
Trailing-Edge - PDP-10 Archives - BB-K840A-BM_1981 - sources/sp.for
There are no other files named sp.for in the archive.
C  Copyright (C) 1980, by Digital Equipment Corporation, Maynard, Mass.
C sp> Command prompting and parsing
C  Copyright (C) 1980, by Digital Equipment Corporation, Maynard, Mass.
C  operating system dependent switches from RATLIB
C  Copyright (C) 1980, by Digital Equipment Corporation, Maynard, Mass.
C  copyright notice
C   			C O P Y R I G H T
C   		Copyright (C) 1980 by
C   		Digital Equipment Corporation, Maynard, Mass.
C   	This software is furnished under a license and may be used and
C   	copied  only  in accordance with the terms of such license and
C   	with the  inclusion  of  the  above  copyright  notice.   This
C   	software  or  any  other copies thereof may not be provided or
C   	otherwise made available to any other person.  No title to and
C   	ownership of the software is hereby transferred.
C   	The information in this software is subject to change  without
C   	notice  and should not be construed as a commitment by Digital
C   	Equipment Corporation.
C   	DIGITAL assumes no responsibility for the use  or  reliability
C   	of its software on equipment that is not supplied by DIGITAL.
C ** Symbolic definitions **
C  data types
C 	define character byte
C max string storage
C max number of string indices
C  important string indices (see ss module)
C  coord - axis codes
C  cpystr - option codes
C  dcs - function codes
C  ffopen - modes
C  ffopen - logical file numbers
C  utty - function codes
C  codes returned by keypad function
C  parameter codes
C  screen areas
C column number of text in aea 2
C  character types
C  composites
C  legal filename characters are defined in pflnm (sp module)
C  colors
C  maximum time between slides
C  screen dimensions (pixels)
C  character definitions
C  Copyright (C) 1980, by Digital Equipment Corporation, Maynard, Mass.
C  character definitions
C chkeol - skip blanks and return 1 iff end-of-line
      integer function chkeol ( dum )
      implicit integer ( a - z )
      chkeol = 0
      if(.not.( pskip ( 4 ) .eq. 8 ))goto 23000
      chkeol = 1
23000 continue
C ctype - classify character
C  svp: subscript of sv where character lives
      integer function ctype ( svp )
      implicit integer ( a - z )
C  Copyright (C) 1980, by Digital Equipment Corporation, Maynard, Mass.
C sscom>
      integer sv ( 3500 )
      integer sx ( 150 )
      common / gscom /  ipptr , iuptr , pptr , uptr , sv , sx
C contains sx (SNINP)
C contains sx (SNUST)
C index into sv, used when parsing tty input (SNINP)
C index into sv, used when building a string (SNUST)
C subscript is string #, contains index into sv
      ctype = 0
      ch = sv ( svp )
C get character
      if(.not.( ch .ge. 48 .and. ch .le. 57 ))goto 23002
      ctype = 2
23002 continue
      if(.not.( ( ch .ge. 97 .and. ch .le. 122 ) .or. ( ch .ge. 65 .and.
     * ch .le. 90 ) ))goto 23004
      ctype = 1
23004 continue
      if(.not.( ch .eq. 32 ))goto 23006
      ctype = 4
23006 continue
      if(.not.( ch .eq. 45 ))goto 23008
      ctype = 16
23008 continue
      if(.not.( ch .eq. 63 ))goto 23010
      ctype = 128
23010 continue
      if(.not.( ch .eq. 0 ))goto 23012
      ctype = 8
23012 continue
C helpcr - restore carriage for help
C  nlf is # of line feeds
      subroutine helpcr ( nlf )
      implicit integer ( a - z )
C  Copyright (C) 1980, by Digital Equipment Corporation, Maynard, Mass.
C spcom>
      logical diagf , filcmd
      common / spcom /  diagf , filcmd , hline , lcx , lcy
C true iff diagnostic has been given already
C command came from tty (.false.) or file (.true.)
C current line # for help message (0-23)
C locator-mode coordinates returned by VK100
      hline = hline + nlf
C compute new line #
      call postc ( hline * 80 + 42 )
C position cursor
C helpx - preparation for giving help
C  sno is help message
      subroutine helpx ( sno )
      implicit integer ( a - z )
C  Copyright (C) 1980, by Digital Equipment Corporation, Maynard, Mass.
C spcom>
      logical diagf , filcmd
      common / spcom /  diagf , filcmd , hline , lcx , lcy
C true iff diagnostic has been given already
C command came from tty (.false.) or file (.true.)
C current line # for help message (0-23)
C locator-mode coordinates returned by VK100
      call clr ( 2 , - 2 )
C clear help area
      hline = 0
C set to top of area 2
      call helpcr ( 0 )
C position text-mode cursor
      call pr0 ( sno )
C write help string
C keypad - check input for one of the keypad or arrow characters
C 	  pptr must be pointing to start of SNINP
C  returns -1 if no match, else KPxxx (see sdef)
      integer function keypad ( dum )
      implicit integer ( a - z )
C  Copyright (C) 1980, by Digital Equipment Corporation, Maynard, Mass.
C sscom>
      integer sv ( 3500 )
      integer sx ( 150 )
      common / gscom /  ipptr , iuptr , pptr , uptr , sv , sx
C contains sx (SNINP)
C contains sx (SNUST)
C index into sv, used when parsing tty input (SNINP)
C index into sv, used when building a string (SNUST)
C subscript is string #, contains index into sv
      integer ch , kpc ( 23 )
C should be character
      data kpc ( 1 ) , kpc ( 2 ) , kpc ( 3 ) , kpc ( 4 ) , kpc ( 5 ) / 1
     *12 , 113 , 114 , 115 , 116 /
      data kpc ( 6 ) , kpc ( 7 ) , kpc ( 8 ) , kpc ( 9 ) , kpc ( 10 ) / 
     *117 , 118 , 119 , 120 , 121 /
      data kpc ( 11 ) , kpc ( 12 ) , kpc ( 13 ) , kpc ( 14 ) , kpc ( 15 
     *) / 77 , 109 , 108 , 110 , 80 /
      data kpc ( 16 ) , kpc ( 17 ) , kpc ( 18 ) , kpc ( 19 ) , kpc ( 20 
     *) / 81 , 82 , 83 , 65 , 66 /
      data kpc ( 21 ) , kpc ( 22 ) / 67 , 68 /
      keypad = - 1
      if(.not.( sv ( pptr ) .eq. 0 ))goto 23014
      call read1 ( 0 )
C yes, eat the extra CR
C the VK100 sends in SC1 mode
      keypad = 22
C tell caller what I got
23014 continue
      if(.not.( sv ( pptr ) .eq. 27 .and. sv ( pptr + 1 ) .ne. 0 ))goto 
      ch = sv ( pptr + 2 )
C get identifying character
       keypad = 23 - 1
23018 if(.not.( 23020
      if(.not.( ch .eq. kpc ( keypad + 1 ) ))goto 23021
23021 continue
23019 keypad=keypad-1
      goto 23018
23020 continue
23016 continue
C lower - convert uppercase to lowercase
      integer function lower ( ch )
      implicit integer ( a - z )
      lower = ch
      if(.not.( ch .ge. 65 .and. ch .le. 90 ))goto 23023
      lower = ch + 97 - 65
23023 continue
C pdec - parse decimal number
C  low,high: limits for number
      integer function pdec ( low , high )
      implicit integer ( a - z )
C  Copyright (C) 1980, by Digital Equipment Corporation, Maynard, Mass.
C sscom>
      integer sv ( 3500 )
      integer sx ( 150 )
      common / gscom /  ipptr , iuptr , pptr , uptr , sv , sx
C contains sx (SNINP)
C contains sx (SNUST)
C index into sv, used when parsing tty input (SNINP)
C index into sv, used when building a string (SNUST)
C subscript is string #, contains index into sv
      pdec = - 1
C assume failure
      if(.not.( pskip ( 4 ) .ne. 2 ))goto 23025
      if(.not.( sv ( pptr ) .eq. 63 ))goto 23027
      call pdiag ( 121 )
C @121 Decimal number between
      call pr2 ( 122 , low , high )
C @122  %d and %d
      goto 23028
23027 continue
      call pdiag ( 123 )
23028 continue
C @123 Number missing
23025 continue
       ac = 0
23029 if(.not.(ctype(pptr).eq.2))goto 23031
      if(.not.( ac .gt. 1000 ))goto 23032
      ac = 32767
C defend against overflow
      goto 23033
23032 continue
      ac = ac * 10 + sv ( pptr ) - 48
23033 continue
23030 pptr=pptr+1
      goto 23029
23031 continue
      if(.not.( ctype ( pptr ) .eq. 1 ))goto 23034
      call pdiag ( 120 )
C @120 Malformed number
23034 continue
      if(.not.( ac .ge. low .and. ac .le. high ))goto 23036
      pdec = ac
23036 continue
      call pdiag ( 124 )
C @124 Number not between
      call pr2 ( 122 , low , high )
C pdiag - type diagnostic message
C  sno: string to be typed
      subroutine pdiag ( sno )
      implicit integer ( a - z )
      call pdiag1 ( sno , 0 )
C no substitutions in string, I hope!
C pdiag1 - type diagnostic message with argument substitution
C  sno: string to be typed
C  arg: argument
      subroutine pdiag1 ( sno , arg )
      implicit integer ( a - z )
C  Copyright (C) 1980, by Digital Equipment Corporation, Maynard, Mass.
C spcom>
      logical diagf , filcmd
      common / spcom /  diagf , filcmd , hline , lcx , lcy
C true iff diagnostic has been given already
C command came from tty (.false.) or file (.true.)
C current line # for help message (0-23)
C locator-mode coordinates returned by VK100
      if(.not.( . not . diagf ))goto 23038
C diagnostic given yet?
      if(.not.( filcmd ))goto 23040
C no, command coming from a file?
      call dcs ( 7 )
C yes
      call pr0 ( 2 )
C display line from file
      call dcs ( 8 )
C seek to diagnostic area
      goto 23041
23040 continue
      call dcs ( 4 )
23041 continue
C seek to tty-command diag area
      call pr1 ( sno , arg )
C print string
      diagf = . true .
C remember diagnostic given
23038 continue
C peol - parse end-of-line
C  returns 0 OK, -1 bad
      integer function peol ( dum )
      implicit integer ( a - z )
      peol = 0
      if(.not.( chkeol ( 0 ) .ne. 0 ))goto 23042
23042 continue
C OK if at eol
      call pdiag ( 125 )
C @125 Garbage at end of line
      peol = - 1
C pkey - parse a keyword using table
C  sno: table string, of the form
C 	<entry>^<entry>^...^<entry>
C 	where <entry> is of the form: nnxxxxx
C 	      nn is a two-digit decimal number associated with the entry
C 	      xxxxx is a string beginning with (and possibly containing
C 		    only) a keyword composed of CTKEY characters (sdef).
C 		    Text beyond the keyword is ignored; it is
C 		    used only for display when the user wants help.
C       The user need type only enough characters of the keyword to
C       identify it uniquely.
C  returns keyword number upon successful parse, otherwise -1
C  (getting this routine to work was a nontrivial exercise)
      integer function pkey ( sno )
      implicit integer ( a - z )
C  Copyright (C) 1980, by Digital Equipment Corporation, Maynard, Mass.
C spcom>
      logical diagf , filcmd
      common / spcom /  diagf , filcmd , hline , lcx , lcy
C true iff diagnostic has been given already
C command came from tty (.false.) or file (.true.)
C current line # for help message (0-23)
C locator-mode coordinates returned by VK100
C  Copyright (C) 1980, by Digital Equipment Corporation, Maynard, Mass.
C sscom>
      integer sv ( 3500 )
      integer sx ( 150 )
      common / gscom /  ipptr , iuptr , pptr , uptr , sv , sx
C contains sx (SNINP)
C contains sx (SNUST)
C index into sv, used when parsing tty input (SNINP)
C index into sv, used when building a string (SNUST)
C subscript is string #, contains index into sv
      pkey = - 1
C assume failure
      ki = sx ( sno )
C pointer to scan keyword table
      if(.not.( iand ( pskip ( 4 ) , 19 ) .eq. 0 ))goto 23044
C non-keyword
      if(.not.( sv ( pptr ) .eq. 63 ))goto 23046
      goto 100
23046 continue
C wants help
      call pdiag ( 128 )
C @128 Keyword expected
C loop: one iteration per table entry
23044 continue
23048 continue
      p = pptr
C get copy of pointer to input
      kin = ( sv ( ki ) - 48 ) * 10 + sv ( ki + 1 ) - 48
C keyword #
      ki = ki + 2
C move past keyword #
C loop: compare this keyword against input
23051 continue
      if(.not.( iand ( ctype ( p ) , 19 ) .eq. 0 ))goto 23054
C end of input
      if(.not.( pkey .ge. 0 ))goto 23056
C check for ambiguity
      call pdiag ( 129 )
C @129 Ambiguous
      pkey = - 1
23056 continue
      pkey = kin
C found a match
      goto 23053
C still scanning user's input
23054 continue
      if(.not.( iand ( ctype ( ki ) , 19 ) .eq. 0 ))goto 23058
      goto 23053
C input > keywd
23058 continue
      uch = sv ( p )
C convert to integer data type
      diff = sv ( ki ) - lower ( uch )
C check if still matching
      ki = ki + 1
      p = p + 1
23052 if(.not.( diff .ne. 0 ))goto 23051
23053 continue
C if different, abort comparison
C find next keyword in table (or end of table)
23060 continue
      ch = sv ( ki )
      ki = ki + 1
23061 if(.not.( ch .eq. 94 .or. ch .eq. 0 ))goto 23060
23062 continue
23049 if(.not.( ch .eq. 0 ))goto 23048
23050 continue
      if(.not.( pkey .eq. - 1 ))goto 23063
      call pdiag ( 64 )
C @64 Unrecognized keyword
      goto 23064
23063 continue
      call pskip ( 19 )
23064 continue
C get scanner past the input keyword
C give user help
100   call helpx ( 61 )
C @61 Legal keywords (V1.00):
      call helpcr ( 1 )
C return carriage
23065 continue
C one iteration per kwyword
      uptr = iuptr
C init pointer to copy of keyword
      ki = ki + 2
C skip nn at beginning of entry
      ch = sv ( ki )
C get 1st char of keyword
23068 if(.not.( ch .ne. 0 .and. ch .ne. 94 ))goto 23069
      sv ( uptr ) = ch
C copy char to ustr
      uptr = uptr + 1
      ki = ki + 1
      ch = sv ( ki )
C get next char
      goto 23068
23069 continue
      sv ( uptr ) = 0
C tie off ustr
      call helpcr ( 1 )
C get to next line
      call pr0 ( 6 )
C write it out
      ki = ki + 1
C move past uparrow
23066 if(.not.( ch .eq. 0 ))goto 23065
23067 continue
      call pdiag ( 1 )
C set diagf
C prdtty - prompt, read tty string into SNINP, initialize pptr for scan
C  sno: prompt string
      subroutine prdtty ( sno )
      implicit integer ( a - z )
C  Copyright (C) 1980, by Digital Equipment Corporation, Maynard, Mass.
C spcom>
      logical diagf , filcmd
      common / spcom /  diagf , filcmd , hline , lcx , lcy
C true iff diagnostic has been given already
C command came from tty (.false.) or file (.true.)
C current line # for help message (0-23)
C locator-mode coordinates returned by VK100
C  Copyright (C) 1980, by Digital Equipment Corporation, Maynard, Mass.
C sscom>
      integer sv ( 3500 )
      integer sx ( 150 )
      common / gscom /  ipptr , iuptr , pptr , uptr , sv , sx
C contains sx (SNINP)
C contains sx (SNUST)
C index into sv, used when parsing tty input (SNINP)
C index into sv, used when building a string (SNUST)
C subscript is string #, contains index into sv
      call dcs ( 3 )
C position cursor
      call dcs ( 6 )
C restore original TM
      call read1 ( sno )
C read until CR
      diagf = . false .
C enable printing of diagnostics
      filcmd = . false .
C remember command came from the terminal
      call dcs ( 5 )
C put VK100 in ANSI mode
      call dcs ( 4 )
C clear diagnostic area
C pskip - skip to the next character not of the specified type(s)
C 	 and return its type
C  typ: logical OR of types to skip
C  returns type of following character
      integer function pskip ( typ )
      implicit integer ( a - z )
C  Copyright (C) 1980, by Digital Equipment Corporation, Maynard, Mass.
C sscom>
      integer sv ( 3500 )
      integer sx ( 150 )
      common / gscom /  ipptr , iuptr , pptr , uptr , sv , sx
C contains sx (SNINP)
C contains sx (SNUST)
C index into sv, used when parsing tty input (SNINP)
C index into sv, used when building a string (SNUST)
C subscript is string #, contains index into sv
23070 if(.not.( . true . ))goto 23071
      i = ctype ( pptr )
C get character type
      pskip = i
      if(.not.( iand ( i , typ ) .eq. 0 ))goto 23072
      goto 23071
23072 continue
      pptr = pptr + 1
C next char
      goto 23070
23071 continue
C ptagob - parse tray-file tag or record number
C 	  or parse object name
C  func: 0 tag/recnumber, 1 objectname
C  sno:  string to receive tag or objectname (see 0 return below)
C  returns -1 parse failed
C 	   0 tag or objectname parsed, copied into caller's string
C 	   n record # parsed, n is record #
      integer function ptagob ( func , sno )
      implicit integer ( a - z )
C  Copyright (C) 1980, by Digital Equipment Corporation, Maynard, Mass.
C sscom>
      integer sv ( 3500 )
      integer sx ( 150 )
      common / gscom /  ipptr , iuptr , pptr , uptr , sv , sx
C contains sx (SNINP)
C contains sx (SNUST)
C index into sv, used when parsing tty input (SNINP)
C index into sv, used when building a string (SNUST)
C subscript is string #, contains index into sv
      ptagob = - 1
      i = pskip ( 4 )
C get character type
      if(.not.( i .eq. 128 ))goto 23074
C want help?
      call pdiag ( 68 + func )
C @68 Record number or tag in tray file
C @69 Object name, 1 to 10 alphanumeric characters
23074 continue
      if(.not.( i .eq. 1 ))goto 23076
C tag
      d = sx ( sno )
C set up pointer to return string
      n = 0
C length
      ptagob = 0
C returning string
23078 if(.not.( iand ( ctype ( pptr ) , 1 + 2 ) .ne. 0 ))goto 23079
C scan it
      n = n + 1
C count length
      if(.not.( n .gt. 10 ))goto 23080
      goto 100
23080 continue
C too long
      sv ( d ) = sv ( pptr )
C copy char to destination
      d = d + 1
      pptr = pptr + 1
      sv ( d ) = 0
C tie it off
      goto 23078
23079 continue
23076 continue
      if(.not.( func .eq. 0 .and. i .eq. 2 ))goto 23082
C tag/rec# ?
      ptagob = pdec ( 1 , 1000 )
C yes, parse it
C blew it
23082 continue
100   call pdiag ( 65 + func )
C @65 Illegal tag or record number
C @66 Illegal object name
      ptagob = - 1
C ustpar - prepare file input for parsing:
C 	  copy SNUST to SNINP, set pptr = ipptr, filcmd = .true.
      subroutine ustpar
      implicit integer ( a - z )
C  Copyright (C) 1980, by Digital Equipment Corporation, Maynard, Mass.
C spcom>
      logical diagf , filcmd
      common / spcom /  diagf , filcmd , hline , lcx , lcy
C true iff diagnostic has been given already
C command came from tty (.false.) or file (.true.)
C current line # for help message (0-23)
C locator-mode coordinates returned by VK100
C  Copyright (C) 1980, by Digital Equipment Corporation, Maynard, Mass.
C sscom>
      integer sv ( 3500 )
      integer sx ( 150 )
      common / gscom /  ipptr , iuptr , pptr , uptr , sv , sx
C contains sx (SNINP)
C contains sx (SNUST)
C index into sv, used when parsing tty input (SNINP)
C index into sv, used when building a string (SNUST)
C subscript is string #, contains index into sv
      i = - 1
23084 continue
      i = i + 1
      sv ( ipptr + i ) = sv ( iuptr + i )
C copy 1 character
23085 if(.not.( sv ( iuptr + i ) .eq. 0 ))goto 23084
23086 continue
C loop until eos
      pptr = ipptr
C init scanning pointer
      filcmd = . true .
C input came from a file