PDP-10 Archives
There are no other files named sprint.c10 in the archive.
REP 37/1 ;10C1
SPTEDT==4306 ;Edit Level
SPTEDT==4307 ;Edit Level
INS 653/3 ;10C2
; 4307 22-Jan-85 Consider blanks as valid terminating
; characters when picking up the account string
; from the /ACCOUNT: field. GCO 4.2.1602
REP 1/96 ;10C3
SUBTTL String scanning routines -- S$QUOT - Scan a quoted string
SUBTTL String scanning routines -- S$QUOT - Scan an account string
REP 5/96 ;10C4
; Here to scan a quoted string and return an ASCIZ string.
; If the string begins with a ", then only a matching " or
; EOL will be recognized as a valid terminator. If the
; string does not begin with a ", then EOL or a slash (/)
; Here to scan an account string and return an ASCIZ string.
; If the string begins with a ", then only a matching " or
; EOL will be recognized as a valid terminator. If the
; string does not begin with a ", then EOL, slash (/), or a blank
INS 52/96 ;10C5
;**;[4307]Add 2 lines at S$QU.2:+1L JCR 1/22/85
CAIN S1," " ;[4307]Blank termination character?
JRST S$QU.5 ;[4307]Yes, so finish up
SUM 247059