
Trailing-Edge - PDP-10 Archives - integ_tools_tops20_v7_30-apr-86_dumper - tools/tvaxv2/gtvr10.lis
There are 3 other files named gtvr10.lis in the archive. Click here to see a list.
GTVR10                          - DUMMY ROUTINES OAP REGISTRATIE         26-OCT-1984 16:27:56  VAX-11 Macro V03-00         Page   1
                                                                         14-AUG-1984 16:42:51  DUA5:[INTTOOLS.TVAXV2]GTVR10.MAR;1(1)

                                     0000     1 	.TITLE	GTVR10 - DUMMY ROUTINES OAP REGISTRATIE
                                     0000     2 	INIT	GTVR10
                               0004  0002     3 	.ENTRY	RRPRFB,^M<R2>
                                 04  0004     4 	RET
                               0004  0005     5 	.ENTRY	RRPRFE,^M<R2>
                                 04  0007     6 	RET
                                     0008     7 	.END
GTVR10                          - DUMMY ROUTINES OAP REGISTRATIE         26-OCT-1984 16:27:56  VAX-11 Macro V03-00         Page   2
Symbol table                                                             14-AUG-1984 16:42:51  DUA5:[INTTOOLS.TVAXV2]GTVR10.MAR;1(1)

GTVR10           00000000 RG    02      
INITSW.        = 00000000               
RRPRFB           00000002 RG    02      
RRPRFE           00000005 RG    02      

                                                ! Psect synopsis !
PSECT name                      Allocation          PSECT No.  Attributes     
----------                      ----------          ---------  ----------     
.  ABS  .                       00000000  (    0.)  00 (  0.)  NOPIC   USR   CON   ABS   LCL NOSHR NOEXE NORD  NOWRT NOVEC BYTE  
. BLANK .                       00000000  (    0.)  01 (  1.)  NOPIC   USR   CON   REL   LCL NOSHR   EXE   RD    WRT NOVEC BYTE  
GTVR10                          00000008  (    8.)  02 (  2.)  NOPIC   USR   CON   REL   LCL NOSHR   EXE   RD    WRT NOVEC QUAD  
GTVR10                          - DUMMY ROUTINES OAP REGISTRATIE         26-OCT-1984 16:27:56  VAX-11 Macro V03-00         Page   3
Cross reference                                                          14-AUG-1984 16:42:51  DUA5:[INTTOOLS.TVAXV2]GTVR10.MAR;1(1)

                                             ! Symbol Cross Reference !
------          -----        ----------      ------------- 
GTVR10          00000000-R   2      (1)    
INITSW.        =00000000     2      (1)    
RRPRFB          00000002-R   3      (1)    
RRPRFE          00000005-R   5      (1)    
GTVR10                          - DUMMY ROUTINES OAP REGISTRATIE         26-OCT-1984 16:27:56  VAX-11 Macro V03-00         Page   4
Cross reference                                                          14-AUG-1984 16:42:51  DUA5:[INTTOOLS.TVAXV2]GTVR10.MAR;1(1)

                                             ! Macros Cross Reference !
MACRO             SIZE          DEFINITION       REFERENCES... 
-----             ----          ----------       ------------- 
INIT              1             2      (1)       2      (1)    

                                             ! Performance indicators !
Phase                    Page faults    CPU Time       Elapsed Time   
-----                    -----------    --------       ------------   
Initialization                   18     00:00:00.08    00:00:00.21
Command processing               16     00:00:00.34    00:00:00.93
Pass 1                           83     00:00:00.39    00:00:01.17
Symbol table sort                 0     00:00:00.00    00:00:00.00
Pass 2                           25     00:00:00.13    00:00:00.46
Symbol table output               1     00:00:00.02    00:00:00.04
Psect synopsis output             1     00:00:00.03    00:00:00.03
Cross-reference output            4     00:00:00.06    00:00:00.06
Assembler run totals            149     00:00:01.06    00:00:02.90

The working set limit was 678 pages.
216 bytes (1 page) of virtual memory were used to buffer the intermediate code.
There were 10 pages of symbol table space allocated to hold 4 non-local and 0 local symbols.
7 source lines were read in Pass 1, producing 20 object records in Pass 2.
1 page of virtual memory was used to define 1 macro.

                                            ! Macro library statistics !
Macro library name                           Macros defined      
------------------                           --------------      
DUA5:[INTTOOLS.TVAXV2]TV.MLB;2                          1        
SYS$SYSROOT:[SYSLIB]STARLET.MLB;1                       0        
TOTALS (all libraries)                                  1        

5 GETS were required to define 1 macros.

There were no errors, warnings or information messages.