PDP-10 Archives
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Multiple Linear Regression Analysis
Error messages against syntax or semantics have the following layout:
Error : <error text> or <error number>
The error text corresponding to the error numbers is:
1 No input data given.
2 All input data has been skipped.
3 Attempt to process more input data than provided.
4 Number in the input data is incorrect or too large.
5 In a number '.' is not followed by a digit.
6 In a number '#' is not followed by '+', '-' or a digit.
10 No model formula given.
11 Left hand part is not followed by '='.
12 Expression is not followed by ')'.
13 Option name used in a primary in an expression.
14 Incorrect primary in a factor in an expression.
15 Incorrect (control) identifier in an expression.
16 Parameter list of a standard function is not followed by ')'.
17 Standard function call with incorrect number of parameters.
20 No input formula given.
21 Expression in a control is not followed by '>'.
22 Option name used in a control in an input statement.
23 Input statement in a description is not followed by ')'.
24 Variable list in a description is not followed by ']'.
25 Incorrect (start of) description in an input statement.
26 Incorrect identifier in a variable list.
27 Item in a variable list is not an identifier.
30 Incorrect option number in an option list.
31 Incorrect option name in an option list.
32 Specifier list is not followed by ')'.
33 Number in a specifier list is incorrect or too large.
34 Specifier list is appended to incorrect option.
35 Specifier is not a number.
36 Specification is not properly continued.
37 Specification is not terminated with ';'.
40 No defined (independent) identifier to the right of '='.
41 Incorrect use of a parameter in a regression term.
42 Undefined (weight) identifier to the left of '='.
43 Undefined (dependent) identifier to the left of '='.
44 Number in a regression term is incorrect or too large.
45 Term does not have the form: param * factor or factor * param.
46 Undefined (independent) identifier in a regression term.
47 No regression parameter in a regression term.
50 Division by zero.
51 Integer division by zero.
52 Observation for dependent variable is in absolute value too large.
53 Observation for independent variable is in absolute value too large.
54 Exponentiation with zero base and non positive exponent.
55 Exponentiation with negative base and real exponent.
56 Weight factor is not positive.
60 Argument of 'Sqrt' is negative.
61 Argument of 'Ln' is not positive.
62 Argument of 'Log' is not positive.
63 Argument of 'Exp' is too large.
64 Argument of 'Arcsin' is in absolute value larger than one.
65 Argument of 'Arccos' is in absolute value larger than one.
66 Argument of 'Sinh' is in absolute value too large.
67 Argument of 'Cosh' is in absolute value too large.
70 Number of observations for the first dependent variable is zero.
71 Numbers of observations for the dependent variables are not equal.
72 Number of observations for the first independent variable is zero.
73 Numbers of observations for the independent variables are not equal.
74 Control reads an incorrect number in the input data.
75 Numbers of replications for the dependent variables are not equal.
76 Given, read or computed replication factor is not integral.
If the error number lies between:
5 and 37, it is followed by the most recently processed identifier, number
and symbol. Only the first eight characters of each name are
40 and 47, it is followed by the number of the right hand part regression
term which causes the error, or a zero if the left hand part is
at fault.
50 and 67, it is followed by the wrong value and the number of the line in
the transformed data matrix which causes the error. Instead of
the wrong value, the number of the right hand part regression
term which causes the error is displayed when the error number
lies between 50 and 53.
70 and 76, it is followed by the check value and the wrong value. Instead
of the wrong value, the value of the controlling variable of the
next enclosing repetition loop is displayed when the error
number is 76.