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File: DISPLAYEDITORS,  Node: Top,  Up: (DIR),  Next: Introduction

	This file describes some of the display editors available on
Tops-20.  We will attempt to provide entries for as many editors as
possible.  If an editor is of potential interest to users of Tops-20
or Tenex, it should be described here.  If your favorite editor is
NOT included, prepare a writeup for it based (loosely) on the SAMPLE
node and either include it in this file directly or mail it (or a
pointer to it) to ADMIN.JQJ@SCORE.

	Editors that are not currently available on Tops-20 but could
potentially be (e.g. because they are written in C, Common Bliss,
Midas (a PDP-10 assembler), Pascal, Franz Lisp, etc. may also be
included on this list.

	The goal of this presentation is the sharing of information
about what display editors are available.  There is much debate over
the proper criteria for evaluating editors.  Hence, we should try to
use this file not as a vehicle for rhetoric about the virtues of one
editor over another, but as a source for the more concrete kinds of
information about what various editors can (and cannot) do.  Try to
restrict your comments to factual rather than judgemental issues.

	The bulk of this file consists of a listing of individual
display editors.  Please add your own favorite editor to the list,
following the guidelines in the SAMPLE editor entry.  If you don't
like the format of the SAMPLE, send mail to ADMIN.JQJ@SCORE.  If you
disagree about an existing entry, append your comments (but please
try not to be too long winded).

	You may want to assume that the reader is already familiar
with some flavor of Emacs (the editor originally implemented in Teco
by RMS at MIT).  Emacs has rapidly become the most popular display
editor on the Arpanet.  To some extent, this file should be seen as
an effort to compare Emacs with other available editors.

* Menu:

* Introduction::	Introduction to display editors
* Sample::		Describes format of display editor documentation

* Emacs::		RMS's TECO-based editor from MIT
* Hmacs::		Simplified, Emacs-like editor with cursor pad 
* TVEDIT::		Kanerva display editor from IMSSS
* Ted::			III inhouse editor
* VIDED::		Simula-based video editor
* FINE::		(Fine Is Not Emacs), CMU DEC-10/20 editor
* ZED::			A high-level orthogonal command language editor.

Other editors that are not yet documented:

* SED::			Chris Hall's own editor
* DEC-TV::		DEC's display teco
* EDT::			VT-100 editor for VAX, PDP-11, -10, and -20
* Z::			Yale display editor
* Unix EMACS::		James Gosling's pseudo-Emacs for VAX Unix and VMS
* Multics EMACS::	Bernie Greenberg's tour de force
* Zwei::		The LISP-machine editor

File: DISPLAYEDITORS,  Node: Introduction,  Up: Top,  Previous: Top,  Next: Sample

	How can anyone possibly write a decent introduction to
display editors?  This node makes a very weak attempt at setting the
stage, but is clearly inadequate to the task.  Part of the problem
stems from the wide variety of programs called display editors:  from 
NLS to the IBM CMS editor (EDGAR) to EMACS.

	My claim that one can write a poor Tops-20 display editor in
2 days, a usable editor in 2 months, a good one in 2 years, and who
knows how long for a great one (it isn't completely clear that there
are any, though afficionados will point to their favorite editor as
an example of one).  The editing task is not yet well understood.  We
have some handle on ways to write an efficient editor in terms of use
of system resources, but very little information on what constitutes
a good human interface, or on the tradeoffs between features and
efficiency.  We aren't even really sure, given the variety of
editors, what a "display editor" actually is.

	One place to start is with a definition of "text editor"
borrowed from Roberts (1979, p. 5): "a program which allows a person
to create and modify documents."  Documents in turn consist of
mainline text organized into a hierarchical structure of characters,
words and lines.  Depending on the particular editor and type of text
being edited, the structure may be usefully considered to extend to
sentences, paragraphs, subroutines, s-exprs, pages, sections, or
whatever.  In addition to mainline text, the document may contain
other data, for example formatting information, footnotes, indices,
pointers to other locations in this or other documents (files), etc.

	A DISPLAY editor differs from other text editors in that the
mainline text in the current region (perhaps the text surrounding the
"current location" or "point") is constantly displayed on the CRT
screen.  Commands exist to move the current location; editing
commands which modify the text being displayed have as a side effect
the updating of the display to reflect the changes.  Typically, the
editor is full duplex (though this is not strictly speaking
necessary), with "immediate" commands that do not echo but instead
provide such functions as relative cursor motion or "next window".
Hence, more so than with non-display editors, "what you see is what
you get."

	In fact, if "what you get" is defined as the appearance of
the document in hardcopy (an appropriate definition when editing
manuscripts), then the "what you see" criterion is at best an
aproximation, limited by the crt hardware.  Very few editors (Bravo,
the Xerox Alto editor being a well known exception) attempt to display
proportionally spaced text or multiple fonts, (or even underscoring!)
even if these are in the repertoire of the hardcopy output device.
More typically, document preparation is seen as a 2-step process of
preparing a draft using an editor, then running it through a
postprocessor such as Runoff, Pub, Tex, or Scribe.

	For program text the problem is somewhat less acute, yet even
there the editor must make some representational decisions:  How
should we display non-printing characters?  How should we display
lines longer than 80 characters on an 80 character wide screen?  If
the terminal lacks lower case, how should it be indicated?  Most
existing display editors seem to have reasonable answers to these
problems, but the fact that they ARE problems should be kept in mind.
Perhaps more important, it is sometimes appropriate to display the
higher-order structure of a document rather than the characters and
lines; the representation of this structure is much less obvious.
Most display editors provide only very limited facilities for
displaying any higher structure (E, the SU-AI editor, and EMACS page
mode display a "page directory".  NLS has elaborate facilities for
displaying the structure of a document); most existing editors prefer
to think of the text as simply sequential characters or as a sequence
of lines.

	This suggests that another approach to the problem of
describing the external behavior of text editors is to ask what
supra-character structures in the mainline text are easily dealt with
by the particular editor.  Thus, a line-oriented editor treats lines
as its major unit, and has many commands for dealing with this unit.
Does a given editor have commands for moving to the next unit,
finding all units satisfying some criterion (e.g. content), deleting
or replacing the unit, copying or moving the unit to another
location, spliting and merging adjacent units, etc.?  The unit might
be a character (Teco), line (E, Wylbur, SOS, Edit, Edgar), region
(Emacs), s-expr (editors built into lisp systems), Pascal or PL/I
statements (Mentor, PL/CS), or whatever, providing a characterization
for the editor.  Presumably, the more powerful the editor the more
flexible it is in dealing with units in the text; power here means
both a greater variety of units, and more functions applicable to a
particular unit.

	The description problem is made more acute by the existence
of "programmable" editors such as Emacs.  If the editor is no more
than a set of user-definable extensions to an editor implementation
language, then characterizing the editor as "line" or "page" or
whatever oriented really misses the point:  the user can redefine her
editor to be something quite different.  For such editors, we may
either focus on the "standard environment" -- the primitives
available in the editor as a typical user first sees it, or we may
focus on the kinds of extensions that are easy for the naive user to

	A rather different approach to characterizing display editors
is to discuss their user interface.  Possible (different) goals for
an editor include ease of learning for novices and effectiveness for
the expert in getting the job done.  Subgoals for ease of learning
include learning of enough "core" functions to get a typical editing
task done easily, avoiding falling into traps or "special
circumstances" induced by the existence of non-core functions, ease
of correcting pure typing mistakes, and so on.  

	Among the features of an editor that presumably contribute to
ease of learning are a simple rule-based command structure, editing
commands that are succinct but which fit into the operating system
environment, a small set of commands that provide adequate power for
most purposes, help facilities, and good offline documentation.

	To some extent it is impossible to separate the issue of
learning an editor from that of learning to use the computer system
in which it is embedded; a naive user does not make a sharp
distinction between "command language" and "editor", and so may be
confused if the two follow different conventions, especially if the
conventions are similar (Both, for example, probably permit
correction of typing errors by a "delete character" function.  It is
awkward if this is different in the editor from in the global
environment).  On the other hand, if the operating system provides a
highly inconsistent set of commands, then a more regularized set
inside the editor might be preferable.

	The psychological literature provides a variety of insights
into what constitutes a good user interface.  For example,
experiments with command languages indicate that rule based regular
syntaxes are generally easier to use than syntaxes more closely
approximating natural language.  We may expect to see substantial
further work on the psychology of text editing.

	Meanwhile, it finally seems to be the case that experimental
tools exist for measuring some of the user-interface parts of the
text editing.  Roberts (1979) develops one easy to apply methodology,
and analyzes four editors (Tenex Teco, NLS, Stanford Wylbur, and the
Wang word processor); limiting one's domain to display editors might
dictate a somewhat different methodology, but at least a start has
been made if anyone is interested in pursuing the issues.  One fairly
strong conclusion she arrived at was that Teco was MUCH more
difficult to learn than her other 3 sample editors, which were all of
about equal difficulty; we might expect that most "reasonable"
editors will have similar learning curves to the better group in her

	A very different set of issues has to do with efficiency in
use of system resources.  It seems clear that any display editor has
costs just because it is a display editor.

	Maintaining the current text on the screen implies
substantially increased terminal output over non-display editing.
The issue of bandwidth is especially important if the editor is used
in a distributed environment:  if the user is communicating over a
300 baud serial telephone link, then any display updating is very
slow; if the user is communicating via satellite over a public
packet-switched network, then character at a time full duplex
transmission implies both very great expense and very long delays
just for echoing.  In an enviroment where the user is local, on the
other hand, we might want to provide soft character sets, graphics,
color, or other "advanced" features that imply substantially
increased bandwidth requirements between the user's workstation and
the host computer.

	At a more prosaic level, if the editor has many immediate
commands (e.g. Emacs) then the editor fork must wake up frequently to
service the commands; by comparison, typein to DEC Edit does not
normally imply process rescheduling until the end of an insertion.
On the other hand, terminal output can be minimized by smart
redisplay and updating strategies, and process wakeups can be
minimized by appropriate use of the system input routines and line
editor if any (DEC TV, for example, wakes up only at the end of a
block of inserted text).

	Some preliminary empirical data indicate that at LOTS (a DEC
2060 with 1.5m word) DEC Edit (a line-oriented editor) outperforms
Emacs (a display editor) by roughly 3 to 1 in cpu utilization for
typical editing sessions in each of the editors.  However, the
results aren't in yet.  Stanford is currently experimenting with
various approaches to evaluation of the efficiency of text editors,
and should have better results eventually.  Further empirical data
comparing the impact of display editors on timesharing systems is
clearly desirable.

	Presumably, the Emacs user gets much more work done in a
session than the Edit user, but perhaps not 3 times as much.  At
some point, then, there is a tradeoff -- the administrator interested
in maximizing throughput needs to decide which editors to encourage.
Unfortunately, the tradeoff is not at all clear, since it is
difficult to measure user effectiveness, as opposed to system
efficiency, and since effectiveness clearly depends heavily on the
types of editing tasks being undertaken.

						jqj 4-2-80
*Note references: REFERENCES

Some things I haven't talked about in the intro yet:

Notes on implementation of various existing display editors:
    A.	file buffer management
    B.	screen management
    C.	use of keyboard and input devices
    D.	use of operating system features -- portability and flexibility
	vs (maybe) greater efficiency and compatibility
    E.	command implementation -- interpreted vs. compiled languages
    F.	more on extensibility
    G.	more on learnability -- examples:  orthogonal command sets,
	menus, styles of documentation, the editing environment (make
	a point that editor is easier to learn to use if other users
	also know it well, implying desirability of a single-editor
	environment, or of a layered environment in which novices use
	a "basic" but upward compatible version of the hackers' editor.
    H.	the system administrator's viewpoint.  Tayloring the choice
	of editor based on: (1) the user community [secretaries vs.
	hackers vs. both; frequent vs. occasional users], (2) cpu
	efficiency, (3) interaction with other computer systems [a
	common network-wide editor?], (4) etc.

File: DISPLAYEDITORS, Node: References, Up: Introduction

References (more to follow.  See [SCORE]<ADMIN.JQJ>EDITORS.BIB):

Card,  S.  Studies  in  the  Psychology  of  Computer  Text  Systems.  Doctoral
     dissertation, Carnegie-Mellon University, 1978.  

Card, S. K., Moran, T. P. & Newell, A. Computer text editing:  An  information-
     processing  analysis  of  a routine cognitive skill. Cognitive Psychology,
     1980, 12(1), 32-74.

Card, S. K., Moran, T. P. & Newell, A. The Keystroke Model for User Performance
     Time with Interactive Systems.  Communications  of  the  ACM,  July  1980,
     23(7), NoPages. Also available as Xerox PARC SSL-79-1.

Embly,  D.W.  & Nagy, G. Empirical and Formal Methods for the Study of Computer
     Editors. In Coombs, M.J., & Alty, J.L. (Eds.), Computing  Skills  and  the
     User Interface. (I don't know the publisher), 1981.  

Gould,  J.  NoTitle.  In  Gregg  and  Steinberg  (Eds.), Cognitive Processes in
     Writing. NoPublisher, 1980.  

Gould, J. NoTitle (Tech. Rep. RC 8446). IBM, 1981.  Data comparing  performance
     of  subjects  using  a  text  editor  against their performance dictating.
     Dictating seems to be faster.

Kanerva, P., & Siegman, J. Specification of a Computer-based  text  system  for
     Stanford,  Part I:  Requirements. Stanford Committee on Office Systems and

Roberts,  T.  Evaluation  of  Computer  Text  Editors.  Doctoral  dissertation,
     Stanford  University,  1979.  Also available as Xerox PARC memorandum SSL-
     79-9, November 1979.

Sneeringer, W. J. User-interface design  for  text  editing:    A  case  study.
     Software--Practice and Experience, 1978, 8, 543-557.

Van  Dam, A., & Rice, D. E. On-Line Text Editing:  A Survey. Computing Surveys,
     September 1971, 3(3), NoPages.

File: DISPLAYEDITORS,  Node: Sample,  Up: Top,  Previous: Introduction,  Next: Emacs

SAMPLE	Sample Editor to show format and content of display editor
documentation.  Use this space for a brief (1 line) advertisement for
the editor.

General info:
 > NAME:	What most people call this editor.
 > MAINTAINER:	Who initially wrote the editor?  Who currently
		maintains it, and kind of support to expect.
 > USERS:	Those users or sites which actively use the editor and 
		can probably supply more information about it.
		Where the editor can be obtained?  How much does
		it cost?
 > MORE INFO:	Where to go next for more information than is
		contained in this node.  For example, source of
		users' manual, or name of a contact.

Terminal support:
		What display terminals does the editor know
		about currently?  How easily can other terminals be
		added to the list?  What minimum set of dpy features
		is required for successful operation?
		To what extent does the editor make maximum use
		of the features available on a given display?  E.g.
		character/line insert/delete, hardware windowing,
		standout, graphics, soft character sets, color.
		To what extent does the editor optimize display updating?
		E.g. does it optimize typeahead?  How often does the
		screen need to be completely redrawn?
		Can it be used on a hardcopy terminal or glass
		tty?  How easily?
		Does the editor make use of or require an alternate
		keypad, edit key, lightpen, or mouse?
		Describe the global screen management strategy,
		location of windows, context displays, etc.

User interface:
		What features make it easy/difficult for novices
		to learn to use the editor?  Does the editor make
		use of "menus" and if so can they be bypassed?
		Internal, external online, and offline
		documentation availability, quantity, and prices.

System issues:
		What language is the editor written in?  Are
		sources available?
		What operating system, languages, runtime
		systems, or special directories must be present on the
		system to use the editor?  How much memory and temporary
		file space does each copy of the editor require?
 > EFFICIENCY:	Comments on the implementation and its use of system
		resources.  Stanford is currently working on a project
		to develop tools for measuring editor efficiency, so
		don't worry if you have nothing useful to contribute
		here, but if you do make comments, try to make them
		specific and factual, rather than of the form "uses
		1/2 as much cpu time as EDIT"

Features and limitations:
		How may one refer to (go to) a location in the text?
		By physical unit of composition (page, line, column)?
  		By logical unit of composition (chapter, section,
		paragraph, sentence, etc.)?    By content (string
		search)?  By sequence; through how much text can you
		scroll forward or backward?  Are line numbers supported?
		What units of characters within a file does the editor
		recognize, and have commands (move to next, insert,
		delete, copy, transpose, split into two, merge adjacent)
		to manipulate?  E.g. words, lines, pages, sentences,
		paragraphs, s-exprs, sections, columns, subroutines,
		arbitrarily defined regions.
		Do facilities exist for searching forward in a file
		on the basis of an exactly specified string?
		Backwards?  Can one search for a string specifed without
		respect to case [i.e. "a"="A"]?  a delimited string [e.g.
		"begin." but not "beginning"]?  unspecified position
		[e.g. "AxB", for x any char.]?  unspecified length [e.g.
		"AxyB", for xy an arbitrary string]? arbitrary regular
		If text is deleted or modified by accident, is it possible
		to get the old text back?  E.g. can one undo a single
		command conveniently?  Can one undelete deleted text?
		Does the editor have any facility for autosave
		or journalling?  What is the effect of a system crash?
		Can the editor be customized easily by the individual
		user?  By the site?
		Does the editor support keyboard macros or some
		equivalent means of repeating sequences of commands?
		Does the editor support a macro or stored-command
		facility with flow-control constructs?  Integer
		variables?  Other data structures?  Subroutines?
		How much of the behavior of the editor can be
		modified to suit the whims of the indifidual user?		
		Can one conveniently work with multiple files
		Can one include pointers in one file referring
		automatically to another file?
		How easily can one copy text from another file into
		the "current" one?
		When entering text, can the editor automatically
		break long lines ("word wrap")?
		What features of a text formatter are included in
		the editor?  E.g.:
		    automatic pagination?
		    justification of text?  hypnenation?
		    proportional spacing?  multiple fonts?
		    vertical half-spacing?
		    automatic insertion of footnotes at the bottom of
		    automatic indexing?
		    hierarchical section numbering?
		    multi-column formatting?
		What programming languages (if any) does the editor
		have specialized commands to support?  E.g.:
		    insert comment?
		    insert "whoedit line"?
		    prettyprint (grind, reformat, etc.) region?
		    check syntax?
		Some typical things you might want to do with an editor.
		This list is NOT exhaustive, but rather intended to give
		the reader some taste of the flavor of editing possible.
		Does the editor have facilities for:
		    generating repetitive material (form letters, etc.)?
		    builtin help facilities?
		    editing structured text (cf. NLS)?  e.g. view
			outline of document
		    multiple windows (cf. Emacs)? e.g. view discontiguous
			sections of document simultaneously
 > LIMITATIONS:	Restrictions in the implementation.  For example, can
		you edit arbitrarily large files?  Can you recover
		gracefully from a system crash in the middle of an
		editing session?
General info:
 > EXAMPLE:	What characters must be typed to perform the following
		editing task:  "Edit this file, and replace the
		description of 'EXAMPLE' in the present section with
		an actual example of the use of the editor."?
 > COMMENTS:	misc. overview.  Add your comments to existing reports
 > COMPLAINTS:	Why this form does not capture the relevant features
		of the editor being reviewed.		
 > REPORTED BY:	user(s) contributing to this comment.
 > DATE:	date on which the majority of the report was written.

File: DISPLAYEDITORS,  Node: Emacs,  Up: Top,  Previous: Sample, Next: Hmacs

General info:
 > NAME:	ITS (Teco) Emacs
 > MAINTAINER:	Written and maintained by Richard M. Stallman, at

"EMACS is given out on a basis of communal sharing."  RMS sees Emacs
as an editor under constant development both by himself and other
users.  He offers to act as a clearinghouse for bug reports, and to
attempt to fix most bugs.  Distribution consists of making the latest
version available on the Arpanet, and sending complete sets of
current files ("with no known bugs and all the latest features") on
user-supplied tape when asked.

	Most Tops-20 sites on the Arpanet.  Especially, MIT-XX
(contact mmcm@mit-xx), SCORE, (contact admin.mrc@score or
admin.jqj@score), SRI (contact mclure@sri-kl), etc.
	Send net mail to rms@mit-ai, or send him a tape via
USMail.  It's free.
	Richard M Stallman
	MIT Artificial Intelligence Lab
	545 Technology Square
	Cambridge, MA 02139
	(617) 253-6765

	Log in on a system that supports Emacs and run the program
TEACH-EMACS (or ETEACH on some systems).  Or read the EMACS manual
(available from MIT).

Terminal support:
	Currently: Datamedia Elite 2500, Hazeltine 1500, Digital
VT52, Datamedia Elite 1520, MIT Imlac, Digital VT05, Tektronix 4025,
Digitial VT61, Teleray 4041, Perkin-Elmer Fox, HP 2645, I400, Tek
4023, Ann Arbor, Concept 100, Soroc IQ 120, Digital VT100, Infotron
100, Teleray 1061, Heathkit H-19, Volker-Craig 404, CN-CP, Televideo
912, Perkin-Elmer OWL, Bantam, Datamedia 3045, Datamedia 3052,
Hazeltine Modular One.  Probably others by the time you read this.
	Adding a new terminal is only moderately difficult.  It
requires writing some Midas code for Teco, and rebuilding the system.
Emacs effectively requires cleos and cleol; line i/d is almost as
essential (although VT52s are supported; char i/d is quite useful,
but not essential.
	Emacs makes good use of char/line i/d, but for most terminal
types does not use many other advanced features, e.g. highlighting.
It DOES utilize the SAIL character set, if your terminal happens to
display it.  Emacs does a very good job of optimizing typeahead,
since it waits until you're finished typing before deciding how to
redraw the screen.  It does a much worse job of peephole
optimization:  inserting two characters in a row often results in
  <enter insert mode><space><backspace><leave insert mode>ch1
  <enter insert mode><space><backspace><leave insert mode>ch2
instead of
  <enter insert mode>ch1 ch2<leave insert mode>
On a Heath-19 terminal, this means 14 characters transmitted where
only 6 were needed. 
	There is not necessarily a 1-1 mapping between the
display-control characters typed and display functions performed.
	Use from hardcopy terminals is nominally supported, but has
lots of bugs.
	Macro packages are available to take advantage of the
alternate keypad for various terminals, though the keys they transmit
sometimes conflict with standard key definitions.  An Edit or Meta
key is very desirable.  Does not include facilities for use of a
mouse or other non-keyboard input device.  However, uses ALL ascii
control chars as commands; hence terminals that reserve some control
chars (e.g. ^S, ^Q) present problems.
	Emacs reserves, by default, a "mode line" and a 3 line echo
area at the bottom of the screen.  The mode line generally contains
the name of the file being edited, the mode in which editing is being
done (e.g. "text" mode or "pascal" mode), and the position, in
percentage, of the current region in the file as a whole.  Various
commands echo in the echo area, e.g. searches display the search
string and file operations display the file name as they are being
	The rest of the screen may be divided into one or two
windows, (top and bottom only.  Each window occupies the full width
of the screen) of user-settable size, permitting the display of two
files or of two regions in one file.

User interface:
	Some disagreement exists over how easy Emacs is for novices.
An excellent introductory tutorial called TEACH-EMACS exists.  Emacs
is heavily internally documented, and once the user knows enough to
find the internal docs.  s/he is in good shape.  The editing commands
(delete previous word, delete line, redisplay) differ from those of the
rest of T-20/TEXTI%, which confuses some users.  Some other users are
overpowered by the variety of available commands.  It has been claimed
that Emacs is very easy for a novice to first use, but also makes it
easy for the novice to fall into traps (e.g. special modes) provided
by the advanced features.
	Since the default command environment evolved over a fairly
long period, it is not particularly simple or rule oriented.
Instead, an attempt is made to optimize user typing by making the
most frequently used commands easiest to type.
	Very extensive internal documentation, including
documentation of every command, plus the INFO subsystem, exists.
Documentation for Emacs subsystems varies in extent and quality.
	Hardcopy documentation includes an extensive manual available
from MIT, plus various tutorials.  The hardcopy documentation to some
extent reflects the fact that Emacs is always in a state of flux.

System issues:
	Emacs is an interpreted macro in Teco.  The Teco editor is
available to the user if he wishes to modify his version of Emacs
or perform specialized functions.  Teco, in turn, is written in
Midas, an assembly language.
	Requires at least 100 pages of shared memory, plus lots of
impure core, but no temporary file space.  Requires the existence
of <EMACS> and <INFO> directories (about 2700 pages, bare minimum
500 pages, may be on a non-PS structure).  Runs on Tops-20, Tenex,
and ITS.
	Emacs currently wakes up on every character typed, which some
people claim is quite costly.  Some functions, e.g. PL/I mode,
which involve multiple levels of interpretation, are VERY slow.  It
also makes fairly heavy demands for virtual memory.

Features and limitations:
	N.B. Since Emacs is highly extensible, most of the "features"
that it currently lacks would be fairly easy to add if anyone wanted
to put in the effort.

	Go to any absolute character position, content addressing,
relative addressing by line, page, word, paragraph, sentence.  The
TAGS macro package permits go to a particular function or label, the
PAGE package permits page-absolute addressing.  No convenient command
currently exists to go to a particular line on a particular page.
One can scroll indefinitely in either direction.  Line numbers are
not supported in any form.
	Emacs has substantial facilities for dealing with words,
sentences, lines (but very inconvenient line-absolute addressing,
since this is not thought of as a line editor), paragraphs, s-exprs,
and user-specified regions.  Slightly less power currently exists for
dealing with pages and subroutines.  Facilities for dealing with
columns are primitive to nonexistent.
	Forward and backward search, case-independent and
case-specific, exist.  Wild cards are possible, but are not available
in the normal (default environment) string-search commands.  No
arbitrary regular-expression search exists.
	Deleted text is placed in a "kill buffer" from which it can
be undeleted.  Limited facilities exist for undoing other drastic
	An Autosave facility exists for regularly checkpointing the
current file.  A journalling facility also exists in recent versions,
but may still have a few bugs.
	Emacs is interpreted in Teco, a general-purpose programming
language which is itself available to the Emacs user, and hence is
extremely extensible -- perhaps the most programmable editor
available on the DEC-10 or DEC-20.  One can write teco commands for
immediate execution, or save macros in files for later execution:
many user-written macro packages exist.  Emacs is perhaps better
thought of as an environment for experimentation with editor
implementation than as an editor itself.
	A keyboard macro facility also exists which permits the
storing of strings of commands for later (in the same session only,
alas) commands.
	It is very convenient for an individual user to customize
his/her emacs environment, by creating a file EMACS.INIT on his
	Emacs supports multiple buffers and multiple windows.  Hence
working with several files simultaneously is very easy.  Copying from
one file to another is done by killing a region in a copy of the
source file, then restoring it into the destination file.
	An "auto fill mode" provides word wrap.
	Some facilities exist for justification, though nothing
fancy.  Emacs is normally used to prepare input for a text formatter
such as Pub, Tex, or Scribe, rather than a text formatter itself.
	Hooks exist for elaborate program formatting facilities.
Emacs currently does an exceptional job with lisp code (almost as
well as an editor embedded in a lisp system), including commenting,
GRINDFing, and commands for dealing with atoms, s-exprs, functions,
etc.  It is almost as good with assembler code, including commands
for commenting, moving to particular subfields of an instruction,
automatic indenting, etc.  Some facilities exist for structured
languages, notably Pascal and PL/I, but they are not yet well worked
	Emacs has most of the features you could imagine in an
editor, including elaborate built in help.  No facilities except
indentation commands currently exist for structured text.
	It is quite difficult to edit files of more than 400 disk
pages, since Emacs assumes that the whole file is mapped into the
(single section) address space.  It is not possible for the user to
reprogram the handling of screen redisplay.

General info:
	Start Emacs:			    emacs^M
	Search for the place to delete:	    ^S> example^F^F
	Delete 3 lines:			    ^[3^K
	Type the text to be inserted.
	Save the file and exit:		    ^U^X^Z
	Emacs is clearly the editor by which all others on the 20 are
judged.  For many purposes it is ideal.  Most people's objections are
either based on efficiency issues (Emacs is claimed to put fairly
heavy demand on a system), on maintenance (Emacs is constantly under
development, with frequent, sometimes buggy or incompatible, new
releases), or on difficulty for new users.
					jqj 3-23-80

File: DISPLAYEDITORS,  Node: Hmacs,  Up: Top,  Previous: Emacs, Next: TVEDIT

	HMACS - simplified set of ITS TECO macros designed for a keyboard
with cursor pad.

 > NAME:	Hmacs
 > USERS:	One.  This is an experimental editor developed at Rutgers.
		To try it out, log in at RUTGERS and run PS:<HEDRICK>HMACS.
Terminal support:
	HMACS is written in ITS teco, so it supports the same set of
terminals, in the same ways, as EMACS (q.v.).  However it makes very
heavy use of the terminal keypads, so it is effectively useless on
terminals whose keypads it is not set up for.  By its nature, it is
difficult to set it up for more than about 4 types of terminals.  The
version at Rutgers is set up for DM2500 (Stanford and vanilla), GTC
(Infoton) 400, and various flavors of VT52.
	Effectively useless on hardcopy terminals.
	Unlike Emacs, Hmacs makes heavy use of the cursor motion pad
present on most newer terminals.  (It is nearly useless without one.) It
uses a "logical pad" of 15 keys, though it only needs 9 physical keys.
	Similar to Emacs, but much less elaborate.  Only one window is

User interface:
	Hmacs is intended for novices. The use of the cursor pad is seen
as being more intuitive than the mnemonic letters of Emacs.  The editor
is designed to be simple, and difficult to get trapped in odd modes.

	External documentation currently is limited to
[RUTGERS]PS:<HEDRICK>HMACS.DOC.  The help command leads to this file,
which is similar to TEACH-EMACS in intent, but is complete.

System issues:
	Implemented in ITS teco.  Source is available as
[RUTGERS]PS:<HEDRICK>TECO.INIT.  (run ITS TECO and it asks you for a
file to save itself on.)
	Similar to Emacs.  Details not yet known.
	Unknown.  Since none of the heavily interpreted Emacs macro
packages exist, it should be faster than Emacs for most tasks.  In
particular, the TVEDIT-style macros are substantially more efficient
(and perhaps a bit easier to use) than the ITS kbd macro facility of
Emacs.  Its one user (Hedrick) uses it because it gets substantially
better response on a loaded system than either EMACS or TVEDIT.

Features and limitations:
   control keys - mostly similar to TECO ^R mode and control char's in
EMACS: the most common editing commands.  However these commands are
intended to be used from the cursor pad.
   cursor pad - move by char, line, word, and window; search; set mark;
exchange point/mark; begin and end of file
   meta key or escape prefix - less commonly used commands, including
filling text, exit commands, set edit bounds, comment mode, PUSH (edit
another file read-only), help, execute or edit a Q-register, macros
(exactly the same implemenation as in TVEDIT, though not saved in any
file). number: argument for next command
	Relative character and line addressing via auxiliary keypad. Go
to specified page.  Relative word addressing (go to 5th succeeding word,
etc.).  Windowing forward and backwards.  Character and string search.
	Commands for dealing with words and lines.  No sentence- or
paragraph- oriented commands.
	1-char search, or generalized Teco searches, complete with wild
	Unkill previously killed text.  No autosave or journalling yet.

	A simple keyboard-macro facility exists modelled after TVEDIT.
The facility is somewhat more powerful than the Emacs kbd macro facility
which it resembles.
	Primitive access exists to ITS teco, so the user has a full
programming language at his/her disposal.  However, this feature is seen
as being "mostly for debugging" rather than for general use.  The Emacs
programming facilities (named MM commands, loadable libraries, etc.) do
not by default exist, so must be built by hand.
	A PUSH command allows one to peruse (in read-only mode) another

	Semi-automatic text justification.  This command is intended for
justifying "odd formats" (e.g. it was used on this text).  It requires
somewhat more human intevention than the usual justify command, but is
substantially more flexible in the formats it permits.
	"comment mode"
	As with Emacs.

General info:
	HMACS was intended as a draft of a student-oriented editor.
However Rutgers finally decided to use TVEDIT and EMACS.  Thus it lives
on only as a private editor for Hedrick, embodying his preferences in
commands and giving noticably better performance than Rutgers' standard
editors.  No further development is contemplated, but it is currently
maintained as new versions of ITS TECO come out.

HMACS is a cross between TVEDIT and EMACS.  At the moment it is almost
their intersection.  It will never be their union (heaven forfend).
Maybe some sort of dot product?

 > REPORTED BY:	jqj@score, hedrick@rutgers
 > DATE:	10-30-81

File: DISPLAYEDITORS,  Node: TVEDIT,  Up: Top,  Previous: Hmacs, Next: Ted

	TVEDIT - display editor for DM2500 and other terminals with

 > MAINTAINER:	Pentti Kanerva (Kanerva@SUMEX), staff at Sumex and Rutgers.
 > USERS:	About half of the display editing at Rutgers, somewhat more
		than half at Sumex.  Almost all editing on Context,
		the Stanford word-processing DEC-20.  A few users elsewhere.
		From Rutgers or Sumex, for Tops-20 or Tenex.  From Rutgers
		or NIH (Bethesda) for Tops-10.
Terminal support:
	Each site has a somewhat different set.  At Rutgers, code exists
for the following: TEC, Datamedia 2500,  GTC (Infoton) 400, Imlac,
Visual 200, Heath 19, NIH-modified Delta Data 5200, Ambassador, HP2621,
although not all are actually assigned terminal codes.  New terminals
may be added with a few hours of work.
	TVEDIT uses a package (DPY.FAI, maintained by ADMIN.JQJ@SU-SCORE)
for terminal-independent control of the terminal.  This package
requires a terminal with insert and delete line and character.  The
package optimizes character sequences for cursor motion, mode
changing, etc.  Thus it is probably more efficient in characters sent
than EMACS.  However it does not have EMACS' real-time orientation.
So once a command is given that outputs something, future commands
will wait until that output is finished.
	Effectively useless on hardcopy terminals, although there is a
hardcopy mode.
	TVEDIT was originally intended for a DM2500 with meta key and
keypad.  It is fairly important to have a keypad of some kind, but the
lack of meta key does not seem serious.  Builtin commands are all typed
with meta key or escape prefix (or on keypad).  Control characters are
all available for user-defined macros.  Printing characters replace the
character in the current cursor position.
	A single window into the file is maintained. There is a "mode
line" at the top, and a border down both sides of the screen.  The
characters on the border are used to indicate when a line extends beyond
the right or left end of the screen.  TVEDIT displays only as much of a
line as will fit on one line of the screen.  Updating the borders is a
substantial cause of transmission overhead, since inserting one
character requires deletion of a character at the end of the line in
order to maintain the border.

User interface:
	Computer science students seem to be able to use it after 15
min. of lecture (which describes only the use of the keypad and the exit
command).  We have had no problems with use by novices.

	[RUTGERS]DOC:TVEDIT.MANUAL.  There is also a reference card,
available from Sumex.  There is no interactive help on the commands. The
following help facilities exist:
   help is available for the questions asked at startup (if you choose
	to start in dialog mode, rather than typing a file name and
	switches on the command line)
   one response available in dialog startup mode will cause you to
	peruse the manual.  In principle it is possible to learn the
	editor by doing this.  (The first window of the manual gives the
	commands needed to move through the file.)
There is also a teaching program similar to TEACH-EMACS, available
from Liebschutz@Rutgers.

System issues:
	Implemented in SAIL, except that the display package is in
FAIL.  Sources are available on [RUTGERS]S:<TVEDIT>.
	The major requirement is for a terminal with appropriate
features.  As for the program, TVEDIT.EXE and the sharable SAIL high
segment are needed. It is somewhat smaller than EMACS  (though far too
large for what it does.)  Only a few pages of the file are kept in
memory, so it is substantially smaller than EMACS for large files.
	CPU shares for users using it are typically smaller than for
EMACS users by a modest amount.

Features and limitations:
	The editor works in "overwrite mode".  I.e. straight text
replaces what was there before.  There is an "insert mode" for inserting
characters in context, however this mode is cancelled by any other
command. Commands are given by meta-commands or by using the escape key
as a prefix to letters or special characters.  The commands are
generally the first letter of the command name.  Many of the commands
(e.g. delete) can apply to any of characters, words, lines, or the
current region (the area between the current position and a "mark").
This is indicated by a suffix.  So to delete a word, you would type
<esc> D <del>, where "D" indicates delete, and "<del>" indicates word
mode.  Most commands can take a numeric prefix to specify a count, and
using two altmodes causes an infinite count.
Absolute page number/line number by $G command
Relative character, word, and line addressessing via commands or keypad.
Windowing forward and backwords.  (However this is less useful than in
	EMACS because a second window command does not interrupt display
	caused by the first.  However ^O may be used to do this
Character and string search.
	Commands for dealing with words, lines, and a "region" (the area
between the current position and a "mark").  No sentence- or paragraph-
oriented commands.  No language-specific features except for comments.
	1-char search, or string searches.  Multiple targets may be
specified, but no wildcards are available.
Unkill previously killed text.  
Undo previous command.
The current state of the file is saved in pages beyond the end of file
	(in Tops-20 and Tenex).  This allows most of the edit to be
	recovered after a crash, though there may be some loss (up to
	about a page) and some duplication of a small region of the

	There is a macro facility, which allows the user to define his
own commands.  Any control character may be used for a macro. Macros are
saved automatically in the file TVSTRINGS.PMAP on the user's directory.
Macros are usually used to do specific complex operations, not to make
general extensions to the editor.
	A PUSH command allows one to peruse (in read-only mode) another

	Join and Break commands exist for hand-justifying text.  There
is no automatic text formatting.
	"comment mode"
	TVEDIT tends to turn mutiple spaces into tabs, in somewhat
unpredictable ways.  
	The major limitation with respect to EMACS is that it is not
possible to make meaningful extensions to the editor except in the SAIL
source.  As a consequence, there is no equivalent to the large number of
libraries and other functions available in EMACS.  However the user
engineering of what does exist has been very careful indeed, and some
(an ever decreasing number) users believe that this makes up for the
lack of facilities.

General info:

 > REPORTED BY:	hedrick@rutgers
 > DATE:	10-30-81

File: DISPLAYEDITORS,  Node: TED,  Up: Top,  Previous: Hmacs,  Next: Vided

TED a screen oriented text editor

General info:
 > NAME:	TED or ED
 > MAINTAINER:	Written at Information International, by
		(serially) Ken Clements, Glen Williams, Dave Dyer
		Curently maintained for personal use only by
		Dave Dyer (DDYER@ISIB)
 > USERS:	In regular use at Information International, and By
		a small circle of III alumni.
		Should be regarded as unavailable.

Terminal support:
		DELTA-5000 (obsolete)  DM3025 VISUAL-200
		HP2640 and compatable terminals, including 2649 and 2621a

		Adding similar terminals requires a few hours effort and
		a reassembly of the editor.

		Character insert, Character delete, line insert, line delete
		position cursor, clear to end of line.
		Blink or reverse video is used if available.

		TED works hard to minimize character traffic.  It is
		fine at 4800 baud or greater, bearable at 2400, barely
		usable at 1200, not recommended below that.

		No.  Completely useless on a hardcopy terminal.

		No extra keys are needed.  A meta key is used (a little)
		if available.  It's nice if there are encoded arrow keys.

User interface:
		TED's command structure was influenced by TECO.
		TED's commands are simple and visually oriented.  The
		main lossage for beginners is confusion among major
		submodes: Command, Insert, Overstrike, Search.

		Not much, or much needed, as there are not a great number
		of whizbang "features" cluttering it up.  For a brief
		 command description, see [SCORE]MRC:<JQJ.EDITORDOC>TED.COMMANDS

System issues:
		Source language: Macro


		The TOPS-20 version has some rough edges to be worked out.
		The TOPS-20 and TENEX versions do NOT use PA1050

		Pure segment is 5K, Impure 1K+text

		No special directories or support required, but TED
		needs to know the system's terminal type numbers.

 > EFFICIENCY:	TED was intended to be very efficient, and is sucessful
		for most tasks.  Naturally, It requires wakeup on every
		character, which is the primary cost to the system.

		TED performs well even on heavily loaded systems, long after
		EMACS would have you climbing the walls.

		Internally, text is line blocked and a linefeed
		table is maintained.  LINENUMBERS IN TEXT ARE

Features and limitations:
		TED edits only on the current page.

		TED considers a PAGE as the text between form feeds,
		but will stop reading a large page early if it has
		too many lines.  The limit is adjustable.

		Pages can only be turned forward.  To go back to a
		previous page, you hav to cycle around to the beginning

		Locally, one can move by characters or by lines.

		Globally, one can jump to any position by specifying
		linenumber, or linenumber and lineposition.  Locations
		can be stored in Q registers, a la TECO.

		One can also scroll up or down by 1/2 pages, which is
		nice for perusing.
		TED reserves the top line for a prompt, random information
		displays, search string display, and error messages.

		The rest of the screen is your window.  You can reduce
		the window size to as little as 3 lines, which is nice
		if you are searching around and tire of waiting for the
		screen to be repainted.

		FULL repainting is done on request, and otherwise only when
		absolutely necessary.  If "old" and "new" displays have
		any commoon lines, the screen scrolls smoothly to the
		new configuration.

		An unusual feature, and a real winner: Full repainting
		is done from CENTER-OUT rather than TOP-DOWN.  This is
		especially nice after a search, since you see the line
		you really want immediately, and the rest of the screen
		is painted while you focus and decide if this is the
		right place.

		Another unusual feature, the cursor can be either
		free to move around on the window, or can be "nailed"
		to the centerline.  In the "nailed" mode, the line
		you are working is always in the center of the screen,
		which is especially nice if you are jumping around
		a lot.

		There is a special MACLISP hack to skip SEXPRs either
		forward or backward.

		Q registers can hold arbitrary blocks of text.  There
		are two special "markers" that can be used to delimit
		text to deleted or stored in Q registers.

 > SEARCHING:	Search (forward only) either through
		the whole file or on the current page.

		Searches can be either case dependant of case independant.

		No other special matching capabilities exist.

		No.  The only really dangrous command is K, which kills lines.
		The D (delete character) command will not delete more
		than one line of characters under any circumstances.

		Backup files (like teco) are made on tops-10,
		and tenex/twenex make a new version.  The PC
		command automatically cycles through the file and
		reopens the output for input.  This is the primary
		mechanism for dealing with paranoia.

		No special provisions for customization.  Several
		commands set global "lifestyle" modes, but there
		is no provision for a user profile.

		TOPS-10 version understands CCL, and has a PG command
		(like EG for TECO)

		There is a simple macro facility (q registers can be
		executed) but there are no flow controls except
		termination due to error, like  afailed search.
		One file, One editing buffer.
		Merging pieces of files requires stuffing one file
		into a Q register.

		No special text formatting.  Lines up to 4 or 5 display
		lines long are handled as well as one could expect.

		There is a parenthesis counting move command.
		There is a special mode for MACRO in which
		everything except comments are automatically

		TED supports its own encryption scheme, which is
		good enough to dissuade anyone from trying to break.

		TED converts control characters to escape sequences,
		so can edit full ascii files.

General info:
		Nexample:$Q<Scomments:$0Lq>QKInew description$PX

		( read that as "fine EXAMPLE: place left marker,
		  fine COMMENTS:  go back to beginning of line,
		  place right marker, delete text between markers,
		  insert new description, exit )

 > COMMENTS:	TED's best features are its smallness and efficiency.

		Among its other noteworthy "good Ideas" are the
		screen repaint and cursor management, the encryption.

 > REPORTED BY:	Dave Dyer
 > DATE:	April 8, 1980

File: DISPLAYEDITORS,  Node: Vided,  Up: Top,  Previous: TED,	Next: FINE

General info:
 > NAME:	Vided.
 > MAINTAINER:	A research lab. of the Swedish Military developed
		and supports it. (They also made the excellent
		TOPS-10 and -20 implementation of SIMULA, in which
		most of the source code is written.)
 > USERS:	No idea. I have used Vided at the University of Oslo.
		From the developers (from same people as SIMULA.)
		(I only know the system as a user, and I have
		no documentation at Stanford, so everything is from memory.)
 > MORE INFO:	There is an on-line user manual, and help files.

Terminal support:
		Many terminals supported. (I have used it on VT100
		and Tandberg's TDV2000.)
		I believe it to be very easy to include new terminals, since
		the system is written in high-level language SIMULA.
		Very primitive displays can be supported - not even
		direct-cursor adressing is required.
		Makes good use of available display features
		(Scrolling, insert/delete etc.).
		No exotics, like standout or graphics.
		No type-ahead optimization.
		Uses standard keyboard. Uses "arrow" keys, and PF keys
		if available.
		Whole screen used for text. Hitting a special "command" key
		echoes an "&" to signify readiness for a command.
		Command characters (including insertions - at least on 
		most terminals) overwrite text characters until
		command is executed.

User interface:
		Relatively easily learned. Generally single-letter
		mnemonic commands.
		Online manual (ca. 60 pages), and help files.
		I think the help file can be printed while in the editor.

System issues:
		Source is the high-level general-purpose language SIMULA-67.
		Some parts are I believe written in assembler for speed.
		Sources available with distribution tape.
		Written for and used on TOPS-10.
		Probably runs on TOPS-20, since they have modified SIMULA
		for use on TOPS-20.
		Presumably requires the SIMULA runtime routines.
		Mainly intended for one forward-pass processing:
		you can move around in a window which is kept in core; only
		certain commands allow you to move backwards beyond the
		window, and they cause a "save" of the complete file.
		Does not wakeup on every character, so useable on
		heavily-loaded systems.
Features and limitations:
		Absolute page adressing. Relative line movement commands.
		Searching. Arbitrary scrolling by giving number of lines.
		I believe line numbers are partly supported.
		Forward searching within screen, and general.
		Generally, "a"="A".
		Some possibility for complicated search patterns.
		Save command. Autosave facility (by default).
		No undelete, or undo.
		On a crash, one just restarts the editor on the latest
		backup copy (which generally has the name of the original
		file). (The unedited copy is renamed to "FILNAM.QZZ".)
		Slight customization, using "SWITCH.INI" file.
		No macros, or programmability.
		However, note that editor is written in high-level language.
		One can give a count to indicate that the same command be 
		repeated for a number of consecutive lines.
		Some ability to switch between files. It seemed
		somewhat limited, though I have not used the facility.
		Editor automatically breaks long lines, at least on (file)
		input, and insertion.
		Includes pagination, text-justification, and -filling.
		There is a post-processor for vertical half-line spacing
		on DIABLO-like terminals (special postprocessor commands
		are recognized by editor).
		There is also a stand-alone indexing program.
		There is a utility for multicolumn formatting (which has been
		used for the HELP file).
General info:
		.R VIDED-Filnam.ext
		(Answer questions on terminal type and starting page no.)
		&n> EXAMPLE:<RET>	Search
		(I can't remember where the cursor lands after a seach.
		(If at the beginning of the search text, one would have to
		(move the cursor (e.g. using "arrow" keys) past the ":".)
		&4K			Delete 4 lines
		(Type example. Note that the previous delete, since given
		(in the middle of a line, leaves 3 1/2 blank lines.
		(If more lines are needed, an &nL -command will insert n
		(blank lines.)
		&E			Exit from editor
		(Note that "&" is the echo of a special key which
		(differs from terminal to terminal. In all cases, CNRL/F
		(may be used.)
 > REPORTED BY: Per Bothner.
 > DATE:	1980-Oct-1.

File: DISPLAYEDITORS,  Node: FINE,  Up: Top,  Previous: VIDED,	Next: ZED

FINE:  A display editor for the DEC-10/20.
(Fine Is Not Emacs)

General info:
 > MAINTAINER:	Written and maintained by Mike Kazar @CMU-10A.
 > USERS:	CMU.  Also available at SUAI, and elsewhere.

Terminal support:
		Unknown.  At least Concept 100, DM2500, etc.  Adding
		a new terminal apparently requires modification of the
		terminal driver, which is written in Bliss.
		Uses Character/Line Insert/Delete heavily.  Makes very
		strong effort to optimize display updating.
		Presumes an ASCII standard keyboard, possibly with META
		key.  Most commands are control characters.
		The context display is similar to that of Emacs, with a
		small echo area at the bottom of the display.  The screen
		itself can be divided vertically into any number of windows
		(each full width).

User interface:
		Unknown.  Some attempt has been made to implement a
		universal escape character (^G) which gets you out of
		most confusing situations.

		External documentation includes the manual, FINE:  A
		DISPLAY EDITOR FOR THE DEC-10/20, (23 pp.) available
		from CMU.  Also available online at CMU (and, in a
		possibly outdated version, at SCORE).

System issues:
		The editor is written in Bliss.
		Runs under both Tops-10 and Tops-20.

 > EFFICIENCY:	unknown.  Makes fairly heavy use of temporary files.

Features and limitations:
	FINE is very similar to standard Emacs ^R mode.  Most of the
control- and meta- commands are implemented in very similar form.

		As with standard Emacs, relative addressing by word,
		line, page, character, etc.  Or via search.  Line numbers
		are not supported.
		Structuring is generally by character, line, word,
		paragraph, page, or region.
		Forward and reverse search, without wildcards.  Apparently,
		always case independent.
		Deleted text (one block only) is saved in a kill buffer,
		from which it may be restored.
		Autosave is by default (user modifiable) every 100 keystrokes.
		Limited macro facility.

		Multiple files may be edited and viewed simultaneously.
		Editor supports word wrap, region indentation and
		justification, and case inversion.
		Special modes exist for editing BLISS and PASCAL.
		Support exists for comment placement and automatic

		DIRED mode, for editing directory listings.

 > LIMITATIONS:	unknown

General info:
 > EXAMPLE:	very similar to emacs.
 > COMMENTS:	From the point of view of user interface, FINE is
		very similar to uncustomized basic Emacs, with a few
		commands cleaned up or made more regular.  It is superior
		in its multi-window support, but is not really very
		easily programmable.


File: DISPLAYEDITORS,  Node: ZED,  Up: Top,  Previous: FINE,  Next: SED

ZED:  A display editor with orthogonal command structure

General info:
 > NAME:	ZED.  Also known as DOC at MIT.
 > MAINTAINER:	Written and maintained by Vaughan Pratt, MIT
 > USERS:	Theory of Computation group, MIT; University of Washington,
 > AVAILABILITY:Runs under Tops-20, is available at Score.

Terminal support:
	As for EMACS, namely Datamedia Elite 2500, Hazeltine 1500,
Digital VT52, Datamedia Elite 1520, MIT Imlac, Digital VT05,
Tektronix 4025, Digitial VT61, Teleray 4041, Perkin-Elmer Fox, HP
2645, I400, Tek 4023, Ann Arbor, Concept 100, Soroc IQ 120, Digital
VT100, Infotron 100, Teleray 1061, Heathkit H-19, Volker-Craig 404,
CN-CP, Televideo 912, Perkin-Elmer OWL, Bantam, Datamedia 3045,
Datamedia 3052, Hazeltine Modular One, and others.
	Same as for Emacs: ZED makes good use of char/line i/d, but
for most terminal types does not use many other advanced features,
e.g. highlighting.  It DOES utilize the SAIL character set, if your
terminal happens to display it.  ZED does a very good job of
optimizing typeahead, since it waits until you're finished typing
before deciding how to redraw the screen.
	ZED offers hardcopy support that aims to strike a balance
between time to print out and resemblance to the actual text.  It is
well-suited to terminals that obscure the text that is to the right of the
printing element, as on TI Silent 700's.  It displays the text that is to the
left of the print head on one line, and the remainder on the line above.  As
the printhead is spaced to the right, either on account of text inserted or
mere "cursor-right" movement, the text that is being inserted or "copied"
appears from under the printhead, creating the illusion that it was there all
along but that you just couldn't see it.
	Unlike EMACS, ZED is closely tied to standard keyboards.  The use
of the control key to indicate commands was considered and rejected on
account of the awkwardness of dealing with numbers in a control-key
oriented editor.  Instead the escape is used as a sort of "control-lock"
key.  The state of "control-lock" is displayed on the ZED's status line, as
either "Insert Mode" or "Alter Mode".  The bulk of the command language may
be typed without using either control or shift keys.
	ZED has a text window, a status line, and a command echo area
in which the commands are echoed in their expanded form (as in Erase 3 Lines
when the user typed E3L).  A multiwindow facility is planned for the near
	ZED was originally designed for use by a secretary Pratt was about
to hire in 1974 and didn't want to have to teach TECO to.  Thus ZED is
intended as the antithesis of a "hacker's" editor, and is aimed at
nonprogrammers.  Pratt did not originally intend to become a ZED user
himself, but found it more usable by hackers than intended.  Its use
primarily by the Theory of Computation Group at MIT, and its adoption
initially by the theorists at the University of Washington, Seattle,
suggest that it is preferred by users generally less involved in
	The documentation consists of a manual and a teach file.  The
manual is available from Vaughan Pratt, the teach file is

System issues:
	The editor is written in RMS's TECO.
	Runs under both ITS and Tops-20.

	Somewhat more efficient than EMACS, due to fewer TECO commands
used to realize a given command.

Features and limitations:

(i)	Physical: ZED offers a range of so-called "golfball" commands which are
purely geometric, in that move the cursor l...

....more to follow.....

For now, we simply include the printout from the "?" help command:

|   GOLFBALL    |  VERBS        ADJECTIVES      NOUNS       |   IMPERATIVES   |
|BACKSPACE SPACE|  Erase        2,3,4,...       Character   |  Insert	      |
|LINEFEED RETURN|  Dump         Back or -       Word        |  Make: from$to$ |
|   \       /   |  Justifill    Right-end-of    Line        |  Visit: file$   |
|   <       >   |  Kase-Lower   wHole           Paragraph   |  Undo	      |
|   {       }   |-----------------------------| File        |  eXit to: place$|
|---------------|          INSERT MODE        | Text: xyz$  |  Get-dumped-text|
|leave zed: ^Z  |enter: I   Erase Char: DELETE| Object      |  Quote (insert) |
|continue:  zed |leave: $   Erase Word: ^W    | =           |		      |
All-capitals commands refer to keys so labelled.  For other alphabetic
commands type only the capitalized letter.  Commands from the middle region
may be combined in the form VERB-ADJECTIVES-NOUN:  the VERB is optional, any
number of "ADJECTIVES" may be given, and the NOUN is mandatory.  "GOLFBALL"
commands are simple cursor motions.  For a manual, Visit <CSD.PRATT>ZED.MAN$
For a self-teach file, Visit <CSD.PRATT>TEACH$

REPORTED BY>	Vaughan Pratt

File: DISPLAYEDITORS,  Node: SED,  Up: Top,  Previous: ZED, Next: DEC-TV

No info is currently available here.  See

File: DISPLAYEDITORS,  Node: DEC-TV,  Up: Top,  Previous: SED, Next: EDT

This is a rather limited version of standard TECO with one extra feature:
an attempt is made to constantly display the area around the point in a
window occupying most of the screen, while prompting for TECO commands in a
window at the bottom of the screen.

No further info is currently available here.  See the DEC manual for

File: DISPLAYEDITORS,  Node: EDT,  Up: Top,  Previous: DEC-TV,	Next: E

EDT is an editor developed for the VAX, etc.  It is written in common
Bliss, and so should be portable to the -20 with little difficulty.
It was originally designed for use with the DEC VT-100 terminal, but
has been extended to support other display terminals.

No further info is currently available here.

File: DISPLAYEDITORS,  Node: E,  Up: Top,  Previous: EDT,  Next: Z

E is the powerful display editor developed at the Stanford Artificial
Intelligence lab.  It makes heavy use of th SUAI system line editor,
but has been ported to other more standard Tops-10 systems.  It is
documented in the E reference manual, available at SU-AI.

No further info is currently available here.

File: DISPLAYEDITORS,  Node: Z,  Up: Top,  Previous: E

Z is the display editor in use at Yale university.  It features
display editing, plus very nice editor-program interaction; the user
may compile a Fortran, Pascal, or C program under control of the
editor, writing error messages to a file, then simultaneously edit
the original program text and the error messages, using the latter to
index into the former.

Until a reasonable entry is developed for this file, we include the
HELP file from Yale:

Usage: Z [file1 file2 ...]
Yale screen editor.  Since you spend 99% of your time in the editor, why not
the best?

          "The best and last of the Yale editors."  -New York Times.
          "A tour-de-farce."  -Vincent Canby.
          "A fun, featureful, frolicsome program.  No reason not to
              come and enjoy it."  -Rex Reed.
          "A true mass of seething bits."  -Mark R. Brown.
          "Raw sex."  -Great Designer.

Default keyboad assignment of Z editor functions.  (See TOOLS:Z.DOC for details)

If you are in TOOLS.EXE then use function name to goto the appropriate place in
Z.DOC.  (e.g. <arg>SETF<goto> will take you to the documentation for the
<setf> function).

Key    Function  Description

^space <cancel>  Cancel current edit operation
         <meta>  Modify next command

escape or
^]        <arg>  Enter argument
^X^]      TARG   Enter Text Argument

^X        SHFT   Shift to alternate keyboard
^X^E      EXEC   Execute an editor function
^X?       HUH    Query keyboard assignment
^X^U      REPT   Repeat last command
^B        SETF   Set the current file
^C        HALT   Stop the editor, immediately
^Z        EXIT   Exit the editor
          MUFX   Exit the editor via MUF  (If MUF: in SWITCH.INI)
          SM     Enter Session Manager    (If SM: in SWITCH.INI)
^X^_      MVSM   Move to previous SM input line    (If SM: in SWITCH.INI)
^X^B      SETF   Set current file

^^        SWIT   Change an editor switch
^XI       INIT   Read switches from DSK:SWITCH.INI

tab       <tab>  Software tab
return     <cr>  Software carraige return
home      HOME   Move cursor to left hand corner
^X^I      BTAB   Software backtab
^N        NOCK   Read the next character literally

^T        +LIN   Move forwards by lines
^W        -LIN   Move backwards by lines
^L        +PAG   Move forwards by pages
^Q        -PAG   Move backwards by pages
^P        GOTO   Goto a specific location
^X^X      CURS   Rewrite current line
^]        SETC   Rewrite screen

^R        +SCH   Forward search
^E        -SCH   Backward search
^O        GLOB   Global search and replace
^X^O      GLBQ   Global search and replace with query

rub       CDEL   Character delete
^X^S      WDEL   Word delete
^V        PBAL   Parenthesis balance
^A        SINS   Stream insert
^S        SDEL   Stream delete
^D        LINS   Line insert
^F        LDEL   Line delete
^K        LPIC   Line pick
^G        PUT    insert contents of <put> buffer

^X^R      SPEL   Move to next misspelled word
^XF       FILL   Fill text
^XJ       JUST   Justify text
^XL       FLUL   Flush text left
^X^C      CENT   Center text
^XR       FLUR   Flush text right
^Xc       LOWR   Convert to lower case
^XC       UPPR   Convert to upper case

^X^]      RFSH   Refresh current file from disk
^XU       UDEL   Undelete previous version of file
^U        COMP   Background compile
^XP       PUSH   Push a TOPS20 EXEC
^X^V      INFO   Display information
^XD       DIR    Edit current directory
          SAVE   Create a savable coreimage