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title PASCMD - interface to COMND jsys for Pascal-20
search pasunv,monsym
ifn tops10,<search uuosym>
;[1] 19-OCT-79 17:20:24 Added PA2040 conditionals for KI TENEX.
; New routine, cmuerr, for user errors.
; Fixed bug to clear FDB on reparse.
;[2] 6-May-80 by Britt Fixed bug in CMATOM
;[3] 13-Sep-80 Added CMRSCAN
;[4] 9-Aug-81 RsM Added CMIOJ
;[5] 11-Aug-81 RsM Add CMBRK, BRINI and BRMSK (Tops-20 only)
;[6] 18-Aug-81 RsM Add CMSTAT (Tops-20 only?)
;[7] 19-Aug-81 RsM Add CMEOF
;[8] 5-Sep-81 RsM Add CMFNI and CMFNIR
;[9] 28-Nov-81 RjL fix to allow cmult to work with cmtok
;currently the following combinations of switches are supported
; tops10 - UUO's
; -tops10 - JSYS's
; simcom - simulate of comnd and tbadd using code in this module
; -simcom - uses jsys's or pa2050
; tenex - use pa2050
;tops10: tops10,simcom
;tops20: -tops10,-simcom,-tenex
;tenex: -tops10,-simcom,tenex
;In principle, I should support tenex sites not having pa2050, with
;the following: -tops10,simcom
;But that code is not yet written. Tenex should only be relevant
;under -simcom.
ifn tops10,<simcom==1> ;simulate command jsys if tops10
ife tops10,<simcom==0> ;use real command jsys (or pa2050) if tops20
ife tops10,<
ife tenex,< ;[1] check monitor call for TOPS-20
opdef jtbadd[jsys 536]
ifn tenex,<
opdef jtbadd[pushj p,$$tbadd##] ;[1] subroutine call for TENEX
opdef comnd[pushj p,$$comnd##] ;[1]
ife klcpu,<
define adjbp7 (reg,effadr) < ;[1]
push p,reg+1 ;[1] save register
idivi reg,5 ;[1] bytes/5 in a, bytes mod 5 in b
add reg,effadr ;[1] number of words
jumple reg+1,.+3 ;[1] skip if multiple of 5 characters
ibp reg ;[1]
sojg reg+1,.-1 ;[1]
pop p,reg+1 ;[1] restore reg
>> ;ife klcpu
ifn klcpu,<
opdef adjbp7[adjbp]
> ;ifn klcpu
entry cmfni,cmfnir
entry cmini,cmifi,cmofi,cmfil,cmcfm,cmkey,cmuerr
entry cmnum,cmnum8,cmnoi,cmswi
entry cmauto,cmerrmsg,cmerr,cmhlp,cmdef,cmagain
entry cmeof ;[7]
entry cmatom,cmfld,cmtxt,cmqst,cmact,cmnod
entry cmdir,cmdirw,cmusr,cmflt,cmdev
entry cmcma,cmt,cmd,cmtad,cmtn,cmdn,cmtadn
entry cmnux,cmnux8,cmtok
entry tbmak
if2,< entry tbadd>
entry gjgen,gjdev,gjdir,gjnam,gjext,gjpro,gjact,gjjfn
entry cmmult,cmreal,cmint,cmdo
entry cminir,cmmode ;[3]
entry cmioj ;[4]
entry cmbrk,brini,brmsk ;[5]
entry cmstat ;[6]
bufsiz==^D80 ;size of text buffer in words
abufsz==^D20 ;size of atom buffer in words
files==^D40 ;number of files that can be parsed in one command
prmsiz==^D20 ;maximum size of prompt
;[9] increase size of arg buffer to allow multiple help msgs and cmtok's
argsiz==^D2000 ;size of area for string arguments
reloc 0
;the following must be contiguous, as the are initilized from stini
state: block .cmgjb+1 ;state block
curfil: z ;pointer into filstk for last file gtjfn'ed
curhlp: block 1
savflg: 0 ;[8] .cmflg flags
;the following must also be contiguous, they are zeroed
ifn simcom,<
errstr: block 1 ;addr of error string
fdb: block .cmbrk+1 ;[5] function descriptor block
erOK: block 1 ;user will handle errors himself
erseen: block 1 ;an error has actually occured
eofok: block 1 ;[7] user will handle eof
eofflg: block 1 ;[7] an eof has occured
mulnxt: block 1 ;addr of next FDB in mulfdb - 0 if not in mult mode
;end contiguous section
savebc: block 2 ;saved value of B and C in CMINIR
iniret: block 1 ;return address for CMINIR
rscanf: block 1 ;0 - first time
;1 - one rscanned command done
;-1 - known not to be in rscan mode
errabt: block 1 ;non-zero means in RSCAN mode or such-like, and
;we want to abort on any attempted reparse
ffcb: block filcmp+1 ;fake file control block
gjfblk: block .gjatr+1 ;extended gtjfn block for file name functions
txtbuf: block bufsiz ;text buffer
atbuf: block abufsz ;atom buffer
prmbuf: block prmsiz ;copy of prompt
filstk: block files ;place to store files we have gtjfn'ed
argbuf: block argsiz ;place to put user arguments, help, and default
argend: block 1 ;word after arg buffer
nxtarg: block 1 ;[9] byte pointer to next free arg slot
usrret: block 1
stkret: block 2
;variables to be used for linked functions (multiple)
m.fdb==0 ;[5] fdb itself
m.disp==.cmbrk+1 ;[5] where to go if it is this option
m.loc==m.disp+1 ;[5] local storage for this option (2 words)
m.size==m.loc+2 ;[5]
mulfdb: block 12*m.size ;[5]
mulret: block 1 ;value to be returned
reloc 400000
stini: xwd 0,repars ;state block initialized to this
xwd .priin,.priou
xwd -1,prmbuf
xwd -1,txtbuf
xwd -1,txtbuf
exp bufsiz*5
xwd -1,atbuf
exp abufsz*5
exp gjfblk
exp filstk+files ;initial value for curfil
z ;initial value for pointer to help area
subttl cmini - put out prompt and prepare for reparse
;[3] begin
igntbl: xwd 3,3 ;table of commands that mean no rescanned data
xwd [asciz /ERUN/],1
xwd [asciz /RUN/],1
xwd [asciz /START/],1
;cmmode --> cmmodes
; return one of
; 0 if normal
; 1 if in rscan mode
cmmode: setz a, ;assume normal
skiple rscanf
movei a,1 ;but if seen rescanned command, use 1
movem a,1(p)
popj p,
;[8] cmfnir('prompt',cmflg);
;cminir('prompt string');
; special CMINI that accepts rescanned commands
cmfnir: hllzm d,savflg ;[8] save the flags (left half only)
cminir: skiple rscanf ;already done one rscanned command?
jrst rscanx ;yes - exit
skipe rscanf ;known to be no rescanned data?
jrst cmini ;yes - forget this
setom rscanf ;now assume no rscanned data
movem b,savebc ;save original arguments
movem c,savebc+1
ife tops10,<
movei a,0 ;see if anything rescanned
erjrst norscn
jumple a,norscn ;nothing - normal cmini
movei a,.priin ;set position to start of line to avoid CRLF
rfpos ;get current position
hrri b,0 ;zero the column number
> ;ife tops10
ifn tops10,<
movei a,0 ;see if anything rescanned
> ;ifn tops10
;this section of code examines the command that was used to run the
; program, and bypasses it if appropriate.
movei b,0 ;now read the rescanned command
movei c,0 ;with no prompt
move a,0(p) ;our return address
movem a,iniret ;we will return by jrst @iniret
pushj p,cmini
movei a,1
movem a,erOK
;command that never has valid data?
movei b,igntbl
pushj p,cmkey
move a,2(p) ;result returned by cmkey
jumpn a,norscn ;RUN or START - no rescanned command
;probably file name for running us - bypass it
movsi b,40 ;file we came from - spec only
pushj p,gjgen
movei b,ffcb
pushj p,cmfil ;scan the file spec
ifn tops10,<
setzm ffcb+filnam ;and release the jfn we got for it
setzm ffcb+fildev
> ;ifn tops10
ife tops10,<
hrrz a,ffcb+filjfn ;and release the jfn we got for it
> ;ife tops10
;now past command - see if anything more for us
pushj p,cmcfm ;see if anything more
skipn erseen ;was there a crlf?
jrst norscn ;no error - yes, crlf, no rescanned data
;there is real data - set up to use it
movei a,1 ;say have done one rescanned command
movem a,rscanf
setom errabt ;and make us abort on error
setzm erOK ;now go to default error mode
move a,iniret ;and get back return addr if this is rescan
movem a,0(p)
popj p, ;we have already done cmini
;here second time through when rescanned - exit
ifn tops10,<
rscanx: exit
> ;ifn tops10
ife tops10,<
rscanx: haltf
setom rscanf ;if continued, leave rscan mode
jrst cmini
> ;ife tops10
;here if no rescanned data - go do normal cmini
norscn: move b,savebc ;get back user's arguments
move c,savebc+1
; jrst cmini
;[3] end
;[8] cmfni('prompt',cmflg);
;cmini('prompt string');
cmfni: hllzm d,savflg ;[8] save the flags (left half only)
cmini: setzm errabt ;on normal cmini - don't abort for error
move t,[point 7,argbuf] ;[9] garbage collect arg buffer/help messages
movem t,nxtarg ;[9] point to beginning of buffer
move t,[xwd stini,inibeg] ;initialize state variables
blt t,iniend
skipe d,savflg ;[8] are any flags set?
iorm d,state+.cmflg ;[8] yes, set them (left half only)
setzm savflg ;[8] clear flags
setzm zerbeg ;and zero the ones that should be zero
move t,[xwd zerbeg,zerbeg+1]
blt t,zerend
cail c,prmsiz*5-1 ;be sure his prompt isn't too long
jrst prmlng
hrli b,440700 ;b _ pointer to his prompt
move a,[point 7,prmbuf] ;a _ pointer to place to put it
jumpe c,cmprm2 ;now copy it
cmprm1: ildb t,b
idpb t,a
sojg c,cmprm1
cmprm2: setz t, ;now put in null
idpb t,a
move t,0(p) ;save user's return addr for reparse
movem t,usrret
movem 16,stkret;save display and stack ptr.
movem 17,stkret+1
cmprm3: movei a,state ;reinitialize comnd
movei b,[byte (9).cmini
ifn simcom,<pushj p,comnd>
ife simcom,<comnd>
popj p, ;now return after call of cmprompt
reprom: skipn errabt ;[3] abort on error?
jrst cmprm3 ;[3] no - treat normally
jrst endl## ;[3] yes - do the abort
subttl reparse and error handling
ife tops10,<
;print the error message
cmerrm: hrroi a,[asciz / /]
esout ;?
movei a,.priou
hrloi b,.fhslf
setz c,
ife simcom,<
erstr ;official error msg
> ;ife simcom
ifn simcom,<
hrro a,errstr
> ;ifn simcom
hrroi a,[asciz / - /]
psout ; -
hrroi a,atbuf
psout ;erroneous thing
hrroi a,[asciz /
psout ;crlf
popj p,
;cmuerr prints user error message then calls CMAGAIN
cmuerr: hrroi a,[0] ;[1] empty asciz string
esout ;[1] empty output buffer, print crlf and ?, clear input
movei a,.priou ;[1] where to print message
hrli b,(point 7,0);[1]
setz d, ;[1] terminate on null or count whichever first
sout ;[1]
> ;ife tops10
ifn tops10,<
;print the error message
cmerrm: skpinc
outstr [asciz /
? /]
outstr @errstr
outstr [asciz / - /]
movei a,40
ldb t,[point 7,atbuf,6]
caige t,40 ;if unprintable,kill it
dpb a,[point 7,atbuf,6]
outstr atbuf
outstr [asciz /
popj p,
;cmuerr prints user error message then calls CMAGAIN
cmuerr: skpinc
outstr [asciz /
hrli b,(point 7,0);[1]
jumpe c,cmagai
;now stop on count or null
cmuerl: ildb a,b
jumpe a,cmagai
outchr a
sojg c,cmuerl
> ;ifn tops10
jrst cmagai ;[1] go to reprompt routine
;parerr is where we go when an argument is not what the user asked for.
; print the error message
; reprompt and kill the old command line
; reparse
parerr: pushj p,cmerrm
;reprompt and kill the old command line
cmagai: pushj p,reprom ;reprompt him
;reparse the new command
;pjrst repars
;reparse is used to reparse when the user does rubout or something
; restore stack and display to context of original CMINI call
; reset return location so we go back to the user program right
; after the original CMINI call, to redo all parsing
; release all jfn's we have gotten
;restore stack and display
repars: hrrz t,stkret ;be sure we are called from a legal level
caile t,(p)
jrst badstk
move 16,stkret ;restore to the way we were at the cmprompt
move 17,stkret+1
;reset return location
move t,usrret ;also get the return address back
movem t,0(p) ;so we return after call of cmprompt
setzm mulnxt ;clear from multiple FDB mode
setzm fdb+.cmdef ;[1] forget user def and hlp
setzm fdb+.cmhlp ;[1]
setzm fdb+.cmbrk ;[5]
;release all jfn's
move d,curfil ;now release all jfn's
repar1: cain d,filstk+files ;done releasing?
popj p, ;yes - return to reparse
move b,(d) ;b _ current file to release
ife tops10,<
move a,filjfn(b) ;a _ jfn of that file
rljfn ;release the jfn
jfcl ;couldn't - trouble
> ;ife tops10
ifn tops10,<
setzm filnam(b) ;release the jfn
setzm fildev(b)
> ;ifn tops10
aos d,curfil ;go to next file
jrst repar1
ifn tops10,<
prmlng: outstr [asciz /
? Prompt is too long
badstk: outstr [asciz /
? Reparse requested from block outside CMPROMPT
> ;ifn tops10
ife tops10,<
prmlng: skipa a,[xwd -1,[asciz /Prompt is too long
badstk: hrroi a,[asciz /Reparse requested from block outside CMPROMPT
fatal: esout
jrst .-1
> ;ife tops10
;[4] cmioj(newofns: integer):integer
;[4] sets STATE+.CMIOJ to NEWJFNS and returns old value
cmioj: exch b,state+.cmioj ;[4] exchange the old for the new
movem b,1(p) ;[4] save old value
popj p, ;[4]
subttl general purpose routines for doing the COMND jsys
; a - function code
; b - contents of .cmdat, if any
; d - some data needing to be preserved until after COMND
;Normally this actually does the COMND. However if CMMULT has
;been done, it only sets up an FDB.
docom: skipe mulnxt ;if in multiple mode
jrst setcom ;just set up
lsh a,33 ;move function code to proper position
skipe fdb+.cmhlp ;if user gave help message
tlo a,(cm%hpp!cm%sdh) ;then tell comnd to use his and not its
skipe fdb+.cmdef ;if user gave default
tlo a,(cm%dpp) ;then tell comnd
skipe fdb+.cmbrk ;[5] if user gave break mask
tlo a,(cm%brk) ;[5] then tell comnd
movem a,fdb+.cmfnp
movem b,fdb+.cmdat
setzm erseen ;assume no errors
movei a,state ;now do the COMND
movei b,fdb
ifn simcom,<pushj p,comnd>
ife simcom,< ;[7]
comnd ;[7]
erjmp [movei a,.fhslf ;[7] get my last error
geter ;[7]
hrrzs b ;[7] extract the last error
skipe eofok ;[7] do we want to handle eof?
caie b,iox4 ;[7] yes, is last error eof?
skipa ;[7]
jrst eoferr ;[7] yes, handle it
movei a,state ;[7] no, redo the COMND jsys to cause the error
movei b,fdb ;[7] for real this time
comnd ;[7] should cause an error again
jrst .+1] ;[7] just in case (can't happen)
> ;[7] ife simcon
setzm fdb+.cmdef ;forget user def and hlp from this one
setzm fdb+.cmhlp
setzm fdb+.cmbrk ;[5]
tlnn a,(cm%nop) ;if no errors
popj p, ;then done
pop p,(p) ;else return to context of caller
setzm 1(p) ;give zero return (if any)
aos erseen ;say saw error
skipe erOK ;if error OK
popj p, ;return to him
jrst parerr ;else give error message and reparse
;Here are the special versions of the above for multiple options
; initialize for multiple option command
cmmult: movei a,mulfdb ;reset next to point to first space
movem a,mulnxt ;non-zero mulnxt is flag that in mult mode
setzm fdb+.cmdef
setzm fdb+.cmhlp
setzm fdb+.cmbrk ;[5]
popj p,
; This is the first half of DOCOM, for mult mode
; a - function code
; b - contents of .cmdat, if any
; d,e - data for evaluation routine if this FDB is chosen
setcom: move c,mulnxt ;next position inside MULFDB to use
cail c,mulend ;if haven't run out of space
jrst mulser ;out of space
movem d,m.loc(c) ;save data for continuation
movem e,m.loc+1(c)
lsh a,33 ;move function code to proper position
skipe d,fdb+.cmhlp ;if user gave help message
tlo a,(cm%hpp!cm%sdh) ;then tell comnd to use his and not its
movem d,.cmhlp(c) ;and copy current into real FDB
setzm fdb+.cmhlp
skipe d,fdb+.cmdef ;if user gave default
tlo a,(cm%dpp) ;then tell comnd
movem d,.cmdef(c) ;and copy current into real FDB
setzm fdb+.cmdef
skipe d,fdb+.cmbrk ;[5]if user gave break mask
tlo a,(cm%brk) ;[5] then tell comnd
movem d,.cmbrk(c) ;[5] and copy current into real FDB
setzm fdb+.cmbrk ;[5]
hrri a,m.size(c) ;pointer to next FDB
movem a,.cmfnp(c)
movem b,.cmdat(c)
pop p,m.disp(c) ;save return addr for later continue
addi c,m.size ;advance to next FDB
movem c,mulnxt
popj p, ;return to our caller's caller
ifn tops10,<
mulser: outstr [asciz /
? Too many options after CMMULT
> ;ifn tops10
ife tops10,<
mulser: hrroi a,[asciz /Too many options after CMMULT
jrst fatal
> ;ife tops10
;cmdo --> which FDB was done
cmdo: move c,mulnxt ;clear next pointer of last FDB
hllzs -m.size(c)
setzm erseen ;assume no errors
movei a,state ;now do the COMND
movei b,mulfdb
ifn simcom,<pushj p,comnd>
ife simcom,< ;[7]
comnd ;[7]
erjmp [movei a,.fhslf ;[7] get my last error
geter ;[7]
hrrzs b ;[7] extract the last error
skipe eofok ;[7] do we want to handle eof?
caie b,iox4 ;[7] yes, is last error eof?
skipa ;[7]
jrst eoferr ;[7] yes, handle it
movei a,state ;[7] no, redo the COMND jsys to cause the error
movei b,mulfdb ;[7] for real this time
comnd ;[7] should cause an error again
jrst .+1] ;[7] just in case (can't happen)
> ;[7] ife simcon
setzm fdb+.cmdef ;forget user def and hlp from this one
setzm fdb+.cmhlp
setzm fdb+.cmbrk
setzm mulnxt ;and turn off multiple mode
tlne a,(cm%nop) ;if errors
jrst mulerr ;process them
hrrz d,c ;d = FDB used
subi d,mulfdb ;d _ offset into MULFDB
idivi d,m.size ;e _ FDB index no.
addi d,1 ;should be indexed off 1
push p,d ;save as final return value
move f,m.disp(c);a _ dispatch addr
move d,m.loc(c);d _ data saved at setup
move e,m.loc+1(c)
pushj p,(f)
move a,2(p) ;value he tried to return
movem a,mulret ;save for later
pop p,(p) ;now set up our return value (saved by PUSH above)
popj p, ;and return
;cmint and cmreal just return the saved-away return value
cmreal: move a,mulret ;get saved value
movem a,1(p) ;and return
popj p,
mulerr: setzm 1(p) ;give zero return
aos erseen ;say saw error
skipe erOK ;if error OK
popj p, ;return to him
jrst parerr ;else give error message and reparse
;End of special section for multiple alternatives
; if on, we automatically handle errors, else he has to test with cmerr
cmauto: setz t, ;assume we handle errors
cain b,0 ;but if he wants to
seto t, ;let him
movem t,erOK
popj p, ;<
;cmerr --> boolean
; true if there has been an error
cmerr: move t,erseen
movem t,1(p)
popj p,
;[7] CMEOF(check_eof: boolean) --> boolean (eof seen)
;[7] if check_eof is true force a reparse on EOF and return true
cmeof: setzm eofok ;[7] assume we handle eof
skipe b ;[7] but let him/her if wanted
setom eofok ;[7]
move a,eofflg ;[7] return whether eof has happened
movem a,1(p) ;[7]
popj p, ;[7]
;[7] eoferr - set eof flag and do a reparse for cmeof to handle
eoferr: setom eofflg ;[7]
jrst cmagai ;[7] do a reparse
subttl user help and default texts
; append one line to the user help message
cmhlp: move a,nxtarg ;[10] initial value for curhlp
skipn fdb+.cmhlp ;if not set up
movem a,curhlp ;do so
move a,curhlp ;[11] see if the msg is contiguous with last
came a,nxtarg ;[11]
jrst notctg ;[11] no, err msg and ignore this
skipn fdb+.cmhlp ;if this is not the first line
jrst cmhlp0
;here if this is not first line of help msg - add crlf to prev
hrrz a,nxtarg ;[11] make sure there is room
cail a,argend ;[11] we waste three char's - require a full word
jrst argovr ;[11]
movei t,15 ;then use crlf to separate
dpb t,nxtarg ;[11] string was pointing to null
movei t,12
idpb t,nxtarg ;[11]
cmhlp0: pushj p,starg ;[11] copy arg to NXTARG. end to A, begin to B
movem a,curhlp ;[11] save end for next time
;now we have to set up word .cmhlp to show there is a help message
skipn fdb+.cmhlp ;[11] if not already set
movem b,fdb+.cmhlp ;[11] set it to this one
popj p,
; sets this string as the default for the next call
cmdef: pushj p,starg ;copy into argbuf
movem b,fdb+.cmdef ;save in fdb to show there is a default
popj p,
subttl break mask support
;[6] return the address of the comnd state block
cmstat: movei a,state ;[6]
movem a,1(p) ;[6]
popj p, ;[6]
;[5] sets the .CMBRK word (break mask) for the next call
cmbrk: movem b,fdb+.cmbrk ;[5]
popj p, ;[5]
;[5]brini(var break_mask; w0,w1,w2,w3: integer);
;[5] puts W0 through W3 into word 0 through 3 of BREAK_MASK
brini: movem c,0(b) ;[5]
movem d,1(b) ;[5]
movem e,2(b) ;[5]
movem f,3(b) ;[5]
popj p, ;[5]
;[5]brmsk(var break_mask; allow, disallow: string)
;[5] sets up a BREAK_MASK
brmsk: setz a, ;[5] assume we're going to allow some chars
skipe d ;[5] if ALLOW isn't null
pushj p,brks ;[5] set the bits in that string
skipn f ;[5] if DISALLOW is null
popj p, ;[5] just return
seto a, ;[5]
dmovem e,c ;[5] copy DISALLOW string for parameter passing
pushj p,brks ;[5] clear the bits
popj p, ;[5]
;[5]brks - set/clear the bit corresponding to the char in string
;[5] on entry
;[5] ac A - 0 = clear bit, 1 = set bit
;[5] ac B - base address of word array
;[5] ac C - start of string
;[5] ac D - length of string
brks: push p,e ;[5] get registers for the divide
push p,f ;[5]
push p,g ;[5] and shift
hrli c,440700 ;[5] set up byte pointer to string
setz e, ;[5]
brkec: sojl d,brkfin ;[5] for each char in the string
ildb e,c ;[5]
idivi e,^D32 ;[5] e = which word, f = which bit in that word
add e,b ;[5] point to the word
movns f ;[5] negate (for shift right)
hrlzi g,(1b0) ;[5] set bit zero
lsh g,(f) ;[5] shift to bit position
iorm g,(e) ;[5] always set the bit
skipn a ;[5] wanted it cleared?
andcam g,(e) ;[5] yes, then clear the bit
jumpa brkec ;[5] try for more characters
brkfin: pop p,g ;[5] restore saved registers
pop p,f ;[5]
pop p,e ;[5]
popj p, ;[5] return
subttl file parsing
; parse an input file
cmifi: movei d,.cmifi
jrst cmfile
; parse an output file
cmofi: movei d,.cmofi
jrst cmfile
; parse an arbitrary file
cmfil: movei d,.cmfil
cmfile: move t,filtst(b)
caie t,314157 ;if not valid
pushj p,initb.##;init it
ife tops10,<pushj p,relf.##>
ifn tops10,<pushj p,rclose##>;release any old jfn - about to get a new one
move a,d ;a _ function
move d,b ;save file in d
setz b, ;b _ 0
pushj p,docom ;will set up data in FCB in D
ife tops10,<movem b,filjfn(d)> ;return jfn we got
sos a,curfil ;save in file stack
caige a,filstk ;run out of room?
jrst filovr ;yes
movem d,(a) ;save file in stack
popj p,
;gjxxx - routines to set up various words in the gtjfn block.
; we assume that gjgen is always called first.
fldsiz==^D8 ;size of one field in a file name
gjgen: setzm gjfblk ;clear block first
move t,[xwd gjfblk,gjfblk+1]
blt gjfblk+.gjatr
movem b,gjfblk+.gjgen ;now put in this argument
popj p,
gjdev: movei d,.gjdev
movei e,devblk
jrst gjstr
gjdir: movei d,.gjdir
movei e,dirblk
jrst gjstr
gjnam: movei d,.gjnam
movei e,namblk
jrst gjstr
gjext: movei d,.gjext
movei e,extblk
jrst gjstr
gjpro: movei d,.gjpro
movei e,problk
jrst gjstr
gjact: movei d,.gjact
movei e,actblk
jrst gjstr
gjjfn: movem b,gjfblk+.gjjfn
popj p,
gjstr: ;b - addr of string
;c - length of string
;d - offset in gjfblk
;e - place to copy string
cail c,fldsiz*5 ;be sure string is small enough
jrst argovr ;is too long
hrli b,440700 ;b _ source
hrli e,440700 ;e _ destination
movem e,gjfblk(d) ;save pointer to it in gtjfn block
jumpe c,gjstr2 ;now copy
gjstr1: ildb t,b
idpb t,e
sojg c,gjstr1
gjstr2: setz t, ;null
idpb t,e
popj p,
devblk: block fldsiz
dirblk: block fldsiz
namblk: block fldsiz
extblk: block fldsiz
problk: block fldsiz
actblk: block fldsiz
filovr: hrroi a,[asciz /Too many jfn's
nonfat: esout
jrst cmagai
subttl TBMAK, TBADD, and CMKEY - keyword stuff
;tbmak(size) --> pointer to table
; generates table with specified number of entries, returns pointer to
; it. the table is in the heap
tbmak: push p,b ;save size for later
addi b,1 ;need extra word for header
pushj p,new## ;b _ addr of header
pop p,a ;a _ size
movem a,(b) ;0,,size is header word
movem b,1(p) ;return addr of header
popj p,
;tbadd(table pointer, value, string, bits)
; adds an entry to the table
tbadd: push p,b ;table pointer
push p,c ;value
push p,d ;string addr
push p,e ;string length
push p,f ;bits
addi e,1 ;e _ size of arg required
idivi e,5 ; convert to words (added 1 for null)
caie f,0 ; round up
addi e,1
movei b,1(e) ;add one for the header
pushj p,new ;b _ addr of argument block
pop p,t ;t _ bits
tlo t,(cm%fw) ; bit that says first word is bits
movem t,(b) ;put t in header
pop p,a ;a _ # characters
pop p,c ;c _ source byte pointer
hrli c,440700
movei d,1(b) ;d _ destination byte pointer (in arg block)
hrli d,440700
jumpe a,tbadd2 ;now copy a characters
tbadd1: ildb t,c
idpb t,d
sojg a,tbadd1
tbadd2: setz t, ;add a null
idpb t,d
pop p,a ;a _ value
hrl a,b ;a _ arg addr,,value
pop p,b ;b _ table addr
exch a,b ;jsys wants a and b reversed
ife simcom,<
popj p,
> ;ife simcom
ifn simcom,<
;tbadd simulation
; a - addr of header
; b - arg addr,,value
; c - current number of entries
; d - offset into table we are looking at now
hlrz c,(a) ;c _ max offset existing
hrrz e,(a) ;see if too big for table
caige e,1(c)
jrst tbaddb ;too big
movs e,b ;e _ byte ptr to string to compare
hrli e,000700
movei d,1 ;d _ current offset
tbaddl: camle d,c ;if new offset .GT. end
jrst tbaddn ;then add to end
pushj p,tbaddc ;now compare new with table
jumpl t,tbaddh ;less - add here
jumpe t,tbaddo ;same - old elt
aoja d,tbaddl
;here to add elt at offset d
tbaddh: addi c,1 ;table now 1 bigger
hrlm c,(a) ;so update count field
add d,a ;d _ addr of last elt to move
add a,c ;a _ addr of new end elt
tbadhl: move t,-1(a) ;now shift things
movem t,(a)
cail d,-1(a) ;if last to move still not moved
jrst tbadhx ;it has
soja a,tbadhl ;no, then do next
tbadhx: movem b,(d) ;now have place for new data
popj p,
;here to add to end
tbaddn: addi c,1 ;table now 1 bigger
hrlm c,(a) ;so update count field in table
add a,c ;compute addr of new elt
movem b,(a) ;put it there
popj p,
ifn tops10,<
tbaddo: outstr [asciz /
? New elt. was already there - TBADD
tbaddb: outstr [asciz /
? Table too small - TBADD
> ;ifn tops10
ife tops10,<
tbaddo: hrroi a,[asciz /New elt. was already there - TBADD/]
jrst fatal
tbaddb: hrroi a,[asciz /Table too small - TBADD/]
jrst fatal
> ;ife tops10
;tbaddc - compare string with table entry
; a - addr of table header
; e - byte pointer to string to compare
; d - offset into table
; returns in t - +1, 0, -1 if string gt, eq, lt
tbaddc: move f,h ;f _ compare byte ptr
move g,a ;g _ table byte ptr
add g,d
movs g,(g)
hrli g,000700
tbadcl: ildb t,f ;get comp byte
cail t,141 ;make upper case
caile t,172
jrst .+2
subi t,40
ildb h,g ;get table byte
cail h,141 ;make upper case
caile h,172
jrst .+2
subi t,40
came t,h ;now compare
jrst tbadcx ;found difference - stop
jumpn t,tbadcl ;same, if non-null, go back for more
popj p, ;same - complete match
tbadcx: caml t,h
jrst tbadcg ;greater
seto t, ;less
popj p,
tbadcg: movei t,1 ;greater
popj p,
> ;ifn simcom
;cmkey(table) --> value
; parse a keyword - return the value from the table for it <
;cmswi(table) --> value
; parse a switch - return the value from the table for it
cmswi: skipa a,[exp .cmswi]
cmkey: movei a,.cmkey ;b already has contents of .cmdat
pushj p,docom ;b _ addr of table entry found
hrrz t,(b) ;get value from table entry
tlne a,(cm%swt) ;if switch ended in colon
movn t,t ;then negate the value
movem t,1(p) ;return it
popj p,
; wait for CR
; look for comma
cmcma: skipa a,[exp .cmcma]
cmcfm: movei a,.cmcfm
setz b,
pushj p,docom
popj p,
; number, base 10
; number, base 8
cmnum8: skipa b,[exp ^D8]
cmnum: movei b,^D10
movei a,.cmnum
pushj p,docom
movem b,1(p)
popj p,
; number, base 10, term on first non-numeric
; number, base 8, term on first non-numeric
cmnux8: skipa b,[exp ^D8]
cmnux: movei b,^D10
movei a,.cmnux
pushj p,docom
movem b,1(p)
popj p,
subttl functions that take string arguments
starg: move t,c ;[9] get size of string
idivi t,5 ;[9] convert to chars words
hrrz a,nxtarg ;[9] right half of byte ptr
addi t,1(a) ;[9]
caile t,argend ;[9]
jrst argovr ;is too long
hrli b,440700 ;b _ source
move a,nxtarg ;[9] a _ destination
jumpe c,starg2 ;now copy
starg1: ildb t,b
idpb t,a
sojg c,starg1
starg2: setz t, ;null
idpb t,a
move b,nxtarg ;[9] b _ pointer to argument
movem a,nxtarg ;[9] update pointer to next free byte
popj p,
ife tops10,<
argovr: hrroi a,[asciz /Argument too large for buffer
jrst fatal
notctg: hrroi a,[asciz /You must not call any PASCMD functions with string arguments
between successive calls to CMHLP - ignoring call to CMHLP
popj p,
> ;ife tops10
ifn tops10,<
argovr: outstr [asciz /
? Argument too large for buffer
notctg: outstr [asciz /
You must not call any PASCMD functions with string arguments
between successive calls to CMHLP - ignoring call to CMHLP
popj p,
> ;ifn tops10
; noise words
cmnoi: pushj p,starg ;puts string into argument area
movei a,.cmnoi
pushj p,docom
popj p,
; match specified thing
cmtok: pushj p,starg
movei a,.cmtok
pushj p,docom
popj p,
subttl functions that return the atom buffer
;cmatom(var string):count;
; copies the atom buffer into the string
cmatom: movei a,0 ;a _ count
hrli b,440700 ;b _ destination
;c _ size of destination
move d,[point 7,atbuf] ;d _ source
jumpe c,atmovr ;now copy until null or space runs out
cmatm1: ildb t,d
jumpe t,cmatm2
sojl c,atmovr ;[2] if no more room to copy, post message
idpb t,b ;[2]
aoja a,cmatm1 ;[2]
cmatm2: jumpe c,cmatm4 ;clear rest of destination to blanks
movei t,40 ;clear rest of destination to blanks
cmatm3: idpb t,b
sojg c,cmatm3
cmatm4: movem a,1(p) ;return count of char's copied
popj p,
atmovr: hrroi a,[asciz /Field too big
jrst nonfat
;cmfld(var string):count
; scan arbitrary field
;cmtxt(var string):count
; scan rest of line as one field
cmtxt: skipa a,[exp .cmtxt]
cmfld: movei a,.cmfld
cmfl: move d,b
move e,c
setz b,
pushj p,docom
move b,d
move c,e
jrst cmatom ;return the data and count
;cmqst(var string):count
; quoted string (quotes not returned)
cmqst: movei a,.cmqst
jrst cmfl
;cmact(var string):count
; account string
cmact: movei a,.cmact
jrst cmfl
;cmnod(var string):count
; node name
cmnod: movei a,.cmnod
jrst cmfl
subttl routines that just return a scalar
; get directory number
; allow wildcard
cmdirw: skipa b,[exp cm%dwc]
cmdir: setz b,
movei a,.cmdir
pushj p,docom
movem b,1(p)
popj p,
; get user number
; get floating point number
cmflt: skipa a,[exp .cmflt]
cmusr: movei a,.cmusr
cmx: setz b,
pushj p,docom
movem b,1(p)
popj p,
; get device designator
cmdev: movei a,.cmdev
jrst cmx
subttl time and day stuff
; time and date in internal format
; date in internal format
cmd: skipa b,[exp cm%ida]
cmtad: movsi b,(cm%ida!cm%itm)
cmtadx: movei a,.cmtad
pushj p,docom
movem b,1(p)
popj p,
; time in internal format
cmt: movsi b,(cm%itm)
jrst cmtadx
;cmtadn(var tadrec);
; time and date not converted
cmtadn: hrli b,(cm%ida!cm%itm!cm%nci)
cmtnx: movei a,.cmtad
pushj p,docom
popj p,
;cmdn(var tadrec);
; date not converted
cmdn: hrli b,(cm%ida!cm%nci)
jrst cmtnx
;cmtn(var tadrec);
; time not converted
cmtn: hrli b,(cm%itm!cm%nci)
jrst cmtnx
ifn simcom,<
subttl COMND jsys
;AC usage:
;a - state block
;b - 1st ftn block, will be used for return
;c - LH = orig ftn block, RH = cur ftn block
;d - data from caller (FCB in case of files)
;e - bptr to current input char
;f - # chars left in input
comnd: push p,e ;don't touch e
hrl c,b ;once-only inits - cur ftn to first
hrr c,b
move t,.cmflg(a)
hrrzs .cmflg(a) ;clear flags
movsi g,(cm%pfe);set prev field esc
tlne t,(cm%esc) ;if esc was on
iorm g,.cmflg(a)
;main loop - here once for each function
cmlop: trnn c,777777 ;any function to do?
jrst retnop ;no - return with CM%NOP
move e,.cmptr(a);restore input scanner
move f,.cminc(a)
ldb g,[point 9,(c),8] ;ftn code
caile g,maxftn ;see if valid
jrst illftn
pushj p,@ftntab(g) ;returns value in B, skip if fails, sets flags
jrst gotit
jrst ftnfai
jrst ftnhlp
jrst nulhlp
jrst killin
ftnfai: hrr c,(c) ;failed, go to next ftn
jrst cmlop
ftnhlp: hrr c,(c) ;help - if there is another function
trnn c,777777
jrst hlpend
outstr [asciz / or/] ;then say OR and go do it
jrst cmlop
;nulhlp - for function which don't output a help message - no "OR"
nulhlp: hrr c,(c)
trnn c,777777
jrst hlpend
jrst cmlop
hlpend: move t,e ;clear the ?
setz g,
idpb g,t ;to null
;now put out prompt if any
skipn g,.cmrty(a)
jrst hlpret
hlprom: ildb h,g
jumpe h,hlpret
outchr h
jrst hlprom
;now retype the line and go try again
hlpret: move g,.cmbfp(a) ;start of buffer
hlprtl: ildb h,g
jumpe h,hlpxit
outchr h
jrst hlprtl
hlpxit: hlr c,c ;restart with first function
jrst cmlop
gotit: movem e,.cmptr(a) ;save state in state block
movem f,.cminc(a)
hll a,.cmflg(a) ;return flags to user
pop p,e
popj p,
retnop: movsi t,(cm%nop) ;set no-parse bit
iorm t,.cmflg(a)
hll a,.cmflg(a)
pop p,e
popj p,
;killin - respond to bell - clear line and reprompt
killin: outstr [asciz / XXX
pushj p,doini
movem e,.cmptr(a)
movem f,.cminc(a)
hrrz g,.cmflg(a) ;see if he supplied a reparse addr
jumpn g,kilrep ;yes, use it
movsi t,(cm%rpt) ;no - set need reparse
iorm t,.cmflg(a)
hll a,.cmflg(a)
pop p,e
popj p,
kilrep: pop p,e
pop p,(p) ;go to reparse
jrst (g)
illftn: movei t,[asciz /Unimplemented function code in call to COMND/]
movem t,errstr
jrst retnop
doini: hlrz t,.cmrty(a) ;normalize pointers
cain t,777777
movei t,440700
hrlm t,.cmrty(a)
hlrz t,.cmbfp(a)
cain t,777777
movei t,440700
hrlm t,.cmbfp(a)
hlrz t,.cmabp(a)
cain t,777777
movei t,440700
hrlm t,.cmabp(a)
skipn g,.cmrty(a) ;put out prompt
jrst noprom
proml: ildb h,g
jumpe h,noprom
outchr h
jrst proml
noprom: setz f, ;f (.cminc) nothing here now
move e,.cmbfp(a) ;e (.cmptr) start of text is start of buf
setz t, ;clear first char as sign of empty buf
idpb t,e
move e,.cmbfp(a) ;get e back again
hrrzs .cmflg(a) ;clear flags
popj p,
subttl COMND function table
;To work with this, a function must obey the following:
;preserves A, C, D
;updates E and F if it reads char's
;returns value in B, if any (else preserves it)
;skips if it fails
;sets any appropriate flags in in .CMFLG
ftntab: exp dokey ;0
exp donum ;1
exp donoi ;2
exp doswi ;3
exp doifi ;4
exp doofi ;5
exp dofil ;6
exp dofld ;7
exp docfm ;10
exp dodir ;11
exp dousr ;12
exp docma ;13
exp doini ;14
exp dounim ;15
exp dounim ;16
exp dounim ;17
exp dounim ;20
exp dounim ;21
exp dounim ;22
exp dotok ;23
dounim: movei t,[asciz /Unimplemented function code in call to COMND/]
movem t,errstr
aos (p)
popj p,
;The normal prolog for a function is as follows:
; pushj p,getskp ;or getatm if you don't want to skip blanks
; jrst givhelp
; pushj p,copyxxx ;routine to copy atom into atom buffer
;The routine should return
; nonskip if it parsed the thing requested
; skip 1 if it didn't
; skip 2 if it did help
;The help routine normally starts with
; pushj p,chkhlp
;CHKHLP checks for user help, and outputs it, aborting the caller, and
; returning +2
; If no user help, it sets up its caller to return +2, and returns to
; its caller
;Getskp does the following:
; clear atom buffer
; skip blanks
; if null, read a line from the terminal and go skip blanks again
; if ^G, abort caller and make him return +4
; if ?, non-skip ret
; if lf, copy default to atom buffer and skip 2
; if no default, skip 1 (user will copy LF to buffer)
; if esc, copy default to atom buffer, output, and line buffer and skip 2
; if no default, wipe out the esc, beep, and treat as a null ending
; else skip 1
getskp: move g,.cmabp(a) ;clear atom buffer
setz t,
idpb t,g ;null in first char is enough
;skip blanks
doskip: move t,e ;peek
ildb t,t
cain t,11 ;tab is like blank
movei t,40
caie t,40 ;if not blank
jrst endskp
subi f,1 ;it is, gobble it
ildb t,e
jrst doskip ;and try again
;if null, read a line from the terminal
endskp: jumpn t,chkbel ;if not a null, go on
ifn tops10,<
getmor: move g,.cmcnt(a) ;g _ last legal position in buffer
adjbp7 g,.cmbfp(a) ;normalize
tlnn g,400000 ;if 440700
jrst endskx ;not
tlc g,450000 ;change to 010700
subi g,1 ;in previous word
endskx: move h,e ;h _ place to put new char's
readl: inchwl t ;get a char
idpb t,h ;put it down
camn h,g ;see if at end of buffer
jrst cmtool ;yes - line too long
addi f,1 ;now have one more char
aos .cminc(a)
cain t,15 ;cr is special
jrst [ inchwl t
dpb t,h ;put down lf
jrst readx]
caie t,33
cain t,12
jrst readx ;stop on term's
jrst readl
readx: move i,h ;look at prev char
subi i,1
repeat 4,<ibp i>
ldb t,i
cain t,"-" ;if -, this is continuation
jrst readcn
setz t, ;make asciz
idpb t,h
> ;ifn tops10
ife tops10,<printx Code for read line not yet written>
jrst doskip ;now go skip blanks in new line
readcn: subi i,1 ;now backup over - and lf
repeat 4,<ibp i>
move h,i
subi f,2
sos .cminc(a)
sos .cminc(a)
jrst readl
chkbel: caie t,7
jrst chkqes ;if not bel, go on
pop p,(p) ;abort caller
movei t,4 ;make him return +4
addm t,(p)
popj p,
; if ?, non-skip ret
chkqes: caie t,"?" ;do we have question mark
jrst chklf ;no - go on
popj p, ;yes - return without advancing anything
; if lf, copy default to atom buffer and skip 2
; if no default, skip 1 (user will copy LF to buffer)
chklf: caie t,12 ;do we have a line feed?
jrst chkesc ;no - go on
move t,.cmfnp(c) ;get function flags
aos (p) ;will skip at least once
tlnn t,(cm%dpp) ;is there a default?
popj p, ;no, skip 1
pushj p,copydf ;copy default to atom buffer
aos (p) ;skip 2
popj p,
copydf: hlrz g,.cmdef(c) ;g - source of copy
cain g,-1 ; normalize bpt
movei g,440700
hrl g,g
hrr g,.cmdef(c)
move h,.cmabp(a) ;h - dest of copy
move i,.cmabc(a) ;i - size of dest
cpydfl: jumpe i,dftool ;copy loop
ildb t,g
jumpe t,cpydfx ;done at null
idpb t,h
soja i,cpydfl
cpydfx: setz t, ;make asciz
idpb t,h
popj p,
; if esc, copy default to atom buffer, output, and line buffer and skip 2
; if no default, ignore it and read more.
chkesc: caie t,33 ;do we have an esc?
jrst chknor ;no - go on
move t,.cmfnp(c) ;get function flags
tlnn t,(cm%dpp) ;is there a default?
jrst nodflt ;no default - read more
movsi t,(cm%esc) ;say we say esc, for noise
iorm t,.cmflg(a)
pushj p,copydf ;copy default to atom buffer
;copy default to text buffer and output
hlrz g,.cmdef(c) ;g - source of copy
cain g,-1 ; normalize bpt
movei g,440700
hrl g,g
hrr g,.cmdef(c)
move i,.cmcnt(a) ;i _ last legal position in buffer
adjbp7 i,.cmbfp(a) ;normalize
tlnn i,400000 ;if 440700
jrst chkes1 ;not
tlc i,450000 ;change to 010700
subi i,1 ;in previous word
chkes1: outchr [exp 10]
;note that this loop uses e - that is, it appends to the buffer and
;also advances the current pointer. This is because we are going
;to do a skip return, having copied into the atom buffer already.
;this is also why we don't incr F, since these characters aren't
;available for future reading in this pass (though they are in the
;buffer, so .CMINC is incr'ed)
appdfl: ildb t,g ;append to buffer
jumpe t,appdfx
idpb t,e
outchr t
camn e,i ;if went too far
jrst cmtool ;complain
aos .cminc(a) ;now have one more char
jrst appdfl
appdfx: setz t, ;make asciz
move h,e
idpb t,h
;skip 2
aos (p)
aos (p)
popj p,
;here if no default. Ignore the esc and read more, except that
;if it is .CMFIL and there is a default device or name, allow it,
;because GTJFN will supply the default.
nodflt: ldb g,[point 9,(c),8] ;ftn code
caie g,.cmfil ;if a file, with long form GTJFN
jrst nodfln
move g,.cmgjb(a) ;look at defaults
skipn .gjdev(g) ;if device
skipe .gjnam(g) ;or name
jrst cpopj1 ;then there are defaults, user will get them
;here to go read more
nodfln: outchr [exp 10]
jrst getmor
; else skip 1
chknor: aos (p)
popj p,
ifn tops10,<
dftool: outstr [asciz /
? Default too long for internal working space
cmtool: outstr [asciz /
? Input line too long for buffer
> ;ifn tops10
ife tops10,<
dftool: hrroi a,[asciz /Default too long for internal working space/]
jrst fatal
cmtool: hrroi a,[asciz /Input line too long for buffer/]
jrst fatal
> ;ife tops10
;chkhlp - do user help if any - sets up +2 return
chkhlp: aos -1(p) ;caller will return +2
aos -1(p)
move g,.cmfnp(c) ;get ftn flags
tlnn g,(cm%hpp) ;user help?
popj p, ;no - user default
outchr [exp " "] ;yes - get his
move g,.cmhlp(c)
hlrz h,g ;normalize it
cain h,777777
movei h,440700
hrl g,h
chkhll: ildb t,g ;now output it
jumpe t,chkhlx
outchr t
jrst chkhll
chkhlx: outstr [asciz /
pop p,(p) ;abort caller, since we have done his job
popj p,
subttl File scanning functions
ifn tops10,<
doofi: skipa h,[exp gj%fou] ;output file
doifi: movsi h,(gj%old) ;input file
move g,.cmgjb(a) ;clear all the fields we are currently using
movem h,.gjgen(g)
setzm .gjdev(g)
setzm .gjnam(g)
setzm .gjext(g)
dofil: setz g, ;g is flag as to whether COPYFI is done
;the problem here is that COPYFI doesn't know when a file spec
;is done. thus it copies as much as it can. The parser then
;tells it how many char's were actually part of the spec. At
;that point e and f are updated.
pushj p,getskp
jrst hlpfil
pushj p,copyfi
push p,a
push p,b
push p,c
push p,d
push p,e
push p,f
push p,g
push p,t ;will be garbaged
move b,d
hrrz c,.cmabp(a)
move d,.cmabc(a)
move e,.cmgjb(a)
pushj p,cmpars##
move h,2(p)
pop p,t
pop p,g
pop p,f
pop p,e
pop p,d
pop p,c
pop p,b
pop p,a
;h is number of char's read. Adjust various counts as if we had
;read them one at a time
caml h,.cmabc(a);if read to the end of at buf
jrst dofits ;then at buf was too small
;the atom buffer is used for two things - in case there was
;an error, it is dumped by the error msg. In case of
;recognition, PARSE appends the added portions. Note that the
;value returned in H includes only what was there orginally,
;not the parts added by recognition.
; Normally COPYxx will adjust E and F as it copies from
;the buffer into the atom buffer. But with a file, only
;PARSE knows the syntax well enough to be sure when the
;string is empty. So COPFIL just fills the atom buffer.
;PARSE then tells us how many of these characters were really
;part of the file name. Here we adjust E and F to show that
;only those characters were copied. G tells us whether we
;have to do this. if the file name was defaulted, then
;we didn't get it from the text buffer, so there is nothinng
;to skip. Note that PARSE makes the atom buffer ASCIZ.
;It puts the null at the end of the full file spec, including
;anything it added due to recognition.
jumpe g,filrec ;if copied from input
move i,h ;adjust E and F to skip right num of char's
adjbp7 i,e
movem i,e
sub f,h
;here to do recognition on file names (if any). What we do is check
;to see if there are any characters in the atom buffer beyond the
;number returned in H.
filrec: move i,h ;adjust to end of original str. in atom buf
adjbp7 i,.cmabp(a)
move t,i
ildb t,t
jumpe t,filnrc ;nothing more - no completion
movsi g,(cm%esc) ;say we did completion (for noise)
iorm g,.cmflg(a)
outchr [exp 10] ;back over esc
move g,.cmcnt(a) ;g _ last legal position in buffer
adjbp7 g,.cmbfp(a) ;normalize
tlnn g,400000 ;if 440700
jrst endskx ;not
tlc g,450000 ;change to 010700
subi g,1 ;in previous word
;i - source (set up above)
;start of copy loop
filrcl: ildb h,i
jumpe h,filrcx
idpb h,e ;now copy to text
outchr h ;and terminal
camn e,g ;see if at end of buffer
jrst cmtool ;yes - line too long
aos .cminc(a) ;one more thing in buf
jrst filrcl ;now loop for more
;end of loop - make asciz
filrcx: move t,e ;use copy of bpt since this is one ahead
idpb h,t
camn t,g ;see if this went too far
jrst cmtool
;recognition finished. Check for errors
filnrc: skipn fileof(d) ;if error
popj p,
movei t,[asciz /invalid syntax in file specification/]
movem t,errstr
aos (p)
popj p,
dofits: movei t,[asciz /file specification too long for internal working space/]
movem t,errstr
aos (p)
popj p,
hlpfil: pushj p,chkhlp ;see if use gave help msg
move g,.cmgjb(a) ;look at flags
move g,.gjgen(g)
movei h,[asciz / output filespec
/] ;assume input
tlnn g,(gj%old) ;but if OLD is on
tlnn g,(gj%fou) ;or NEW is off
movei h,[asciz / input filespec
/] ;then it is input
outstr (h)
popj p,
copyfi: move g,.cmabp(a) ;g _ ptr to at buf
move h,.cmabc(a) ;h _ cntr to at buf
move i,e ;i _ ptr to input
move j,f ;j _ cntr to input
copyfl: jumpe h,copyfx ;test for done
jumpe j,copyfx
soj h,
soj j,
ildb t,i ;copy char
idpb t,g
jrst copyfl
copyfx: popj p,
> ;ifn tops10
ife tops10,<printx Code for file scanning not yet written>
subttl Switches and keywords
doswi: pushj p,getskp
jrst hlpswi
pushj p,copysw
jrst cpopj1
move g,.cmabp(a)
ildb t,g ;get slash (we hope)
caie t,"/"
jrst dosnsw ;no - not a switch
push p,g ;pass pointer to keywd part
pushj p,dokey1 ;now treat as keyword
jrst [ pop p,g
jrst cpopj1]
pop p,g ;adj stack
move k,.cmabc(a) ;count of space in atom buf
subi k,1 ;already beyond /
pushj p,swcomp ;completion if appropriate
jrst cpopj1
move g,.cmabp(a) ;now see if atom buffer ended in colon
doswl: ildb t,g
caie t,0
cain t,":" ;see if term with colon
jrst .+2
jrst doswl
caie t,":"
popj p, ;no - nothing special
movsi t,(cm%swt) ;say found a colon
iorm t,.cmflg(a)
popj p,
dokey: pushj p,getskp
jrst hlpkey
pushj p,copykw
jrst cpopj1
move g,.cmabp(a)
push p,g
pushj p,dokey1
jrst [ pop p,g
jrst cpopj1]
pop p,g
move k,.cmabc(a) ;space in at buf
pushj p,swcomp
popj p,
jrst cpopj1
dokey1: move t,-1(p) ;make sure we have something
ildb t,t
caie t,0
cain t,":"
jrst dosnul
; g - aobjn pointer into table
; h - 0 if no match so far, else value (addr in table) of match
move g,.cmdat(c) ;g _ aobjn pointer into table - this is table
hlrz h,(g) ; this is number of entries
movn h,h ; negative
hrl g,h ; in LH of G
addi g,1 ; now have our AOBJN
setz h,
jumpge g,dosnom ;if table is empty, no match
doswil: move i,-1(p) ;look up thing in at buf
pushj p,lookc
jumpg t,doswie ;exact match
jumpl t,doswia ;abbrev
doswii: aobjn g,doswil ;try again
;here if we fall out of the loop
jumpe h,dosnom ;if no possibilities, no match
move g,h ;exactly one, do it
;jrst doswie ;same as exact
;here for exact match
doswie: hrrz b,g ;return addr of table entry
popj p,
doswia: jumpn h,dosamb ;already have one possibility - ambig
move h,g ;save this as first poss
jrst doswii ;now try again
;lookc - compare string with table entry
; g - addr of table entry
; i - byte pointer to string to compare (can be changed)
; returns in t - -1=abbr, +1=exact, 0=none
lookc: movs j,(g) ;j - bpt to string in table
hrli j,000700
lookcl: ildb t,i ;get comp byte
cail t,141 ;make upper case
caile t,172
jrst .+2
subi t,40
ildb k,j ;get table byte
cail k,141 ;make upper case
caile k,172
jrst .+2
subi k,40
came t,k ;now compare
jrst lookcx ;found difference - stop
jumpn t,lookcl ;same, if non-null, go back for more
movei t,1
popj p, ;same - complete match
lookcx: caie t,0
cain t,":"
jrst lookca ;comp ran out - abbrev
setz t, ;just plain failure - say so
popj p,
lookca: seto t, ;say abbrev
popj p,
hlpkey: pushj p,chkhlp
movei i,0
jrst hlpsw0
hlpswi: movei i,1 ;i - 1 if switches
pushj p,chkhlp ;see if user gave help
hlpsw0: outstr [asciz / one of the following:/]
move g,.cmdat(c) ;get switch table
hlrz h,(g) ;make aobjn word in H
movn h,h
hrl h,h
hrri h,1(g)
jumpge h,hlpswx ;nothing to do
;first we figure out the maximum length of the switches
hlpsw1: move j,h ;use copy
movei l,2 ;l will get max len
jumpge j,hlpsw5
hlpsw2: hlrz g,(j) ;start of this one
hrli g,010700
movei k,2(i) ;start with 0 for key, 1 for swi, +2
hlpsw3: ildb t,g ;get next char, and count char's in K
jumpe t,hlpsw4
aoja k,hlpsw3 ;next char in this switch
hlpsw4: camle k,l ;l = l max k
move l,k
aobjn j,hlpsw2 ;next switch
hlpsw5: movei j,.towid ;get terminal width
seto k,
trmno. k, ;find our term's udx
jrst use72 ;can't - assume 72 wide
move t,[xwd 2,j]
trmop. t,
use72: movei t,^D72 ;can't - assume 72 wide
hrl j,t
hrr j,l
setz l,
;loop to print out things
;g - ildb addr in string
;h - aobjn addr in table
;i - flag is switch
;j - LH - line length, RH - object len
;k - char's left in this object
;l - char's left in line
hlpswl: hlrz g,(h) ;get the string address
cail l,(j) ;room for one obj on this line?
jrst hlpsw6
outstr [asciz /
/] ;no - go to new one
hlrz l,j ;and reinit line
hlpsw6: hrrz k,j ;init object size ctr
outchr [exp " "]
subi l,1
subi k,1
skipe i ;put out / only if switches
outchr [exp "/"]
sub l,i
sub k,i
hrli g,010700 ;make byte pointer to string
;loop on string
hlpsw7: ildb t,g
jumpe t,hlpsw8
outchr t
subi l,1 ;and count
soja k,hlpsw7
;now put out trailing blanks if any
hlpsw8: outchr [exp " "]
subi l,1 ;count
sojg k,hlpsw8
;go to next item
aobjn h,hlpswl
hlpswx: outstr [asciz /
popj p,
;copy switch into atom buffer
copysw: jumpe f,cpopj ;make sure there is something there
move g,.cmabp(a) ;get place to put it
move h,.cmabc(a)
subi f,1
ildb t,e ;get the slash (one assumes)
caie t,"/" ;if slash
popj p, ; not - done
idpb t,g ;copy it
subi h,1 ;and count it
pushj p,cpykw1 ;copy rest of keyword
jrst cpopj1
move t,e ;see if have a term :
ildb t,t
skipe f
caie t,":"
popj p, ;no - done
ildb t,e ;yes - copy it
subi f,1
dpb t,g
subi h,1
jumpe h,copyks ;and make asciz
setz t,
idpb t,g
cpopj: popj p,
;copy keyword into atom buffer
copykw: move g,.cmabp(a) ;g _ ptr to at buf
move h,.cmabc(a) ;h _ cntr to at buf
cpykw1: move i,e ;i _ ptr to input
move j,f ;j _ cntr to input
copykl: jumpe h,copyks ;test for done
jumpe j,copykx
ildb t,i ;copy char
;now stop unless it is alphanumberic
cain t,"-" ;- is alph
jrst copyko
caige t,"0"
jrst copykx ;below numbers
caig t,"9"
jrst copyko ;is a number, ok
caige t,"A"
jrst copykx ;between numbers and letters
caig t,"Z"
jrst copyko ;is a letter, ok
caige t,"a"
jrst copykx ;between upper and lower case
caig t,"z"
jrst copyko ;lower case, ok
jrst copykx ;above lower case
;here if it is alphnumeric
copyko: soj h,
soj j,
move e,i ;make permanent
move f,j
idpb t,g
jrst copykl
copykx: setz t, ;make at buf asciz
idpb t,g
popj p,
;swcomp - completion for switches - g has bpt to user's string in atbuf,
; k has space in at buf.
swcomp: jumpe f,cpopj ;see if esc is next
move t,e ;peek
ildb t,t
caie t,33
popj p, ;no escape
;now see whether user's string or switch ends first
movs j,(b) ;j - bpt to string in table
hrli j,000700
compl: move t,g ;peek at next user's char
ildb t,t ;t - user's char
ildb h,j ;h - match char
caie t,":" ;no compl if user ends with :
cain h,0 ;or if match ends first
popj p, ;nothing to complete
cain t,0 ;user ends without match ending
jrst docomp ;that's when we complete
ibp g ;advance source - G and K
subi k,1
jrst compl ;no end, keep going
;here we actually do the completion
docomp: movsi t,(cm%esc) ;say we did completion (for noise)
iorm t,.cmflg(a)
outchr [exp 10] ;back over esc
move i,.cmcnt(a) ;i _ last legal position in buffer
adjbp7 i,.cmbfp(a) ;normalize
tlnn i,400000 ;if 440700
jrst endskx ;not
tlc i,450000 ;change to 010700
subi i,1 ;in previous word
;start of copy loop
docmpl: jumpe k,copyks ;out of space?
idpb h,e ;now copy to text
idpb h,g ;and atom
outchr h ;and terminal
camn e,i ;see if at end of buffer
jrst cmtool ;yes - line too long
aos .cminc(a) ;one more thing in buf
ildb h,j ;get next char
skipe h ;if something there
soja k,docmpl ;now loop for more
;end of loop - make asciz
jumpe k,copyks ;make outputs asciz
move t,e ;use copy of bpt since this is one ahead
idpb h,t
camn t,g ;see if this went too far
jrst cmtool
idpb h,g ;and in atom buffer
popj p,
dosnom: movei b,[asciz /does not match switch or keyword/]
movem b,errstr
cpopj1: aos (p)
popj p,
dosamb: skipa b,[exp [asciz /ambiguous switch or keyword/]]
copyks: movei b,[asciz /switch too long for internal working space/]
movem b,errstr
aos (p)
popj p,
dosnul: skipa b,[exp [asciz /null switch or keyword given/]]
dosnsw: movei b,[asciz /not a switch - does not begin with a slash/]
movem b,errstr
aos (p)
popj p,
subttl numbers
;This parses a number and stops on first non-digit
donux: pushj p,getskp
jrst hlpnum
pushj p,numcpy
jrst cpopj1
move i,.cmabp(a) ;i - source
move h,.cmdat(c) ;h - radix
cail h,2
caile h,^D10
jrst donumr ;bad radix
ildb g,i ;and it had better be a digit
cail g,"0"
caile g,"0"(h) ;in the proper radix
jrst donumd ;not a digit
subi g,"0"
move b,g ;init b to first digit
;now loop as long as there are more digits
donuxl: ildb g,i
cain g,0 ;done if nothing more
popj p,
subi g,"0" ;turn g into number
pushj p,.%adgb## ;add digit (in pasnum to avoid overflow)
jrst donumo ;overflow
jrst donuxl
;This parses a number, and requires that the whole atom form a legal number
donum: pushj p,getskp
jrst hlpnum
pushj p,copykw ;copy whole atom
jrst cpopj1
move i,.cmabp(a) ;i - source
move h,.cmdat(c) ;h - radix
cail h,2
caile h,^D10
jrst donumr ;bad radix
setz b, ;start with zero
;now loop as long as there are more digits
donuml: ildb g,i
cain g,0 ;done if nothing more
popj p,
cail g,"0"
caile g,"0"(h) ;in the proper radix
jrst donmnd ;not a digit
subi g,"0" ;turn g into number
pushj p,.%adgb## ;add digit (in pasnum to avoid overflow)
jrst donumo ;overflow
jrst donuml
hlpnum: pushj p,chkhlp ;check for user help
move g,.cmdat(c) ;get radix
cail g,2 ;make sure it is valid
caile g,^D10
jrst [ outstr [asciz / illegal radix for input number
popj p,]
cain g,^D8
jrst [ outstr [asciz / octal number
popj p,]
cain g,^D10
jrst [ outstr [asciz / decimal number
popj p,]
outstr [asciz / a number in base /]
addi g,"0"
outchr g
outstr [asciz /
popj p,
numcpy: move g,.cmabp(a) ;g - dest
move h,.cmabc(a) ;h - dest count
move i,.cmdat(c) ;i - radix
cail i,2
caile i,^D10
jrst donumr ;bad radix
numcpl: jumpe f,numcpx ;if nothing there, done
jumpe h,numtol ;if no space left, error
move t,e ;peek
ildb t,t
cail t,"0"
caile t,"0"(i)
jrst numcpx ;not legal - done
ildb t,e ;done, copy it
subi f,1
idpb t,g
subi h,1
jrst numcpl
numcpx: jumpe h,numtol ;done, make asciz
setz t,
idpb t,g
popj p,
donmnd: movei b,[asciz /invalid character in number/]
movem b,errstr
aos (p)
popj p,
numtol: skipa b,[exp [asciz /number too long for internal working space/]]
donumr: movei b,[asciz /radix is not in range 2 to 10/]
movem b,errstr
aos (p)
popj p,
donumo: skipa b,[exp [asciz /overflow (number is greater than 2**35)/]]
donumd: movei b,[asciz /first nonspace character is not a digit/]
movem b,errstr
aos (p)
popj p,
subttl Simple COMND functions
;cpyone - copy one char into atom buffer
cpyone: jumpe f,cpopj
ildb t,e
subi f,1
move g,.cmabp(a)
idpb t,g
setz t,
idpb t,g
popj p,
;hlpnul - default help is nothing
hlpnul: pushj p,chkhlp ;check for user help
aos (p) ;return +3 (chkhlp did +2)
popj p,
docfm: pushj p,getskp
jrst hlpcfm
pushj p,cpyone
move g,.cmabp(a)
ildb t,g
cain t,12 ;better be LF
popj p, ;yes
docfmn: movei t,[asciz /not confirmed/]
movem t,errstr
aos (p)
popj p,
hlpcfm: pushj p,chkhlp ;check for user help
outstr [asciz / confirm with carriage return
popj p,
docma: pushj p,getskp
jrst hlpcma
pushj p,cpyone
move g,.cmabp(a)
ildb t,g
cain t,"," ;better be comma
popj p, ;yes
movei t,[asciz /comma not given/]
movem t,errstr
aos (p)
popj p,
hlpcma: pushj p,chkhlp ;check for user help
outstr [asciz / comma
popj p,
;Noise is very odd, because usually no input is to be read. Output
; is triggered by an escape in the previous. The current code will
; not recognize noise if input, and will not respond to help. The
; problem is that ? is almost certainly for the next field, not this
; one. Probably the code should go
; put out noise if requested
; skip any noise in input
donoi: move g,.cmflg(a)
tlnn g,(cm%pfe) ;only do this is prev field was escape
popj p,
outstr [asciz / (/]
move g,.cmdat(c)
donoil: ildb t,g
jumpe t,donoix
outchr t
jrst donoil
donoix: outstr [asciz /) /]
popj p,
dofld: pushj p,getskp
jrst hlpnul
pushj p,copykw
jrst cpopj1
popj p,
;dotok - compare input with given token, after skipping blanks
dotok: pushj p,getskp
jrst hlptok
jrst dotoka ;need to read from main input
;already in atom buffer
move i,.cmabp(a) ;g _ ptr to at buf
move j,.cmabc(a) ;h _ cntr to at buf
move k,.cmdat(c) ;k _ ptr to token to check for
setz h, ;h _ 0 ; flag not to gobble chars
jrst dotokl
dotoka: move i,e ;i _ ptr to input
move j,f ;j _ cntr to input
move k,.cmdat(c) ;k _ ptr to token to check for
seto h, ;h _ -1 ; flag we want to gobble chars
dotokl: ildb t,k ;t _ target char
jumpe t,dotokx ;if end of token, matched it OK
jumpe j,cpopj1 ; or input, error
ildb l,i ;l _ input char
cail l,"a" ;make upper case
caile l,"z"
jrst .+2
subi l,40
came l,t ;see if it matches
jrst cpopj1 ;no
soja j,dotokl
dotokx: jumpe h,cpopj ;if weren't reading char's, done
move e,i ;make it permanent
move f,j
popj p, ;done
hlptok: pushj p,chkhlp ;check for user help
move g,.cmdat(c) ;none - put out default
outstr [asciz / "/]
hlptkl: ildb t,g
jumpe t,hlptkx ;done at end of string
outchr t
jrst hlptkl
hlptkx: outstr [asciz /"
popj p,
subttl Directory and user
;On Tops-10, I define a directory as being [p,pn,sfd...]
; and a user as being [p,pn]. One could argue that user should
; be p,pn without brackets, but this seems so unusual that I am
; not going to do it.
dousr: pushj p,getskp
jrst hlpusr
pushj p,copydr
jrst cpopj1
movei g,0
jrst dodir1
dodir: pushj p,getskp
jrst hlpdir
pushj p,copydr
jrst cpopj1
movei g,1
dodir1: push p,a
push p,c
push p,d
push p,e
push p,f
push p,t
hrrz b,.cmabp(a)
move c,g ;g - is SFD allowed?
pushj p,cmdird##
move b,2(p)
pop p,t
pop p,f
pop p,e
pop p,d
pop p,c
pop p,a
jumpe b,illdir
popj p,
hlpusr: pushj p,chkhlp
outstr [asciz / [p,pn]
popj p,
hlpdir: pushj p,chkhlp
outstr [asciz / [p,pn,sfd...]
popj p,
;copy directory into atom buffer
copydr: move g,.cmabp(a) ;g _ ptr to at buf
move h,.cmabc(a) ;h _ cntr to at buf
copydl: jumpe h,copyks ;test for done
jumpe f,copydm
ildb t,e ;copy char
soj h, ;count it
soj f,
idpb t,g
caie t,"]" ;stop when ]
jrst copydl
copydx: jumpe h,copyks ;make at buf asciz
setz t,
idpb t,g
popj p,
copydm: jumpe h,copyks
setz t,
idpb t,g
skipa b,[exp [asciz /directory does not end in ]/]]
illdir: movei b,[asciz /syntax error in directory/]
movem b,errstr
aos (p)
popj p,
subttl floating point numbers
> ;ifn simcom