
Trailing-Edge - PDP-10 Archives - tops20tools_v6_9-jan-86_dumper - tools/tape11/rfil11.rel
There are 3 other files named rfil11.rel in the archive. Click here to see a list.
 05TiH	*"D"++3@@| (*"@ (\")\"254
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Output is to connected directory.
Enter	 @"2 input magtape device:  H ||Volume id: |
H <<	*T;H \\,><,`[File will have <CR><LF> appended to each record]
Worki	 *@Cng on file:  $,~H HH:%Unknown error while reading tape f	 Lile
%Device or data error - ignored
%Record longer than expected
%Error reading first record of file header!
'H=%Invalid tape specs
	 ]%OPENF failed for given device
%Rewind failed!
%Could not set ANSI-ASCII (or 	 eINDUSTRY)
%Error reading volume ID
%Error reading HDR2
+H]%Error fin	 nding tape mark
%Could not open file for output, Ignoring file!
%Monitor reject ved file name:  Enter new file specs
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