
Trailing-Edge - PDP-10 Archives - decus_20tap1_198111 - decus/20-0002/ddt.hlp
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[Help file on DDT%41; J. Hammer; P. DeWolf; last edited C. Hedrick 7-Sept-80]


	$H		Half words.
	$S		Symbolic instructions.
	$R		Use relocatable addresses.
	$A		Use absolute addresses.
	$10R		Decimal radix.
	$8R		Octal radix.
	$F		Floating point.
	$C		Constants, not symbols.
	$T		ASCII text.
	$5T		RADIX50 text.
	$6T		SIXBIT text.
	$7T		ASCII text (same as $T).
	$8T		8 bit bytes displayed as ASCII.
	$9T		9 bit bytes displayed as ASCII.
	$NO		Type as N bit bytes.  If N is 0, use the byte mask

	Use two altmodes to permanently change mode.

Data entry:

	1234		Octal.
	123.		Decimal (must have period).
	78.1		Floating point (must follow period with a digit).
	"/ABCDE/	ASCII text.  / is delimiter.  May be multiple words.
	"A$		Single ASCII character (right justified in word).
	$"/ABCDEF/	SIXBIT text.  / is delimiter.  May be multiple words.
	$"A$		Single SIXBIT character (right justified in word).
	TEXT$5"		RADIX50 input.


	NAME$:		Unlock program symbols.
	$:		Cancel previous NAME$: (leave no program open).
	BLOCK$&		Unlock block symbols (must unlock program first).
	NAME$$K		Permanently delete NAME.
	NAME$K		Allow NAME on typein only.
	$D		Delete last symbol typed; retype.
	NAME#		Allow NAME to be undefined for now.
	?		Type out all undefined symbols.
	NAME?		Type all modules defining NAME.
	NAME:		Define NAME with value of .


	sym$<		Patch before this instruction, put patch at
			sym and update the value of sym at end
	exp$<		Patch before this instruction, put patch ad
	$<		Patch before this instruction, put patch at
			first defined of FFF (monitor DDT only),
			PAT.., PATCH, PAT, and update symbol.  If no such
			symbol, uses address at RH(.JBFF) and updates it
			and LH(.JBSA)
	$$<		Patch after this instruction.
	$>		End patch.  Redefine patch address.
Miscellaneous commands:

	<LF>		Move down one location.
	<Backspace>	Move up one location.
	^		Move up one location.
	<TAB>		Open address last typed; set . to new address.
	\		Open address last typed; leave . the same.
	;		Retype last quantity typed.
	/		Without typing an address, looks at address given by
			 last typed out thing.  Doesn't change .
	NAME[		Same as / , except forces use of current radix.
	NAME]		Force symbolic instruction typeout.
	_		Retype in symbolic mode.
	$<CR>		Return to last address.
	$<LF>		Return to last address + 1.
	$<Backspace>	Return to last address - 1.
	$Q		Last value typed.
	$$Q		Last value typed, halves swapped.
	$"/NAME/$Y	Read NAME.DDT as a file of DDT commands, using
			  channel 17 (Tops-10 only)
	$Y		As above, prompts for file name.
	4(5)$/		Look at 4 off of register 5 (but -1(5) loses).
	$U		Unmapped virtual addressing
	$$U		Unmapped physical addressing
	ept$[$][0]U	Select executive virtual addressing
	upt$[$]1U	Select user virtual addressing
	sec$[$]2U	Select single section
	flg$3U		Select (deselect) internal fake registers
	acb$4U		Select hardware ac block
	acs$5U		Load internal fake registers
	spt$6U		Select base of SPT
	bas$8U		Set base relocation address
	prt$9U		Set protection address
	flg$10U		Select (deselect) KI-paging
	flg$11U		Select (deselect) KL-paging
		acb := integer ac block number
		acs := address of 20-word register block
		bas := base relocation address
		ept := executive process table page number
		flg := selection flag, zero to deselect, non-zero to select
		prt := protection (maximum allowable) address
		sec := section map page number
		spt := address of SPT
		upt := user process table page number
	$W		If trying to change write-protected memory, unprotect
	$$W		If trying to change write-protected memory, error
	$1W		If trying to access non-existent page, create it
	$$1W		If trying to access non-existent page, error

   On addressing modes:
	The commands that "open" locations, e.g. /, take any of several
	prefixes.  / will be shown, but the same works for \, <tab>, etc.
	Mostly this only matters in multiple-section programs
	    n/		Treat n as a 36-bit address.
	    n$/		Treat n as if it were an instruction located at .
	    n$$/	Treat n as if it were gotten to by indirect
			addressing from an instruction located at .
	    If a space is typed somewhere before the /, or if no
	    explicit address is typed (e.g. just a <tab>), then only the
	    right halfword of the address is used, and the section number
	    is taken from .
	Locations where info is saved on entry/exit to exec mode DDT
	   $I-01/		APR CONI word
	   $I+00/		PI CONI word
	   $I+01/		Mask of PI channels turned off by EDDT
	   $I+02/		Executive virtual address of EPT
	   $I+03/		Executive virtual address of UPT
	   $I+04/		Executive virtual address of CST
 	   $I+05/		Executive virtual address of SPT
	   $I+06/		Original AC-block word (DATAI PAG) if acb$4U


	opn<bpt$nB	Set breakpoint number n at 36-bit address bpt. When
			breakpoint is reached open and display 36-bit address
			opn.  "opn<" and "n" are optional.
	0$nB		Remove breakpoint n.
	$B		Remove all breakpoints.
	$nB+0/		If nonzero the address for breakpoint n
	$nB+1/		The conditional break instruction (break if skips)
	$nB+2/		The proceed count (break on transition to 0)
	$nB+3/		If greater than or equal to zero then the address to
			   be displayed
	In user program, JSR $0BPT will cause DDT to act as if a breakpoint
	  had been reached.
	$P		Proceed from break.
	100$P		Stop before the 100th break at this point.
	$X		Single step next instruction.
	17$X		Single step 17 times.
	$.		Returns value of next instruction to be $X'ed
	$$.		Returns previous $. value.
	17$$X		Same as above except suppress output until last time.
	$$X		Proceed indefinitely until return to .+1 to .+3
			(useful in subroutine calls).  During $$X, typing ?
			will show current status.
	lwr<upr$$X	Proceed until return to within the region between lwr
			and upper.  If upr is omited, it is lwr+3.
	INST AC,E$X	Execute INST AC,E.  E may have indexing and indirection.
	$G		Start at address in .JBSA
	NAME$G		Start at NAME.

	LOWER<UPPER>KEY$W	Word search (type matches).
			N	Word search (type non matches).
			E	Search for instructions addressing key.
	    If lower and upper are omitted, will default to all of
	    whatever you are searching, except that when debugging a
	    program with virtual addressing, only the current section is used.
	    Type ? during search to see what is currently being looked at.
	adr$V		Wait for contents of ADR to change.  (Checks once
			every 1/60 sec.  Typing ? shows what is being watched.
			Any other character stops the watch.  (Only useful
			when something is going on asynchronously.)
	$M		Mask.  Will compare key with bit positions that are
			one in mask.
	N$M		Put N in $M register.

$M offsets:

	$<num>M		Contents of specified mask register.
	<exp>$<num>M	Store into specified mask register.

	$0M		(default) Search mask.
	$1M		Bit 17: 0 (default) use 3 spaces for <TAB>
				1 - use a tab
			Bit 34: 0 - for tabs use a real tab character
				1 - simulate tabs with spaces
			Bit 35: 0 - hardcopy mode for rubouts
				1 - display mode
	$2M		First offset before absolute addresses are typed.
	$3M		Byte mask for $0O.  A one bit is used at the right
			end of each byte.


	FIRST<LAST$$Z		Zero everything between first and last.
	lwr<upr>exp$Z		Set all locations from lwr to upr to exp.
				? shows how far it has gotten.


	RUBOUT		Delete the last character typed.
	^W		Delete the last field typed.
	^U		Delete the whole line just typed.


	PAT..		Patch area.  Always present.
	.JBREL		44 (Octal)
	.JBDDT		74
	.JBSYM		116
	.JBSA		120
	.JBFF		121
	.JBREN		124
	.JBOPC		130
	.JBVER		137
Commands to Tops-20 FILDDT initial command scanner.

	Examine physical disk drive (need not be mounted)
	Treat file as data, not program
	Allow changing what you are looking at.  (Not possible for
	Return to EXEC.  If you then SAVE, any symbols will be 
	there when run again.
    GET (FILE) filespec (optional switches)
	Examine a disk file.
		/SYMBOL - get symbols from the file first
	Print summary of these commands
    LOAD (SYMBOLS FROM) filespec
	Get symbols from this file (but don't DDT it)
	Examine currently running monitor.  You can only see monitor
	exec virtual address space from 0 to 777777.
	Examine a disk structure.

The STRUCTURE command instructs FILDDT to use as the address space  to
be "DDT'ed"  the entire  disk file  structure str  independent of  any
"file structure mapping" normally  imposed by the  monitor. This is  a
privileged command.

[End of DDT.HLP]