
Trailing-Edge - PDP-10 Archives - decuslib10-12 - 43,50547/pltlib/v12/plot.mac
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;                 Table of Contents for PLOT.MAC
;			   Section			      Page
;    1. Contents
;         1.1   PLOT.MAC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   1
;         1.2   PLTDSK.MAC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   2
;         1.3   PLTRGS.MAC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   3
;         1.4   PLTTEK.MAC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   4
;         1.5   PLTIOD.MAC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   5
;    2. Assembly instructions and Feature-Test settings  . . .   6
;    3. Other definitions  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   7
;    4. Data definitions
;         4.1   Naming conventions . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   8
;         4.2   PPDATA - Per-plotter macro . . . . . . . . . .   9
;    5. Subroutine PLOT
;         5.1   Get the X and Y coordinates to move to . . . .  11
;         5.2   Table of plotter functions . . . . . . . . . .  12
;         5.3   PLOTIT - Translate, scale, and rotate coordi .  14
;         5.4   MOVDN and MOVUP - move the pen . . . . . . . .  15
;    6. Main routines
;         6.1   ERASE  - Clear the screen  . . . . . . . . . .  16
;         6.2   FACTOR - Change the scaling factor . . . . . .  17
;         6.3   GETWIN - Get status of universal window  . . .  18
;         6.4   NEWPEN - Change pen color or line type . . . .  19
;         6.5   OPRTXT - Send message to OPR when plot comes .  20
;         6.6   PAUSEP - Temporarily turn off a plotter  . . .  21
;         6.7   PLOTER - Define an alias plotter . . . . . . .  22
;         6.8   PLOTOF - Temporarily turn off a plotter  . . .  23
;         6.9   PLOTOK - Get status of the plotter . . . . . .  24
;         6.10  PLOTON - Resume output to a plotter  . . . . .  25
;         6.11  PLOTS  - Initialize the plotter  . . . . . . .  26
;         6.12  ROTATE - Change angle of rotation for the pl .  27
;         6.13  SETWIN - Set universal window for large plot .  28
;         6.14  SUBWIN - Set/reset/status of sub-window  . . .  30
;         6.15  TITLE  - Use hardware character generator  . .  33
;         6.16  WHERE  - Get current pen position  . . . . . .  34
;         6.17  XHAIRS - Trigger crosshairs TEK 4012 or GIGI .  35
;    7. Plotter initialization
;         7.1   Determine plotter type . . . . . . . . . . . .  36
;         7.2   Set default values . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  38
;    8. Rotation
;         8.1   TWIST and UNTWST . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  39
;         8.2   INC2FP - Convert increments to floatint-poin .  40
;    9. Window clipping
;         9.1   CHECK  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  41
;         9.2   "Plot Window was Exceeded" message . . . . . .  43
;         9.3   COMP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  44
;         9.4   COMPX and COMPY  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  45
;         9.5   GETX and CHKX  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  46
;         9.6   COMPM and NEWOLD . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  47
;   10. End of PLOT.MAC (Must be assembled with PLTIOD.MAC)  .  48

;                Table of Contents for PLTDSK.MAC
;			   Section			      Page
;    1. Spooler - writes compressed output to DSK: . . . . . .   1
;    2. Revision History for PLTDSK.MAC  . . . . . . . . . . .   2
;    3. INI - Initialize spooled plotter . . . . . . . . . . .   3
;    4. FIN - Finish the plot  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   4
;    5. Subroutine OPRTXT and DSKPAS . . . . . . . . . . . . .   5
;    6. Pen moving routines  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   6
;    7. Header/Trailer
;         7.1   Create text  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   8
;         7.2   Utility subroutines  . . . . . . . . . . . . .   9
;         7.3   Numberic output routines . . . . . . . . . . .  10
;         7.4   Output the prepared text . . . . . . . . . . .  11

;                Table of Contents for PLTRGS.MAC
;			   Section			      Page
;    1. ReGIS for GIGI, VT125, and DMP4R . . . . . . . . . . .   1
;    2. PPDATA macro expansion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   2
;    3. Database . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   3
;    4. INItialize, FINish . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   4
;    5. RGSPAS - Pause, plot-on, or plot-off . . . . . . . . .   5
;    6. RGSMOV - Move to beam to new position  . . . . . . . .   6
;    7. NEWPEN - Change pen colors . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   7
;    8. TITLE  - Plot text . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   8
;    9. XHAIRS - allow the user the use the crosshairs . . . .   9

;                Table of Contents for PLTTEK.MAC
;			   Section			      Page
;    1. TEKTRONIX 4010-series Graphics Terminals . . . . . . .   1
;    2. PPDATA macro expansion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   3
;    3. Database . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   4
;    4. INItialize, FINish, and Pause  . . . . . . . . . . . .   5
;    5. TEKMOV - Move to beam to new position  . . . . . . . .   6
;    6. XHAIRS - allow the user the use the crosshairs . . . .   7

;                Table of Contents for PLTIOD.MAC
;			   Section			      Page
;    1. ALCOR and DECOR
;         1.1   Set up disk (or TTY) buffers . . . . . . . . .   1
;         1.2   Release disk (or TTY) buffers  . . . . . . . .   2
;    2. OUTDMP, OUTSTG, OUTWRD - Output a string of bytes  . .   3
;    3. Output numbers and bytes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   4
;    4. GETNAM - Decode output file spec . . . . . . . . . . .   5
;    5. NEWFIL - Create new file name  . . . . . . . . . . . .   6
;    6. Open output file . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   7
;    7. Translate 'TTY' to appropriate plotter type  . . . . .   8
;    8. TTYINI - Set up terminal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   9
;    9. Terminal I/O routines  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  11
;   10. I/O routines - Read window limits from SYS:PRIV.SYS  .  13
;   11. Misc - IFX.X and IFX.Y . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  14
;   12. Data area
;        12.1   Global variables . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  15
;        12.2   Temporary variables  . . . . . . . . . . . . .  16
;   13. Literals and END statement . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  17
SUBTTL	Assembly instructions and Feature-Test settings
	SEARCH	PLTUNV	;Search the universal file
TTL	(<PLOT - Pen moving routine>)

;Assembly instructions:
;PLOT.MAC   contains the entry points and main routines.
;PLTIOD.MAC has I/O routines, data definitions, and the END statement.
;PLTxxx.MAC is one or more of the following:
; PLTARD   ARDS graphic terminal
; PLTCAL   Outputs directly to CALCOMP XY-10 plotter, 1 byte per increment
; PLTDSK   Compressed DSK: data, must be expanded by PLTSPL or SPROUT
; PLTHEW   Hewlett Packard plotter
; PLTPTC   Houston Instruments PTC5 plotter controller
; PLTQUM   QUME mechanism in DIABLO or GENCOM hardcopy terminal
; PLTRGS   ReGIS (VT125, GIGI, and DMP-4R)
; PLTTEK   4010 Series Tektronix terminals; 4006, 4014, 4025, etc

;NOTE: There are no TOPS-10 dependencies in PLOT.MAC; all UUOs are in PLTIOD.

;Feature-test settings defined in PLTUNV.UNV

FTDBUG==FTDBUG	;Features for debugging PLOT.REL with DDT
FTHEAD==FTHEAD	;Headers and trailers plotted in the .PLT file
FTKA==  FTKA	;FIXR instruction instead of IFX.1 subroutine
FT701== FT701	;0=603A, -1=701, +1=use OPEN/LOOKUP if FILOP. fails
FTAPLT==FTAPLT	;Nonzero to have multiple plotters active

;Feature-tests that affect PLOT.REL only

ND FT2CC,0	;Do not pass Control-C to previous .JBINT routine
ND FTXHCC,0	;Do not pass Control-C to caller in subroutine XHAIRS
ND FTHEAD,-1	;Plot headers and trailers in the .PLT file
		;0 for no headers, +1 to use SPROUT's version of SETSYM/SYMBOL
ND FTPRIV,-1	;Make subroutine SETWIN read SYS:PRIV.DAT

;List of external routines

	EXTERN	SYMBOL,SETSYM		;Called by TITLE if no hardware set
	EXTERN	SIN.,COS.		;Math routines from FORLIB
	EXTERN	TRACE.			;Routines from FORLIB
	EXTERN	ALCOR.,DECOR.		;Memory management in FOROTS
IFE FTDBUG,<	EXTERN	.PLOT.	>	;Default plotter for CALL PLOTS(IERR,0)
					;(set to ASCII /TEK/ in SYS:TEKPLT.REL)
IFN FTKA,<  EXTERN IFX.1>		;Convert number in T1 to integer
IFE FT701,< EXTERN ALCHN., DECHN.>	;Ask FOROTS for I/O channel
SUBTTL	Other definitions

;Default values, may be changed at will

ND DFWINS,11.0		;Default window size in inches
IFE FTAPLT,<PLTNUM==2>	;Only 'SPOOL' and 'TTY' active if FTAPLT=0
ND PLTNUM,5		;Allow for 5 active plotters via subroutine PLOTER.

;Special character definitions

	BS== 10		;Backspace
	TAB==11		;Tab
	LF== 12		;Linefeed
	VT== 13		;Vertical tab
	FF== 14		;Formfeed
	CR== 15		;Carriage return
	ESC==33		;Escape

;Special AC definitions

	B=G3		;Used in CHECK for Y = M*X + B
	NEW.BD=G5	;Flags for boundry checking
	PURGE G3,G4,G5	;P1 and P2 are available
SUBTTL	Data definitions -- Naming conventions

;Variables are of 4 types:
;1.  Global - Applies to all plotters, whether they are active or not.
;	Example: X and Y set by PLOT for subroutine WHERE.
;	Format:  x.xxxx - Directly addressable
;2.  Per plotter - Applies to each active plotter and defined for all plotters.
;	Example: Current pen position and status.
;	Format:  xxxx.x(P4) - Indexed by P4
;3.  Local - Applies to only one plotter, defined by LCDATA macro.
;	Example: Calls to PLOT for PLTDSK, old position for PLTTEK.
;	Format:  xxxx.x(P4) - Indexed by P4
;4.  Temporary - Usually trashed between calls to PLOT.
;	Example: Argument for the SIN and COS functions.
;	Format:  Arbitrary - Directly addressable
;Other naming conventions:
;    Bit value definitions - Flags and masks.
;	Example: P4.ACT is on if plotter is active
;	Format: - aa is word (or AC), xxx is name
;    Per plotter constants - dispatch table for plotter
;	Example: PUSHJ P,@PLTINI(P4) ;Initialize the plot
;	Format:  PLTxxx(P4) - Indexed by P4

;The convolutions with global and per-plotter variables allows a program to
;do something like display a smaller rotated plot on the Tektronix while
;sending data to the spooled plotter.  Things such as rotation angle and
;offset can be set independently by using PLOTOF to turn off all the other

;Accumulator P3 is an AOBJN pointer to PLTTAB, the table of active plotters.
;PLTTAB is used for storing P4, which has the address of the plotter specific
;data area in the right half, and flags in the left half.  The flags are
;initialized from the LH of the HISEG copy of PLTTYP.

	P4.ACT==400000,,0 ;Plotter is currently active (must be sign bit)
	P4.INI==200000,,0 ;Plotter has been initialized by call to PLOTS
	P4.TTY==100000,,0 ;In HISEG = Graphics terminal, default output to TTY:
			  ;In P4    = Output is to a TTY:, dump buffers often
	P4.TT8== 40000,,0 ;Outputing to TTY in binary, generate parity
	P4.OUP== 20000,,0 ;Old position pen up (OLD.BD invalid in CHECK routine)
	P4.WIN== 10000,,0 ;Too late to call subroutine SETWIN
	;;;;;;==  7777,,0 ;(unused)

	ND FTTERM,0	;Gets defined as non-zero if any graphics terminals
SUBTTL	Data definitions -- PPDATA - Per-plotter macro

;Definitions for LH of PLTINI(P4)
	IN.BYT==770000,,0 ;Initial byte size (36, 18, 8, or 7)
	IN.ACK==  4000,,0 ;Terminal sends ACKs, set up input buffer also
	;;;;;;==  2000,,0 ;(unused) (puts IN.MOD on an octal boundry)
	IN.MOD==  1700,,0 ;I/O mode (.IOASC or .IOBIN)
	;;;;;;==   140,,0 ;(unused)
	;;;;;;==    37,,0 ;Must be zero for @PLTINI(P4)

;Definitions for LH of PLTFIN(P4)
	FN.SIZ==777_33    ;Size of data area (including local and per-plotter)
	;;;;;;==   740,,0 ;(unused)
	;;;;;;==    37,,0 ;Must be zero for @PLTFIN(P4)

;Definitions for PLTSPC(P4)
;The LH has 18 flags, one for each routine this plotter supports.
;The RH is an address, PUSHJed to with one of the flag bits set in T1
	SP.PEN==1B0	;NEWPEN - Change pen color
	SP.CLR==1B1	;ERASE  - Clear the screen
	SP.XHR==1B2	;XHAIRS - Trigger crosshairs on Tektronix and GIGI
	SP.OPR==1B3	;OPRTXT - Send message to OPR via PLTSPL/SPROUT
	SP.TTL==1B4	;TITLE  - Has hardware character generator
	SP.PAS==1B5	;PAUSEP - Pause plot for a few seconds
	;;.LIN==1B6	;xxxxxx - Sets line type (solid vs dashed)

;Definitions for CURR.P(P4)
	PN.DWN==      1	;Pen is down
	PN.FL1==      2	;Flag 1 (long mode)
	PN.FL2==      4	;Flag 2
	;;;;;;==     70	;(unused)
	PN.COL==   7700	;Pen color
;The XBLOCK macro is used to assign offsets in the LCDATA macro expansion

	XLIST		;Definition of PPDATA macro

NM'.DA:			;HISEG copy of plotter dispatch table
	PHASE	0	;All these definitions must be indexed by P4
PLTTYP:! NM'TYP!CHAIN	;Plotter type bits ,, pointer to previous plotter
PLTNAM:!-NM'LEN,,NM'NAM	;Pointer to list of names for PLOTS
PLTINI:! NM'BYT!NM'INI	;Initialize the plotter (byte size & mode in LH)
PLTFIN:!NM'SIZ_33+NM'FIN;Size of data area ,, finish off the plot
PLTMOV:!EXP	NM'MOV	;Move the pen, T1=0 for pen up, T1=-1 for pen down
PLTPAS:!EXP	NM'PAS	;T1=-1 to pause, T1=0 for ASCII, T1=+1 for resume
PLTINC:!EXP	NM'INC	;Increments per inch in floating point
PLTMAX:!EXP	NM'MAX	;Max increments X ,, Max increments Y
PLTEXT:!EXP	NM'EXT	;Extension of PLOT file ,, 0
PLTDAT:! ..==LOCL.D	;Set pseudo location counter for local data
	LCDATA		;Expand macro for local data
	NM'SIZ==..	;Size of this plotter's data area
IFG <NM'SIZ-PLTSIZ>,<PLTSIZ==NM'SIZ> ;Remember size of biggest data area
	CHAIN==NM'.DA	;Update pointer
	SALL		;End of PPDATA macro
IFN NM'TYP&P4.TTY,<FTTERM==-1>	;Define feature-test if for terminal


	PLTSIZ=<PLTLEN=<PLTBYT=<PLTFLG=0>>>;Dummy definitions for prototype
	DEFINE LCDATA,<>		;     "       "        "    "

	PPDATA	(PLT)		;Expand PPDATA macro to define PLTDAT

	PHASE	PLTDAT		;Start of variables common to all plotters
FILE.D:!BLOCK	1	;Output device in use		   'TTY' or 'DSK'
FILE.N:!BLOCK	1	;Output file name		(same as program name)
  ZERO.F==.  ;First word to zero on initialization
BUFR.N:!BLOCK	1	;I/O channel number ,, addr of buffer
BUFR.H:!BLOCK	3	;3-word buffer header
  BUFR.P==BUFR.H+1	;Byte pointer
  BUFR.C==BUFR.H+2	;Byte count for this buffer
BYTE.C:!BLOCK	1	;Total number of bytes output to this plotter

CURR.P:	BLOCK	1	;Current pen status			(0)
CURR.X:	BLOCK	2	;Current position, in increments	(0)
  CURR.Y=CURR.X+1	;Current position, in increments	(0)

MAXP.X:	BLOCK	2	;Highest X position, in increments	(0)
  MAXP.Y=MAXP.X+1	;Highest Y position, in increments	(0)

WMIN.X:	BLOCK	2	;Left edge of current window		(0.0)
  WMIN.Y=WMIN.X+1	;Bottom edge of current window		(0.0)
WMAX.X:	BLOCK	2	;Right edge of current window		(11.0)
  WMAX.Y=WMAX.X+1	;Top edge of current window		(11.0)
  ZERO.R=.  ;First word to zero on reset
OLDP.X:	BLOCK	2	;Old pen position, in inches		(0.0)
  OLDP.Y=OLDP.X+1	;Old pen position, in inches		(0.0)
OLD.BD:	BLOCK	1	;Old boundry flags			(0)

ROTA.A:	BLOCK	1	;Angle of rotation			(0.0)
ROTA.S:	BLOCK	2	;Sine of rotation			(0.0)
  ROTA.C=ROTA.S+1	;Cosine of rotation			(1.0)
ROTA.H:	BLOCK	2	;Horizontal offset after rotation	(0.0)
  ROTA.V=ROTA.H+1	;Vertical offset after rotation		(0.0)

FACT.X:	BLOCK	2	;Scaling factor				(1.0)
  FACT.Y=FACT.X+1	;Scaling factor				(1.0)

SUBW.F:	BLOCK	1	;-1 if subwindow active, +1 if defined	(0)
SMIN.X:	BLOCK	2	;Left edge of subwindow
  SMIN.Y=SMIN.X+1	;Bottom edge of subwindow
SMAX.X:	BLOCK	2	;Right edge of subwindow
  SMAX.Y=SMAX.X+1	;Top edge of subwindow
  ZERO.L==.-1	;Last word to zero
LOCL.D:			;Start of LCDATA

	RELOC	0	;Make sure LOSEG counter is correct

	RELOC	PLT.DA+PLTTYP+1		;Keep PLT.DA+PLTTYP, reclaim all else
	CHAIN==0			;Set for end/beginning of chain
	PLTSIZ==0			;Actual size defined later
	PURGE	PLTLEN,PLTBYT,PLTFLG	;Delete dummy symbols
SUBTTL	Subroutine PLOT -- Get the X and Y coordinates to move to


	SIXBIT	/PLOT/		;This is here for subroutine TRACE.
%PLOT:	MOVEM	L,SAVEL		;Save pointer to arg list
	AOS	C.PLOT		;Count this call to plot
	MOVE	X,@0(L)		;Get the caller's X
	MOVE	Y,@1(L)		;Get the caller's Y
	MOVE	T1,@2(L)	;Get caller's function

;Routine to move the pen.
;Calling sequence:
;	DMOVE	X,(coordinates in inches)
;	MOVEI	T1,(function code) ;+2, +3, or -3 for normal moves
;	 *return*
;			Uses P3, P4, L, and all temp ACs

PLOT:	MOVEM	T1,S.ORIG	;Negative codes reset the origin
	MOVM	T2,T1		;Get absolute value of function
	CAILE	T2,MAXFUN	;Is it more than max?
	 MOVEI	T2,MAXFUN+1	;Yes, function 999 ends the plot
	SKIPGE	T1,FUNCS(T2)	;Skip if normal pen movement function
	 PJRST	(T1)		;Functions 0 and 999 are special cased

;The routines in the FUNCS list expect T2, X, and Y to be set up.
;They return with T1, X, and Y adjusted.

	PUSHJ	P,(T1)		;Convert delta or polar to (X,Y), set T1
	MOVEM	T1,P.DOWN	;-1 for pen down, 0 for pen up
	DMOVEM	X,X.CALL	;Save caller's position for subroutine WHERE

	MOVSI	P3,-PLTNUM	;Number of plotters
PLOT1:	SKIPGE	P4,PLTTAB(P3)	;Is this plotter active?
	 PUSHJ	P,PLOTIT	;Yes, move the pen
	MOVEM	P4,PLTTAB(P3)	;Save new status
	AOBJN	P3,PLOT1	;Loop for all plotters

	SKIPL	S.ORIG		;Is function code negative?
	 JRST	PLOT2		;No,
	DMOVE	X,X.CALL	;Yes, set origin
	FADRM	X,X.ORIG	; to caller's arguments so
	FADRM	Y,Y.ORIG	; CALL PLOT(0.0,0.0,3) will return to here

PLOT2:	MOVE	L,SAVEL		;Restore AC 16
	POPJ	P,		;Return from PLOT
SUBTTL	Subroutine PLOT -- Table of plotter functions

FUNCS:	FUNC0!1B0	;Pause output to plotter	*special routine*
	FUNC1		;Use the last pen value
	FUNC2		;Cause the pen to be down
	FUNC3		;Cause the pen to be up
	FUNC4		;Go shift the origin (without moving the pen)
	FUNC5		;Go set up for delta X and Y movement (old pen)
	FUNC6		;Go set up for delta X and Y movement (pen down)
	FUNC7		;Go set up for delta X and Y movement (pen up)
	FUNC8		;Go set up for polar coordinates (DEG. - old pen)
	FUNC9		;Go set up for polar coordinates (DEG. - pen down)
	FUNC10		;Go set up for polar coordinates (DEG. - pen up)
	FUNC11		;Go set up for polar coordinates (RAD. - old pen)
	FUNC12		;Go set up for polar coordinates (RAD. - pen down)
	FUNC13		;Go set up for polar coordinates (RAD. - pen up)
MAXFUN==.-FUNCS-1	;Set up for the maximum number of functions
	FUNC99!1B0	;Finish plot			*special routine*

FUNC0:	MOVSI	P3,-PLTNUM	;0 - Pause the plotter
FUNC0A:	SKIPL	P4,PLTTAB(P3)	;Is plotter active?
	 JRST	FUNC0B		;No, try next one
	PUSHJ	P,PLOTUP	;Tell it to move to (X,Y)
	SETO	T1,		;-1 for pause
	PUSHJ	P,@PLTPAS(P4)	;Tell it to pause

FUNC0B:	AOBJN	P3,FUNC0A	;Loop through all
	POPJ	P,		;Return from PLOT(X,Y,0)

;Functions 1, 5, 8, or 11 - Move without changing pen up/down status
;X and Y have the co-ordinates, T2 has the function code

FUNC1:	MOVE	T1,P.DOWN	;Get old pen down status
	CAIN	T2,1		;Function 1, 5, 8, or 11?
	 POPJ	P,		;Yes, X, Y, and T1 are all set
FUNC2:	CAIE	T2,2		;2 - Move with pen down		(P.DOWN=-1)
FUNC3:	 TDZA	T1,T1		;3 - Move with pen up		(P.DOWN=0)
	  SETO	T1,		;Set down flag
	POPJ	P,		;Virtual position in X,Y, pen flag in T1

FUNC4:	SKIPG	S.ORIG		;4 - Shift origin, make current position (X,Y)
	 SETZB	X,Y		;Make current position (0,0) for function -4
	MOVMS	S.ORIG		;Tell PLOT1 not to bother changing origin
	DMOVE	T1,X.CALL	;Get current position
	FSBR	T1,X		;Calculate new offset
	DMOVEM	T1,X.ORIG	;Remember new origin
	MOVEI	T2,3		;Translate code 4 to code 3
	JRST	FUNC1		;Set pen/up code and continue
;More PLOT functions

PI%180:	173435750650		;PI over 180, 3.14/180 = 1/57.29 = 0.01745329252
				;(In octal because MACRO is off in the LSB)

FUNC5:				;Move relative to current position
FUNC7:	SUBI	T2,4		;Convert the function to 1, 2 or 3
	FADR	X,X.CALL	;Add delta to old X
	FADR	Y,Y.CALL	;Add delta to old Y
	JRST	FUNC1		;Check for pen up/down

FUNC8:				;Move to X inches at Y degrees
FUNC10:	SUBI	T2,7		;Convert the function to 1, 2 or 3
	FMPR	Y,PI%180	;Convert degrees to radians
	JRST	FUN13A		;Go to it

FUNC11:				;Move to X inches at Y radians
FUNC13:	SUBI	T2,^D10		;Convert the function to 1, 2 or 3
FUN13A:	MOVEM	Y,ANGLE		;Store radian angle
	MOVE	Y,X		;Duplicate radius
	MOVEI	L,[-1,,0	  ;1 argument
		REAL	ANGLE	  ;Angle in radians
		]+1		;Point to args
	PUSHJ	P,COS.##	;Get the cosine of the angle
	FMPR	X,T0		;Cosine times radius
	PUSHJ	P,SIN.##	;Get the sine of the angle
	FMPR	Y,T0		;Sine times radius
	JRST	FUNC1		;Check for pen up/down

FUNC99:	MOVSI	P3,-PLTNUM	;Finish the plot
FUN99A:	SKIPL	P4,PLTTAB(P3)	;Is this plotter active?
	 JRST	FUN99B		;No, try next one

;Should check for -999, and abort the plot

	PUSHJ	P,FINPLT	;Yes, finish up
	TXNE	P4,P4.TTY	;Output going to a TTY?
	 PUSHJ	P,TTYFIN	;Yes, clear the GAG bit
	PUSHJ	P,RELFIL	;Release channel
	PUSHJ	P,DEAPLT	;Deassign the plotter data base

FUN99B:	AOBJN	P3,FUN99A	;Loop for all
	POPJ	P,		;Return from PLOT(X,Y,999)

;Close output file, enter here with P3 and P4 set up

FINPLT:	PUSHJ	P,PL.FIN	;Reset rotation and scaling factors
	PUSHJ	P,@PLTFIN(P4)	;Finish the plot
	PUSHJ	P,CLSFIL	;Close output file
	TXZ	P4,P4.ACT!P4.INI;Plotter is not active
	MOVEM	P4,PLTTAB(P3)	;Store flags
	POPJ	P,		;Return to FUNC99 or PLOTS
SUBTTL	Subroutine PLOT -- PLOTIT - Translate, scale, and rotate coordinates

;Routine to position with the pen up.  Called by by PLOT(X,Y,0) to force
;movement before pausing, and by PLOTS to put the pen in a known position.

PLOTUP:	SETZB	T1,P.DOWN	;Move to (X,Y) with pen up
	PUSHJ	P,PLOTI1	;Account for origin and rotation
	PJRST	MOVUP		;Go there (should never be outside the window)

;Routine to move pen subject to window checking
;Calling sequence:
;	DMOVE	X,(position in inches)
;	  *return*		Line may be clipped if it exceeds the window

PLOTDN:	SETOB	T1,P.DOWN	;Move to (X,Y) with pen down
	JRST	PLOTI1		;Coordinates are already in X and Y

;Xcall,Ycall       = X and Y as supplied by the caller (after polar conversion)
;Xorigin,Yorigin   = Origin as set by CALL PLOT (Xorigin,Yorigin,-3)
;Xfactor,Yfactor   = Scaling factor as set by CALL FACTOR (Xfactor,Yfactor)
;Xrot,Yrot,SIN,COS = Rotation as set by CALL ROTATE (-1,Xrot,Yrot,Angle)
;	  X1 = (Xcall + Xorigin) * Xfactor		;Global translation
;	  Y1 = (Ycall + Yorigin) * Yfactor		; with local scaling.
;	Xout = X1*COS(Angle) - Y1*SIN(Angle) + Xrot	;Local rotation and
;	Yout = Y1*COS(Angle) + X1*SIN(Angle) + Yrot	; local translation.
;Window checking is done after scaling, rotation, and translation.
;That is, the window boundries are always vertical and horizontal,
;and in absolute inches.

;Call with X.CALL, Y.CALL, and P.DOWN set

PLOTIT:	DMOVE	X,X.CALL	;Get X and Y arguments
PLOTI1:	TXO	P4,P4.WIN	;Too late to call SETWIN, plotting has started
	FADR	X,X.ORIG	;Adjust for the
	FADR	Y,Y.ORIG	; global origin
	FMPR	X,FACT.X(P4)	;Scale the data
	FMPR	Y,FACT.Y(P4)	; for this plotter
	SKIPE	ROTA.A(P4)	;If this plot is rotated,
	 PUSHJ	P,TWIST		; adjust X and Y
	FADR	X,ROTA.H(P4)	;Add in the horizontal
	FADR	Y,ROTA.V(P4)	; and vertical offsets after rotation
	DMOVEM	X,X.NEWP	;Save new position

	SKIPL	P.DOWN		;Move with pen down?
	 JRST	[DMOVEM	X,OLDP.X(P4) ;No, just update old position
		 TXO	P4,P4.OUP    ;The old position is up, OLD.BD is invalid
		 POPJ	P,	]    ;Move the pen later

	PJRST	CHECK		;Do window checking and call MOVUP and MOVDN
SUBTTL	Subroutine PLOT -- MOVDN and MOVUP - move the pen

;Routine to actually move the pen.
;Calling sequence:
;	DMOVE	X,(absolute position in inches, after rotation)
;	 *return*

;Here when moving the pen.  Keep track of highest position

MOVUP:	TDZA	T1,T1		;T1 has 0 to move with pen up
MOVDN:	SETO	T1,		;T1 has -1 to move with pen down
	CAMLE	X,MAXP.X(P4)	;Is this the max X position?
	 MOVEM	X,MAXP.X(P4)	;Yes, save coordinate (in floating point)
	CAMLE	Y,MAXP.Y(P4)	;Is this the max Y position?
	PUSHJ	P,FP2INC	;Convert to increments
	PJRST	@PLTMOV(P4)	;Move with pen down

;Routine to convert floating-point inches to increments
;Calling sequence:
;	DMOVE	X,(position in inches)
;	 *return*

FP2INC:	FMPR	X,PLTINC(P4)	;Convert to increments
IFE FTKA,<FIXR	X,X>		;Convert to integer
	FMPR	Y,PLTINC(P4)	;Convert to increments
IFE FTKA,<FIXR	Y,Y>		;Convert to integer
SUBTTL	Main routines -- ERASE  - Clear the screen


%ERASE:	MOVEM	L,SAVEL		;Preserve AC16 across call

	MOVSI	P3,-PLTNUM	;Get length of table
ERASE1:	SKIPL	P4,PLTTAB(P3)	;Is this plotter active?
	 JRST	ERASE2		;No, try next one
	MOVSI	T1,(SP.CLR)	;Bit to test
	MOVE	T2,PLTSPC(P4)	;Get flags for special routine
	TDNE	T1,T2		;Does this plotter support ERASE?
	 PUSHJ	P,(T2)		;Yes, call it with SP.CLR in T1
ERASE2:	AOBJN	P3,ERASE1	;Loop for all plotters

	MOVE	L,SAVEL		;Restore AC16
	POPJ	P,		;Return from ERASE
SUBTTL	Main routines -- FACTOR - Change the scaling factor


;Note: Factors are not cumulative.  CALL FACTOR(1.0) will reset to normal size

%FACTOR:MOVEM	L,SAVEL		;Preserve AC16 across call

	MOVE	X,@0(L)		;Get scaling factor for X (1.0 is normal)
	MOVE	Y,X		;Duplicate in case only 1 arg
	HLRZ	T1,-1(L)	;Get count of arguments
	CAIGE	T1,-1		;More than 1 arg?
	 MOVE	Y,@1(L)		;Yes, get scaling factor for Y
	SKIPN	X		;Non-zero?
	 MOVSI	X,(1.0)		;No, keep factors unchanged
	 MOVSI	Y,(1.0)
	FMPRM	X,X.FACT	;Save for subroutine WHERE

	MOVSI	P3,-PLTNUM	;Get length of table
FACTO1:	SKIPL	P4,PLTTAB(P3)	;Is this plotter active?
	 JRST	FACTO2		;No, try next one
	MOVEM	X,FACT.X(P4)	;Set to new factor (non-cumulative)
	MOVEM	Y,FACT.Y(P4)	; (Call WHERE to get current factors)
FACTO2:	AOBJN	P3,FACTO1	;Loop for all plotters

	MOVE	L,SAVEL		;Restore AC16
	POPJ	P,		;Return from FACTOR
SUBTTL	Main routines -- GETWIN - Get status of universal window



	SKIPN	X.WMAX		;If GETLIM has not been called,
	 PUSHJ	P,GETLIM	; read limits from SYS:PRIV.SYS
	MOVEM	X,@0(L)		;Return XORIG
	MOVEM	Y,@1(L)		; and YORIG

	HRROI	T1,P.WIND	;Set up POP pointer to the data
	POP	T1,@6(L)	;P.WIND privilege bits (0)
	POP	T1,@5(L)	;Y.WMAX max Y limit (from PRIV.SYS)
	POP	T1,@4(L)	;X.WMAX max X limit
	POP	T1,@3(L)	;Y.WIND current Y limit (from SETWIN)
	POP	T1,@2(L)	;X.WIND current X limit

	MOVE	L,SAVEL		;Restore AC 16
	POPJ	P,		;Return from GETWIN

;*************************  Design of this routine is not finished! ******

SUBTTL	Main routines -- NEWPEN - Change pen color or line type

;This routine is documented as a subroutine, but it also acts as a function
;to be compatible with the old calling sequence.

%NEWPEN:MOVE	T0,[T1,,SAVET1]	;Preserve all ACs
	BLT	T0,SAVEL	; in case called as a function

	MOVE	T0,@0(L)	;Get pen number
	JUMPG	T0,NEWPE0	;Positive, go set it
	MOVE	T0,C.NPEN	;Zero, get previous pen color
	POPJ	P,		;Return with value in T0


	MOVSI	P3,-PLTNUM	;Get size of table
NEWPE1:	SKIPL	P4,PLTTAB(P3)	;Is this plotter active?
	 JRST	NEWPE2		;No, try next one
	MOVSI	T1,(SP.PEN)	;Bit to test
	MOVE	T2,PLTSPC(P4)	;Get flags for special routine
	TDNE	T1,T2		;Does this plotter support NEWPEN?
	 PUSHJ	P,(T2)		;Yes, call it with SP.PEN in T1
NEWPE2:	AOBJN	P3,NEWPE1	;Loop for all plotters

	MOVSI	L,SAVE0		;Source,,destination
	BLT	L,L		;Restore ACs in case called as a function
	POPJ	P,		;Return from NEWPEN
SUBTTL	Main routines -- OPRTXT - Send message to OPR when plot comes out

;CALL OPRTXT ('Message for the OPR',NCHAR)


	MOVSI	P3,-PLTNUM	;Get size of table
OPRTX1:	SKIPL	P4,PLTTAB(P3)	;Is this plotter active?
	 JRST	OPRTX2		;No, try next one
	MOVSI	T1,(SP.OPR)	;Bit to test
	MOVE	T2,PLTSPC(P4)	;Get flags for special routine
	TDNE	T1,T2		;Does this plotter support OPRTXT?
	 PUSHJ	P,(T2)		;Yes, call it with SP.OPR in T1
OPRTX2:	AOBJN	P3,OPRTX1	;Loop for all plotters

	MOVE	L,SAVEL		;Restore AC 16
	POPJ	P,		;Return from OPRTXT
SUBTTL	Main routines -- PAUSEP - Temporarily turn off a plotter


%PAUSE:	MOVEM	L,SAVEL		;Preserve AC16 across call

	MOVSI	P3,-PLTNUM	;Get size of table
PAUSE1:	SKIPL	P4,PLTTAB(P3)	;Is this plotter active?
	 JRST	PAUSE2		;No, try next one
	MOVSI	T1,(SP.PAS)	;Bit to test
	MOVE	T2,PLTSPC(P4)	;Get flags for special routine
	TDNE	T1,T2		;Does this plotter support PAUSEP?
	 PUSHJ	P,(T2)		;Yes, call it with SP.PAS in T1
PAUSE2:	AOBJN	P3,PAUSE1	;Loop for all plotters

	MOVE	L,SAVEL		;Restore AC16
	POPJ	P,		;Return from PAUSEP
SUBTTL	Main routines -- PLOTER - Define an alias plotter
IFN FTAPLT,<	;If alias plotters are allowed,


%PLTER:	MOVEM	L,SAVEL		;Preserve AC16 across call

	MOVE	T1,@0(L)	;Get name from caller
	PUSHJ	P,SPTYPE	;Set up P4 for the type of plotter
	  JRST	[SETOM @1(L)	  ;P4 is zero if no such plotter
		    JRST  PLTER9] ;Don't set X and Y

;*************************  Design of this routine is not finished! ******

	POPJ	P,		;Return from PLOTOK
>  ;End of IFN FTAPLT
SUBTTL	Main routines -- PLOTOF - Temporarily turn off a plotter


%PLTOF:	MOVEM	L,SAVEL		;Preserve AC16 across call

	MOVE	T1,@0(L)	;Get name from caller
	PUSHJ	P,SETYPE	;Set up P4 for type of plotter
	  JRST	PLTOF1		;No such plotter
	TXZN	P4,P4.ACT	;Is plotter active?
	MOVEI	T1,0		;0 to temporarily turn plotter off
	PUSHJ	P,@PLTPAS(P4)	;Tell terminal to switch back to ASCII
	MOVEM	P4,PLTTAB(P3)	;Store with bit off
	TXNE	P4,P4.TTY	;Output to a terminal?
	 PUSHJ	P,TTASCM	;Yes, set TTY to ASCII mode

	POPJ	P,		;Return from PLOTOF
SUBTTL	Main routines -- PLOTOK - Get status of the plotter


%PLTOK:	MOVEM	L,SAVEL		;Preserve AC16 across call

	MOVE	T1,@0(L)	;Get name from caller
	PUSHJ	P,SETYPE	;Set up P4 for the type of plotter
	  JRST	[SETOM @1(L)	  ;No such plotter
		    JRST  PLTOK9] ;Don't set X and Y
	MOVEI	T1,0		;0 means plotter not in use
	TXNE	T1,P4.INI	;Initialized?
	 MOVEI	T1,1		;1 means temporarily off
	TXNE	P4,P4.ACT	;Active?
	 MOVEI  T1,2            ;2 means active
	MOVEM	T1,@1(L)	;Return IOK

	DMOVE	X,CURR.X(P4)	;Get current position in increments
	PUSHJ	P,INC2FP	;Convert to floating-point and un-rotate
	MOVEM	X,@2(L)		;Return X
	MOVEM	Y,@3(L)		;Return Y

	POPJ	P,		;Return from PLOTOK

;**********  Design of this subroutine not finished  ************************
SUBTTL	Main routines -- PLOTON - Resume output to a plotter


%PLTON:	MOVEM	L,SAVEL		;Preserve AC16 across call

	MOVE	T1,@0(L)	;Get name from caller
	PUSHJ	P,SETYPE	;Set up P4 for type of plotter
	  JRST	PLTON1		;No such plotter
	TXNN	P4,P4.INI	;Has this plotter been initialized?
	 JRST	PLTON1		;No, leave it alone
	TXOE	P4,P4.ACT	;Yes, re-activate it
	 JRST	PLTON1		;Already on
	MOVEI	T1,1		;+1 to resume plotting
	PUSHJ	P,@PLTPAS(P4)	;Tell terminal to switch to graphics mode
	MOVEM	P4,PLTTAB(P3)	;Store new status
	TXNE	P4,P4.TTY	;Output to a terinal?
	 PUSHJ	P,TTBINM	;Yes, set TTY to BINARY plotting mode

	POPJ	P,		;Return from PLOTON
SUBTTL	Main routines -- PLOTS  - Initialize the plotter


;Decode the plotter type (if present) and the output file name (if present),
;allocate space in the LOSEG for variables, open the plot file, initialize
;all its variables, and return IERR=0 if all went well.

%PLOTS:	MOVEM	L,SAVEL		;Preserve AC16 across call
	SKIPE	T1,@0(L)	;Get IERR value
	 MOVEM	T1,E.PLOT	;Save error counter if non-zero
	SETOM	@0(L)		;Assume failure

;Set up the output device and file name first.  This is so that
;CALL PLOTS(IERR,'TTY','TTY2:') can decide on 'TEK' vs 'GIGI' routine.

	MOVEI	T2,0		;Assume filename not given in call
	HLRZ	T1,-1(L)	;Get count of args
	CAIG	T1,-3		;Optional third arg present?
	 MOVEI	T2,@2(L)	;Yes get addr of array
	PUSHJ	P,GETNAM	;Set D.PLOT and F.PLOT to device and file name

;Determine which type of plotter to activate

	MOVEI	T1,0		;Use default plotter if type not specified
	HLRZ	T2,-1(L)	;Get count of args
	CAIG	T2,-2		;Optional second arg present?
	 MOVE	T1,@1(L)	;Yes, get it (an integer or 5 chars of ASCII)
	PUSHJ	P,SPTYPE	;Search name tables and set up T1, P3, and P4
	  POPJ	P,		;No match, IERR is -1 (No such plotter)
	MOVEM	T1,T.PLOT	;Save pointer to plotter name
	JUMPE	P3,PLOTS2	;OK if not already active

;Here when IPLT matches the name of a plotter that was previously set up.

	TXNN	P4,P4.INI	;Is it really active
	 JRST	PLOTS4		;No, use pre-defined alias data area
	PUSHJ	P,ISACTV	;See if the channel or JFN is still assigned
	  JRST	PLOTS1		;Not active, program must have been restarted
	ERRSTR (<% PLOT - Subroutine PLOTS called with plotter already active>)
	PUSHJ	P,FINPLT	;Finish off old plot
PLOTS1:	PUSHJ	P,DEAPLT	;Deallocate the plot data area
	MOVE	T1,T.PLOT	;Restore T1

;Find a slot in PLTTAB to store flags and pointer for this plotter

PLOTS3:	SKIPN	PLTTAB(P3)	;Is this slot open?
	AOBJN	P3,PLOTS3	;No, try next one
	SOS	@0(L)		;No room, set IERR is -2 (Too many plotters)
	POPJ	P,		;Return from PLOTS

;Here to deallocate the plotter database that was obtained at PLOTS4.

DEAPLT:	IFN FTAPLT,<	;Preserve data set up by PLOTER routine
	TXNE	P4,P4.ALS	;Is this an alias?
	 POPJ	P,		;Yes, leave it be
>  ;End of IFN FTAPLT
	MOVEI	T1,(P4)		;Address of data area
	PUSHJ	P,DECOR		;Release that memory
	SETZM	PLTTAB(P3)	;Free up the slot

PLOTS4:	LDB	T1,[POINTR PLTFIN(P4),FN.SIZ] ;Get size of data area
	PUSHJ	P,ALCOR		;Set T1 to point to free space in BUFFER

;P3 points into PLTTAB, P4 points to HISEG data, T1 points to LOSEG area

	MOVE	T2,T1		;BLT will destroy 2nd copy
	HRL	T2,P4		;Source ,, destination
	BLT	T2,PLTDAT-1(T1)	;Copy constants from HISEG to LOSEG
	MOVE	T2,PLTNAM(P4)	;Get pointer to names
	HRR	P4,T1		;Now P4 points to LOSEG data (flags in LH)

	MOVE    T3,0(T2)	;Get primary alias
	EXCH	T3,T.PLOT	;Store small integer for subroutine WHERE
	MOVE	T4,(T3)		;Get word which matched IPLT
	SUB	T3,T2		;Get offset into name table
	HRRZM	T3,PLTTYP(P4)	;Save as plotter sub-type

	PUSHJ	P,SETODV	;Set up output device, DSK: or TTY:
	MOVEM	T1,FILE.D(P4)	;Store device used by this plotter

	PUSHJ	P,PL.INI	;Set up factors, offsets, rotation, etc

	HRLI	P4,(P4.ACT!P4.INI) ;Set LH of P4 for active and initialized
	PUSHJ	P,OPNFIL	;Open output file, set T1=0 if OK

	MOVE	L,SAVEL		;Restore AC16
	MOVEM	T1,@0(L)	;Return error flag
	JUMPN	T1,CPOPJ	;Abort if flag not zero

	PUSHJ P,TTYINI		;Set P4.TTY and P4.TT8 as appropriate

	MOVEM	P4,PLTTAB(P3)	;Store flags
	PUSHJ	P,@PLTINI(P4)	;Do device dependent initialization

PLOTS6:	SETZB	X,Y		;Move to (0,0)
	DMOVEM	X,X.CALL	;Remember coordinate
	PUSHJ	P,PLOTUP	;Initialize the rest of the variables
	TXNE	P4,P4.TTY	;Output going to a TTY?
	 PUSHJ	P,DUMPBF	;Yes, dump output buffer now
	POPJ	P,		;Return from PLOTS
SUBTTL	Main routines -- ROTATE - Change angle of rotation for the plot


%ROTATE:MOVEM	L,SAVEL		;Preserve AC 16 across call
	MOVE	T1,@(L)		;Get IFUNC
	MOVE	X,@1(L)		;Get X
	MOVE	Y,@2(L)		;Get Y
	MOVE	T2,@3(L)	;Get new ANGLE

;0 to clear, positive to sum angles, negative to set angle

	SKIPG	T1		;Is IFUNC positive?
	 SETZM	A.ROTA		;No, clear the old rotation angle
	DMOVE	X,X.ROTA	;Yes, get old coords for origin of rotation
	MOVEM	X,@1(L)		;Return the X value
	MOVEM	Y,@2(L)		;Return the Y value
	MOVEM	T3,@3(L)	;Return the old ANGLE
	SETZB	X,Y		;Clear offsets
	SETZ	T2,		;Clear rotation for all active plotters

;IFUNC nonzero, set up for rotation

ROTAT1:	DMOVEM	X,X.ROTA	;Save origin of rotation
	FADRB	T2,A.ROTA	;Sum up the angles of rotation
	FMPR	T2,PI%180	;Convert to radians

	MOVEI	L,[-1,,0	  ;1 argument
		REAL	ANGLE	  ;Angle in radians
		]+1		;Point to args
	PUSHJ	P,COS.##	;Get the cosine of the angle
	PUSH	P,T0		;Save for a while
	PUSHJ	P,SIN.##	;Get the sine of the angle
	POP	P,T1		;SIN in T0, COS in T1
	MOVE	T2,A.ROTA	;Get current angle (in degrees)
	DMOVE	X,X.ROTA	;Get offset

;Set SIN, COS, and offset for all active plotters
	MOVSI	P3,-PLTNUM	;Get length of table
ROTAT2:	SKIPL	P4,PLTTAB(P3)	;Is plotter active?
	 JRST	ROTAT3		;No, try next one
	DMOVEM	T0,ROTA.S(P4)	;Store SIN and COS
	MOVEM	T2,ROTA.A(P4)	;Store angle
	DMOVEM	X,ROTA.H(P4)	;Store horizontal and vertical offset
ROTAT3:	AOBJN	P3,ROTAT2	;Loop for all plotters

	MOVE	L,SAVEL		;Restore AC 16
SUBTTL	Main routines -- SETWIN - Set universal window for large plots


%SETWIN:MOVE	X,@(L)		;Get caller's arguments
	MOVE	Y,@1(L)		; for max X and Y

	SKIPN	X.WMAX		;Has GETLIM been called?
	 PUSHJ	P,GETLIM	;No, get limits from SYS:PRIV.SYS

	SKIPLE	X,X.WIND	;X and Y must
	SKIPG	Y,Y.WIND	; be positive
	 JRST	SETWI4		;Error
	DMOVE	T1,X.WMAX	;Get max limits from PRIV.SYS
	HLRZ	T3,-1(L)	;Get number of arguments
	CAIG	T3,-4		;4 of them?
	 JRST	[MOVEM	T1,@2(L)  ;Yes, return XWMAX
		 MOVEM	T2,@3(L)  ; and YWMAX
		 JRST	SETWI1	] ;Let caller worry about arguments too big
	CAMG	X,X.WMAX	;Only 2 args,
	CAMLE	Y,Y.WMAX	; if X or Y is out of range
	 JRST	SETWI4		; then fatal error

SETWI1:	MOVE	T4,P.WIND	;Get privs
	CAIG	T3,-5		;User specified 5 arguments?
	 MOVEM	T4,@4(L)	;Yes

	MOVSI	P3,-PLTNUM	;Get size of table
SETWI2:	SKIPL	P4,PLTTAB(P3)	;Is this plotter active?
	 JRST	SETWI3		;No, skip it
	TXOA	P4,P4.WIN	;Is call to SETWIN allowed?     **KLUDGE**
	 JRST	SETWI5		;Illegal call to SETWIN
	SETZB	T1,T2		;Lower limits are zero
	DMOVE	X,X.WIND	;Get caller's argument
SETWI3:	AOBJN	P3,SETWI2	;Loop for all plotters

	MOVE	L,SAVEL		;Restore AC16
	POPJ	P,		;Return from SETWIN

;Here when an error was detected

SETWI4:	SETOM	S.ORIG		;Pretend it was a call to
	PUSHJ	P,FUNC99	; PLOT(X,Y,999) and abort plot
	ERRSTR	(<? SETWIN - Illegal window size, call GETWIN to get size>)
	PUSHJ	P,TRACE.##	;Trace subroutine calls

SETWI5:	SETOM	S.ORIG		;Pretend it was a call to
	PUSHJ	P,FUNC99	; PLOT(X,Y,999) and abort plot
	ERRSTR	(<? SETWIN - Cannot call SETWIN after PLOT has started>)
	PUSHJ	P,TRACE.##	;Trace subroutine calls
;Set current window size, respecting physical limits and PRIV.SYS limits
;Calling sequence:
;	DMOVE	T1,(requested minimums in inches)
;	DMOVE	X,(requested maximums in inches)
;	 *return*	Changes T1, T2, X, Y, WMIN.X(P4) and WMAX.X(P4)

SETWIN:	DMOVEM	T1,TEMP		;Save minimums for a while
	PUSHJ	P,CHKLIM	;Check if X and Y are in range
	DMOVEM	X,WMAX.X(P4)	;Store current maximums
	DMOVE	X,TEMP		;Get minimums
	PUSHJ	P,CHKLIM	;Check if X and Y are in range
	DMOVEM	X,WMIN.X(P4)	;Store current minimums
	POPJ	P,		;Return to %SETWIN, %SUBWIN, or PL.INI

CHKLIM:	SKIPGE	X		;Limits must be positive
	SKIPN	X.WIND		;Check if SETWIN has been called
	 JRST	CHKLM1		;No explicit universal window
	CAMLE	X,X.WIND	;Subwindow must be within universal window

CHKLM1:	SKIPE	X.WMAX		;Has PRIV.SYS been read?
	TXNE	P4,P4.TTY	;Output to a terminal?
	 JRST	CHKLM2		;Just use device maximums
	CAMLE	X,X.WMAX	;Must be within max limits in PRIV.SYS

CHKLM2:	HLRZ	T1,PLTMAX(P4)	;Get max X increments
	FLOAT	T1		;Convert to F.P.
	FDVR	T1,PLTINC(P4)	;Convert to inches
	CAMLE	X,T1		;User limit smaller than plotter limit?
	 MOVE	X,T1		;No, set to physical limitation
	HRRZ	T2,PLTMAX(P4)	;Same for Y
	POPJ	P,		;Return with X and Y set up
SUBTTL	Main routines -- SUBWIN - Set/reset/status of sub-window

;  Subroutine %SUBWIN - this routine sets up the subwindow

;  Calling sequence:

	SKIPN	X.WMAX		;Has GETLIM been called?
	 PUSHJ	P,GETLIM	;No, get limits from SYS:PRIV.SYS

	SETOM	@1(L)		;Assume failure
	SKIPL	T1,@0(L)	;Check for positive function value
	CAILE	T1,MAXSUB	;And in range
	 POPJ	P,		;Go give an error return
	PJRST	@SFUN(T1)	;Go to the right function routine

SFUN:	SFUN0			;Set up the subwindow
	SFUN1			;Return the current subwindow size
	SFUN2			;Clear the subwindow checking
	SFUN3			;Re-enable the subwindow checking
MAXSUB==.-SFUN-1	;Max SUBWIN function defined
;IFUNC = 0 - Set up subwindow

SFUN0:	SKIPL	X,@4(L)		;Get positive width
	SKIPGE	Y,@5(L)		;Get positive height
	 POPJ	P,		;Return with IVALUE=-1 for error
	SETZM	@1(L)		;Set IVALUE=0
	MOVE	T1,@2(L)	;Get the lower left corner
	MOVE	T2,@3(L)	; of the subwindow
	FADR	X,T1		;Get the max X of the subwindow
	FADR	Y,T2		;Get the max Y of the subwindow
	DMOVEM	T1,TEMP+2	;Store minimums
	DMOVEM	X,TEMP+4	;Store maximums

	MOVSI	P3,-PLTNUM	;Number of plotters
SFUN0A:	SKIPL	P4,PLTTAB(P3)	;Is this plotter active?
	 JRST	SFUN0B		;No, try next one
	SETOM	SUBW.F(P4)	;Subwindow is defined and in use
	DMOVE	T1,TEMP+2	;Get minimums
	DMOVE	X,TEMP+4	;Get maximums
	DMOVEM	T1,SMIN.X(P4)	;Save subwindow
	DMOVEM	X,SMAX.X(P4)	; parameters
	PUSHJ	P,SETWIN	;Set current window size
	TXO	P4,P4.OUP	;Flag that OLD.BD is invalid
	MOVEM	P4,PLTTAB(P3)	;Store flag bits

SFUN0B:	AOBJN	P3,SFUN0A	;Loop for all plotters
	MOVE	L,SAVEL		;Restore AC16
;IFUNC=1 - Return status of subwindow

SFUN1:	MOVSI	P3,-PLTNUM	;Get number of plotters
	SKIPL	P4,PLTTAB(P3)	;Is this one active
	 AOBJN	P3,.-1		;No, look for first active plotter
	SKIPL	P3		;If no plotters are currently active,
	 MOVE	P4,PLTTAB+0	; use the first one
	TRNE	P4,-1		;Don't check if no data area
	SKIPN	SUBW.F(P4)	;Flag =-1 if in use, +1 if disabled
	 POPJ	P,		;IVALUE=-1 means subwindow never defined
	DMOVE	X,SMIN.X(P4)	;Get the bottom of the subwindow
	MOVEM	X,@2(L)		;Return the lower left hand
	MOVEM	Y,@3(L)		; of the window the caller
	DMOVE	T1,SMAX.X(P4)	;The upper bound of subwindow
	FSBR	T1,X		;Get the width of the window
	FSBR	T2,Y		;Get the height of the window
	MOVEM	T1,@4(L)	;Return the width to the caller
	MOVEM	T2,@5(L)	;Return the height to the caller
	SKIPL	SUBW.F(P4)	;Skip if in use
	 TDZA	T1,T1		;IVALUE=0 means subwindow is not in use
	MOVEI	T1,1		;IVALUE=1 means subwindow is in use
	MOVEM	T1,@1(L)	;Return this to the caller

;IFUNC=2 - Disable subwindow checking

SFUN2:	MOVSI	P3,-PLTNUM	;Number of plotters
SFUN2A:	SKIPGE	P4,PLTTAB(P3)	;Is this plotter active?
	SKIPN	SUBW.F(P4)	;Yes, has a subwindow been defined?
	 JRST	SFUN2B		;No, try next one
	MOVMS	SUBW.F(P4)	;+1 means defined but disabled
	SETZM	WMIN.X(P4)	;Set current window
	SETZM	WMIN.Y(P4)	; minimums to 0.0
	DMOVE	X,X.WIND	; and maximums
	DMOVEM	X,WMAX.X(P4)	; to SETWIN's value
	SETZM	@1(L)		;Set IVALUE to good
SFUN2B:	AOBJN	P3,SFUN2A	;Loop for all plotters

;IFUNC=3 - Re-enable subwindow checking

SFUN3:	MOVSI	P3,-PLTNUM	;Number of plotters
SFUN3A:	SKIPGE	P4,PLTTAB(P3)	;Is this plotter active?
	SKIPN	SUBW.F(P4)	;Yes, has a subwindow been defined?
	 JRST	SFUN3B		;No, try next one
	SETOM	SUBW.F(P4)	;-1 means defined and enabled
	DMOVE	T1,SMIN.X(P4)	;Get previous minimums
	DMOVE	X,SMAX.X(P4)	; and maximums
	PUSHJ	P,SETWIN	;Set current window limits to these values
	SETZM	@1(L)		;Set IVALUE to good
SFUN3B:	AOBJN	P3,SFUN3A	;Loop for all plotters
SUBTTL	Main routines -- TITLE  - Use hardware character generator

;	   sometimes equivalent to:
;	CALL SETSYM('QUERY',0,IOLD)	!Get current table number
;	CALL SETSYM('TABLE',1,IERR)	!Change to standard table
;	CALL SETSYM('TABLE',IOLD,IERR)	!Back to previous table

%TITLE:	MOVEM	L,SAVEL		;Preserve AC 16

;First check to see if all active plotters have hardware characters

	MOVSI	T1,(SP.TTL)	;Bit to test
	SETO	T2,		;Assume OK
	MOVSI	P3,-PLTNUM	;Get size of table
TITLE1:	SKIPL	P4,PLTTAB(P3)	;Is this plotter active?
	 JRST	TITLE2		;No, try next one
	TDNN	T1,PLTSPC(P4)	;Does this plotter support TITLE?
	 SETZ	T2,		;Not OK
TITLE2:	AOBJN	P3,TITLE1	;Loop for all plotters

	JUMPE	T2,TITLEX	;Have to call SYMBOL if no hardware
	MOVSI	P3,-PLTNUM	;Pass 2 to do it
TITLE3:	SKIPL	P4,PLTTAB(P3)	;Look at only active plotters
	 JRST	TITLE4		; ...
	MOVSI	T1,(SP.TTL)	;Which routine to do
	MOVE	T2,PLTSPC(P4)	;Addr of routine in RH
	PUSHJ	P,(T2)		;Call routine with SP.TTL set in T1
TITLE4:	AOBJN	P3,TITLE1	;Loop for all

	MOVE	L,SAVEL		;Restore AC 16
	POPJ	P,		;Return from TITLE

;Here to call subroutine SYMBOL.  First CALL SETSYM('TABLE',1,IERR)

	MOVEM	T1,TEMP+0	;Read current table number
	SETZM	TEMP+1		;Zero dummy argument
	MOVEI	L,SSARGS	;Point to args
	PUSHJ	P,SETSYM##	;Read the number of the current symbol table
	PUSH	P,TEMP+2	;Save answer
	DMOVEM	T1,TEMP+0	;Set to table #1
	MOVEI	L,SSARGS	;Point to args
	MOVE	L,SAVEL		;Point to original args
	PUSHJ	P,SYMBOL##	;Let SYMBOL do the dirty work
	MOVEM	T1,TEMP+0	;Reset the function code
	POP	P,TEMP+1	;Get back previous table number
	PJRST	SETSYM##	;Restore symbol table and return from TITLE

	-3,,0			;3 args
SSARGS:	INTEGER TEMP+0		;Function to perform
	INTEGER TEMP+1		;Argument to function
	INTEGER TEMP+2		;Answer/error flag
SUBTTL	Main routines -- WHERE  - Get current pen position


;NOTE:	Returns values from GLOBAL data section.
;	Call PLOTOK to get per-plotter data.

%WHERE:	MOVEM	L,SAVEL		;Preserve AC 16

	DMOVE	X,X.CALL	;Get virtual position
	MOVEM	X,@0(L)		;Return data to caller
	MOVEM	Y,@1(L)		; ...

	HLRE	T1,-1(L)	;Get argument count
	ADDI	T1,2		;Account for X and Y args

	AOJG	T1,WHERE9	;Stop if not 3 args
	MOVE	T2,X.FACT	;Get latest factor
	MOVEM	T2,@2(L)	;Return XFAC

	AOJG	T1,WHERE9	;Stop if not 4 args
	MOVE	T2,T.PLOT	;Get the plotter type (a small integer)
	MOVEM	T2,@3(L)	;Return IPLT

	AOJG	T1,WHERE9	;Stop if not 5 args
	MOVE	T2,Y.FACT	;Get latest factor in Y direction
	MOVEM	T2,@4(L)	;Return YFAC

WHERE9:	MOVE	L,SAVEL		;Restore AC 16
	POPJ	P,		;Return from WHERE
SUBTTL	Main routines -- XHAIRS - Trigger crosshairs TEK 4012 or GIGI



	MOVSI	P3,-PLTNUM	;Get size of table
XHR1:	SKIPL	P4,PLTTAB(P3)	;Is this plotter active?
	 JRST	XHR2		;No, try next one
	MOVSI	T1,(SP.XHR)	;Bit to test
	MOVE	T2,PLTSPC(P4)	;Get flags for special routine
	TDNE	T1,T2		;Does this plotter support XHAIRS?
	 PUSHJ	P,(T2)		;Yes, call it with SP.XHR in T1
XHR2:	AOBJN	P3,XHR1		;Loop for all plotters

	MOVE	L,SAVEL		;Restore AC 16
	POPJ	P,		;Return from XHAIRS
SUBTTL Plotter initialization -- Determine plotter type

;SPTYPE - Set Plotter Type (for PLOTS)
;Routine to determine type of plotter given its name.
;Argument in T1 is either a 5 letter name in single quotes, or an integer.
;Check PLTTAB to see if plotter is already active, then search the chain
;of plotter definitions.
;Calling sequence:
;	MOVE	T1,[ASCII /plotter-name/]  or  MOVE T1,[DEC plotter-number]
;	  *error return*	;No such plotter
;	*normal return*		;P4 points to data, T1 points to name
;				;P3 non-zero if found in active plotter table

SPTYPE:	PUSHJ	P,SETYPE	;Is there a plotter by this name initialized?
	  TDZA	P3,P3		;No, clear flag and follow the chain
	 JRST	CPOPJ1		;Yes, skip return with AOBJN pointer in P3

;Here with name (such as 'TEK') in T3 or number (such as 4010) in T2

	CAMN	T3,[ASCII /TTY/];For generic terminal?
	 JRST	[PUSHJ P,SPTYPT	  ;Yes, translate it to 'TEK' or 'GIGI'
		 JRST	SPTYPE]	  ;Try the translated name

	MOVEI	P4,PLT.DA-PLTTYP;Start at beginning of chain
SPTYP1:	HRRZ	P4,PLTTYP(P4)	;Get pointer to plotter data
	JUMPE	P4,CPOPJ	;End is when chain pointer is zero
	HLL	P4,PLTTYP(P4)	;Get flags for THIS plotter

	MOVE	T1,PLTNAM(P4)	;Get AOBJN pointer to list of names
SPTYP2:	CAME	T3,(T1)		;Match name?
	CAMN	T2,(T1)		; or as integer?
	 JRST	CPOPJ1		;Yes, T1, P3, and P4 are set up
	AOBJN	T1,SPTYP2	;No, try other subtypes of this plotter
	JRST	SPTYP1		;Follow the chain to next plotter type
;Routine to find a previously initialized plotter
;Calling sequence:
;	MOVE	T1,[ASCII /plotter-name/]
;	  *error return*	;No such plotter
;	*normal return*		;P4 points to data (P3 has AOBJN pointer)

SETYPE:	PUSHJ	P,GTPNUM	;Get plotter number in T2 and/or name in T3
	CAME	T3,[ASCII /PLT/];For generic plotter?
	CAMN	T3,[ASCII /PLOT/];If so, use the default plotter type,

	MOVSI	P3,-PLTNUM	;Size of table
SETYP1:	SKIPN	P4,PLTTAB(P3)	;Get pointer to data area
	 JRST	SETYP2		;Skip zeroed slots
	CAMN	T3,PLTNAM(P4)	;Exact match on name?
	 POPJ	P,		;Yes, P3 and P4 set up and non-zero
	SETZB	P3,P4		;No match

;Routine to get plotter number and/or name
;Call with name in T1, returns integer in T2 and uppercase in T3

GTPNUM:	CAMN	T1,BLANKS	;If argument is spaces,
	 MOVE	T1,T.PLOT	; use previous value
	SKIPN	T3,T1		;If still zero, get default from .PLOT. module,
	SETZ	T2,		;Clear number
	TLNN	T3,774000	;Anything in 1st char?
	 POPJ	P,		;No, T3 has integer
	MOVE	T1,[POINT 7,T3]	;Fetch/store in T3

GTPNM1:	ILDB	T4,T1		;Get a char
	CAIE	T4,40		;Space?
	CAIL	T4,140		;Lower case?
	 SUBI	T4,40		;Yes, convert it
	DPB	T4,T1		;Put it back where it came from
	CAIL	T4,"0"		;Numeric?
	CAILE	T4,"9"		; ...
	IMULI	T2,^D10		;Yes, shift over number
	ADDI	T2,-"0"(T4)	;Add in digit
GTPNM2:	TLNE	T1,760000	;Done all 5 chars?
SUBTTL	Plotter initialization -- Set default values

;Set most of per-plotter area and all local variables to zero.
;Clear rotation and set factoring

PL.INI:	MOVEI	T1,ZERO.F(P4)	;Starting address
	LDB	T2,[POINTR PLTFIN(P4),FN.SIZ] ;Size of data area
	ADDI	T2,-1(P4)	;Address of last loc in data area
	PUSHJ	P,PLFIN		;Zero variables, reset factors

;Set default window for clipping

	MOVE	X,[DFWINS]	;Get default window size
	MOVE	Y,X		; ...
	SETZB	T1,T2		;Set minimums to 0
	PJRST	SETWIN		;Set WMAX.X(P4), WMAX.Y(P4) and return

;Here to reset certain variables to finish the plot
;T1 has first address, T2 as last address

PL.FIN:	MOVEI	T1,ZERO.R(P4)	;Starting address for finishing plot
	MOVEI	T2,ZERO.L(P4)	;Last addr to reset

PLFIN:	SETZM	(T1)		;Zero first location
	HRL	T1,T1		;Source
	ADDI	T1,1		;Destination
	BLT	T1,(T2)		;Zero to last location

	MOVSI	T1,(1.0)	;Get floating-point unity
	MOVEM	T1,ROTA.C(P4)	;Set cosine
	MOVEM	T1,FACT.X(P4)	;Set scaling factor
	MOVEM	T1,FACT.Y(P4)	; ...

	SETZB	X,Y		;Clear position
	MOVSI	T1,-PLTNUM	;Number of plotters
	SKIPL	PLTTAB(T1)	;Are any active?
	 AOBJN	T1,.-1
	SKIPL	T1		;If any one is active,
	 POPJ	P,		; leave X.ORIG alone
	DMOVEM	X,X.ORIG	;Clear origin
	DMOVEM	X,X.WIND	; and SETWIN limits

;  Subroutine UNTWST - this routine is used to find the real coordinate
;			 from a rotated coordinate

;  Calling sequence:
;	DMOVE	X,(coordinates)
;	 *return*
;			Uses T1, T2, changes X and Y

UNTWST:	MOVNS	ROTA.S(P4)	;Unrotate by using SIN(-ANG)=-SIN(ANG)
	MOVNS	ROTA.S(P4)	;Restore SIN
	POPJ	P,		;Return

;  Subroutine TWIST - this routine is used for rotation of axis

;  Calling sequence:
;	DMOVE	X,(coordinates)
;	 *return*
;			Uses T1, T2, changes X and Y

;	X = X*COS - Y*SIN
;	Y = Y*COS + X*SIN

TWIST:	MOVE	T1,X		;Get a copy of X
	MOVE	T2,Y		;Get a copy of Y
	FMPR	T2,ROTA.S(P4)	;Rotate the X
	FMPR	X,ROTA.C(P4)	; ..
	FSBR	X,T2		; ..
	FMPR	T1,ROTA.S(P4)	;Rotate the Y
	FMPR	Y,ROTA.C(P4)	; ..
	FADR	Y,T1		; ..
SUBTTL	Rotation -- INC2FP - Convert increments to floatint-point

;  Subroutine INC2FP - This routine translates the current position from
;increments to floating-point inches by undoing the following equations:
;	  X1 = (Xcall + Xorigin) * Xfactor
;	  Y1 = (Ycall + Yorigin) * Yfactor
;	Xinc = ( X1*COS(Angle) - Y1*SIN(Angle) + Xrot ) * Increments
;	Yinc = ( Y1*COS(Angle) + X1*SIN(Angle) + Yrot ) * Increments

;Calling sequence:
;	DMOVE	X,(position in increments)
;	PUSHJ	P,INC2FP ;Called from PLTOK and XHAIRS
;	 *return*        ;with X and Y in floating-point
;			Uses T1 and T2

INC2FP:	FLOAT	X		;Convert increments
	FLOAT	Y		; to floating point
	FDVR	X,PLTINC(P4)	;Convert to inches
	FSBR	X,ROTA.H(P4)	;Subtract horizonal
	FSBR	Y,ROTA.V(P4)	; and vertical offsets
	SKIPN	ROTA.A(P4)	;If rotated,
	 PUSHJ	P,UNTWST	; un-rotate
	FDVR	X,FACT.X(P4)	;Un-factor
	FSBR	X,X.ORIG	;Cancel current origin
	POPJ	P,		;Return with X and Y to match X.CALL and Y.CALL
SUBTTL	Window clipping -- CHECK

;  Subroutine CHECK - this routine checks to see the line fits in the window.

;Special definitions for NEW.BD and OLD.BD
	BD.LOW==1	;Line crossed the lower boundry
	BD.HI== 2	;Line crossed the upper boundry

CHECK:	TXNN	P4,P4.OUP	;Move up to OLDP.X?
	 JRST	CHECK1		;No, old point is with pen down, OLD.BD is set
	DMOVE	X,OLDP.X(P4)	;Yes, get the old position
	SETZ	NEW.BD,		;Clear flag in case inside window
	PUSHJ	P,CHKX		;Go check X
	  TLO	NEW.BD,(T2)	;Set BD.HI or BD.LOW in left half
	PUSHJ	P,CHKY		;Go check Y
	  TRO	NEW.BD,(T2)	;Set BD.HI or BD.LOW in right half
	MOVEM	NEW.BD,OLD.BD(P4);Remember whether point is outside the window

CHECK1:	DMOVE	X,X.NEWP	;Get new position
	SETZ	NEW.BD,		;Clear flag in case inside window
	PUSHJ	P,CHKX		;Go check X
	  TLO	NEW.BD,(T2)	;Set BD.HI or BD.LOW in left half
	PUSHJ	P,CHKY		;Go check Y
	  TRO	NEW.BD,(T2)	;Set BD.HI or BD.LOW in right half

;Check for the following combinations: ININ, INOUT, OUTIN, OUTOUT

	SKIPN	T2,OLD.BD(P4)	;Get status of old point
	 JUMPE	NEW.BD,ININ	;Plot the line if both points are inside window
	JUMPE	NEW.BD,OUTIN	;Going from OUT to IN if new point is OK
	JUMPE	T2,INOUT	;Going from IN to OUT if old point is OK
				;Must be OUT to OUT, maybe it crosses a corner
	HRRZ	T1,T2		;Get the old Y intercept flag
	CAIN	T1,(NEW.BD)	;Both above or both below the window?
	 JUMPN	T1,OUTOK	;Jump if line is entirely outside
	HLRZS	T2		;Get the old X intercept flag
	HLRZ	T3,NEW.BD	;Get the new X intercept flag
	CAIN	T2,(T3)		;Both to left or both to right of window?
	 JUMPN	T2,OUTOK	;Jump if line is entirely outside
;Here for a line that is entirely inside the window

ININ:	DMOVE	X,OLDP.X(P4)	;Get old position
	TXZE	P4,P4.OUP	;Is old position with pen up?
	 PUSHJ	P,MOVUP		;Yes, move there
INOK:	DMOVE	X,X.NEWP	;Get ending coordinates of this line
	PUSHJ	P,MOVDN		;Move the pen there

OUTOK:	DMOVE	X,X.NEWP	;Get new position
	DMOVEM	X,OLDP.X(P4)	;Save as old position
	MOVEM	NEW.BD,OLD.BD(P4) ;Save intercept flags
	TXZ	P4,P4.OUP	;OLD.BD no longer invalid

;Here for a line that goes from outside to outside, but part of it is visible

OUTOUT:	PUSHJ	P,OUTIN1	;First find where the line comes into the window
	JRST	INOUT0		;Now draw part of line until it hits the window

;Here for a line that goes from outside to inside

OUTIN:	PUSHJ	P,OUTIN1	;Find where the line comes into the window
	JRST	INOK		;Go plot the line to the new point

OUTIN1:	PUSHJ	P,COMPM		;Go compute the slope and Y intercept
	PUSHJ	P,NEWOLD	;Make COMP find point closest to old position
	PUSHJ	P,COMP		;Compute the intercept point
	PUSHJ	P,MOVUP		;Move to edge of window
	PJRST	NEWOLD		;Restore old and new points

;Here for a line that goes from inside to outside

INOUT:	DMOVE	X,OLDP.X(P4)	;Get old position
	TXZE	P4,P4.OUP	;Is old position with pen up?
	 PUSHJ	P,MOVUP		;Yes, move there first
	PUSHJ	P,COMPM		;Go compute slope and the Y intercept
INOUT0:	PUSHJ	P,COMP		;Go compute the intercept point
	PUSHJ	P,MOVDN		;Move to the edge of the window
	PUSHJ	P,PWEMES	;Output the Plot Window Exceeded message
SUBTTL	Window clipping -- "Plot Window was Exceeded" message

PWEMES:	TXNN	P4,P4.TTY	;Output to a terminal?
	SKIPN	E.PLOT		; or message counter at zero?
	 POPJ	P,		;Yes, no warnings
;This really should be a warning, and type X.CALL and Y.CALL
	ERRSTR	(<Plot Window was Exceeded>)
	SKIPL	E.PLOT		;Was counter negative?
	 JRST	[SOS	E.PLOT	  ;No, just count down to zero
		 POPJ	P,	]
	AOS	E.PLOT		;Yes, count up to zero
	PJRST	TRACE.##	;And trace subroutine calls
SUBTTL	Window clipping -- COMP

;  Subroutine COMP - this routine computes X and Y that is closest to the
;		       given point and on the window, uses T1, T2, and T3

;  Calling sequence:
;	DMOVE	X,[coordinates in inches]
;	 *normal return*	;New coordinates are in X and Y

COMP:	PUSHJ	P,COMPX		;Go compute X from a given Y
	  JRST	[PUSHJ	P,COMPY	  ;Computed X not in window, compute Y from X
		   JFCL		  ;Should always skip
		 POPJ	P,	] ;Use Y based on X
	DMOVEM	X,TEMP+0	;Store X and Y for later testing
	PUSHJ	P,COMPY		;Go compute Y from a given X
	  JRST	COMP0		;Computed Y not in window, use X and Y in TEMP
	MOVE	T1,TEMP+0	;Calculate distance from previous (X,Y)
	MOVMS	T1		;This will avoid %FRSAPR floating-underflow
	MOVE	T2,TEMP+1	;R2 = (X-XNEW)**2 + (Y-YNEW)**2
	FADR	T1,T2		;T1 has distance for TEMP+0 and TEMP+1
	MOVE	T2,X		;Calculate distance from new (X,Y)
	FADR	T2,T3		;T2 has distance for X and Y
	CAMG	T2,T1		;Newest (X,Y) closer to (X.NEWP,Y.NEWP)?
	 POPJ	P,		;Yes, X and Y set up

COMP0:	DMOVE	X,TEMP+0	;No, previous X and Y were better
	POPJ	P,		;Return
SUBTTL	Window clipping -- COMPX and COMPY

;  Subroutine COMPX - this routine computes X from a given Y and then
;			sees if it is in the window, uses T1 and T2

;  Calling sequence:
;	  *error return*	;Computed X is outside window
;	 *normal return*	;X OK

COMPX:	PUSHJ	P,GETY		;Get closest Y that is on the border
	JUMPE	M,COMPX0	;Use closest X border if horizonal
	CAIN	M,1		;If vertical or nearly vertical,
	 JRST	COMPX1		; use the caller's X value
	MOVE	X,Y		;Compute X using  X = (Y - B) / M
	PJRST	CHKX		;Go test this new X

COMPX1:	SKIPA	X,X.NEWP	;Use new X position for a vertical line
COMPX0:	PUSHJ	P,GETX		;Get border X for a horizonal line
	PJRST	CHKX		;Check if this X is in the window

COMPY:	PUSHJ	P,GETX		;Get closest X that is on the border
	JUMPE	M,COMPY0	;Use caller's Y if horizontal or nearly so
	CAIN	M,1		;If vertical,
	 JRST	COMPY1		;Use closest border Y
	MOVE	Y,M		;Compute Y using  Y = M * X + B
	PJRST	CHKY		;Go test this new Y

COMPY0:	SKIPA	Y,Y.NEWP	;Use new Y position for a horizonal line
COMPY1:	PUSHJ	P,GETY		;Go border Y for vertical line
	PJRST	CHKY		;Check if this Y is in the window
SUBTTL	Window clipping -- GETX and CHKX

;  Subroutine GETX (or GETY) - this routine gets lowest or highest X (or Y)
;		                allowable based on flags in NEW.BD

;  Calling sequence:
;	 *return*

GETX:	TLNN	NEW.BD,BD.HI	;Skip if the point is above the window
	 SKIPA	X,WMIN.X(P4)	;Get the bottom of the window
	 MOVE	X,WMAX.X(P4)	;Get the top of the window
	POPJ	P,		;Return

GETY:	TRNN	NEW.BD,BD.HI	;Skip if the point is to the right of window
	 SKIPA	Y,WMIN.Y(P4)	;Get the left side of the window
	 MOVE	Y,WMAX.Y(P4)	;Get the right side of the window
	POPJ	P,		;Return

;   Subroutine CHKX (or CHKY) - this routine checks to see this X (or Y)
;				  is in the window, uses T1 and T2

;  Calling sequence:
;	  *error return*	;The X (or Y) is outside window, T2 has flags
;	 *normal return*	;The value is in the window
;		On return, T1 has error distance

CHKX:	SKIPA	T1,X		;Get X in the right place
CHKY:	 SKIPA	T1,Y		;Get Y in the right place
	TDZA	T2,T2		;Set up to test X
	 MOVEI	T2,1		;Set up to test Y
	ADDI	T2,0(P4)	;Point to data area
	CAMGE	T1,WMIN.X(T2)	;Is point greater than minimum?
	 JRST	CHKLOW		;No, below or to the left of the window
	CAMG	T1,WMAX.X(T2)	;Is point greater than maximum?
	 JRST	CHKOK		;No, point is inside window
CHKHI:	FSBR	T1,WMAX.X(T2)	;Subtract the top of the window off
	MOVEI	T2,BD.HI	;Set the flag for to high
	JRST	CHKZER		;Check for zero

CHKLOW:	FSBR	T1,WMIN.X(T2)	;Subtract the bottom of the window off
	MOVEI	T2,BD.LOW	;Set the flag for to low
	PFALL	CHKZER		;Check for zero

CHKZER:	MOVMS	T1		;Get absolute value
	CAMG	T1,[DEC 0.01]	;Error return of too big
CHKOK:	 AOS	(P)		;Make for skip return
	POPJ	P,		;Return from CHKX/CHKY
SUBTTL	Window clipping -- COMPM and NEWOLD

;  Subroutine COMPM - this routine computes the slope and Y intercept of a line,
;			puts results in M and B, uses T1

;  Calling sequence:
;	 *return*		;The slope is in M and the Y intercept is in B
;				; if M contains a 0 the slope is horizonal
;				; if M contains a 1 the slope is vertical

COMPM:	MOVE	T1,Y.NEWP	;Get the new Y
	FSBR	T1,OLDP.Y(P4)	;Subtract the old Y from the new Y
	MOVE	M,X.NEWP	;Get the new X
	FSBR	M,OLDP.X(P4)	;Subtract the old X from the new X
	PUSHJ	P,TOL		;See if delta Y is almost zero
	 JRST	COMPM0		;OK, the line isn't horizonal
	SETZ	M,		;Set the slope to zero (for a horizonal line)
	POPJ	P,		;Return

COMPM0:	EXCH	T1,M		;Exchange delta X and delta Y
	PUSHJ	P,TOL		;Set if delta X is equal to zero
	 JRST	COMPM1		;OK, the line isn't vertical
	MOVEI	M,1		;Set the slope to one (for a vertical line)
	POPJ	P,		;Return

COMPM1:	FDVR	M,T1		;M = dY / dX
	MOVN	B,X.NEWP	;Get negative of new X value
	FMPR	B,M		;Muliply by the slope
	FADR	B,Y.NEWP	;B = Y - X * M
	POPJ	P,		;Return

TOL:	CAMG	T1,[DEC  0.001]	;Check for small positive number
	CAMGE	T1,[DEC -0.001]	;Check for small negative number
	 POPJ	P,		;Error, not close enough to zero
	AOS	(P)		;Close enough for government work

;  Subroutine NEWOLD - this routine switches the new point with the old point

;  Calling sequence:
;	 *return*		;NEW.* is switched with OLD.*

NEWOLD:	DMOVE	X,X.NEWP	;Get new position
	EXCH	X,OLDP.X(P4)	;Exchange
	EXCH	Y,OLDP.Y(P4)	; with old
	DMOVEM	X,X.NEWP	; position
	EXCH	NEW.BD,OLD.BD(P4) ;Exchange boundry flags
	POPJ	P,		;Return
SUBTTL	End of PLOT.MAC (Must be assembled with PLTIOD.MAC)

LITPLT:	LIT			;Localize the literals


		PAGE		;End of PLOT.MAC