
Trailing-Edge - PDP-10 Archives - tops10_tools_bb-fp64b-sb - 10,7/amis/flags.txt
There are no other files named flags.txt in the archive.
                What flags are to be implemented:
                         (* means done)

Flag:                  Pos:     Values/Interpretation:
-----                  ----     ----------------------

Conformance:            1 *     'E' ==> Emacs style.
                                'G' ==> Gnumacs style.

Display nulls:          2       '+' ==> Show null as ^@ on screen.
                                '-' ==> Do not show nulls on screen.

Display Linefeed as EOL:3       '+' ==> Interpret line feed as EOL.
                                '-' ==> View line feed as ^J.

Display Escape as $:    4 *     '-' ==> View escape as ^[.
                                '+' ==> View escape as $.

Eight-bit alphabet:     5       '1' ==> ISO Latin 1.
			        '2' ==> ISO Latin 2.
			        '3' ==> ISO Latin 3.
			        '4' ==> ISO Latin 4.

Mode Line Inverse:      6       '-' ==> Normal video.
                                '+' ==> Inverse video.

Truncate long lines:    7       '-' ==> Wrap lines on screen.
                                '+' ==> Truncate lines on screen.

Case sensitive search:  8 *     '-' ==> Upper and lower case match.
                                '+' ==> Upper and lower case distinct.

Beep style:             9 *     'A' ==> Always beep.
                                'N' ==> Never beep.
                                'V' ==> Use Visibell if present, else beep.

Indent tabs mode:      10 *     '+' ==> Use tabs for indentation.
                                '-' ==> Use spaces for indentation.