
Trailing-Edge - PDP-10 Archives - decuslib20-03 - decus/20-0078/libsim/arrtxt.mac
There is 1 other file named arrtxt.mac in the archive. Click here to see a list.
00100	COMMENT * SIMULA specification;
00200	OPTIONS(/EXTERN:QUICK,arrtxt);
00300	PROCEDURE arrtxt(ta,t,c); TEXT ARRAY ta;
00400	TEXT t; CHARACTER c;;
00600	!*;! MACRO-10 code !*;!
00800		TITLE arrtxt
00900	;!
01000	;!	if TA[1:4] has the elements "ABC" , "X" , "123456"
01100	;!	and "SLUT"  then the call
01200	;!	arrtxt(ta,t,',')
01300	;!	should give t = "ABC,X,123456,SLUT," as result
01400	;!	it is assumed that t points to a string long enough
01500	;!	to hold this result (ARRLGD can be used to get
01600	;!	the length required e.g. t:-blanks(arrlgd(ta));!
01700	;!	can be computed prior to calling ARRTXT).
01800		sall
01900		search	macsim
02000		quickproc
02100		entry arrtxt
02200		specify<
02300		proc	.arrtxt,<ta,t,c>
02400		array	ta
02500		text	t
02600		character c
02700		>
02800		cnt=13
02900		dest=14
03000		elm=16
03100	;!	---------  start of program code  -------
03200	byte:	oct	440700000002
03300		oct	350700000002
03400		oct	260700000002
03500		oct	170700000002
03600		oct	100700000002
03700	arrtxt:	MOVE	dest,byte	;! set up length in byte pointers
03800		MOVE	X0,c		;! get delimiter character
03900		HLRZ	6,t
04000		HRRZ	8,t		;! start position
04100		IDIVI	6,5
04200		ADD	8,6		;! word where text starts
04300		MOVE	dest,byte(7)	;! set up byte pointer to result
04400		ADDM	8,dest
04500		MOVE	cnt,5(ta)	;! length of array
04600		SUB	cnt,4(ta)
04700	nexte:	HLRZ	6,6(ta)		;! get next element
04800		HRRZ	8,6(ta)
04900		IDIVI	6,5
05000		ADD	8,6
05100		MOVE	elm,byte(7)	;! byte pointer to element
05200		ADDM	8,elm
05300		HLRZ	9,7(ta)		;! length of text element
05400		JUMPE	9,fin		;! test if notext
05500	nextc:	ILDB	6,elm		;! move characters
05600		IDPB	6,dest
05700		SOJG	9,nextc		;! test if end of text
05800	fin:	IDPB	X0,dest
05900		ADDI	ta,2		;! forward in vector
06000		SOJGE	cnt,nexte
06100		RETURN
06200		LIT
06300		END;