
Trailing-Edge - PDP-10 Archives - mit_emacs_170_teco_1220 - info/
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File: Calc,		 Node: Top,				Up: Emacs

To get simple calculator functions, it is best to escape to Teco.

Just enter the minibuffer (Meta-Altmode), type your expression with
liberal parenthesis, and the four basic operators (+,-,*,/), edit it
to what you want, end the expression with an equal sign, and exit the
minibuffer with two escapes in a row (type the escapes after all your
text).  All operations are integer operations.  You can represent the
number of characters up to the point by a period (".") and the number
of characters in the whole buffer by the letter, Z.

If you want variables, do assignment by "<argument>U<any character>"
and referencing by "Q<the character>" (e.g "(3*.)Ua  (Qa-7)Ub  Qb*4="
would type 3 times 2 times the number of characters up to the point
minus 4 times 7).  These are QRegisters, and they will stick around
between times you use the minibuffer.

To automatically insert the number into your buffer, just use a
backslash ("\") instead of the equal sign.  You may have as many
expressions as you like in the minibuffer at once.  Just end each one
with the equals or backslash, and end it all with the escape escape.

A word of warning: you are dealing with TECO here, and you are giving
TECO commands.  DON'T EXPERIMENT with other characters, and CHECK your
expression carefully.  TECO is at the same time very powerful and very
wierd; you will find terrible things happening to you and your files
if you are not careful.

File: Calc,		Node: Other Bases,		Up: Top.

To get your numbers written in another base (e.g. base 8) do
"8[..E  <expressions> ^\ $$" .   To force TECO to read your numbers in
in a different base, do "<new base>fs ibase$ <expressions> 10fs ibase$
$$ ".  You can of course mix these two, and mix in expressions in
different modes--just be sure each push into ..E ([..E) is matched by
a control backslash, and that you put 10 back into fs ibase$ at the
end.  Note, that to enter a number in base 8, it is not necessary to
change fs ibase$.  Just follow the number immediately with a "."
(period) and TECO will interpret it as being base 8.