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This is the file INFO;ZBABYL >, which documents ZBabyl, an extension to the
Babyl mail reading subsystem.

File: ZBabyl	Node: Top		Up: (Babyl)	Next: Differences

ZBabyl is a basically upward-compatible extension to Babyl which is 
inspired by the Lisp Machine's mail reader, ZMail.

* Menu:

* Differences::		Discussion of minor incompatibilities with Babyl.
* Commands::		Commands offered by ZBabyl
* Extended::		New m-X commands in ZBabyl
* Filters::		Making and using filters
* InitFiles::		About the format of a ZBabyl init file

File: ZBabyl	Node: Differences	Up: Top		Next: Visible

The following commands do not behave in ZBabyl as they would in Babyl:

* Menu:

* Visible::		About visible changes.
* Internals::		About how the internals are restructured.

File: ZBabyl	Node: Visible		Up: Differences	Next: Commands

Command    Babyl Function		ZBabyl Function

 c-X	   Exit Babyl Temporarily	Command prefix.
					To get the old behavior, use
					c-X c-C on ITS or c-X c-Z on Twenex.

 c-S	   Survey Prefix		Survey Prefix, but several of the
					dispatch characters have changed.
					Type c-S ? for documentation.

File: ZBabyl	Node: Internals		Up: Differences	Next: Commands

All survey commands (Survey All Messages, Survey Labeled Messages, etc)
work by using filters.

The only really noticeable loss in speed is to Survey All Messages.
Users are encouraged to use the B command to get rapid, unconditional
surveying. Survey All Messages is provided for upward compatibility 
only. It is not worth anyone's address space to make a special version
of this which is fast since the B command already suffices.

File: ZBabyl	Node: Commands		Up: Top		Next: Extended

The following commands are new and/or different in ZBabyl:

Command		Function

 K, Y		Changed upward compatibly:
		 The K and Y commands now cooperate to retain some 
		 information in the message header about what messages have
		 been put together. ZMail can later use this info and ZBabyl
		 may some day be able to also.

 @		If you type @ at one or more messages, Babyl will remember
		the `name' of each message. If you later type 1@, Babyl will
		yank a "References" field into the message you are looking
		at which is made from the names of all the remembered messages.
		Also, when sending mail from Babyl, m-X Yank References
		works to yank the references into the mail you are sending.
		Its behavior is relatively harmless, so it is safe to 
		experiment with.

 c-X		Command Prefix. Dispatches on next char typed:
		c-C, c-Z	Exit Babyl temporarily.
		c-B		Mail File `Buffer' Menu.
				Lets you select another mail file to edit.
				A menu form of the I command in normal Babyl.
		1, 2, O, ^	These work like the normal window 
				manipulation commands c-X 1, c-X 2,
				c-X O, and c-X ^ in normal Emacs.
		E		Same as Set Event Date.
		R		Same as Set Start Date.
		S		Same as Set Stop Date.
		X		Same as Set Expiration Date.

 c-S		Survey Command Prefix. Dispatches on next char typed:
		A, c-A	Survey All Messages	
		D, c-D	Survey Deleted Messages
		F, c-F	Survey Filtered Messages
		L, c-L	Survey Labeled Messages 
		M, c-M	Survey Messages Containing String
		R, c-R	Survey Reminders
		S	Survey Seen Messages
		X, c-X	Survey Expired Messages
		U, c-U	Prefix. Dispatches on next char typed:
			D, c-D	Survey UnDeleted Messages
			L, c-L	Survey UnLabeled Messages
			S	Survey UnSeen Messages
		As with Babyl, c-S followed by c-S or c-Q is ignored to
		account for VT52 lossage.

 c-E		Edits (creates or modifies) a filter.

		With an argument, as in 0 c-E, shows the filter and
		the Teco compiled code for the filter.

 |		Find the next occurrence of a message matching a given filter.
		This command prompts for a filter name; type the name or Return
		to accept the default. If there is no matching message following,
		the cursor will not move. 

		There was a | command in Babyl which did something similar using
		labels instead of filters. It had slightly more elaborate argument
		conventions and defaulting, which ZBabyl might adopt sometime but
		for now doesn't have.

 #		Maps a command across a set of messages (by filter). Currently,
		the commands which can be mapped are D, U, L, -L, and O. This
		set might be extended at some point.

		Here's a sample of what using it looks like:
		   User types:		#
		   ZBabyl prompts:	Command to Map:
		   User types:		L
		   ZBabyl prompts:	Map, attaching label:
		   User types:		Foo<Return>
		   ZBabyl prompts:	Attach label "Foo" to messages matching filter:
		   User types:		My-Filter-17
		ZBabyl then maps across all messages matching My-Filter-17, adding
		the label "Foo".

File: ZBabyl	Node: Extended	Up: Top		Next: Filters

m-X Set Start Date

	Sets the Start-Date for a message.
	If a message has a Start-Date, then it is a reminder.
	By default, a reminder is active if the current date is after
	the start date (unless the message also has a Start-Date or
	Expiration-Date which also in the past).

m-X Set Stop Date

	Sets the Stop-Date for a message.
	If a message has a Stop-Date, then it is not a reminder if
	that Stop-Date is in the past.

m-X Set Expiration Date

	Sets the Expiration-Date for a message.
	If a message has an Expiration-Date but no Stop-Date, the
	Expiration-Date behaves as a Stop-Date. By default, a message
	is said to hae expired if it has an Expiration-Date and that
	date is in the past.

m-X Set Event Date

	Simultaneously sets the Start-Date and Expiration-Date for a message.
	The Start-Date is set to a time 48 hours before the given time.
	The Stop-Date is set to a time 1 hour after the given time.
	If a precomma argument is given, it is the number of hours ahead
	 to use for the Start-Date.
	If a single (or postcomma) argument is given, it is the number of hours
	 after to use for the Stop-Date.
	For example,		 72,8 X Set Event DateTomorrow at 3pm
	is equivalent to:	      X Set Start DateTwo days ago at 3pm
				      X Set Stop DateTomorrow at 11pm

m-X Yank References

	Yanks references saved by the @ command into the current message.

	At Babyl command level, this is the same as 1@. When sending mail,
	it operates on the *Mail* buffer instead of the current message.

m-X Sort All Messages By Date

	This sorts the messages by date.
	With a negative argument, the file is sorted in reverse by date.

	Due to address space limitations, only works for small Babyl files.
	Also, only works well if your Babyl file has headers reformed.

File: ZBabyl	Node: Filters		Up: Top		Next: Concepts

* Menu:

* Concepts::		About the concept of a filter.
* Functions::		About the Lisp functions allowed in filters.
* Menus::		About the creation of a filter.
* Predefined::		About filters that are initially defined for you.
* Usage::		About the usage of a filter.

File: ZBabyl	Node: Concepts		Up: Filters	Next: Menus

Filtering messages is a way of talking about messages by some
unifying characteristic or characteristics.

For example, a common filter which was offered by Babyl was the
filter which matched all messages with a given label. Babyl's 
filter facility was, however, not extensible or modifiable in 
the way ZBabyl's is.

Here are some simple ZBabyl filter descriptions:

Filter...			Matches...

T				;all messages

NIL				;no messages

(LABEL "Foo")			;any message having the label "Foo"

(NOT (LABEL "Foo"))		;any message not having the label "Foo"

(AND (LABEL "Foo") 
     (LABEL "Bar"))		;any message labeled both "Foo" and "Bar"

(LABEL (PROMPT LABEL "Label"))	;any message labeled with a label that
				;will be prompted for interactively.
				;The prompt string will be "Label: "

File: ZBabyl	Node: Menus		Up: Filters	Next: Predefined

File: ZBabyl	Node: Predefined	Up: Filters	Next: Usage

File: ZBabyl	Node: Usage		Up: Filters	Next: InitFiles

File: ZBabyl	Node: InitFiles		Up: Top		Next: Forms

The format of a ZBabyl init file is Lisp code.

* Menu:

* Forms::		Special forms allowed in an init file.
* SampleInit::		A sample init file.

File: ZBabyl	Node: Forms		Up: InitFiles	Next: SampleInit

Filter Definitions

	A DEFINE-FILTER form defines a filter. The syntax is 

		(DEFINE-FILTER <name> ...ignored... <comment> <lisp-code>)

	This defines a filter called <name> with definition of <lisp-code>.
	The ignored portion is for compatibility with ZMail filter
	definition conventions. Only the name and the last form in 
	the DEFINE-FILTER form are actually looked at. eg,


	The <comment>, if given, should be a plural definite noun reference
	with lowercase initial, no trailing period, and no leading "the".
	It will be inserted in phrases like:
	  No <comment>.
	  No more <comment>.
	  Checking for <comment>...
	Hence, "funny mail" or "messages about X" are examples of correct 
	style because they fit into the above strings, becoming:
	  No funny mail.		No messages about X.
	  No more funny mail.		No more messages about X.
	  Checking for funny mail...	Checking for messages about X...

Auxiliary Mail Files

	An assignment to *OTHER-MAIL-FILE-NAMES* using SETQ or 
	LOGIN-SETQ will be recognized to initialize the set of 
	filenames offered by c-X c-B. eg,


Load Commands

	If the file contains calls to LOAD at toplevel, the contents of
	the files which are arguments to LOAD will be rocessed -after- any
	filter definitions or other assignments in the current file. eg,


Filter Daemons

	An assignment to *FILE-FILTER-DAEMONS* using SETQ or LOGIN-SETQ
	will be recognized to initialize an alist of filter daemons. These
	daemons will be run whenever a G command is done (explicitly or
	implicitly) successfully (ie, when there was really new mail).
	The format of the

	To define this behavior, you define appropriate filters in
        your Lisp init file for ZBabyl and then set the variable
        *FILE-FILTER-DAEMONS* to a list of lists, each of the form:

		(babylfile action1 action2 ...)

	actions should be a list of commands of the form:

		(command filter [argument])

	        In fact, it keys only on the first character, which is why
		-LABEL was chosen rather than UNLABEL.

	FILTER should be a filter which does no interactive prompting in
	       order for things to work gracefully.

	ARGUMENT should be given if and only if the command is LABEL,
		 -LABEL, or OUTPUT and should be the string that would
		 normally be prompted for by the given command.


 Init files are not scanned linearly. They are scanned as a 
 multi-pass process. This will only matter, however, if your init 
 defines the same filter or variable more than once.

 Also, filter definitions and load commands will only be processed 
 if they begin in column 0. This may change at some point, so don't
 rely on it, but it may explain occasional unusual behavior.

File: ZBabyl	Node: SampleInit	Up: InitFiles

;;; -*- Mode:LISP; -*-
;;; Sample ZBabyl init file


  "unprocessed messages"
  (AND (NOT (LABEL "deleted"))
       (OR (LABEL "recent")
	   (LABEL "unseen")
	   (NOT (LABEL)))))

  "active notices about seminars, conferences, etc"
  (AND (OR (LABEL "Conference")
	   (LABEL "Seminar")
	   (LABEL "Meeting")
	   (LABEL "SocialEvent")
	   (LABEL "Event")
	   (SEARCH-FIELD SUBJECT "seminar")
	   (SEARCH-FIELD RE "seminar")

  "worthless mail"
	   (SEARCH "Please add ")
	   (SEARCH "Please remove "))))

     (LABEL Event "RemindNow")
     (DELETE Worthless))))