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$ save_verify = 'f$verify(command$debug)
$! Emulate the TOPS-20 FORK command
$! GMU	22-Aug-83 22:11	Version 2.03
$! Command syntax is:
$!	$ FORK name
$! "name" is the name of a subprocess in the current process structure.
$! It may be abbreviated to the number of characters that make it unique.
$ on control_y then goto cleanup
$ priv_list = f$setprv("NOWORLD,NOGROUP") ! Restrict to current job
$ if p1 .eqs. "" .or. -
     p1 .eqs. "?" then goto fork_help	! See if help wanted
$ p1_length = f$length(p1)		! Get length of process name
$ context = ""				! Cycle through process names
$! Loop over all processes in this job getting their names.  If the name
$! matches the process name given as the argument to the command, attach
$! to it.
$ pid = f$pid(context)			! Get next pid in this process
$ if pid .eqs. "" then goto no_fork	! F$pid returns null when done
$ proc_name = f$getjpi(pid,"prcnam")	! Get process name of this pid
$ upper_proc_name := 'proc_name'	! Copy to force upper case
$ if p1 .eqs. f$extract(0,p1_length,"''upper_proc_name'") then -
$	goto found_fork			! If name matches, attach to it
$ goto fork_loop			! Try next process name
$! Here when we found a process that we want to attach.
$ priv_list = f$setprv(priv_list)	! Restore privs
$ attach "''proc_name'"			! attach to the process
$ goto done				! Go finish up
$! Here if the specified fork wasn't found
$ write SYS$OUTPUT "%E, Process not found"
$ Goto cleanup
$! Here when done to clean up things
$ priv_list = f$setprv(priv_list)	! Restore privs
$ save_verify = 'f$verify(save_verify)'	! Restore verify
$ exit
$! Here to help the user
$ write sys$output "$ Fork (is) ? Fork name, one of the following:"
$ context = ""
$ help_line = ""
$ help_line_count = 0
$ pid = f$pid(context)			! Get next pid in this process
$ if pid .eqs. "" then goto fork_help_end ! F$pid returns null when done
$ help_line = help_line + "	''f$getjpi(pid,"prcnam")'	"
$ help_line_count = help_line_count + 1
$ if help_line_count .lt. 4 then goto fork_help_loop_2
$ write sys$output "''help_line'"
$ goto fork_help_loop_1
$ if help_line_count .ne. 0 then -
$	write sys$output "''help_line'"
$ inquire/nopunctuation p1 "$ Fork (is) " ! Get fork name
$ goto start				! Try again