PDP-10 Archives
There are 3 other files named rehlp6.for in the archive. Click here to see a list.
1 FORMAT(' This program renumbers and/or lists FORTRA',
1'N programs. The user will first be'/' asked t',
2'o specify whatever options are desired. If the us',
3'er specifies an option'/' which logically applies ',
4' only to a listing, then a listing is gene',
5'rated.'/' Likewise, if the user specifies an ',
6'option which logically applies only when'/' renumb',
7'ering, then the FORTRAN text will be renumbered. ',
8' If both listing and')
2 FORMAT(' renumbering are requested at the same ',
1'time, then it will be the FORTRAN text'/' after re',
2'numbering which is listed. All of the options sp',
3'ecified by the user'/' must be typed on a si',
4'ngle line. The user does not need to specify any ',
5'option'/' for which the standard value is acceptab',
6'le, with the exception, of course, that'/' enough',
7' options must be specified to select whether list',
8'ing or renumbering is to'/' be performed.'/)
3 FORMAT(' Each option is specified by typing a lette',
1'r or a letter with a following number'/' or numb',
2'ers. These letter and number combinations can hav',
3'e the forms /letter or'/' /letter:number or /lette',
4'r:number:number where the initial slash and the ',
5'colons'/' are optional. Thus A5 and L60 66 ',
6'are equivalent to /A:5 and /L:60:66'/' respec',
7'tively.'//' If a listing is requested, then the us',
8'er will be asked for a title to be placed')
4 FORMAT(' at the top of each page, and for the name ',
1'of the file to which the listing is to'/' be writt',
2'en. If renumbering is requested, then the user wi',
3'll be asked for the'/' name of the file into',
4' which the renumbered text is to be copied. After',
5' these'/' resulting files have been specified, the',
6' user will be asked to specify the name'/' of the',
7' first or only file to be processed.'//' The user ',
8'will then be asked repeatedly to specify the next ',
9'file to be processed.')
5 FORMAT(' If the user specifies a second or a su',
1'bsequent file, then the text resulting'/' from the',
2' processing of these additional files will be a',
3'ppended to the same'/' listing or renumbered fi',
4'les as the first. Usually, only a single file sho',
5'uld be'/' processed if the file is being renumbere',
6'd. This single file would contain as'/' many r',
7'outines as are convenient. However, several relat',
8'ed files might be listed')
6 FORMAT(' at the same time so that they appear toget',
1'her in a single listing with a single'/' table o',
2'f contents. Once all of the files which are to be',
3' processed at the same'/' time have been specified',
4', the user should merely press the RETURN key when',
5' asked'/' to specify the next file. The user w',
6'ill then be asked to specify the options'/' for th',
7'e next file or files which are to be processed ',
8' separately from those')
7 FORMAT(' already processed. If no more files are ',
1'to be processed at this time, then the'/' user sho',
2'uld merely press the RETURN key again to exit from',
3' the program.'//' The letters which can be used to',
4' select the various options are listed below.'//' ',
5'A followed by number of spaces to add left of stat',
6'ements in IF THEN block or in'/3X,'DO loop. /A o',
7'r /A:0 equals /A:1'/' B followed by smallest state',
8'ment number in renumbered output')
8 FORMAT(' C column formatted renumbered output with ',
1'statement numbers ending in column 5.'/3X,'Statem',
2'ent text will start in column 7'/' E followed by n',
3'umber of extra tables of contents. /E or /E:0 equ',
4'als /E:1'/' F listing device has form feed. Pages',
5' in listing will be separated by form'/3X,'fe',
6'eds if output is to LPT device. /F can be f',
7'ollowed by number of lines'/3X,'printable per page',
8'. /F or /F:0 equals /F:60')
9 FORMAT(' G followed by number of blank lines to be ',
1'listed between FORTRAN statements. No'/3X,'extra ',
2'blank lines are listed between comment lines. /G ',
3'or /G:0 equals /G:1'/' I followed by increment ',
4'between statement numbers in renumbered outp',
5'ut.'/3X,'Negative increment, such as specified b',
6'y /I:-1, gives smallest number at end'/3X,'of prog',
7'ram. Smallest number will be absolute value of ',
8'increment unless /B'/3X,'specifies non-zero smal',
9'lest number. /I or /I:0 equals /I:1')
10 FORMAT(' J followed by number of blank lines to be ',
1'at top of 1st, at bottom of 2nd and'/3X,'top of',
2' 3rd pages, etc. This can be followed by number o',
3'f blank lines to be at'/3X,'bottom of 1st, at top ',
4'of 2nd and bottom of 3rd pages, etc. These blank ',
5' lines'/3X,'are inserted to allow top binding',
6' of unburst fanfold paper and must be'/3X,'incl',
7'uded in printing line limit specified by /F or /L'/
8' K long lines are to be kept intact in listing')
11 FORMAT(' L pages in listing will be separated by co',
1'unted line feeds. /L can be followed'/3X,'by nu',
2'mber of lines printable per page. This can be fo',
3'llowed by total number'/3X,'of lines per page. /S',
4':0 is assumed if /S has not already been selected',
5'. /L'/3X,'or /L:0 equals /L:60:66'/' M if issued',
6' not followed by a number, old statement numbers a',
7're maintained. If'/3X,'M is followed by 2 n',
8'umbers, then these are lowest and highest statem',
9'ent'/3X,'numbers to be modified')
12 FORMAT(' P followed by first page number in listing',
1'. /P or /P:0 equals /P:1'/' S followed by number ',
2'of characters printable beyond normal right margin',
3'. Excess'/3X,'characters are right justified ',
4'on following line. /S or /S:0 gives 70'/3X,'c',
5'haracter lines. /S:13 equals /K'/' T tab formatte',
6'd renumbered output. Tab character will precede s',
7'tatement text'/' U column formatted renumbered out',
8'put with statement numbers starting in column'/3X,
9'1. Statement text will start in column 7')
13 FORMAT(' V listing is to be viewed on this terminal',
1'. Only 1 input file can be specified'/' W followe',
2'd by width of tab stop columns to be used when ',
3' converting tabs to'/3X,'spaces in comment li',
4'nes. Tabs in comment lines are not convert',
5'ed in'/3X,'renumbered output unless /W is typed. ',
6'/W or /W:0 equals /W:8'//' Listing is requested by',
7' /E, /F, /G, /J, /K, /L, /P, /S and /V. The ',
8'default'/' options are initial page number 1,',
9' form feeds, intact long lines, single')
14 FORMAT(' spacing, and 1 table of contents.'//' Renu',
1'mbered is requested by /B, /C, /I, /M, /T and /U. ',
2' The default options are'/' smallest statement n',
3'umber 1, increment 1 and column format.'/)