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PDP-10  Node: Top, Up: (DIR), Next: Intro

PDP-10 Machine Language.

This file attempts to teach the machine language of the PDP-10 computer.  It
describes what instructions are available and what they do.  The conventions
of the assembler in which PDP-10 machine programs are usually written are
another subject; see *Note MIDAS: (MIDAS).

The machine language itself:

* Menu:

* Intro::		Introduction
* Memory::		Addressing memory.  Formats of memory words.
* IFormat::		General instruction formats.
* Terms::		Terminology.
* Addr-Comp::		Effective address computation.
* Full-Word::		Full word data transfer instructions
* Stack::		Stack instructions.
* Half-Word::		Half word data transfer instructions.
* Arith Tests::		Conditional jumps on signs and comparisons.
* Fixed Point::		Fixed point arithmetic operations.
* KL-Only::		KL-10 double precision fixed point.
* Floating Point::	Floating point arithmetic operations.
* Shifting::		Shift and rotate instructions.
* Byte::		Byte extraction instructions.
* Logical Tests::	Conditional skip on bit test instructions.
* Boolean::		Bitwise logical operations.
* PC Format::		Format of PC saved by subroutine calls.
* Jumps::		Jumps other than arithmetic conditionals.
* Obsolete::		Obsolete subroutine call instructions.

Program examples:

* Program::		Complete simple program.
* TTY Output::		Simple terminal output.
* Reverse::		Simple terminal input and output.
* Even-Odd::		Read a line, separate even- and odd-numbered chars.
* Even-Odd-Vowels::	Separates vowels from consonants too.
* Even-Odd-Vowels 2::	Another way of writing the previous example.
* Calculator::		Reads arithmetic expressions, prints results.
* FileIO::		Reading and writing files.
* Parsing::		Converting input to SIXBIT, or to filenames.
* BufInput::		Buffered input from files.
* BufPadding::		Buffered input, discarding padding at end of file.

I haven't got the time to test these examples.  That means they may have bugs.
Sorry.  But it's a useful exercise to test one and, if it doesn't work, fix it
and tell BUG-INFO.

* Debugging::		Using DDT to debug programs or try out instructions.

PDP-10  Node: Intro,  Up: Top,  Previous: Top,  Next: Memory

Introduction to PDP-10 Assembly Language Programming

The PDP-10 is a general purpose stored program computer.  There are four
different processors (computers) in the PDP-10 family (the PDP-6, the KA10,
the KI10 and the KL10).  This file discusses primarily the KA-10 version,
which is what most of the ITS systems are.

There are three principal aspects of assembly language programming:
the machine instructions, the assembler, and the operating system.

The machine instructions are the primitive operations with which we
write programs.  Learning the instruction set means learning what
operations are performed by each instruction.  Programming is the art
or science of combining these operations to accomplish some
particular task.

The machine instructions, like everything else in a computer, are in
binary.  The assembler is a program that translates the mnemonic
names by which we refer to instructons into the binary form that the
computer recognizes.  The assembler also does a variety of other
chores that are essentially bookkeeping.  There are several assemblers
for the PDP-10, which differ in various ways; what they all have in
common is the PDP-10 machine instructions, which are described in this
file.  Everything else about how to use a particular assembler is
documented under that assembler.  The assembler used most on ITS is
called MIDAS; *Note MIDAS: (MIDAS).

The operating system is a special program that handles all input and
output and which schedules among user programs.  For its own
protection and the protection of other users the operating system
places various restrictions on user programs.  User mode programs are
resticted to memory assigned to them by the operating system; they
may not perform any machine input-output instructions, nor can they
perform several other restricted operations (e.g., HALT instruction).
To facilitate user input-output and core allocation the operating
system provides various system calls (UUO or JSYS operations) by
which a user program can communicate its wishes to the system.
Essentially all programs except the operating system itself are run
as user mode programs.  Editors, assemblers, compilers, utilities,
and programs that you write yourself are all user mode programs.

PDP-10  Node: Memory, Previous: Intro, Up: Top, Next: IFormat


In programming the PDP-10 it is convenient to imagine that your
program occupies contiguous virtual memory locations from 0 to some
maximum address.  All memory locations are equivalent for most
purposes (but some operating systems reserve some of your space for
their own purposes).


Sixteen memory locations (addresses 0 to 17 - note that addresses
will appear in octal) are distinguished by their use as general
purpose registers (also called accumulators or index registers).
Most PDP-10 instructions address one memory operand and one
accumulator (so-called "one and a half address" architecture).  This
means that nearly all instruction affect some accumulator.  These
registers are actually implemented in high speed solid state memory
rather than in slower core.  For any purpose where it is convenient
to do so, a user may reference an accumulator as memory.

PDP-10  Node: IFormat, Previous: Memory, Up: Top, Next: Terms

Instruction Formats

The PDP-10 is a word oriented machine.  Words contain 36 data bits,
numbered (left to right) 0 to 35.  Every machine instruction is one
word.  The program counter or PC is a register which contains the
address of the next word to be used as an instruction; after a normal
instruction, the PC is incremented by one so that successive
instructions come from successive words.

There are two formats for machine instructions.  Most
instructions have the format:

 000000000 0111 1 1111 112222222222333333
 012345678 9012 3 4567 890123456789012345
|         |    | |    |                  |
|   OP    | AC |I| X  |        Y         |

Input-output instructions (which are illegal in user mode) have the
format:  (These instructions are not discussed any farther by this

 000 0000000 111 1 1111 112222222222333333
 012 3456789 012 3 4567 890123456789012345
|   |       |   | |    |                  |
|111|  DEV  |IOP|I| X  |        Y         |

In the diagrams above the field names are
	OP  = operation code
	AC  = accumulator field
	I   = indirect bit
	X   = index field
	Y   = address field
	DEV = device code
	IOP = input-output operation code

Some example intructions are:

	MOVE 1,@100		;MOVE is the OP.  AC is 1.
				;@ sets the I bit. 
				;X is zero, Y is 100.

	HRRZ 17,1(3)		;HRRZ is the OP. AC is 17,
				;Y = 1, X = 3, I = 0

	SOS FOO			;SOS is OP, FOO is symbolic
				;for the Y field.  AC, X, I are 0.

The address field, the index field, and the indirect bit are all used
in effective addrss computation.  *Note Addr: Addr-comp.

PDP-10  Node: Terms, Previous: IFormat, Up: Top, Next: Addr-Comp


Symbols particular to this file:

#  means "not equal".
<= means "less than or equal".
>= means "greater than or equal".
<- means "is assigned the new value".

AC means the contents of the AC field of the current instruction;
  this is a number from 0 to 17.
E means the value of the effective address of the current instruction.
  *Note Addr: Addr-Comp, for how this is computed.
PC means the address from which the next instruction will be fetched.
C(...) surrounding an expression refers to the contents of the memory
  location whose address is the value of the expression.
  Thus, C(AC) is the contents of the accumulator which the
  instruction refers to, and C(E) is the contents of the memory
  location which the instruction refers to.
CR(...) means the right half, only, of the contents.
CS(...) means the contents, wit the two halves swapped.
CL(...) means the left half, only, of the contents.

Symbols which are taken from assembler language:

x,,y means a word whose left half contains x, and whose right half
  contains y.  This is similar to x*1000000+y, except that x,,y
  truncates y, using only the low 18 bits of it.

<...> surrounding an expression serves the same purpose
  as parentheses in algebra.  Thus, 5*<1,,1> equals 5,,5.

[...] surrounding an expression means the address of a word
  in memory which contains the specified expression.
  Thus, [2] means the address of a word containing 2.
  This is called a literal.  The address could turn out to
  be anything at all, but the proper ways to use literals are
  such that only the contents matter.

(...) surrounding an expression exchanges the halves of that
  expression.  Thus, (3,,4) equals 4,,3.

PDP-10  Node: Addr-Comp, Previous: Terms, Up: Top, Next: Full-Word

Effective Address Calculation

All instructions without exception calculate an "effective address".
The effective address gets its name because it is usually used as the
address of an operand in memory.  Depending on the instruction, that
operand might be read, written or both.  For some instructions, called
"immediate" instructions, the effective address is not used to address
memory; it is used directly, as a number, in the operation.  For
example, the ADD instruction uses the effective address as the
address of a location in memory, and uses the contents of that
location in the addition.  The ADDI instruction (Add Immediate) uses
the effective address itself as the number to add.

The effective address computation uses three fields of the instruction
word: the 18-bit address field (Y), the index field (X), and the
indirect bit (I).  The result is an 18-bit effective address.

If the X field and I bit are zero, the effective address is simply the
contents of the address field (Y).

If the index field X is nonzero, then it is the number of an
accumulator to use as an index rgister.  Any accumulator except
accumulator 0 can be so used.  The right half of the contents of the
index register is added to the address field (Y) from the instruction
to get the effective address.

The I bit specifies indirect addressing.  If it is 1, then the result
of the previous steps (Address field, or address field plus index
quantity) is used as the address of an "indirect word".  From the
contents of this indirect word, a new address field Y, index field X
and indirect bit I are obtained.  Then the process starts from the
beginning.  If the I bit in the indirect word is 1, a second indirect
word is eventually fetched.  Indirection can happen any number of
times, and only stops when an indirect word has 0 in its I bit.

The result of the effective address calculation may be thought of as
an instruction word where bits 0:12 are copied from the original
instruction, bits 13:17 are zero, and 18:35 contain the effective

The effective address computation is described by the following
program.  MA means memory address.  PC means program counter.  C(MA)
means contents of the word addressed by MA.

	OP <- Bits  0:8  of C(MA);
	AC <- Bits  9:12 of C(MA);
EACOMP:	I  <- Bit  13    of C(MA);
	X  <- Bits 14:17 of C(MA);
	Y  <- Bits 18:35 of C(MA);
	E  <- Y;
	IF NOT(X=0) then E <- E+C(X);
	IF I=0 then go to done;
	MA <- E;

PDP-10  Node: Full-Word,  Previous: Addr-Comp,  Up: Top,  Next: Stack

Full word instructions.  MOVE, BLT, EXCH, PUSH, POP

These are the instructions whose basic purpose is to move one or more
full words of data from one location to another, usualy from an
accumulator to a memory location or vice versa.  In some cases, minor
arithmetic operations are performed, such as taking the magnitude or
negative of a word.

The MOVE class of instructions perform full word data transmission
between an accumulator and a memory location.  There are sixteen
instructions in the MOVE class.  All mnemonics begin with MOV.  The
first modifier specifies a data transformation operation; the second
modifier specifies the source of data and the destination of the

	|E no modification	|  from memory to AC
MOV	|N negate source	|I Immediate.  Move the address to AC.
	|M magnitude		|M from AC to memory
	|S swap source		|S to self.  If AC#0, move to AC also

"Magnitude" means that the absolute value of the input quantity is
what is stored in the output.
"Swap Source" means that the right and left halves of the input
quantity are interchanged before storing into the output.

In a "to self" instruction, the input value (negated, swapped, or the
magnitude, if appropriate) is stored back into the memory location; if
the AC field is nonzero, the value is stored in the AC as well.

MOVE			C(AC) <- C(E)
MOVEI			C(AC) <- 0,,E
MOVEM			C(E)  <- C(AC)
MOVES			C(E)  <- C(E); if AC#0 then C(AC) <- C(E)

MOVN			C(AC) <- -C(E)
MOVNI			C(AC) <- -E
MOVNM			C(E)  <- -C(AC)
MOVNS			C(E)  <- -C(E); if AC#0 then C(AC) <- -C(E)

MOVM			C(AC) <- |C(E)|
MOVMI			C(AC) <- 0,,E
MOVMM			C(E)  <- |C(AC)|
MOVMS			C(E)  <- |C(E)|; if AC#0 then C(AC) <- |C(E)|

MOVS			C(AC) <- CS(E)
MOVSI			C(AC) <- E,,0
MOVSM			C(E)  <- CS(AC)
MOVSS			C(E)  <- CS(E); if AC#0 then C(AC) <- CS(E)

EXCH exchanges the contents of the selected ac with the contents of
the effective address.


The BLT (Block Transfer) instruction copies words from memory to memory.
The left half of the selected AC specifies the first source address.
The right half of the AC specifies the first destination address.
The effective address specifies the last destination address.  Words
are copied, one by one, from the source to the destination, until a
word is stored in an address greater than or equal to the effective
address of the BLT.

Caution: BLT clobbers the specified AC.  Don't use the BLT AC in
address calculation for the BLT; results will be random.  If source
and destination overlap, remember that BLT moves the lowest source
word first.  If the destination of the BLT includes the BLT AC, then
the BLT AC better be the last destination address.

Programming examples:

;Save all the accumulators:
	MOVEI	17,SAVAC	;Source is 0, destination is SAVAC
	BLT	17,SAVAC+16

;Restore all the accumulators:
	MOVSI	17,SAVAC	;Source is SAVAC, destination is 0
	BLT	17,17

;Zero 100 words starting at TABLE.
	MOVE	AC,[TABLE,,TABLE+1]	;Source and destination overlap

;Move 77 words from TABLE thru TABLE+76 to TABLE+1 thru TABLE+77: BLT
;can't be done here because the source and destination overlap.  (See
;the description of POP, *Note POP: Stack.)
	MOVE	AC,[400076,,TABLE+76]
	POP	AC,1(AC)	;Store TABLE+76 into TABLE+77, etc.

PDP-10  Node: Stack, Previous: Full-Word, Up: Top, Next: Half-word

Stack instructions

The instructions PUSH and POP insert and remove full words in a pushdown
list.  The address of the top of the list is kept in the right half
of the AC referenced by these instructions.  The program may keep a
control count in the left half of the AC.  There are also two
subroutine calling instructions (PUSHJ and POPJ) that use this same
format pushdown list.

PUSH	C(AC)<-C(AC)+<1,,1>;  C(CR(AC))<-C(E)

The specified accumulator is incremented by adding 1 to each half (in
the KI10 and KL10 carry out of the right half is suppressed).  If, as
result of the addition, the left half of the AC becomes positive, a
pushdown overflow condition results (but the instruction procedes to
completion).  The word addressed by the effective address is fetched
and stored on the top of the stack which is addressed by the right
half of the (incremented) accumulator.

POP	C(E)<-C(CR(AC)); C(AC)<-C(AC)-<1,,1>

POP undoes PUSH as follows: the word at the top of the stack
(addressed by the right half of the selected AC) is fetched and
stored at the effective address.  Then the AC is decremented by
subtracting 1 from both halves (in the KI10 and KL10 carry out of bit
18 is suppressed).  If the AC becomes negative as a result of the
subtraction a pushdown overflow results.

Often the accumulator used as the pushdown pointer is given the
symbolic name P.  To initialize a pushdown pointer (e.g., for N words
starting at PDLIST), one might do the following:
	MOVE P,[-N,,PDL-1]

Elsewhere in the program should appear:


which defines the symbolic label PDL and reserves N words
following it.

PDP-10  Node: Half-Word,  Previous: Stack,  Up: Top,  Next: Arith Tests

Halfword instructions

The halfword class of instructions perform data transmission between
one half of an accumulator and one half of a memory location.  There
are sixty-four halfword instructions.  Each mnemonic begins with H
and has four modifiers.  The first modifier specifies which half of
the source word; the second specifies which half of the destination.
The third modifier specifies what to do to the other half of the
destination.  The fourth modifier specifies the source of data and
the destination of the result.

H halfword from |R right  of source to
	        |L left

		|R right  of destination
		|L left

		|  no modification of other half
		|Z zero other half
		|O set other half to ones
		|E sign extend source to other half

		|  from memory to AC
		|I Immediate
		|M from AC to memory
		|S to self. If AC#0, then move to AC also.

C18 means bit 18 of the contents (the high bit of the low half);
C0 means bit 0 of the contents (the high bit of the high half);
E18 means the high bit of the effective address.
777777*X evaluates to 0 if X is 0, or 777777 (all ones) if X is one.
Such expressions represent sign extension.

HRR		CR(AC) <- CR(E)
HRRM		CR(E)  <- CR(AC)
HRRS		CR(E)  <- CR(E); if AC#0 then CR(AC) <- CR(E)

HRRZ		C(AC) <- 0,,CR(E)
HRRZI		C(AC) <- 0,,E
HRRZM		C(E)  <- 0,,CR(AC)
HRRZS		C(E)  <- 0,,CR(E); if AC#0 then C(AC) <- 0,,CR(E)

HRRO		C(AC) <- 777777,,CR(E)
HRROI		C(AC) <- 777777,,E
HRROM		C(E)  <- 777777,,CR(AC)
HRROS		C(E)  <- 777777,,CR(E); if AC#0 then C(AC) <- 777777,,CR(E)

HRRE		C(AC) <- 777777*C18(E),,CR(E);
HRREI		C(AC) <- 777777*E18,,E
HRREM		C(E)  <- 777777*C18(AC),,CR(AC)
HRRES		C(E)  <- 777777*C18(E),,CR(E); 
			if AC#0 then C(AC) <- 777777*C18(E),,CR(E)

HRL		CL(AC) <- CR(E)
HRLM		CL(E)  <- CR(AC)
HRLS		CL(E)  <- CR(E); if AC#0 then CL(AC) <- CR(E)

HRLZ		C(AC) <- CR(E),,0
HRLZI		C(AC) <- E,,0
HRLZM		C(E)  <- CR(AC),,0
HRLZS		C(E)  <- CR(E),,0; if AC#0 then C(AC) <- CR(E),,0

HRLO		C(AC) <- CR(E),,777777
HRLOI		C(AC) <- E,,777777
HRLOM		C(E)  <- CR(E),,777777
HRLOS		C(E)  <- CR(E),,777777; if AC#0 then C(AC) <- CR(E),,777777

HRLE		C(AC) <- CR(E),,777777*C18(E)
HRLEI		C(AC) <- E,,777777*E18
HRLEM		C(E)  <- CR(AC),,777777*C18(AC)
HRLES		C(E)  <- CR(E),,777777*C18(E);
			if AC#0 then C(AC) <- CR(E),,777777*C18(E)

HLR		CR(AC) <- CL(E)
HLRI		CR(AC) <- 0
HLRM		CR(E)  <- CL(AC)
HLRS		CR(E)  <- CL(E); if AC#0 then CR(AC) <- CL(E)

HLRZ		C(AC) <- 0,,CL(E)
HLRZI		C(AC) <- 0
HLRZM		C(E)  <- 0,,CL(AC)
HLRZS		C(E)  <- 0,,CL(E); if AC#0 then C(AC) <- 0,,CL(E)

HLRO		C(AC) <- 777777,,CL(E)
HLROI		C(AC) <- 777777,,0
HLROM		C(E)  <- 777777,,CL(AC)
HLROS		C(E)  <- 777777,,CL(E); if AC#0 then C(AC) <- 777777,,CL(E)

HLRE		C(AC) <- 777777*C0(E),,CL(E);
HLREI		C(AC) <- 0
HRREM		C(E)  <- 777777*C0(AC),,CL(AC)
HRRES		C(E)  <- 777777*C0(E),,CL(E);
			if AC#0 then C(AC) <- 777777*C0(E),,CR(E)

HLL		CL(AC) <- CL(E)
HLLI		CL(AC) <- 0
HLLM		CL(E)  <- CL(AC)
HLLS		CL(E)  <- CL(E); if AC#0 then CL(AC) <- CL(E)

HLLZ		C(AC) <- CL(E),,0
HLLZI		C(AC) <- 0
HLLZM		C(E)  <- CL(AC),,0
HLLZS		C(E)  <- CL(E),,0; if AC#0 then C(AC) <- CL(E),,0

HLLO		C(AC) <- CL(E),,777777
HLLOI		C(AC) <- 0,,777777
HLLOM		C(E)  <- CL(E),,777777
HLLOS		C(E)  <- CL(E),,777777; if AC#0 then C(AC) <- CL(E),,777777

HLLE		C(AC) <- CL(E),,777777*C0(E)
HLLEI		C(AC) <- 0
HLLEM		C(E)  <- CL(AC),,777777*C0(AC)
HLLES		C(E)  <- CL(E),,777777*C0(E);
			if AC#0 then C(AC) <- CL(E),,777777*C0(E)

PDP-10  Node: Arith Tests, Previous: Half-word, Up: Top, Next: Fixed Point

Arithmetic testing.  AOBJP, AOBJN, JUMP, SKIP, CAM, CAI, AOS, SOS, SOJ, AOJ

The AOBJ (Add One to Both halves of AC and Jump) instructions allow
forward indexing through an array while maintaining a control count
in the left half of an accumulator.  Use of AOBJN and AOBJP can
reduce loop control to one instruction.

AOBJN	C(AC)<-C(AC)+<1,,1>; If C(AC)<0 then PC<-E;
AOBJP	C(AC)<-C(AC)+<1,,1>; If C(AC)>=0 then PC<-E;

Example.  Add 3 to N words starting at location TAB:
	MOVSI 1,-N		;Initialize register 1 to -N,,0
	MOVEI 2,3		;register 2 gets the constant 3.
	ADDM 2,TAB(1)		;add 3 to one array element.
	AOBJN 1,.-1		;increment both the index and the control.
				;Loop until the ADDM has been done N times.

By the way, for the sake of consistency, AOBJN should have been called
AOBJL and AOBJP should have been called AOBJGE.  However, they weren't.

The JUMP instructions compare the selected accumulator to zero and
jump (to the effective address of the instruction) if the specified
relation is true.

JUMP 		Jump never.  This instruction is a no-op.
JUMPL		If C(AC) < 0 then PC<-E;
JUMPLE		If C(AC) <= 0 then PC<-E;
JUMPE		If C(AC) = 0 then PC<-E;
JUMPN		If C(AC) # 0 then PC<-E;
JUMPGE		If C(AC) >= 0 then PC<-E;
JUMPG		If C(AC) > 0 then PC<-E;
JUMPA		PC<-E.  This is an unconditional branch.

	JUMPLE 5,FOO	;Jump to FOO if AC 5 is negative or zero.

The SKIP instructions compare the contents of the effective address
to zero and skip the next instruction if the specified relation is
true.  If a non-zero AC field appears, the selected AC is loaded from

SKIP 		If AC#0 then C(AC)<-C(E);
SKIPL		If AC#0 then C(AC)<-C(E);  If C(E) < 0 then skip
SKIPLE		If AC#0 then C(AC)<-C(E);  If C(E) <= 0 then skip;
SKIPE		If AC#0 then C(AC)<-C(E);  If C(E) = 0 then skip;
SKIPN		If AC#0 then C(AC)<-C(E);  If C(E) # 0 then skip;
SKIPGE		If AC#0 then C(AC)<-C(E);  If C(E) >= 0 then skip;
SKIPG		If AC#0 then C(AC)<-C(E);  If C(E) > 0 then skip;
SKIPA		If AC#0 then C(AC)<-C(E);  skip;

	SKIPL FOO	;Unless FOO's contents are negative,
	 MOVE 1,BAR	;load BAR's contents into accumulator 1.
			;By convention, instructions which can be
			;are written indented an extra space.

	SKIPN 2,FOO	;Load FOO's contents into accumulator 2
			;and if they are nonzero, skip the next

The AOS (Add One to memory and Skip) instructions increment a memory
location, compare the result to zero to determine the skip condition,
If a non-zero AC field appears then the AC selected will be loaded
(with the incremented data).

AOS		Add One to Storage (don't skip).
		C(E) <- C(E)+1;  If AC#0 then C(AC)<-C(E);

AOSL		Add One and Skip if Less than zero.
		C(E) <- C(E)+1;  If AC#0 then C(AC)<-C(E);
		 If C(E) < 0 then skip;

AOSLE		Add One and Skip if Less than or Equal to zero.
		C(E) <- C(E)+1;  If AC#0 then C(AC)<-C(E);
		 If C(E) <= 0 then skip;

AOSE		Add One and Skip if Equal to zero.
		C(E) <- C(E)+1;  If AC#0 then C(AC)<-C(E);
		 If C(E) = 0 then skip;

AOSN		Add One and Skip if Not zero.
		C(E) <- C(E)+1;  If AC#0 then C(AC)<-C(E);
		 If C(E) # 0 then skip;

AOSGE		Add One and Skip if Greater than or Equal to zero.
		C(E) <- C(E)+1;  If AC#0 then C(AC)<-C(E);
		 If C(E) >= 0 then skip;

AOSG		Add One and Skip if Greater than zero.
		C(E) <- C(E)+1;  If AC#0 then C(AC)<-C(E);
		 If C(E) > 0 then skip;

AOSA		Add One and Skip Always
		C(E) <- C(E)+1;  If AC#0 then C(AC)<-C(E);

;This is the way, in parallel processing,
;we wait for a lock to be free and then lock it.
;If the lock is unlocked, it contains -1, so incrementing it yields zero.
	AOSE FOO	;Increment FOO's contents, skip if zero.
	 JUMPA .-1	;If they aren't zero, do it again.

The SOS (Subtract One from memory and Skip) instructions decrement a
memory location, then compare the result to zero to decide whether to
skip.  If a non-zero AC field appears then the AC selected will
be loaded (with the decremented data).

The SOS instructions are just like the AOS instrucrtions except that
they subtract one instead of adding one.

SOS		Subtract One from Storage (don't skip).
		C(E) <- C(E)-1;  If AC#0 then C(AC)<-C(E);

SOSL		Subtract One and Skip if Less than zero.
		Perform SOS instruction: 
			C(E) <- C(E)-1;  If AC#0 then C(AC)<-C(E);
		Then, if C(E) < 0 then skip;

The other SOS instructions differ from SOSL only in when they skip.

SOSLE		Subtract One and Skip if Less than or Equal to zero.
SOSE		Subtract One and Skip if Equal to zero.
SOSN		Subtract One and Skip if Not zero.
SOSGE		Subtract One and Skip if Greater than or Equal to zero.
SOSG		Subtract One and Skip if Greater than zero.
SOSA		Subtract One and Skip Always

The AOJ (Add One to AC and Jump) instructions increment the contents
of the selected accumulator.  If the result bears the indicated
relation to zero then the instruction will jump to the effective

AOJ		Add One (don't jump).
		C(AC) <- C(AC)+1;

AOJL		Add One and Jump if Less than zero.
		C(AC) <- C(AC)+1; If C(AC) < 0 then PC <- E;

The other AOJ instructions differ from AOJL only in how they decide
whether to jump.

AOJLE		Add One and Jump if Less than or Equal to zero.
AOJE		Add One and Jump if Equal to zero.
AOJN		Add One and Jump if Not zero.
AOJGE		Add One and Jump if Greater than or Equal to zero.
AOJG		Add One and Jump if Greater than zero.
AOJA		Add One and Jump Always

The SOJ (Subtract One from AC and Jump) instructions decrement the
contents of the selected accumulator.  If the result bears the
indicated relation to zero then the instruction will jump to the
effective address.

SOJ		Subtract One (don't jump).
		C(AC) <- C(AC)-1;

SOJL		Subtract One and Jump if Less than zero.
		C(AC) <- C(AC)-1; If C(AC) < 0 then PC <- E;

The other SOJ instructions differ from SOJL only in how they decide
whether to jump.

SOJLE		Subtract One and Jump if Less than or Equall to zero.
SOJE		Subtract One and Jump if Equal to zero.
SOJN		Subtract One and Jump if Not zero.
SOJGE		Subtract One and Jump if Greater than or Equal to zero.
SOJG		Subtract One and Jump if Greater than zero.
SOJA		Subtract One and Jump Always

The CAM (Compare Accumulator to Memory) class compare the contents of
the selected accumulator to the contents of the effective address.
If the indicated condition is true, the instruction will skip.  The
CAM instruction is suitable for arithmetic comparision of either
fixed point quantities or normalized floating point quantities.
Needless to say, for the comparison to be meaningful both C(AC) and
C(E) should be in the same format (i.e., either both fixed or both

CAM		no op (references memory)
CAML		If C(AC) < C(E) then skip;
CAMLE		If C(AC) <= C(E) then skip;
CAME		If C(AC) = C(E) then skip;
CAMN		If C(AC) # C(E) then skip;
CAMGE		If C(AC) >= C(E) then skip;
CAMG		If C(AC) > C(E) then skip;
CAMA		skip;

The CAI (Compare Accumulator Immediate) class compare the contents of
the selected accumulator to the value of the effective address.  If
the indicated condition is true, the instruction will skip.
An effective address is an 18 bit quantity that is always considered
to be positive.

CAI		no op
CAIL		If C(AC) < E then skip;
CAILE		If C(AC) <= E then skip;
CAIE		If C(AC) = E then skip;
CAIN		If C(AC) # E then skip;
CAIGE		If C(AC) >= E then skip;
CAIG		If C(AC) > E then skip;
CAIA		skip;

PDP-10  Node: Fixed Point, Previous: Arith Tests, Up: Top, Next: KL-Only

Fixed point arithmetic  ADD, SUB, IMUL, IDIV, MUL, DIV

In positive numbers bit 0 is zero.  Bits 1 is most significant; bit
35 is least significant.  Negative numbers are the twos complement of
postive numbers.  Results (of ADD, SUB or IMUL) outside the range
-2^|35 to 2^|35-1 will set overflow (PC bit 0).

Each arithmetic instruction has four forms, with modifier characters
(nothing), M, B and I.

The ordinary form operates on an accumulator and memory,
  putting the result in the accumulator.
The Memory form puts the result in the memory location instead.
  The accumulator is not changed.
The Both form stores the result in both the accumulator and the memory
The Immediate form uses an accumulator and the effective address,
  putting the result in the accumulator.

ADD	C(AC) <- C(AC) + C(E);
ADDI	C(AC) <- C(AC) + E;
ADDM	C(E)  <- C(AC) + C(E);
ADDB	C(AC) <- C(AC) + C(E);  C(E) <- C(AC);

SUB	C(AC) <- C(AC) - C(E);
SUBI	C(AC) <- C(AC) - E;
SUBM	C(E)  <- C(AC) - C(E);
SUBB	C(AC) <- C(AC) - C(E);  C(E) <- C(AC);

The IMUL instructions are for multiplying numbers where the product
is expected to be representable as one word.

IMUL	C(AC) <- C(AC) * C(E);
IMULI	C(AC) <- C(AC) * E;
IMULM	C(E)  <- C(AC) * C(E);
IMULB	C(AC) <- C(AC) * C(E);  C(E) <- C(AC);

The IDIV instructions are for divisions in which the dividend is a one
word quantity.  Two consecutive accumulators are used for the results;
these are AC for the quotient, and AC+1 for the remainder (Actually,
AC+1 is calculated mod 20, so if AC=17, the remainder is stored in
accumulator 0.)  If the divisor is zero set overflow and no divide;
don't change AC or memory operands.  The remainder will have the same
sign as the dividend.

IDIV	C(AC) <- C(AC) / C(E);  C(AC+1) <- remainder
IDIVI	C(AC) <- C(AC) / E;  C(AC+1) <- remainder;
IDIVM	C(E)  <- C(AC) / E;
IDIVB	C(AC) <- C(AC) / C(E);  C(AC+1) <- remainder; C(E) <- C(AC);

The MUL instructions produce a double word product.  A double word
integer has 70 bits of significance.  Bit 0 of the high order word is
the sign bit.  In data, Bit 0 of the low order word is ignored by the
hardware.  In results, bit 0 of the low word is the same as bit 0 in
the high word.  MUL will set overflow if both operands are -2^|35.

MUL	C(AC AC+1) <- C(AC) * C(E);
MULI	C(AC AC+1) <- C(AC) * E;
MULM	C(E)  <- high word of product of C(AC) * C(E);
MULB	C(AC AC+1) <- C(AC) * C(E);  C(E) <- C(AC);

The DIV instructions are for divisions in which the dividend is a two
word quantity (such as produced by MUL).  If C(AC) is greater than the
memory operand then set overflow and no divide.

DIV	C(AC) <- C(AC AC+1) / C(E); C(AC+1) <- remainder;
DIVI	C(AC) <- C(AC AC+1) / E;    C(AC+1) <- remainder;
DIVM	C(E)  <- C(AC AC+1) / E;
DIVB	C(AC) <- C(AC AC+1) / C(E); C(AC+1) <- remainder;
	  C(E) <- C(AC);

PDP-10  Node: KL-Only, Previous: Fixed Point, Up: Top, Next: Floating Point

This node describes some instructions that only KL-10's have.  This
means that the only ITS machine which has them is MC.  You should
probably not use them even if you expect to run on MC, so that your
program can be moved.

Double word Move instructions (KI10 and KL10)

There are four double word move instructions.  These are suitable for
manipulating KI10 and KL10 double precision floating point numbers,
and for KL10 double precision integers.

DMOVE	C(AC AC+1) <- C(E E+1)
DMOVEM	C(E E+1) <- C(AC AC+1)
DMOVN	C(AC AC+1) <- -C(E E+1)
DMOVNM	C(E E+1) <- -C(AC AC+1)

Note that the DMOVN and DMOVNM are NOT to be used for KA10 double
precision floating point numbers!

If a program is written that may be have to be run on a KA10, the use
of all double word instructions should be avoided.

Double Precision Integer Arithmetic (KL10 only)

There are four instructions for double precision integer arithmetic.
None of these instructions have any modifier: they all operate on
double (or quadruple) accumulators and double words in memory with
results to double (or quadruple) accumulators.

The format for a double word integer is the same as that produced by
MUL, i.e., a 70 bit integer in twos complement, with bit 0 of the
most significant word is the sign; in operands, bit 0 of the low
order word is ignored.  A quadruple word has 140 bits; bit 0 of the
most significant word is the sign; in operands, bit 0 in all other
words is ignored.  In double (and quadruple) arithmetic results bit 0
of the low order word(s) is stored with the same value as bit 0 of
the high order word. 

DADD	C(AC AC+1) <- C(AC AC+1) + C(E E+1);
DSUB	C(AC AC+1) <- C(AC AC+1) - C(E E+1);
DMUL	C(AC AC+1 AC+2 AC+3) <- C(AC AC+1) * C(E E+1);
DDIV	C(AC AC+1) <- C(AC AC+1 AC+2 AC+3) / C(E E+1);
		C(AC+2 AC+3) <- remainder;

PDP-10  Node: Floating Point, Previous: KL-Only, Up: Top, Next: Shifting

Floating Point Arithmetic

Single precision floating point numbers are represented in one 36 bit
word as follows:

 0 00000000 011111111112222222222333333
 0 12345678 901234567890123456789012345
| |       |                            |
|S| EXP   |     Fraction               |

If S is zero, the sign is positive. If S is one the sign is negative
and the word is in twos complement format.  The fraction is
interpreted as having a binary point between bits 8 and 9.  The
exponent is an exponent of 2 represented in excess 200 (octal)
notation.  In a normalized floating point number bit 9 is different
from bit 0, except in a negative number bits 0 and 9 may both be one
if bits 10:35 are all zero.  A floating point zero is represented by
a word with 36 bits of zero.  Floating point numbers can represent
numbers with magnitude within the range 0.5*2^|-128 to
(1-2^|-27)*2^|127, and zero.

A number that in which bit 0 is one and bits 9-35 are zero can
produce an incorrect result in any floating point operation.  Any
word with a zero fraction and non-zero exponent can produce extreme
loss of precision if used as an operand in a floating point addition
or subtraction.

In KI10 (and KL10) double precision floating point, a second word is
included which contains in bits 1:35 an additional 35 fraction bits.
The additional fraction bits do not significantly affect the range of
representable numbers, rather they extend the precision.

The KA10 lacks double precision floating point hardware, however
there are several instructions by which software may implement double
precision.  These instructions are DFN, UFA, FADL, FSBL, FMPL, and
FDVL.  Users of the KL10 are strongly advised to avoid using these

In the PDP-6 floating pointing is somewhat different.  Consult a wizard.

	    |AD add			  |  result to AC
F floating  |SB subtract  |R rounded      |I Immediate. result to AC
	    |MP multiply  |		  |M result to memory
	    |DV divide	  |		  |B result to memory and AC
			  |  no rounding  |  result to AC
					  |L Long mode
					  |M result to memory
					  |B result to memory and AC

		   |AD add
DF double floating |SB subtract
		   |MP multiply
		   |DV divide

Note: In immediate mode, the memory operand is <E,,0>.  In long mode
(except FDVL) the result appears in AC and AC+1.  In FDVL the AC
operand is in AC and AC+1 and the quotient is stored in AC with the
remainder in AC+1.

Other floating point instructions:

FSC (Floating SCale) will add E to the exponent of the number in AC
and normalize the result.  One use of FSC is to convert an integer in
AC to floating point (but FLTR, available in the KI and KL is better)
To use FSC to float an integer, set E to 233 (excess 200 and shift
the binary point 27 bits).  The integer being floated must not have
more than 27 significant bits.  FSC will set AROV and FOV if the
resulting exponent exceeds 127.  FXU (and AROV and FOV) will be set
if the exponent becomes smaller than -128.

DFN (Double Floating Negate) is used only to negate KA10 software
format double precision floating point numbers.  DFN treats AC and E
as a KA10 double floating point number which it negates and stores
back. AC is the high order word.  Usually the low order word is in
AC+1, so the instruction most often appears as DFN AC,AC+1.

UFA (Unnormalized Floating Add) is used in KA10 to assist in software
format double precision arithmetic.  UFA will add C(AC) to C(E) and
place the result in AC+1.  The result of UFA will not be postnormalized
unless in original operands the exponents and signs were the same and
a fraction with magnitude greater than or equal to 1 was produced.  Only
in this case will a one step normalization (right shift) occur.
UFA will overflow in the same circumstances as FAD.  Underflow is not

FIX will convert a floating point number to an integer.  If the
exponent of the floating point number in C(E) is greater than
(decimal) 35 (which is octal 243) then this instruction will set AROV
and not affect C(AC).  Otherwise, convert C(E) to fixed point by the
following procedure: Move C(E) to AC, copying bit 0 of C(E) to bits
1:8 of AC (sign extend).  Then ASH AC by X-27 bits (where X is the
exonent from bits 1:9 of C(E) less 200 octal).
FIX will truncate towards zero, i.e., 1.9 is fixed to 1
and -1.9 is fixed to -1.

FIXR (Fix and round) will convert a floating point number to an
integer by rounding.  If the exponent of the floating point number in
C(E) is greater than (decimal) 35 (which is octal 243) then this
instruction will set AROV and not affect C(AC).  Otherwise, convert
C(E) to fixed point by the following procedure: Move C(E) to AC,
copying bit 0 of C(E) to bits 1:8 of AC (sign extend).  Then ASH AC
by X-27 bits (where X is the exponent from bits 1:9 of C(E) less 200
octal).  If X-27 is negative (i.e., right shift) then the rounding
process will consider the bits shifted off the right end of AC.  If
AC is positive and the discarded bits are >=1/2 then 1 is added to AC.
If AC is negative and the discarded bits are >1/2 then 1 is added to
AC.  Rounding is always in the positive direction: 1.4 becomes 1, 1.5
becomes 2, -1.5 becomes -1, and -1.6 becomes -2.

FLTR (FLoaT and Round) will convert C(E), an integer, to floating
point and place the result in AC.  The data from C(E) is copied to AC
where its is arithmetic shifted right 8 places (keeping the bits that
fall off the end) and the exponent 243 is inserted in bits 1:8.  The
resulting number is normalized until bit 9 is significant
(normalization may result in some or all of the bits that were right
shifted being brought back into AC).  Finally, if any of the bits
that were right shifted still remain outside the AC the result is
rounded by looking at the bit to the right of the AC.

PDP-10  Node: Shifting, Previous: Floating Point, Up: Top, Next: Byte

Shift instructions

The following instructions shift or rotate the AC or the double word
formed by AC and AC+1.

Shift instructions are all immediate instructions.  The effective
address is not used as the ddress of a memory operand.  Instead, it is
used as the number of places to shift.  A positive number means a left
shift; a negative number (bit 18 = 1) means a right shift.

Aside from the sign bit of the effective address, only the lowest
eight bits are used.  The other nine bits are ignored.

LSH	Logical Shift.  C(AC) is shifted as specified by E.  Zero
	bits are shifted into the AC.

LSHC	Logical Shift Combined.  C(AC AC+1) is shifted as a 72 bit
	quantity.  Zero bits are shifted in.

ASH	Arithmetic Shift.  Bit 0 is not changed.  In a left
	shift zero bits are shifted into the right end of AC.
	In a left shift, if any bit of significance is shifted
	out of bit 1, AROV (overflow) is set.  In a right shift,
	bit 0 is shifted into bit 1.

ASHC	Arithmetic Shift Combined.  AC bit 0 is not changed.  If
	E is non zero, AC bit 0 is copied to AC+1 bit 0.
	C(AC AC+1) is shifted as a 70 bit quantity.  In a left
	shift zero bits are shifted into the right end of AC+1.
	In a left shift, if any bit of significance is shifted
	out of AC bit 1 then AROV is set.  In a right shift AC
	bit 0 is shifted into AC bit 1.

ROT	Rotate.  The 36 bit C(AC) is rotated.  In a left rotate bits
	shifted out of bit 0 are shifted into bit 35.  In a right 
	rotate, bit 35 is shifted into bit 0.

ROTC	Rotate Combined.  AC and AC+1 are rotated as a 72 bit
	quantity.  In a left rotate AC bit 0 shifts into AC+1
	bit 35 and AC+1 bit 0 shifts into AC bit 35.  In a right
	rotate, AC+1 bit 35 shifts into AC bit 0, etc.

JFFO	Jump if Find First One.  This is not actually a shift
	instruction, but it is a related sort of thing.  It counts the
	number of leading zeros in the contents of AC, and stores this
	number in AC+1.  (If AC contains zero, the number stored in
	AC+1 is zero, not 36).  The instruction also jumps to its
	effective address if C(AC) # 0 (in other words, if it
	succeeded in finding the first one bit).


;Suppose that each bit in accumlator 1 is a flag
;telling us that some sort of processing needs to be done.
;We would like to find out which flags are set
;and, for each one, do the processing.  But we don't want to
;waste a lot of time checking flags which are not set.

	...			;Here all flags are zero.

TABLE:	FOO			;FOO handles flag bit 0
	BAR			;BAR handles flag bit 1.
	...			;Other addresses for the remaining

FOO:	...			;Do the work.
	TLZ 1,400000		;Clear flag bit 0
	JRST LOOP		;Find the next flag which is set.

PDP-10  Node: Byte,  Previous: Shifting,  Up: Top,  Next: Logical Tests

Byte instructions

In the PDP-10 a "byte" is some number of contiguous bits within one
word.  A byte pointer is a quantity (which occupies a whole word)
which describes the location of a byte.  There are three parts to the
description of a byte: the word (i.e., address) in which the byte
occurs, the position of the byte within the word, and the length of
the byte.

A byte pointer has the following format:

 000000 000011 1 1 1111 112222222222333333
 012345 678901 2 3 4567 890123456789012345
|      |      | | |    |                  |
| POS  | SIZE |U|I| X  |        Y         |

POS is the byte position: the number of bits from the right end of
the byte to the right end of the word.

SIZE is the byte size in bits.

The U field is ignored by the byte instructions.

The I, X and Y fields are used, just as in an instruction, to compute
an effective address which specifies the location of the word
containing the byte.

Here are the byte instructions.

LDB - Load byte.  The contents of the effective address of the LDB
instruction is interpreted as a byte pointer.  The byte described
there is loaded, right adjusted, into the AC.  The rest of the AC is

DPB - Deposit byte.  The contents of the effective address of the DPB
instruction is interpreted as a byte pointer.  The byte described
there is deposited from the byte of the same size at the right end of
the AC.  AC and the remainder of the word into which the byte is
deposited are left unchanged.

IBP - Increment byte pointer.  The purpose of this instruction is to
advance a byte pointer to point at the next consecutive byte.  The AC
field must be zero.  The contents of the effective address are
fetched.  The POS field is changed by subtracting the size field from
it.  If the result of the subtraction is greater than or equal to
zero, store the difference in the POS field.  If the difference is
negative, add 1 to the Y field (in the KA10 and PDP-6 if Y contains
777777 then this will carry into the X field; in the KI10 and KL10 the
carry out is suppressed) and set POS field to 44-SIZE (44 is octal).
The effect of this is to modify the byte pointer to address the next
byte (of the same size) that follows the byte addressed by the
original pointer.

ILDB - Increment and Load Byte.  Increment the byte pointer contained
at the effective address.  Then perform a LDB function using
the updated byte pointer.

IDPB - Increment and Deposit Byte.  Increment the byte pointer contained
at the effective address.  Then perform a DPB function using
the updated byte pointer.

Text strings are typically stored using seven-bit bytes, five per
word.  ILDB and IDPB can then be used to step through a string.  The
byte pointer should be initialized to 440700,,<address of string>.
Then the first ILDB will increment it to point at the first character
of the string.

PDP-10  Node: Logical Tests,  Previous: Byte,  Up: Top,  Next: Boolean

Logical Testing and Modification.

The Test instructions are for testing and modifying bits in an
accumulator.  There are 64 test instructions.  Each one's name is
T followed by three modifiers.

		 |R right half immediate  
Test accumulator |L left half immediate	  
		 |D direct mask		  
		 |S swapped mask	  

			|N no modification
			|Z zero selected bits
			|O set selected bits to One
			|C complement selected bits

				|  never skip
				|N skip unless all selected bits are zero
				|E skip if all selected bits are zero
				|A skip always

The test operation considers two 36 bit quantities.  One of these is
the contents of the selected AC.  The other quantity, called the
mask, depends on the first modifier letter.  For R the mask is
<0,,E>; for L it is <E,,0>.  For D the mask is C(E), and for S the
mask is CS(E), the swapped contents of E.

If the skip condition N is specified, then the test instruction will
skip if the AND of the mask and the AC operand is Not equal to zero.

If the skip condition E is specified, then the test instruction will
skip if the AND of the mask and the AC operand is Equal to zero.

If the modification code Z appears then bits that are one in mask are
made zero in the AC.

If the modification code O appears then bits that are one in mask are
made one in the AC.

If the modification code C appears then bits that are one in mask are
complemented in the AC.

Note that the skip condition is determined on the basis of the
contents of the AC before it is modified.

The principle use for the Test instructions is in testing and
modifying single bit flags that are kept in an accumulator.


	TRON 5,FOOFLG	;Where FOOGLF has the value 200

This turns on the 200 bit in the right half of accumulator 5,
and skips if the bit was already on.

PDP-10  Node: Boolean, Previous: Logical Tests, Up: Top, Next: PC Format

Boolean Logic

There are 16 possible boolean functions of 2 variables.  The PDP-10
has 16 instruction classes (each with 4 modifiers) that perform these
operations.  Each boolean function operates on the 36 bits of AC and
memory as individual bits.

C(AC)	0	0	1	1
C(E)	0	1	0	1

SETZ	0	0	0	0	SET to Zero
AND	0	0	0	1	AND
ANDCM	0	0	1	0	AND with Complement of Memory
SETA	0	0	1	1	SET to AC
ANDCA	0	1	0	0	AND with Complement of AC
SETM	0	1	0	1	SET to Memory
XOR	0	1	1	0	eXclusive OR
IOR	0	1	1	1	Inclusive OR
ANDCB	1	0	0	0	AND with Complements of Both
EQV	1	0	0	1	EQuiValence
SETCM	1	0	1	0	SET to Complement of Memory
ORCA	1	0	1	1	OR with Complement of Memory
SETCA	1	1	0	0	SET to Complement of AC
ORCA	1	1	0	1	OR with Complement of AC
ORCB	1	1	1	0	OR with Complements of Both
SETO	1	1	1	1	SET to One

Each of the 16 instructions above have four modifiers that specify
where to store the result.  No modifier means result to AC.  Modifier
I means Immediate: the memory data is <0,,E> and the result goes to
AC.  M as a modifier means result should be stored in memory.  B
means store the results in both memory and AC.

PDP-10  Node: PC Format,  Previous: Boolean,  Up: Top,  Next: Jumps

PC format.

A subroutine call instruction is one which changes the PC (jumps) but
stores the old value of the PC so that the subroutine can "return"
(jump back) when it is done.  There are several subroutine call
instructions on the PDP-10, but they all store the PC in the same

 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 11111 112222222222333333
 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 34567 890123456789012345
|A|C|C|F|F|U|I|P|A|T|T|F|D|     |                  |
|R|R|R|O|P|S|O|U|F|R|R|X|C|00000|       PC         |
|O|Y|Y|V|D|E|T|B|I|A|A|U|K|     |                  |
|V|0|1| | |R| |L| |P|P| | |     |                  |
| | | | | | | | | |2|1| | |     |                  |

The right half is the PC proper -- the address of the next instruction
to be executed (the one which follows the subroutine call
instruction).  The other individual bits are the status flags.  They
are stored in case the subroutine wants to restore them when it

AROV, ARithmetic OVerflow, is set by any of the following:
	A single instruction has set one of CRY0 or CRY1 without
		setting them both.
	An ASH or ASHC has left shifted a significant bit out of
		AC bit 1.
	A MULx instruction has multiplied -2^|35 by itself.
	A DMUL instruction has multiplied -2^|70 by itself.
	An IMULx instruction has produced a product less than
		-2^|35 or greater than 2^|35-1.
	A FIX or FIXR has fetched an operand with exponent
		greater than 35.
	FOV (Floating Overflow) has been set.
	DCK (Divide ChecK) has been set.

CRY0, short for Carry 0, means that there was a carry out of bit 0 in
an addition.  Note that a carry out of bit 0, with no accompanying
carry out of bit 1 (into bit 0), causes AROV to be set.
The precise conditions which can set CRY0 and not CRY1 are:
	An ADDx has added two negative numbers with sum less
		than -2^|35.
	A SUBx has subtracted a positive number from a negative
		number and produced a result less than -2^|35.
	A SOSx or SOJx has decremented -2^|35.

CRY1, short for Carry 1, means that there was a carry out of bit 1 in
an addition.  Note that a carry out of bit 1, with no accompanying
carry out of bit 0, causes AROV to be set.
The precise conditions which can set CRY1 and not CRY0 are:
	An ADDx has added two positive number with a sum greater
		than 2^|35-1.
	A SUBx has subtracted a negative number from a positive
		number to form a difference greater than 2^|35-1.
	An AOSx or AOJx instruction has incremented 2^|35-1.
	A MOVNx or MOVMx has negated -2^|35.
	A DMOVNx has negated -2^|70

In addition, the following non-overflow conditions set both CRY0 and
	In ADDx both summands were negative, or their signs differed
		and the postive one was greater than or equal to the
		magnitude of the negative summand.
	In SUBx the sign of both operands was the same and the AC
		operand was greater than or equal to the memory
		operand, or the AC operand was negative and the
		memory operand was postive.
	An AOJx or AOSx has incremented -1.
	A SOJx or SOS has decremented a non zero number other
		than -2^|35.
	A MOVNx has negated zero.

FOV, Floating point OVerflow, is set by any of:
	In a floating point instruction other than FLTR, DMOVNx,
		or DFN the exponent of the result exceeds 127.
	FXU (Floating eXponent Underflow) has been set.
	DCK (Divide ChecK) has been set by FDVx, FDVRx, or DFDV.

FPD, First Part Done, is set when the processor responds to a
priority interrupt, after having completed the first part of a two
part instruction (e.g., ILDB).  This flag is not usually of interest
to the programmer.

USER is set while the processor is in user mode.  In user mode,
various instruction and addressing restrictions are in effect.

IOT, User IN-Out mode, (also called IOT User), is a special mode in
which some of the user mode instruction (but not addressing)
restrictions are removed.  In this mode a user program may perform
the hardware I/O instructions.

[PUBL, Public mode, signifies that the processor is in user public
mode or in exec supervisor mode.  This bit exists only on standard
KL-10 systems;  it is not on ANY ITS system.]

AFI, Address Failure Inhibit, if this flag is set, address break is
inhibited for during the execution of the next instruction [KI10,
KL10 only].

TRAP2 - if bit 10 is not also set, pushdown overflow has occurred.
If traps are enabled, setting this flag immediately causes a trap.
At present no hardware condition sets both TRAP1 and TRAP2
simultaneously.  [KI10 KL10 only]

TRAP1 - if bit 9 is not also set, arithemetic overflow has occurred.
If traps are enabled, setting this flag immediately causes a trap.
At present no hardware condition sets both TRAP1 and TRAP2
simultaneously.  [KI10 KL10 only]

FXU, Floating eXponent Underflow, is set to signify that in a
floating instruction other than DMOVNx, FLTR, or DFN, the exponent of
the result was less than -128 and AROV and FOV have been set.

DCK, Divide ChecK, signifies that one of the following conditions has
set AROV:
	In a DIVx the high order word of the dividend was greater than
		or equal to the divisor.
	In an IDIVx the divisor was zero.
	In an FDVx, FDVRx, or DFDV, the divisor was zero, or the
		magnitude of the dividend fraction was greater than
		or equal to twice the magnitude of the divisor fraction.
		In either case, FOV is also set.

Bits 13 through 17 of the PC word are always zero to facilitate the
use of indirect addressing to return from a subroutine.

Bits 18 through 35 store an address that is one greater than the
address of the instruction that stores the PC.  Thus, the PC word
points at the instruction immediately following the subroutine call.

PDP-10  Node: Jumps,  Previous: PC Format,  Up: Top,  Next:  Obsolete

Recommended jump instructions:   PUSHJ, POPJ, JRST, JFCL, XCT.

PUSHJ	C(AC)<-C(AC)+<1,,1>;  C(CR(AC))<-<flags,,PC>; PC<-E;

PUSHJ (PUSH return address and Jump) is like PUSH except the data
that is pushed onto the top of the stack is the PC and flags word.
The PC that is stored is the PC of the instruction that follows the
PUSHJ.  Then the PC is set to the effective address of the
instruction.  Pushdown overflow results if the AC becomes positive
when it is incremented.


POPJ	PC<-CR(CR(AC)); C(AC)<-C(AC)-<1,,1>

POPJ (POP return address and Jump) undoes PUSHJ.  The right half of
the word at the top of the stack is loaded into the PC (the flags are
unchanged).  Then the stack pointer is decremented as in POP.  The
effective address of POPJ is ignored.  Pushdown overflow obtains if
the AC becomes negative as a result of the subtraction.

Programming hints:

If a subroutine called by PUSHJ AC, wants to skip over the
instruction following the PUSHJ, the following sequence accomplishes
that result:
	AOS (AC)		;AC better be non zero.

If you must restore the flags that PUSHJ saved, the following
sequence should be used instead of POPJ:
	POP AC,(AC)		;Adjust the stack
	JRST 2,@1(AC)		;Restore flags and PC from old stack top.
However, this sequence has a timing error in that the word is released
from the stack while its contents are still needed.  This can cause a
bug if you have any interrupt processing in your program.


JRST, Jump and ReSTore, is an unconditional jump instruction.  In
JRST, the AC field does not address an accumulator.  Instead, the AC
is decoded to signify various things.

JRST 2,		PC<-E; flags are restored (see text);
JRST 10,	PC<-E; Dismiss current priority interrupt;
JRST 12,	PC<-E; restore flags and dismiss priority interrupt;

If the AC field is zero, only a jump occurs.  JRST is everyone's
favorite unconditional jump instruction (the only other one is JUMPA
which is more typing, also, on the KA-10 JUMPA is slower than

JRST 2, (i.e., JRST with AC field set to 2) signifies jump and
restore flags.  (The assembler also recognizes the mnemonic JRSTF for
JRST 2,).  If indirection is used in JRSTF, then the flags are
restored from the last word fetched in the address calculation.  If
indexing is used with no indirection, the flags are restored from the
left half of the specified index register.  If neither indexing nor
indirection is used in the address calculation the flags are restored
from the left half of the JRSTF itself!  In a user mode program JRSTF
cannot clear USER nor can it set IOT User (it can however, clear IOT

The following are all illegal in user mode and are trapped as UUOs.

JRST 4, (alternate mnemonic HALT) sets the PC from E and stops the

JRST 10, is used to dismiss the current priority interrupt.  Usually
JRST 12, is used for this purpose since JRST 10, fails to retore

JRST 12, (an alternate mnemonic is JEN, jump and enable priority
interrupts) combines the functions of JRST 10, and JRST 2,.


The JFCL (Jump on Flag and CLear) instruction is another case in
which the AC field is decoded to modify the instruction.  The AC
field selects the four flags in PC bits 0 through 3.  PC bits 0 to 3
correspond to bits 9 to 12 in the JFCL instruction.  JFCL will jump
if any flag selected by the AC field is a 1.  All flags selected by
the AC field are set to zero.

JFCL 0, since it selects no PC bits, is a no-op.

JFCL 17, will clear all flags, and will jump if any of AROV, CRY0,
CRY1, or FOV are set.

JFCL 1, (JFOV) jumps if FOV is set and clears FOV.

JFCL 10, (JOV) jumps if AROV is set and clears AROV.


XCT, the execute instruction, fetches the word addressed by the
effective address and executes that word as an instruction.  In the
case of XCTing an instruction that stores a PC, the PC that is stored
is the address of the instruction that follows the XCT.  If the
executed instruction skips, then that skip is relative to the XCT.
The AC field of the XCT should be zero.  [In exec mode a non zero AC
field in an XCT is significant.]

PDP-10  Node: Obsolete,  Previous: Jumps,  Up: Top,  Next: Program

Obsolete and not-recommended jump instructions:  JSR, JSP, JSA and JRA

The JSR and JSP instructions are two non-stack subroutine calls which
are typical of most non-stack machines.  JSP stores the old PC in an
accumulator, and JSR stores it in a word at the beginning of the
subroutine.  JSP is useful once in a while, such as, for a subroutine
whose job is to push or pop several words on the stack.  JSR is useful
only for UUO-handlers.  *Note JSR: UUO Handlers.  PUSHJ and POPJ
should be used for all ordinary subroutines.

JSA and JRA are a peculiar subroutine call and matching return which
were invented for PDP-6 Fortran.  In most programs they are not used
at all.

JSR	C(E)<-<flags,,PC>; PC<-E+1;

JSR, Jump to SubRoutine, stores the PC in the word addressed by the
effective address and jumps to the word following the word where the
PC is stored.  This is the only PDP-10 instruction that stores the PC
and flags without modifying any ACs; however, it is non-reentrant, so
PUSHJ is favored in most cases.  The usual return from a subroutine
called by a JSR is via JRST (or JRST 2,) indirect through the PC
word.  (See JRST)


JSP	C(AC)<-<flags,,PC>; PC<-E;

JSP, Jump and Save PC, stores the PC and flags in the selected
accumulator and jumps.


JSA	C(E)<-C(AC); C(AC)<-<E,,PC>; PC<-E+1;

JSA, Jump and Save AC, stores the AC in word addressed by the
effective address.  Then the left half of the AC is set to the
effective address and the right half of AC is set to the return PC.
Then the PC is set to one greater than the effective address.  The
JRA instruction unwinds this call.  The advantage of this call is
that a routine may have multiple entry points (which is difficult to
do with JSR) and it's easy to find (and later to skip over) arguments
that follow the calling instruction (which is possible to do with
PUSHJ, but not quite so convenient).  Among the disadvantages of this
call is that it is non reentrant, and it doesn't save flags.


JRA	C(AC)<-C(CL(AC)); PC<-E;

JRA, Jump and Restore AC, is the return from JSA.  If, e.g., a
subrountine is called with JSA AC, then the return is made by:

PDP-10  Node: Program, Previous: Obsolete, Up: Top, Next: TTY Output

A Trivial Complete MIDAS Program.

This program stores, in each word of TABLE, the index of that word.
Thus, the 0th word gets 0, the next gets 1, etc.


A=1				;Define a name for an accumulator.

START:	MOVSI A,-100		;initialize loop counter.
				;A contains -100,,0
LOOP:	HRRZM A,TABLE(A)	;Use right half of A to index.
	AOBJN A,LOOP		;Add 1 to both halves (-77,,1 -76,,2 etc.)
				;Jump if still negative.
	.VALUE			;Halt program.

TABLE:	BLOCK 100		;Assemble space to fill up.

END START			;End the assembly.


*) TITLE: Every MIDAS program should begin with a TITLE statement
which contains the program's name.

*) A: It is best to give names to the accumulators you use.
Single character names are good except for an AC which is used
generally for the same thing throughout the program.  Define a
symbolic name for an AC with the assembler operator =.

*) Comments: Everything after a semicolon is a comment, until the end
of the line.  Actually, this is only true if the semicolon is not
inside of a text string of some sort.

*) START: This is a label, which marks a location in the program.  The
label START is used to name the instruction at which the program
should start running.  The name START itself is nothing special.
MIDAS knows to use the value of START as the starting address because
START is the operand of the END statement.

*) .VALUE: This is a system call instruction.  It halts the program,
and makes DDT print out the program counter.  All system calls have
names starting with a period.

*) BLOCK: The BLOCK n statement reserves n words of storage, which are
not initialized.

*) END: The end statement tells MIDAS that the assembly input is
finished, and its argument says what address to start the program at.
In this case the argument is the value of the label START.

PDP-10  Node: TTY Output, Previous: Program, Up: Top, Next: Reverse

Print the string FOO on the terminal.

A=1				;Symbolic AC names are defined

CHTTYO==1			;Channel for output
				;== means don't use this symbol
				;for symbolic typeout in DDT.

START:				;Open TTY channel.
	.IOT CHTTYO,["F]	;Print F.
	.IOT CHTTYO,["O]	;Print O.
	.IOT CHTTYO,["O]	;Print O.
	.VALUE			;Halt program.

END START			;Tell MIDAS this is the end of the text
				;and specify the address to start execution.


*) CHTTYO: All I/O is done by means of I/O channels, of which
there are sixteen, numbered 0 through 17.  It is best to make symbolic
names for the channels you use and start them all with CH.  Define
these names with the MIDAS operator ==, which is like = except that
symbols defined with == are not used for symbolic typeout by the DDT
debugger.  We call this "half killing".  In this example, CHTTYO and A
both have the value 1, but CHTTYO is half killed, so 1 will always be
output symbolically as A.  This is the desired result, because
references to address or AC 1 are more likely to mean A than CHTTYO.

*) .CALL: This is an ITS symbolic system call.  Its format is, in

	.CALL [SETZ ? SIXBIT/callname/ ? arguments ((SETZ))]

(Note that the value of SETZ is a word with just the sign bit set).
The [ ... ] construct is a literal, and "?" is equivalent to a line
separator.  Thus, the .CALL instruction is assembled with an address
field that points at a block of words containing a SETZ, a
SIXBIT/OPEN/, and finally the arguments.  ((SETZ)) is a magic
assembler incantation which sets the sign bit of the last argument

The arguments are simply addresses of words containing data for the
system call.  There are other kinds of arguments, but we won't get
into that.  See .INFO.;.CALLS > for more information on symbolic
system calls.

A symbolic system call skips if it is successful.

*) OPEN: This is the name of the symbolic system call used in the
example.  The OPEN call is used to open an I/O channel so it can be
used for I/O.  It requires two arguments: the first one containing the
channel number and the I/O mode, and the second one containing the
device name in SIXBIT.  In this example, the channel is CHTTYO, the
mode is .UAO (unit ascii output), and the device name is TTY, for the

Most OPENs will also specify two filenames and a directory name as
additional arguments, but for device TTY they are not necessary.

*) .LOSE %LSFIL: This is a system call which prints an error message
and halts.  It is designed to be used as the instruction following an
OPEN or other symbolic system call which deals with an I/O channel.
Sophisticated programs can recover from failing system calls, and
sometimes the failure should simply be ignored, but often it is
easiest just to use .LOSE %LSFIL.  This instruction is indented
because it can be skipped over.

*) .IOT: This is the system call for doing actual I/O.  It is an
instruction whose AC field should be the I/O channel and whose address
points to a word containing a character to be output.  "F in MIDAS
represents the code for the character F.

PDP-10  Node: Reverse, Previous: TTY Output, Up: Top, Next: Even-Odd

The following program accepts a line of input (terminated by Carriage
Return) from the terminal and outputs that line with the characters

A=1				;Symbolic AC names are defined

CHTTYO==1			;Channel for output
CHTTYI==2			;Channel for input

PDLLEN==100			;Length of push down stack
PDL:	BLOCK	PDLLEN		;Storage for push down stack

BEG:	MOVE P,[-PDLLEN,,PDL-1]	;Initialize stack pointer.
				;Open TTY channels.
LOOP:	.IOT CHTTYO,["*]	;Prompt for input.
	PUSHJ P,REVERS		;do the work, once.
	.IOT CHTTYO,[^M]	;Output CRLF to go to new line.
	JRST LOOP		;Jump back to repeat.

REVERS:	.IOT CHTTYI,A		;Read a character.
	CAIN A,^M		;If it is a Carriage Return, the line is ended,
	 POPJ P,		 ;so return.
	PUSH P,A		;Else save this character on the stack,
	PUSHJ P,REVERS		;call REVERS recursively,
	POP P,A			;get our character back
	.IOT CHTTYO,A		;and print it.
	POPJ P,			;Return.



*) OPEN: Two tty channels are used, one for input and one for output.
The input channel is opened in mode .UAI (unit ascii input) and the
output channel in mode .UAO (unit ascii output).  The mode is how the
system knows whether to make an input channel or an output channel.

*) .IOT: It works on input channels as well as on output channels.
On an input channel, it stores the input character (or word) in the
addressed memory location.  The ITS system does not do any sort of
input editing or "rubout processing".  There is a library for that:

*) To output "go to a new line", output a ^M followed by a ^J.  ^M is
the MIDAS syntax for the code for Control-M, which is Carriage Return.
When the user types Carriage Return, which echoes as going to a new
line, it is read by the program as only one character, a ^M.

*) The subroutine REVERS is recursive.  The first call to REVERS reads
the first character, calls REVERS (to read the rest of the line and
print it in reverse), and lastly prints the first character.  Over the
recursive call to REVERS, the first character is saved on the stack.

*) P is the conventional name for the AC used as the stack pointer.
The MOVE instruction is there to set it up with a pointer to the
allocated area.  Initializing a stack is one of the first things any
real program should do.

From then on, calling is done with PUSHJ and returning with POPJ.
PUSH is used to save data on the stack, and POP to get it back.

*) The POPJ P, which is skipped over by the CAIN is indented one extra
column.  If there is a sequence of skipping instructions, each
instruction is indented one more than the previous one.

It is reasonable to omit the address field of an instruction if it is
unused (as it is in a POPJ).  An omitted field assembles as zero, but
you should never omit a field which is supposed to contain a zero
which actually stands for something.  For example, instructions which
refer to AC zero should always have a zero (or better, a symbolic
name) where the AC is referred to.

PDP-10  Node: Even-Odd, Previous: Reverse, Up: Top, Next: Even-Odd-Vowels

Separate Even-Numbered and Odd-Numbered Characters.  Rubout Processing.

The following program accepts a line of input (terminated by carriage return)
from the terminal and outputs the even (i.e., every second) letters followed
by the odd letters.  Also, we exhibit a subroutine for reading a line from the
terminal with rubout processing.

A=1				;Symbolic AC names are defined.

CHTTYO==1			;Channel for output
CHTTYI==2			;Channel for input

PDLLEN==100			;Length of push down stack
PDL:	BLOCK PDLLEN		;Storage for push down stack

BUF:	BLOCK 30		;Storage for 79 characters at 5 per word.

				;Open TTY channels.
L:	PUSHJ P,GETLIN		;Read in an entire line.
	MOVE C,[440700,,LINBUF]	;Initialize byte pointer to fetch from the line.
	MOVE B,[440700,,BUF]	;Initialize byte pointer to store into BUF.
;Get odd-numbered character.
L1:	ILDB A,C		;Get next odd-numbered char of the line.
	JUMPE A,L2		;Zero byte => end of line.
	IDPB A,B		;Store char in BUF.  Advance pointer first.
;Get even-numbered character.
	ILDB A,C		;Get next even-numbered char of the line.
	JUMPE A,L2		;Zero byte => end of line.
	.IOT CHTTYO,A		;Output this character right away.
	JRST L1			;Keep going till we get a terminator.

L2:	MOVEI A,0		;Store a terminating character (code zero)
	IDPB A,B		;at the end of the string in BUF.
				;Now it is an ASCIZ string.
	PUSHJ P,OUTSTR		;Call OUTSTR to output ASCIZ string
				;starting at address in A.

;Subroutine to read in a line and store it in LINBUF,
;checking to avoid running past the end of LINBUF.
;Discards the line terminator and leaves a null (zero) character
;in the buffer at the end of the string.
;Rubout cancels one character.
;Clobbers A and B.
GETLIN:	.IOT CHTTYO,["*]	;Prompt for input.
	MOVE B,[440700,,LINBUF]
GETLI1:	.IOT CHTTYI,A		;Read the character
	CAIN A,177		;Rubout means cancel one character.
	CAIN A,^M		;Carriage Return ends the line.
	CAME B,[100700,,LINBFE-1]	;Don't store if buffer almost full.
					;(Leaves room for one more char:
					; the zero at the end)
	 IDPB A,B		;Any other character is stored in the buffer.

;Come here after reading the carriage return.
GETLCR:	SETZ A,			;Store a zero to mark end of string - and make it ASCIZ.

;Come here after reading a rubout.
GETLRB:	CAMN B,[440700,,LINBUF]	;Is there anything to rub out?
	LDB A,B			;Yes => get back the char we are cancelling
	.IOT CHTTYO,A		;and print it out so user can see it.
	ADD B,[070000,,]	;To discard char, decrement the byte pointer.
				;First increase position by one byte (7).
	SKIPGE B		;If byte pointer negative, position is 44,
	 SUB B,[430000,,1]	;so change it to position 01 in previous word.

;Come here after reading a rubout with nothing to rub out.
	PUSHJ P,OUTSTR		;Just output a blank line.
	JRST GETLIN		;Prompt again.

;Subroutine to output the ASCIZ string which starts
;in the word whose address is inA.  Clobbers A.
OUTSTR:	HRLI A,440700		;Make A into a byte pointer to fetch string.
OUTST1:	ILDB B,A		;Fetch next character of string into B.
	JUMPE B,CPOPJ		;If it is the terminator, return.
	.IOT CHTTYO,B		;Else output it
	JRST OUTST1		;and loop back.

CPOPJ:	POPJ P,			;Return.



*) "LINBFE::" defines the label LINBFE and half kills it.  This is because
LINBFE and START are actually the same location; we would prefer to
have DDT print out START, so we tell it not to print out LINBFE.

*) 440700: The correct left half for a byte pointer for 7-bit bytes
which points to the nonexistent character to the left of a word.  The
first increment will make it point to the first actual character in
the word.  This is the right way to start off the pointer because the
ILDB and IDPB instructions increment first.

*) Decrementing a byte pointer: This is done in GETLRB.  It is the
inverse of incrementing the byte pointer, as done by IBP, ILDB and IDPB.
The particular three-instruction sequence used above assumes that the
byte size is 7.  It is not hard to adapt it to other byte sizes, but sizes
other than 7 are infrequent.

*) GETLIN: This subroutine does "rubout processing".  It gives the
user the ability to type in a line and make corrections within it.
This is a very simple rubout processor; the only editing character
it provides is Rubout, and it does not handle display terminals.
SYSENG;RUBOUT > is a rubout processor that you can use in practice.

*) OUTSTR: A subroutine to print out an ASCIZ (ASCII, terminated by
a Zero) string.  Most programs contain this subroutine under some name
or other.

*) CPOPJ: Note that it is possible to conditionaly jump to a POPJ
instruction to do a conditional return from a subroutine.  Every
subroutine in the program can use the same POPJ instruction for this,
and the traditional name for it is CPOPJ.  You can assume when you see
the label CPOPJ used that it is the address of a POPJ P, instruction.

PDP-10  Node: Even-Odd-Vowels, Previous: Even-Odd, Up: Top, Next: Even-Odd-Vowels 2

Separate Even Characters, Odd Vowels, and Odd Consonants.

The following program accepts a line of input (terminated by carriage
return) from the terminal and outputs the even (i.e., every second)
letters followed by those odd letters that are not vowels, followed by
those odd letters that are vowels.

In the program of example 4, take the code

L2:	MOVEI A,0		;Store a terminating character (code zero)
	IDPB A,B		;at the end of the string in BUF.
				;Now it is an ASCIZ string.
	PUSHJ P,OUTSTR		;Call OUTSTR to output ASCIZ string
				;starting at address in A.

and replace it with

L2:	MOVEI A,0		;Deposit code zero to terminate string
	IDPB A,B		;of odd letters (i.e., make it ASCIZ).
	MOVE B,[440700,,BUF]	;Take pointer for odd letters
	MOVE C,B		;Put pointer for vowels
L3:	ILDB A,B		;Get one odd letter.
	JUMPE A,L4		;Stop scanning when we reach the zero.
	PUSHJ P,ISVOW		;Is this a vowel?
	 JRST L3A		;No.
	IDPB A,C		;Yes.  Store for later.

L3A:	.IOT CHTTYO,A		;Not a vowel, so output now.

L4:	IDPB A,C		;Store code zero to end string of vowels.
	PUSHJ P,OUTSTR		;Output that string.

;Subroutine to skip if the character in A is a vowel.
ISVOW:	CAIE A,"A		;If character is upper case A
	 CAIN A,"a		;or if it is lower case A,
	  JRST POPJ1		;jump to a skip return.
	CAIE A,"E		;Same for E, etc.
	 CAIN A,"e
	 CAIN A,"i
	 CAIN A,"o
	 CAIN A,"u
	 CAIN A,"y
	POPJ P,			;Not a vowel, so return with no skip.

;Standard address of single skip return.


*) Skip return: A subroutine is said to skip return when it skips
the instruction which follows the call.  The subroutine call instruction
therefore acts as a conditional skip instruction.  Subroutines called
with a PUSHJ skip return by incrementing the return address where
it lives on the stack.  Subroutines called in other ways implement
skip returning in other ways.

*) POPJ1: This is the standard name for a place to jump to for a skip
return.  Since the procedure for a skip return is independent of the
address of the subroutine, every subroutine can use the same POPJ1.
If you see the label POPJ1 used, you can assume it is a skip return of
the sort shown above.

*) Consecutive skip instructions appear in ISVOW.  When this happens,
each instruction that can be skipped is indented one more than the
previous one.

If, on the other hand, you had a subroutine that could skip twice, and
followed it by two non-skipping instructions, each of those
instructions would be indented only once.

*) Re-using the string: as we scan the string of odd characters for
vowels, we print out the consonants and store the vowels in a string
again, reusing the same space.  The reason why it works to be reading
out one string and writing another string in the same memory space is
that we write at most one character for each character we read.  So we
can never clobber a character that has not been read.  Even if every
character is a vowel, the characters are stored into the bytes they
have just been read out of, so nothing is lost.

*) Lower case letters make a difference in a character constant (such
as "a).

PDP-10  Node: Even-Odd-Vowels 2, Previous: Even-Odd-Vowels, Up: Top, Next: Calculator

Alternative Implementation of Previous Example.

The following program performs the same function as the program written for
example 5.  Some different ideas are shown here.


CHTTYO==1			;Channel for output
CHTTYI==2			;Channel for input

PDLLEN==100			;Length of push down stack
PDL:	BLOCK PDLLEN		;Storage for push down stack

BUF:	BLOCK 30		;Storage for 79 characters at 5 per word.
LINBUF:	BLOCK 30		;Read a line into here.

				;Open TTY channels.
L:	PUSHJ P,GETLIN		;Read in the line.
	MOVE C,[440700,,LINBUF]	;Initialize byte pointer to fetch from the line.
	MOVE B,[440700,,BUF]	;Initialize byte pointer to store into BUF.
	SETZ D,0		;Low bit of D is even-oddness of character.
L1:	ILDB A,C		;Get next character.  Jump if end of line.
	XORI D,1		;Complement low bit -- count mod 2.
				;D is 1, then 0, then 1, then 0.
	XCT XTBL(D)		;Execute an instruction to dispose of char.

XTBL:	.IOT CHTTYO,A		;Even character		non-vowel
	IDPB A,B		;Odd character		vowel

L2:	MOVEI A,0		;Deposit a null byte to make string
	IDPB A,B		;   of odd letters ASCIZ.
	MOVE C,[440700,,BUF]	;Fetch the string.
	MOVE B,C		;Store back only the vowels.
L3:	ILDB A,C		;Get one odd letter.
	JUMPE A,L4		;Check for end of string.
	PUSHJ P,ISVOW		;Test character, skip if vowel.
	 TDZA D,D		;Not a vowel, set D=0.
	  MOVEI D,1		;Vowel.  D=-1
	XCT XTBL(D)		;Dispose of char depending.

L4:	IDPB A,B		;Store null to make string of odd vowels ASCIZ.
	PUSHJ P,OUTSTR		;Type out that string.

	 CAIN A,"ZZ+40

;Copy the GETLIN and OUTSTR subroutines from above into here.



*) IRPC is an assembler macro operation which generates repetitive code
with small variations.  In this case, the three instructions CAIE,
CAIN and JRST are repeated once for each vowel.  The first time, ZZ is
replaced by A.  The second, ZZ is replaced by Z.  The sixth time, ZZ
is replaced by Y.  As a result, the subroutine ISVOW in this example
is actually identical to the ISVOW in the previous example, though it
takes much fewer lines of source code.

PDP-10  Node: Calculator, Previous: Even-Odd-Vowels 2, Up: Top, Next: FileIO

Arithmetic Calculator Program.

This program will read an arithmetic expression composed of numbers and the
operators +, -, * and /, compute the value and type the result.  It shows how
to read and print numbers.  It does not know about operator precedence; it
does operations from left to right always.




OP1:	0
X1:	0



				;Open TTY channels.
START1:	PUSHJ P,GETLIN		;Read in a line of input.
	MOVE A,[440700,,LINBUF]
	MOVEM A,LINPTR		;Set up to fetch chars from the line.
	PUSHJ P,EVAL		;Parse and evaluate expression.
	PUSHJ P,DECOUT		;Print the answer.

;Read and evaluate an expression.  Value returned in A.
;Clobbers B.
EVAL:	PUSHJ P,DECIN		;Read one number.
	MOVEM B,OP1		;Save the number.
	CAIN A,"+		;Consider the operation character:
	 MOVE B,[ADD B,OP1]	;B gets an instruction to do that operation.
	CAIN A,"-
	CAIN A,"*
	CAIN A,"/
	JUMPE B,EVALX		;If B is still 0, the terminator
				;was not an arith op, so it ends
				;the expression or is illegal.
	MOVEM B,X1		;It is an arith op, so save the instruction.
	PUSHJ P,DECIN		;Read the second operand.
	EXCH B,OP1		;B gets first op, OP1 gets second operand.
	XCT X1			;Compute result of operation, in B.
	MOVEM B,OP1		;Save it as first operand of next operation.
	JRST EVAL1		;A has terminator of second operand,
				;which is the next operation.

;Come here on number terminated by char not an arith op.
EVALX:	JUMPN A,ERR		;Should be end of line, or it's an error.
	MOVE A,OP1		;Otherwise, last saved value is value of exp.

;Print an error message if we see something we don't recognize.
ERR:	MOVEI A,[ASCIZ/Unrecognized character in expression: /]
	LDB A,LINPTR		;Print the offending character
	.IOT CHTTYO,A		;as part of the error message.

;Read a signed decimal number out of the line, returning number in B
;and terminating character in A.
DECIN:	TRZ FL,NEGF!DIGF	;No minus, no digit seen yet.
DECIN1:	ILDB A,LINPTR		;Fetch next character of line.
	CAIL A,"0
	 CAILE A,"9
	  JRST DECIN2		;Jump if character not a digit.
	IMULI B,10.		;Else accumulate this digit into the number.
	ADDI B,-"0(A)		;Note that we convert the digit into its value.
				;("0 into the value 0, "1 into 1).
	TRO FL,DIGF		;Set flag saying non-null number seen.

	 JRST DECIN3		;Jump on minus sign.
	TRNN FL,DIGF		;Anything else: if we saw a number,
	 POPJ P,		;negate it if it began with a minus sign.

;Come here after reading a minus sign.
DECIN3:	TRNE FL,DIGF		;Does it follow a number?
	 JRST DECIN4		;Yes.  This must be a binary minus.
	TRC FL,NEGF		;This must be unary minus.
				;Complement flag that number is negative.
	JRST DECIN1		;(So that two minus signs cancel out).

;Print number in A, positive or negative, in decimal.
;Clobbers A and B.
	.IOT CHTTYO,["-]	;If number is negative, print sign.
	CAMN A,[400000,,]	;Smallest negative number is a pain:
	 JRST DECOT2		;its absolute value cannot fit in one word!
	MOVM A,A		;Else get abs val of negative number and print.
	HRLM B,(P)		;Save remainder in LH of stack word
				;whose RH contains our return address.
	SKIPE A			;If quotient is nonzero,
	 PUSHJ P,DECOT1		;print higher-order digits of number.
	HLRZ A,(P)		;Get back this remainder (this digit).
	ADDI A,"0

;Print the abs value of the largest negative number.
DECOT2:	MOVEI A,[ASCIZ /34359738368/]

;Copy the GETLIN and OUTSTR subroutines here.



*) 10.: This is a decimal number.  You can tell, because it ends
with a decimal point.

*) LINPTR: this location holds the byte pointer used for fetching
characters out of the line.  It is usually not worth while to keep
this pointer in an accumulator if the parsing is being done over
more than a very small piece of code.

*) XCT: Note how EVAL chooses an arithmetic instruction based on
the arithmetic operator character, then reads the following argument,
and then executes the instruction chosen earlier, performing the
operation.  This is also the first use you have seen of literals
containing instructions.

*) ERR: this is an example of printing an error message.  Error messages
should always show the offending data, not just say "something was wrong".

*) DECIN: Note how flags in accumulator 0 (FL) are used to keep
track of whether any digits have been seen, and whether a minus
sign came before them.  Accumulator 0 is most often used for such flags
because it is the least useful accumulator for anything else
(since it cannot be used as an index register).

*) DECOUT: This is a very famous program for printing a number.
It works recursively because the first digits extracted as the remainders
in successive divisions by the radix are the last digits to be printed.
So the digits are produced and saved on the way down the recursion,
and printed on the way up.

*) HRLM: We could save the remainder with PUSH P,B and restore it
with POP P,A, but since the left half of each word saved by a PUSHJ
is not really going to be used, we can save stack space by using those
left halves to store the remainder.  It is also faster.

PDP-10  Node: FileIO, Previous: Calculator, Up: Top, Next: Parsing

Reading and Writing Files.

As a preface to this example, several things need to be explained.
In the foregoing examples, only terminal I/O has been discussed.
Here we introduce disk file input.  One important thing to emphasize
is the concept of device independence: most of the system calls for
disk i/o are the same as those for say, magtape i/o.  Naturally,
different devices have different phyical characteristics; therefore,
some differences between devices will be apparent.  Despite these
differences, a programmer really needs to learn only one set of basic
concepts for i/o.

When doing i/o it is necessary to specify a physical device, a mode
(input vs. output, character vs. word), and possibly a file name to
select among "files" on a particular physical device.

Each job can has sixteen i/o channels available, each of which can be
opened individually to do i/o.  The same OPEN system call used to open
a tty channel is also used to open i/o channels for other devices.
OPEN also specifies the mode and filenames.

You have already seen the use of modes .UAI (unit ascii input) and
.UAO (unit ascii output).  Modes .UII and .UIO are "image" i/o instead
of ascii i/o.  They transfer whole words instead of characters, and
are used for binary files.

There are two filenames, and also a directory name.  These are
specified as words of SIXBIT just like the device name.

Once the channel is open, the .IOT UUO is used to transfer the
characters in or out, just as it is with the terminal.  In fact, the
above examples could be adapted to read and write input using disk
files only by changing the two OPEN system calls.  Alternatively,
filename translations could be used to translate device TTY: to a disk

Writing output to a file does require one thing that writing output to
the terminal does not need: you must "close" the channel when you are
finished to make the file appear properly on disk.  Closing a terminal
i/o channel is also allowed but nobody bothers since it is not
necessary.  Closing is done with the .CLOSE UUO, which takes the
channel number in its AC field just like .IOT.

Here is an example which copies the file SYS;SYSTEM MAIL (the announcements
printed when DDT or PWORD starts up) to the file FOO BAR on your own directory.



		[.UAI,,CHDSKI] ? [SIXBIT/DSK/]  ;Mode, channel and device name
		[SIXBIT /SYSTEM/] ? [SIXBIT/MAIL/]	;Two filenames.
		400000,,[SIXBIT /SYS/]]			;Directory name.
		[SIXBIT /FOO/] ? 400000,,[SIXBIT/BAR/]]	;Note no directory name!
				;The default (your working directory) is used.
LOOP:	.IOT CHDSKI,A		;Read next input character.
	JUMPL A,EOF		;Negative => there is none, it's eof.
	.IOT CHDSKO,A		;Else write char to output file.

EOF:	.CLOSE CHDSKO,		;Make output file appear.
	.CLOSE CHDSKI,		;Release input file (to be clean).



*) This example is so simple that no stack is needed, and no tty channels.

*) When reading from a file instead of the terminal, it is possible to reach the
end of the file.  In ascii mode (.UAI), this is signalled by a negative value
returned by the .IOT.  The right halfword of that value contains the character
^C, which is the standard end-of-file padding character on ITS.  That is, ^C is
used to fill out the last word of a file of characters if that last word is not
entirely used up.  In image mode, .IOT causes an error interrupt at end of file.
Usually binary files are read many words at a time using SIOT (which will be
explained soon) or block-mode .IOT; these do provide a way to detect end of file
without getting an error.

*) .LOGOUT 1, is a convenient way to exit a program and kill the job.  It kills
the job if it is running under DDT (the usual condition) and also kills the job
if it is disowned.  When a program running under DDT does a .LOGOUT 1, DDT just
prints an asterisk.

PDP-10  Node: Parsing, Previous: FileIO, Up: Top, Next: BufInput

Parsing SIXBIT Words, and Filenames.

Here is a sample routine which accumulates a word of sixbit, returning
it in B.  Non-alphanumeric characters are terminators; the terminator
encountered is returned in A.

We assume that GETCHR is a subroutine we can call
which reads a character of input and returns it in A.

	MOVE C,[440600,,B]	;Byte pointer for storing into B.
GETSX1:	PUSHJ P,GETCHR		;Read next character into A.
	CAIN A,40
	 JRST [	JUMPE B,GETSX1	;Flush leading blanks
		POPJ P,]	;but trailing blanks are terminators.
	CAIL A,"A+40
	 CAILE A,"Z+40
	  JRST .+2		;Not lower case
	   TRZ A,40		;Make lower case into upper case
	  JRST .+2
	   JRST GETSX2		;Letters are ok in sixbit
	CAIN A,^Q		;^Q means "quote": use the next char
	 JRST [	PUSHJ P,GETCHR	;even if it is usually a delimiter.
	CAIL A,"0
	 CAILE A,"9
	  POPJ P,		;Not a letter, not a digit.  This is delim.
GETSX2:	SUBI A,40		;Convert to sixbit
	TLNE C,770000		;Skip if already got 6 characters.
	 IDPB A,C		;Otherwise we would clobber C here.

You don't need to write a filename parsing routine, because you can
use the library SYSENG;RFN >.  However, RFN is a good example to read.

PDP-10  Node: BufInput, Previous: Parsing, Up: Top, Next: BufPadding

Sample Routine to do Buffered Input.

So far, the i/o in the examples has always transferred a single character at a
time.  When a large file is to be read or written, it is worth while to go to
the extra trouble of transferring many words or characters at a time.  There are
two ways of doing this.  The old way is to open the i/o channel in "block" mode
instead of "unit" mode: use mode .BAI, .BAO, .BII or .BIO instead of .UAI, .UAO,
.UII or .UIO.  Then the .IOT UUO itself transfers a block of consecutive words
instead of a single word or character.  The newer way is to open the channel in
unit mode as usual, and use the system call SIOT to transfer any number of
consecutive bytes.  SIOT can be interspersed with individual .IOTs.

We assume that INCHAN has a file open in mode .UAI, unit ascii input.
We use the SIOT system call to read many characters at a time into a
buffer, and then get them out of the buffer one by one.

SIOT expects three arguments: a channel number, a byte pointer and a number of
characters.  The byte pointer argument should not be a literal, because the
SIOT increments it past the characters that are transferred.  The count is
also modified; it is decremented for all the characters transferred
(decremented down to zero if the transfer is completed).  On input, if end of
file is encountered before the requested number of characters is obtained,
then the byte pointer and count indicate the characters actually transferred.

INBFR:	BLOCK INBFL		;This is the buffer.  40 to 200 is
				;good for INBFL (160. to 640. characters).

INCNT:	0			;Number of characters left in buffer
				;not fetched yet.
INPTR:	0			;Byte pointer used for fetching characters

;Read another input character into A.
;Skip if successful.  No skip if EOF.
GETCHR:	SOSL INCNT		;Anything left in the buffer?
	PUSH P,A		;No - must read another load.
	MOVE A,[440700,,INBFR]
	;; Do the input.  A says where to put it and B says how many chars.
			A ? 400000,,B]
				;Note "immediate" argument:
				;%CLIMM,,INCHAN is the same as [INCHAN].
	MOVNS B			;B is left with number of characters
	ADDI B,INBFL*5		;We wanted but didn't get.
	MOVEM B,INCNT		;Compute how many chars we did get.
	SOSG INCNT		;If we got none, it's eof.
	AOS (P)

Note that this GETCHR routine is completely equivalent to

	 AOS (P)

but the buffered one is much faster because it does not have to do a
system call for each character.  If your program is supposed to
process characters quickly, use buffered input.  If characters will be
read only infrequently and a few at a time, use simple input.

PDP-10  Node: BufPadding, Previous: BufInput, Up: Top, Next: Debugging

Buffered Input, Ignoring Padding.

Sometimes it is desirable to ignore padding (^@ and ^C characters) at
the end of a file, but to consider ^@ and ^C characters within the
file to be significant.  The convention usually used is that ^@ and
^C characters are only padding if they occur as the last few
characters in the last word of the file.  A ^L character in the last
word followed only by ^C's or ^@'s is also to be ignored.  Here is a
routine which claims to have hit end of file when it reaches the

This routine works by saving the last word of each buffer load to be
processed at the front of the next buffer load.  That is so that, when
we discover end of it is guaranteed that we have not yet processed the
last word of the file.  So once we KNOW it is the last word, we can
look through it for padding and discard what we find.

It is necessary to call the subroutine GETINI before reading the first
character of input.

INBFR:	BLOCK INBFL		;This is the buffer.  40 to 200 is
				;good for INBFL (160. to 640. characters).

INCNT:	0			;Number of characters left in buffer
				;not fetched yet.
INPTR:	0			;Byte pointer used for fetching characters

INAHED:	0			;Look-ahead word.
				;The last word of previous bufferful
				;saved for the next bufferful.
INEOF:	0			;-1 if this bufferful is the last.

;Read another input character into A.
;Skip if successful.  No skip if EOF.
GETCHR:	SOSL INCNT		;Anything left in the buffer?
	 JRST GETCH1		;Yes => just get it.
	SKIPE INEOF		;If we discovered last time that there
	 POPJ P,		;is no more, it's eof now.
	PUSHJ P,GETBUF		;Fill up the buffer again.

	AOS (P)

;Call this to initialize the buffer, before reading the first character.
;This is to ignore the look-ahead word,
;which is garbage the first time around.
	PUSHJ P,GETCHR		;So just read and throw away
	PUSHJ P,GETCHR		;the supposed look-ahead chars.

	MOVE A,INAHED		;Our previous look ahead word is now
	MOVEM A,INBFR		;our first word of input.
	MOVE A,[440700,,INBFR]	;That's where we should start fetching.
	HRLI A,010700		;The SIOT should start AFTER that word.
;Note that it is essential that we set up A with
;010700,,INBFR rather than 440700,,INBFR+1
;because of how GETCH4 decrements the byte pointer.
;We are being compatible with SIOT, which also returns
;a byte pointer of the form 010700 rather than 440700.
	MOVEI B,INBFL*5-5	;from the file, but not that word.
	;; Do the input.  A says where to put it and B says how many chars.
			A ? 400000,,B]
	JUMPE B,GETCH2		;Didn't get all we asked for =>
	 SETOM INEOF		; this is the last we will get.
	MOVNS B			;B is left with number of characters
	ADDI B,INBFL*5		;we wanted but didn't get.
	MOVEM B,INCNT		;Compute how many chars we did get.
;We are now certainly at eof, and the last word of the file
;is now in the buffer.
GETCH4:	ADD A,[070000,,]	;Back up to last character.
	JUMPL A,GETCH3		;When we get to left edge of word,
				;we have examined the entire last word,
				;so there is no more padding.
	CAIE B,^C		;Any number of ^@ and ^C chars is padding.
	 CAIN B,^@
	  JRST [ SOS INCNT	;So officially say it is not there.
	CAIN B,^L		;A ^L followed by padding is padding
	 SOS INCNT		;but nothing before it is padding.

;If we did fill the buffer, we must save one word as look-ahead
;for next time.
GETCH2:	MOVE A,INBFR+INBFL-1	;Save the last word we got.
	MOVEI A,INBFL*5-5	;Don't include those 5 chars
	MOVEM A,INCNT		;in the count of how many are in the bfr.

Both of these examples are suited to reading input from a disk file.
If you are reading input from the terminal, you probably want to do
rubout processing for the user's sake.  There is a library you can use
for this; read the file SYSENG;RUBOUT >.

PDP-10  Node: Debugging, Previous: BufPadding, Up: Top

Debugging Programs with DDT

When you try your program for the first time, it won't work.

To find out why, you use the debugging features of DDT.  DDT is
completely documented (*Note DDT: (DDT).) but this is a summary of
what sorts of things you can do with it.

DDT allows you to set a "breakpoint".  Setting a breakpoint at an
instruction means that when the program gets to that instruction it
will stop (return to DDT).  At this time you can examine any location
in the program to see if everything is working right so far.
If it is still working right, you can set another breakpoint, later
on, and continue the program.

When you see that a variable contains a "wrong" value, DDT allows you
to correct the value and continue, from the breakpoint or from
someplace else.  You can also change instructions in the program with
DDT so that you can keep running the program and the problem will not
happen again (but don't forget to make the correction in the source
file as well!)  DDT allows can print instructions and addresses using
the symbols you define in the program, and it understands those
symbols in your input as well.

You can also ask DDT to run your program one instruction at a time.
This is often easier than setting breakpoints.

You don't have to do anything special to be able to use DDT on your
program, because DDT is always available on ITS.  It is the program
which processed your command to run INFO.  You probably don't want to
set any breakpoints in INFO, but if you type C-Z now you could do just
Homework # 1 answer


	OUTSTR	[BYTE(7)15,12]

	JRST	.+2


GETLTR:	.IOT	CHTTYI,A	;Read input character into A.
	  JRST	.+2
	CAIL	A,"A+40
	 CAILE	A,"Z+40
	  POPJ	P,

	 CAIN	A,"ZZ+40