
saving space by keeping the text of the comments on the file (see page
Used to make symbolic files that are suitable
for loading which contain function definitions,
variable settings, property lists, et al, in a
prettyprint format. prettydef uses filerdtbl as
its readtable. The value of prettydef is the
The value of **comment**flg determines the action. If **comment**flg
is NIL, the comment is printed. Otherwise, the value of
**comment**flg is printed. **comment**flg is initially set to
" **COMMENT** ". The function pp* is provided to prettyprint
functions, including their comments, to the terminal. pp* operates
exactly like pp except it first sets **comment**flg to NIL.
prettydef actually has three additional arguments for use by the
file package. See discussion of remaking a file, page 14.58.
name of the symbolic file that was created.
prettydef operates under a resetlst (see Section
5). If an error occurs, or a control-D is
typed, all files that prettydef has opened will
be closed, the (partially complete) file being
written will be deleted, and any undoable
operations executed will be undone.
The arguments to prettydef are interpreted as follows:
prttyfns is a list of function names. The functions on
the list are prettyprinted surrounded by a
(DEFINEQ ...) so that they can be loaded with
load. If prttyfns is atomic (the preferred
usage), its top level value is used as the list
of function names, and an rpaqq will also be
written which will set that atom to the list of
functions when the file is loaded. A print
expression will also be written which informs
the user of the named atom or list of functions
when the file is subsequently loaded.
prttyfile is the name of the file on which the output is
to be written.
The following options exist:
The primary output file is used.
prttyfile atomic
The file is opened if not already open, and
becomes primary output file. File is
closed at end of prettydef and primary
output file is restored.
Since prettydef operates under a resetlst, any resetsaves executed
in the course of the prettydef will also be protected, i.e.,
restored. For example, if one of the prettydef commands executes a
(RESETSAVE (LINELENGTH 100)), the linelength will atomatically be
rpaqq and rpaq are like setqq and setq, except they set the top
level value. See Section 5.
In addition, if any of the functions in the file (including those
printed by FNS command) are nlambdas, prettydef will print a
DECLARE: expression suitable for informing the compiler about these
functions, in case the user recompiles the file without having first
loaded the nlambda functions. For more discussion, see Section 18.
prttyfile a list
Car of the list is assumed to be the file
name, and is opened if not already open.
The file is left open at end of prettydef.
prttycoms Is a list of commands interpreted as described
below. If prttycoms is atomic (the preferred
usage), its top level value is used and an rpaqq
is written which will set that atom to the list
of commands when the file is subsequently
loaded, exactly as with prttyfns.
These commands are used to save on the output file top level bindings of
variables, property lists of atoms, miscellaneous INTERLISP forms to be
evaluated upon loading, arrays, and advised functions. It also provides
for evaluation of forms at output time.
The interpretation of each command in the command list is as follows:
1. if atomic, an rpaqq is written which will restore the top level
value of this atom when the file is loaded.
2. (PROP propname atom1 ... atomn) an appropriate expression will be
written which will restore the value of propname for each atomi when
the file is loaded. If propname is a list, expressions will be
written for each property on that list. If propname=ALL, the values
of all user properties (on the property list of each atomi) are
3. (ARRAY atom1 ... atomn), each atom following ARRAY should have an
array as its value. An appropriate expression will be written which
will set the atom to an array of exactly the same size, type, and
contents upon loading.
4. (P . expression), each S-expression following P will be printed on
the output file, and consequently evaluated when the file is loaded.
If atomi does not have the property propname (as opposed to having
the property with NIL value), a warning message "NO propname
PROPERTY FOR atomi" is printed. The command IFPROP should be used
if it is not known whether or not an atom will have the
corresponding property.
sysprops is a list of properties used by system functions. Only
properties not on that list are dumped when the ALL option is used.
5. (E . forms), each form following E will be evaluated at output time,
i.e., when prettydef reaches this command.
6. (FNS fn1 ... fnm), a defineq is written with the definitions of
fn1 ... fnm exactly as though (fn1 ... fnm) were the first argument
to prettydef.
7. (VARS var1 ... varn), for each vari, an expression will be written
which will set its top level value when the file is loaded. If vari
is atomic, vari will be set to the top-level value it had at the
time the file was prettydefed, i.e., (RPAQQ vari top-level-value) is
written. If vari is non-atomic, it is interpreted as (var form).
e.g., (FOO (APPEND FIE FUM)) or (FOO (QUOTE (FOO1 FOO2 FOO3))). In
this case the expression (RPAQ var form) is written.
8. (ADVISE fn1 ... fnm), for each fnn, an appropriate expression will
be written which will reinstate the function to its advised state
when the file is loaded.
9. (ADVICE fn1 ... fnm,), for each fni, will write a deflist which will
put the advice back on the property list of the function. The user
can then use readvise to reactivate the advice. See Section 19.
10. (BLOCKS block1 ... blockn), for each blocki, a declare expression
will be written which the block compile functions interpret as block
declarations. See Section 18.
11. (COMS com1 ... comn), each of the commands com1 ... comn will be
interpreted as a prettydef command.
12. (ADDVARS (var1 . lst1) ... (varn . lstn)), Each element of lsti not
a member of vari (at load time) is added to it, i.e., the new value
of vari will be the union of its old value and lsti (not the value
of lsti). vari can initially be NOBIND, in which case it is first
set to NIL.
The user should never print a DEFINEQ expression directly onto a
file himself, but should instead always use the FNS command for
dumping functions. For more details, see page 14.35.
HORRIBLEVARS (Section 21) provides a way of saving and reloading
variables whose values contain re-entrant or circular list
structure, user data types, arrays, or hash arrays.
13. (USERMACROS atom1 ... atomn), each atomi is the name of a user edit
macro. USERMACROS writes expressions for adding the definitions to
usermacros and the names to the appropriate spelling lists.
(USERMACROS) will save all user edit macros.
14. (IFPROP propname atom1 ... atomn), same as PROP command, except that
only non-NIL property values are saved. For example, if FOO1 has
property PROP1 and PROP2, FOO2 has PROP3, and FOO3 has property
save only those 5 property values.
15. (DECLARE: . prettycoms/flags), Normally expressions written onto a
symbolic file are (1) evaluated when loaded; (2) copied to the
compiled file when the symbolic file is compiled (see Section 18);
and (3) not evaluated at compile time. DECLARE: allows the user to
override these defaults. The output of those prettycoms appearing
within the DECLARE: command is embedded in a DECLARE: expression,
along with any tags that are specified, e.g.,
DECLARE: is defined as an nlambda nospread function. When declare:
is called, it processes its arguments by evaluating or not
evaluating each list depending on the setting of an internal state
variable. The tags EVAL@LOAD, or DOEVAL@LOAD, and DONTEVAL@LOAD can
be used to reset this state variable. The initial setting is to
16. (PRETTYDEFMACROS . macronames) For each macro, expressions are
written which will redefine the macro, as well as working the
necessary additions to prettycomsplst, prettytypelst, and restoring
the PRETTYTYPE property, if any.
17. (* . text), Used for inserting a comment in a file. First a form-
feed is printed, then the comment.
As indicated in Section 18, DECLARE: expressions are specially
processed by the compiler. In this case, the relevant tags are
DONTEVAL@COMPILE. The value of declaretagslst is a list of all the
tags used in DECLARE: expressions. If a tag not on this list appears
in a DECLARE: prettycom, prettydef performs spelling correction
using declaretagslst as a spelling list.
In each of the commands described above, if the atom * follows the
command type, the form following the *, i.e., caddr of the command, is
evaluated and its value used in executing the command, e.g.,
(FNS * (APPEND FNS1 FNS2)). Note that (COMS * form) provides a way of
computing what should be done by prettydef.
New prettydef commands can be defined via prettydefmacros (see page
14.47), and dumped via the PRETTYDEFMACROS command. If prettydef is
given a command not one of the above, and not defined on
prettydefmacros, it attempts spelling correction using prettycomsplst
as a spelling list. If successful, the corrected version of prettycoms
is written (again) on the output file. If unsuccessful, prettydef
generates an error, BAD PRETTYCOM.
would create a file FOO containing:
1. (FILECREATED "time and date the file was made" . "other
2. (DEFINEQ "definitions of FOO1, FOO2, and FOO3")
7. (RPAQQ FIE "value of FIE")
Except for the PROP and IFPROP commands, in which case the * must
follow the property name, e.g., (PROP MACRO * FOOMACROS).
unless dwimflg=NIL. See Section 17.
since at this point, the uncorrected prettycoms would already have
been printed on the output file. When the file is loaded, this will
result in prettycoms being reset, and a message printed, e.g.,
(FOOVARS RESET). The value of FOOVARS would then be the corrected
8. (PUTPROPS FOO1 MACRO propvalue)
9. (PUTPROPS FOO2 MACRO propvalue)
11. STOP
printfns[x] x is a list of functions. printfns prints
defineq and prettyprints the functions to
primary output file using primary readtable.
Used by prettydef, i.e., command (FNS * FOO) is
equivalent to command (E (PRINTFNS FOO)).
printdate[file;changes] prints the filecreated expression at beginning
of prettydef files. changes is for use by the
file package.
filecreated[x] Nlambda function. Prints a message (using
lispxprint) followed by the time and date the
file was made, which is car[x]. The message is
the value of prettyheader, initially "FILE
CREATED". If prettyheader=NIL, nothing is
printed. cdr[x] contains information about the
file, e.g., full name, address of file map, list
of changed items, etc. filecreated also stores
the time and date the file was made on the
property list of the file under the property
FILEDATES and performs other initialization for
the file package.
prettycomprint[x] prints x using lispxprint, unless value of
tab[pos;minspaces;file] performs appropriate number of spaces to move to
position pos. minspaces indicates the minimum
number of spaces to be printed by tab, i.e., it
is intended to be small number (if NIL, 1 is
used). Thus, if position + minspaces is greater
than pos, tab does a terpri and then
endfile[file] Prints STOP on file and closes it.
prints the expression expr in a pretty format on
the primary output file using the primary
readtable. left is the left hand margin
(linelength determines the right hand margin.)
def=T means expr is a function definition, or a
piece of one, i.e., prettyprint is essentially
printdef[getd[fn];NIL;T]. If def=NIL, no
special action will be taken for LAMBDA's,
PROG's, COND's, comments, CLISP, etc. def is
NIL when prettydef calls prettyprint to print
variables and property lists, and when printdef
is called from the editor via the command PPV.
tailflg = T means expr is a tail of a list, and
is printed without parentheses.
comment1[l] prints the comment l. comment1 is a separate
function to permit the user to intercept the
printing of comments, perform some operation,
e.g., reset the line length, print the comment
himself, and then restore the line length. For
example, this could be accomplished by adding
(COMMENT1 X))) to prettyprintmacros.
All variables described below, i.e., #rpars, firstcol, et al, are global
variables, see Section 18. Therefore, if they are to be changed, they
must be reset, not rebound.
prettyheader value is message printed by filecreated.
prettyheader is initially "FILE CREATED". If
prettyheader=NIL, neither filecreated nor
prettycomprint will print anything. Thus,
setting prettyheader to NIL will result in
"silent loads". For example, prettyheader is
reset to NIL during greeting (Section 22).
#rpars controls the number of right parentheses
necessary for square bracketing to occur. If
#rpars=NIL, no brackets are used. #rpars is
initialized to 4.
linelength[n] determines the position of the right margin for
comment1 is an entry to the prettyprint block. However, it is
called internally by prettyprint so that advising or redefining it
will not affect the action of prettyprint.
firstcol is the starting column for comments. Initial
setting is 48. Comments run between firstcol
and linelength. If a word in a comment ends
with a "." and is not on the list abbrevlst, and
the position is greater than halfway between
firstcol and linelength, the next word in the
comment begins on a new line. Also, if a list
is encountered in a comment, and the position is
greater than halfway, the list begins on a new
prettylcom If a comment is bigger (using count) than
prettylcom in size, it is printed starting at
column 10, instead of firstcol. prettylcom is
initialized to 14 (arrived at empirically).
#carefulcolumns in the interests of efficiency, prettyprint
approximates the number of characters in each
atom, rather than calling nchars, when computing
how much will fit on a line. This procedure
works satisfactorily in most cases. However,
users with unusually long atoms in their
programs, e.g., such as produced by clispify,
may occasionlly encounter some glitches in the
output produced by prettyprint. The value of
#carefulcolumns tells prettyprint how many
columns (counting from the right hand margin) in
which to actually compute nchars instead of
approximating. Setting #carefulcolumns to 20 or
30 will eliminate the above glitches, although
it will slow down prettyprint slightly.
#carefulcolumns is initially 0.
widepaper[flg] widepaper[T] sets filelinelength to 120,
firstcol to 80, and prettylcom to 28. These are
useful settings for prettyprinting files to be
listed on wide paper. widepaper[] restores
these parameters to their initial values. The
value of widepaper is its previous setting.
Note that makefile, page 14.56, resets linelength to the value of
filelinelength, before calling prettydef. filelinelength is
initially 72.
Comments are also printed starting at column 10, if their second
element is also a *, i.e., comments of the form (* * --).
commentflg If car of an expression is eq to commentflg, the
expression is treated as a comment. commentflg
is initialized to *.
prettyflg If prettyflg is NIL, printdef uses prin2 instead
of prettyprinting. This is useful for producing
a fast symbolic dump (see FAST option of
makefile, page 14.56). Note that the file
loads the same as if it were prettyprinted.
prettyflg is initially set to T.
clispifyprettyflg used to inform prettyprint to CLISPIFY selected
function definitions before printing them. See
Section 23.
prettydefmacros is an assoc-type list for defining substitution
macros for prettydef. If (FOO (X Y) . coms)
appears on prettydefmacros, then (FOO A B)
appearing in the third argument to prettydef
will cause A to be substituted for X and B for Y
throughout coms (i.e., cddr of the macro), and
then coms treated as a list of commands for
prettydef. If the atom * follows the name of
the command, caddr of the command is evaluated
before substituting in the definition for the
prettyprintmacros is an assoc-list that enables the user to format
selected expressions himself. car of each
expression being prettyprinted is looked up on
prettyprintmacros, and if found, cdr of the
corresponding entry is applied to the
expression. If the result of this application
is NIL, prettyprint will ignore the
expression.This gives the user the option of
printing the expression himself in whatever
format he pleases. If the result is non-NIL, it
is prettyprinted in the normal fashion. This
gives the user the option of computing some
other expression to be prettyprinted in its
place. prettyprintmacros is initially NIL.
prettyprintypemacros is a list of elements of the form
The substitution is carried out by subpair (Section 6), so that the
"argument list" for the macro can also be atomic. For example, if
(FOO X . COMS) appears on prettydefmacros, then (FOO A B) will cause
(A B) to be substituted for X throughout coms.
(type-number . fn). For typenumbers other than
8 (lists) and 12 (atoms), the type number is
looked up on prettyprintypemacros, and if found,
the corresponding function is applied to the
datum about to be printed, instead of simply
printing it with prin2. prettyprintypemacros is
initially NIL.
changechar if non-NIL, and prettyprint is printing to a
file or display terminal, prettyprint prints
changechar in the right hand margin while
printing those expressions marked by the editor
as having been changed (see Section 9).
changechar is initially |.
(* E x) A comment of this form causes x to be evaluated
at prettyprint time, e.g., (* E (RADIX 8)) as a
comment in a function containing octal numbers
can be used to change the radix to produce more
readable printout. The comment is also printed.
For a well-commented collection of programs, the list structure, atom,
and pname storage required to represent the comments in core can be
significant. If the comments already appear on a file and are not
needed for editing, a significant savings can be achieved by simply
leaving the text of the comment on the file when the file is loaded, and
instead retaining in core only a pointer to the comment. This feature
has been implemented by defining * as a read-macro in FILERTBL which
instead of reading in the entire text of the comment, constructs an
expression containing [1] the name of the file in which the text of the
comment is contained, [2] the address of the first byte of the comment,
and [3] the number of bytes. For output purposes, * is defined as a
prettyprintmacro that prints the comments represented by such pointers
by simply copying the corresponding bytes from one file to another, or
to the terminal. Normal comments are processed the same as before, and
can be intermixed freely with comment pointers.
The comment pointer feature is enabled by setting normalcommentsflg to
NIL. normalcommentsflg is initially T. Note that normalcommentsflg can
be changed as often as desired, i.e., some files can be loaded normally,
and others using comment pointers.
For convenience of editing selected comments, an edit macro, get*, is
Plus a flag to indicate whether the comment appeared at the right
hand margin or centered on the page.
included which loads in the text of the corresponding comment.
pp* prints the comment without reading it by simply copying the
corresponding bytes to the terminal.
This section is for users operating on terminals without lower case who
nevertheless would like their comments to be converted to lower case for
more readable line-printer listings. Users with lower-case terminals
can skip to the File Package sections (as they can type comments
directly in lower case).
%% If the second atom in a comment is %%, the text
of the comment is converted to lower case so
that it looks like English instead of LISP (see
next page).
The output on the next page illustrates the result of a lower casing
operation. Before this function was prettydefed, all comments consisted
of upper case atoms, e.g., the first comment was (* %%
INTERPRETS A SINGLE COMMAND). Note that comments are converted only
when they are actually written to a file by prettydef.
The algorithm for conversion to lower case is the following: If the
first character in an atom is ^, do not change the atom (but remove the
^). If the first character is %, convert the atom to lower case. If
95 96
the atom is an INTERLISP word, do not change it. Otherwise, convert
the atom to lower case. Conversion only affects the upper case
alphabet, i.e., atoms already converted to lower case are not changed if
the comment is converted again. When converting, the first character in
the comment and the first character following each period are left
capitalized. After conversion, the comment is physically modified to be
the lower case text minus the %% flag, so that conversion is thus only
performed once (unless the user edits the comment inserting additional
upper case text and another %% flag).
User must type %% as % is the escape character.
minus any trailing punctuation marks.
i.e., is a bound or free variable for the function containing the
comment, or has a top level value, or is a defined function, or has
a non-NIL property list.
[LAMBDA (BRKCOM BRKFLG) (* Interprets a
single command.)
(GO (* Evaluate BRKEXP
unless already evaluated,
print value, and exit.)
(OK (* Evaluate BRKEXP,
unless already evaluated,
do NOT print value,
and exit.)
(^WGO (* Same as GO except
never saves evaluation
on history.)
(* User will type in expression to be evaluated and
returned as value of BREAK. Otherwise same as GO.)
(EVAL (* Evaluate BRKEXP but
do not exit from BREAK.)
(* For user's benefit.)
lcaselst Words on lcaselst will always be converted to
lower case. lcaselst is initialized to contain
words which are INTERLISP functions but also
appear frequently in comments as English words.
etc. Thus, in the example on the previous page,
not was written as ^NOT, and GO as ^GO in order
that they might be left in upper case.
ucaselst words on ucaselst (that do not appear on
lcaselst) will be left in upper case. ucaselst
is initialized to NIL.
abbrevlst abbrevlst is used to distinguish between
abbreviations and words that end in periods.
Normally, words that end in periods and occur
more than halfway to the right margin cause
carriage-returns. Furthermore, during
conversion to lowercase, words ending in
periods, except for those on abbrevlst, cause
the first character in the next word to be
capitalized. abbrevlst is initialized to the
upper and lower case forms of ETC. I.E. and E.G.
l-case[x;flg] value is lower case version of x. If flg is T,
the first letter is capitalized, e.g.,
l-case[FOO;T] = Foo, l-case[FOO] = foo. If x is
a string, the value of l-case is also a string,
e.g., l-case["FILE NOT FOUND";T] = "File not
u-case[x] Similar to l-case
This section describes a set of functions and conventions for
facilitating the bookkeeping involved with working in a large system
consisting of many symbolic files and their compiled counterparts. The
file package keeps track of which files have been in some way modified
and need to be dumped, which files have been dumped, but still need to
be listed and/or recompiled. The functions described below comprise a
coherent package for eliminating this burden from the user. They
require that for each file, the first argument to prettydef be NIL and
the third argument be fileCOMS, where file is the name of the file,
The file package was written by W. Teitelman. It can be disabled by
setting filepkgflg to NIL.
e.g., prettydef[NIL;FOO;FOOCOMS].
All the system functions that perform global file operations, e.g.,
load, loadfns, prettydef, tcompl, recompile, et al, as well as those
functions that change data stored in files, e.g., editf, editv, DWIM
corrections to user functions, reassignment of top-level variables,
etc., interact with the file package. Some of these interactions are
quite complex, such as those cases where the same function appears in
several different files, or where the symbolic or compiled files reside
in other directories, or were originally made under a different name,
etc. Therefore, this section will not attempt to document how the file
package works in each and every situation, but instead make the
deliberately vague statement that it does the "right" thing with respect
to keeping track of what has been changed, and what file operations need
to be performed in accordance with those changes.
Operations in the file package can be broken down roughly into three
categories: (1) noticing files, (2) marking changes, and (3) updating
files. Files are "noticed" by load and loadfns (or loadfrom, loadvars,
etc.). All file operations in the file package are based on the root
name of the file, i.e., the filename with version number and/or
directory field removed. Noticing a file consists of adding its root
name to the list filelst, and adding the property FILE, value
file can contain a suffix and/or version number, e.g.,
PRETTYDEF(NIL FOO.TEM;7 FOOVARS) is acceptable. The essential point
is that the COMS be computable from the name of the file.
as opposed to "local" file operations such as those performed by
print, read, setfileptr, etc.
100 101
((fileCOMS . type)), to the property list of its root name, where
type indicates how the file was loaded, e.g., completely loaded, only
partially loaded as with loadfns, loaded as a compiled file, etc. For
example, if the user performs load[<TEITELMAN>FOO.LSP;2], FOO.LSP is
added to filelst, and ((FOOCOMS . T)) is put on the property list of
The property FILE is used to determine whether or not the corresponding
file has been modified since the last time it was loaded or dumped as
described below. In addition, the property FILECHANGES contains the
union of all changes since the file was loaded (i.e., there may have
been several sequences of editing and rewriting the file), and the
property FILEDATES a list of version numbers and the corresponding file
dates. The use and maintenance of these properties is explained below.
Whenever a function is changed, either explicitly, as with editing, or
implicitly, e.g., via a DWIM correction, the function is marked as being
changed by adding it to the list changedfnslst. A similar procedure is
followed for variables and changedvarslst, records and changedreclst,
etc. Periodically, the function updatefiles is called to find which
The computation of the root name is actually based on the name of
the file as indicated in the FILECREATED expression appearing at the
front of the file, since this name corresponds to the name the file
was originally made under. Similarly, the file package can detect
that the file being noticed is a compiled file (regardless of its
name), by the appearance of more than one FILECREATED expressions.
In this case, each of the files mentioned in the FILECREATED
expressions are noticed. For example, if the user performs
BCOMPL((FOO FIE)), and subsequently loads FOO.COM, both FOO and FIE
will be noticed.
The variable loadedfilelst contains a list of the actual names of
the files as loaded by load or loadfns. For example, if the user
performs LOAD[<NEWLISP>EDITA.COM;3], EDITA will be added to filelst,
but <NEWLISP>EDITA.COM;3 is added to loadedfilelst. loadedfilelst
is not used by the file package, it is mantained for the user's
Initially, the file package knows about several "prettytypes", e.g.
functions, variables, records, prettydefmacros, etc. page 14.63
describes how to add additional types.
file(s) contain the elements that have been changed. updatefiles
operates by scanning filelst and interrogating the prettycoms for each
file. When (if) such files are found, the name of the element is added
to the value of the property FILE for the corresponding file, and the
element removed from its changedlst. Thus, after updatefiles has
completed operating, the files that need to be dumped are simply those
files on filelst for which cdr of their FILE property is non-NIL. For
example, if the user loads the file FOO containing definitions for FOO1,
FOO2, and FOO3, edits FOO2, and then calls updatefiles,
getprop[FOO;FILE] will be ((FOOCOMS . T) FOO2). Functions or variables
that remain on their corresponding changedlst are those for which no
file has been found.
Whenever a file is written using makefile (described below), the
functions/variables that have been changed, i.e., cdr of the FILE
property, are moved to the property FILECHANGES, and cdr of the FILE
property is reset (rplacd) to NIL. In addition, the file is added to
the list notlistedfiles and notcompiledfiles. Whenever the user lists a
file using listfiles, it is removed from notlistedfiles. Similarly,
whenever a file is compiled by tcompl, recompile, bcompl, or brecompile,
the file is removed from notcompiledfiles. Thus at each point, the
state of all files can be determined. This information is available to
the user via the function files?. Similarly, the user can see whether
and how each particular file has been modified (by examining the
appropriate property values), dump all files that have been modified,
list all files that have been dumped but not listed, recompile all files
that have been dumped but not recompiled, or any combination of any or
all of the above by using one of the function described below.
updatefiles is called by files?, cleanup, makefiles, and addfile,
i.e., any procedure that requires the FILE property to be up to
date. (The user can also invoke updatefiles directly.) This
procedure is followed rather than update the FILE property after
each change because scanning filelst and interrogating each
prettycom can be a time-consuming process, and is not so noticeable
when performed in conjunction with a large operation like loading or
writing a file.
e.g., the user defines a new function but forgets to add it to the
prettycoms for the corresponding file. For this reason, both files?
and cleanup print warning messages when changedfnslst is not NIL
following an updatefiles.
If the file was not on filelst, e.g., the user defined some
functions and initialized the corresponding prettydoms without
loading a file, then the file will be "noticed" by virtue of its
being written. i.e., added to filelst, and given appropriate FILE,
notices file if not previously noticed.
Performs linelength[filelinelength], and calls
prettydef giving it NIL, file, fileCOMS,
reprintfns, sourcefile, and the list of changes
as its arguments, restores original
linelength, and then adds file to
notlistedfiles, notcompiledfiles. options is
a list of options or a single option interpreted
as follows:
FAST perform prettydef with prettyflg=NIL
RC call recompile after prettydef or
brecompile if there are any block
declarations specified in fileCOMS.
C calls tcompl after prettydef or bcompl
if there are any block declarations
specified in fileCOMS.
CLISPIFY perform prettydef with
clispifyprettyflg=T, causing clispify
(see Section 23) to be called on each
function defined as an expr before it
fileCOMS are constructed from the name field only, e.g.,
makefile[FOO.TEM] will work. The list of changes is simply cdr of
the FILE property, as described earlier, i.e., those items that have
been changed since the last makefile. prettydef merges those
changes with those handled in previous calls to makefile, and stores
the result on the property FILECHANGES. This list of changes is
included in the FILECREATED expression printed at the beginning of
the file by printdate, along with the date and version number of the
file that was originally noticed, and the date and version number of
the current file, i.e., this one. (these two version numbers and
dates are also kept on the property FILEDATE for various integrity
checks in connection with remaking a file as described below.)
Files that do not contain any function definitions or those that
have on their property list the property FILETYPE with value
DON'TCOMPILE, are not added to notcompiledfiles, nor are they
compiled even when options specifies C or RC.
Including any generated via the COMS command or via a prettymacro.
is prettyprinted.
NOCLISP performs prettydef with
prettytranflg=T, causing CLISP
translations to be printed, if any, in
place of the corresponding CLISP
expression, e.g., iterative statement.
LIST calls listfiles on file.
REMAKE 'remakes' file. See discussion below.
NEW does not remake file.
If F, ST, STF, or S is the next item on options following C or RC, given
to the compiler as the answer to the compiler's question LISTING?, e.g.,
makefile[FOO;(C F LIST)] will dump FOO, then tcompl or bcompl it
specifying that functions are not to be redefined, and finally list the
The user can indicate that file must be block compiled together with
other files as a unit by putting a list of those files on the property
list of each file under the property FILEGROUP. For example, EDIT and
WEDIT are one such group, DWIM, FIX, CLISP, and DWIMIFY another. If
file has a FILEGROUP property, the compiler will not be called until all
files on this property have been dumped that need to be.
Most of the time that a symbolic file is written using prettydef, only
some, usally a few, of the functions that it contains have been changed
since the last time the file was written. A considerable savings in time
is afforded by copying the prettprinted definitions of those functions
that have not changed from an earlier version of the symbolic file, and
Alternatively, if file has the property FILETYPE with value CLISP,
prettydef is called with clispifyprettyflg reset to CHANGES, which
will cause clispify to be called on all functions marked as having
been changed. For more details, see discussion of clispifyprettyflg
in Section 23. Note that if file has property FILETYPE with value
CLISP, the compiler will know to dwimify its functions before
compiling them, as described in Sections 18 and 23.
If makefileremakeflg is T (its initial setting), the default for all
calls to makefile is to remake. The NEW option is provided in order
to override this default.
prettyprinting only those functions that have been changed.
To this end, prettydef has two additional arguments, reprintfns and
sourcefile. reprintfns can be a list of functions to be prettyprinted,
or EXPRS meaning prettyprint all functions with EXPR definitions, or ALL
meaning prettyprint all functions either defined as exprs or with EXPR
properties. sourcefile is the name of the file from which to copy the
definitions for those functions that are not going to be prettyprinted,
i.e., those not specified by reprintfns. sourcefile=T means use most
recent version (i.e., highest number) of prttyfile, the second argument
to prettydef. If sourcefile cannot be found, prettydef prints the
message "file NOT FOUND, SO IT WILL BE WRITTEN ANEW", and proceeds as it
does when reprintfns and sourcefile are both NIL.
While a file can be remade by appropriately specifying the reprintfns
and sourcefile arguments to prettydef, remaking is intended to be used
in conjunction with makefile, which performs a number of
"do-what-I-mean" type of services in this context, as described below.
When a makefile remake is being performed, prettydef will be called
specifying as reprintfns those functions that have been changed since
Remaking a symbolic file does not depend on the earlier version
having a file map, although it is considerably faster if one does
exist. In the case of a remake where no file map is available,
prettydef scans the file looking for the corresponding definition
whenever it is about to copy the definition to the new file. The
scan utilizes skread (page 14.15), and prettydef does not begin
scanning from the beginning of the file each time, but instead
"walks through" the original file as it is writing the new file.
Since the functions are for the most part in the same order,
prettydef never has to scan very far. However, prettydef also
builds a map of the functions it has skipped over so that if the
order of functions is reversed in the new file, prettydef is able to
back up and pick up a function previously skipped. The net result
is still a significant savings over (re)prettyprinting the entire
file, although not as great a savings as occurs when a map is
Note that doing a remake with reprintfns=NIL makes sense if there
have been changes in the file, but not to any of the functions,
e.g., changes to vars or property lists.
The normal default for makefile is to remake, as indicated by the
value of makefileremakeflg, initially T, i.e., the user does not
have to explicitly include REMAKE as an option. Note that the user
can override this default for particular files by using the NEW
option (page 14.57).
the last version of the file was written. For sourcefile, makefile
obtains the full name of the most recent version of the file (that it
knows about) from the FILEDATES property, and checks to make sure
that the file still exists, and has the same file date as that stored on
the FILEDATES property. If it does, makefile calls prettydef specifying
that file as sourcefile. In the case where the most recent version of
the file cannot be found, makefile will attempt to remake using the
original version of the file, i.e., the one first loaded, and specifying
as reprintfns the union of all changes that have been made, which it
obtains from the FILECHANGES property. If both of these fail, makefile
calls prettydef with reprintfns and sourcefile=NIL.
When a remake is specified, makefile also checks the state of the file
(cdar of the FILE property) to see how the file was originally loaded
(page 14.53). If the file was originally loaded as a compiled file,
makefile will automatically call loadvars to obtain those DECLARE:
expressions that are contained on the symbolic file, but not the
compiled file, and hence have not been loaded. If the file was loaded
by loadfns (but not loadfrom), then loadvars will automatically be
called to obtain the non-DEFINEQ expressions. If a remake is not
being performed, i.e., makefileremakeflg is NIL, or the option NEW was
specified, makefile checks the state of the file to make sure that the
entire symbolic file was actually loaded. If the file was loaded as a
compiled file, makefile prints the message "CAN'T DUMP: ONLY THE
COMPILED FILE HAS BEEN LOADED." Similarly, if only some of the symbolics
were load via loadfns or loadfrom, makefile prints "CAN'T DUMP: ONLY
SOME OF ITS SYMBOLICS HAVE BEEN LOADED." In both cases, makefile will
then ask the user if it should dump anyway, and if the user declines,
makefile does not call prettydef, and returns (file NOT DUMPED) as its
The user can specify reprintfns as the third argument to makefile.
The user can also specify sourcefile as the fourth argument to
makefile, in which case the above checks are not executed.
This procedure permists the user to load or loadfrom a file in a
different directory, and still be able to makefile-remake.
If the file has never been loaded or dumped, e.g., the user simply
set up the fileCOMS himself, then makefile will never attempt to
remake the file, regardless of the setting of makefileremakeflg, or
whether the REMAKE option was specified, but instead will call
prettydef with sourcefile=reprintfns=NIL.
makefiles[options;files]For each file on files that has been changed,
performs makefile[file;options], If files=NIL,
filelst is used, e.g., makefiles[LIST] will make
and list all files that have been changed. In
this case, if any functions (or other
prettytypes) have been defined or changed and
they are not contained in one of the files on
filelst, makefiles calls addtofiles? to allow
the user to specify where these go. The value
of makefiles is a list of all files that are
listfiles[files] nlambda, nospread function. Uses bksysbuf to
load system buffer appropriately to list each
file on files, (if NIL, notlistedfiles is used)
followed by a QUIT command, then calls a lower
EXEC via subsys (Section 21). The EXEC will
then read from the system buffer, list the
files, and QUIT back to the program.
Each file listed is removed from notlistedfiles
if the listing is completed, e.g., if the user
control-C's to stop the listing and QUITS. For
each file not found, listfiles prints the
message "<file-name> NOT FOUND" and proceeds to
the next file on files.
compilefiles[files] nlambda, nospread function. Executes the RC
option of makefile for each member of files.
(If files=NIL, notcompiledfiles is used.)
files?[] Prints on terminal the names of those files that
have been modified but not dumped, dumped but
not listed, dumped but not compiled, plus the
names of those functions and other prettytypes
listfiles calls the function listfiles1 on each file to be listed.
listfiles1 computes the appropriate string to be fed to TENEX by
concating LIST$, the file name, and the value of listfilestr,
initially "C". The user can reset listfilestr to specify subcommands
for the list command, or advise or redefine listfiles1 for more
specialized applications.
If car of files is a list, it is interpreted as the options
argmument to makefiles. This feature can be used to supply an
answer to the compiler's LISTING? question, e.g.,
compilefiles[(STF)] will compile each file on notcompiledfiles so
that the functions are redefined without the exprs being saved.
(if any) that are not contained in any file. If
there are any, files? then calls addtofiles? to
allow the user to specify where these go.
cleanup[files] nlambda, nospread. Dumps, lists, and recompiles
(or brecompiles) any and all files on files
requiring the corresponding operation. If
files = NIL, filelst is used. Value is NIL.
whereis[x;type;files] type is the name of a prettycom. whereis sweeps
through all the files on files and returns a
list of all files containing x. whereis knows
about and expands all prettydef commands and
prettydefmacros. type=NIL is equivalent to FNS,
type=T is equivalent to VARS. Similarly,
files=NIL is equivalent to (the value of)
filelst, and files=T is equivalent to
Note that whereis requires that the fileCOMS of the corresponding files
be available. However, in INTERLISP-10, the system fileCOMS are
clobbered to save space. Therefore, if the user wants to ask the
location of a system function, variable, etc., he should first load the
addtofiles?[] asks the user if he wants to say where the
various changed items that do not belong to any
file should be placed. If user answers N(o),
returns NIL without taking any action.
Otherwise, maps through all the changedlst's,
prints each element, and accepts one of four
(1) a file name or name of a list, e.g., FOO or
FOOFNS. Adds the item to the corresponding
file or list, using addtofile.
(2) line-feed - means same as the user's
previous response
(3) space - take no action
The user can affect the operation of cleanup by resetting the
variable cleanupoptions, initially (LIST RC). For example, if
cleanupoptions is (RC F), no listing will be performed, and no
functions will be redefined as the result of compiling.
Alternatively, if car of files is a list, it will be interpreted as
the list of options regardless of the value of cleanupoptions.
(4) ] - item is marked as a dummy item by
adding it to NILCOMS, i.e., tell file
package not to worry about what to do with
this item.
adds item, of type type to file. type is a
pretty type, e.g., FNS, ARRAYS, etc. file is
either a file name, or name of a variable whose
value is a list. Uses mergeinsert (Section 6)
to insert item at the right point. Value is
file. addtofile is undoable.
filefnslst[file] returns a list of the functions in file, i.e.,
specified by fileCOMS. filefnslst knows about
newfile2[name;coms;type]coms is a list of prettydef commands, type is
usually FNS or VARS but may be BLOCKS, ARRAYS,
etc. or the name of any other prettydef command.
If name=NIL, newfile2 returns a list of all
elements of type type. (filefnslst and bcompl
and brecompile use this option.)
If name=T, newfile2 returns T if there are any
elements of type type. (makefile uses this
option to determine whether the file contains
any FNS, and therefore should be compiled, and
if so, whether it contains any BLOCKS, to
determine whether to call bcompl/brecompile or
Otherwise, newfile2 returns T if name is
"contained" in coms. (whereis uses newfile2 in
this way.)
If the user often employs prettydefmacros, their expansion by the
various parts of the system that need to interrogate files can result in
a large number of conses and garbage collections. If the user could
inform the file package as to what his various prettydefmacros actually
produce, this expansion would not be necessary. For example, the user
may have a macro called GRAMMARS which dumps various property lists but
no functions. Thus, the file package could ignore this command when
seeking information about FNS. The user can supply this information by
putting on the property list of the prettydef command, e.g., GRAMMARS,
under the property PRETTYTYPE, a function (or LAMBDA expression) of
If nothing appears on property PRETTYTYPE, the command is expanded
as before.
three arguments, com, type, and name, where com is a prettydef command,
and type and name corrrespond to the arguments to newfile2. The result
of applying the function to these arguments should be a list of those
elements of type type contained in com.
Currently, the file package knows about several different "prettytypes":
functions, variables, records, etc. As described on page 14.54,
whenever a function, variable, etc. is changed, newfile? (described
below) is called to add it to the corresponding changedlst, e.g.,
changedfnslst, changedvarslst, etc. Updatefiles operates by mapping down
filelst and using newfile2 to determine if the corresponding file
contains any of the elements on the various changedlsts. The user can
tell the file package about additional prettytypes by adding appropriate
entries to prettytypelst. Each element of prettytypelst is a list of
the form (name-of-changedlist type string), where string is optional.
For example, prettytypelst is initially ((CHANGEDFNSLST FNS "functions")
prettytypelst, then updatefiles will know to move elements on
changedgramlst to the FILE property for the files that contain them.
The function newfile? can be used to mark elements as being changed,
i.e., to move them to their respective changedlst.
changedlst is the name of a changedlst, e.g.,
(undoably) adds name to changedlst. Value is
name. newfile? is used by the editor, DWIM,
define, etc.
Actually, when name=T, it is sufficient to return T if there are any
elements of type type in com. Similary, when name is an atom other
than T or NIL, return T if name is contained in com. Finally, if
name is a list, it is sufficient to return a list of only those
elements of type type contained in com that are also contained in
name. The user may take advantage of these conventions of newfile2
to reduce the number of conses required for various file package
operations, such as calls to whereis that editf performs when given
a function without an expr (see Section 9). However, note that
simply returning a list of all elements of type type found in com
will always work.
If string is supplied, files? will inform the user if any elements
remain on the changed list after updatefiles has completed.
Similarly, makefiles will warn the user that some elements of this
type are not going to be dumped in the event that it could not find
the file to which they belonged.