
Trailing-Edge - PDP-10 Archives - mit_emacs_170_teco_1220 - info/
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                      List of JSYS's from INFO:

ACCES: (552)  Specifies access to a directory
ADBRK: (570)  Controls address breaks
AIC: (131)  Activates software interrupt channels
ALLOC: (520)  Allocates a device
ASND: (70)  Assigns a device
ATACH: (116)  Attachs a terminal to a job
ATI: (137)  Assigns a terminal code to an interrupt channel
BIN: (50)  Performs byte input
BKJFN: (42)  Backs up pointer by one byte
BOOT: (562)  Performs functions required for loading front-end software
BOUT: (51)  Performs byte output
CACCT: (4)  Changes account designator
CFIBF: (100)  Clears the input buffer
CFOBF: (101)  Clears the output buffer
CFORK: (152)  Creates an inferior process
CHFDB: (64)  Changes a File Descriptor Block
CHKAC: (521)  Checks access to a file
CIS: (141)  Clears the interrupt system
CLOSF: (22)  Closes a file
CLZFF: (34)  Closes the process' files
COMND: (544)  Parses a command
CRDIR: (240)  Creates, changes, or deletes a directory
CRJOB: (2)  Creates a job
CRLNM: (502)  Defines or deletes a logical name
DEBRK: (136)  Dismisses current software interrupt
DELDF: (67)  Expunges deleted files
DELF: (26)  Deletes files
DELNF: (317)  Retains specified number of generations of a file
DEQ: (514)  Removes request from resource queue
DEVST: (121)  Translates a device designator to a string
DFIN: (234)  Inputs double-precision floating point number
DFOUT: (235)  Outputs double-precision floating point number
DIAG: (530)  Reserves or releases hardware channels
DIBE: (212)  Dismisses until input buffer is empty
DIC: (133)  Deactivates software interrupt channels
DIR: (130)  Disables software interrupt system
DIRST: (41)  Translates a directory number to a string
DISMS: (167)  Dismisses the process
DOBE: (104)  Dismisses until output buffer is empty
DSKAS: (244)  Assigns disk addresses
DSKOP: (242)  Specifies disk transfers in hardware terms
DTACH: (115)  Detaches a terminal from a job
DTI: (140)  Deassigns a terminal code
DUMPI: (65)  Reads data in unbuffered data mode
DUMPO: (66)  Writes data in unbuffered data mode
DVCHR: (117)  Retrieves device characteristics
EFACT: (5)  Makes an entry in the FACT file
EIR: (126)  Enables  software interrupt system
ENQ: (513)  Places request in resource queue
ENQC: (515)  Obtains status of resource queue
EPCAP: (151)  Enables process capabilities
ERSTR: (11)  Converts error number to string
ESOUT: (313)  Outputs an error string
FFFFP: (31)  Finds first free page in file
FFORK: (154)  Freezes processes
FFUFP: (211)  Finds first used page in file
FLIN: (232)  Inputs floating-point number
FLOUT: (233)  Outputs floating-point number
GACCT: (546)  Gets current account designator
GACTF: (37)  Gets account designator of file
GCVEC: (300)  Gets entry vector of compatibility package
GDSKC: (214)  Gets disk count
GDSTS: (145)  Gets device's status
GDVEC: (542)  Gets entry vector of RMS
GET: (200)  Gets a save file
GETAB: (10)  Gets a word from a monitor table
GETER: (12)  Returns the last error in a process
GETJI: (507)  Gets specified job information
GETNM: (177)  Returns the program name currently being used
GEVEC: (205)  Gets entry vector
GFRKH: (164)  Gets process handle
GFRKS: (166)  Gets process structure
GFUST: (550)  Returns author and last writer name strings
GJINF: (13)  Gets current job information
GNJFN: (17)  Gets the next JFN
GPJFN: (206)  Gets the primary JFNs
GTAD: (227)  Gets current date and time
GTDAL: (305)  Gets disk allocation of a directory
GTDIR: (241)  Gets information of directory entry
GTFDB: (63)  Gets a File Descriptor Block
GTJFN: (20)  Gets a JFN Short Form
Long: (20)  Gets a JFN Long Form
GTRPI: (172)  Get trap information
GTRPW: (171)  Gets trap words
GTSTS: (24)  Gets a file's status
GTTYP: (303)  Gets the terminal type number
HALTF: (170)  Halts the current process
HFORK: (162)  Halts a process
HPTIM: (501)  Returns values of high precision clocks
HSYS: (307)  Halts the system
IDCNV: (223)  Inputs date and time conversion
IDTIM: (221)  Inputs date and time
IDTNC: (231)  Inputs date/time without converting
IIC: (132)  Initiates software interrupts on specified channels
INLNM: (503)  Lists job's logical names
JFNS: (30)  Translates a JFN to a string
KFORK: (153)  Kills a process
LGOUT: (3)  Kills a job
LNMST: (504)  Converts a logical name to a string
LOGIN: (1)  Logs in a job
LPINI: (547)  Loads VFU or translation RAM
MRECV: (511)  Receives an IPCF message
MSEND: (510)  Sends an IPCF message
MSFRK: (312)  Starts a process in monitor mode
MSTR: (555)  Performs structure-dependent functions
MTALN: (774)  Associates magnetic tape drive with logical unit number
MTOPR: (77)  Performs device-dependent functions
MUTIL: (512)  Performs IPCF control functions
NIN: (225)  Inputs an integer number
NODE: (567)  Performs network utility functions
NOUT: (224)  Outputs an integer number
ODCNV: (222)  Outputs date and time conversion
ODTIM: (220)  Outputs date and time
ODTNC: (230)  Outputs date/time without converting
OPENF: (21)  Opens a file
PBIN: (73)  Inputs the next byte
PBOUT: (74)  Outputs the next byte
PEEK: (311)  Obtains monitor data
PLOCK: (561)  Locks physical pages
PMAP: (56)  Maps pages
PMCTL: (560)  Controls physical memory
PPNST: (557)  Translates project-programmer number to string
PRARG: (545)  Reads/sets process argument block
PSOUT: (76)  Outputs a string
RCDIR: (553)  Translates string to directory number
RCM: (134)  Reads the channel word mask
RCUSR: (554)  Translates string to user number
RDTTY: (523)  Reads data from primary input designator
RELD: (71)  Releases a device
RESET: (147)  Resets/initializes the current process
RFACS: (161)  Reads process' ACs
RFBSZ: (45)  Reads files's byte size
RFCOC: (112)  Reads file's control character output
RFMOD: (107)  Reads a file's mode
RFORK: (155)  Resumes a process
RFPOS: (111)  Reads terminal's position
RFPTR: (43)  Reads file's pointer position
RFRKH: (165)  Releases a process handle
RFSTS: (156)  Reads a process' status
RFTAD: (533)  Reads file's time and dates
RIN: (54)  Performs random input
RIR: (144)  Reads software interrupt table addresses
RIRCM: (143)  Reads inferior reserved channel mask
RLJFN: (23)  Releases JFNs
RMAP: (61)  Obtains a handle on a page
RNAMF: (35)  Renames a file
ROUT: (55)  Performs random output
RPACS: (57)  Reads a page's accessibility
RPCAP: (150)  Reads process capabilities
RSCAN: (500)  Accepts a new string or uses the last string as input
RTFRK: (322)  Returns the handle of a process suspended because of a monitor call intercept
RTIW: (173)  Reads terminal interrupt word
RUNTM: (15)  Returns runtime of process or job
RWM: (135)  Reads waiting channel interrupt word mask
RWSET: (176)  Releases the working set
SACTF: (62)  Sets account designator of file
SAVE: (202)  Saves a file as nonsharable
SCTTY: (324)  Changes controlling terminal
SCVEC: (301)  Sets entry vector of compatibility package
SDSTS: (146)  Sets device's status
SDVEC: (543)  Sets entry vector of RMS
SETER: (336)  Sets the last error in a process
SETJB: (541)  Sets job parameters
SETNM: (210)  Sets program name
SETSN: (506)  Sets system name for a process
SEVEC: (204)  Sets entry vector
SFACS: (160)  Sets process' ACs
SFBSZ: (46)  Sets file's byte size
SFCOC: (113)  Sets file's control character output
SFMOD: (110)  Sets a file's mode
SFORK: (157)  Starts a process
SFPOS: (526)  Sets terminal's position
SFPTR: (27)  Sets file's pointer position
SFRKV: (201)  Starts process using its entry vector
SFTAD: (534)  Sets file's time and dates
SFUST: (551)  Sets author and last writer name strings
SIBE: (102)  Skips if input buffer is empty
SIN: (52)  Performs string input
SINR: (531)  Performs record input
SIR: (125)  Sets software interrupt table addresses
SIRCM: (142)  Sets inferior reserved channel mask
SIZEF: (36)  Gets the size of a file
SJPRI: (245)  Sets job's priority
SKPIR: (127)  Tests the state of the software interrupt system
SMON: (6)  Sets monitor flags
SNOOP: (516)  Performs system analysis
SOBE: (103)  Skips if output buffer is empty
SOBF: (175)  Skips if output buffer is full
SOUT: (53)  Performs string output
SOUTR: (532)  Performs record output
SPACS: (60)  Sets a page's accessibility
SPJFN: (207)  Sets the primary JFNs
SPLFK: (314)  Splices a process structure
SPOOL: (517)  Defines and initializes input spooling
SPRIW: (243)  Sets the priority word
SSAVE: (203)  Saves a file as sharable
STAD: (226)  Sets system date and time
STCMP: (540)  Compares two strings
STDEV: (120)  Translates string to device designator
STI: (114)  Simulates terminal input
STIW: (174)  Sets terminal interrupt word
STO: (246)  Simulates terminal output
STPAR: (217)  Sets terminal parameters
STPPN: (556)  Translates string to project-programmer number
STSTS: (25)  Sets a file's status
STTYP: (302)  Sets the terminal type number
SWJFN: (47)  Swaps two JFNs
SYERR: (527)  Writes data to the system error file
SYSGT: (16)  Returns information for a system table
TBADD: (536)  Adds entry to command table
TBDEL: (535)  Deletes entry from command table
TBLUK: (537)  Looks up entry in command table
TEXTI: (524)  Reads input from a terminal or a file
TFORK: (321)  Sets and removes monitor call intercepts
THIBR: (770)  Blocks the current job
TIME: (14)  Returns time system has been up
TIMER: (522)  Sets time limit for a job
TLINK: (216)  Controls terminal linking
TMON: (7)  Tests monitor flags
TTMSG: (775)  Sends a message to a terminal
TWAKE: (771)  Wakes a specified job
UFPGS: (525)  Updates file's pages
USAGE: (564)  Writes entries into the accounting data file
USRIO: (310)  Places program in user I/O mode
UTEST: (563)  Test monitor routines
UTFRK: (323)  Resumes a process suspended because of a monitor call intercept
VACCT: (566)  Validates an account
WAIT: (306)  Dismisses process until interrupt occurs
WFORK: (163)  Waits for processes to terminate

                      List of JSYS's from INFO:
                           (Numeric order)

001 LOGIN  Logs in a job
002 CRJOB  Creates a job
003 LGOUT  Kills a job
004 CACCT  Changes account designator
005 EFACT  Makes an entry in the FACT file
006 SMON  Sets monitor flags
007 TMON  Tests monitor flags
010 GETAB  Gets a word from a monitor table
011 ERSTR  Converts error number to string
012 GETER  Returns the last error in a process
013 GJINF  Gets current job information
014 TIME  Returns time system has been up
015 RUNTM  Returns runtime of process or job
016 SYSGT  Returns information for a system table
017 GNJFN  Gets the next JFN
020 GTJFN  Gets a JFN Short Form
020 Long  Gets a JFN Long Form
021 OPENF  Opens a file
022 CLOSF  Closes a file
023 RLJFN  Releases JFNs
024 GTSTS  Gets a file's status
025 STSTS  Sets a file's status
026 DELF  Deletes files
027 SFPTR  Sets file's pointer position
030 JFNS  Translates a JFN to a string
031 FFFFP  Finds first free page in file
034 CLZFF  Closes the process' files
035 RNAMF  Renames a file
036 SIZEF  Gets the size of a file
037 GACTF  Gets account designator of file
041 DIRST  Translates a directory number to a string
042 BKJFN  Backs up pointer by one byte
043 RFPTR  Reads file's pointer position
045 RFBSZ  Reads files's byte size
046 SFBSZ  Sets file's byte size
047 SWJFN  Swaps two JFNs
050 BIN  Performs byte input
051 BOUT  Performs byte output
052 SIN  Performs string input
053 SOUT  Performs string output
054 RIN  Performs random input
055 ROUT  Performs random output
056 PMAP  Maps pages
057 RPACS  Reads a page's accessibility
060 SPACS  Sets a page's accessibility
061 RMAP  Obtains a handle on a page
062 SACTF  Sets account designator of file
063 GTFDB  Gets a File Descriptor Block
064 CHFDB  Changes a File Descriptor Block
065 DUMPI  Reads data in unbuffered data mode
066 DUMPO  Writes data in unbuffered data mode
067 DELDF  Expunges deleted files
070 ASND  Assigns a device
071 RELD  Releases a device
073 PBIN  Inputs the next byte
074 PBOUT  Outputs the next byte
076 PSOUT  Outputs a string
077 MTOPR  Performs device-dependent functions
100 CFIBF  Clears the input buffer
101 CFOBF  Clears the output buffer
102 SIBE  Skips if input buffer is empty
103 SOBE  Skips if output buffer is empty
104 DOBE  Dismisses until output buffer is empty
107 RFMOD  Reads a file's mode
110 SFMOD  Sets a file's mode
111 RFPOS  Reads terminal's position
112 RFCOC  Reads file's control character output
113 SFCOC  Sets file's control character output
114 STI  Simulates terminal input
115 DTACH  Detaches a terminal from a job
116 ATACH  Attachs a terminal to a job
117 DVCHR  Retrieves device characteristics
120 STDEV  Translates string to device designator
121 DEVST  Translates a device designator to a string
125 SIR  Sets software interrupt table addresses
126 EIR  Enables  software interrupt system
127 SKPIR  Tests the state of the software interrupt system
130 DIR  Disables software interrupt system
131 AIC  Activates software interrupt channels
132 IIC  Initiates software interrupts on specified channels
133 DIC  Deactivates software interrupt channels
134 RCM  Reads the channel word mask
135 RWM  Reads waiting channel interrupt word mask
136 DEBRK  Dismisses current software interrupt
137 ATI  Assigns a terminal code to an interrupt channel
140 DTI  Deassigns a terminal code
141 CIS  Clears the interrupt system
142 SIRCM  Sets inferior reserved channel mask
143 RIRCM  Reads inferior reserved channel mask
144 RIR  Reads software interrupt table addresses
145 GDSTS  Gets device's status
146 SDSTS  Sets device's status
147 RESET  Resets/initializes the current process
150 RPCAP  Reads process capabilities
151 EPCAP  Enables process capabilities
152 CFORK  Creates an inferior process
153 KFORK  Kills a process
154 FFORK  Freezes processes
155 RFORK  Resumes a process
156 RFSTS  Reads a process' status
157 SFORK  Starts a process
160 SFACS  Sets process' ACs
161 RFACS  Reads process' ACs
162 HFORK  Halts a process
163 WFORK  Waits for processes to terminate
164 GFRKH  Gets process handle
165 RFRKH  Releases a process handle
166 GFRKS  Gets process structure
167 DISMS  Dismisses the process
170 HALTF  Halts the current process
171 GTRPW  Gets trap words
172 GTRPI  Get trap information
173 RTIW  Reads terminal interrupt word
174 STIW  Sets terminal interrupt word
175 SOBF  Skips if output buffer is full
176 RWSET  Releases the working set
177 GETNM  Returns the program name currently being used
200 GET  Gets a save file
201 SFRKV  Starts process using its entry vector
202 SAVE  Saves a file as nonsharable
203 SSAVE  Saves a file as sharable
204 SEVEC  Sets entry vector
205 GEVEC  Gets entry vector
206 GPJFN  Gets the primary JFNs
207 SPJFN  Sets the primary JFNs
210 SETNM  Sets program name
211 FFUFP  Finds first used page in file
212 DIBE  Dismisses until input buffer is empty
214 GDSKC  Gets disk count
216 TLINK  Controls terminal linking
217 STPAR  Sets terminal parameters
220 ODTIM  Outputs date and time
221 IDTIM  Inputs date and time
222 ODCNV  Outputs date and time conversion
223 IDCNV  Inputs date and time conversion
224 NOUT  Outputs an integer number
225 NIN  Inputs an integer number
226 STAD  Sets system date and time
227 GTAD  Gets current date and time
230 ODTNC  Outputs date/time without converting
231 IDTNC  Inputs date/time without converting
232 FLIN  Inputs floating-point number
233 FLOUT  Outputs floating-point number
234 DFIN  Inputs double-precision floating point number
235 DFOUT  Outputs double-precision floating point number
240 CRDIR  Creates, changes, or deletes a directory
241 GTDIR  Gets information of directory entry
242 DSKOP  Specifies disk transfers in hardware terms
243 SPRIW  Sets the priority word
244 DSKAS  Assigns disk addresses
245 SJPRI  Sets job's priority
246 STO  Simulates terminal output
300 GCVEC  Gets entry vector of compatibility package
301 SCVEC  Sets entry vector of compatibility package
302 STTYP  Sets the terminal type number
303 GTTYP  Gets the terminal type number
305 GTDAL  Gets disk allocation of a directory
306 WAIT  Dismisses process until interrupt occurs
307 HSYS  Halts the system
310 USRIO  Places program in user I/O mode
311 PEEK  Obtains monitor data
312 MSFRK  Starts a process in monitor mode
313 ESOUT  Outputs an error string
314 SPLFK  Splices a process structure
317 DELNF  Retains specified number of generations of a file
321 TFORK  Sets and removes monitor call intercepts
322 RTFRK  Returns the handle of a process suspended because of a monitor call intercept
323 UTFRK  Resumes a process suspended because of a monitor call intercept
324 SCTTY  Changes controlling terminal
336 SETER  Sets the last error in a process
500 RSCAN  Accepts a new string or uses the last string as input
501 HPTIM  Returns values of high precision clocks
502 CRLNM  Defines or deletes a logical name
503 INLNM  Lists job's logical names
504 LNMST  Converts a logical name to a string
506 SETSN  Sets system name for a process
507 GETJI  Gets specified job information
510 MSEND  Sends an IPCF message
511 MRECV  Receives an IPCF message
512 MUTIL  Performs IPCF control functions
513 ENQ  Places request in resource queue
514 DEQ  Removes request from resource queue
515 ENQC  Obtains status of resource queue
516 SNOOP  Performs system analysis
517 SPOOL  Defines and initializes input spooling
520 ALLOC  Allocates a device
521 CHKAC  Checks access to a file
522 TIMER  Sets time limit for a job
523 RDTTY  Reads data from primary input designator
524 TEXTI  Reads input from a terminal or a file
525 UFPGS  Updates file's pages
526 SFPOS  Sets terminal's position
527 SYERR  Writes data to the system error file
530 DIAG  Reserves or releases hardware channels
531 SINR  Performs record input
532 SOUTR  Performs record output
533 RFTAD  Reads file's time and dates
534 SFTAD  Sets file's time and dates
535 TBDEL  Deletes entry from command table
536 TBADD  Adds entry to command table
537 TBLUK  Looks up entry in command table
540 STCMP  Compares two strings
541 SETJB  Sets job parameters
542 GDVEC  Gets entry vector of RMS
543 SDVEC  Sets entry vector of RMS
544 COMND  Parses a command
545 PRARG  Reads/sets process argument block
546 GACCT  Gets current account designator
547 LPINI  Loads VFU or translation RAM
550 GFUST  Returns author and last writer name strings
551 SFUST  Sets author and last writer name strings
552 ACCES  Specifies access to a directory
553 RCDIR  Translates string to directory number
554 RCUSR  Translates string to user number
555 MSTR  Performs structure-dependent functions
556 STPPN  Translates string to project-programmer number
557 PPNST  Translates project-programmer number to string
560 PMCTL  Controls physical memory
561 PLOCK  Locks physical pages
562 BOOT  Performs functions required for loading front-end software
563 UTEST  Test monitor routines
564 USAGE  Writes entries into the accounting data file
566 VACCT  Validates an account
567 NODE  Performs network utility functions
570 ADBRK  Controls address breaks
770 THIBR  Blocks the current job
771 TWAKE  Wakes a specified job
774 MTALN  Associates magnetic tape drive with logical unit number
775 TTMSG  Sends a message to a terminal