
Trailing-Edge - PDP-10 Archives - mit_emacs_170_teco_1220 - emacs/tags.fai
There are no other files named tags.fai in the archive.
;SIERRA:<EMACS162>TAGS.FAI.52,  1-Sep-84 07:22:45, Edit by BRADFORD
; Merged version from MIT-XX and SU-SIERRA
;SX:<EMACS162>TAGS.FAI.50, 25-Mar-82 01:12:37, Edit by K.KANEF
; No default extension for first file, instead of defaulting to null extension.
; (DEFJFB+.GJEXT starts as 0, then later points to DEFEXT.
;  Moved DEFJFB to impure storage)
;MRC:<EMACS>TAGS.FAI.49, 10-Sep-81 12:22:29, Edit by ADMIN.JQJ
;add dummy SCRIBE routine.
; <KLOTZ>TAGS.FAI.16,  5-Aug-82 01:28:00, Edit by KLOTZ@MIT-OZ

	title	tags
	search	monsym

	subttl	Definitions

ifndef	tnxsw,<	ife .osfail-<sixbit /TENEX/>,<	tnxsw	__ -1>>
ifndef	tnxsw,<	tnxsw	__ 0>
t20sw	__ tnxsw

define	tnx	<ifn	tnxsw>
define	t20	<ifn	t20sw>

tnx,<	prints	\TENEX version.
	.insert	monsym
	opdef	pstin	[jsys	611]
t20,<	prints	\TOPS-20 version.
	search	monsym

f_0					; Flags
t_7					; Temp
u_10					; Temp
s_11					; String and temp
s1_12					; Second part for string
n_13					; Counter of functions found
ch_14					; Character
l_15					; Language type
bp_16					; Byte pointer
p_17					; Guess

; LH flags
f%f1	__ 400000			; Temp flags
f%f2	__ 200000

; RH flags
f%oldf	__ 400000			; Using old tags file, not making one
f%eoff	__ 200000			; EOF seen on old file
f%lgvn	__ 100000			; Language specified by user with /

opdef	call	[pushj	p, 0]
opdef	ret	[popj	p, 0]
opdef	uerr	[1b8]

define	error	(x)
   <	uerr	[asciz /x/]

loc	41
	call	uuoh
	subttl	Impure storage

tagjfb:	block	2			; Flags and jfns
	block	3			; Device, dir, name
	point	7, [asciz /TAGS/]	; Extension
	block	4

defjfb:	gj%old!gj%cfm!gj%ifg!gj%xtn
	block	3
	block	3
	block	2
	point	7, [asciz /*/]

injfn:	0
tagjfn:	0
oldjfn:	0

nfiles:	0
nfunct:	0

nchars:	0
filptr:	0
hdrptr:	0
zroptr:	0

indefq:	0				; Non-zero => inside DEFINEQ for INTERLISP
nparen:	0				; <paren depth> - 1 for INTERLISP
parpdp:	0				; Pushdown pointer for [] paren pdl
parpdl:	block	1000			; [PJG] Stack itself, orig. 100

defext:	block	10

strbsz	__ 500				; [PJG] Used to be 100
strbuf:	block	strbsz

npdl	__ 17
pdl:	block	npdl
	subttl	Pure storage

defjfb:	gj%old!gj%cfm!gj%ifg!gj%xtn
	block	3
	point	7, defext
	block	3
	block	2
	point	7, [asciz /*/]

zromsk:	byte (7) 177, 177, 177, 177, 177 (1) 1
	byte (7) 000, 177, 177, 177, 177 (1) 1
	byte (7) 000, 000, 177, 177, 177 (1) 1
	byte (7) 000, 000, 000, 177, 177 (1) 1
	byte (7) 000, 000, 000, 000, 177 (1) 1

crlf:	byte (7) 15, 12, 0

squozp:	repeat	"#"-0+1,<0>		; ^@ - #
	repeat	"%"-"$"+1,<-1>		; $ - %
	repeat	"-"-"&"+1,<0>		; & - -
	repeat	"."-"."+1,<-1>		; .
	repeat	"/"-"/"+1,<0>		; /
	repeat	"9"-"0"+1,<-1>		; 0 - 9
	repeat	"@"-":"+1,<0>		; : - @
	repeat	"Z"-"A"+1,<-1>		; A - Z
	repeat	"`"-"["+1,<0>		; [ - `
	repeat	"z"-"a"+1,<-1>		; a - z
	repeat	177-"{"+1,<0>		; { - rubout
	subttl	Languages we know about

;lang(language name, default extension, dispatch tag prefix)
;The maximum length of the default extension is 5 characters.
define	langs
   <	lang(BASIC,B20,B20)

; Indexes for languages
define	lang ' (x,y,z)
   <	lt.'z	__ nlangs
	nlangs	__ nlangs+1
nlangs	__ 0

; Table of filename extensions
define	lang ' (x,y,z)
   <	<asciz	/y/>

langex:	langs

; Table of language names
define	lang(x,y,z)
   <	[asciz	/x/]

langtb:	langs

; Table of dispatch routines for them
define	lang ' (x,y,z)
   <	z'lin

langds:	langs
	subttl	Hairy string macro

; Reset string
define	strini	(str)
   {	define	str {0,}

define	strcn1	 ' (str,str2,dummy,str1)
   {	define	str {0,str1'str2}

; Add str2 to str1's current value
define	strcnc	(str1,str2)
   {	strcn1	(str1,str2,\str1)

define	strget	' (ac,cond,dummy,str)
   {	ifdif {str},{},{cam'cond ac, [ascii /str/]}
	ifidn {str},{},{cai'cond ac, 0}

; Get the resultant string
define	strevl	(ac,cond,str)
   {	strget	(ac,cond,\str)

; Go to jmp if string in s and s1 matches str
; Or if jmp not spec, return unless matches
define	strmat	(str, jmp)
   {	strini(str1)
	strcnt	__ 0
	for char e {str}
	   {	ifl strcnt-5,{	strcnc(str1,char)}
		ifge strcnt-5,{	strcnc(str2,char)}
		strcnt	__ strcnt+1
	purge	strcnt
	ifidn {jmp},{},{ret}
	ifdif {jmp},{},{caia
			jrst	jmp}
	subttl	Main program

go:	reset
	move 1,[sixbit \TAGS  \]
	setzb	f, nfiles
	move	p, [iowd npdl, pdl]
	call	dorscn			; Check for filename in rscan line
	call	filini			; Get output file
	hrroi	1, [asciz / Type filenames, end with blank line
	trnn	f, f%oldf
	 psout				; Unless using old file, give prompt
	setzm	injfn			; Make sure we dont thing there's a file
floop:	call	nxtfil			; Get the next file to do
	 jrst	done			; All done
	call	inifil			; Set up to start this file
lloop:	call	nxtlin			; Get the next line
	 jrst	lloopf			; End of this file
	call	@langds(l)		; Do this line
	jrst	lloop
lloopf:	call	finfil			; Finish up this file
	jrst	floop

done:	call	finish			; Finish up the output tags file
	jrst	go
	subttl	Top level subroutines

; Get command line
dorscn:	trz	f, f%oldf		; Clear out flag
t20,<	setz	1,
	 tdza	1, 1
	jumpe	1, cpopj		; No command line
	movni	3, (1)
	movei	1, .cttrm
	hrroi	2, strbuf
	sin				; Read command line
	move	bp, [point 7, strbuf]
dorsc1:	ildb	1, bp
	cain	1, 12			; EOL?
	 ret				; Yes, return to get from tty
	caie	1, " "			; Space?
	 jrst	dorsc1			; No, keep going
tnx,<	movei	1, .priin
	pbin				; Get terminator of command line
	caie	1, " "
	 ret				; Return if not space to get from tty

; Get file from command line
t20,<	dmove	1, [gj%old
	dmovem	1, tagjfb
	movei	1, tagjfb		; Default to .TAGS
	move	2, bp
tnx,<	movsi	1, (gj%old!gj%cfm!gj%msg)
	movem	1, tagjfb
	move	1, [.priin,,.priou]
	movem	1, tagjfb+.gjsrc
	movei	1, tagjfb
	setz	2,
	 jrst	dorscx
	move	2, [7b5+of%rd]
	 jrst	dorscx
	movem	1, oldjfn		; And save jfn of old file
	tro	f, f%oldf

dorscx:	call	jerror			; Print jsys error message
	jrst	go
; Set up output file
filini:	setzm	defjfb+.gjext		; Reset default extension
	trne	f, f%oldf		; If reparsing,
	 jrst	filin2			; Get next version of old file
filin1:	hrroi	1, [asciz / Output tags file: /]
t20,<	dmove	1, [gj%fou!gj%cfm!gj%msg
	dmovem	1, tagjfb
tnx,<	movsi	1, (gj%fou!gj%cfm!gj%msg)
	movem	1, tagjfb
	move	1, [.priin,,.priou]
	movem	1, tagjfb+.gjsrc
	movei	1, tagjfb
	setz	2,
	 jrst	filix1
	move	2, [7b5+of%wr]		; Open for write
	 jrst	filix1
	movem	1, tagjfn

filin2:	hrroi	1, strbuf
	move	2, oldjfn		; Name of old file
	move	3, [111100,,1]		; DEV:<DIR>NAM.EXT (no gen number)
	movsi	1, (gj%fou!gj%sht)
	hrroi	2, strbuf
	 jrst	filix2
	move	2, [7b5+of%wr]
	 jrst	filix2
	movem	1, tagjfn

filix1:	call	jerror
	jrst	filin1			; Try again

filix2:	call	jerror
	jrst	filini
; Get the next file to process
nxtfil:	trne	f, f%oldf		; If from old file
	 jrst	nxtfl2			; Read next one from that file
nxtfl0:	skipe	1, injfn		; See if more in this filespec
	 jrst	nxtfl1			; Nope
	andi	1, -1
	move	2, [7b5+of%rd]
	 jrst	nxtfl0
	aos	(p)			; Will skip return
	trne	f, f%lgvn		; If got language from user with /,
	 ret				; Use it again, else
	jrst	nxtf1e			; Try to match from extension
nxtfl1:	movei	1, "*"
	pbout				; Prompt
	movei	1, defjfb		; String with last default in it
	setz	2,
	 jrst	nxtfx1
	movem	1, injfn
	andi	1, -1
	move	2, [7b5+of%rd]
	 jrst	nxtfx1
	aos	(p)			; Will skip return
	trz	f, f%lgvn		; Reset language from user flag
	movei	1, .priin		; Get confirming char
	caie	1, "/"			; Was it a slash?
	 jrst	nxtf1e			; No, get language from extension
	tro	f, f%lgvn		; Say language was given by user
	jrst	getlng			; Get language from user and return

nxtf1e:	setz	s,
	hrroi	1, s
	hrrz	2, injfn
	movsi	3, 000100		; Just file type
	movsi	l, -nlangs		; Pointer for language options
nxtf1f:	came	s, langex(l)		; Extension matches?
	 aobjn	l, nxtf1f		; No, keep trying
	jumpge	l, getlnx		; If not found, go ask for it
	ret				; Else return

nxtfx1:	cain	1, gjfx33		; Filename not spec?
	 ret				; Yes, single return
	call	jerror
	jrst	nxtfl1
nxtfl2:	trne	f, f%eoff		; EOF last time
	 ret				; Yes, single return this time then
	aos	(p)			; Else prepare for skip return
	movsi	1, (gj%old!gj%fns!gj%sht)
	movei	2, .nulio
	hrl	2, oldjfn		; Source if old file
	 jrst	nxtfx2
	move	2, [7b5+of%rd]
	 jrst	nxtfx2
	movem	1, injfn
	move	1, oldjfn		; Find language type in file
nxtf2a:	bin
	caie	2, ","			; Find the comma
	 jrst	nxtf2a
	setzm	strbuf
	setzm	strbuf+1
	hrroi	2, strbuf
	movei	3, strbsz*5
	movei	4, 15			; Until CR
	setz	3,
	dpb	3, 2			; Mark end of line with null
nxtf2b:	bin
	jumpe	2, nxtf2z		; Maybe EOF
	caie	2, 37			; Find the ^_
	 jrst	nxtf2b
	caie	2, 15			; Followed by CRLF
	 jrst	nxtf2b
	caie	2, 12
	 jrst	nxtf2b
	bin				; Peek next char
	skipn	2			; See if EOF now
nxtf2c:	 tro	f, f%eoff		; Yes, say so
	jrst	getln2			; Lookup language name

nxtfx2:	call	jerror
	jrst	nxtfil

nxtf2z:	gtsts
	tlnn	2, (gs%eof)		; EOF?
	 jrst	nxtf2b			; No
	jrst	nxtf2c
; Init variables for this file, etc.
inifil:	move	1, tagjfn		; Output file
	rfptr				; Get current position
	 seto	2,
	movem	2, hdrptr		; Save pointer to start of this header
	hrrz	2, injfn
	move	3, [111100,,1]		; DEV:<DIR>NAM.EXT
t20,<	hrroi	2, [asciz /.0
tnx,<	hrroi	2, [asciz /;0
	setz	3,
	rfptr				; Get current position in file
	 seto	2,
	subi	2, 6			; Position just before 1st of 0's
	movem	2, zroptr		; Save it for later
	andi	l, -1			; Clear any index
	hrro	2, langtb(l)		; Get language name
	hrroi	2, crlf

	setzb	n, filptr		; Reset counters
	setzm	nchars
	aos	nfiles			; Count one more file
cpopj:	ret

; Get the next line
nxtlin:	move	1, nchars		; Get number of chars from last time
	addm	1, filptr		; Update current position in file
	hrrz	1, injfn
	hrroi	2, strbuf
	movei	3, strbsz*5
	movei	4, 12			; Read till LF
	subi	3, strbsz*5		; Get number of characters read
	jumpe	3, cpopj		; None, EOF then
	movnm	3, nchars		; Save number of characters read
	move	bp, [point 7, strbuf]
cpopj1:	aos	(p)
	ret				; Skip return
; Finish up the current file
finfil:	move	1, tagjfn		; Output file
	hrroi	2, [byte (7) 37, 15, 12, 0]	; ^_CRLF
	setz	3,
	rfptr				; Get current position now
	 setz	2,
	sub	2, hdrptr		; Less start of this block
	push	p, 2			; Save it
	move	2, zroptr		; Start of zero block
	 error	(SFPTR failed)
	pop	p, 2
	move	3, [no%lfl+no%zro+5b17+=10]	; Size in decimal
	seto	2,			; Back to then end now
	 error	(SFPTR failed)

	hrrz	2, injfn
	trne	f, f%oldf		; If getting from the tty,
	 jrst	finfl2
	move	1, [point 7, defext]
	movem	1, defjfb+.gjext
	movsi	3, 000100		; Set the default type for next time
finfl2:	movei	1, .priou		; Tell the user what is happenning
	setz	3,
	hrroi	2, [asciz / - /]
	movei	2, (n)			; Number of functions written
	movei	3, =10
	hrroi	1, [asciz /. functions found.
	addm	n, nfunct		; Keep track of grand totals

	move	1, injfn
	tlnn	1, (gj%dev!gj%dir!gj%nam!gj%ext)	; Wildcards given?
	 tlza	1, -1			; No, clear random bits
	 hrli	1, (co%nrj)		; Yes, keep the jfn then for next time
	closf				; Done with the file
; Finish up everything
finish:	movei	1, .priou
	move	2, tagjfn		; Output file
	setz	3,
	hrroi	2, [asciz / - /]
	movei	3, =10
	move	2, nfunct		; Number of functions done
	hrroi	1, [asciz /. functions in /]
	movei	1, .priou
	move	2, nfiles		; Number of files used
	hrroi	1, [asciz /. files.

	move	1, tagjfn
	closf				; Close the output file
	subttl	Lower level subroutines

; Get the language type
getlnx:	hrroi	1, [asciz /? Language type not recognised
 Please specify for /]
	movei	1, .priou
	hrrz	2, injfn
	setz	3,
	hrroi	1, [asciz / : /]
getlng:	hrroi	1, strbuf
t20,<	move	2, [rd%rai+rd%crf+strbsz*5]
	setz	3,
	 error	(RDTTY failed)
tnx,<	movei	2, strbsz*5
	andi	2, -1			; Get number of chars used
	subi	2, strbsz*5-1		; Clear terminator too
	movm	2, 2
	idivi	2, 5			; Get number of words used
	move	3, zromsk(3)
	andcam	3, strbuf(2)
	setzm	strbuf+1(2)		; Clear next word for good measure
t20,<	dmove	s, strbuf		; Get first two words of string
tnx,<	move	s, strbuf
	move	s1, strbuf+1
	movsi	l, -nlangs
	camn	s, [asciz /?/]
	 jumpe	s1, getln5		; Try to help the guy out if he asks
getln3:	hrrz	2, langtb(l)
	came	s, (2)			; First word matches?
	 jrst	getln4			; No
	jumpe	s1, cpopj		; If only one word, matched
	camn	s1, 1(2)
	 ret				; Found it.
getln4:	aobjn	l, getln3
	jrst	getlnx			; Not found
getln5:	hrroi	1, [asciz / one of:
getln6:	hrro	1, langtb(l)
	hrroi	1, crlf
	aobjn	l, getln6
	jrst	getlnx
; Write out line before the current LF
outtlf:	add	bp, [7b5]
	skipge	bp
	 sub	bp, [43b5+1]
	ldb	ch, bp			; Get char before LF
	cain	ch, 15			; Is it CR?
	 add	bp, [7b5]		; Yes, back over it too
; Write out the beginning of the current line and the current position
; To the tags output file
outtag:	setz	3,
	idpb	3, bp			; Mark end with a null
	move	1, tagjfn		; Output file
	hrroi	2, strbuf
	sout				; Write out start of line
	movei	2, 177			; And rubout
	movei	2, -strbuf(bp)		; Get number of words
	imuli	2, 5			; Into characters
	ldb	3, [point 6, bp, 5]	; Get current position
	idivi	3, 7
	subi	3, 4
	sub	2, 3			; Get current position
	add	2, filptr		; Make it absolute
	movei	3, =10			; Decimal
	hrroi	2, crlf
	setz	3,
	sout				; And CRLF
	aoj	n,			; Count another one done
; Error handler
uuoh:	movei	1, "?"
	hrro	1, 40

; Print JSYS error message
jerror:	movei	1, "?"
	movei	1, .priou
	hrloi	2, .fhslf
	setz	3,
	hrroi	1, crlf
	subttl	Language dependant subroutines

; NULL Language type include TEXT and NONE
txtlin:	aos	(p)		; [PJG] Just return and jump
; Assembly language subroutines
asmlin:	setzb	t, s
asmln0:	ildb	ch, bp			; Get first character
	cain	ch, "L"-100		; Allow formfeed
	 jrst	asmln0
	caie	ch, ""			; For fail,
	 cain	ch, "^"			; Allow arrows at start of line
	 caie	l, lt.fai
	 jrst	asmln2
	 jrst	asmln0			; So get another char
asmln1:	movei	t, (ch)			; Save previous char
	ildb	ch, bp
asmln2:	skipe	squozp(ch)		; Is this legal squoze char?
	 aoja	s, asmln1		; Yes, keep looking
asmln3:	caie	ch, ":"			; If it's a : or
	 cain	ch, "="			; =,
	 jrst	asmln4			; We found one maybe
	caie	l, lt.fai		; For fail
	 cain	l, lt.p11		; Or pal11x,
	cain	ch, "_"			; Allow _ too
	 jrst	asmln4
	caie	ch, 11			; And tabs before the :'s
	 cain	ch, " "			; Or spaces
	 ret				; Else no tag here
	ildb	ch, bp			; Get another char and try it
	jrst	asmln3
asmln4:	caie	l, lt.m11		; For MACN11 ...
	 cain	l, lt.p11		; Or pal11x ...
	 jrst	asmln6			; Check for local labels
asmln5:	jumpe	s, cpopj		; = isnt a label (as in =24 for fail)
	cain	t, "."			; If label is not just dot
	 caie	s, 1
	 jrst	outtag			; Found one
asmln6:	move	t, [point 7, strbuf]	; Start of line again
asmln7:	ildb	ch, t
	cain	ch, "L"-100		; Dont be confused by ff
	 jrst	asmln7
	cail	ch, "0"			; See if it is a digit
	 caile	ch, "9"
	 jrst	asmln5			; It isnt
	ret				; It is, flush it
; SCRIBE subroutine (null for now)
scrlin:	ret
; TECO subroutine
teclin:	ildb	ch, bp			; Get first character
	caie	ch, "!"			; Only lines starting with ! pass
	setz	s,			; Reset found pointer
tecln1:	ildb	ch, bp			; Get next character
	cain	ch, 12			; End of line
	 jrst	tecln2			; Go see if we found anything
	caie	ch, ":"			; Must have had : just before a !
	 jrst	tecln1
	ildb	ch, bp			; Get next char
	cain	ch, "!"
	 move	s, bp			; If label, save the current pointer
	jrst	tecln1
tecln2:	skipn	bp, s			; Get last label we had
	 ret				; None found
	jrst	outtag			; And output that many
; PASCAL subroutine
paslin:	call	ratom
	strmat	PROCEDURE, pas1
	strmat	FUNCTION
pas1:	setz	s,
	jrst	sailn2
; SAIL subroutine
sailin:	call	ratom			; Get the first word
	strmat	SIMPLE, sailin
	strmat	RECURSIVE, sailin
	strmat	BOOLEAN, sailn3
	strmat	INTEGER, sailn3
	strmat	REAL, sailn3
	strmat	STRING, sailn3
	strmat	INTERNAL, sailn3
	strmat	EXTERNAL, sailn3
sailn1:	strmat	PROCEDURE
	setz	s,			; Reset paren level
sailn2:	ildb	ch, bp			; Get a char
	cain	ch, 12			; If end of line
	 jrst	outtlf			; Write the whole line then
	cain	ch, "("			; Count one more left paren
	 aoja	s, sailn2
	cain	ch, ")"			; Count one less paren
	 soja	s, sailn2
	cain	ch, ";"			; Now, if to the ;
	 jumple	s, outtag		; Output it if not inside parens
	jrst	sailn2			; Else keep going

sailn3:	call	ratom			; Get another word
	jrst	sailn1			; And try it

; PCL subroutine
pcllin:	call	ratom			; Get the first word
	strmat	INTEGER, pclln3
	strmat	STRING, pclln3
	strmat	COMMAND,pclset
pclln1:	strmat	PROCEDURE
pclset:	setz	s,			; Reset paren level
pclln2:	ildb	ch, bp			; Get a char
	cain	ch, 12			; If end of line
	 jrst	outtlf			; Write the whole line then
	cain	ch, "("			; Count one more left paren
	 aoja	s, pclln2
	cain	ch, ")"			; Count one less paren
	 soja	s, pclln2
	cain	ch, ";"			; Now, if to the ;
	 jumple	s, outtag		; Output it if not inside parens
	jrst	pclln2			; Else keep going

pclln3:	call	ratom			; Get another word
	jrst	pclln1			; And try it
; Bliss subroutines
blilin:	call	ratom			; Get word
	strmat	GLOBAL, bliln3
bliln1:	strmat	ROUTINE, bliln2
	caie	l, lt.bli		; Bliss-10 has FUNCTIONS too
	 ret				; Not a function decl
	strmat	FUNCTION
bliln2:	ildb	ch, bp			; Get chars
	caie	ch, "="			; Until =
	 cain	ch, 12			; Or end of this line
	 jrst	outtag
	jrst	bliln2
bliln3:	call	ratom
	jrst	bliln1
; Fortran subroutine
forlin:	call	ratom			; Get a word
	strmat	PROGRAM,forln1
	strmat	SUBROUTINE,forln1
	strmat	ENTRY,forln1
	strmat	OVERLAY,forln1
	strmat	BLOCK,forln8
	strmat	DOUBLE,forln6
forln4:	strmat	INTEGER,forln7
	strmat	REAL,forln7
	strmat	COMPLEX,forln7
	strmat	LOGICAL,forln7
forln5:	strmat	FUNCTION,forln1
	ret				; [PJG] If none of these then return
forln1:	ildb	ch, bp			; Get a character
	cain	ch, 12			; If eol here,
	 jrst	outtlf			; Use whole line
	caie	ch, "("			; Look for start of args
	 jrst	forln1
forln2:	movei	s, 1			; Init paren level
forln3:	ildb	ch, bp			; Get character
	cain	ch, 12			; If eol,
	 jrst	outtlf			; Write whole line
	cain	ch, "("			; Keep track of paren level
	 aoja	s, forln3
	cain	ch, ")"			; And look for matching close
	 sojle	s, outtag
	jrst	forln3
forln6:	call	ratom
	strmat	PRECISION,forln5
forln7:	call	ratom
	jrst	forln5
forln8:	call	ratom
	strmat	DATA,forln1
; Pub text subroutine
publin:	ildb	ch,bp			; [PJG] Get a character
	cain	ch,14			; ignore formfeeds
	  jrst publin
	caie	ch,"."			; [PJG] If a period then command line
	  ret				; [PJG] If none then return
publn0:	call	ratom
	strmat	RECURSIVE,publn0
	strmat	ABSTRACT,publn1
	strmat	ACKNOWLEDGMENTS,publn1
	strmat	APPENDIX,publn1
	strmat	COPYRIGHT,publn1
	strmat	MACRO,publn1
	strmat	OMITSEC,publn1
	strmat	S5,publn1	; [PJG] Extended sections
	strmat	S6,publn1	; [PJG] Extended sections
	strmat	SEC,publn1
	strmat	SIGNATUREP,publn1
	strmat	SS,publn1
	strmat	SSS,publn1
	strmat	SSSS,publn1
	strmat	TITLEPAGE,publn1

; Pub subroutine

dfslin:	ildb	ch,bp			; [PJG] Get a character
	cain	ch,14			; ignore formfeeds
	  jrst dfslin
	caie	ch,"."			; [PJG] If a period then command line
	  ret				; [PJG] If none then return
dfsln0:	call	ratom
	strmat	RECURSIVE,dfsln0
	strmat	MACRO,publn1
publn1:	ildb	ch, bp			; Get a character
	cain	ch, 12			; If eol here,
	 jrst	outtlf			; Use whole line
	caiN	ch, "$"			; If dollar
	 jrst	outtlf			; Use whole line
	caie	ch, "("			; Look for start of args
	 jrst	publn1
publn2:	movei	s, 1			; Init paren level
publn3:	ildb	ch, bp			; Get character
	cain	ch, 12			; If eol,
	 jrst	outtlf			; Write whole line
	cain	ch, "("			; Keep track of paren level
	 aoja	s, publn3
	cain	ch, ")"			; And look for matching close
	 sojle	s, outtag
	jrst	publn3
; Mortran subroutine
morlin:	call	ratom			; Get a word
	strmat	SUBROUTINE,morln1
	strmat	PROCEDURE,morln1
morln4:	strmat	INTEGER,morln7
	strmat	REAL,morln7
	strmat	COMPLEX,morln7
	strmat	LOGICAL,morln7
	strmat	STRING,morln7
morln5:	strmat	FUNCTION,morln1
morln1:	ildb	ch, bp			; Get a character
	cain	ch, 12			; If eol here,
	 jrst	outtlf			; Use whole line
	cain	ch, "("			; Look for start of args
	 jrst	morln2
	cain	ch, "<"
	 jrst	outtlf
	caie	ch,";"
	 jrst	morln1
	jrst	outtlf
morln2:	movei	s, 1			; Init paren level
morln3:	ildb	ch, bp			; Get character
	cain	ch, 12			; If eol,
	 jrst	outtlf			; Write whole line
	cain	ch, "("			; Keep track of paren level
	 aoja	s, morln3
	cain	ch, ")"			; And look for matching close
	 sojle	s, outtag
	jrst	morln3
morln6:	call	ratom
	strmat	PRECISION,morln5
morln7:	call	ratom
	jrst	morln5
morln8:	call	ratom
	strmat	DATA,morln1
; BASIC subroutine
b20lin:	call	ratom
b20ln0:	call	ratom
	strmat	DEF,b20ln1
	strmat	DEF*,b20ln1
	strmat	SUB,b20ln1
b20ln1:	ildb	ch, bp			; Get a character
	cain	ch, 12			; If eol here,
	 jrst	outtlf			; Use whole line
	caie	ch, "("			; Look for start of args
	 jrst	b20ln1
b20ln2:	movei	s, 1			; Init paren level
b20ln3:	ildb	ch, bp			; Get character
	cain	ch, 12			; If eol,
	 jrst	outtlf			; Write whole line
	cain	ch, "("			; Keep track of paren level
	 aoja	s, b20ln3
	cain	ch, ")"			; And look for matching close
	 sojle	s, outtag
	jrst	b20ln3
; MACLISP subroutines
for zot e {(DEF}			; Do all lines that begin with (DEF
	ildb	ch, bp
	caie	ch, "zot"
    ifg "zot"-100,{
	 cain	ch, "zot"+40
;Find space or tab ending this atom.
mclln0:	ildb	ch, bp
	caie	ch, " "
	 cain	ch, 11		; Tab
	  jrst	mclln1
	cain	ch, 12		; No tag here if not one on this line.
	jrst	mclln0
;Now find to end of this atom or list.  Compensate for "", ||, and /.
;First, find beginning of this s-exp.
mclln1:	ildb	ch, bp
	cain	ch, 12
	 ret			; DEFUN hazy, try again later?
	caie	ch, " "		; Flush leading whitespace.
	 cain	ch, 11		; Tab
	  jrst	mclln1
	cain	ch,"("		; Special handler for allowing "(DEFUN (FOO BAR) ..)"
	 jrst mcllno
mclln3:	caie	ch, " "		; Find space, tab, or cr ending atom.
	 cain	ch, 11		; Tab
	  jrst outtag
	cain	ch, 12
	 jrst outtlf
	caie	ch, "("		; ??? How do you get these?
	 cain	ch, ")"
	  jrst	outtag
	caie	ch, 42		; Double quote or vbar: tag ends at its end.
	 cain	ch, "|"
	  jrst	[call mclvbr
		 jrst outtag]
	cain	ch, "/"			; Slash covers one character
	 ildb	ch, bp
	ildb	ch, bp
	jrst	mclln3
;Here for vertical bar or double-quote seen in function being defined.
;Leaves bp pointing to closing delimiter.
mclvbr:	push	p, ch
mclvb1:	ildb	ch, bp
	cain	ch, 12			; Abort at EOL inside vbars.
	 jrst	mclvb2			; (Tags format can't handle it.)
	came	ch, (p)			; Same delimiter?
	 jrst	mclvb1
mclvb2:	sub	p, [1,,1]		; Throw away character.

;Come here if we find a "(" where the start of the function name is supposed to be.
mcllno:	movei	u, 0		; First paren seen.
;Here for recursive lists.
mcllnc:	aoj	u,		; Increment paren count.
;Here for plain get-next-character.
mclno1:	ildb	ch, bp
	cain	ch, 12
	 jrst outtlf		; OUTTLF if end of line within list??
	cain	ch, "("		; Handle recursive lists.
	 jrst	mcllnc
	cain	ch, ")"		; Scan to matching ")", but stop at end of line
	 jrst	[sojle	u, outtag	;When paren count gets to 0, that's it.
		 jrst mclno1]		;If not 0, gobble more chars.
	caie	ch, 42		;Quote or vbar needs processing.
	 cain	ch, "|"
	  jrst [call mclvbr
		jrst mclno1]
	cain	ch, "/"
	 ildb	ch, bp	; Slash makes following char not special.
	cain	ch, 12		; Check again for EOL, since / doesn't matter.
	 jrst	outtlf		; (TAGS format can't handle it.)
	jrst mclno1
; INTERLISP routines
lsplin:	skipe	indefq			; Already inside a DEFINEQ?
	 jrst	lspln1			; Yes, see if this is a new form
	call	ratom			; Else get the beginning of the line
	strmat	{(DEFINEQ}		; And try for start of new one
	setom	indefq			; Remember are inside one
	setzm	nparen			; And initialize paren depth
	move	t, [iowd 1000, parpdl]	; [PJG] Initialise bracket pdl
lspln0:	movem	t, parpdp
lspln1:	ildb	ch, bp			; Get next character
	cain	ch, 12			; End of line?
	cain	ch, "%"			; Char quoted?
	 jrst	[ildb ch, bp		; Yes, just gobble one
		 jrst lspln1]
	cain	ch, "["			; Super open paren
	 jrst	lspln4
	cain	ch, "]"			; Super close
	 jrst	lspln5
	cain	ch, "("			; Go down a level
	 jrst	lspln2
	cain	ch, ")"			; Close one level of parens
	 sosl	nparen			; And see if this finishes the DEFINEQ
	 jrst	lspln1			; Doesnt, get next character
	setzm	indefq			; No longer inside a DEFINEQ
	ret				; Rest of this line no good to us
lspln4:	exch	t, parpdp		; [ - save the curren paren depth
	push	t, nparen
	exch	t, parpdp		; And fall thru for one more open
lspln2:	aos	t, nparen
	caie	t, 1			; Start of a new definition within the defineq?
	 jrst	lspln1			; No, keep trying
lspln3:	ildb	ch, bp			; Get next character
	cain	ch, 12			; End of line is end of atom of functions name
	 jrst	outtlf
	cain	ch, " "			; Or a space also
	 jrst	outtag			; Yes, output this line then
	jrst	lspln3			; Keep looking
lspln5:	move	t, parpdp		; ] - restore from last ]
	pop	t, nparen
	jrst	lspln0			; And continue
; Read the next word into s and s1
ratom:	ildb	ch, bp			; Get a character
	cain	ch, 12			; If end of line here
	 jrst	ratom3			; Return to callers caller
	caie	ch, " "			; Flush white space
	 cain	ch, 11
	 jrst	ratom
	cain	ch, "L"-100		; Or ff
	 jrst	ratom
	setzb	s, s1
	move	t, [point 7, s]
	movei	u, =10			; Max number of chars
ratom1:	cail	ch, "a"
	 caile	ch, "z"
	 trz	ch, "a"-"A"		; Uppercase it
	idpb	ch, t
	ildb	ch, bp
	caile	ch, " "			; Until terminator
	 sojg	u, ratom1
	jumple	u, ratom3		; Too long for us
	add	bp, [7b5]		; Back up over teminator
	ret				; And return
ratom3:	sub	p, [1,,1]		; Flush callers return
	ret				; And return to callers caller
; Local modes:
; Mode: FAIL
; Comment col:40
; Comment start:; 
; End:

	end	go