PDP-10 Archives
There are no other files named expunge.hlp in the archive.
EXPUNGE command
The EXPUNGE command permanently erases all the deleted files from a
@EXPUNGE (DIRECTORY) dev:<directory>,
dev:<directory> is the name of the directory you wish to
expunge; you may use wildcard characters to
expunge more than one directory.
Default dev: - your connected structure
Default <directory> - the directory (on
the specified
structure) of the
same name as your
Default (if no arguments - your
are given) connected
@@subcommand means that after a final comma you can give
one or more optional subcommands on
successive lines.
DELETE deletes and expunges temporary files (those with the
Temporary (;T) attribute) created by some system
programs to hold interim data. Do not use if you
will have any further need of these files.
PURGE expunges all files which you have opened but not
REBUILD rebuilds the symbol table of the directory named.
After a successful EXPUNGE command, the system reports the number
of disk pages freed with the message [n pages freed]. If deleted
files are mapped, they will not be expunged, and so will not
contribute to the number of pages freed. Occasionally the system
will report a negative number. This can mean that files were
being written in the directory during the EXPUNGE, or (especially
if you include the REBUILD subcommand) that previous computations
of directory size had not adequately accounted for some files,
for example, files written near the time of a system crash and
Using the REBUILD Subcommand
The REBUILD subcommand is not needed under usual conditions,
as the system performs this action automatically. Use
REBUILD if a message is printed on your terminal advising
you to rebuild the symbol table of a directory.
Using the PURGE Subcommand
The PURGE subcommand is useful chiefly for removing the
remains of files that were being created at the time of a
system crash or a structure dismount. Do not give it while
anyone might be using the directory, because that user's
program might be deprived of necessary files as a result.
Cannot CTRL/C
You cannot use <CTRL/C> to interrupt an EXPUNGE once it is
Special Cases
Files With the "Permanent" Attribute
The system erases only the contents of any files that have
the Permanent attribute, for example your MAIL.TXT file,
when you try to expunge them. The file specifications of
permanent files remain among your deleted files, and cannot
be removed by TOPS-20 commands.
Related Commands
DELETE for marking files to be later expunged
DIRECTORY-class commands for obtaining lists of file
INFORMATION DISK-USAGE for finding out the size of a
UNDELETE for recovering deleted files
1. Expunge all deleted files from your directory.
PS:<LATTA> [6 pages freed]
2. Find out how much of your disk space is in use and how much
is occupied by deleted files. Delete some of your backup
files, then give the EXPUNGE command to erase all of these.
154 Pages assigned, 101 in use, 53 deleted
590 Working pages, 590 Permanent pages allowed
33371 Pages free on PS:
PS:<LATTA> [56 pages freed]