
Trailing-Edge - PDP-10 Archives - decuslib20-04 - decus/20-0110/bound.req
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Comment File: BOUND.REQ;
	Revised March 4, 1976 - Lemkin, added INSPOOL;

External Integer inspool, inspeof;

Require "BOUND.REL" load!module;
Require "GETABL.REL" load!module;

External Boolean Procedure BOUND( Real a; Reference Real b; Real
	c; String longmsg, shortmsg);

External Boolean Procedure IBOUND( Integer a; Reference Integer
	b; Integer c; String longmsg, shortmsg);

External Boolean Procedure SBOUND( Reference String b; String
	options,longmsg, shortmsg);

External Boolean Procedure LBOUND(Reference External Boolean
	a; String longmsg, shortmsg);

External Boolean Procedure FBOUND(Reference String file!name;
	String options,longmsg, shortmsg);

External Boolean terse;

External String Procedure UPLOWINCHWL;

External String Procedure GUESSER(String actual!cmd;
		 String Array legal!commands);