
Trailing-Edge - PDP-10 Archives - decuslib10-10 - 43,50517/dsply.mac
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	SUBTTL	Display and/or accept an item

;	Copyright (C) 1976, Bob Currier and Cerritos College
;	All rights reserved
;	This routine implements the DSPLY verb for the runtime system.
;	It will display up to two items and accept one.
;	Call:
;		MOVEI	16,parameter.address
;	Parameters:
;		Word 1:	Byte pointer to Factor 1 or zero if none
;		Word 2:	Byte pointer to Result or zero if none
;		Word 3:
;			Bit 0:		Factor 1 is numeric
;			Bit 1:		Result is numeric
;			Bits 2-3:	Unused
;			Bits 4-10:	Size of factor 1
;			Bits 11-17:	Size of result
;			Bits 18-35:	Link to OTFTAB item for display file
;		Word 4:
;			Bits 0-3:	Decimal places of factor 1
;			Bits 4-7:	Decimal places of result
;			Bits 8-35:	Unused
;	Returns:
;		Call+1 always



	EXTERN	EASTB.			; force EASTBL to be loaded


	RELOC	400000

	IPTR==IPTR			; input pointer
	OPTR==OPTR			; output pointer
	CNT==CNT			; count
	PP==PP				; push/pop
	CH==CH				; I/O character
	PARM==PARM			; parameter address
	SW==0				; for RPGSWI
	T1==TAC2			; temp
	T2==TAC3			; temp
	CNTD==TAC4			; decimal count
	C==TAC5				; CBLIO communication (MUST be AC11)

DSPLY.:	SKIPN	IPTR,(PARM)		; pick up pointer to op1
	  JRST	DSPLY1			; no such animal
	LDB	CNT,F1SIZ.		; get size
	LDB	CNTD,F1DEC.		; get decimal count
	LDB	T1,F1NUM.		; get numeric flag
	PUSHJ	PP,DISPLY		; go try it
	PUSHJ	PP,DSPL1.		; output <CRLF> and buffer

DSPLY1:	SKIPN	IPTR,1(PARM)		; get pointer to result field
	  POPJ	PP,			; exit if none
	LDB	CNT,F2SIZ.		; get size
	LDB	CNTD,F2DEC.		; get decimals
	LDB	T1,F2NUM.		; get numeric flag
	PUSHJ	PP,DISPLY		; display it
	PUSHJ	PP,DSPL1.##		; output <CRLF> and buffer
	MOVE	IPTR,1(PARM)		; get pointer back for accept
	LDB	CNT,F2SIZ.		; and size
	LDB	CNTD,F2DEC.		; and decimals
	LDB	T1,F2NUM.		; and numeric flag
	PJRST	ACCEPT			; try an accept
;DISPLY		Actual disply routine

DISPLY:	JUMPN	T1,DISNUM		; go do numeric elsewhere
	LDB	T1,PTIBS.		; get input byte size

DIS.1:	JUMPE	CNT,DISN.2		; if none left try decimals
	ILDB	CH,IPTR			; get a character
	XCT	CNVTB.-6(T1)		; convert to ASCII
	MOVE	C,CH			; get into correct AC for CBLIO
	PUSHJ	PP,OUTCH.##		; call CBLIO routine
	SOJG	CNT,DIS.1		; loop until done
	POPJ	PP,			; then exit

;Display a numeric item

DISNUM:	IBP	IPTR			; numeric is a bit strange
	SUB	CNT,CNTD		; get number of non-decimal chars
	SWOFF	FNEGTV;			; turn off negative flag
	LDB	T1,PTIBS.		; get byte size

DISN.1:	JUMPE	CNT,DISN.2		; exit if no more non-decimal digits
	LDB	CH,IPTR			; get a character
	XCT	CNVTB.-6(T1)		; convert to ASCII
	CAIN	CH," "			; a leading space?
	  SOJA	CNT,DISN.1		; yes - ignore
	CAIN	CH,"0"			; a leading zero?
	  SOJA	CNT,DISN.1		; yes -

DISN.4:	CVTSNM	7,CH,CH			; convert char to digit
	TLZE	CH,(1B0)		; overpunched "-" ?
	  TSWC	FNEGTV;			; yes - complement flag
	MOVE	C,CH			; get into proper AC
	PUSHJ	PP,OUTCH.		; output it
	SOJLE	CNT,DISN.2		; off to decimal routine when done
	ILDB	CH,IPTR			; else get another character
	XCT	CNVTB.-6(T1)		; to ASCII
	JRST	DISN.4			; and loop

DISN.2:	JUMPE	CNTD,RET.1		; exit if no decimal places
	MOVEI	C,"."			; else get point
	PUSHJ	PP,OUTCH.		; and output it

DISN.3:	ILDB	CH,IPTR			; get character
	XCT	CNVTB.-6(T1)		; convert
	CVTSNM	7,CH,CH			; to digit
	TLZE	CH,(1B0)		; overpunch?
	  TSWC	FNEGTV;			; yes -
	MOVE	C,CH			; get into proper AC
	PUSHJ	PP,OUTCH.		; output
	SOJG	CNTD,DISN.3		; loop until done
	TSWT	FNEGTV;			; negative number?
	  POPJ	PP,			; No
	MOVEI	C,"-"			; yes - get minus flag
	PJRST	OUTCH.			; and output
;ACCEPT		Accept an arbitrary field

ACCEPT:	JUMPN	T1,ACCNUM		; is numeric go do it elsewhere
	LDB	T1,PTIBS.		; get input byte size
	PUSHJ	PP,GETCH.		; get a character
	  POPJ	PP,			; if just EOL don't modify anything
	JRST	ACC.1+2			; else start it

ACC.1:	PUSHJ	PP,GETCH.		; get a character from the keyboard
	  JRST	ACC.3			; hit EOL
	MOVE	CH,C			; get into proper AC
	XCT	.CNVTB-6(T1)		; convert to whatever
	IDPB	CH,IPTR			; output
	SOJG	CNT,ACC.1		; loop until done or EOL

ACC.2:	PUSHJ	PP,GETCH.		; get until EOL
	  POPJ	PP,			; EOL - exit
	JRST	ACC.2			; loop

ACC.3:	MOVEI	CH," "			; get a space
	XCT	.CNVTB-6(T1)		; convert to random
	IDPB	CH,IPTR			; stash character
	SOJG	CNT,.-1			; keep outputting spaces to fill field
	POPJ	PP,			; and exit when done
;ACCNUM		Accept a numeric field

ACCNUM:	LDB	T1,PTIBS.		; get byte size
	SETZ	T2,			; zap digit counter
	SWOFF	FNEGTV;			; not negative to start
	MOVE	OPTR,LPNT.		; get pointer to temp save buffer

ACCN.1:	PUSHJ	PP,GETCH.		; get a character
	  POPJ	PP,			; if just a <CR> don't do anything
	MOVE	CH,C			; get into good AC
	CAIN	CH," "			; leading space?
	  JRST	ACCN.1			; yes - ignore
	CAIN	CH,"0"			; zero?
	  JRST	ACCN.1			; yes - ignore

ACCN.2:	CAIL	CH,"0"			; valid digit?
	CAILE	CH,"9"			; i.e. 0-9?
	  JRST	ACCN.3			; no - could be decimal point or -
	IDPB	CH,OPTR			; yes - stash in temp buffer
	ADDI	T2,1			; bump count
	PUSHJ	PP,GETCH.		; get another character
	  JRST	ACCN.8			; EOL means end of number
	MOVE	CH,C			; get into good AC
	JRST	ACCN.2			; and loop

ACCN.3:	CAIE	CH,"."			; decimal point?
	  JRST	ACCN.7			; no - could still be "-"
	SUB	CNT,CNTD		; get none decimal place count
	CAMLE	T2,CNT			; did we get more than that?
	  JRST	ACCN.9			; yes - error
	SUB	CNT,T2			; no - get number of digits we didn't get
	PUSHJ	PP,ZROUT		; output that many zeroes
	PUSHJ	PP,T2OUT		; now output (T2) chars to data area
	SETZ	T2,			; reset count
	MOVE	OPTR,LPNT.		; reinitialize byte pointer to save area
;ACCNUM (cont'd)

ACCN.4:	PUSHJ	PP,GETCH.		; get a decimal digit
	  JRST	ACCN.6			; hit EOL
	MOVE	CH,C			; get into proper AC
	CAIL	CH,"0"			; is it valid digit?
	CAILE	CH,"9"			;
	  JRST	ACCN.5			; no - could be "-"
	IDPB	CH,OPTR			; stash character
	AOJA	T2,ACCN.4		; bump count and loop

ACCN.5:	CAIE	CH,"-"			; was that a "-" we got fed?
	  JRST	ACCN.9			; no - error
	SWON	FNEGTV;			; turn on negative flag
	PUSHJ	PP,GETCH.		; get another character
	  JRST	ACCN.6			; make sure we get only EOL after "-"
	JRST	ACCN.9			; but we didn't - so is error

ACCN.6:	CAMLE	T2,CNTD			; did we get too many digits?
	  JRST	ACCN.9			; looks that way
	PUSHJ	PP,T2OUT		; no - output buffer to data area
	MOVE	CNT,CNTD		; get decimal count
	SUB	CNT,T2			; get number of digits we need to zap
	PUSHJ	PP,ZROUT		; and zero them

ACCN6B:	TSWT	FNEGTV;			; minus field?
	  POPJ	PP,			; no - then we're all done
	LDB	CH,IPTR			; yes - get back last character
	SUB	CH,NUMTB.-6(T1)		; convert to real digit
	MOVE	CH,SGNTB.(CH)		; get character with overpunched "-"
	XCT	.CNVTB-6(T1)		; convert from ASCII
	DPB	CH,IPTR			; replace character
	POPJ	PP,			; end exit

ACCN.7:	CAIE	CH,"-"			; did we get a minus?
	  JRST	ACCN.9			; No - error
	SWON	FNEGTV;			; yes - flag it
	PUSHJ	PP,GETCH.		; get another character
	  JRST	ACCN.8			; is EOL - all is OK
	JRST	ACCN.9			; is garbage - error
;ACCNUM (cont'd)

ACCN.8:	SUB	CNT,CNTD		; get non-decimal positions
	CAMLE	T2,CNT			; all ok size wise?
	  JRST	ACCN.9			; no - error
	SUB	CNT,T2			; yes - get left over size
	PUSHJ	PP,ZROUT		; output that many zeroes as filler
	PUSHJ	PP,T2OUT		; transfer real digits
	MOVE	CNT,CNTD		; get number of decimals
	PUSHJ	PP,ZROUT		; output that many zeroes
	JRST	ACCN6B			; and check for minus signs

ACCN.9:	PUSHJ	PP,%%H.1Y##		; error on display
	POP	PP,T1			; pop off return address in case of continue
	JRST	DSPLY.			; and start all over again

;ZROUT		Output (CNT) zeroes through IPTR

ZROUT:	JUMPE	CNT,RET.1		; don't do anything if zero
	MOVEI	CH,"0"			; get a zero
	XCT	.CNVTB-6(T1)		; convert to whatever
	IDPB	CH,IPTR			; output
	SOJG	CNT,.-1			; loop until all put out
	POPJ	PP,			; then exit

;T2OUT		Output (T2) characters through IPTR
;Does not destroy T2

T2OUT:	JUMPE	T2,RET.1		; just exit if zero
	MOVE	CNT,T2			; get into ok to destroy AC
	MOVE	OPTR,LPNT.		; get pointer to save buffer
	ILDB	CH,OPTR			; get saved character
	XCT	.CNVTB-6(T1)		; convert to special
	IDPB	CH,IPTR			; stash into data item
	SOJG	CNT,.-3			; loop until done
	POPJ	PP,			; then exit
;Define pointers and such
;Define pointers to UUO parameters

F1SIZ.:	POINT	7,2(PARM),10		; size of factor 1
F2SIZ.:	POINT	7,2(PARM),17		; size of result
F1DEC.:	POINT	4,3(PARM),3		; decimal places of factor 1
F2DEC.:	POINT	4,3(PARM),7		; decimal places of result
F1NUM.:	POINT	1,2(PARM),0		; factor 1 numeric flag
F2NUM.:	POINT	1,2(PARM),1		; result numeric flag
LPNT.:	POINT	7,LPSBUF##		; pointer to save buffer

;Define conversion tables

CNVTB.:	LDB	CH,PTR67.##		; sixbit to ASCII
	Z				;

.CNVTB:	LDB	CH,PTR76.##		; ASCII to sixbit
	Z				;

;Define sign tables

NUMTB.:	EXP	20			; SIXBIT zero
	EXP	60			; ASCII zero
	EXP	0			;
	EXP	360			; EBCDIC zero

SGNTB.:	EXP	"]"			; -0
	EXP	"J"			; -1
	EXP	"K"			; -2
	EXP	"L"			; -3
	EXP	"M"			; -4
	EXP	"N"			; -5
	EXP	"O"			; -6
	EXP	"P"			; -7
	EXP	"Q"			; -8
	EXP	"R"			; -9

;Define externals