PDP-10 Archives
There are 6 other files named ddtinfo.mem in the archive. Click here to see a list.
Dear Customer,
Corporate User Publications, Marlboro, requests your opinion. As you may
know, it is a time-consuming and expensive task to prepare hardcopy, printed
manuals for printing, reproduction, and distribution. Completing this complex
task often prevents us from providing current information with every
distribution of software changes.
Therefore, we believe we can provide you with accurate information on
a more timely basis by distributing documentation files with the
software. This mechanism allows us to provide documentation with
autopatch releases and to distribute that documentation in an
electronic form with the software.
Autopatch Tape 16 for TOPS-20 6.1 contains a software documentation file
that reflects the software on the tape. DIGITAL authorizes you to
make up to two copies of the documentation for use at your site, as
long as you maintain DIGITAL's copyright page. We request that you
print the file and use one of the reply forms to send your opinions to us.
On Autopatch Tape 16, you will find the following documentation files:
1. DDT44C.MEM contains the DDT Manual; it uses approximately
631 blocks of disk space. This version of the manual
contains changes that we have made since the manual was
printed for TOPS-20 DDT Version 43, in May 1985.
2. DDTINFO.MEM is a duplicate of this customer letter and the reply form.
DDT44C.MEM is about 155 line-printer pages long and contains change bars
to indicate the pages that have changed and bullets to indicate data
deletions. The file contains non-printing control characters for paging
and bolding effect, making it unsuitable for terminal display. We recommend
that you print the file on any supported line printer.
Please let us know what you think about this method of distributing software
documentation by filling out and returning the following reply form. Your
responses will be considered in future plans for the distribution of TOPS-20
Ernest Morrill
Corporate User Publications
Digital Equipment Corporation
Your opinion is requested. Please read the customer letter on the previous
page, write your comments on this form, and mail the form to:
Corporate User Publications
Digital Equipment Corporation
200 Forest St.
Marlboro, MA 01752
Your name:______________________________________________
Your title/position:____________________________________
Were you able to successfully print the document? (Check one.)
_____________ _______________
If not, why not?________________________________________
Tell us whether the changes in the document are important for you to receive
at the same time as the software changes. (Check one.)
______________ Very Important
______________ Important
______________ Not Important
______________ I Don't Know
Choose the method of receiving software documentation that will best meet
your needs. (Check one.)
______________ Electronic distribution
______________ Hardcopy manuals
The space below is reserved for your comments and suggestions.
Thank you for your interest.