
Trailing-Edge - PDP-10 Archives - decuslib10-12 - 43,50552/lex.unv
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(4@P E=Z mHl$trans==.n$trans==.K:$ {Hbprintx
 i{hf2	<printx [LXMEN|D Finished proces|(sing .DFA file.]>
file.]>K:&= sH4$bsym(S.,\sh$state):
;	byte	t(9) $llch, $lhch t((18) <$trans-$llctHh>
;	byte	(1) $cthheck, $skip, $aheuad, $back (14) $tu(oken (18) $sem
	uHexp	$llch, $lhch
	exp	<$trans-$llvch>
	exp	$check,v( $skip, $ahead, $vHback
	exp	$token
	exp	$sem
enK:&= {Xexp	-1, 0Zexp	-1, 0K:&Ku xhFexp	-1, 0Hexp	-1, 0K:&LP )
Q&91P$hch==AQ'H: iHNumberStates==	AmberStatSd[S \
\(ife	A,		<$len==0\H>
ifle	A-6, <if\hn A,	<$len==6>>
ifle	A-12, <ifg]( A-6,	<$len==12>]H>
ifg	A-12,	<$l]hen==12
		if1, <
		printx %LXMTLI^( Requested A sig^Hnificant characte^hrs for ID's.
		p_rintx [LXMASM Ass_(uming maximum of _H12.]
radix 8
radix 10
xS:NJ0 iHLFirstState==	AFirstStateY>9 N$lch==AY>}84 rH$ahead==1$ahead==1Y>}8P $back==1]lP `Dsall
if1	`(<printx [LXMNP1 P`Hass one for scann`her A]>
if2	<priantx [LXMNP2 Pass a(two for scanner aHA]>
request	lexiah,\$len
request	sbym,\$len,c
requeb(st	lexio
requestbH	nolist
request	bhlist
request filcstk
request	lexec(,\$len

title	LcHA -- Table for LchEX Interpreter.
dtwoseg	^o400000
d(if1	<MaxToken==0>dH

reloc	^o00000dh0
intern	LA
istate:	if2 e(<exp	$bsym(S.,\FieHrstState)>
	if1 eh<z>

tokenx:	exfp	TokTable
resinf(i:	exp	SymInit
nfHtoken:	exp	MaxTokfhen
stable:	z
kegyon:	z

chbuf:	g(z
chbufM:	z
chpgHtr:	z

lkbuf:	zgh
lkbufM:	z
lkgeht:	z
lkput:	z
ahead:	z
getnxthH:	z

reloc	^o400000
eloc	^o]&`@eY9B[(103,^o307]C[^o103,e\[ r$check==1$check==1glZ qH
	extern	A
Ag.N $skip==1gRI  jHhife	<A-<^jhd10*<A/^d10>>>,	k
	<printx [LXMSTk(N Currently procekHssing state A.]>kh
	$token=gRH y(PSymInit:
yH printx [LXMSTI Byhuilding symbol-tazble token table.]
token table.]gfnKu zHT	exp	A
	exp	B
p	A
	i>\[@ xB	exp	A
	x([	byte(7)	B,0]	
yte(7)	B,0]	$token==Aph
	ifg	<A-MaxTokqen>,	<MaxToken==A>
MaxToken==i>\[Y w<TokTable:
 printx [LXMTOK wHBuilding token table.]
tokentaiJ	ife	<.-$tn(rans>,
	repeat	<Bo-$lpch>,	<exp	NILo(>	
	$lhch==	B
oH	$lpch==	B+1
	exp	$bsym(S.,\$$x)
bsy	  jABS@P >}{woP