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7.1 Utility UUO Package for Macro-20

    [ Programs and text by Chris Ryland, 1978. ]

                              Preliminary Specs

    Note:  all of these UUOs have a general restriction that must be
    observed:  no strings addressed as arguments may live in the ACs.
    Further, none of the COMND functions may use FLDDBs that address
    indirectly through ac's t1-t4, .fp or p. 

7.1.1 Formatted Printing Package

    %print <format string>, <
            addr of arg1
            addr of arg2

This expands into a call on the %uprint uuo, with argument

    [[point 7,[asciz/string/], addr of arg1, addr of arg2, ...]

If you understand that the arguments are just part of a literal, then you can
understand why they're in this format, and how to extend it; e.g., you might
also say

    %print <format>, <exp arg1-addr, arg2-addr, ...>

or call the %uprint uuo directly, if the format string is a variable, e.g.,

    %uprint [exp fmstr, arg1-addr, arg2-addr]

The semantics of this beast are:  the characters in the format string are
output sequentially, until an escape character `%' is seen; then, a argument
descriptor is eaten from the format string (see below for the definition of
the argument descriptor), and one or more arguments are eaten from the
argument list, and used for output, as directed by the descriptor.  the basic
idea here is that each argument descriptor item directs special output
handling for a group of argument items (usually one).  to make this discussion
more concrete, here is an example of how this macro might be used:

        %print <Here's a number: %d, and the time: %@n%/>, <

What happens here is that "Here's a number:  " is printed on the primary
output, and then the argument descriptor %d is processed, which slurps up the
next argument, [^d234] (remember, all arguments are actually addresses of the
object in question), and prints it as a decimal number.  then, ", and the
time:  " is printed --nothing special here--, and the argument descriptor %@n

is hit; this descriptor, mnemonic for `the time as of now', has a @ modifier
(described in detail below) which causes the print package to pick up the next
argument from the list and use it as the date/time format value (again, what's
actually there is a literal, since arguments are always addresses of the value
to be used).  finally, the arg descriptor `%/' is seen, which means print a
CRLF, and we're all done (because we hit the end of the asciz format string).

Each argument descriptor is of the form `%<@><key>'.  The `@' means pick up
additional data to modify the action of the <key>, from the argument list
(this data is eaten just like data that is output; see below).  Then, the
action denoted by <key> is taken, which results in one or more data items
being eaten from the argument list and output according the the format <key>.
these constant references to `eating' are to graphically state that when an
argument is used, it disappears from the argument list.  thus, you can think
of the argument list as being eaten one argument at a time, from the top to
the bottom (or left to right, depending on how you coded it).

Note that this type of output differs from Fortran-style formatting, in that
it is format-driven, not argument-driven.  E.g., in Fortran, each list item
(argument) is taken in turn, and the next format item selected to be used as
the output specification.  in this package, just the reverse is done; the
format items cause argument-handling.

If any Jsys errors occur during printing, then if the %print is followed by an
erjmp or ercal, the jump or call is taken, just as in a jsys invocation.
Otherwise, a fatal error occurs.

The equivalent, but skipping, UUO is %prSkp; it returns +2 on success (or +3
if it has an erjmp or ercal after it).

The various argument descriptors, also known as format items, are:

%%              print a `%'

%!              ignore all following characters until a `!' is seen, at which
                point formatting resumes normally.  This is designed to allow
                formats to nicely cross line boundaries.

%{              print a <

%}              print a > (these last two are for non-paired <>)

%/              print a Carriage-Return/Line-feed pair

%=              use the argument as a destination designator for the remainder
                of the output for this %print call; note that any JFN
                top-of-stack is then ignored for the rest of the %print (and
                is NOT updated after the %print is done).

%_              print a Horizontal Tab

%^              print a Form-Feed (^L)

%c              print the name of the Connected directory, with punctuation
                (str:<...>); use any @ modifier value as a directory number,
                and print its name instead

%d              print a Decimal number; use any @ modifier as the NOUT format.
                If no radix is given in the @ modifier case, decimal radix is

%e              with no modifier, print the last error message encountered by
                this process; with a modifier, use the argument value as an
                error number to print symbolically.

%?              do error synchronization: clear terminal input and wait for
                terminal output to drain, and print a newline, followed by a
                "?".  Rest of this %print will go to the physical terminal

%f              print the Floating (single-precision) value of the argument;
                use any @ modifier as the FLOUT format

%h              print the ascii cHaracter value of the argument

%i              like %d, but print +Inf if negative (for printing positive

%j              print the name of the file as given by the Jfn argument; use
                any @ modifier value as the JFNS format

%n              print the date and time of Now; use any @ modifier value as
                the ODTIM format

%o              print the argument as an (unsigned) Octal number; use any
                @ modifier value as the NOUT format.  If no radix is given in
                the @ modifier case, octal radix is used.

%s              print the argument as an asciz String (of byte size as given
                by the argument's byte size); -1 in the left half of the
                argument means treat it as 7-bit asciz (NB: the argument is a
                really the address of a byte pointer, not a byte pointer
                itself; see examples below)

%t              print the date and Time as given by the argument; use any
                @ modifier value as the ODTIM format

%u              print the user's login ID, with no punctuation; with a
                @ modifier, print the user name of the given user number

%v              print the deVice name for the designator given as argument

%x              print the argument as a siX-bit value.

7.1.2 %prPush and %prPop

    Warning: this facility is not implemented yet!

These two instructions push and pop the %print UUO's output JFN stack,
respectively.  The top-of-stack entry (or .priou if the stack is empty) is
used as the destination designator, and is updated after each %print (unless a
%= or %?  is used in the format string, see above), so that a byte pointer may

be effectively used as the output destination.  %prPush takes an argument
which is an address of the output designator (a JFN or a byte pointer).
%prPop simply pops off the top of stack and discards it.  (Note that you can't
have indexed or indirected byte pointers, as this is doable but infinitely
hairy for the UUO package.  Also note that since the destination designator
itself is updated after each %print, you can't use a literal (e.g. a byte
pointer) for the argument to %prPush, unless you don't mind modifying pure
data (which you should!).)

Some examples are:

sPtr:   point 7, buffer         ; Byte pointer to a memory buffer.
        %prPush sPtr            ; Use buffer as general
          :                     ;   output area.
        %print <foo, bar>       ; Output to it.
          :                     ; (sPtr now points at last char).
        %prPop                  ; Get rid of this destination
          :                     ;  now that we're done.

7.1.3 COMND-Jsys-Made-Easy Package

This set of macros implements an easy access route to the COMND Jsys;
familiarity with COMND and its functions IS required, though - we're only
trying to ease the pain of using it, not learning about it.

Following are the macros used to invoke the different functions of the COMND
Jsys as well as ancillary tasks such as setting up various control blocks,
getting information out of some of the data structures deliberately hidden to
ease use of COMND, etc.  The naming conventions used are designed to follow as
much as possible the names of each of the COMND functions, with slightly
varied punctuation that corresponds to CUsym conventions.  E.g., the .cmkey
function of COMND is invoked with the %cmkey macro; induction should get you
the rest.

Some philosophy about error-handling:  any COMND function can fail in two ways
(actually, three, but the third is merged into the first to make your job all
that much easier):  the function can't be parsed with the given input, or the
user deletes input back into an already-parsed field.  We treat these two
`errors' uniformly:  each invocation of a function either returns normally if
no error occurs, or takes an erjmp or ercal path (if provided) if an error is
found.  Thus, a simple, uniform method of handling parse errors and reparse
conditions is provided:  each subroutine of the main parse routine can always
return non-skip on any error (real or reparse), or skip on success.  The main
parse routine can worry about whether a real error occurred, and print an
appropriate message, restarting the parse from scratch, or whether just a
reparse is needed, restarting from the first parse step.  When an error
occurs, t1 contains the flags from COMND (note in the success case that t1
isn't modified), and t1 is not set.  If a real COMND Jsys error (i.e., not a
user parse error occurs, like a COMND internal buffer overflow), the parse
error bit will be set, and the error return will happen as usual; this is done
to make COMND errors be treated uniformly.

Note that each COMND function, if it succeeds, returns a value in t2 (even if
it doesn't return any useful result).

Also, if any COMND function is invoked with more than one FDB (i.e., alternate
FDBs are used), then upon return t3 contains what it normally after the COMND
Jsys (q.v.):  the FDB actually used, and the first FDB given.

    %cmini (prompt, flags, iojfn, gjfblk)

This macro prepares everything for a command parse.  All the arguments are
optional; their use is:

prompt          a text string used as the prompt; e.g., <<CRDIR>>.  If not
                supplied, the prompt `>' is used.  Note that if a `>' is
                required on the end of this prompt, then you must use the form
                <<prompt>>.  Blame macro.

flags           the flags destined for the (left half of the) CSB .cmflg word,
                such as raise all input, wake on every field, etc.

iojfn           the <input jfn,,output jfn> pair for the parse.

gjfblk          the address of the GTJFN argument block, used in the .cmifi,
                .cmofi, .cmfil functions (and it must be supplied if you plan

                to use these functions).  Its length must be at least .gjln
                (defined in CUsym).

This function will only fail if some horrible mistake has been made, usually
by the COMND package, so expect success.  Note that this UUO only does a
.CMini COMND Jsys on the second and subsequent invocations, until a %cmres UUO
is done, at which point it will re-initialize everything (see the %cmres UUO
description below for an explanation).  %cmRes

This UUO, automatically done by %setUp at normal program startup, resets all
COMND parsing information, so that the next %cmini UUO will cause a full setup
of the Command State Block (set up the prompt, reset all the buffer pointers,
etc.).  It should be invoked whenever you intend to start a whole new section
of parsing (e.g., changing the prompt or the set of commands, such as
subcommand mode).  In the simplest case, you never have to worry about it, as
it's automatically done at startup.  In the most usual case where it would be
needed, a subroutine called to do some subsidiary parsing (e.g., the GetOK
routine in mac:), the safest approach is to do a %cmres before the
subroutine's %cmini, and a %cmres after finishing its parsing job.  This
guarantees that the caller won't get hurt. %cmKey (keytab, help, default, flags)

This macro invokes the .cmkey COMND function; upon success, t2 contains the
address of the table entry where the parsed keyword was found.  All but the
first arguments are optional.

keytab          address of a TBLUK keyword table

help            a literal string (usually enclosed in <> if it contains
                anything other than alphanumerics and spaces) that will be
                used as the help message.  if not given, the default help
                message is used.

default         a literal string that will be used as the default keyword if
                none is supplied; if not given, no default is possible.

flags           flags, such as suppress default help, etc.

Note that these arguments are just used to build a function descriptor block,
and thus the usual things happen in their absence or presence.  Many of the
other macros use the same structure for their arguments, and the same comments
apply as here, so they will usually be elided.  If you need to use a
hand-crafted function descriptor block, you can call the COMND package uuo
directly, with the address of the FDB, as in %comnd [flddb. .cmkey,...].

Rather than give each COMND function as above, we will let you induce on the
`base step' above and assume that the remaining functions are invoked
similarly.  What follows are those functions that do not map directly to a
COMND function.
                                     142 %cmgab bp

This function asks the COMND interface package to get the current contents of
the atom buffer into the string pointed to by the byte-pointer given as
argument; this cannot fail.  Note that the atom buffer can be quite long --how
long depends on the current implementation of the COMND package, but a
reasonable size would be 100 words--, so be wary of extremely long atoms.  The
byte pointer is updated.

Note that `bp' is the address of where the byte pointer can be found; i.e.,
the effective address of this UUO is the address of the byte pointer.  BEWARE:
if you supply the argument as a literal, the byte pointer gets updated in the
literal pool; if you use the same literal later, it will not be pointing where
you think! %comnd flddb

This is the general COMND function interface, for doing things not directly
supported by this package.  `flddb' is the address of a function descriptor
block.  It returns the data as the COMND jsys does, except that t1 is not used
to return the parse flags (see %cmgfg below, if you want to do this). %cmgfg flag

This function get the flags from the .cmflg word of the Command State Block
into the word addressed by `flag'; e.g., to get the parse flags into t1, a
%cmgfg t1 will do just fine.

Some notes about using these COMND support macros in a structured fashion:

   - The basic idea, as hinted at in the description above, is that each
     COMND function either returns successfully if the parse succeeded
     (including no reparse needed), or takes an erjmp/ercal path if one
     is provided.  Thus, each subroutine that is doing some `piece' of
     the parsing can, at each step in its job, simply return non-skip on
     error, or go on if each parse step succeeds, returning skip when it
     finally finishes successfully.  Only the top-level parse routine has
     to worry about whether a reparse is needed, or an actual parse error
     occurred; in the former case, the routine only needs to start the
     parse over (without re-initializing); in the latter, an error
     message can be issued, and the parse started over from scratch.

   - There are several macros to help with this philosophy of parsing:

%pret                To be used in a parse subroutine after each COMND
                     function; it just returns non-skip if a parse error

%errep errlab, replab

                     To be used in a situation (either top-level or a
                     subroutine) where an error or reparse must be
                     handled specially.  Mostly useful in the top-level

                     parse routine.

%merrep errlab, replab

                     Mostly like %errep, but it prints a parse error
                     message before going to errlab; this is useful in
                     the top-level parse routine.

Note that an erjmp or ercal after a COMND function invocation is usually
sufficient for handling most errors; e.g., after a %cmfil invocation in a
parse subroutine, if any errors occur later in the same routine, an erjmp to a
cleanup segment (that releases the jfn gotten by the %cmfil) is quite
sufficient for handling both noparse and reparse errors.


          %cmRes   141
          %print   136
          %prSkp   137
          %setUp   141

          Command Initialization   140
          COMND   136, 140
          CUUOs   136

          Device   138
          Directory   137

          ERCAL   137
          ERJMP   137
          Error Message   138

          Floating Point   138

          GTJFN   140

          JFNS   138

          Keyword   141

          Literal   136

          NOUT   137

          Octal   138

          Prompt   140

          SIXBIT   138
          Subroutine   142

                              Table of Contents

7.1 Utility UUO Package for Macro-20                                       136
     7.1.1 Formatted Printing Package                                      136
     7.1.2 %prPush and %prPop                                              138
     7.1.3 COMND-Jsys-Made-Easy Package                                    140
 %cmRes                                                   141
 %cmKey (keytab, help, default, flags)                    141
 %cmgab bp                                                142
 %comnd flddb                                             142
 %cmgfg flag                                              142

Index                                                                      144