
Trailing-Edge - PDP-10 Archives - decuslib20-04 - decus/20-0135/doc/
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VIDED DISTRIBUTION TAPE:     READ.ME     1979-03-18  Revised: 1979-04-05

The file VIDED.BLB on the distribution tape contains a short
presentation of VIDED.

The file VIDED.MAN includes a full VIDED manual, in which chapter 6
tells you how to load VIDED from the tape and how to modify VIDED for
your special needs.

VIDED.DIA is a version of VIDED.MAN which gives extra neat printout on a
Diablo 1620 terminal.


VIDED   EXE     Production version of VIDED, ready to execute.
SIMR41  EXE     Must be stored on SYS:.   SIMULA run time
SIMR42  EXE     Must be stored on SYS:.   system release 4
VIDED   HLP     Must be stored on HLP:.   Used by the &H VIDED command
SIMDD4  ABS     Must be stored on SYS:.   SIMDDT debugging system
VIDED   MAN     VIDED manual, can be stored on DOC:.
VIDED   DIA     Neat printout of VIDED.MAN on a Diablo 1620 terminal
VIDED   VIP     Master for VIDED.MAN/VIDED.DIA, process with VIDEDP
VIDED   BLB     Short description about what VIDED can do.
VIDEDP  EXE     Postprocessors for underlining, half line steps etc.
INDEX   SAV     Program to produce an index to a report
ARNF    SAV     Program for left/right pagination on even/odd pages
VIDED   ADD     List of changes since previous VIDED release
READ    ME      Short info on what is on the tape
VIDPRO  MIC     MIC for starting the lessons
VIDED   E??     where ?? = 1,2,3...11, lesson texts
Continued on the next page....
READ.ME, VIDED DISTRIBUTION, APRIL 1979                           PAGE 2

SIMLIB  REL     Simula utility procedure library, must be stored on SYS:
LIBSIM  REL     Simula utility procedure library
LIBSIM  ATR     Simula utility procedure library
VISTA   SIM     Terminal handler
VTMVDA  MAC     Data descriptor for MAC procedures
VTMVDA  UNV     Produced when assembling VTMVDA.MAC
VTISNG  MAC     Character input from terminal
VTMCUR  MAC     Screen addressing
VTSYNK  MAC     Screen addressing
TSHIFT  MAC     Text shifting
IONEOU  MAC     Gets universal file index
PGCOPY  MAC     Fast file copy
VDCCIN  MAC     Control-C handler
VDCCOU  MAC     Control-C handler
VDLNO   MAC     Line number handler
TERMTY  SIM     Terminal type description module
SSCAN   SIM     VIDED command scanning procedure
MMISTA  SIM     Terminal handling package, VIDED version
MIDED1  SIM     VIDED source program files
MIDED2  SIM     VIDED source program files
MIDED3  SIM     VIDED source program files
MIDEDB  SIM     VIDED source program files
VILINK  MIC     MIC file to load VIDED in high segment
MIDED1  MIC     MIC file to compile VIDED SIMULA files in production version
VISTA   MAN     Handbook on the terminal handling package
SIMMAC  UNV     ! Needed when compiling then
SIMRPA  UNV    -! MACRO-10 files used
SIMHGH  REL     For high segment loading      ! Expected on REL:-area when
HELPER  REL                                  -! loading VIDED with
MAKSHR  REL     For high segment loading      ! VILINK.MIC
                To compile VIDED, you also need the DECsystem-10
                SIMULA system release 4, which is NOT included
                on the VIDED tape:
SIMULA  EXE     Simula compiler pass 1   ! The files must correspond
SIMP2   EXE     Simula compiler pass 2   ! to release 4 or later of
SIMP3   EXE     Simula compiler pass 3   ! the DECsystem-10 Simula system

Continued on the next page....
READ.ME, VIDED DISTRIBUTION, APRIL 1979                           PAGE 3

All the following save sdts except README are actually repeated twice on
the VIDED distribution tape for safety. The second save set
corresponding t{ "VIDEDGROUPA" is named "VIDEDGROUPAREPEATED" etc.

Start of save set README on MTA011 G33L23
System Stockholm QZ V6.03A TOPS-10 monitor 603A(20116) APR#1215
800 BPI 9 track  5-Apr-79 17:07:51 BACKUP 2(216) tape format 1
Tape number  1

READ    ME      7                4-Apr-79

End of save set README on MTA011 G33L23
System Stockholm QZ V6.03A TOPS-10 monitor 603A(20116) APR#1215
800 BPI 9 track  5-Apr-79 17:07:54 BACKUP 2(216) tape format 1
Tape number  1

Start of save set VIDEDGROUPA on MTA011 G33L23
System Stockholm QZ V6.03A TOPS-10 monitor 603A(20116) APR#1215
800 BPI 9 track  5-Apr-79 17:07:56 BACKUP 2(216) tape format 1
Tape number  1

INDEX   SAV     71              28-Jul-76
SIMR41  EXE     56              22-Feb-79
SIMR42  EXE     48              22-Feb-79
SIMDD4  ABS     52               2-Mar-79
READ    ME      7                4-Apr-79
ARNF    SAV     8               11-Aug-78
VIDEDP  EXE     48              28-Jan-79
VIDED   EXE     288              3-Apr-79

End of save set VIDEDGROUPA on MTA011 G33L23
System Stockholm QZ V6.03A TOPS-10 monitor 603A(20116) APR#1215
800 BPI 9 track  5-Apr-79 17:08:08 BACKUP 2(216) tape format 1
Tape number  1

Start of save set VIDEDGROUPB on MTA011 G33L23
System Stockholm QZ V6.03A TOPS-10 monitor 603A(20116) APR#1215
800 BPI 9 track  5-Apr-79 17:08:09 BACKUP 2(216) tape format 1
Tape number  1

VIDED   NEW     20              17-Mar-79
VIDED   ADD     22              18-Mar-79
VIDED   DIA     307              1-Apr-79
VIDED   MAN     218              1-Apr-79
VIDED   BLB     22               4-Apr-79
VIDED   HLP     9               26-Mar-79
VIDED   VIP     218              1-Apr-79
VIDED   VIB     22               3-Apr-79
MIDED   MAP     52               2-Apr-79
READ.ME, VIDED DISTRIBUTION, APRIL 1979                           PAGE 4

End of save set VIDEDGROUPB on MTA011 G33L23
System Stockholm QZ V6.03A TOPS-10 monitor 603A(20116) APR#1215
800 BPI 9 track  5-Apr-79 17:08:28 BACKUP 2(216) tape format 1
Tape number  1

Start of save set VIDEDGROUPC on MTA011 G33L23
System Stockholm QZ V6.03A TOPS-10 monitor 603A(20116) APR#1215
800 BPI 9 track  5-Apr-79 17:08:29 BACKUP 2(216) tape format 1
Tape number  1

SIMLIB  REL     45               4-Oct-78
LIBSIM  REL     798              6-Mar-79
LIBSIM  ATR     200              2-Mar-79
MAC     MIC     1               25-Feb-79
MIDED1  MIC     1               18-Mar-79
MIDED   CTL     2               18-Mar-79
VILINK  MIC     2                2-Apr-79
VIDTAP  MIC     3                5-Apr-79

End of save set VIDEDGROUPC on MTA011 G33L23
System Stockholm QZ V6.03A TOPS-10 monitor 603A(20116) APR#1215
800 BPI 9 track  5-Apr-79 17:08:48 BACKUP 2(216) tape format 1
Tape number  1

Start of save set VIDEDGROUPD on MTA011 G33L23
System Stockholm QZ V6.03A TOPS-10 monitor 603A(20116) APR#1215
800 BPI 9 track  5-Apr-79 17:08:50 BACKUP 2(216) tape format 1
Tape number  1

SIMMAC  UNV     123              6-Mar-79
SIMMCR  UNV     85              31-Jan-78
SIMRPA  UNV     104             27-Sep-78
TSHIFT  MAC     6                2-Feb-79
IONEOU  ATR     1               29-Dec-78
IONEOU  REL     1               29-Dec-78
IONEOU  MAC     1               29-Dec-78
SSCAN   SIM     12              16-Jan-79
TSHIFT  ATR     1                2-Feb-79
PGCOPY  ATR     1               14-Feb-79
VDCCIN  ATR     1               21-Feb-79
VDCCOU  ATR     1               21-Feb-79
TERMTY  SIM     4               18-Mar-79
FILIST  REL     3               23-Mar-79
FILIST  ATR     1               15-Feb-79
FILIST  MAC     7               23-Mar-79
TSHIFT  REL     2                2-Feb-79
IONEOU  REL     1               29-Dec-78
PGCOPY  REL     4               23-Feb-79
PGCOPY  MAC     10              23-Feb-79
VDCCIN  REL     4               21-Feb-79
VDCCOU  MAC     2               21-Feb-79
READ.ME, VIDED DISTRIBUTION, APRIL 1979                           PAGE 5

VDCCOU  REL     1               21-Feb-79
VDCCIN  MAC     8               21-Feb-79
VDLNO   ATR     1               27-Feb-79
VDLNO   REL     2               27-Feb-79
VDLNO   MAC     4               27-Feb-79

End of save set VIDEDGROUPD on MTA011 G33L23
System Stockholm QZ V6.03A TOPS-10 monitor 603A(20116) APR#1215
800 BPI 9 track  5-Apr-79 17:09:07 BACKUP 2(216) tape format 1
Tape number  1

Start of save set VIDEDGROUPE on MTA011 G33L23
System Stockholm QZ V6.03A TOPS-10 monitor 603A(20116) APR#1215
800 BPI 9 track  5-Apr-79 17:09:07 BACKUP 2(216) tape format 1
Tape number  1

VTMVDA  UNV     3                3-Feb-79
VTMVDA  MAC     11              26-Feb-79
VTSYNK  MAC     7               25-Feb-79
VTISNG  MAC     32               1-Mar-79
VTMCUR  MAC     28              10-Mar-79
MMISTA  SIM     44              15-Mar-79
MIDED2  SIM     76              18-Mar-79
MIDED1  SIM     75              23-Mar-79
MIDEDB  SIM     4                2-Apr-79
MIDED3  SIM     117              2-Apr-79
VTISNG  REL     6                1-Mar-79
VTMCUR  REL     6               10-Mar-79
VTMCUR  ATR     1               22-Jul-78
VTSYNK  ATR     1               23-Jul-78
VTISNG  ATR     1               31-Aug-78
VTSYNK  REL     2               25-Feb-79

End of save set VIDEDGROUPE on MTA011 G33L23
System Stockholm QZ V6.03A TOPS-10 monitor 603A(20116) APR#1215
800 BPI 9 track  5-Apr-79 17:09:22 BACKUP 2(216) tape format 1
Tape number  1

Start of save set VIDEDGROUPF on MTA011 G33L23
System Stockholm QZ V6.03A TOPS-10 monitor 603A(20116) APR#1215
800 BPI 9 track  5-Apr-79 17:09:23 BACKUP 2(216) tape format 1
Tape number  1

COCOS   EXE     36               1-Aug-78
TERMTY  REL     3                2-Apr-79
SSCAN   REL     3                2-Apr-79
MMISTA  REL     19               2-Apr-79
COCOS   BLB     2                2-Nov-77
COCOS   EXE     36               1-Aug-78
COCOS   HLP     5               30-Jul-78
COCOS   MAN     9               30-Jul-78
READ.ME, VIDED DISTRIBUTION, APRIL 1979                           PAGE 6

COCOS   SIM     40               1-Aug-78
COCOS   SRC     49               1-Aug-78

End of save set VIDEDGROUPF on MTA011 G33L23
System Stockholm QZ V6.03A TOPS-10 monitor 603A(20116) APR#1215
800 BPI 9 track  5-Apr-79 17:09:37 BACKUP 2(216) tape format 1
Tape number  1

Start of save set VIDEDGROUPG on MTA011 G33L23
System Stockholm QZ V6.03A TOPS-10 monitor 603A(20116) APR#1215
800 BPI 9 track  5-Apr-79 17:09:47 BACKUP 2(216) tape format 1
Tape number  1

SSCAN   ATR     1               13-May-78
TERMTY  ATR     1               19-Nov-78
MMISTA  ATR     8                3-Feb-79
MIDED1  REL     43               2-Apr-79
MIDED2  REL     51               2-Apr-79
MIDED3  REL     89               2-Apr-79
MIDEDB  REL     8                2-Apr-79

End of save set VIDEDGROUPG on MTA011 G33L23
System Stockholm QZ V6.03A TOPS-10 monitor 603A(20116) APR#1215
800 BPI 9 track  5-Apr-79 17:09:54 BACKUP 2(216) tape format 1
Tape number  1

Start of save set VIDEDGROUPH on MTA011 G33L23
System Stockholm QZ V6.03A TOPS-10 monitor 603A(20116) APR#1215
800 BPI 9 track  5-Apr-79 17:09:55 BACKUP 2(216) tape format 1
Tape number  1

MIDED1  ATR     11              17-Mar-79
MIDED2  ATR     6               17-Mar-79
MIDED3  ATR     6                2-Apr-79
HELPER  REL     2               10-Dec-73
SIMHGH  REL     141              6-Mar-79
MAKSHR  REL     3               30-Jan-79

End of save set VIDEDGROUPH on MTA011 G33L23
System Stockholm QZ V6.03A TOPS-10 monitor 603A(20116) APR#1215
800 BPI 9 track  5-Apr-79 17:10:07 BACKUP 2(216) tape format 1
Tape number  1

Start of save set VIDEDGROUPI on MTA011 G33L23
System Stockholm QZ V6.03A TOPS-10 monitor 603A(20116) APR#1215
800 BPI 9 track  5-Apr-79 17:10:09 BACKUP 2(216) tape format 1
Tape number  1

TABLE   SIM     9                1-Jan-79
SHIP    SIM     26               1-Jan-79
READ.ME, VIDED DISTRIBUTION, APRIL 1979                           PAGE 7

QSIM    SIM     25               9-Jan-79
FORM    SIM     24              15-Feb-79
GETVIS  SIM     11              15-Feb-79
CAT     SIM     22              21-Feb-79
VISTA   SIM     110             17-Mar-79
VIDEDP  SIM     53              18-Jan-79

End of save set VIDEDGROUPI on MTA011 G33L23
System Stockholm QZ V6.03A TOPS-10 monitor 603A(20116) APR#1215
800 BPI 9 track  5-Apr-79 17:10:24 BACKUP 2(216) tape format 1
Tape number  1

Start of save set VIDEDGROUPJ on MTA011 G33L23
System Stockholm QZ V6.03A TOPS-10 monitor 603A(20116) APR#1215
800 BPI 9 track  5-Apr-79 17:10:30 BACKUP 2(216) tape format 1
Tape number  1

MARG    HLP     4               21-Jan-79
MARG    EXE     16              20-Jan-79
FORMT   SIM     6                1-Jan-79
MARG    SIM     8               20-Jan-79
VISTA   MAN     183             15-Feb-79
VIDEDC  HLP     4                1-Apr-79
VIDEDC  EXE     32               1-Apr-79

End of save set VIDEDGROUPJ on MTA011 G33L23
System Stockholm QZ V6.03A TOPS-10 monitor 603A(20116) APR#1215
800 BPI 9 track  5-Apr-79 17:10:44 BACKUP 2(216) tape format 1
Tape number  1

Start of save set VIDEDGROUPK on MTA011 G33L23
System Stockholm QZ V6.03A TOPS-10 monitor 603A(20116) APR#1215
800 BPI 9 track  5-Apr-79 17:10:45 BACKUP 2(216) tape format 1
Tape number  1

VIDED   E5      3                5-Jan-79
VIDED   E7      31              15-Feb-79
VIDED   E8      8                5-Jan-79
VIDED   E9      4                5-Jan-79
VIDED   E10     2                5-Jan-79
VIDED   E6      22              10-Jan-79
VIDED   E1      2               29-Mar-79
VIDED   E2      3               29-Mar-79
VIDED   E3      6               29-Mar-79
VIDED   E4      8               29-Mar-79

End of save set VIDEDGROUPK on MTA011 G33L23
System Stockholm QZ V6.03A TOPS-10 monitor 603A(20116) APR#1215
800 BPI 9 track  5-Apr-79 17:10:53 BACKUP 2(216) tape format 1
Tape number  1
READ.ME, VIDED DISTRIBUTION, APRIL 1979                           PAGE 8

Start of save set VIDEDGROUPL on MTA011 G33L23
System Stockholm QZ V6.03A TOPS-10 monitor 603A(20116) APR#1215
800 BPI 9 track  5-Apr-79 17:10:54 BACKUP 2(216) tape format 1
Tape number  1

FILIST  REL     3               23-Mar-79
FILIST  ATR     1               15-Feb-79
FILIST  MAC     7               23-Mar-79
VIDEDC  SIM     16               1-Apr-79
VIDED   E11     5                5-Jan-79
VIDPRO  MIC     2               18-Mar-79

End of save set VIDEDGROUPL on MTA011 G33L23
System Stockholm QZ V6.03A TOPS-10 monitor 603A(20116) APR#1215
800 BPI 9 track  5-Apr-79 17:11:00 BACKUP 2(216) tape format 1
Tape number  1