
Trailing-Edge - PDP-10 Archives - tops10and20_integ_tools_v9_3-aug-86 - tools/crc/browse/maccmd.mac
There are no other files named maccmd.mac in the archive.
; GTASCZ trashes lots of acs. make sure we know this when we call it.
;<KEVIN>MACCMD.MAC.2, 26-Oct-84 11:44:51, Edit by KEVIN
; Add the KYALOW and KYDALW routines to modify the standard breakset.
;TEXTIN was failing to accept null strings (again....). Outputting
;confirm message instead. Moral : skip instructions don't skip
;macros very well.
;<CRC-SUBS>MACCMD.MAC.?, 15-Jun-84 14:48:05, Edit by Geoff
; Allow for Fortran 77 character variables in the output fields.
;<KEVIN>MACCMD.MAC.2, 21-May-84 15:08:05, Edit by KEVIN
; Try to make most routines return an answer even if it is dubious (ie make
;	NUMIN and friends return a number, even if it is out of range.)
;<KEVIN>MACCMD.MAC.100010, 21-Oct-83 14:35:31, Edit by KEVIN
; Make KYWORD return different errors on ambiguous/not known
;<RT11.CANADA>MACCMD.MAC.100021, 19-Oct-83 13:10:57, Edit by KEVIN
;	When adding entries with TABLE, don't use string space if error occurs.
;12-sep-83 Edit by Kevin
;	Introduce a compile time switch to avoid loading FOROTS stuff.
;15-Aug-83 Edit by Kevin
;	Make even more sure than before - chain a confirm block
;11 Aug 83 Edit by Kevin
;	Make SURE that TEXTIN accepts a blank line as input
;8 jun 83 Edit by Kevin
; Make errors type out "?" before bell, not after, so they trap in batch.
; Not all strings trapped. Also, TBLOOK not trimming blanks OK.
;<KEVIN>MACCMD.MAC,	10-May-83 09:27:00, EDIT BY Geoff
;	allow for fortran v7 strings.
;<KEVIN>MACCMD.MAC,	10-Feb-83 10:37:00, EDIT BY KEVIN
;COMND does not return count of characters in atom buffer when a default
;is taken with .CMTXT - must provide routine to count string length
;<KEVIN>MACCMD.MAC.100047, 18-Jan-83 11:53:40, EDIT BY KEVIN
;	Add functionality which suppresses recognition of EXIT and
;	UNKNOWN via common block flag.

	title	maccmd - COMND routines for FORTRAN.
;	This set of routines is designed to give the Fortran programmer
;	limited access to the facilities of the COMND JSYS. They provide
;	for parsing commands consisting of a single field, with a supplied
;	prompt, and are intended to be used in an on-line questionarre
;	environment. Greater control is available to the user via common
;	blocks which are used for storage by these routines, and can be
;	modified from Fortran.
;	Routines are also available for manipulating TBLUK tables, independantly
;	of their use with COMND%.
	search	vtmac
	regdef			;declare registers, search MONSYM, etc.
;	Macro to define offsets for a fortran argument list
;	FORARG(arg1,arg2,arg3)
;	defines arg1=0
;		arg2==1, etc.
;	Also defines cleararg to purge all the rest, and does this before each
;	setup.


IFDEF	$ARGCNT,	<NOARGS>	;;clear previous argument definitions
	DEFINE	NOARGS, <PURGE ARGLST> ;;set up a new clear macro

	$ARGCNT==0		;;initialize count of arguments

		>	;now define the arguments

;	Macro to generate definitions of error numbers and error messages
	errdef(errsuc,0,<Success - no error>)
	errdef(errgen,1,<Invalid input>)
	errdef(errcfm,2,<Superfluous input at end of field>)
	errdef(errhnm,3,<Hospital number does not look right>)
	errdef(errhcl,4,<Check letter does not match patient number>)
	errdef(errdat,5,<Not a valid date>)
	errdef(errdtr,6,<Date not in range>)
	errdef(errnum,7,<That is not a number>)
	errdef(errnsm,8,<That number is too small>)
	errdef(errnlg,9,<That number is too large>)
	errdef(errsex,^d10,<Male, Female or unknown required>)
	errdef(erryes,^d11,<Yes, No or unknown required>)
	errdef(errful,^d12,<Table is full>)
	errdef(errmul,^d13,<Entry is already in table>)
	errdef(errfil,^d14,<Invalid file name>)
	errdef(errstl,^d15,<Text field too long>)
	errdef(errnsk,^d16,<Entry is not in table>)
	errdef(erramk,^d17,<Ambiguous keyword>)
	errdef(errtim,^d18,<Not a valid time>)
	errdef(errtmr,^d19,<Time not in range>)

;	Define error symbols

	ERRORS				;do it

;	Macro to print error message associated with a number
;	ERRMES error
	call	tstcol			;;get a new line if needed
	skipge	tried			;;user supply a retry count ?
	 jrst	%a			;;no, so repeat forever until correct
	sosl	tried			;;yes, so knock one off the count
	 jrst	%a			;;still non--ve, so allow another go
	movei	t1,error		;;get general error code
IFB	<FAILAD>,<movem	t1,@fail(cx)>	;;return to caller
IFNB	<FAILAD>,<movem	t1,@failad>	;;via special loc if appropriate
	ret				;;and return properly
%a:	tmsg	<?>			;;look querulous
	movei	t1,7			;;ring terminal bell
	pbout%				;;with ^G = ascii 7
	hrro	t1,errtab+error 	;;get address of message
	psout%				;;type it

IFNB	<RETURN>,<		;;if a retry address is specified...
	tmsg	<, try again please> ;;ask them to do it again
	jrst	return>		;;and go and repeat question
	list		>	;;else let routine handle retry itself

;	Macro to confirm a command
;	CONFIRM	erradr		;jump to erradr if bad confirm, errors
;				are to be trapped

DEFINE	CONFIRM(erradr),<call	endcom
	 jrst	[movei	t1,erradr	;;get address of reprompt
		movei	q1,@fail(cx)	;;get address of fail code
       		call	cfmerr		;;jump to error type routine
		 ret			;;error return
		jrst	.+1]		;;returned ok

;	Macro to set up whether we use the EXIT and UNKNOWN tables.
	movei	t1,exifdb	;;assume chain to EXIT/UNKNOWN table
	skipe	useext		;;is that what the user wants ?
	 movei	t1,fdb		;;no, chain straight to function-specific fdb
	hrrm	t1,bakfdb	;;and store in token fdb
;	Macro for the MOVSLJ extended instruction.
DEFINE	MOVCHA (acc,filcha<" ">,skop<nop>),<
	extend	acc,	[movslj	0,0
				filcha ]
	 skop					;;ignore truncation if nop
	bufsiz==^d70		;number of words in command buffer
	atmsiz==bufsiz		;words in atom buffer (^d70)
	fdbsiz==.cmbrk+1	;size of FDB (5)
	hlpsiz==^d25		;size of help message
	defsiz==^d56		;size of default text
	gjfsiz==.gjrty+3	;size of gtjfn block used by comnd jsys (15)
	argsiz==5		;size of forots argument block
	deflen==defsiz*5	;size of default buffer in characters

	.common CMDSTG[bufsiz+atmsiz+fdbsiz+hlpsiz+defsiz+gjfsiz+argsiz]
	.common cmdprm[14+.cmgjb+1]

	atmbfr=cmdstg+bufsiz	;address of atom buffer
	fdb=atmbfr+atmsiz	;address of current FDB
	hlpbfr=fdb+fdbsiz	;address of help message
	defbfr=hlpbfr+hlpsiz	;address of storage for default string
	gjfblk=defbfr+defsiz	;address of gtjfn% argument block
	argblk=gjfblk+gjfsiz	;address of forots argument block
	cmdblk=exilab+5		;address of command state block
	initf=cmdprm		;non-zero word if cmdblk INITed
	retrys=initf+1		;address of number of retries to be allowed
	tried=retrys+1		;number of attempts left on this field
	endnse=tried+1		;non zero means disallow confirm errors
	raise=endnse+1		;if non-zero, raise input
	savret=raise+1		;place to save return address for CMDINI
	savp=savret+1		;place to save stack pointer for reparse
	exilab=savp+1		;label to return to after "exit"
	useext=exilab+1		;flag to recognise EXIT and UNKNOWN
	nargs=p1		;number of arguments stored in this register

;	Now generate the table of error messages
	DEFINE ERRDEF(symbol,val,text),<[ASCIZ\text\]>
errtab:	errors			;construct the table

;	Define breaksets for .CMKEY and .CMDAT functions, to include
;       things like "." as allowable characters in the field. The keyword
;	brek table can be modified by KYALOW and KYDALW
datbrk:	brmsk. (fldb0.,fldb1.,fldb2.,fldb3.,<.,< >,<,>,</>,:>)
brkmsk:	brmsk. (keyb0.,keyb1.,keyb2.,keyb3.,<.,#,< >,<(>,<)>,</>,:,<'>,%,*>)
defbrk:	brmsk. (keyb0.,keyb1.,keyb2.,keyb3.,<.,#,< >,<(>,<)>,</>,:,<'>,%,*>)
;	set up fdb's for exit and backup (^)
bakfdb:	fld(.cmtok,cm%fnc)!cm%sdh!exifdb
	<point 7,[byte(7) "^"]>
exifdb:	flddb.(.cmkey,cm%sdh,exitbl,,,fdb)
exitbl:	2,,2
;	Make requests for external routines, and declare our entry points
IFNDEF $MACY,<external crhalt,open.,ftncmd>;clean fortran exit routine,and forots open
	external gtbypt,gtadrs,gtascz,ptspac	;allow fortran v7 text
	entry	textin,hospno,datein,realin,table ;Fortran-callable routines
	entry	kyword,sexin,numin,yesno,tblook,tbrloc,timein
	entry	kyalow,kydalw
IFNDEF $MACY,<entry cropen>
	subttl	CROPEN - read a file name and open it

;	Routine to read a text field
;	prompt - ASCIZ prompt string
;	unit   - fortran logical unit number
;	status - file type key word e.g. 'OLD' 'NEW' etc.
;	fail   - 0 if ok, else +ve
;	length - number of characters typed, optional
;	help   - ASCIZ help text for ?, optional
;	defalt - ASCIZ default answer, optional
;	defnam - the default file name
;	defext - the default file extension
;	defdir - the default directory
;	defdev - the default device
;	option - further options as specified to 'DIALOG='

	forarg <prompt,unit,status,fail,help,defnam,defext,defdir,defdev,option>

	sixbit	/cropen/
cropen:	setzm	@fail(cx)		;indicate no error
	move	t2,retrys		;get users retry count
	movem	t2,tried		;save count for this field
croprp:	movei	t1,prompt		;pointer to prompt
	call	gtascz			;may be fortran v7
;*	call	gtbypt			;may be fortran v7
;*      hrroi	t1,@prompt(cx)		;point to first argument
	call	cmdini			;initialize  COMND
;set up gtjfn% argument block
	move	t1,[gjfblk,,gjfblk+1]	;set up to clear gtjfn block
	setzm	gjfblk			;clear first word of block
	blt	t1,gjfblk+gjfsiz-1	;clear gtjfn block
	movei	t1,status		;pointer to status
;*	call	gtbypt			;may be fortran v7
	call	gtascz			;may be fortran v7
	move	t2,t1
;*	movx	t2,<point 7,0,6>	;set up for byte pointer
;*	hrri	t2,@status(cx)		;get status, 'OLD' or 'NEW' file ?
	ildb	t3,t2			;get first character of specifier
	txz	t3,40			;ensure upper case
	cain	t3,"N"			;is it N ?
	 jrst	[movx	t1,gj%fou+gj%cfm+gj%xtn
		jrst	cropst]		;want a new file & ext. arg block etc.
	cain	t3,"O"			;is it O ?
	 jrst	[movx	t1,gj%old+gj%cfm+gj%xtn
		jrst	cropst]		;want existing file & ext. arg block
	movx	t1,gj%cfm+gj%xtn	;want any file & ext. arg block etc.
cropst:	movem	t1,gjfblk+.gjgen	;store flags
	movx	t1,<.priin,,.priou>	;i/o from tty:
	movem	t1,gjfblk+.gjsrc	;store source
	caig	nargs,defnam		;is argument there?
	 jrst	croext			;no, so skip
	skipn	@defnam(cx)		;user supplied default ?
	 jrst	croext			;no, so indicate no default
	movei	t1,defnam		;pointer to default name
	call	gtascz			;may be fortran v7
;*	call	gtbypt			;may be fortran v7
;*	hrroi	t1,@defnam(cx)		;get default file name
	movem	t1,gjfblk+.gjnam	;store default name
croext:	caig	nargs,defext		;is argument there?
	 jrst	crodir			;no, so skip
	skipn	@defext(cx)		;user supplied default ?
	 jrst	crodir			;no, so indicate no default
	movei	t1,defext		;pointer to default extension
	call	gtascz			;may be fortran v7
;*	call	gtbypt			;may be fortran v7
;*	hrroi	t1,@defext(cx)		;get default extension
	movem	t1,gjfblk+.gjext	;store default extension
crodir:	caig	nargs,defdir		;is argument there?
	 jrst	crodev			;no, so skip
	skipn	@defdir(cx)		;user supplied default ?
	 jrst	crodev			;no, so indicate no default
	movei	t1,defdir		;pointer to default directory
	call	gtascz			;may be fortran v7
;*	call	gtbypt			;may be fortran v7
	ibp	,t1			;skip the opening bracket
;*	movx	t1,<point 7,0,6>	;set up for byte pointer
;*	hrri	t1,@defdir(cx)		;get default directory
	movem	t1,gjfblk+.gjdir	;store default directory
crodev:	caig	nargs,defdev		;is argument there?
	 jrst	crofor			;no, so skip
	skipn	@defdev(cx)		;user supplied default ?
	 jrst	crofor			;no, so indicate no default
	movei	t1,defdev		;pointer to default device
	call	gtascz			;may be fortran v7
;*	call	gtbypt			;may be fortran v7
;*      hrroi	t1,@defdev(cx)		;get default device
	movem	t1,gjfblk+.gjdev	;store default device
crofor:	movx	t1,gjfsiz-.gjf2-1	;calculate length of extended block
	movem	t1,gjfblk+.gjf2		;store flag
; gtjfn block now set up, so get comnd to get the file name
	movei	t1,gjfblk		;get address of gtjfn block
	movem	t1,cmdblk+.cmgjb	;store pointer to gtjfn block
	setzm	fdb+.cmdef		;defaults not in cmdblk but gjfblk
	setzm	fdb+.cmbrk		;no fancy break mask please
	move	t1,[fld(.cmfil,cm%fnc)!cm%sdh!cm%hpp] ;get function
					;indicate a help message is supplied
cropi1:	movem	t1,fdb			;store function code, flags
	setzm	fdb+.cmdat		;no func-specific data
	hrroi	t1,[asciz/file name/]	;help message
	caig	nargs,help		;help argument ?
	 jrst	cropnh			;no, so don't store
	skipn	@help(cx)		;is it null ?
	 jrst	cropnh			;yes, so skip
	movei	t1,help			;pointer to help message
	call	gtascz			;may be fortran v7
;*	call	gtbypt			;may be fortran v7
;*      hrroi	t1,@help(cx)		;no, get users help
cropnh:	movem	t1,fdb+.cmhlp		;yes, so store it
cropi2:	movei	t1,cmdblk		;point to command state block
	movei	t2,fdb			;point to function block
	comnd%				;parse a file name
	 erjmp	cmderr			;die
	movei	t4,@fail(cx)		;get address of fail flag for chpars
	call	chpars			;check on which fdb used to parse
	 jrst	croerr			;fail, so try for error handling
	move	t4,t2			;save jfn for a mo'
	confirm	croprp			;confirm command
;get the file info about the jfn
	setz	t3,			;use default format for name
	movei	t1,status		;pointer to status
	call	gtbypt			;may be fortran v7
	move	t2,t1
;*      movx	t2,<point 7,0,6>	;set up for byte pointer
;*	hrri	t2,@status(cx)		;get status, 'UNKNOWN' ?
	ildb	t1,t2			;get first character of specifier
	txz	t1,40			;ensure upper case
	cain	t1,"U"			;is it U ?
	 movx	t3,fld(.jsssd,js%dev)!fld(.jsssd,js%dir)!fld(.jsaof,js%nam)
					;don't output generation no. if unknown
	move	t2,t4			;move returned jfn
	hrroi	t1,defbfr		;address to send file name to
	jfns%				;get the name
	 erjmp	cmderr			;die
;release the jfn as we are not going to use it
	move	t4,t1			;save the byte pointer
	move	t1,t2			;jfn to acc 1
	 jrst	cmderr			;die
;append options to filename
	caig	nargs,option		;option argument ?
	 jrst	cropar			;no, so don't store
	skipn	@option(cx)		;is it null ?
	 jrst	cropar			;yes, so skip
	movei	t1,option		;pointer to options
	push	p,t4			;save pointer to string end
	call	gtascz			;may be fortran v7
;*	call	gtbypt			;may be fortran v7
;*      hrroi	t1,@option(cx)		;no, get pointer to options
	pop	p,t2			;get pointer to end of name
	setz	t3,			;terminate on null
	sin%				;move the characters
;now try and open the file, first set up argument block
cropar:	move	t1,[argblk,,argblk+1]	;set up to clear arg block
	setzm	argblk			;clear first word of block
	blt	t1,argblk+argsiz-1	;clear arg block
	movei	t4,argblk		;get argument block address
cropac:	aoj	t4,			;start at second word
	movei	t1,defbfr		;get pointer to the filename
	txo	t1,1b8!17b12		;set "G" field to 1 i.e. long filename
	movem	t1,(t4)			;store in argument block
	aoj	t4,			;next word of argument block
	movei	t1,status		;want address of status
	call	gtadrs			;may be fortran v7
;*	movei	t1,@status(cx)		;get pointer to the status
	txo	t1,33b8!17b12		;set "G" field to 33 i.e. status
	movem	t1,(t4)			;store in argument block
	aoj	t4,			;next word of argument block
	move	t1,@unit(cx)		;get pointer to the unit number
	txo	t1,36b8			;set "G" field to 36 i.e. unit(error in manual?)
	movem	t1,(t4)			;store in argument block
	aoj	t4,			;next word of argument block
	movei	t1,@fail(cx)		;get pointer to the fail flag
	txo	t1,21b8			;set "G" field to 21 i.e. iostat word
	movem	t1,(t4)			;store in argument block
	subi	t4,argblk		;get length of argument block
	movn	t1,t4			;set up negve size of argument block
	hrlzm	t1,argblk		;and store in first word
	push	p,cx			;save old arg block
	movei	cx,argblk+1		;give forots the argument block, 2nd word
	call	open.			;and open the file
	pop	p,cx			;restore old arg. block
	call	ptspac			;release f77 string space
	ret				;return
croerr:	errmes	errfil			;issue general error, try again
	tmsg	<, >
	movx	t1,.priou		;message to terminal
	hrloi	t2,.fhslf		;last error, this fork
	setz	t3,			;no limit on length
	erstr%				;print last jsys error message
	nop				;ignore error in errors
	tmsg 	<, please try again>
	jrst	croprp			;try again
	subttl	TEXTIN - read arbitrary text field
;	Routine to read a text field
;	prompt - ASCIZ prompt string
;	answer - ASCIZ returned text, typed by user
;	fail   - 0 if ok, else +ve
;	back   - label to return to on getting "^"
;	length - number of characters typed, optional
;	help   - ASCIZ help text for ?, optional
;	defalt - ASCIZ default answer, optional
;	If, on entry, the first word of ANSWER contains a non-zero number
;	less than the size of the atom buffer, we assume that it is a maximum
;	length of text string. In this case, an error will be issued if the user
;	types more than this.

	forarg <prompt,answer,fail,back,length,help,defalt>

	sixbit	/textin/
textin:	setzm	@fail(cx)		;indicate no error
	move	t2,retrys		;get users retry count
	movem	t2,tried		;save count for this field
	setz	p2,			;assume no maximum length
	movx	t1,answer		;is answer a f77 character variable?
	call	gtbypt			;get its byte pointer and length
	skipg	t2			;if length > 0 then f77
	 jrst	[move	t2,@answer(cx)	; get possible max length (f66)
		setzm	,@answer(cx)	; clear the first element of the count
		jrst	.+1	]	; and continue
	skiple	t2			;if not +ve, ignore
	 caile	t2,atmsiz*5		;check less than atom buffer size
	skipa				;no, so do nothing
	 movem	t2,p2			;seems valid, use it
textrp:	movei	t1,prompt		;point to the prompt
	call	gtascz			;may be fortran v7
;*	call	gtbypt			;may be fortran v7
;*      hrroi	t1,@prompt(cx)		;point to first argument
	call	cmdini			;initialize  COMND
	move	t1,[fld(.cmtxt,cm%fnc)![flddb. (.cmcfm,cm%sdh)]] ;get function
	txo	t1,cm%sdh!cm%hpp	;indicate a help message is supplied
	movem	t1,fdb			;store function code, flags
	movx	t2,fld(.cmtok,cm%fnc)!cm%sdh!exifdb
					;get default flags
	movem	t2,bakfdb		;and store
	caile	nargs,length		;did user ask for string length ?
	 setzm	@length(cx)		;yes, clear in case of error
	setzm	fdb+.cmdef		;indicate no default
	caig	nargs,defalt		;number of arguments indicate default ?
	 jrst	texti1			;no, so don't supply one
	skipn	defalt(cx)		;user supplied default ?
	 jrst	texti1			;no, so indicate no default
	skipn	@defalt(cx)		;is the default null ?
	 jrst	texti1			;yes, so skip this
	movx	t2,cm%dpp		;no, so get flag that indicates default
	iorm	t2,bakfdb		;and light it
	movei	t1,defalt		;point to the default
	call	gtascz			;may be fortran v7
;*	call	gtbypt			;may be fortran v7
;*	hrroi	t2,@defalt(cx)		;get a byte pointer to it
	movem	t1,bakfdb+.cmdef	;and store in the fdb
texti1:	setzm	fdb+.cmdat		;no func-specific data
	hrroi	t1,[asciz/text/]	;help message
	caig	nargs,help		;help argument ?
	 jrst	textnh			;no, so don't store
	skipe	@help(cx)		;is it null ?
	movei	t1,help			;argument offset
	call	gtascz			;may be fortran v7
;*	call	gtbypt			;construct byte pointer
;*	hrroi	t1,@help(cx)		;no, get users help
textnh:	movem	t1,fdb+.cmhlp		;yes, so store it
texti2:	SETEXT				;decide whether to use EXIT/UNKNOWN
	movei	t1,cmdblk		;point to command state block
	movei	t2,bakfdb		;point to function block
	comnd%				;parse arbitrary text
	 erjmp	cmderr			;die
	movei	t4,@fail(cx)		;get address of fail flag for chpars
	setz	q3,@answer(cx)		;DON'T get the address of the answer for chpars
	setz	q2,			;clear return address
	caig	nargs,back		;alternate return given ?
	 jrst	textch			;no, so skip
	skipe	@back(cx)		;is it zero ?
	 movei	q2,@back(cx)		;no, get return address if "^" entered
textch:	call	chpars			;check on which fdb used to parse
	 jrst	txterr			;fail, so try for error handling
	call	atmlen			;get length of buffer, COMND fails to
					;return a count if the default was used
	caile	nargs,length		;did user ask for string length ?
	 movem	t1,@length(cx)		;yes, give user length of field
	jumpn	p2,[camg t1,p2		;if supplied max length, is it exceeded
		   jrst	.+1		;no, so continue
		  errmes errstl,textrp]	;yes, complain and reparse
	push	p,t1			;save count
;*	hrroi	t1,@answer(cx)		;and to callers array for answer
	movx	t1,answer		;want pointer to caller's array
	call	gtbypt			; may be f77 character
	caig	t2,0			;a length of 0 means f66
	 jrst	[hrroi	t2,atmbfr	;point to user's answer
		setzb	t3,t4		;terminate writing on null
		sout%			;and copy answer to caller's buffer
		pop	p,t1		;restore count
		jrst	txtret]		;and continue
;set up the block of accumulators for the movslj instruction, with blank fill
;		_________________________________
;	t1	| 000	| source string length	|
;	t2	|{	source string byte ptr }|<- atmbfr
;	t3	|{			       }|
;	t4	| 000	| dest. string length	|<
;	q1	|{	dest. string byte ptr. }|<- from gtbypt
;	q2	|{			       }|
;		---------------------------------
	move	t4,t2			;get destination length, from gtbypt.
	move	q1,t1			;get destination pointer
	move	t1,(p)			;restore source length from stack
	move	t2,[point 7,atmbfr]	;get source pointer
	movcha	t1,			;move string with blank fill (MACRO)
	pop	p,t1			;restore length
txtret:	jumpe	t1,txtrt1		;was it non-zero ?
	confirm	textrp			;yes, so confirm command
txtrt1:	call	ptspac			;return f77 scratch string space
	ret				;no problems, so return
;	Here on parse error
txterr:	errmes	errgen,textrp		;issue general error, try again
;	Here to get length of user string
ATMLEN:	move	t2,[point 7,atmbfr]	;point to buffer
	setz	t1,			;zero length count
atmln1: ildb	t2			;get a byte
	skipn	t1			;first char ?
	 caie	15			;yes, is it return ?
	skipa				;no, just check for nulls
	 ret				;yes, first char = space means null
	skipn	0			;was it zero ?
	 ret				;yes, return length
	aoja	t1,atmln1		;no, increment count and loop
	subttl	HOSPNO - read a hospital number
;	This routine is called to read a hospital number.
;	HOSNUM - integer returned hospital number
;	LETTER - Check character returned as A1
;	FAIL   - 0 on success, 1 on general error, 2 on confirm error,
;		 3 indicates number is bad, 4 indicates check letter does not
;		match.
;	BACK   - label to return to on getting "^"
;	Generate table of hospital check letters
hoslet:	"A"

	sixbit	/hospno/
hospno:	setzm	@fail(cx)			;indicate no error initially
	move	t1,retrys		;get number of retries
	movem	t1,tried		;store as number of tries
hosprp:	movei	t1,prompt		;Point to prompt argument
	call	gtascz			;may be fortran v7
;*	call	gtbypt			;Get a byte pointer to it
;*	hrroi	t1,@prompt(cx)		;point to prompt
	call	cmdini			;initialize COMND
	setzm	bakfdb+.cmdef		;no pointer for default yet
	movx	t2,fld(.cmtok,cm%fnc)!cm%sdh!exifdb
					;clear default flag in bakfdb
	movem	t2,bakfdb		;and store
	caig	nargs,defalt		;default supplied ?
	 jrst	hospn1			;no, skip this
	skipn	defalt(cx)		;address ok ?
	 jrst	hospn1			;no, so still skip it
	skipn	@defalt(cx)		;zero default ?
	 jrst	hospn1			;yes, so forget the lot
	movx	t2,fld(.cmtok,cm%fnc)!cm%sdh!cm%dpp!exifdb
					;set default flag in bakfdb
	movem	t2,bakfdb		;and store
	movei	t1,defalt		;Point to default argument
	call	gtascz			;may be fortran v7
;*	call	gtbypt			;Get a byte pointer to it
;*	hrroi	t2,@defalt(cx)		;point to user's default
	movem	t1,bakfdb+.cmdef	;store in function descriptor block
hospn1:	movx	t1,fld(.cmtxt,cm%fnc)!cm%sdh!cm%hpp
				;parse as text, indicate our help is present
	movem	t1,fdb			;store function descriptor block
	setzm	fdb+.cmdat		;no function data for this
	hrroi	t1,[asciz/Hospital number/] ;get default help text
	caig	nargs,help		;enough args for a help message ?
	 jrst	hospn2			;no, use ours
	skipn	help(cx)		;do we have an address for the help ?
	 jrst	hospn2			;no, use ours
	skipn	@help(cx)		;is the help null ?
	 jrst	hospn2			;yes, use ours
	movei	t1,help  		;Point to help argument
	call	gtascz			;may be fortran v7
;*	call	gtbypt			;Get a byte pointer to it
;*	hrroi	t1,@help(cx)		;no, so use theirs
hospn2:	movem	t1,fdb+.cmhlp		;store pointer to help message
	SETEXT				;decide whether to use EXIT/UNKNOWN
	movei	t1,cmdblk		;point to command state block
	movei	t2,bakfdb		;and descriptor for this field
	comnd%				;parse the number + letter
	 erjmp	cmderr			;die badly
	movei	t4,@fail(cx)		;get address of fail flag for chpars
	movei	q3,@hosnum(cx)		;get the address of the answer for chpars
	setz	q2,			;clear return address
	caig	nargs,back		;alternate return given ?
	 jrst	hospch			;no, so skip
	skipe	@back(cx)		;is it zero ?
	 movei	q2,@back(cx)		;no, get return address if "^" entered
hospch:	call	chpars			;check on which fdb used to parse
	 jrst	hsperr			;fail, check for retries
	hrroi	t1,atmbfr		;point to the atom buffer
	movx	t3,^d10			;set up to read a decimal number
	nin%				;do it
	 erjmp	hsbadn			;bad number format, complain
	movem	t1,q1			;save the input pointer
	movem	t2,@hosnum(cx)		;store hospital number for user
	idivi	t2,^d17			;now get the number mod 17
	move	t4,hoslet(t3)		;get the correct check letter
	ldb	0,t1			;get the check letter supplied by user
	txz	0,40			;force upper case
	lsh	0,^d29			;convert to a1
	lsh	t4,^d29			;convert to a1
	movx	t1,letter		;get pointer to letter
	call	gtbypt			;may be f77 character
	skipn	t2			; f66 if length is 0
	 jrst	[movem	0,@letter(cx)	; yes return the character
		jrst	hspchk	]
	push	p,t4			;no save the correct letter
;set up the block of accumulators for the movslj instruction, with blank fill
;		_________________________________
;	t1	| 000	| source string length	|
;	t2	|{	source string byte ptr }|<- the letter in ac 0
;	t3	|{			       }|
;	t4	| 000	| dest. string length	|<
;	q1	|{	dest. string byte ptr. }|<- from gtbypt
;	q2	|{			       }|
;		---------------------------------
	dmove	t4,t1			;get destination length, from gtbypt.
	exch	t4,q1			;...get destination pointer
	dmove	t1,	[1		;1 character in source
			point 7,0 ]	;make source pointer to ac 0
	movcha	t1,			;move string with blank fill (MACRO)
	pop	p,t4			;restore the correct letter
hspchk:	came	0,t4			;are the letters equal ?
	 jrst	hsbadl			;no, complain
	confirm	hosprp			;yes, confirm command
	call	ptspac			;return f77 string space
	ret				;return to caller
;	Errors in HOSPNO
hsperr:	errmes	errgen,hosprp		;issue general error
hsbadn:	errmes	errhnm,hosprp		;error is bad number
hsbadl:	errmes	errhcl,hosprp		;error is bad letter
	subttl	DATEIN - read a date in variable-type format
;	Yet again, this is read as a text field, because of problems with
;	setting the format used by COMND to read dates.
;	PROMPT - promptiny string in ASCIZ
;	JULIAN - Returned julian day number for date entered
;	FAIL   - 0 is success, else bad date format, else not in range
;	BACK   - label to return to on getting "^"
;	LOWER  - lower limit, ignored if 0 (optional)
;	UPPER - upper limit, ignored if 0 (optional)
;	HELP - ASCIZ help message, ignore if 0 (optional)
;	DEFALT - default date, ignored if 0 (optional)
;	Lower, upper and default are all supplied as Julian day numbers.


	JTOS=^D2400001			;convert smithsonian day to Julian

	sixbit	/datein/
datein:	setzm	@fail(cx)		;no errors yet
	move	t1,retrys		;get number of retries
	movem	t1,tried		;store it
daterp:	movei	t1,prompt		;Point to prompt argument
	call	gtascz			;may be fortran v7
;*	call	gtbypt			;Get a byte pointer to it
;*	hrroi	t1,@prompt(cx)		;point to prompt
	call	cmdini			;initialize
	setzm	bakfdb+.cmdef		;no pointer for default yet
	movx	t2,fld(.cmtok,cm%fnc)!cm%sdh!exifdb
					;clear default flag in bakfdb
	movem	t2,bakfdb		;and store
	move	t1,[fld(.cmfld,cm%fnc)!cm%brk!cm%sdh!cm%hpp] ;parse as field, use breakset
					;indicate our help is present
	movem	t1,fdb			;store them
	caig	nargs,defalt		;default supplied ?
	 jrst	datei1			;no, skip this
	skipn	defalt(cx)		;address ok ?
	 jrst	datei1			;no, skip this
	skipn	@defalt(cx)		;is default 0 ?
	 jrst	datei1			;yes, skip this again
	movx	t2,fld(.cmtok,cm%fnc)!cm%sdh!cm%dpp!exifdb
					;set default flag in bakfdb
	movem	t2,bakfdb		;and store
	move	t2,@defalt(cx)		;get the default julian day number
	sub	t2,[jtos]		;and turn to smithsonian day number
	hrlzs	t2,t2			;then put in right half
	hrroi	t1,defbfr		;point to area for default text
	movx	t3,ot%ntm		;indicate no time desired
	odtim%				;output the date
	 erjmp	cmderr			;cannot recover from these errors
	hrroi	t1,defbfr		;point to default
	movem	t1,bakfdb+.cmdef	;store pointer in fdb
datei1:	caig	nargs,help		;did user supply a help message
	 jrst	dateih			;no, so we must construct our own
	skipn	@help(cx)		;yes, is help null ?
	 jrst	dateih			;yes, construct our own
	movei	t1,help	   		;Point to help argument
	call	gtascz			;may be fortran v7
;*	call	gtbypt			;Get a byte pointer to it
;*	hrroi	t1,@help(cx)		;no, so point to it
	movem	t1,fdb+.cmhlp		;and store for use by COMND
	jrst	dateh1			;skip constructing ours
dateih:	call	makhld			;make the help message
	hrroi	t1,hlpbfr		;point to it
	movem	t1,fdb+.cmhlp		;store pointer for COMND
dateh1:	movei	t1,datbrk		;get address of date breakset
	movem	t1,fdb+.cmbrk		;store in fdb
	SETEXT				;decide whether to use EXIT/UNKNOWN
	movei	t1,cmdblk		;now, point to command state block
	movei	t2,bakfdb		;and function block
	comnd%				;get text
	 erjmp	cmderr			;die badly
	movei	t4,@fail(cx)		;get address of fail flag for chpars
	movei	q3,@julian(cx)		;get the address of the answer for chpars
	setz	q2,			;clear return address
	caig	nargs,back		;alternate return given ?
	 jrst	datech			;no, so skip
	skipe	@back(cx)		;is it zero ?
	 movei	q2,@back(cx)		;no, get return address if "^" entered
datech:	call	chpars			;check on which fdb used to parse
	 jrst	dater1			;fail, issue error, try again
	hrroi	t1,atmbfr		;now point to input text
	movx	t2,it%snm!it%err!it%nti ;refuse american dates, no time please
	idtnc%				;read date, return separate numbers
	 erjmp	dater2			;if an error, complain
	call	jday			;convert to julian day number
	move	t2,t1			;get result in right place
	movem	t2,@julian(cx)		;return date to caller
	caig	nargs,upper		;upper limit supplied ?
	 jrst	datenu			;no, so don't test
	skipn	upper(cx)		;address for upper limit ?
	 jrst	datenu			;no, so don't test
	skipn	@upper(cx)		;upper limit non-zero ?
	 jrst	datenu			;no, so don't test
	camle	t2,@upper(cx)		;yes, so are we in range ?
	 jrst	dater3			;no, complain and try again
datenu:	caig	nargs,lower		;lower limit supplied ?
	 jrst	datenl			;no, don't test
	skipn	lower(cx)		;address for it ?
	 jrst	datenl			;no, so don't test
	skipn	@lower(cx)		;lower limit non-zero ?
	 jrst	datenl			;no, don't check it
	camge	t2,@lower(cx)		;ok, are we in range ?
	 jrst	dater3			;no, complain and try again
datenl:	confirm	daterp			;and confirm command
	ret				;all ok

;	Routine to convert output from IDTNC to julian day number
jday:	hrrz	t1,t2		;get month
	hlrzs	t2,t2		;get year
	caig	t1,1		;february or january ?
	 jrst	jday1		;yes
	subi	t1,2		;no, subtract 2 from month
	jrst	jday2		;continue
jday1:	addi	t1,^d10		;add 10 to month
	soj	t2,		;but subtract one from year
jday2:	hlrzs	t3,t3		;get day of month
	aoj	t3,		;make it start at 1
	push	p,q1		;save a register we will fiddle with
	move	t4,t2		;get a year
	idivi	t4,^d100	;divide result by 100
	movem	t4,q1		;take this intermediate result
	imuli	t4,^d100	;multiply by 100 again
	movns	t4,t4		;negate
	add	t4,t2		;and add to real year
	imuli	t4,^d1461	;multiply this result by 1461
	lsh	t4,-2		;divide by 4
	imuli	q1,^d146097	;multiply previous intermediate result
	lsh	q1,-2		;divide that by 4
	addm	t4,q1		;add two results together
	addm	t3,q1		;add in day of month
	imuli	t1,^d153	;multiply month-3 by 153
	addi	t1,2		;add 2
	idivi	t1,5		;divide by 5
	addm	t1,q1		;add in to total
	add	q1,[^d1721119]  ;add the magic number
	move	t1,q1		;return in correct ac
	pop	p,q1		;restore
	ret			;and back to caller
;	Here on various parse and range check errors.
dater1:	errmes	errgen		;issue error
datern:	hrroi	t1,[ASCIZ/, try again please/]	;usual request
	skipe	hlpbfr			;is there some helpful help ?
	 jrst	datrn1		;yes, use it instead
	psout%				;type it
	jrst	daterp			;and go again
datrn1:	tmsg	<, please >		;be polite
	hrroi	t1,hlpbfr		;point to the help message
	psout%				;and type it
	jrst	daterp			;go round again
dater2:	errmes	errdat		;complain about date
	jrst	datern
dater3:	errmes	errdtr		;date not in range
	jrst	datern
	subttl	Construct DATEIN help message
;	Construct help message for DATEIN function
makhld:	hrroi	t1,hlpbfr		;point to help buffer
	hrroi	t2,[asciz/Enter a date/] ;beginning of help
	setzb	t3,t4
	sout%				;write out message prefix
	caig	nargs,lower		;lower limit ?
	 jrst	makhd1			;no
	skipn	@lower(cx)		;lower limit non-zero ?
	 jrst	makhd1			;no
	hrroi	t2,[asciz/, after /]	;yes, so prepare to add lower limit
	setzb	t3,t4
	sout%				;write next part of help
	move	t2,@lower(cx)		;get lower limit
	sub	t2,[jtos+1]		;convert to smithsonian
	hrlzs	t2,t2			;make internal date/time
	movx	t3,ot%ntm		;write no time
	odtim%				;put out lower date
makhd1:	caig	nargs,upper		;upper limit ?
	 jrst	makhd2			;no
	skipn	@upper(cx)		;upper limit non-zero ?
	 jrst	makhd2			;no
	hrroi	t2,[asciz/, before /]	;yes, so prepare to add upper limit
	setzb	t3,t4
	sout%				;write next part of help
	move	t2,@upper(cx)		;get upper limit
	sub	t2,[jtos-1]		;convert to smithsonian
	hrlzs	t2,t2			;make internal date/time
	movx	t3,ot%ntm		;write no time
	odtim%				;put out upper date
makhd2:	hrroi	t1,hlpbfr		;point to help buffer
	ret				;back to caller
	subttl	TIMEIN - read a time in variable-type format
;	Yet again, this is read as a text field, because of problems with
;	setting the format used by COMND to read times.
;	PROMPT - prompting string in ASCIZ
;	SECOND - Returned number of seconds since midnight
;	FAIL   - 0 is success, else bad time format, else not in range
;	BACK   - label to return to on getting "^"
;	LOWER  - lower limit, ignored if 0 (optional)
;	UPPER - upper limit, ignored if 0 (optional)
;	HELP - ASCIZ help message, ignore if 0 (optional)
;	DEFALT - default time, ignored if 0 (optional)
;	Lower, upper and default are all supplied as seconds since midnight(ssm)


	sixbit	/timein/
timein:	setzm	@fail(cx)		;no errors yet
	move	t1,retrys		;get number of retries
	movem	t1,tried		;store it
timerp:	hrroi	t1,@prompt(cx)		;point to prompt
	call	cmdini			;initialize
	setzm	bakfdb+.cmdef		;no pointer for default yet
	movx	t2,fld(.cmtok,cm%fnc)!cm%sdh!exifdb
					;clear default flag in bakfdb
	movem	t2,bakfdb		;and store
	move	t1,[fld(.cmtad,cm%fnc)!cm%sdh!cm%hpp]	;parse as time
					;indicate our help is present
	movem	t1,fdb			;store them
	movx	t2,cm%itm!cm%nci!p2	;only want time, not converted,ans in p2
	movem	t2,fdb+.cmdat		;and store
	caig	nargs,defalt		;default supplied ?
	 jrst	timei1			;no, skip this
	skipn	defalt(cx)		;address ok ?
	 jrst	timei1			;no, skip this
	skipn	@defalt(cx)		;is default 0 ?
	 jrst	timei1			;yes, skip this again
	movx	t2,fld(.cmtok,cm%fnc)!cm%sdh!cm%dpp!exifdb
					;set default flag in bakfdb
	movem	t2,bakfdb		;and store
	hrroi	t1,defbfr		;point to area for default text
	setz	t2,			;no years or months
	setz	t3,			;no days
	hrrz	t4,@defalt(cx)		;get the default time (ssm)
	movx	q1,ot%nda		;indicate no date desired
	odtnc%				;output the time
	 erjmp	cmderr			;cannot recover from these errors
	hrroi	t1,defbfr		;point to default
	movem	t1,bakfdb+.cmdef	;store pointer in fdb
timei1:	caig	nargs,help		;did user supply a help message
	 jrst	timeih			;no, so we must construct our own
	skipn	@help(cx)		;yes, is help null ?
	 jrst	timeih			;yes, construct our own
	hrroi	t1,@help(cx)		;no, so point to it
	movem	t1,fdb+.cmhlp		;and store for use by COMND
	jrst	timeh1			;skip constructing ours
timeih:	call	makhlt			;make the help message
	hrroi	t1,hlpbfr		;point to it
	movem	t1,fdb+.cmhlp		;store pointer for COMND
timeh1:	SETEXT				;decide whether to use EXIT/UNKNOWN
	movei	t1,cmdblk		;now, point to command state block
	movei	t2,bakfdb			;and function block
	comnd%				;get time
	 erjmp	cmderr			;die badly
	movei	t4,@fail(cx)		;get address of fail flag for chpars
	movei	q3,@second(cx)		;get the address of the answer for chpars
	setz	q2,			;clear return address
	caig	nargs,back		;alternate return given ?
	 jrst	timech			;no, so skip
	skipe	@back(cx)		;is it zero ?
	 movei	q2,@back(cx)		;no, get return address if "^" entered
timech:	call	chpars			;check on which fdb used to parse
	 jrst	timer1			;fail, issue error, try again
	move	t2,p4			;get result in right place
	movem	t2,@second(cx)		;return time to caller
	caig	nargs,upper		;upper limit supplied ?
	 jrst	timenu			;no, so don't test
	skipn	upper(cx)		;address for upper limit ?
	 jrst	timenu			;no, so don't test
	skipn	@upper(cx)		;upper limit non-zero ?
	 jrst	timenu			;no, so don't test
	camle	t2,@upper(cx)		;yes, so are we in range ?
	 jrst	timer3			;no, complain and try again
timenu:	caig	nargs,lower		;lower limit supplied ?
	 jrst	timenl			;no, don't test
	skipn	lower(cx)		;address for it ?
	 jrst	timenl			;no, so don't test
	skipn	@lower(cx)		;lower limit non-zero ?
	 jrst	timenl			;no, don't check it
	camge	t2,@lower(cx)		;ok, are we in range ?
	 jrst	timer3			;no, complain and try again
timenl:	confirm	timerp			;and confirm command
	ret				;all ok

;	Here on various parse and range check errors.
timer1:	errmes	errgen		;issue error
timern:	hrroi	t1,[ASCIZ/, try again please/]	;usual request
	skipe	hlpbfr			;is there some helpful help ?
	 jrst	timrn1		;yes, use it instead
	psout%				;type it
	jrst	timerp			;and go again
timrn1:	tmsg	<, please >		;be polite
	hrroi	t1,hlpbfr		;point to the help message
	psout%				;and type it
	jrst	timerp			;go round again
timer2:	errmes	errtim		;complain about time
	jrst	timern
timer3:	errmes	errtmr		;time not in range
	jrst	timern
	subttl	Construct TIMEIN help message
;	Construct help message for TIMEIN function
makhlt:	hrroi	t1,hlpbfr		;point to help buffer
	hrroi	t2,[asciz/Enter a time/] ;beginning of help
	setzb	t3,t4
	sout%				;write out message prefix
	caig	nargs,lower		;lower limit ?
	 jrst	makht1			;no
	skipn	@lower(cx)		;lower limit non-zero ?
	 jrst	makht1			;no
	hrroi	t2,[asciz/, after /]	;yes, so prepare to add lower limit
	setzb	t3,t4
	sout%				;write next part of help
	hrrz	t4,@lower(cx)		;get lower limit
	movx	q1,ot%nda		;no date
	odtnc%				;put out lower time
makht1:	caig	nargs,upper		;upper limit ?
	 jrst	makht2			;no
	skipn	@upper(cx)		;upper limit non-zero ?
	 jrst	makht2			;no
	hrroi	t2,[asciz/, before /]	;yes, so prepare to add upper limit
	setzb	t3,t4
	sout%				;write next part of help
	hrrz	t4,@upper(cx)		;get upper limit
	movx	q1,ot%nda		;no date
	odtim%				;put out upper time
makht2:	hrroi	t1,hlpbfr		;point to help buffer
	ret				;back to caller
	subttl	KYWORD - read a key word from a table
;	Routine to read a keyword selected from a specified table
;	prompt - ASCIZ prompt string
;	ktable  - the table of keywords built by the user
;	keynum - number of the keyword as specified by user in table
;	fail   - 0 if ok, else +ve
;	back   - label to return to on getting "^"
;	help   - ASCIZ help text for ?, optional
;	defalt - ASCIZ default answer, optional
;	string - ASCIZ returned text, full key word indicated by user

	forarg <prompt,ktable,keynum,fail,back,help,defalt,string>

	sixbit	/kyword/
kyword:	setzm	@fail(cx)			;indicate no error
	move	t2,retrys		;get users retry count
	movem	t2,tried		;save count for this field
keywrp:	movei	t1,prompt		;Point to prompt argument
	call	gtascz			;may be fortran v7
;*	call	gtbypt			;Get a byte pointer to it
;*	hrroi	t1,@prompt(cx)		;point to prompt
	call	cmdini			;initialize  COMND
	move	t1,[fld(.cmkey,cm%fnc)!cm%brk] ;get function, indicate breakset
	caig	nargs,help		;help argument ?
	 jrst	keywnh			;no, so don't store
	skipn	@help(cx)		;did they supply any ?
	 jrst	keywnh			;no, so skip
	movei	t1,help			;Point to help argument
	call	gtascz			;may be fortran v7
;*	call	gtbypt			;Get a byte pointer to it
;*	hrroi	t2,@help(cx)		;yes, get users help
	movem	t1,fdb+.cmhlp		;store it
	move	t1,[fld(.cmkey,cm%fnc)!cm%brk!cm%hpp!cm%sdh]
					;indicate a help message is supplied
keywnh:	movem	t1,fdb			;store function code, flags
	setzm	bakfdb+.cmdef		;assume no default supplied
	movx	t2,fld(.cmtok,cm%fnc)!cm%sdh!exifdb
					;clear default flag in bakfdb
	movem	t2,bakfdb		;and store
	caig	nargs,defalt		;number of arguments indicate default ?
	 jrst	keywnd			;no, so don't supply one
	skipn	defalt(cx)		;user supplied default ?
	 jrst	keywnd			;no, so indicate no default
	skipn	@defalt(cx)		;is the default null ?
	 jrst	keywnd			;yes, so skip this
	movx	t2,fld(.cmtok,cm%fnc)!cm%sdh!cm%dpp!exifdb
					;set default flag in bakfdb
	movem	t2,bakfdb		;and store
	movei	t1,defalt		;Point to default argument
	call	gtascz			;may be fortran v7
;*	call	gtbypt			;Get a byte pointer to it
;*	hrroi	t1,@defalt(cx)		;point to user's default
	hrroi	t2,defbfr		;point to buffer for defaults
	setzb	t3,t4			;terminate on null
	sin%				;write out default string
	hrroi	t1,defbfr		;point to default buffer
	movem	t1,bakfdb+.cmdef	;and store in the fdb
	move	t1,t2			;get pointer to end of string
	call	strblk			;strip trailing blanks
keywnd:	movei	t1,@ktable(cx)		;get the address of the table
	addi	t1,2			;bypass info at top of table
	movem	t1,fdb+.cmdat		;store func-specific data
keywi2:	movei	t1,brkmsk		;get break mask for keywords
	movem	t1,fdb+.cmbrk		;store it
	SETEXT				;decide whether to use EXIT/UNKNOWN
	movei	t1,cmdblk		;point to command state block
	movei	t2,bakfdb			;point to function block
	comnd%				;parse a key word
	 erjmp	cmderr			;die
	movei	t4,@fail(cx)		;get address of fail flag for chpars
	movei	q3,@keynum(cx)		;get the address of the answer for chpars
	setz	q2,			;clear return address
	caig	nargs,back		;alternate return given ?
	 jrst	keywch			;no, so skip
	skipe	@back(cx)		;is it zero ?
	 movei	q2,@back(cx)		;no, get return address if "^" entered
keywch:	call	chpars			;check on which fdb used to parse
	 jrst	kywerr			;fail, so try for error handling
	hrre	t3,(t2)			;get contents of table entry
	movem	t3,@keynum(cx)		;return the key number to user
	caig	nargs,string		;enough arguments for a string ?
	 jrst	kywor2			;no, skip this
	push	p,t2			;save pointer into table
	movx	t1,string		;want pointer to caller's array
	call	gtbypt			;may be f77 character
	caig	t2,0			;a length of 0 means f66
	 jrst	[pop	p,t2		; retrieve pointer
		hlro	t2,(t2)		; point to user's answer
		setzb	t3,t4		; terminate writing on null
		sout%			; and copy answer to caller's buffer
		jrst	kywor2]		; and continue
;set up the block of accumulators for the movslj instruction, with blank fill
;		_________________________________
;	t1	| 000	| source string length	|
;	t2	|{	source string byte ptr }|<- keyword table
;	t3	|{			       }|
;	t4	| 000	| dest. string length	|<
;	q1	|{	dest. string byte ptr. }|<- from gtbypt
;	q2	|{			       }|
;		---------------------------------
	dmove	t4,t1			;get destination length, from gtbypt.
	exch	t4,q1			;...get destination pointer
	move	t2,[point 7,0]		;make source pointer
	pop	p,t3			;restore source address from stack
	hlr	t2,(t3)			;...add in the address to pointer
	move	t3,t2			;duplicate pointer
	setz	t1,			;zero length count
kywln1: ildb	t3			;get a byte
	skipn	0			;was it null ?
	 skipa				;yes, leave length in t1
	aoja	t1,kywln1		;no, increment count and loop
	movcha	t1,			;move string with blank fill (MACRO)
kywor2:	confirm	keywrp			;confirm command
	call	ptspac			;return f77 string space
	ret				;no problems, so return
;	Here on parse error
kywerr:	movei	t1,.fhslf		;point to our fork
	geter%				;find error code
	 erjmp	cmderr
	hrrzs	t2			;discover just error code
	cain	t2,npxamb		;ambiguous ?
	 jrst	kyamb			;yes
	errmes	errgen,keywrp		;no, issue general error
kyamb:	errmes	erramk,keywrp
kywer1:	tmsg	<, try again please> ;prompt for more
	jrst	keywrp			;go round again
	subttl	YESNO - read a yes or a no
;	Routine to read a yes or a no from the terminal
;	prompt - ASCIZ prompt string
;	answer - -1 =yes 1=no 0= unknown
;	fail   - 0 if ok, else +ve
;	back   - label to return to on getting "^"
;	help   - ASCIZ help text for ?, optional
;	defalt - ASCIZ default answer, optional

	forarg <prompt,answer,fail,back,help,defalt>

	sixbit	/yesno/
yesno:	setzm	@fail(cx)		;indicate no error
	move	t2,retrys		;get users retry count
	movem	t2,tried		;save count for this field
yesnrp:	movei	t1,prompt		;Point to prompt argument
	call	gtascz			;may be fortran v7
;*	call	gtbypt			;Get a byte pointer to it
;*	hrroi	t1,@prompt(cx)		;point to prompt
	call	cmdini			;initialize  COMND
	move	t1,[fld(.cmkey,cm%fnc)] ;get function
	caig	nargs,help		;help argument ?
	 jrst	yesnnh			;no, so don't store
	skipn	@help(cx)		;did they supply any ?
	 jrst	yesnnh			;no, so skip
	movei	t1,help			;Point to help   argument
	call	gtascz			;may be fortran v7
;*	call	gtbypt			;Get a byte pointer to it
;*	hrroi	t2,@help(cx)		;yes, get users help
	movem	t1,fdb+.cmhlp		;store it
	movx	t1,fld(.cmkey,cm%fnc)!cm%sdh!cm%hpp
					;indicate a help message is supplied
yesnnh:	movem	t1,fdb			;store function code, flags
	setzm	bakfdb+.cmdef		;assume no default supplied
	movx	t2,fld(.cmtok,cm%fnc)!cm%sdh!exifdb
					;clear default flag in bakfdb
	movem	t2,bakfdb		;and store
	caig	nargs,defalt		;number of arguments indicate default ?
	 jrst	yesnnd			;no, so don't supply one
	skipn	defalt(cx)		;user supplied default ?
	 jrst	yesnnd			;no, so indicate no default
	skipn	@defalt(cx)		;is the default null ?
	 jrst	yesnnd			;yes, so skip this
	movx	t2,fld(.cmtok,cm%fnc)!cm%sdh!cm%dpp!exifdb
					;set default flag in bakfdb
	movem	t2,bakfdb		;and store
	call	copydf			;and copy the default over, stripping
	hrroi	t2,defbfr		;get a byte pointer to default
	movem	t2,bakfdb+.cmdef		;and store in the fdb
yesnnd:	movei	t1,[2,,2
		[asciz/Yes/],,-1]	;get the address of the table
	movem	t1,fdb+.cmdat		;store func-specific data
yesni2:	SETEXT				;decide whether to use EXIT/UNKNOWN
	movei	t1,cmdblk		;point to command state block
	movei	t2,bakfdb		;point to function block
	comnd%				;parse a key word
	 erjmp	cmderr			;die
	movei	t4,@fail(cx)		;get address of fail flag for chpars
	movei	q3,@answer(cx)		;get the address of the answer for chpars
	setz	q2,			;clear return address
	caig	nargs,back		;alternate return given ?
	 jrst	yesnch			;no, so skip
	skipe	@back(cx)		;is it zero ?
	 movei	q2,@back(cx)		;no, get return address if "^" entered
yesnch:	call	chpars			;check on which fdb used to parse
	 jrst	yeserr			;fail, so try for error handling
	move	t2,(t2)			;get contents of table entry
	hrrem	t2,@answer(cx)		;return the key number to user
	confirm	yesnrp			;confirm command
	call	ptspac			;return f77 string space
	ret				;no problems, so return
;	Here on parse error
yeserr:	errmes	errgen			;issue general error

yeser1:	tmsg	<, try again please>	;prompt for more
	jrst	yesnrp			;go round again
;	Here to copy a user default string
copydf:	movei	t1,defalt		;Point to default argument
	call	gtascz			;may be fortran v7
;*	call	gtbypt			;Get a byte pointer to it
;*	hrroi	t1,@defalt(cx)		;as we must copy the user's default
	hrroi	t2,defbfr		;across to our own space
	movei	t3,deflen		;to remove any trailing blanks
	setz	t4,			;first terminate on null
	sin%				;do it
	move	t1,[point 7,defbfr]	;now point to the default buffer
	movei	t2,deflen		;get its maximum length
copylp:	ildb	t3,t1			;get a character
	jumpe	t3,[ret]		;if 0, all over, it was null anyway
	cain	t3," "			;is it a space ?
	 jrst	[setz	t3,		;yes, get a null
		dpb	t3,t1		;and drop it over the space
		ret]			;and back to caller
	sojn	t2,copylp		;no, so examine the next character
	subttl	SEXIN - read a sex
;	Routine to read a sex from the terminal
;	prompt - ASCIZ prompt string
;	answer - -1 = male 1 = female 0 = unknown
;	fail   - 0 if ok, else +ve
;	back   - label to return to on getting "^"
;	help   - ASCIZ help text for ?, optional
;	defalt - ASCIZ default answer, optional

	forarg <prompt,answer,fail,back,help,defalt>

	sixbit	/sexin/
sexin:	setzm	@fail(cx)			;indicate no error
	move	t2,retrys		;get users retry count
	movem	t2,tried		;save count for this field
sexnrp:	movei	t1,prompt		;Point to prompt argument
	call	gtascz			;may be fortran v7
;*	call	gtbypt			;Get a byte pointer to it
;*	hrroi	t1,@prompt(cx)		;point to prompt
	call	cmdini			;initialize  COMND
	move	t1,[fld(.cmkey,cm%fnc)] ;get function
	caig	nargs,help		;help argument ?
	 jrst	sexnnh			;no, so don't store
	skipn	help(cx)		;did they supply any ?
	 jrst	sexnnh			;no, so skip
	movei	t1,help  		;Point to help  argument
	call	gtascz			;may be fortran v7
;*	call	gtbypt			;Get a byte pointer to it
;*	hrroi	t2,@help(cx)		;yes, get users help
	movem	t1,fdb+.cmhlp		;store it
	movx	t1,fld(.cmkey,cm%fnc)!cm%sdh!cm%hpp
					;indicate a help message is supplied
sexnnh:	movem	t1,fdb			;store function code, flags
	setzm	bakfdb+.cmdef		;assume no default supplied
	movx	t2,fld(.cmtok,cm%fnc)!cm%sdh!exifdb
					;clear default flag in bakfdb
	movem	t2,bakfdb		;and store
	caig	nargs,defalt		;number of arguments indicate default ?
	 jrst	sexnnd			;no, so don't supply one
	skipn	defalt(cx)		;user supplied default ?
	 jrst	sexnnd			;no, so indicate no default
	skipn	@defalt(cx)		;is the default null ?
	 jrst	sexnnd			;yes, so skip this
	movx	t2,fld(.cmtok,cm%fnc)!cm%sdh!cm%dpp!exifdb
					;set default flag in bakfdb
	movem	t2,bakfdb		;and store
	movei	t1,defalt		;Point to default argument
	call	gtascz			;may be fortran v7
;*	call	gtbypt			;Get a byte pointer to it
	movem	t1,bakfdb+.cmdef		;store it
sexnnd:	movei	t1,[2,,2		;get the address of the table
	movem	t1,fdb+.cmdat		;store func-specific data
sexni2:	SETEXT				;decide whether to use EXIT/UNKNOWN
	movei	t1,cmdblk		;point to command state block
	movei	t2,bakfdb		;point to function block
	comnd%				;parse a key word
	 erjmp	cmderr			;die
	movei	t4,@fail(cx)		;get address of fail flag for chpars
	movei	q3,@answer(cx)		;get the address of the answer for chpars
	setz	q2,			;clear return address
	caig	nargs,back		;alternate return given ?
	 jrst	sexich			;no, so skip
	skipe	@back(cx)		;is it zero ?
	 movei	q2,@back(cx)		;no, get return address if "^" entered
sexich:	call	chpars			;check on which fdb used to parse
	 jrst	sexerr			;yes, so try for error handling
	move	t2,(t2)			;get contents of table
	hrrem	t2,@answer(cx)		;return the key number to user
	confirm	sexnrp			;confirm command
	call	ptspac			;return f77 string space
	ret				;no problems, so return
;	Here on parse error
sexerr:	errmes	errgen			;issue general error

sexer1:	tmsg	<, try again please> ;prompt for more
	jrst	sexnrp			;go round again
	subttl	NUMIN - read integer number
;	Routine to read an integer number
;	prompt - ASCIZ prompt string
;	answer - Returned integer number, typed by user
;	fail   - 0 if ok, else +ve
;	back   - label to return to on getting "^"
;	lolim  - lower limit of acceptability, inclusive
;	hilim  - higher limit of acceptability, inclusive
;	help   - ASCIZ help text for ?, optional
;	defalt - ASCIZ default answer, optional

	forarg <prompt,answer,fail,back,lolim,hilim,help,defalt>

	sixbit	/numin/
numin:	setzm	@fail(cx)		;indicate no error
	move	t2,retrys		;get users retry count
	movem	t2,tried		;save count for this word
numrp:	movei	t1,prompt		;point to the prompt
	call	gtascz			;may be fortran v7
;*	call	gtbypt			;may be fortran v7
;*      hrroi	t1,@prompt(cx)		;point to first argument
	call	cmdini			;initialize  COMND
	movx	t1,fld(.cmnum,cm%fnc)!cm%sdh!cm%hpp
		;get function, parse whole number indicate a help message is supplied
	movem	t1,fdb			;store function code, flags
	setzm	bakfdb+.cmdef		;assume no default supplied
	movx	t2,fld(.cmtok,cm%fnc)!cm%sdh!exifdb
					;clear default flag in bakfdb
	movem	t2,bakfdb		;and store
	caig	nargs,defalt		;number of arguments indicate default ?
	 jrst	numnd			;no, so don't supply one
	movx	t2,fld(.cmtok,cm%fnc)!cm%sdh!cm%dpp!exifdb
					;set default flag in bakfdb
	movem	t2,bakfdb		;and store
	move	t2,@defalt(cx)		;get the default number
	hrroi	t1,defbfr		;point to area for default text
	movx	t3,^d10			;o/p a leading digit a. and allow ovfl
	nout%				;output the number
	 erjmp	cmderr			;cannot recover from these errors
	hrroi	t1,defbfr		;point to default
	movem	t1,bakfdb+.cmdef	;store pointer in fdb
numnd:	movx	t1,^d10			;read number in base ten
	movem	t1,fdb+.cmdat		;no func-specific data
	caig	nargs,help		;help argument ?
	 jrst	numnh			;no, so don't store
	skipn	@help(cx)		;null help ?
	 jrst	numnh			;yes, so don't store
	movei	t1,help  		;point to the help
	call	gtascz			;may be fortran v7
;*	call	gtbypt			;may be fortran v7
;*	hrroi	t1,@help(cx)		;get users help
	movem	t1,fdb+.cmhlp		;and store it
	jrst	numi2			;don't construct our own help
numnh:	call	makhln			;make our help message
	hrroi	t1,hlpbfr		;point to it
	movem	t1,fdb+.cmhlp		;store pointer
numi2:	SETEXT				;decide whether to use EXIT/UNKNOWN
	movei	t1,cmdblk		;point to command state block
	movei	t2,bakfdb		;point to function block
	comnd%				;parse an integer number
	 erjmp	cmderr			;die
	movei	t4,@fail(cx)		;get address of fail flag for chpars
	movei	q3,@answer(cx)		;get the address of the answer for chpars
	setz	q2,			;clear return address
	caig	nargs,back		;alternate return given ?
	 jrst	numich			;no, so skip
	skipe	@back(cx)		;is it zero ?
	 movei	q2,@back(cx)		;no, get return address if "^" entered
numich:	call	chpars			;check on which fdb used to parse
	 jrst	numerr			;fail, so try for error handling
;	We have an integer number
	movem	t2,@answer(cx)		;give user the answer anyway
	caig	nargs,lolim		;lower limit supplied ?
	 jrst	numnhi			;no, also no high limit, so skip
	movx	t1,.infin		;infinity means no limit
	camn	t1,lolim(cx)		;did user ask to check low limit ?
	 jrst	numnl			;no, so skip test
	camge	t2,@lolim(cx)		;is it >= lower limit
	 jrst	numlow			;no, so send error message
numnl:	caig	nargs,hilim		;higher limit supplied ?
	 jrst	numnhi			;no, so skip
	movx	t1,.infin		;infinity means no limit
	camn	t1,hilim(cx)		;did user ask to check high limit ?
	 jrst	numnhi			;no, so skip test
	camle	t2,@hilim(cx)		;is it =< higher limit
	 jrst	numhi			;no, so send error message
numnhi:	confirm	numrp			;confirm command
	call	ptspac			;return f77 string space
	ret				;no problems, so return
;	range check error arrives here
numlow:	errmes	errnsm			;too small error message
	jrst	numer1			;go to prompt for more
numhi:	errmes	errnlg			;too large error message
	jrst	numer1			;go to prompt for more
;	Here on parse error
numerr:	errmes	errgen			;issue general error
numer1:	hrroi	t1,[ASCIZ/, try again please/]	;usual request
	skipe	hlpbfr			;is there some helpful help ?
	 jrst	numer2			;yes, use it instead
	psout%				;type it
	jrst	numrp			;and go again
numer2:	tmsg	<.
Please >				;be polite
	hrroi	t1,hlpbfr		;point to the help message
	psout%				;and type it
	jrst	numrp			;go round again
	subttl	Construct NUMIN help message
;	Construct help message for NUMIN function
makhlN:	hrroi	t1,hlpbfr		;point to help buffer
	hrroi	t2,[asciz/enter a whole number/] ;beginning of help
	setzb	t3,t4
	sout%				;write out message prefix
	caig	nargs,lolim		;lower limit ?
	 jrst	makhn1			;no
	skipn	@lolim(cx)		;lower limit non-zero ?
	 jrst	makhn1			;no
	hrroi	t2,[asciz/, at least /]	;yes, so prepare to add lower limit
	setzb	t3,t4
	sout%				;write next part of help
	move	t2,@lolim(cx)		;get lower limit
	movx	t3,^d10			;write in decimal
	nout%				;put out lower limit
	 erjmp	cmderr
makhn1:	caig	nargs,hilim		;upper limit ?
	 jrst	makhn2			;no
	skipn	@hilim(cx)		;upper limit non-zero ?
	 jrst	makhn2			;no
	hrroi	t2,[asciz/, not more than /];yes, prepare to add upper limit
	setzb	t3,t4
	sout%				;write next part of help
	move	t2,@hilim(cx)		;get upper limit
	movx	t3,^d10			;write in decimal
	nout%				;do it
	 erjmp	cmderr			;errors are extremely serious
makhn2:	hrroi	t1,hlpbfr		;point to help buffer
	ret				;back to caller
	subttl	REALIN - read real number
;	Routine to read a real number
;	prompt - ASCIZ prompt string
;	answer - Returned real number, typed by user
;	fail   - 0 if ok, else +ve
;	back   - label to return to on getting "^"
;	lolim  - lower limit of acceptability, inclusive
;	hilim  - higher limit of acceptability, inclusive
;	help   - ASCIZ help text for ?, optional
;	defalt - ASCIZ default answer, optional

	forarg <prompt,answer,fail,back,lolim,hilim,help,defalt>

	sixbit	/realin/
realin:	setzm	@fail(cx)		;indicate no error
	move	t2,retrys		;get users retry count
	movem	t2,tried		;save count for this field
realrp:	movei	t1,prompt		;point to the prompt
	call	gtascz			;may be fortran v7
;*	call	gtbypt			;may be fortran v7
;*      hrroi	t1,@prompt(cx)		;point to first argument
	call	cmdini			;initialize  COMND
	movx	t1,fld(.cmflt,cm%fnc)!cm%sdh!cm%hpp
;get function, parse floating point number indicate a help message is supplied
	movem	t1,fdb			;store function code, flags
	setzm	bakfdb+.cmdef		;assume no default supplied
	movx	t2,fld(.cmtok,cm%fnc)!cm%sdh!exifdb
					;clear default flag in bakfdb
	movem	t2,bakfdb		;and store
	caig	nargs,defalt		;number of arguments indicate default ?
	 jrst	realnd			;no, so don't supply one
	movx	t2,fld(.cmtok,cm%fnc)!cm%sdh!cm%dpp!exifdb
					;set default flag in bakfdb
	movem	t2,bakfdb		;and store
	move	t2,@defalt(cx)		;get the default number
	hrroi	t1,defbfr		;point to area for default text
	movx	t3,fl%one!fl%pnt!fl%ovl	;o/p a leading digit a. and allow ovfl
	flout%				;output the number
	 erjmp	cmderr			;cannot recover from these errors
	hrroi	t1,defbfr		;point to default
	movem	t1,bakfdb+.cmdef		;store pointer in fdb
realnd:	setzm	fdb+.cmdat		;no func-specific data
	caig	nargs,help		;help argument ?
	 jrst	realnh			;no, so don't store
	skipn	@help(cx)		;did they supply any ?
	 jrst	realnh			;no, so don't store
	movei	t1,help  		;point to the help
	call	gtascz			;may be fortran v7
;*	call	gtbypt			;may be fortran v7
;*	hrroi	t1,@help(cx)		;get users help
	movem	t1,fdb+.cmhlp		;store pointer to user's help
	jrst	reali2			;don't construct our own help
realnh:	call	makhlr			;construct our help message
	movem	t1,fdb+.cmhlp		;store pointer to it in fdb
reali2:	SETEXT				;decide whether to use EXIT/UNKNOWN
	movei	t1,cmdblk		;point to command state block
	movei	t2,bakfdb			;point to function block
	comnd%				;parse a real number
	 erjmp	cmderr			;die
	movei	t4,@fail(cx)		;get address of fail flag for chpars
	movei	q3,@answer(cx)		;get the address of the answer for chpars
	setz	q2,			;clear return address
	caig	nargs,back		;alternate return given ?
	 jrst	realch			;no, so skip
	skipe	@back(cx)		;is it zero ?
	 movei	q2,@back(cx)		;no, get return address if "^" entered
realch:	call	chpars			;check on which fdb used to parse
	 jrst	reaerr			;fail, so try for error handling
;	We have a real number
	movem	t2,@answer(cx)		;give user the correct answer
	caig	nargs,lolim		;lower limit supplied ?
	 jrst	reanhi			;no, also no high limit, so skip
	movx	t1,.infin		;infinity means no limit
	camn	t1,lolim(cx)		;did user ask to check low limit ?
	 jrst	realnl			;no, so skip test
	camge	t2,@lolim(cx)		;is it >= lower limit
	 jrst	realow			;no, so send error message
realnl:	caig	nargs,hilim		;higher limit supplied ?
	 jrst	reanhi			;no, so skip
	movx	t1,.infin		;infinity means no limit
	camn	t1,hilim(cx)		;did user ask to check high limit ?
	 jrst	reanhi			;no, so skip test
	camle	t2,@hilim(cx)		;is it =< higher limit
	 jrst	realhi			;no, so send error message
reanhi:	confirm	realrp			;confirm command
	call	ptspac			;return f77 string space
	ret				;no problems, so return
;	range check error arrives here
realow:	errmes	errnsm			;too small error message
	jrst	reaer1			;go to prompt for more
realhi:	errmes	errnlg			;too large error message
	jrst	reaer1			;go to prompt for more
;	Here on parse error
reaerr:	errmes	errgen			;issue general error
reaer1:	hrroi	t1,[ASCIZ/, try again please/]	;usual request
	skipe	hlpbfr			;is there some helpful help ?
	 jrst	reaer2			;yes, use it instead
	psout%				;type it
	jrst	realrp			;and go again
reaer2:	tmsg	<.
Please >				;be polite
	hrroi	t1,hlpbfr		;point to the help message
	psout%				;and type it
	jrst	realrp			;go round again
	subttl	Construct REALIN help message
;	Construct help message for REALIN function
makhlr:	hrroi	t1,hlpbfr		;point to help buffer
	hrroi	t2,[asciz/enter a number/] ;beginning of help
	setzb	t3,t4
	sout%				;write out message prefix
	caig	nargs,lolim		;lower limit ?
	 jrst	makhr1			;no
	skipn	@lolim(cx)		;lower limit non-zero ?
	 jrst	makhr1			;no
	hrroi	t2,[asciz/, at least /]	;yes, so prepare to add lower limit
	setzb	t3,t4
	sout%				;write next part of help
	move	t2,@lolim(cx)		;get lower limit
	movx	t3,fl%one!fl%pnt!fl%ovl	;o/p a leading digit a. and allow ovfl
	flout%				;put out lower limit
	 erjmp	cmderr
makhr1:	caig	nargs,hilim		;upper limit ?
	 jrst	makhr2			;no
	skipn	@hilim(cx)		;upper limit non-zero ?
	 jrst	makhr2			;no
	hrroi	t2,[asciz/, not more than /];yes, prepare to add upper limit
	setzb	t3,t4
	sout%				;write next part of help
	move	t2,@hilim(cx)		;get upper limit
	movx	t3,fl%one!fl%pnt!fl%ovl	;o/p a leading digit a. and allow ovfl
	flout%				;do it
	 erjmp	cmderr			;errors are extremely serious
makhr2:	hrroi	t1,hlpbfr		;point to help buffer
	ret				;back to caller
	subttl	TABLE - routine to add entries to a TBLUK table
;	This routine is a low-level routine to allow users to build up
;	TBLUK tables for COMND.
;	where
;	KEYWORD - ASCIZ keyword to place in table
;	KEYNUM  - Value to be associated with keyword
;	TAB	- Array of length MAXKEYS+3 - stores TBLUK table
;	STRINGS - Array large enough to hold all strings + 2 words.
;	FAIL    - 0 if success, else 11 - Entry is already in table
;				     12 - Table is full.
;	On the first call, the first word of the TAB array must contain the
;	length of the array. The STRING array must be all 0.
;	The arrays are used as follows:
;	POINTS: Pointer to next free loc in strings
;		Absolute address of strings
;		TBLUK table


	sixbit	/table/
table:	skipe	@strings(cx)		;is the string array zero ?
	 jrst	table1			;no, so continue to add
	move	t1,@points(cx)		;yes, so get the length of the table
	subi	t1,2			;subtract 2 words for overhead
	movei	t2,@points(cx)		;get address of array
	movem	t1,2(t2)		;and store start of TBLUK table
	move	t1,[point 7,]		;get left half of ASCII byte pointer
	movei	t3,@strings(cx)		;get address of strings array
	hrr	t1,t3			;construct full byte pointer to strings
	movem	t1,(t2)			;store in start of POINTS array
	movem	t3,1(t2)		;and remember address of strings in case
					;of later array movement
table1:	setzm	@fail(cx)			;assume no failure yet
	movei	t1,keywrd		;point to the keyword
	call	gtascz			;may be fortran v7
;*	call	gtbypt			;may be fortran v7
	move	t2,@points(cx)		;get the byte pointer to strings
	movem	t2,q1			;save for use in TBADD
;*	hrroi	t1,@keywrd(cx)		;point to user's keyword
	setzb	t3,t4			;terminate writing on null
	sin%				;write the string into our array
	call	ptspac			;return f77 string space
	call	trim			;remove any trailing blanks
	idpb	t3,t2			;put a null on the end
	hrrzs	t2,t2			;now strip address out of string ptr
	aoj	t2,			;make it point to the next word
	hrli	t2,(point 7,)		;and make it a byte pointer again.
;	All the above is because TBLUK strings must start on a word boundary.
	movem	t2,@points(cx)		;store our new byte pointer
	hrlz	t2,q1			;now get address where we wrote strings
	hrr	t2,@keynum(cx)		;and get tag that user wants to leave
	movei	t1,@points(cx)		;point to users table
	addi	t1,2			;but we use first two words, so...
	tbadd%				;add the word in
	 erjmp	tberr			;if error, process
	ret				;return to caller
;	Routine to remove trailing blanks from copied string. Input
;	byte pointer in t2, updated on return. May use t1 freely.
trim:	ldb	t1,t2			;get a byte
	caie	t1," "			;is it space ?
	 ret				;no, so we have finished
	seto	t1,			;yes, so backspace the pointer
	adjbp	t1,t2			;by one or so..
	move	t2,t1			;return pointer where we found it
	jrst	trim			;and try again
tberr:	movx	t1,.fhslf	;our process
	geter%				;get the error, please
	hrrzs	t2,t2			;strip off process handle
	movei	t1,errful		;assume tables full
	cain	t2,taddx1		;was that the error
	 jrst	tberr1			;yes, so ok
	caie	t2,taddx2		;was it duplicate entry ?
	 jrst	cmderr			;no, some fatal error, so die
	movei	t1,errmul		;code for duplicate entry
tberr1:	movem	t1,@fail(cx)		;store user error code
	movem	q1,@points(cx)		;store old string space pointer
	ret				;back to caller
	subttl	TBLOOK - routine to lookup entries in a TBLUK table.
;	This routine is a low-level routine to allow users to lookup
;	TBLUK tables for COMND.
;	where
;	KEYWORD - ASCIZ keyword to lookup in table
;	TABLE	- TBLUK table constructed with TABLE routine
;	RESULT	- number associated with keyword in table, if OK
;	FAIL    - 0 if success, else	16 - Entry is not in table
;					17 - Entry is ambiguous


	sixbit	/tblook/
TBLOOK:	setzm	@fail(cx)		;clear failure code
	setzm	@keynum(cx)			;and result code
	movei	t1,keywrd		;point to the keyword
	call	gtascz			;may be fortran v7
;*	call	gtbypt			;may be fortran v7
;*	hrroi	t1,@keywrd(cx)			;point to keyword to check
	hrroi	t2,atmbfr			;and a place to copy it to
	setzb	t3,t4				;terminate copy on null
	sin%					;read it in.
	call	ptspac			;return f77 string space
	call	trim				;strip trailing blanks from it
	idpb	t3,t2				;Put on end of string
	hrroi	t2,atmbfr			;point to newly cleaned string
	movei	t1,@tab(cx)			;and to user's keyword table
	addi	t1,2				;plus the offset to the real bit
	tbluk%					;try a lookup for them.
	 erjmp	cmderr				;only error is bad table
	txne	t2,tl%nom			;no match bit on ?
	 jrst	[movei	t1,errnsk		;yes, return no such keyword
		movem	t1,@fail(cx)		;to the patient user
		ret]				;and go back to them
	txne	t2,tl%amb			;ambiguous keyword ?
	 jrst	[movei	t1,erramk		;yes, so return a fail code
		movem	t1,@fail(cx)		;to our caller
		ret]				;and let them handle it
	hrre	t1,(t1)				;else grab the keyword code
	movem	t1,@keynum(cx)			;return it to the caller
	ret					;and go home
	subttl TBRLOC - relocate a command table written out to disk
;	This routine is called to relocate all pointers in a command
;	table which may no longer be at the memory address which it originally
;	resided at. It uses pointers set up by TABLE initially, and resets those
;	pointers on exit.

	Sixbit /tbrloc/
tbrloc:	movei	t1,@points(cx)		;get address of table start
	movei	t2,@strings(cx)		;and of string stuff
	addi	t1,2			;point to real start of TBLUK table
	move	t3,-1(t1)		;get old string address
	sub	t2,t3			;find difference from new one
	jumpe	t2,[ret]		;if none, we can exit now.
	hlrz	t3,(t1)			;else get number of entries in TBLUK
tbrlo1:	aoj	t1,			;point to next entry in table
	hlrz	t4,(t1)			;get an address from the table
	add	t4,t2			;relocate it
	hrlm	t4,(t1)			;put it back where we found it
	sojn	t3,tbrlo1		;and loop through all entries
	movei	t1,@points(cx)		;now point to table start again
	hrrz	t3,(t1)			;retrieve next free string address
	add	t3,t2			;relocate that too
	hrrm	t3,(t1)			;put it back where we got it
	movei	t2,@strings(cx)		;now get new address of strings
	movem	t2,1(t1)		;plonk it back in the pointers array
	ret				;and go back to friendly caller
	subttl	KYALOW/KYDALW - insert or remove characters from break table
;	This routine is called to modify the break tables used in the KYWORD
;       routine. Normally, the standard keyword breakset, plus .,#, ,(,),/,:,',
;	% and * are permitted. Both KYALOW and KYDALW are called with a single
;	parameter - a string of characters to be inserted or removed from the
;	break table. KYALOW adds the characters as valid ones (ie removes them
;	from the breakset) ; KYDALW disallows the characters as keyword
;       constituents (ie adds them to the breakset.) Using a null argument
;	for either routine restores the default breakset.
	FORARG <newset>
kyalow:	seto t1,
kydalw:	setz	t1,		;flag allow or disallow
	move	t2,cx		;save arg pointer
	trvar	<alwflg>	;place to put flag
	move	cx,t2		;restore arg pointer
	movem	t1,alwflg	;save it
	movei	t1,newset	;point to arg string
	call	gtascz		;retrieve string, ascizize if necessary
	setz	t2,		;zero count of characters done
kyalop:	ildb	t3,t1		;else get a character
	jumpe	t3,kyrset	;if null, check for null string to do a reset
;	Now take the ascii code, and divide by 32 to get quotient (word
;	of mask to fiddle) and remainder (bit number within the word.)
;	Then get a word with bit 0 on, and right shift by the remainder
;	to get a word with a bit turned on correctly.
	idivi	t3,40		;work out which word of the breakset to fiddle
	push	p,t1		;lose the byte pointer for a bit
	push	p,t2		;and the count
	movx	t1,1b0		;get the most significant bit
	movns	t4		;make the bit number negative for right shift
	lsh	t1,(t4)		;and move the bit to the right place
	move	t2,brkmsk(t3)	;get the word we have to fiddle
	move	t4,[tdo t2,t1]	;assume we light the bit (disallow)
	skipe	alwflg		;is that correct ?
	 move	t4,[tdz t2,t1]	;no, we must clear to allow
	xct	t4		;set or clear the bit
	movem	t2,brkmsk(t3)	;and put the mask back where we got it
	pop	p,t2		;restore count
	pop	p,t1		;and input pointer
	aoja	t2,kyalop	;loop for all characters
;	Come here after reading null. If no characters processed, then
;	call was a request to reset to default.
kyrset:	push	p,t2		;save count (destroyed in FOROTS)
	call	ptspac		;unwind char stack, if necessary
	pop	p,t2		;get count back
	jumpn	t2,r		;if non zero, just return
	dmove	t1,defbrk	;else get two words of default break
	dmovem	t1,brkmsk	;store in breakset area
	dmove	t1,defbrk+2	;get the other two
	dmovem	t1,brkmsk	;store them too.
	ret			;all done !
	subttl	CMDS - Initialize COMND, print errors, etc.
;	This routine sets up the command storage block. Done once only.
cmdset:	hrroi	t1,cmdstg	;point to text buffer
	movem	t1,cmdblk+.cmptr	;store
	movem	t1,cmdblk+.cmbfp	;pointer to start-of-buffer
	move	t1,[.priin,,.priou]	;input,output jfns
	movem	t1,cmdblk+.cmioj	;store
	setzm	cmdblk+.cminc		;zero chars after pointer
	movei	t1,bufsiz*5		;number of chars avail in buffer
	movem	t1,cmdblk+.cmcnt	;store
	hrroi	t1,atmbfr		;pointer to atom buffer
	movem	t1,cmdblk+.cmabp	;store in command state block
	movei	t1,atmsiz*5		;number of chars avail in atom buf
	movem	t1,cmdblk+.cmabc	;store
	setom	initf			;mark intialized
	ret				;return to CMDINI
;	CMDINI - called by all routines to initialize prompt, set up
;	for reparse.
;	Called with t1 containing a prompt to prompt string
cmdini: IFNDEF $MACY,<
	skipa				;don't call routine to set up data in...
	call	ftncmd			;...fortran common block
	movem	t1,cmdblk+.cmrty	;save prompt pointer
	skipn	initf			;initialized command block ?
	 call	cmdset			;no, so do it
	pop	p,savret		;set up return address for reparse
	movem	p,savp			;save pushdown pointer
	hlre	t1,-1(cx)		;get number of arguments from FORTRAN
	movnm	t1,nargs		;store as a positive number
	movei	t1,reparse		;address of auto reparse routine
	txz	t1,cm%rai		;assume lowercase is lowercase
	skipe	raise			;does user want conversion to upper ?
	 txo	t1,cm%rai		;yes, so light that bit
	movem	t1,cmdblk+.cmflg	;save in state block
	movei	t1,cmdblk		;get address of command state block
	movei	t2,[flddb. (.cmini)]	;function block for init
	comnd%				;do it
	 erjmp	cmderr			;some sort of error...
	setzm	hlpbfr			;clear our help message
	jrst	@savret			;return to caller via saved stuff
;	Come here on a reparse
repars:	move	p,savp			;get back saved stack pointer
	jrst	@savret			;jump to caller of CMDINI for a reparse
;	ENDCOM - called to confirm a command
;	Returns +1 on error, +2 ok
endcom:	movei	t1,cmdblk		;address of command state block
	movei	t2,[ flddb. (.cmcfm)]	;get function - confirm
	comnd%				;so confirm, baby
	 erjmp	cmderr			;awful error
	txnn	t1,cm%nop		;parse OK ?
	 retskp				;yes, so return ok
	skipn	endnse			;confirm errors allowed ?
	 retskp				;yes, so return ok
	ret				;no, so return badly
;	Routine called when CONFIRM fails
cfmerr:	skipn	endnse			;are CONFIRM errors permitted ?
	 retskp				;yes, so just return
cfmer1:	movem	t1,t3			;save reprompt address
	errmes	errcfm,,q1		;print error
	tmsg	<, try again please>
	pop	p,t1			;throw away return address
	jrst	(t3)			;and go and do it agian
;	Routine called when fatal JSYS errors occure in COMND
cmderr:	call	tstcol		;get a new line if required
	tmsg	<?FTNCMD - unexpected, unrecoverable error: >
	movei	t1,.priou		;output JSYS error to terminal
	hrloi	t2,.fhslf		;this process, most recent error
	setz	t3,			;a message of any length
	erstr%				;do so
	 trn				;ignore errors in errors
	tmsg	<.
Please inform the software services manager of this problem. Apologies for
any inconvenience caused.
IFNDEF $MACY,<call	crhalt>		;now get fortran to clean up
;	Routine to strip trailing blanks from a string
;	CALL with byte pointer to end of string in t1. A null is deposited
;	over the first blank at the end of the string. All registers
;	are preserved
strblk:	push	p,t1			;save a register
	push	p,t2			;or two
strbl1:	ldb	t2,t1			;get a byte from the end of the string
	caie	t2," "			;is it a space ?
	 jrst	strbl2			;no, so put out the null
	seto	t2,			;yes, so get -1
	adjbp	t2,t1			;back up the byte pointer by one
	movem	t2,t1			;get the pointer back in the right ac
	jrst	strbl1			;look at the next byte
strbl2:	setz	t2,			;get a null
	idpb	t2,t1			;put it out over the space
	pop	p,t2			;get back saved register
	pop	p,t1			;and the other one
	ret				;back to caller
;	Routine to test cursor position, output a new line if required.
;	Returns +1 always.
tstcol:	movei	t1,.priou		;point at terminal
	rfpos%				;read position
	hrrz	t2,t2			;get just column position
	jumpe	t2,r			;if at left margin, just return
	tmsg	<
>					;else output a new line
	ret				;and return too
	SUBTTL	chpars	- call to check type of parse
;	Routine to
;	check which fdb was used to parse the input, t4 is address of fail flag
;	Returns +1 error
;		+2 ok - FDB address used in t3
chpars:	txne	t1,cm%nop		;no parse ?
	 ret				;yes, error return
	hrrzs	t3,t3			;get the address of fdb used in parse
	cain	t3,fdb			;was it the main one ?
	 retskp				;return ok
	cain	t3,exifdb		;was it exit or unknown ?
	 jrst	[hrrz	t2,(t2)		;get contents of table entry
		jrst	(t2)	]	;jump to exit or unknown routine
	cain	t3,bakfdb		;was it ^ ?
	 jrst	[movni	t2,3		;yes, so return a -3
		movem	t2,(t4)		;send to fail flag
		call	endcom		;get confirmation
		 jrst	[setzm	(t4)	;no, so clear fail flag !
			ret	]	;and do error stuff
		pop	p,q4		;get rid of return to macro routine
		cain	q2,0		;alternate return not supplied ?
		 ret			;yes, return ok to fortran direct
		setzm	(t4)		;clear fail flag as we are doing it
		pop	p,q4		;get rid of fortran return
		jrst	(q2)	]	;do alternate return
	retskp				;if no match, assume extra fdbs (as in
					 ; TEXTIN)
exit:	call	endcom		;get confirmation
	 ret			;no so do error stuff
	pop	p,q4		;get rid of return to macro routine
	skipn	exilab		;is exit label provided ?
	 jrst	[movni	t2,2	;no so set fail flag to -2
		movem	t2,(t4)	;and move to fail
		ret	]	;and return to fortran
	pop	p,q4		;yes, get rid of fortran return
	jrst	@exilab		;take return to exit label
unknow:	call	endcom		;get confirmation
	 ret			;no so do error stuff
	pop	p,q4		;get rid of return to macro routine
	movni	t2,1		;set fail flag to -1
	movem	t2,(t4)		;and move to fail
	movem	(q3)		;set answer to 0
	ret			;and return to fortran
