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title RFIL11 - Read a Files-11 tape end to end
subttl Berkley Shands @ ECL for not enough money or respect
search monsym,macsym ;pick up symbols and macro's
t1== 1 ;jsys arg 1
t2== 2 ;jsys arg 2
t3== 3 ;jsys arg 3
t4== 4 ;jsys arg 4
t5== 5 ;jsys arg 5
a== 10
b== 11
c== 12
d== 13
e== 14
;flag register
f== 0
;stack pointer
p== 17
f.crlf== 1b0 ;on if <CR><LF> needed
ftansi== 0 ;[2] on if TM02/TU72 only
subttl Edit history and version
;[1] new 11/21/80 efbs
;[2] 9/6/83 add ftansi conditional to allow for tu78/EE
jrst start
jrst start
exp 2
subttl Execution address
reset ;clear everything
setzm low ;zero impure
move t1,[low,,low+1] ;blt word
blt t1,high ;clear buffers and such
setz f, ;clear flags
move p,[iowd 200,pdlst] ;set up big stack
tmsg <RFIL11 Files-11 tape processor. Whole tape is read.
Output is to connected directory.
;get magtape designator
tmsg <Enter input magtape device: >
dmove t1,[gj%sht!gj%msg!gj%fns ;short form, give msg, i/o tty:
.priin,,.priou] ;i/o to tty
GTJFN ;get magtape descripter
ERJMP badmta ;whoops
hrrzm t1,mtajfn ;save jfn for now
movei a,(t1) ;keep jfn handy
;set up magtape specs
;open the magtape
movei t1,(a) ;get jfn again
ifn ftansi,<
movx t2,of%rd!<7>b5 ;8 on tape, monitor
;eats one for 7
>;end ifn ftansi
ife ftansi,<
movx t2,of%rd!<10>b5 ;8 on tape, 8 incore
>;enf ife ftansi
OPENF ;get the device
ERJMP badmop ;bad mta open
movx t2,.morew ;rewind tape to start
MTOPR ;try that
ERCAL badrew ;could not rewind
movei t1,(a) ;recover jfn
movx t2,.mosdm ;set data mode
ifn ftansi,<
movx t3,.sjdma ;ANSI ASCII 8 bit bytes
>;end ifn ftansi
ife ftansi,<
movx t3,.sjdm8 ;[2] use industry
>;enf ife ftansi
MTOPR ;set feature
ERCAL badmod ;bad device data mode
movei t1,(a) ;get mta jfn
movx t2,.mosrs ;set record size
movei t3,^d80 ;headers are 80 chars
MTOPR ;set block len
Subttl Begin processing tape
;read volume id and ignore
movei t1,(a) ;get mta jfn again
ifn ftansi,<
hrroi t2,volume ;volume buffer
>;end ifn ftansi
ife ftansi,<
move t2,[point 8,volume] ;[2] use 8 bit
>;end ife ftansi
movni t3,^d80 ;one card image
setz t4, ;just in case
SINR ;read record
ERCAL ERRRVL ;err reading vol label
ife ftansi,<
move t1,[^d80,,volume] ;[2] convert to 7 bit
call convrt ;[2] do the work
>;end ife ftansi
tmsg <Volume id: >
movei t1,.priou ;type on tty
move t2,[point 7,volume,27] ;start of name
movni t3,6 ;six chars max
tmsg <
;here at top of file processing loop
movx t1,co%nrj ;reset size of file
hrri t1,(a) ;get jfn
CLOSF ;kill device
movei t1,(a) ;restart device
ifn ftansi,<
movx t2,of%rd!<7>b5 ;8 on tape, monitor
;eats one for 7
>;end ifn ftansi
ife ftansi,<
movx t2,of%rd!<10>b5 ;8 on tape, 8 incore
>;enf ife ftansi
OPENF ;grab back
movei t1,(a) ;recover jfn
movx t2,.mosdm ;set data mode
ifn ftansi,<
movx t3,.sjdma ;ANSI ASCII 8 bit bytes
>;end ifn ftansi
ife ftansi,<
movx t3,.sjdm8 ;[2] use industry
>;enf ife ftansi
MTOPR ;set feature
ERCAL badmod ;bad device data mode
movei t1,(a) ;get mta jfn
movx t2,.mosrs ;set record size
movei t3,^d80 ;headers are 80 chars
MTOPR ;set block len
movei t1,(a) ;get mta jfn
ifn ftansi,<
hrroi t2,hdr1 ;header buffer
>;end ifn ftansi
ife ftansi,<
move t2,[point 8,hdr1] ;[2] use 8 bits
>;end ife ftansi
movni t3,^d80 ;first header
SINR ;read header
ERCAL TOPEOF ;top level eof ?
ife ftansi,<
move t1,[^d80,,hdr1] ;[2] convert to 7 bit
call convrt ;[2] do the work
>;end ife ftansi
;now do second record of header
movei t1,(a) ;get mta jfn
ifn ftansi,<
hrroi t2,hdr2 ;header buffer
>;end ifn ftansi
ife ftansi,<
move t2,[point 8,hdr2] ;[2] use 8 bits
>;end ife ftansi
movni t3,^d80 ;read 80 bytes
SINR ;read record
ERCAL errrh2 ;err reading hdr2
ife ftansi,<
move t1,[^d80,,hdr2] ;[2] convert to 7 bit
call convrt ;[2] do the work
>;end ife ftansi
;ok, should be at tape mark
;so skip over it
movei t1,(a) ;get mta jfn again
movx t2,.mofwf ;forward to tape mark
MTOPR ;try to move tape
ERCAL badtpm ;bad tape mark
;ready to set stuff up for file reading
subttl File creation and user notify
;start by breaking the file name out of header1
dmove t1,[point 7,hdr1+4,13 ;addr of last char
point 7,hdr1,27] ;addr of first char file name
setz t3, ;force a null
dpb t3,t1 ;as last char
movx t1,gj%sht!gj%fou ;short form, output only
GTJFN ;get handle on file
ERCAL badtfn ;bad tape file name
hrrzm t1,filjfn ;save jfn of file
movei b,(t1) ;keep jfn handy
;tell user type of file
ldb c,[point 7,hdr2+7,13] ;get crlf code
cain c," " ;force crlf ?
txoa f,f.crlf ;yes, give crlf
txz f,f.crlf ;reset flag
hrroi t1,[asciz/[File will have <CR><LF> appended to each record]
txne f,f.crlf ;needed ?
PSOUT ;yes, type message
tmsg <Working on file: >
move t1,[point 7,hdr1,27] ;type out file name
PSOUT ;on user tty
move t1,filjfn ;get jfn back
movx t2,of%wr!<7>b5 ;seven bit bytes
OPENF ;create the file
ERCAL badofn ;bad openf file name
;set up the new blocksize and record length
dmove t1,hdr2+1 ;get block length and rec len
movem t1,blktxt ;save text of block len
movem t2,rectxt ;save record len text
;convert text to numbers
hrroi t1,blktxt ;start with block text
movei t3,^d10 ;decimal text
NIN ;read the number
ERCAL [movei t2,^d512
RET] ;default if bad
caig t2,0 ;check again
movei t2,^d512 ;fix if in error
movem t2,blklen ;save block length
hrroi t1,rectxt ;do record length text
movei t3,^d10 ;base 10
ERCAL [movei t2,^d512
RET] ;default
caig t2,0 ;range check
movei t2,^d512 ;correct if problem
movem t2,reclen ;save record length
;set new block-size for tape
movx t1,co%nrj ;hold this jfn
hrri t1,(a) ;for next open
movei t1,(a) ;re-open file
ifn ftansi,<
movx t2,of%rd!<7>b5 ;8 on tape, monitor
;eats one for 7
>;end ifn ftansi
ife ftansi,<
movx t2,of%rd!<10>b5 ;8 on tape, 8 incore
>;enf ife ftansi
ERJMP .+1 ;oh, hell!
movei t1,(a) ;recover jfn
movx t2,.mosdm ;set data mode
ifn ftansi,<
movx t3,.sjdma ;ANSI ASCII 8 bit bytes
>;end ifn ftansi
ife ftansi,<
movx t3,.sjdm8 ;[2] use industry
>;enf ife ftansi
MTOPR ;set feature
ERCAL badmod ;bad device data mode
movei t1,(a) ;get mta jfn
movx t2,.mosrs ;set record size
move t3,blklen ;get block size
MTOPR ;set block len
subttl data transfer
movei t1,(a) ;i/o from mta
ifn ftansi,<
hrroi t2,recbuf ;header buffer
>;end ifn ftansi
ife ftansi,<
move t2,[point 8,recbuf] ;[2] use 8 bits
>;end ife ftansi
movn t3,blklen ;bytes to read
setz t4, ;clear char
SINR ;read record
ERCAL xfrerr ;transfer error
ife ftansi,<
movs t1,blklen ;[2] bytes in record
hrri t1,recbuf ;[2] addr of buffer
call convrt ;[2] change to 7 bits
>;end ife ftansi
;now write the record to disk
;format of <CR><LF> ascii file is ascii byte count, #chars, repeat
dmove c,[point 7,recbuf ;set up pointers for char counts
point 7,cbuf] ;and pointer for scratch area
ldb t2,[point 7,recbuf,6] ;get first char of block
cail t2,"0" ;range check
caile t2,"9" ;valid numbers only
jrst xfrbig ;do whole block
move t1,d ;get output area
ildb t2,c ;get a byte of data
idpb t2,t1 ;and save for conversion
ildb t2,c ;get second byte of len
idpb t2,t1 ;save in cbuf
ildb t2,c ;get third byte of data
idpb t2,t1 ;save in cbuf
ildb t2,c ;get last char of len
idpb t2,t1 ;save it
hrroi t1,cbuf ;start of text
setz t2, ;clear it
movei t3,^d10 ;use base 10
NIN ;try to read a number
ERJMP xfer ;done with this record
subi t2,4 ;decr for len of count string
movn t3,t2 ;force reading/output of N bytes
move t2,c ;get current buffer pointer
movei t1,(b) ;output device
setz t4, ;no spl chars
skipge t3 ;ignore if too small or zero
SOUT ;output the characters
move c,t2 ;recover new pointer
hrroi t2,[asciz/
/] ;a crlf
setzb t3,t4 ;clear funny format
txne f,f.crlf ;a crlf ?
SOUT ;yes, add it
jrst xfrtry ;and try again
movei t1,(b) ;out to file
hrroi t2,recbuf ;from input buffer
movn t3,blklen ;max bytes to output
setz t4, ;clear
SOUT ;write to file
jrst xfer ;next record please
;here on xfer error
push p,t2
movei t1,.fhslf ;find error cause
GETER ;get last error
movei t1,(t2) ;get error #
pop p,t2
cain t1,iox4 ;<EOF> ?
jrst xfreof ;yes, stop
cain t1,iox5 ;data error ?
jrst xfrder ;data error
cain t1,iox10 ;record too long ?
jrst xfrrtl ;yes
push p,t1 ;save ac
tmsg <%Unknown error while reading tape file
pop p,t1
RET ;ignore error
push p,t2
push p,t3
movei t1,(a) ;get mta status
GDSTS ;for EOF check
push p,t2 ;save status
setz t2, ;clear all bits
SDSTS ;clear it
pop p,t1 ;get error back
pop p,t3 ;restore ac
pop p,t2 ;restore ac
txne t1,mt%eof ;eof ?
jrst xfreof ;done!
tmsg <%Device or data error - ignored
skiple t3 ;stop early ?
RET ;yes, not an error
push p,t1
tmsg <%Record longer than expected
pop p,t1
movei t1,(b) ;get output jfn
CLOSF ;drop file
tmsg < [Ok]
;now, find next tape mark
;and eat eof1 and eof2
movei t1,(a) ;i/o to mta
movx t2,.mofwf ;forward one file
MTOPR ;skip a file
pop p,(p) ;keep stack clean
jrst top ;and try again
subttl TOPEOF error on first record
push p,t2
movei t1,.fhslf ;get last error
GETER ;we had
hrrz t1,t2 ;save error
pop p,t2 ;restore t2
cain t1,iox4 ;eof ?
jrst topdon ;yes, done
tmsg <%Error reading first record of file header!
setzm hdr1 ;clear header 1
move t1,[hdr1,,hdr1+1] ;to nulls
blt t1,hdr1+77 ;zap buffer
movei t1,(a) ;mta i/o
movx t2,.morew ;rewind tape
JRST start
subttl convrt convert 8 to 7 bit ascii
;[2] all under this edit
ife ftansi,<
push p,t2
push p,t3 ;save acs
push p,t4
hlrz t3,t1 ;copy count
hrli t1,(point 8,) ;input
movsi t2,(point 7,) ;output
hrri t2,(t1) ;addr of output
ildb t4,t1 ;get a byte
idpb t4,t2 ;save the byte
sojg t3,.-2 ;loop
pop p,t4
pop p,t3
pop p,t2
>;end ife ftansi
subttl Random errors
tmsg <%Invalid tape specs
call lsterr
jrst start
tmsg <%OPENF failed for given device
call lsterr
jrst start
tmsg <%Rewind failed!
call lsterr
tmsg <%Could not set ANSI-ASCII (or INDUSTRY)
call lsterr
tmsg <%Error reading volume ID
call lsterr
tmsg <%Error reading HDR2
call lsterr
setzm hdr2
move t1,[hdr2,,hdr2+1] ;clear buffer
blt t1,hdr2+77
tmsg <%Error finding tape mark
tmsg <%Could not open file for output, Ignoring file!
movei b,.nulio ;output to nowhere
tmsg <%Monitor rejected file name: >
move t1,[point 7,hdr1,27] ;type file name
tmsg < Enter new file specs
?? >
movx t1,gj%sht!gj%fou!gj%fns!gj%msg ;full works
move t2,[.priin,,.priou] ;to tty
GTJFN ;get it
ERJMP badtfn ;nit wit!
push p,t1
push p,t2
push p,t3
movei t1,.priou
hrloi t2,.fhslf
setz t3,
tmsg <
pop p,t3
pop p,t2
pop p,t1
subttl lits
subttl low segment
low: block 1
pdlst: block 200
hdr1: block 100
hdr2: block 100
volume: block 100
recbuf: block 10000
mtajfn: block 1
filjfn: block 1
rectxt: block 2000
blktxt: block 2000
reclen: block 1
blklen: block 1
cbuf: block 1
high: block 1
end <3,,entvec>