
Trailing-Edge - PDP-10 Archives - decuslib10-07 - 43,50433/pascal.rnd
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that differ from those documented in the Revised Report.
So you should look at the Revised Report first.

^&1. Useage of the PASCAL Compiler\&

This compiler follows the standard DECsystem10 conventions for
compilers, and can thus be invoked by COMPIL-class commands.

^&1.1 How to Use the PASCAL compiler\&

To compile and execute a PASCAL program TEST, you would
issue the command


The usual COMPIL switches, such as /NOBIN, /LIST, and /CREF can
be used.

If your program begins with a PROGRAM statement, execution
will begin by asking you for file spec's for each of the
files mentioned in the program statement.  You should type
a standard DEC-10 file spec, terminated with <CRLF>.  If you
do not type a file spec, but simply hit carriage return, you
will get the default for that file.  INPUT and OUTPUT default
to "TTY:", usually your terminal.  Other files default to
a disk file whose name is made from the characters of the
Pascal file name.

If you assign the file INPUT to a terminal, you will normally be
prompted for the first line of input by the Pascal I/O system,
[INPUT, end with ^Z: ].  Because of oddities of the Pascal
language, this initial read is done before your program has
started.  Hence you cannot issue a prompt first.  This can
be avoided by specifying INPUT to be interactive (see below).

Note that the effect of listing a file in the PROGRAM statement
depends upon whether it is a predeclared file -- INPUT or OUTPUT --
or a file declared by the user.  For a user-declared file,
listing it in the PROGRAM statement  simply provides an easy way to get
a file specification for it at runtime.  It does not open the file.
That is, you must still do RESET or REWRITE on it.
And you must still declare the file identifier in the VAR
section of the program.  However for the predeclared files
INPUT and OUTPUT, listing them in the PROGRAM statement
also causes the system to open them (RESET for INPUT,

If you choose not to use COMPIL-class commands, you should say

	*<relfile>,<listfile>=<sourcefile>/<sw>/<sw> ...

Anything other than the source file may be left out.  The
defaults are:
.lm 10
.indent -5
relfile: not produced if missing; if no extension: .REL
.indent -5
listfile: not prodcued if missing; if no extension: .LST
.indent -5
sourcefile: if no extension: .PAS
.lm 0
The possible switches are:
.lm 10
.indent -5
/ARITHCHECK - Turns on checking for arithmetic errors, i.e.
divide by zero, overflow, and underflow.  If this switch
is not specified, the setting of /CHECK is used as its default.
.indent -5
/CHECK - generates code to perform runtime checks for
indices and assignments to scalar and subrange
variables.  Pointer accesses will also be checked for NIL or
zero pointers.  (Usually a zero pointer is the result of a
pointer variable not being initialized.)  Divide by zero,
overflow, and underflow are also caught.  All of these cases
cause an error message to be printed and transfer to PASDDT or
DDT if they are loaded.  (If DDT is loaded the program may be
continued by "JRST @.JBOPC$X".)
.indent -5
/CREF  - generates information so that CREF can produce
a crossreference listing.  Changes default
extension for the listing to .CRF.
.indent -5
/DEBUG - generate information for the DEBUG package.  This is
normally on except for production programs.
We strongly encourage people to turn this off (probably by putting
the directive (*$D-*) in their program) when they know they have
finished using PASDDT.  The debug information may double the size
of your program.
.indent -5
/HEAP:nnn - This parameter has two different uses, depending upon
whether one is running on a KA-10 or not.  In the usual (not KA-10)
implementation, this parameter specifies where the block of storage 
used by NEW (the "heap") should begin.  NEW will begin allocating at
the specified address and go down.  The only known
use for this is if you intend to load the high
segment at other than 400000.

In the KA-10 implementation, dynamic core expansion is not
done.  This parameter is used to specify the total amount of
core available for the stack and heap.  The default value is
2048 words.  If you get a message indicating that space has run out
for the stack or heap, you should expand this parameter, or
more likely, the comment {$H:nnn} at the beginning of the source
program.  (See section 1.2)

.indent -5
/MAIN - a main program part is present (see Section 5.2)
.indent -5
/OBJECTLIST - list the generated code in symbolic form
.indent -5
/STACK:nnn - sets the first location to be used for the
stack.  This should be above the high segment
(if any).  The only known use is if you intend
to do a GETSEG to a larger segment and want to
be sure the stack doesn't get in the way.

This parameter is probably meaningless in the KA-10 implementation.
.indent -5
/VERSION:vvv - must be given on the output side.  This
version number will be used for the .REL and .LST files.
It will also be put in .JBVER unless overridden by a later
directive.  vvv is the usual DEC-10 version number, e.g.
3B(22)-4.  If no /VERSION switch is given, the version number
of the input file (if any) will be used.
.indent -5
/ZERO - Causes code to be compiled in every procedure and
function prolog to initialize all of its local
variables to 0.  Also, NEW will initialize all
records it generates to 0.  This is useful mainly
for programs with complicated pointer manipulations,
since it guarantees that uninitialized pointers will be
0, which will be caught by the /CHECK code.  Note that
/ZERO and /CHECK can be set independently, however, and
that /ZERO applies to all local variables, not just
pointers.  /ZERO will not cause global variables to be
reinitialized, although they always start out as zero
unless an initprocedure is used to give them another
.lm 0

To get the opposite effect of a listed switch, type /NO<switch>.
The default switch settings are /CHECK /DEBUG /MAIN /NOOBJECTLIST
For /STACK  and /HEAP the arguments can be nnP, nnK, nnnnnn, or _#nnnnnn.
This specifies a core address in pages, K, decimal, or octal.  The
default values are 0, which causes 400000B to be used for the heap
and the stack to be put immediately above the high segment.  Values will
be rounded up to the nearest page boundary.

^&1.2 Core Allocation\&

On VM monitors (i.e. any Tops-10 system other than a KA-10),
PASCAL has dynamic core allocation.  This means that memory
will automatically expand if you do NEW a lot, or use a large
stack.  Thus if you get a message informing you that you have run out
of core, it means that you used all of your virtual memory space.
In such a case, you should reconsider your data structures or

Programs that do a lot of dynamic memory allocation should
consider returning spaced used by structures they are
finished with.  Note that PASCAL makes no
attempt to garbage collect unused structures.  This means that
the programmer must know when he is finished with a particular
record instance and DISPOSE it.  DISPOSE is a standard procedure,
described in some editions of the Revised Report.  It takes
exactly the same arguments as NEW.  However it returns the space
used by the record pointed to.  This space can then be reused
by later NEW's.  It is very important that any extra arguments
you supplied to NEW in generating the record be supplied in the
same way to DISPOSE.  (These arguments are used only for variant
records, to allow allocation of space for a particular variant.)
If you do not use the same parameters, you will get the error
message:  "DISPOSE called with clobbered or already-disposed object".
In addition to checking validity of the disposed object in this
way, the runtimes also check for disposing NIL or 0, and give
an appropriate error message.

If your program uses memory in a strictly hierarchical fashion,
you may also find it possible to use the procedures MARK and
RELEASE to deallocate memory (See section 3.7).  RELEASEing
an entire block of memory is more efficient than DISPOSEing of
records one by one, though this efficiency is balanced by the
fact that MARK and RELEASE are not part of official Pascal (though
they are present in most implementations).

Note that you get a completely different version of NEW when you
use DISPOSE and when you do not.  The system handles loading the
right version of NEW automatically.  The version used with DISPOSE
is not compatible with MARK and RELEASE.  It is also not compatible
with use of the /HEAP switch (or $H directive) to start the heap
at addresses above 377777 octal.

On a KA-10 the method of dynamic memory management used
under VM will not work.  Thus the program at startup allocates
a fixed amount of space for the stack and heap.  The amount it
allocates is under control of the /HEAP switch, or a comment
of the form {$H:nnn} at the beginning of the program.  If you
don't specify anything, you will get 4 pages (2048 words) of
storage, which should be enough for small students programs, but not
for big tasks.  If your program blows up because of an insufficient
space allocation, you would normally increase the space declared in
{$H:nnn} and recompile.  If you want to avoid recompiling, it is
also possible to increase the amount of space by using the monitor
REENTER command.  You may do a REENTER before running a program, or
after it has blown up you may do a REENTER and then start it again
(with the START command).  The REENTER processor will simply ask you
to type a number (in decimal).  This will be the number of words of
storage to be allocated to the stack and heap.  That number will become
the new allocation for this core image, and will apply even if you
restart the program.  You can GET a saved .EXE file, do REENTER, and
SAVE it again if you want to change the space allocation.
You may also do REENTER with the PASCAL compiler, in the unlikely 
event that the compiler itself runs out of storage.

^&1.3 How to Write a Program (Lexical Issues)\&

PASCAL programs can be written using the full ASCII character
set, including lower case.  Of course some characters (e.g.
control characters) will be illegal except in character or
string constants.  Lines are ended by carriage-return/linefeed,
form feed, or altmode (escape).
Lower case letters are mapped into the equivalent upper case
letters before being anaylzed by the compiler, although
they will appear in any listings exactly as read in.

Now we shall describe language elements which use special

Comments are enclosed in { and }, (* and *), /* and */, or % and \.
For example

	{This is an official comment}
	(*This is a comment*)
	%So is this\
	(*And so \  is this *)

The switches mentioned above as appearing in the compiler
command line may also be set in the body of the program by
directives.  Such directives take precedence over any setting
typed in the command string.   These directives are comments
which start with a $ sign and have the form

	(*$T+*) or %$T+\

A + after the letter indicates that the corresponding
switch should be turned on, a - that it should be turned off.
More than one switch setting can be given, separating them with
a comma:


The letters used in the directives correspond to the switches
in the following way:


The form for H and S is (*$H:400000B*), etc.
The form for V is (*$V:2200000000B*), etc., i.e. the version number
in octal.  This setting will not affect the version number given
to the output files, but will go in .JBVER.
Thus it will be the version number of the loaded program, and
of any .EXE file.

Note that setting or clearing C also sets or clears A, so order matters.
To clear C, but leave A on, you should do something like {$C-,A+}.
This is consistent with the overall approach wherein the default value
of ARITHCHECK is the same as CHECK.

Identifiers may be written using the underline character to
improve readability, e.g.:


Strings are character sequences enclosed in single quotes, e.g.:

	'This is a string'

If a quote is to appear in the string it must be repeated, e.g.:

	'Isn''t PASCAL fun?'

Note that mapping of lower case to upper case 
is not done inside strings.

An integer is represented in octal form if it consists of octal
digits followed by B.  An integer is represented in hexadecimal
form if it consists of a " followed by hexadecimal digits.  The
following representations have the same value:

	63	77B	"3F

Several PASCAL operators have an alternate representation.  The
alternate form is provided for compatibility with older versions
of PASCAL.  The form of the operator shown in the left column
should be used in new programs.

   operator    alternate form         explanation

     >=              "                greater or equal
     <=              @                less or equal
     AND             &                logical and
     OR              !                logical or
     NOT             $                logical negation
     <>              #                not equal
     +		     OR,!	      set union
     *               AND,&            set intersection


^&2. Input/Output\&

Input/Output is done with the standard procedures READ, READLN, WRITE,
and WRITELN as described in the Revised Report on PASCAL [1,2].

^&2.1 Standard Files\&

In addition to the standard files INPUT and OUTPUT the standard
file TTY is available in DEC10 PASCAL.  This file is used to
communicate with the terminal.  The standard files can be directly
used to read or write without having to use the standard procedures
RESET or REWRITE.  Note that these files are logically declared in
a block global to all of your code.  Specifically, if you use external
procedures, those procedures may also refer to INPUT, OUTPUT, and TTY,
and the same files will be used as in the main program.

As described in the Revised Report, the files INPUT and OUTPUT
are openned for you automatically if you mention them in your
PROGRAM statement.  The file TTY does not need to be openned,
since it is "hardwired" to the terminal.  (Indeed mentioning TTY
in the program statement is completely useless.  Doing RESET or REWRITE on
TTY is also almost completely useless,
except that RESET can be used to establish
lower to upper case conversion or to let you see end of line
characters.  However any file specification given in RESET will be

^&2.2 File Declaration\&

Files that you declare follow the normal scope rules.  That is, they
are local to the block in which they are declared.  This means that
a file F declared in the main program is a different file than a file
F declared in a file of external procedures, or in a different
block.  To use the same file
in an external procedure, you should pass it as a parameter to the
procedure.  (It must be passed by reference, i.e. declared with
VAR in the procedure header.)

You have two opportunities to specify what external file name you
want associated with a Pascal file variable (e.g. that you want
INPUT to refer to "TTY:").  One is by listing the file variable
in the PROGRAM statement.  This has been described above.  The other
is by supplying a file name as a string when you use RESET or
REWRITE.  If you do not supply a file name in one of these ways,
the file is considered "internal".  That is, Pascal will choose
a filename for you, and will do its best to see to it that you
never see the file.  When you exit from the block in which the file
variable was declared, Pascal will delete the file.  Such files
are useful for temporary working storage, but obviously should
not be used for the major input and output of the program.

^&2.3 RESET and REWRITE (simple form)\&

Except for the standard files, a file must be "opened" with the standard procedure RESET when it
is to be used for reading.  It must be "opened" with the standard
procedure REWRITE when it is to be used for writing.

RESET and REWRITE may have up to 6 parameters in DEC10 PASCAL.  However,
most users will need only 2 or 3 of them, so the others are deferred
until section 3.8.

     RESET (<file identifier>,<file spec>,<protection>)

Only the first parameter is required.  The other parameters are
used as follows:

.lm 6
.indent -5
<file spec>
This parameter must be of type PACKED ARRAY of CHAR.  Any length
is acceptable, and string constants may also be used.
The parameter is expected to be the usual DEC-10 file spec:
DEV:NAME.EXT[P,PN,SFD,SFD,...].  Device defaults to DSK:.  The
other things default to blank.  If you make a syntax error,
the operation fails, as if the file were not found.  In this case,
the current file name is not changed.

If you omit this parameter, the last file spec used with this
file will be used again.  If no previous file spec has been given
the file spec entered in response to the PROGRAM statement in the
starting dialogue will be used.
If the file was not listed in the PROGRAM
statement,  and you do not specify a file name some time when you
open the file, it will be considered "internal", as described
above. To omit the file spec parameter when further
parameters are specified, use a null string, i.e. ''.

It is possible to specify :@ after the file spec, for compatibility
with Tops-20.  Normally one would use a null file spec in this case,
e.g. '':@.  This causes the actual file spec to be read from the 
terminal.  The interaction between reading of the file spec and
normal TTY I/O is somewhat hard to specify, and in general we do
not recommend this form except with programs intended to do a
GTJFN from the terminal on Tops-20.

.left -5
This parameter must be of type INTEGER.  It represents the protection
to be given to an output file.  This parameter should not be used
for input files unless you have read section 3.8 and understand its
special effect.
If it is omitted or zero, your default protection is used.
Note that the protection should be right-justified in the
word, unlike the former 055000000000B kludge.
Thus a typical protection would be 055B.

.lm 0

In the following example REWRITE is used to give the file OUTPUT
the actual file name TEST.LST.  The file is created with
protection <057>.


Note that RESET and REWRITE can fail, due to various errors and
strange hardware situations.  In such a case, EOF is set to show
the further operations on the file will not work (true for input,
false for output).

^&2.4 Formatted Output\&

Parameters of the standard procedure WRITE (and WRITELN) may be
followed by a "format specification".  A parameter with format
has one of the following forms:

	X : E1
	X : E1 : E2
	X : E1 : O
	X : E1 : H

E1 is called the field width.  It must be an expression of type
INTEGER yielding a non-negative value.  If no format is given
then the default value for E1 is for type

	CHAR		 1
	REAL		16
	STRING		length of string
Blanks precede the value to be printed if the field width is
larger than necessary to print the value.  Depending on the type
involved, the following is printed if the field width is smaller
than necessary to print the value:

	INTEGER(normal)	field width increased to fit
	INTEGER(octal)	least significant digits
	INTEGER(hex)	least significant digits
	REAL		field width increased to fit
	BOOLEAN		field width increased to fit
	STRING		leftmost characters

A maximum of 7 significant digits will be printed for
real numbers.  Rounding is done at the seventh digit
(or the rightmost digit, if the format does not allow
a full seven digits to be displayed).  Because of the
automatic expansion of formats for normal integers and
reals, a field width of zero is a convenient way to get
a free format output.

The minimal field width for values of type REAL is 9.
The representation used for a field width of 9 is
b-d.dE+dd, where b is a blank, - a minus sign or blank,
d a digit, and + a plus or minus sign.  As the field
width is increased, more digits are used after the
period, until a maximum of 6 such digits is used.  After
than point, any increased field width is used for leading

Example:	WRITELN('STR':4, 'STR', 'STR':2, -12.0:10);
		WRITELN(15:9, TRUE, FALSE:4, 'X':3);

The following character sequence will be printed (colons
represent blanks):

	:STRSTRST -1.20E+01

(Note that the field width for FALSE has been expanded in
order to fit in the output.)

A value of type REAL can be printed as a fixed point number if
the format with expression E2 is used.  E2 must be of type
INTEGER and yield a non-negative value.  It specifies the number
of digits following the decimal point.  Exactly E2 digits
will always be printed after the point.  The minimal field width
for this format is E2 + D + S + 2, where D represents the
number of digits in front of the decimal place, and S is 1 if the
number is negative and 0 otherwise.  The extra 2 places are for
the decimal point and a leading blank.  There is always at least
one leading blank, as required by the Revised Report.  Extra
field width will be used for leading blanks.

Example:      WRITELN(1.23:5:2, 1.23:4:1, 1.23:6:0);
	      WRITELN(1.23:4:3, 123456123456:0:0);

The following character sequence will be printed (colons
represent blanks):


The :1.230 is a result of automatic format expansion, since the
specified 4 spaces was not enough.  The 123456100000 shows that
numbers will be rounded after 7 significant digits.

A value of type INTEGER can be printed in octal representation if
the format with letter O is used.  The octal representation
consists of 12 digits.  If the field width is smaller than 12,
the rightmost digits are used to fill the field width.  If the
field width is larger than 12, the appropriate number of blanks
preceded the digits.

Example:	WRITE(12345B:2:O, 12345B:6:O, 12345B:15:O);

The following character sequence will be printed (colons
represent blanks):


A value of type INTEGER can also be printed in hexadecimal
representation if the format with letter H is used.  The
hexadecimal representation consists of 9 digits.  Using the
format with letter H, the following character sequence will be
printed for the example above (colons indicate blanks):



^&2.5 The Standard Files\&

There are three files which may be initialized by PASCAL
for the user automatically.  These are INPUT,
OUTPUT, and TTY.  If you list them in the program statement, 
INPUT and OUTPUT are initialized by implicit RESET(INPUT) and REWRITE(OUTPUT)
statements before the beginning of your program.  The system will ask
you for file specs for these files before openning them.  If you want
INPUT to be openned interactively (interactive files are explained later
in this section), you should put :/ after INPUT in the program statement.
E.g. PROGRAM P(INPUT:/,OUTPUT).  It is also permitted to use + and - after
the colon, for compatibility with Tops-20, however at the moment these
characters have no effect on Tops-10.

TTY is always initialized on the
user's terminal.  For most purposes one may assume that
TTY is both RESET and REWRITTEN, i.e. that
it can be used for both read and write operations.  As in
standard PASCAL, the default file for those
standard procedures that read is INPUT, and for those
that write, OUTPUT.  If I/O is to be done on the
terminal, the file TTY must be mentioned explicitly as the
first argument to the I/O procedures.

In general TTY can be used with any of the read or write procedures.
Actually, however, this is somewhat of an illusion.
Internally, the file TTY is only usable for input, and the file TTYOUTPUT
is used for output.  The user need not normally be aware of this, as
all mentions of TTY in output procedures are automatically transformed
into TTYOUTPUT.  However, for obvious reasons, such
mapping cannot be done with buffer variables.  Thus should one wish
to work with the buffer directly, TTYOUTPUT_^ should be
used for output.  TTYOUTPUT must also be used explicitly
with PUT and REWRITE.
Note however that TTY is directly connected with the user's
terminal via TTCALL's.  REWRITE and RESET cannot be used to
alter this.

Because of the use of TTCALL I/O, output to TTY is not buffered.
This allows the user to type in on the same line where the
output appeared.
Should a similar effect be required on other files, BREAK(<file>)
would be needed to force out the buffer. 

In standard PASCAL, RESET(file) does an implicit GET(file), so
that file_^ contains the first character of the file immediately
after the RESET is done.  This is fine for disk files, but for
a terminal it makes things difficult.  The problem is that
RESET(TTY) is done automatically at the beginning of the program,
so the program would go into TTY input wait before you had a
chance to prompt the user for input.  To solve such problems, many
implementations allow you to specify a file as interactive.  Such
a specification keeps RESET from doing the implicit GET.
In this implementation, TTY is always interactive.  Other files
can be made interactive by specifying a non-zero third argument
in the RESET.  (The distinction is irrelevant for REWRITE, and
the third argument is used for file protection for REWRITE.) When
INPUT is openned implicitly by the PROGRAM statement, it can be
made interactive by using INPUT:/, as mentioned above. 

For an interactive file, file_^ will not contain anything useful until
you do an explicit GET.  To indicate this fact, the system
automatically sets EOLN(file) true after RESET.  Thus any program that
checks for EOLN and does READLN if it is true will work
correctly.  (This is done automatically by READ
with numerical and Boolean arguments.)

^&2.6 Character Processing\&

Any character except null (0) can be read or written by a PASCAL
program.  In the normal case, end of line characters appear in
the buffer (e.g. INPUT^) as blanks.  This is required by the
specifications of the Pascal language.  To tell whether the file
is currently positioned at an end of line,
EOLN should be used.  When EOLN is true, the
buffer should contain some end of line character (although 
what actually appears there is a blank).  To get to the first
character on the next line do READLN.  (If the next line is empty,
of course EOLN will be true again.)  This is done by the system
routine READ when it is looking for numerical input.

Note that carriage return, line feed, form feed, altmode, and control-Z
are considered to be end of line characters.  However, if the
end of line was a carriage return, the carriage return and everything
up to the next end of line (typically a line feed) is considered
a single character.

If it is necessary to know which end of line character actually appeared,
the user can RESET the file in a special mode.  When this mode is used,
the end of line character appears in the buffer unchanged.  You can still
tell whether the buffer is an end of line character by using EOLN (indeed
this is the recommended practice).  In this mode, carriage return is
seen as a single character, separate from the line feed.  However READLN
will still treat a carriage return and line feed as a single end of
line.  To be precise, READLN will skip to the
next line feed, form feed, altmode, or control-Z before returning. 
To open a file in the mode where you see the end of line character,
specify /E in the options string used in the RESET  (see section 3.8.3)
or in the case of INPUT being implicitly openned by the PROGRAM statement,
specify INPUT:#.  You may request the special file TTY to be openned in
this mode by listing TTY:# in your program statement.

Control-Z is also considered the end of file character for
normal files openned on terminals (but not the special file TTY, which
has no end of file condition).

Terminal I/O is done in such a way that control does not return
to the program
until ^G, ^L, ^Z, <alt>, <cr>, or <lf> is typed.  This
allows the normal editing characters ^U, ^R, <del>, etc., to
be used.  This is true with normal files open on terminals
as well as the file TTY.

It is possible to cause all lower case letters to be turned into
the equivalent upper case when they are read by your program.  To
set up this process,  specify  /U in the options string used in
the reset.  (See section 3.8.3)  Alternatively, once the file has been
openned, you can do UPCASE(<file>,TRUE).  UPCASE must be
declared EXTERN.  (See section 3.13.)  

^&2.7 Reading characters\&

In official Pascal one cannot use READ or READLN to read into arrays of
CHAR.  Thus one sees many programs full of many loops reading characters
into arrays of CHAR, cluttering up essentially simple algorithms.  I
have implemented READ into arrays and packed arrays of CHAR, with
capabilities similar to SAIL's very fine string input routines.  An example
of the full syntax is

	read(input,array1:howmany:['@ ',':'])

This will read characters into the  array array1 until one of three things
One of the characters mentioned in the "break set" (in this case
blank or colon) is read.  This character (the "break character") is
not put into the array.  You can find it by looking at INPUT^, since
this always contains the next character that will be read by READ.
Howmany (which can be any integer variable) is set to the number of
characters actually put into the array.
End of line is reached in the input.  Again, howmany is set to the
number of characters put into the array.  You can test for this outcome
by looking at EOLN(INPUT).
The array is filled.  In this case, INPUT^ is the character that would
have overflowed the array.  Howmany is set to one more than the size of
the array, in order to allow you to detect this case uniquely.
.end list
If filling of the array is terminated by a break character or end of
line, the rest of the array is cleared to blanks.

There is some problem caused by the fact that the implementation used for
sets of characters does not allow all 128 ASCII character codes.  
To avoid this problem, lower case characters in the input are treated as
break characters if the corresponding upper case character is in the
break set.  And all control characters are treated as break characters
if any control character is specified as a member of the break set.  
(Tab is an exception - it is treated as a separate character.)
Note that these limitations are actually limitations in set 
implementation.  They have nothing specific to do with I/O.  
For example,  if a lower case character
is mentioned as a member of a set, its upper case equivalent is actually
put in.  Thus if you use ['a'] or ['A'] as a break set, you get exactly
the same results:  Both upper and lower case A are treated as break

The break set can be omitted, in which case input breaks only on
end of line or when the array fills up.  The integer variable can also
be omitted, in which case the count is not given to the user.  Thus the
actual syntax permitted is


The user is cautioned not to confuse this syntax with the field width
specification for output:  READ(X:I) does not specify a field width
of I.  Rather I is set after the input is done to tell how many
characters were actually read.

^&3. Extensions to PASCAL\&

^&3.1 Input/Output to strings\&

It is often convenient to be able to use the number-scanning abilities
of READ to process a string of characters in an array of CHAR.
Similarly, it may be useful to use the formatting capabilities of
WRITE to make up a string of characters.  To allow these operations,
this implementation provides a facility to treat a packed array of
CHAR as if it were a file, allowing READ from it and WRITE to it.
This facility is equivalent to the REREAD and REWRITE functions
present in many implementations of FORTRAN.

To make use of this, you must use a file that has been declared
FILE OF CHAR.  Rather than using RESET or REWRITE to initialize I/O, you
use STRSET or STRWRITE instead.  These associate a string with the
file and set the internal file pointer to the beginning of the string
(in the simplest case).  A typical call would be STRSET(FILE1,MYARRAY).
After that call is issued FILE1 can be used with READ, etc., and will take
successive characters out of the array MYARRAY.
Similarly, one might do STRWRITE(FILE2,YOURARRAY), and then use
WRITE(FILE2,...) to write things into YOURARRAY.  Note that as with a
RESET, an implicit GET is done as part of the STRSET.  Thus immediately
after the STRSET, the first character of the string is in the file

It is possible to start I/O at a location other than the beginning of the
array.  To do so, use a third argument, which is the index of the first
element to be transferred.  E.g. STRSET(FILE1,MYARRAY,5) means that the
GET will retrieve element 5 from MYARRAY.  (This is MYARRAY[5].  It
is not necessarily the fifth element, since the index might be -20..6
or something.)

There is a procedure to see where you currently are
in the string.  It is GETINDEX(file,variable).  Variable is set to the
current index into the array.  This is the index of the thing that will
be read by the next GET (or written by the next PUT).

Note that no 
runtime error messages will ever result from string I/O.  Should you run
over the end of the string, PASCAL will simply set EOF (or clear it if you
are doing output).  It will also set EOF if you read an illegal format
number.  (GETINDEX will allow you to discriminate these two cases, if you

There is also a fourth optional argument to STRSET and STRWRITE.
This sets a limit on how much of the array will be used.  It thus
gives you the effect of the substring operator in PL/I.
For example, STRWRITE(F1,AR1,3,6) will make it possible to change
characters 3 to 6 inclusive.  If absent, the fourth argument
defaults to the last location in the array.

Note that arrays of types other than CHAR can be used.  They
must be packed arrays, however.  (In order for an array to be
considered packed, the elements must take up a half word or
less.  You can declare an array PACKED ARRAY[..]OF INTEGER, but
it is not really considered packed.)

Of course the file and the array must have the same
underlying type.  (This is checked.)

Beware that it is possible to set a file to an array, and then
exit the block in which the array is defined.  The file is
then pointing out into nowhere.  This is not currently detected.

^&3.2 Monitor calls\&

For those daring souls who want to  have access to all the facilities of
the machine, it is possible to insert CALLI's into your program.
CALLI(2,I,J,VAL,SUCCESS) will do a CALLI 2.  The accumulator will have
I put in its left half and J in its right half.  The value of the
accumulator after the CALLI will be put into VAL.  SUCCESS will be true
iff the CALLI skips.  Note that I and J can be any expression.  No type
checking is done.  Don't say we didn't give you enough rope!  The first argument must be an integer
constant, as the CALLI is compiled inline.  Many
CALLI's have pointers to locations or blocks in their right half.
The compiler will realize it if J is an array or record, and will use a pointer
to it rather than trying to evaluate it.
Certain UUO's do not want the half word format the above call sets up.
So three other syntaxes as possible:  CALLI(2,,I,VAL,SUCCESS)
interprets I as a full word and loads it into the accumulator.
CALLI(2,:3,VAL,SUCCESS) uses 3 in the accumulator field,
ignoring what is in 3.  (This is designed for things like EXIT
or WAIT.  These UUO's interpret the AC field as something other
than an AC.  Be sure not to use this format if the UUO is going
to interpret it as an AC!  You have been warned!) The AC field value must be an integer constant.
CALLI(2,I:J,VAL,SUCCESS) puts I and J in AC and AC+1.  I and J are not type checked.  REASSIGN
and a few other UUO's need such arguments.

Should you wish to do your own I/O using CALLI's (or external MACRO
procedures) you should use the integer function GETCHN.  It returns
the number of the first free channel, or -1 if there
are none free.  It must be declared external
if you want to use it.  RELCHN may be used to return a channel to the
pool of available channels.  It must also be declared external, and
has a single integer argument.  Please be sure you only return channels
that have been GETCHN'ed!!  (To free a channel assigned by PASCAL,
CLOSE the file.  CLOSE is a standard procedure.)  For the really daring,
you may get the channel of a file that has been opened by PASCAL.
To do this, use CURCHN(file).  This returns an integer, and must be
declared external.


Variables of type scalar, subrange, pointer, array or record
declared in the main program may be initialized by an
INITPROCEDURE.  The body of an INITPROCEDURE contains only
assignment statements.  Indices as well as the assigned values
must be constants.  Assignment to components of packed
structures is possible if the components occupy a full word.

The syntax of an INITPROCEDUE is as follows (the parts enclosed
in [ and ] may appear 0 or more times):

   <initprocedure> ::= INITPROCEDURE ;
		       BEGIN  <assignments> END;

   <init part> ::= <initprocedure> [ <initprocedure> ]

The <init part> must follow the variable declaration part and
precede the procedure declaration part of the main program.

Note that INITPROCEDURES do not compile into code.  Instead they
put the values specified into appropriate places in the .REL file,
so that the variables are initialized by loading the program.  This
means that you should not attempt to call an INITPROCEDURE.  It
also means that if you restart a program (e.g. by _^C-START),
the INITPROCEDURES will not be redone.  We recommend very
strongly that INITPROCEDURES only be used for constant data.

^&3.4 Extended CASE Statement\&

The CASE statement may be extended with the case OTHERS which
then appears as the last case in the CASE statement.  This case
will be executed if the expression of the CASE statement does
not evaluate to one of the case labels.

In the following example it is assumed that the variable X is of
type CHAR:



^&3.5 LOOP Statement\&

The LOOP statement is an additional control statement which
combines the advantages of the WHILE and the REPEAT statement.

The LOOP statement has the following syntax:

   <loop statement> ::= LOOP
		          <statement> [; <statement> ]
			EXIT IF <expression> ;
			  <statement> [; <statement> ]

The expression must result in a Boolean value.  Note that there must
be exactly one EXIT IF in each LOOP.

^&3.6 CLOSE and DISMISS\&

There is a limit of 16 files active at the same time.  (This
is a monitor limitation that PASCAL can do nothing about.)
Should you need to use more than 16 files in a program, it
may be convenient to be able to release the channel of a
file you are finished with.  To do this, execute CLOSE(file).
This does a monitor CLOSE and a RELCHN on the channel of
the previous file.  CLOSE has the additional advantage that
it makes the file accessible.  Unless CLOSE is done, the
file is not in your directory until the program finishes.
In particular, if the system crashes, you lose all files that
have not been CLOSEd.  Like READ, GET, etc., the file name may
be omitted.  If it is, it defaults to INPUT.  Also, there is an
optional integer parameter.  If this is specified, it is used
as the address field of the CLOSE UUO.  See the Monitor Calls
manual for the effect.  (Most users will never need to use this
additional parameter.)

In some cases, you will be creating a file and decide you don't
want it.  For example a compiler discovers there are errors in
the program and wants to abort creating the .REL file.  DISMISS(file)
will abort creation of the file.  One could also do REWRITE(file).
The difference is that this creates a new zero-length file, which will
supercede any previous version.  DISMISS does not change any old
version.  DISMISS release the channel in the same way as CLOSE.

^&3.7 MARK and RELEASE\&

MARK and RELEASE can be used to organize the heap like a stack.
Both have one parameter which must be of type INTEGER.

MARK(X) assigns to X the current top of the heap.  The value
of X should not be altered until the corresponding RELEASE(X).

RELEASE(X) sets the top of the heap to X.  This releases all the
items which were created by NEW since the corresponding MARK(X).
Use of release is dangerous if any of the records released
contains a file.  DISPOSE of a record containing a file will
correctly close the file.  However RELEASE is a bit more
wholesale, and files will not get closed.

Note that MARK and RELEASE are probably not useful with programs
that use DISPOSE, since DISPOSE invokes a dynamic memory manager
that does not allocate the heap as a simple stack.

^&3.8 I/O facilities for wizards only\&

PASCAL has the ability to use the full I/O capabilities of
TOPS-10.  This includes unbuffered I/O, file updating, etc.
(However at the moment unbuffered I/O is not supported for
direct use by the programmer.)
Most of these wierd options are specified in arguments to
RESET and REWRITE.  The full form of these procedures includes
the following arguments:


     RESET (<file identifier>,<file spec>,<protection>,


Only the first parameter is required.  Omitted parameters are
given the default value of 0 (except for <mode>, whose default
depends upon the type of file, and <file spec>, whose default
value is '').  In some cases the monitor will
replace this 0 with a default value.  In other cases, the
PASCAL runtimes will supply its own default in place of a zero.

For mode and buffers, which often involve specifying bits, it
is sometimes most convenient to specify the argument with a set.
Because of the representation of Pascal sets, [2,5] gives you
a word with bits 2 and 5 set (i.e. 1B2!1B5).

The form shown above is the old, full form of the RESET.  Because
no one (including me) could remember which bit is which, a
new form is provided which allows you to set the most useful
bits by the use of switches.  To do this, pass a string for
the third parameter, e.g.




Here are the meaning of the switches.  For details on what they
do, you will have to look below where the bits that they set are
described.  Note that you can mix the two notations, i.e. use a
string for the third parameter and then go on to set bits in the
later parameters.  The bits set in the two ways are or'ed together.

.lm 10
.indent -5
/B:nn	Byte size specification.  The number specified goes into the byte 
size field of the OPENF word.  It is mainly useful for handling
industry-compatible magtape, wherein 8 bit bytes are useful. For details
about the meaning of the byte size, see section
.indent -5
/D	Data transmission errors will be handled by the user.  See
the section below on error handling (section 3.8.6).  A data
transmission error is usually a physical problem of some sort.
See /F for problems with the format of the data.
.indent -5
/E	End of line characters will be visible to the program.  Normally
Pascal programs put a blank in the input buffer at the end of line.
If this flag is set, the actual end of line character appears in the
buffer.  Normally a single GET will read past both a carriage return
and a line feed, since they are a single line terminator.  But if /E
is set, the carriage return and the line feed will be treated as
separate characters, although READLN will still skip them both.
.indent -5
/F	Format errors in the data will be handled by the user.  See
the section below on error handling (section 3.8.6).  A format
error occurs when the data is readable, but is not what READ wants.
E.g. when trying to read a number, a letter is found.
.indent -5
/I	Interactive file.  The meaning of this has been discussed above.
It keeps the system from reading the first component in the file, as
it normally does whenever a file is openned.
.indent -5
/O	Open errors will be handled by the user.  See
the section below on error handling (section 3.8.6).  An open
error is an error that occurs during the RESET, REWRITE, etc.  Most
commonly it is when the specified file is not present or a protection
problem (e.g. you aren't allowed to read the file).
.indent -5
/U	Upper case the file.  All lower case letters will be turned
into the equivalent upper case.  Only letters are affected.
.lm 0

The meaning of <file spec> has been discussed above.  We emphasize
here that if the file spec is omitted or specified as '' the
previous file spec used with this <file identifier> is used again
(or if none has been given, the file is treated as "internal",
and is deleted when you exit from the scope in which the file 
variable is declared).

^&3.8.1 Openning a file in interactive mode\&

Protection has also been discussed above.  As was mentioned in
section 2.5, if <protection> is given a non-zero value for an
input file, the file is treated as an interactive file.  That is,
the RESET does not GET the first character in the file, as it
usually would.  Instead, the buffer variable associated with
the file is set to null or 0, and EOLN(file) is set true.  To
emphasize this special interpretation of the protection field
for input files, I usually use TRUE for interactive files and
FALSE otherwise.  (FALSE is equivalent to 0.)  Note that
it may often be useful to open magnetic tape files as interactive.
Often the program will open a tape with RESET and immediately
do rewind, skip a file, etc.  In this case, it is cleanest not
to have RESET read the first record, as would happen if it is
not openned as interactive.  Recall that TTY is always openned
in interactive mode.  Even if an explicit RESET is done by the
user without specifying the interactive argument, the implicit
GET will not be done for TTY.

^&3.8.2 Using an extended LOOKUP/ENTER block\&

The TOPS-10 monitor stores all sorts of wierd information about
files in what is called the RIB (Retrieval Information Block).
The user may find out about this information when he opens a
file for reading, or specify it when he opens it for writing.
To do so, he specifies an "extended LOOKUP/ENTER block".  It should
be filled with information to be used by the monitor in the case
of a REWRITE.  After a RESET or REWRITE is done, the block may
be examined to find what information is returned by the monitor.
For a list of the actual information involved, consult the Monitor
Calls Manual, or your friendly systems programmer.

The <xblock> parameter  may be an array or record  of any type.
However, its length must
be at least 5 words.  It will be used as an extended lookup/enter
block for the lookup or enter implied by the RESET or REWRITE.  The
file spec and protection will be copied into it before use, but everything
else will be unchanged.  Thus you should be sure that things which
should be zero are in fact zero.  You will be able to see the stuff the monitor
put in it after the return.  WARNING: Be sure that you preset the number of
arguments in the first word of the block.

There are some circumstances
(especially when you wish to reuse a lookup block left over from a
previous RESET) when you do not want the protection specified in the third
argument to be put in the block.  Thus if the third argument is zero,
the protection in the block will be used without change.  If the third
argument to a REWRITE is non-zero, it will always be used as the protection.
Of course the third argument to RESET will have the usual
interpretation of setting interactive mode whatever the value of the
protection field in the block.

The proper way to simulate a PIP copy command is to do a reset using
an extended lookup block, and then use the same block for the
rewrite without changing it, specifying a zero protection argument.
This will cause the output file to have exactly the same characteristics,
including creation date, as the input file.

^&3.8.3 Controlling buffers and blocksize, etc.\&

The fifth parameter is a mess.  It has sort of collected all the
random junk that won't fit anywhere else.  One way to set the
various subfields in this parameter is to declare a record with
all the various fields and then pass it.  Alternatively, one
can move values to the appropriate field by multiplication.
E.g. since the low-order bit of the blocksize is bit
1000000B one could specify a blocksize of BLSIZE and BLNUM buffers
by BLNUM + BLSIZE * 1000000B.  The table below gives an
appropriate record declaration, together with the magic constants
to multiply by the get the corresponding field, if you prefer to
do it that way.
No doubt a future release of PASCAL will use a better method of
specifying these fields, probably using keywords.

	  RECORD__BLOCKING: Boolean;     400000000000B  (11 0's)
	  BLOCKSIZE: 0..377777B;             1000000B  (6 0's)
	  INDUSTRY__MODE: Boolean;             400000B  (5 0's)
	  MAP__LOWERCASE: Boolean;	       200000B  (5 0's)
	  FORCE__BUFFERED: Boolean;            100000B  (5 0's)
	  SEE__END__OF__LINES: Boolean;           40000B  (4 0's)
	  BYTE__SIZE: 0..77B;		         1000B  (3 0's)
	  NUMBER__BUFFERS: 0..777B    no multiplier necessary

.end literal
^& Number of buffers\&

The most common use of the fifth argument is to control the number
of buffers in a buffer ring, when you are using a buffered
mode (the usual case).  Since this parameter is right-justified
in the word, you may simply specify it as an integer or integer

If it is zero, you will get whatever number of buffers was in
use for that file before.  (If it is necessary to create new ones,
the default number for that device type will be used.)
The buffers will be of the standard size for the device.

Note that when a file is openned for UPDATE, only one buffer is
actually used, although the number you request will be allocated.

^& Block size\&

The next most common use of this parameter is to set the block size.
If the left half is non-zero, the runtimes will attempt to
set the physical block size of the device to the value specified.
Currently this is only implemented for magnetic tapes.  (A
TAPOP. is used.)  Note that when this is done, the buffer size
is automatically set to the same size as the physical block
size.  An attempt to set a physical block size for any device
other than magtape will be ignored.

Note that the block size specification is in bytes.  However,
the actual block-size will be set to the equivalent number of
36-bit words.  If your block size does not produce an even number
of 36-bit words, it will be rounded up to the nearest word.

^& Blocked records\&

Normally bytes are put into the monitor's buffer until the buffer
fills, at which point it is put out and a new one is begun.
Thus there is typically no correlation between Pascal records and
the physical records on disk or tape.  Sometime it is desirable
to make such a correlation.  Setting this bit causes each Pascal
record GET or PUT to start on a record boundary.  It is thus
useful for reading variable-length records from tape.

More precisely, GET always reads exactly one record from the I/O device.
If the record is too big for the Pascal record type, the extra bytes are
ignored.  If it is smaller than the Pascal record, only the bytes
actually read are copied into the record buffer.  (The rest of
the buffer is unchanged.)

PUT will always write one record or more.
Normally it writes one record.  However if the Pascal record is
bigger than the buffer size for the device, it will be split into
more than one record.  

The size of the record read or written can be found by looking at
LSTREC.  This is the number of bytes copied to the Pascal record
buffer, so if the physical record was too long, the extra bytes
will n you have, you can set this bit.  If this bit is
set, end of line characters will appear in your buffer as themselves.
Also, the carriage return and line feed will each appear as separate

^&3.8.4 I/O mode\&

The fifth parameter sets the initial status of the channel.  The
meaning of the various bits is defined in the Monitor Calls Manual,
which should be consulted by anyone who uses this parameter.
The most-often used bits are the right-most ones, which specify
the I/O mode.  The most useful values for the mode are 0 for normal ASCII,
14B for binary, and 17B for unbuffered I/O.  The user need not normally worry
about the mode since by default 0 will be supplied for text files,
and 14B for all other.  Please note that mode 17B is always used internally 
for files openned for UPDATE.  However the mode specified by the user
will be simulated in a manner that is believed to be transparent.

The main case you would have to specify a mode
is if you need to use unbuffered I/O.  However at the moment unbuffered modes
are not supported.  Please ignore references to them in the rest of
this section.  They are left in because the implementation will probably
be put back in the near future.

Note that the standard PASCAL I/O facilities can be used in any mode
for which they make sense.  If GET or PUT is used for a file openned
in a unbuffered mode (15B to 17B), each GET or PUT causes a single unbuffered
transfer to or from the PASCAL buffer variable.  A file declared as
TEXT (or FILE OF CHAR) must not be openned for unbuffered I/O, since the
character routines cannot handle such modes.  (Indeed unbuffered I/O
doesn't make sense for characters.)
PUTX (See the section on updating) may also be used with unbuffered I/O.
In such modes, each PUTX will rewrite the record gotten by the last
GET, using unbuffered I/O.  If the last record was not a multiple of 128 words,
some old data may be lost, since an unbuffered write always writes a
multiple of 128 words.  (In buffered modes, only the record changed is rewritten,
but this is not possible with unbuffered I/O.)  Also note that unbuffered I/O
ignores logical blocking if it is specified.

The routines DUMPIN and DUMPOUT, described below, are only useable
when the file is open in an unbuffered I/O mode.

^&3.8.5 Non-mode bits in the status word\&

Non-mode bits may also be set in the status word.
The most useful of these bits are in the left half of the word.  For
instance, bit 0 (the left-most bit) represents physical-only OPEN.
To set such a bit, simply specify it as part of the <mode> parameter.

^&3.8.6 User error recovery\&

Certain of the bits in the status word indicate that an error of
one type or another has happened for that file.  (These are the
bits 740000B.)  We assume the user has no desire to set these bits
himself.  Thus if one of these bits is specified in the <mode>
parameter, the system will consider that you
are requesting that errors of the corresponding type be ignored
for this file.  If one occurs, SETSTS will be used to clear it, and
I/O will continue as if it had not.  This will allow your program
to attempt to recover from the error, or even to ignore it if
you wish.

If these magic bits are not set, any I/O error causes PASCAL to
print an error message on the user's terminal and terminates
the program.  If the appropriate bit is set, this does not happen.
If the user simply wishes to ignore any errors, he need do nothing
special other than set the appropriate bits in the <mode>
parameter.  However, if he wishes to do error recovery, or even
print a warning message, a function ERSTAT is available to
indicate whether any errors have occurred, and if so which they are.
If ERSTAT is not used, errors will simply be ignored.
ERSTAT(file) is an integer
which will have bits set corresponding to any errors that have
happened since the last call to ERSTAT.  If an error occurs that
you are not enabled for, a fatal error message will be printed.

Note that as far as the monitor is concerned, an end of file is
an error.  It sets bit 20000B in the file status word.  Since
this is not really an error, programs are always set to handle
end of file conditions themselves.  Thus an end of file will not
result in an error message unless the program fails to test EOF
and continues to try to read.  An  end of file will set
bit 20000B in ERSTAT, and make EOF true.  An EOF condition
does not abort the program, so you should check for EOF yourself
if you want the program to stop on that condition.

There is two kinds of error that is are not detected by the monitor as
I/O errors,
and hence do not have a bit in the set 740000B to represent it.
The first such case is incorrect data in the file.  For example, suppose
READ(INFILE,I) is done, where I is an integer, and something other
than an integer is found.  Normally this results in a fatal error
message.  However, if bit 10000B is set in <mode>, this action is
inhibited.  When a data format error occurs and this bit is set,
EOF will be set for the file, and 010000B will be put in the
ERSTAT word.  (Note that I/O from strings, described elsewhere,
always operates in this mode.)

The second kind of error that does not have an error bit defined by
the monitor is an error during file openning (file not found, etc.).
Normally such errors result in fatal error messages.  To prevent this
from happening, set but 4000B in <mode>.  When you set this bit,
EOF will be set after the RESET, REWRITE, etc., if it fails.  ERSTAT
will show bit 4000B, and in addition the monitor's lookup/enter code
will be right-justified in the ERSTAT word.  ANALYS will print an
official-looking error message if you call it.

^&3.8.7 Non-blocking I/O\&

Should you be using non-blocking I/O, an I/O operation that fails will set
EOF, but ERSTAT will be 0.  (On output, it will clear EOF, of course.)
This should be the only case where
EOF is set and ERSTAT is 0.  To retry the operation, you must
use CLREOF (see section 3.13) to clear EOF.  Then you must get
PASCAL to reissue the failing UUO.
Non-blocking I/O can be used successfully
only for files made up of objects taking up
one word or less.  Furthermore, trouble will occur for a TEXT
file having line numbers if a line number appears at the end
of a disk block and the following tab at the beginning of the
next.  (This is a violation of the standards for line numbering,
however, and SOS will never produce such a file.)  If these limitations
are followed, you use CLREOF and then reissue the GET or PUT  that failed.

^&3.8.8 A note on byte sizes in files\&

The documentation above describes I/O as occurring in bytes.
On the DECsystem-10 a word contains 36 bits.  It may be divided
into smaller units called bytes.  The bytes will be left justified,
and will not be split across words.  Thus 7-bit ASCII text is
stored in 7-bit bytes, 5 to a word, left justified.  I/O gets
bytes from the monitor buffer (Don't confuse this with the
PASCAL file buffer!) one at a time, unpacking them if there is more
than one byte per word.

There are two types of PASCAL I/O: text and record.  Text I/O is
what you get when you use TEXT or FILE OF CHAR.  The PASCAL
runtimes assume that every GET from a text file returns one
ASCII character (and that every PUT puts out one character).
Internally GET just gets one byte from the monitor buffer.
Thus everything works nicely for the usual kind of file, assuming
you accept the default byte size of 7 bits.  Since the usual file
has characters packed 5 to a word, getting one byte out of the
file does indeed get one character.  However, you can change
the byte size.  If you used a byte size of 8 bits with a normal
file, there would obviously be trouble, since the 5 characters
stored in each word would be distributed over 4 bytes of 8 bits each.
The usefulness of a byte size of 8 is for industry-compatible magnetic
tapes.  Since these tapes in general contains 8-bit ASCII or EBCDIC,
the monitor packs 8-bit bytes 4 to a word in the monitor buffer.
In the case of ASCII the high-order bit of the byte is parity, and
may be ignored.  So to read such a tape one must (explicitly or
implicitly) specify a byte size of 8 bits, so that when GET gets
a byte the byte is really one character.  A byte size of 36 bits
would make sense for text files only in certain wierd I/O modes
where the monitor packs data one character per word.  That is
because a byte size of 36 bits means that each GET returns one
word, with no unpacking.  Because text I/O is assumed to involve
ASCII characters, each byte is truncated to the 7 low order
bits immediately after input.  Thus in case parity in included as
an 8th bit, it will not mess up the runtimes.  Should you need to
see the parity, you will have to make other arrangements,
probably by using record I/O with a record type PACKED ARRAY OF 0..377B.

Record I/O is any I/O not involving a FILE OF CHAR.  In this case
data is transferred from the monitor buffer to the PASCAL file
buffer (FILE_^) by putting each byte gotten from the monitor
into a separate word in the PASCAL record.  Thus a byte size of
36 bits causes the PASCAL record to have the same structure as
the file.  If a byte size of 7 bits were used, each 7-bit byte
in the file would be moved to a separate word in the PASCAL
record.  Thus it would be appropriate if the file is a usual text
file, but the PASCAL record is an unpacked array of CHAR.
Note that the I/O runtimes do not check the byte size to be sure
it makes sense.  So it would be perfectly possible for you to
use a byte size of 7 bits to read into a PACKED ARRAY OF CHAR, even
though that would make no sense.  It makes no sense because it
causes one 7-bit byte from the file to be put in each word of
the PACKED ARRAY.  But a PACKED ARRAY OF CHAR should have 5 characters
in each word.  Except for special effects, one usually uses a byte
size of 36 for record I/O.  Then each input word is moved into
a word in the record, and you can do what you like with it.

You can now understand why the default I/O modes use 7 bit bytes
for text I/O and 36 bit bytes for record I/O.

^&3.8.9 Errors in file openning\&

Note that RESET and REWRITE can fail, due to various errors and
strange hardware situations.  In such a case, the system will
normally print an error message of the same type that standard
system programs use (e.g. ?##F.F##(0)File#not#found).  If you
want to handle these errors yourself, specify 4000B in the
<mode> parameter to the RESET or REWRITE.  Or more conveniently,
specify '/O' in the options.
If you do that,
a failing open will return normally, with EOF set to show
that problems occurred.  You can use ERSTAT to get the error
number (it will be in the right-most 7 bits, along with the
4000B bit).  Or you can call the procedure ANALYS, which will
print the same error message that would have been printed
automatically by the system.
ANALYS should be declared external, and takes one parameter, a file
(passed by reference).  If no error has occurred, ANALYS will do

The right-most 7 bits returned by ERSTAT will be the error code
as given in the
monitor calls manual for LOOKUP/ENTER,
except for the following additional ones:


102	illegal syntax in file spec
103	all I/O channels are in use

.end literal
Note that these codes are decimal.

^&3.8.10 Variable Record Formats\&

Standard PASCAL has a problem when it tries to read files created by
non-PASCAL programs.  Every call to GET or PUT transfers a fixed number of
words and puts it into the buffer variable.  This is fine for files
whose records are all the same length and format, but for other files
it is a mess.

To avoid these problems, we have extended the format of the GET and PUT, to
allow GET(<file>[,<variant>]*[:<array size>]), or the equivalent for PUT.
If the file type is a variant record, you may use FILE,VAR1,VAR2... to
specify the exact variants.  This is exactly like the syntax for NEW, as
documented in the Revised Report.  Furthermore, if the file is an array,
or the selected variant ends in an array, you may specify the number of
elements in the array to be used.  For example we might have

  RESET(F,TRUE);  %TRUE to prevent the implicit GET\
  GET(F,TRUE);  %TRUE to select the variant "TRUE"\

.end literal
The first GET would read one word of the file, since the variant
TRUE requires only one word.  The second GET would read 6 words of the
file.  One word is for the Boolean J, and 5 for the first five elements
of K, since the argument 5 specifies that only 5 are to be used.
The final GET would read 101 words from the file, which is the space
required for the longest possible variant.  Note that the argument after the colon is an index into the array. (I.e. if the array is [-5:1], 1 means all 7 members of the array.)

In some cases it is necessary to read a record in more than one piece.
For example, the record might begin with a type code.  Obviously we have
to read the code before we can specify how to read the rest of the record.
Thus there is a procedure, GETX, to continue reading a single record.
With GETX, the data transfer begins when the previous GET stopped, rather than
at the beginning of the record.  Suppose our record is a simple array of
integers.  Then we might do GET(file:1) to read a length code, and GETX(file:L)
to read the rest of the record.  Note that after the GETX the code is still
present in the buffer as the first member, so the L counts it.

Also, sometimes you will need to know how much space a given
variant will take up.  Of course you can calculate this if you
know the way PASCAL allocates memory.  But it is more elegant to
let PASCAL do the calculation for you.  RECSIZE(file) will return
the number of bytes in a record for the file.  All the variant
and length options of GET and PUT can be used, so that the size of
any version of the record can be calculated.  E.g. RECSIZE(file,TRUE)
returns the size of the TRUE variant.

^&3.9 RENAME and DELETE\&

There is an extra runtime, RENAME.  Its arguments are the same as for
RESET and REWRITE, i.e RENAME(file,name,protection,xblock).  It renames
the file as specified.  You had better have done a RESET or REWRITE on file!!
EOF is set false if it works, true if not.  You can use ANALYS to print
error messages if it doesn't work.  Note that the monitor RENAME function
that underlies this procedure does a monitor CLOSE.  This means that after
a RENAME, if you wish to keep accessing the file, you must do RESET on it
again.  If you forget to do so, you will get an I-O error on that file.
Although it does a monitor CLOSE, RENAME does not imply a PASCAL CLOSE
(i.e. releasing the channel for other uses).  So it would make sense
to call CLOSE after doing RENAME, even though it is not necessary.

DELETE(file) can be used to delete the file currently open.  It is
equivalent to RENAME(file, and rewriting it with PUT.

When a file is openned with UPDATE, the I/O is actually done
in mode 17B (dump mode), for the sake of efficiency.  However
this fact should be invisible to the user.  The byte size and
other aspects of the mode you request will be simulated.

Updating may also be done with the procedures DUMPIN and DUMPOUT,
assuming that the file was openned in an unbuffered I/O mode (15B - 17B).
DUMPIN(file,variable,size) reads
size words from the file into variable.  No type checking is done,
but if /CHECK is in effect the system verifies that size words will
fit in variable.  This transfer is done with a single unbuffered
read.  DUMPIN(file,variable) is a legal abbreviation.  The number of
words it transfers is taken from the size of variable.  I.e. variable
is "filled up".  DUMPOUT(file,variable,size), or DUMPOUT(file,variable)
writes the contents of variable.  Note, however, that unbuffered
I/O is current not implemented, so at the moment these procedures do
not exist.

^&3.11 Random access\&

It is possible to move around a file randomly when it is on a
direct-access device (i.e. disk or some equivalent).  The procedures
that implement this use a byte serial number to keep track of their
position.  I will henceforth call this the "position".  This number
refers to the number of bytes between the beginning of the file and
the record in question, so the first record begins at position 0.
The position is absolute within the file, so if blocking causes certain
parts of the file to be skipped, gaps are left in the position numbers.
Note that the unit of measure is the byte.  This corresponds to one
word in the PASCAL buffer.  However in the file itself the bytes may
be packed, depending upon the I/O mode in which it was openned.
TEXT files (FILE OF CHAR) are stored 5 bytes per word by default.
Other files are one byte per word by default.

CURPOS(FILE) returns the current position index of the file.
This is the position at which the next record
to be read or written would begin.
When a file has just been openned, the position is, of
course, 0. If EOF is on (or off, for output files), CURPOS
returns -1. Note that CURPOS has unpredicable results if it is used
with a file that is not on disk, and gives an error if used with a
file open on a string.  (But GETINDEX gets a similar effect for the
last case.)  If you clear EOF via CLREOF CURPOS will no longer
return -1, but you still should not believe its results.  If
EOF was set because of failure of non-blocking I/O and you
reissue the failing operation, CURPOS will be correct after
that operation succeeds, but not until then.
CURPOS is a builtin function.

SETPOS(F,B) sets things up so the next GET(F) or PUT(F) will get or put the record that
starts at position B.  SETPOS does an implied GET.  To surpress
this implied get, use an extra non-zero argument, e.g.
SETPOS(F,6,TRUE). SETPOS is also a builtin procedure.  SETPOS is only possible
on files for which input is allowed.  I.e. it works when RESET or UPDATE
was used to open the file, but not for WRITE or APPEND.  This restriction
is necessary to avoid losing old data in your file.  Doing SETPOS clears
EOF if it was set.  If you attempt to SETPOS beyond the end of file,
EOF will be either by the SETPOS itself, or by the next GET.

There are two older procedures available for random access, USETI and
USETO.  They are probably not as useful, and are more baldly machine-dependent.
They are USETI(file,integer-expression[,flag]), or
USETO(file,integer-expression).  These set things up so the next disk
operation will use the <integer-expression>'th
block in the file.  They are similar to the monitor USETI and USETO,
except that the buffer ring is cleared for you.  (A simple monitor
USETI and USETO does not guarantee that the next input will really
come from the specified block.  The PASCAL runtimes take care of this.)
USETI and USETO cause the internal state variables to updated
appropriately.  If it lands you in the middle of a logical block,
things are set appropriately.
USETI(file,i) implies a GET(file), for consistency with the rest of
PASCAL.  To suppress this GET use a non-zero third argument, e.g.
USETI(file,i,true).  [Note that BREAK and BREAKIN are no
longer needed, or even legal, with USETI and USETO.]  USETI and USETO
are really part of the unbuffered code, and will not be implemented
until that is.

Note that if you specify a block number that doesn't exist for a
USETI or SETPOS, you will get EOF set.  To clear
do CLREOF(<file>) to clear the PASCAL EOF
indicator (and the monitor's error bits).
You can then do USETI to a more reasonable block number and continue.
(If you use SETPOS, this clearing will be done automatically.)

^&3.12 APPEND\&

Occasionally one wishes to append new data onto the end of an
existing file.  The monitor has facilities for doing this without
recopying the existing data.  Proper use of these facilities also
allows one to append data to an append-only file.  The procedure
APPEND implements this facility in PASCAL.  It has exactly the
same parameters as REWRITE.  The difference between it and REWRITE
is that the file mentioned must already exist and writing begins
at the end of the existing data.  The arguments are exactly the
same as with REWRITE.  APPEND may be used with any I/O mode,
buffered or unbuffered  (as may REWRITE).  If APPEND is used for
a non-disk device, it simply calls REWRITE.

For those who care about implementation details, APPEND opens
the file for updating, specifying a buffer header for output only.
If the mode is unbuffered, it just does an appropriate USETO.
If the mode is buffered, it first reads the last block into
the output buffer (by changing to mode 17 using SETSTS, doing
unbuffered input, and then restoring the requested mode).  Then
it uses the .rbsiz word to adjust the buffer header so that
further output goes into positions not already filled.  This
method works whether the file is append-only or not, although
the reading in of the last block is unnecessary for append-only

^&3.13 Miscellaneous I/O Functions\&

The following are provided for completeness.  They will not be useful
for most people.
Those that are not explained below usually just do a monitor call
with the same name.  See the Monitor Calls manual for such cases.
They must be declared external, as shown
below, but they are built into the PASCAL library.  Note that
the symbol FILE is legal in the declaration of a procedure, as shown
below.  It will match a file of any type.  This sort of declaration,
which cancels some of the normal type checking, should be used with
great care.

Those functions and procedures that do not require EXTERN declarations
are listed below under Standard Functions and Procedures.

  (* turn on or off mapping of lower case to equiv. upper *)
  (* returns the length of the last record read or written *)
  (* returns sixbit *)
  (* sixbit to ASCII *)
  (* TRUE if program was started with RUN offset = 1 *)
  (* file from which program was run.  sixbit integers *)
  (* like CLOSE except does monitor RELEASE instead of
     monitor CLOSE.  If the file is internal, it is
     deleted.  *)
  (* clears PASCAL's EOF indicator.  You must do this, and
     possibly a SETSTS, if you want to proceed after an end
     of file on MTA, etc. Sets EOF to false for input, true 
     for output. Clears the error indication, so the next
     ERSTAT will return 0. *)
.lm 5
.indent -3
(* If the user specified that he wanted I/O to continue in spite of
errors, this function must be used to check for whether an error
occurred.  It will return 0 if no error has happened, otherwise
the error bits from a GETSTS UUO.  Note that errors bits are OR'ed
into the word that ERSTAT returns.  So you see all errors since
the last time that errors were cleared by CLREOF.
Note that when an error
happens, the bits are stored in the place that this function
looks at, and SETSTS is immediately done to clear them.  Thus
to simply ignore errors, you need do nothing other than specify
that you wish to process them, and never do anything else.
.indent -3
.indent -5
.indent -3
(* BREAK should be done before any MTAPE that repositions the
tape when output is being done, and BREAKIN should be done
after it when input is being done, assuming you are in
a buffered mode.  Furthermore, if you open a tape, and
immediately issue a tape positioning command, the initial
get should probably be surpressed by using the third
parameter to the RESET.  For example,


Note that to read more than one file from a tape you will
have to do SETSTS and CLREOF to clear the end of file
condition, as well as any necessary MTAPE and BREAKIN.
Or better, just reopen the file with RESET.
.indent -3
.lm 0
  (* returns TRUE if it skips *)
  (* somehow you have to give it an ASCIZ string -
     good luck! *)
  (* TRUE if it skips *)
  (* usually use -1 for line: your terminal *)
  (* TRUE if there is something there *)
  (* TRUE if it skips *)
  (* TRUE if it skips *)
  (* exactly like PUT8BITSTOTTY, which is built 
     into PASCAL *)
  (* Gets a free channel if you want to do your own I/O. *)
  (* Returns the channel being used by FILE.  This is junk
     if FILE isn't currently open for I/O. *)
  (* Returns a channel you got with GETCHN.  Don't do this
     for a channel PASCAL is using.  Use CLOSE to close a
     PASCAL file and return its channel. *)
  (* If an error occurred in openning or processing this file,
     prints an official-looking error message.  No effect if no
     error occurred, or if the file is connected to a string with
.end literal

Beware that programs using these things are of course not transportable to
machines other than the DEC10!!

^&3.14 Including other source files in a program\&

When one is doing a big projects, there are often several programs
that use the same set of type declarations, external procedure
declarations, etc.  To help maintain consistency, one would like
to be able to put these declarations in a single file and have
several programs access that file.  This is possible with the
file inclusion feature.  The syntax of PASCAL has been extended
to allow one or more  requests of the form INCLUDE '<file spec>'; as the first
part (i.e. before the CONST part) of any block.  This causes the
specified file to be read in at that point.  The file may contain
only CONST, TYPE, and external PROCEDURE declarations.
The included file follows the normal PASCAL syntax for declarations,
except that a period is required after the last declaration.
Nothing in the file after the period  is read.
This construct functions
as if the  declarations in the file  had been included in the text of the
block where the FILE statement appears.  More than one file may be
listed in a single such request, separated by commas.  Or several
INCLUDE statements may be used, one after the other.

Note that the symbol INCLUDE is now a reserved word.

^&3.15 The structure of a PASCAL program\&

Some users will need to know the exact structure of a PASCAL program in
memory.  First we will describe the structure of a program on VM
systems (i.e. everything except a KA-10).  PASCAL produces two-segment programs, which are potentially
sharable.  Thus at the start of the program, the high segment contains
all of the code and certain constants, and the low segment contains
global data.  There are three other data areas which are created during
execution of the program:  the stack, the heap, and I/O buffers.  I/O
buffers are created by the monitor, under control of the runtimes.
They are located immediately above the initial data area in the low
segment.  .JBFF always points to the next location above the I/O buffers.
Since PASCAL uses the conventional interpretation of .JBFF,
you may call MACRO routines that get working storage at .JBFF.  However,
unless you are using the KA-10 version,
you must make certain that these routines never use a CORE UUO to contract
core, since the stack and heap are allocated with the PAGE. UUO, and
the core UUO will deallocate this memory.  (The CORE UUO may be used
freely to expand memory, just not to contract it.)  The heap contains
all space allocated by the NEW function.  It is located immediately
below address 400000B, and expands downwards.  The stack contains
parameters, return address for routines calls, and all local variables
for procedures.  The stack is allocated in pages located ABOVE the
high segment.  Since this storage is created with the PAGE. UUO, it
is officially considered part of the low segment, and is writeable.

In the KA-10 implementation, the stack and heap are kept in
low core, below .JBFF.  They are allocated after any
variable areas produced by the compiler, and .JBFF is moved
after them.  The stack starts at the bottom end of this 
piece of core and grows upwards.  The heap starts at the
top end and grows downwards.  If the stack and heap ever
meet, the program is stopped with a fatal error.  I/O
buffers are allocated at .JBFF, as usual.  In this case,
that is above the stack and heap.  The area for the stack
and heap is allocated at program startup time, based upon
parameters assembled into the program.  

The entry code compiled into every PASCAL main program does some
things that you may find useful to know about.  First, it has
PORTAL instructions at the starting address and at the next address.
This means that a PASCAL program may be made execute-only, and be
started either normally or with a run offset of 1.  Second, there
is a global variable %CCLSW, which is set to 0 if the program is
entered normally, and to 1 if it is entered with a run offset of 1.
     <variable> =

<variable> may be any variable as given by the PASCAL definition
(except files).  In particular it may be just a component of a
structured type, or the whole structure itself.  In the case of
arrays, adjacent elements that are identical are displayed in a
compressed form.

A new value may be assigned to a varible by

     <variable> := <variable or constant>

The assignment follows the usual type rules of PASCAL.

PASDDT has access to your source file (assuming that it is still
there when you get around to running the program).  Whenever you
reach a breakpoint, the portion of your source file around the
breakpoint will be displayed.  Often it is useful to look at
other parts of your program, in order to decide where to place
breakpoints, or for other reasons.  To look at your program,
there are two commands:  

     TYPE  <line> [<line>]
     FIND  [<count>] [<string>]

TYPE allows you to type a line or range of lines in the
currently open file.  (Use OPEN to change which file you are
talking about, as described below.)  FIND allows you to search
for any text string in the current open program.  E.g.

	>> find 'foo'

will look for the next appearance of foo in your file.  To
find the second appearance of foo, use

	>> find 2 'foo'

Note that the FIND search starts at the line after the current
line (.).

PASDDT can be used to follow execution of your program line by
line.  This is called "single stepping".  Once you start
this mode of execution, each time you hit the carriage return
key, one line of your program will be executed.  The commands
relevant to single-stepping are:


STEP causes the next line of your program to be executed.  Since
you often want to do this for many lines, it is rather 
inconvenient to type the word "STEP" for each line.  Thus once
you have done one step command, PASDDT enters a special mode
where a simple <CR> will cause the next line to be executed.
     <cr> - do one line in single-step mode

This mode is announced by changing the prompt from the usual
">>" to "S>".  Note that all the normal PASDDT commands are
available as usual. The main difference that S> mode makes is that
<CR> is available as an abbreviation for STEP.  

You get out of
single step mode by doing a normal END, i.e. by proceeding
your program in the normal way.  

One other command is available
in single step mode:

     <esc> - continue until end of procedure

When you are single-stepping and come to a procedure call, the
single-stepper will show you everything that goes on within the procedure.
Sometimes you really don't want to see the inner workings of
the procedure.  You just want to continue watching the program from
the point where the procedure returns.  
An <esc> (sometimes labelled <alt>) in single-step mode
will cause the stepper to 
finish the current procedure silently.  The next time you
hear from the debugger will be when the procedure exits (unless
of course you have placed a breakpoint within the procedure).

We advise all users to experiment with the STEP command, since
single-stepping is the single most effective debugging tool
we know.

The current active call sequence of procedures and functions is
obtained by


The names of the procedures and functions together with their
line numbers are printed in reverse order of their activation.
TRACE may optionally be followed by a number, which will be the
number of levels for which information is printed.

You can display the values of all variables current active in
the program by using the command


This will give the same information as TRACE, and additionally
at each level display the names and values of all local variables.
As with TRACE, you may follow STACKDUMP by a number, and only
that many levels will be displayed.  You may also follow it with
a filename in quotes.  The information will be put in that file,
instead of dumped to your terminal.

Program execution is continued by the command


The program will run until another breakpoint is encountered.
The breakpoint is announced by

     > STOP AT <line>


Should you have more than one module (presumably because you
have loaded both a main program and a file of external procedures),
special care is required.  At any given moment only
one module is accessible to the user.  That means that attempts
to refer to variables or line numbers in another module will
meet with errors.  To change modules use the command

     OPEN <module>

The module name is the name in the program statement for the
corresponding file.  If no program statement occurs, it is the
name of the .REL file.  Whenever PASDDT is entered, it will
tell you the name of the module that is open initially.  In
the case of a break, the module in which the broken line occurs
is openned.

Sometimes there will be variables of the same name at several
levels.  In this case you may find it impossible to refer to
a variable at a higher lexical level than the one where the
break occurs.  The command

     OPEN <depth> <module>

will set the context in which names are interpreted to any
depth desired.  The depth you type is the name as shown on

If you want to stop debugging, the command


is sometimes useful.  It is somewhat cleaner than control C-ing
out of the debugger, as it closes all files and does other normal
cleanup.  Note that if you QUIT, partially written files are
closed, and thus made to exist.  Control C will not make such
files visible.

You can control the verbosity of PASDDT with the command

     SHOW <integer>

This controls the number of source lines shown when you enter a
break.  0 is legal if you don't want to see any.

^&4.2 Asynchronous Interrupt\&

If a program goes into an infinite loop it may be aborted by
_^C_^C.  The monitor command DDT followed by a carriage-return
will enter the PASCAL Debug System.  This interrupt is announced
with the message

     > STOP IN <line1>:<line2>

If you happened to stop the program when it is in the runtimes,
you will get an invalid result, probably line 0.  However the
other functions of PASDDT should still work in this case.

^&5. Standard and External Procedures and Functions\&

^&5.1 Standard Procedures and Functions\&

The following standard procedures and functions  (described in the
Revised PASCAL Report) are implemented.  

	Standard Functions	Standard Procedures

	ABS			GET (See 2.5 and 3.8.10)
	SQR			PUT (See 3.8.10)
	ODD			RESET (See 2.3 and 3.8)
	SUCC			REWRITE (See 2.3 and 3.8)
	CHR			READLN (See 2.6)
	TRUNC			WRITE (See 2.4)
	ROUND			WRITELN (See 2.4)
	EOF                     PACK

Additional mathematical functions are available:



The following functions may be used to simulate the missing
** operator.  They must be declared EXTERN.

.lm 10
.indent -5



.lm 0

Additional standard functions:

.lm 10
.indent -5
CURPOS(file) returns the current position in a file.  See section 3.11.
Only valid for files on random access device.  (type integer)
.indent -5
DATE  result is a PACKED ARRAY [1..9] OF CHAR.
The date is returned in the form 'DD-Mmm-YY'.
.indent -5
RANDOM(ignored)  Argument is an integer, which is ignored.
Result is a real number in the interval 0.0 .. 1.0
.indent -5
RECSIZE(file) returns the record size of the file.  One may also
specify a particular variant whose length is to be returned.  See
section 3.8.10 for details.  (type integer)
.indent -5
RUNTIME  elapsed CPU time in msec (type integer)
.indent -5
TIME  current time in msec (type integer)

.lm 0

Additional standard procedures:

.lm 10
.indent -5
APPEND(file,name,...).  Like REWRITE, but extends an existing file. See
section 3.12.
.indent -5
BREAK(file). Forces out the output buffer of a file and starts a new
block.  Should be used before magtape positioning, and to force
out messages to terminals.  (However it is not needed for TTY.)
.indent -5
BREAKIN(file,noget). Clears the input buffer ring of a file.  Must be used
after magtape positioning for buffered input.  Starts a new logical block.
If noget is omitted or zero (FALSE), a GET is done on the file after the
buffer ring is cleared.
.indent -5
CALLI(code,LH,RH,value,success). Arbitrary monitor call.  See section 3.2.
.indent -5
CLOSE(file,bits). Close file and release its channel. See section 3.6.
.indent -5
DELETE(file).  Delete file. See section 3.9.
.indent -5
DISPOSE(pointer,variant,...). Return a record to the heap.  See section
1.2.  (Some editions of Jensen and Wirth include this as a
standard procedure.)
.indent -5
DISMISS(file). Abort creation of a file.  See section 3.6.
.indent -5
DUMPIN(file,var,length).  Read data into arbitrary place in dump mode.
See section 3.10.
.indent -5
DUMPOUT(file,var,length).  Write data from arbitrary place in dump mode.
See section 3.10.
.indent -5
GETINDEX(file,index). If file is open on a string (STRSET or STRWRITE),
sets index to current index into the string.  (See section 3.1.) 
.indent -5
GETLINENR(file,lineno).  Lineno must be a packed array of char.  It
is set to the last line number seen in the file.  If no line numbers
have been seen '-----' is returned.  '#####' is returned for a page
mark.  If file is omitted, INPUT is assumed.
.indent -5
MARK(index). Save state of the heap.  See 3.7.
.indent -5
PUTX(file). Rewrite record in update mode.  See 3.10.
.indent -5
RELEASE(index).  Restore saved state of the heap.  See 3.7.
.indent -5
RENAME(file,name,...). Rename an open file.  See 3.9.
.indent -5
SETPOS(file,position).  Move in random access file.  See 3.11.
.indent -5
STRSET(file,array,...).  Open input file on array.  See 3.1.
.indent -5
STRSET(file,array,...).  Open output file on array.  See 3.1.
.indent -5
UPDATE(file,name,...). Open random access file for revising in place.
See section 3.10.
.indent -5
USETI(file,block,noget).  Low level primitive for positioning random
access file for input.  See section 3.11.
.indent -5
USETO(file,block).  Low level primitie for positioning random
access file for output.  See section 3.11.
.lm 0

Although it is not exactly a procedure or function, some explanation
should be given of the MOD operator.   X MOD Y is the remainder after
dividing X by Y, using integer division.  The sign of the result is
the same as the sign of X (unless the result is zero, of course).
Note that this is a different definition than the one used by mathematicians.
For them X MOD Y is always between 0 and Y-1.  Here it may be between
-(Y-1) and +(Y-1), depending upon the sign of X.  This implementation is
used for consistency with the Cyber implementation, which is the semi-official
standard.  Note that SAIL (and some other widely used languages) also
use this perverted definition of MOD.

^&5.2 External Procedures and Functions\&

A procedure or function heading may be followed by the word
EXTERN.  This indicates to the compiler that the routine will
be supplied at load time.  In addition it may be specified that
the routine is a PASCAL, FORTRAN, ALGOL or COBOL routine.  PASCAL
is assumed if no language is specified.  The language symbol determines
how the parameters are passed to the external routine.  The
relocatable file also contains information to direct the loader
to search the corresponding library on SYS:.


The PASCAL compiler can deal with two kinds of files:  main programs
and files of external procedures.  A main program contains a single
program with procedures local to it.  There must be exactly one
main program involved in any load (i.e. in one EXEC command).  Any
procedures not present in the main program must be declared EXTERN,
as explained above.  They must then be defined in a file of external

A file of external procedures has the following differences from
a main program: (1) There is no top level code.  The period follows
the last top level subroutine.  For example:


	var i,j:integer;
	procedure a;
 	  begin i:=1 end;
	procedure b;
	  var y:integer;
	  begin y:=1 end.

.end literal

In a main program, there would be top level code after procedure B.
(2)  The top level procedures,
A and B in the above example (but not any procedures defined within
A or B), have their names declared in a special way.  This
makes them accessible to other programs.  Note that only the first
six characters of the name are significant to other programs that
access these procedures as EXTERN.
(3)  A file of external procedures must either have a comment
of the form (*$M-*) at the beginning, or be compiled /NOMAIN.
(These both do the same thing.)

You may combine several .REL files containing external procedures
to form a library.  If you want to search this in library search
mode, it will be necessary to specify entry points for each module.
Each source file will compile into a single module.  The module
name will be the program name specified in the PROGRAM statement, if
there is one, otherwise the file name.  If you do nothing special,
that module name will also be used as the only entry for the module.
If there is no top level procedure with the same name, that name will
be assigned as an alternate name for the first procedure in the file.
To get more than one entry point, you must use a special form of
the PROGRAM statement, e.g.


.end literal
for the above example.  This declares TEST as the module name, and
A and B as the entry points.  Usually you should list all of the
top level procedures as entry points, although this is not required.
Note that these entry points are only needed for library search
mode.  Even without this special PROGRAM statement the procedures
A and B could be accessed as EXTERN procedures by a separate main

Note that the normal form of program statement, e.g. PROGRAM TEST (A, B);,
is illegal for a file of external procedures.  All files that are to
be initialized at the beginning of the program must be declared in the
program statement in the main program.  The form that declares only
the module name, e.g. PROGRAM TEST;, is legal, however.

It is possible for one file of external procedures to call procedures
defined in another file of external procedures.  As usual, they must
be declared as EXTERN in each file where they are to be called.

Assume the files TEST.REL, AUX1.REL, and AUX.  This
problem is "solved" by treating certain characters as equivalent.
In particular, lower case letters are treated as equivalent to
the corresponding upper case letter.  And all control characters
except for the tab are treated as equivalent.  Thus
['a'] is exactly the same set as ['A'].  (One of those is
lower case and the other upper case.)  Similarly 'a' in ['A']
will succeed.  And ['^X'] is the same set as ['^B'].

g)  WRITE(TTY,X,Y) actually writes to the file TTYOUTPUT.  This
mapping of TTY into TTYOUTPUT occurs at compile time.  So if you
pass the file TTY to a procedure as parameter F,
WRITE(F,X,Y) is not transformed into WRITE(TTY,X,Y).  It is not
clear whether this is a bug or not.

h)  This compiler attempts to check that assignments to subrange
variables are within the subrange.  It is possible to fool this
test by using VAR parameters.  These problems cannot be overcome
unless there is some way for the compiler to tell which VAR
parameters are intended as inputs to the procedure and which as

i)  The contents of unused bits in packed arrays and records is
undefined.  This should not cause trouble, except in programs
the play fast and loose with variant records, or programs that
pass arrays of type PACKED ARRAY OF CHAR to Fortran programs.
Many Fortran programmers will use integer comparisons on character
data, thus requiring the low order bit in the word to be zero.
The code compiled in Pascal to compare PACKED ARRAY OF CHAR
variables ignores the low order bit, so this does not cause a
problem in Pascal.  If you require unused fields to be zero in all
cases, you can set /ZERO or (*$Z+*).

j) Only the first 10 characters of identifiers are examined,
so all identifiers must be unique to their first 10 characters.
Note that the Revised Report only requires the implementation to
look at the first 8.

k) All of the entry points in the runtime library are effectively
reserved external names.  That is, if you use one of these names
either as your program name (in the PROGRAM statement) or as the
name of a procedure in a file of external procedures, disaster
may result.  Any name whose first six characters is the same as
one of these names will cause the problem.  You can sometimes
get away with violating this rule if your program does not use
any of the features of Pascal which cause the particular runtime
routine involved to be invoked.  As of the time when this document
was prepared, the following were the entry point names.  For an
up to date list, use the command "TTY:=PASLIB/POINTS" to MAKLIB:

l) The compiler does not enforce the restriction that a FOR loop body may
not change the controlled variable nor the expression used for the start
and end tests.  The following two statements are illegal, but will
compile under this compiler:  FOR I := 1 TO N DO I := I+1;  FOR I := 1 to N
DO N := N + 1;  The first of these will do every other value of I.  The
second will be an infinite loop.  According to the Revised Report, they are
both illegal statements.

^&6.2 Use of DDT \&

It is possible to use regular DDT to debug a PASCAL program.
To do so, use the monitor DEBUG command with the switch /DDT
after the first file name.  If you run LINK explicitly,
type /DEBUG as the first command, as usual.

It is also possible to have both PASDDT and DDT in core at
the same time.  To do so, you should load the file SYS:PASDEB
with your program, e.g. "EXEC SYS:PASDEB.REL,PROG.PAS".
PASDEB has the appropriate garbage in it to load the right
files in the right order.  When loading is finished, DDT
will be started.  You may examine things and set breaks using
DDT.  If you decide you will want any breaks using PASDDT,
you should then use the command "PASDEB$G" in DDT.  This
will set things up so when you start your program you will
get the usual "Stop at main BEGIN".  To start your program
type "$G".
By the way, be sure not to use the DEBUG command when loading
PASDEB, as you will get two copies of DDT!

In DDT, you will find that there are a few symbols defined
for you.  The beginning of your main program is defined as a
global symbol.  Each procedure has up to three symbols defined
for it.  Assume that your procedure is called NAME.  Then we have

.lm 10
.indent -5
NAME	the first part of the procedure proper.  This is
an appropriate place to put a DDT break point.
.indent -5
NAME.	the first instruction of a sequence of code used
to adjust the static display pointer.  It is
located before NAME  Most procedure calls are
to NAME.+<some integer>, rather than to NAME
.indent -5
NAME%	the first location of a block of byte pointers
associated with this procedure.  This is located
before NAME.
.lm 0

^&6.3 Interfacing to external procedures in MACRO\&

This section discusses the structure of MACRO routines designed to
be called from as PASCAL program.  Such routines will require a
declaration within the PASCAL program, with EXTERN used in place
of the body.  EXTERN causes the compiler to expect a routine
that uses the PASCAL calling conventions, so those will be discussed
here.  Should you prefer to use the Fortran-10 calling conventions,
the routine should be declared EXTERN FORTRAN.

The calling conventions are similar for both procedures and functions.
The only difference is that functions return values, and procedures
don't.  In both cases, the arguments are put in accumulators 2
through 6.  There is a way to pass more parameters than will fit in
these accumulators, but it is fairly complex to explain.  Should
you need to do this, you are probably best to look at the code
produced by the compiler (using /OBJECT).  What is put in the accumulators
is determined as follows:

.lm 10
.indent -5
by value, one word - the value in one accumulator
.indent -5
by value, two words - the value in two successive accumulators
.indent -5
by value, more than two words - address of object in one accumulator
.indent -5
by reference (VAR) - address of object in one accumulator
.lm 0

Your routine may use the accumulators freely, except for 15, 16, and 17.
.lm 10
.indent -5
15 - the highest address available in the pushdown list.  See entry for 17.
This value should be unchanged on exit from your routine, unless you call
.indent -5
16 - pointer to the base of the local variable area.  This is in the stack
below the current value of 17.  All local variables of the calling routine
may be accessed as positive offsets off 16.  To find the offsets you will
have to look at the object code, however.  This value should be unchanged
on exit from your routine.
.indent -5
17 - pointer to the top of the stack.  You may use it in pushj and push.
However, beware that you are only guaranteed 40 (octal) locations on it.
This is enough to call any of the PASCAL runtimes.  But if you will be
using it much, use the following code.  Note that the left half of 17
is not your usual pdl left half.  In particular, you will not get a
PDL overflow error if you try to use too much.  Instead you will get
ill mem ref, as the stack is at the top of core.
	caig 15,xx(17)	;xx = stack space needed
	jsp 1,corerr##	;core allocation routine
.lm 0

If your routine is to be called as a function, it should move the
result to 1(p).  [That's right, folks, one above the top of stack.]

You may call any PASCAL runtime routine with a simple pushj 17,.
You may call any normal PASCAL-compiled routine with a pushj 17,
but you should push a dummy argument on the stack first, as pascal
routines garbage -1(17).

^&6.4 Special linkage conventions for hackers\&

The following three identifiers function syntactically as if they were
predeclared types.  However they are only legal when used to describe
parameters of EXTERN procedures.  Thus they are a convenience for
those brave souls who are trying to add more runtimes but do not want
to have to modify the compiler.  

.lm 10
.indent -5
FILE - a parameter declared as FILE will match a file of any type.
This is necessary for procedures such as CLOSE, RENAME, etc., which
one obviously wants to work for files of all types.

.indent -5
STRING - a parameter declared as STRING will match a packed array of
CHAR of any length.  This is used for the file name argument in
RESET, REWRITE, etc.  It actually puts data into two registers.  The
first gets the address of the array.  The second gets its length in
characters.  This type of parameter only works with Pascal procedures.
You can't pass it to Fortran, Cobol, or Algol.  No error message
will be generated if you try, but the results are garbage.

.indent -5
POINTER - a parameter declared as POINTER will match a pointer of
any kind.  It is used for procedures such as NEW, which must work
for pointers to any kind of structure.  It also puts data into two
registers.  The first gets the value of the pointer (or its address
if VAR is used).  The second gets the size (in words) of the structure
that the pointer points to.  This type of parameter only works with
Pascal procedures.  You can't pass it to Fortran, Cobol, or Algol.
No error message will be generated if you try, but the results are
.lm 0

Use of these things is strongly discouraged except by Pascal maintainers,
who are assumed to understand what is going on.


(1)  N. Wirth.  The Programming Language PASCAL (Revised Report)
Bericht Nr. 5, Berichte der Fachgruppe Computer-Wissenschaften,
ETH Zurich, November 1972

(2)  K. Jensen, N. Wirth.  PASCAL - User Manual and Report.
Springer Verlag, Berlin, Heidelberg, New York, 1974.