
Trailing-Edge - PDP-10 Archives - bb-kl11f-bm_tops20_v7_0_atpch1_19 - autopatch/server.c13
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 INS 1/1	;13C1
	; *** Edit 9 to SERVER.MAC by MELOHN on 10-Jan-86 (TCO 6-1-1567)
	; fix code to correctly handle ^C from binary mode.
 REP 3/95	;13C2
		CAIN INPSTA,.INORD	;If input state = ordinary, TEXTI% will restart
	;	CALL TRMRTX		; so restore original terminal characteristics.
	;**;[9] remove 2 lines at INPREC+1	WCM	10-JAN-86
 SUM 988