PDP-10 Archives
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This failsafe tape contains the circuit analysis programs:
described in the Applications Software Bulletin Volume 4.
SPICE requires FORTRAN-10 version 4 because of its use of
Right adjusted Holerith data. Executes in about 47K.
SINC and SLIC should work with F40 and F10v1A but have not
been tested with anything but F10 version 4. SLIC requires
about 50K of core to execute.
FORTRAN-10 version 4 should be able to compile all three in
less than 50K user core.
Note: at one time there was a hacked up version of F10
version 1 which was able to compile SPICE. It was only
guarenteed to compile the version of SPICE on this tape and
had many severe bugs. With this distribution I will no
longer make any attempt to distribute that compiler nor
answer any questions on it. -ADG
Of the three programs, SPICE is generaly reguarded as the
most useful. The optimized version is roughly 1K smaller
and about 20% faster than the non-optimized version.
SLIC and SINC are about 10% faster when optimized.
Under 6.01 SPICE has the following paging profile while
running the test data:
phys page limit cpu seconds
94 p 16.2
85 p 22
80 p - 45 p 25
40 p 127
10 p over 6 min.
I/O units
SPICE reads via 'DIALOG', writes SPCOUT.DAT
SINC reads 1 , writes 6
SLIC reads 5 , writes 6 and 2
This failsafe tape contains files named after the programs
Page 2
with extensions:
FOR - the source program
IN - a test problem
OUT - sample output
SAV - the 1070 optimized core image
it also includes this file, the FOROTS to go with the SAVes
and the source for SECOND.MAC, the timing routine. SPICE is
broken into three parts: 1SPICE.FOR, 2 and 3.
There is a printed document to describe each of the
programs. These are included in the DECUS packet. The
documentation and programs were origionally developed by the
E.E. department of the Univ. of Calif. at Berkley on a
CDC 6400. Except to convert the FORTRAN to the DECsystem-10
no changes have been made to the programs. For the test
data SLIC and SINC have shown a slight variation with
respect to the 6400, SPICE shows no variation.
Good luck! Ashley Grayson 27-NOV-74
[end of README.TXT]