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                           VE: a Video Editor

    VE  is  a  video editor package that supports simple two-dimensional

editing.  It runs in conjunction with ANTE (A Nother Text Editor), as  a

macro  of  that  editor.  Fundamentally, VE executes basic ANTE commands

while maintaining an image of the edited text.

    Unlike some other video editors, VE  is  normally  in  command  mode

rather  than  insert  or  replace  mode.   Commands are therefore normal

characters rather than control characters, and  inserts  must  be  ended

with escapes.  VE is meant for people who prefer hitting a few keys in a

row rather than a few keys all at once.



                i indicates a positive numeric argument
                n indicates a positive or negative numeric argument
                [string] indicates a string argument

                     ANTE Commands Unchanged in VE

iV              (if an argument is given it becomes the default window size)
i<backspace>    (takes a numeric argument)
i<linefeed>     (takes a numeric argument)
i<control-L>    (takes a numeric argument)
i<control-N>    (takes a numeric argument)
                       VE: a Video Editor, Page 2

                      ANTE Commands Modified in VE

G               get text saved by P and X
M[string]       execute string as a macro
                (After the macro given to the M command is executed,
                  VE pauses to allow inspection of possible output.
                  VE continues after any character is typed.
                  If a space is typed VE will attempt to return to the old window;
                  otherwise VE will execute a V command.)
P               save text last deleted, adding to other saved text
Q               jump to saved pointer
T               redisplay current line
U               save pointer
X               save text last deleted, replacing other saved text
[               0L
]               :L
\               0J and V
/               zJ and V

                            Display Commands

nW              adjust window up/down without moving cursor
i<              -iL and V (the default value for i is 5)
i>              iL and V (the default value for i is 5)
i~              move backward in window lengths and perform a V
i+              move forward in window lengths and perform a V

                             Other Commands

A[string]       0LI<cr><lf>$-LI[string]
iB              -iC
E               exit from VE
nF              execute the last R or S command again
Y               delete text from saved pointer to current pointer
'               delete, X, G (a prefix to deletion commands)
                       VE: a Video Editor, Page 3




Deletion:         The  text removed by any deletion command is saved and
                can be recovered via the X, P, and G commands.   When  a
                number  of  deletions  are made in a row the text of all
                deletions is saved together.

Insertion:       During insertion the  <control-P>  switch  changes  the
                input mode back and forth between regular mode and prose
                mode.  In prose mode a <carraige-return> and <line-feed>
                are automatically inserted 1) after a period, 2) after a
                comma  if  it occurs close to the right-hand margin, and
                3) instead  of  a  space  if  it  occurs  close  to  the
                right-hand  margin.   Prose mode can be overridden for a
                single character via <control-V>.

Loading VE into ANTE:
                VE is loaded into a selected  q-register  and  executed.
                The   ANTE   command   EPXSYS:VE$$  will  load  VE  into
                q-register X, which then will be executed by MX$$.

Input-Output:    VE performs no I/O of itself; regular ANTE commands are
                used.  They may be invoked either before and after VE is
                executed, or via the M command in VE.

Q-register usage:
                VE uses the following q-registers:  text and value -- C,
                D, G, I, J, K, R, S, U, V, 7, 8, 9; value only -- N  and

Terminals:         VE  works  with  Teleray  1000  Series  terminals  or


                             November 1981