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LINK 6.0 Field Test - LINK 6(2361) Tape #2
The current list of known problems and "aspects" follows.
Problems described here will be fixed on the final field test
1. FORTRAN users specifying the sequence
"/DEBUG:FORTRAN/TEST:DDT" among their LINK commands
will observe that DDT is started rather than
1. Map files in this version show slight formatting
differences compared to those produced by previous
versions of LINK. This is a side effect of work
done to assure neat display of long symbols.
2. Autopatch tape #8 includes Edit 3086 which modifies
the SPLFK% JSYS. The modified SPLFK% is used by
LINK 6.0 to replace LINK's image by the loaded
program. TOPS20 5.1 and 4.1 sites lacking this
edit will still be able to use LINK 6.0. At these
sites users will observe that LINK is creating a
temporary file in the connected directory when
loading and executing a program.
3. LINK now marks the high segment pages in TWOSEG
programs as read and execute only. Self-modifying
programs that previously ran may fail because of
4. Although LINK will accept and resolve long symbols
the symbols are truncated before being placed into
the debugger symbol table.
5. When using the /NOJOBDAT switch the programmer
should use a TOPS-20 style entry vector. See the
TOPS-20 Monitor Calls Reference Manual for a
discussion of entry vectors.
6. Those using extended addressing will need to
install Monitor PCO 20-Monitor-555, edit 5.1(2979).
It prevents loss of created but empty sections
(zeroed static storage) when saving an image.