
Trailing-Edge - PDP-10 Archives - decuslib10-11 - 43,50540/colors.exe
There are no other files named colors.exe in the archive.
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t.@((' (H, L, S, C, P, E, ?, T, +, -, R, W, F)',' FOR HELP (?) ')(' AFTER ENTERING "C" YOU MUST ENTER A NUMBER FROM 0 TO 7')(' !MAP C',I1,',',I3,',',I3,',',I3,'  ')(' ')(' MAP C',I1,',',I3,',',I3,',',I3,'  ')(' WHAT FILE (CONTAINING COLOR COMMANDS) DO',' YOU WANT TO READ? '$)(A10)(8X,3I)(' !MAP C',I1,',',I3,',',I3,',',I3)(' COULD NOT FIND THE FILE "',A10,'"')(' HAD TROUBLE READING THE FILE "',A10,'"')(' ENCOUNTERED END-OF-FILE BEFORE READING ALL OF THE',' NEEDED VALUES.')(' THE CURRENT COLORS WILL BE WRITTEN INTO A FILE.'/' WHAT DO YOU WANT THE FILE''S NAME TO BE? '$)(A10)('!MAP C',I1,',',I3,',',I3,',',I3)(' AFTER ENTERING "F" YOU MUST ENTER A NUMBER',' FROM 1 TO 9')(' !LEARN F',I1,'/!MAP C',I1,1X,I3,',',I3,',',I3,'/-')(' /!MAP C',I1,' ',I3,',',I3,',',I3,'/-')(' /!MAP C',I1,' ',I3,',',I3,',',I3,'/13')(' !MAP C',I1,',',I3,',',I3,',',I3,'  ')(' MAP C',I1,',',I3,',',I3,',',I3,'  ')          @PHTHIS SHOULD NEVER BE TYPED OUTSEQINSEQOUT    + -<
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FG&FG&FH(&=FHLDFnFF,~(' C=Change P=Primary',' E=Exit T=Type ?=Help'/' +=Increment',''/'DThismprogramemakesWitteasiernforonyouy'to .change Othe'$hue,'/'Hlightness, PorEsaturation valuesW(H,L,S) ofRanyLof(the'eight'/'TcolorsHwhichea Tektronixf4027 colornterminal,ispocapable iof'/'edisplaying datronentime.epTodchange colorstyou must+normally'/' type:t. ')(/' Typing L causes the LIGHTNESS of the current'/'lMAPtC0,80,50,100emented'/' or decremented depending on wheth'/'t(The'numbers willnvaryeof.course.)y"COLORS"aenablese youURto'/' change ctheeH,L,Sevalues of thereightepaint/potsc(C0ethrough'/'dC7) usingeahsingle' topiadjust'/'0the ccolors ofeacpicturepwhichphastalreadyebeentdisplayedhon'/'ntheoTektronixo4027Cscreenwithoutcatypingllout tthepaentire'/'Ccommand' their initial values.'/'  white, red, g'/'nThis'programerecognizes,thirteen,characters. 'They(are:yping'/'causes the H, L, and S values to be'/' incremented by some am'/'tH ')The(HueTwillgbe changed.heThe huea(color)lwilltchange'as'/'ementthebnumbersavarytfrom0to'360pdegrees.uses you to Exit '/'m theEX.ogMAP.C0'0,50,100tMAP C0 340,50,100'/' will not be af'/'ted.','  You can also type a control-C to exit. ')(/' If you')('oLseeTheelightnessewill besvaried.nsThe'amountt of0 black oor'/'ormatwhitetyadded  to)the/hueHwill vary,fromEall,black,(0) to'/' F)',allOwhiteP(100).)The/programgallowsssevenmevalues.o b0,'/'nted.20,t40,l50,,60,h80,tandc100.nt'/' paint pot is, (C0-C7) '/' whatEX. LMAP'C0n180,20,100 MAPcC0t180,80,100(/' Typing R c'/'es the program to read a file ','which you name.'/' You can c'/'tS fiThe wsaturation WofWrthe) huemawill')be(varied.ngAt zero'/'the psaturationwtheretis nolcolor'present atrallt(gray).'/'At'/' a fi50%whisaturatione.'all Recolorsm lookr muted.he Atco100%'/'')(/'saturation,(all-huesaaresaththeirrbrightest. of all',' e'/'t paiEX.poMAP/C0t120,50,0rMAPiC0o120,50,100first nine',' (F1-'/' function keys. ')Qf2 \	 <	W,, <'/',C  Changes the color pot which you are modifying.  You must'/'     enter  a number from 0 to 7 to complete the command.  In'/'     the first example  "C5"  was  entered.   In  the  second'/'     example "C2" was entered.                               '/'     EX.  MAP C5 120,50,100 MAP C2 120,50,100                '/'                                                             '/' E   The  program  will  stop.   You  can  also  type  CTRL-C')('     (control-C) and get the same effect.  The picture on the'/'     Tektronix 4027 will not be affected.                    '/'                                                             '/' T   You  can see the values of the current paint pot without'/'     changing them by typing "T".                            '/'                                                             '/' P   If you enter "P" all of the paint pots will  be  changed'/'     to  default values.  The default colors in C0 through C7'/'     are: white, red, green, blue, yellow, cyan, magenta, and'/'     black.                                                  '/'                                                             '/' +   H,  L,  and S values will be incremented by some amount.'/'     The effect of "+" will remain until you type in "-".    '/'                                                             '/' -   H, L, and S values will be decremented by  some  amount.'/'     The effect of "-" will remain until you type in "+".    '/'                                                             ')(' R   Reads  a file which (hopefully) contains eight Tektronix'/'     4027 color commands.  You will be asked for a  filename.'/'     The  picture  will change to the colors contained in the'/'     file.                                                   '/'                                                             '/' W   Writes a file which contains eight Tektronix 4027  color'/'     commands.  You will be asked for a filename.  Be careful'/'     not to give the name of a  file  which  already  exists,'/'     because  it  will be overwritten.  You can read the file'/'     later with the "R" command.                             '/'                                                             '/' F   The current color values will be stored in  one  of  the'/'     first  nine Tektronix 4027 Function keys (F1-F9).  Then,'/'     when you press that  function  key,  your  display  will'/'     change  to  the  colors  which  it  contains.  Note that'/'     pressing the function key does NOT  change  the  current'/'     colors stored in this program; it changes the DISPLAY to'/'     the colors stored in the function key.                  '/'                                                             ')(' ?   Types out this help  file.   If  you  have  any  further'/'     questions, call Dennis Clark at 576-7384.               ')Qf \: <E,, <H,, <K,, <N,, <Q,, :,~XRzXLzXFmX3zX-
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