
Trailing-Edge - PDP-10 Archives - decuslib20-03 - decus/20-0078/libsim/termty.sim
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00050	COMMENT CLASS termty lists terminal types; OPTIONS(/l/e);
00150	CLASS termty;
00200	BEGIN TEXT ARRAY tr[1:21]; TEXT ts; INTEGER termtype;
00218	INTEGER otherterminal;
00250	PROCEDURE type_menu;
00300	BEGIN
00350	  outtext(
00361	  "Input terminal type: (Infoton) vista, "
00375	  "i200, (vistar) sattelite,"); outimage; outtext(
00387	  "(DEC) vt52, Minitec, Teletec, "
00402	  "(Tandberg) TDV 2000, (Elite) 1520,"); outimage; outtext(
00413	  "1521, 2500, 3025, (Beehive) B100,"
00426	  "(CDC) S713-10, (Volker) 404,"); outimage; outtext(
00451	  "414, ");
00750	END of type_meny;
00805	INTEGER PROCEDURE ldefault(terminaltype); INTEGER terminaltype;
00806	COMMENT returns the recommended default number of lines/page for
00809	terminal model no i, 0 represents no default;
00814	  ldefault:= IF terminaltype = otherterminal OR terminaltype =
00817	  12 OR terminaltype = 13 OR terminaltype = 0 THEN 0
00820	  ELSE IF terminaltype = 1 THEN 20 ELSE 24;
00829	INTEGER PROCEDURE cdefault(terminaltype); INTEGER terminaltype;
00832	COMMENT returns the recommended default number of characters/line
00835	for terminal model no i, 0 represents no default;
00836	cdefault:= IF terminaltype = otherterminal OR terminaltype = 0
00839	THEN 0 ELSE 79;
00850	  ! 1               ! 2            ! 3
00900	  ! 4               ! 5            ! 6
00950	  ! 7               ! 8            ! 9
01000	  !10               !11            !12
01050	  !13               !14            !15
01100	  !16               !17            !18
01150	  !displayterminal;
01200	ts:- copy(
01250	"VISTA"          ",VT52"         ",MINITEC"
01300	",AL2500"        ",2500"         ",AL1520"
01350	",1520"          ",TELETEC"      ",SATTELITE"
01400	",TDV 2000"      ",B100"         ",S713-10"
01450	",P713-10"       ",3025"         ",1521"
01500	",404"           ",414"          ",BUGINFOTON"
01550	",I200"          ",DISPLAY TERMINAL");
01600	termtype:= 0; WHILE ts.more DO
01650	BEGIN termtype:= termtype+1;
01700	  tr[termtype]:- scanto(ts,',');
01750	END;
01775	otherterminal:= termtype;
01800	END OF CLASS termty;