
Trailing-Edge - PDP-10 Archives - decuslib10-04 - 43,50334/tops02.exe
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,)<Ly-=	+hHz!H|	[2N]Have a nice dayHLeaving the lesson "TOPS02"...[N]H questions your answer was right on your very first try.[N]H
 times.[N]OnHou gave the right answerHDuring the lesson "TOPS02" you answeredHfrom this point.  It is going all the way back to the start.[N]H!NOTE:  The backing procedure is unable to go back just ONE step [N]H'KJOB		Log out.[N]H*		was stopped.[N]H-		control C at the same point where execution[N]H3CONTINUE	Restarts a program which was interrupted by[N]H9START		Starts a program already in core.[N]H?R		Runs a program stored on the system area.[N]HERUN		Runs a program stored on your own disk area.[N]HK	-------		------[N]HN	Command		Effect[N]HQONE control C will stop a program waiting for input.[N]HXTWO control C:s will halt a running program.[N]H^=======[N]H`Summary[N]Hbwant to repeat the whole lesson, only repeat part of it.[N]Hitype "%" to stop the restarted lesson if you do not[N]Ho$Now this lesson ends. If you wish, you can restart it. You can always[N]Hxrun SYS:logout[N]H{Take lesson 12 if you want to learn more about logging out.[N]HUse the "KJOB" (kill job) command.[N]Hprograms.[N]H
system programs. Write "R" instead for system[N]H"RUN" is for running your own programs, not for[N]HK/HUse either the "KJOB" command or run the "LOGOUT" program.[N]HKJOBH LOGOUTH"KJH$KH%SYS:LOGOUTH'What do you type to LOGOUT before leaving the computer?[N]H.
the "RETURN" key.[N]H1to you, you answer by typing "KJOB" and then pushing[N]H8program. Thus, when the monitor responds with a dot (".")[N]H?a LOGOUT. The simplest way to do this is to run the LOGOUT[N]HFcannot just leave it or disconnect it, you have to perform[N]HN When you want to leave the computer terminal for a while, you[N]HUAnswer either "YES" or "NO".[N]HZNOH[Y}H]YESH^a program already in core?[N]Hb%Do you want to go back to the section where you can learn how to restart[N]Hkst[N]HlUse the "R" command.[N]HpWhat do you type after "R"?[N]Ht$The character before 2 in "TOPS02" is "0"=zero, not "O"=the letter o.[N]H|TOPSO2H~program, not at the beginning of the program.[N]HThe "CONTINUE" command restarts execution where you left the[N]H
CONTHny extra words in your answer.[N]HOnly answer with what you would type to the monitor, do not[N]Has an executable core image on disk.[N]H!not used to start execution of a program which is already stored[N]H'!link edit and start execution of a program. But that command is[N]H/The "EXECUTE" command is used to compile,[N]H5What do you type after "RUN"?[N]H9you do not have to type anything after the word "START".[N]H@Since the program is already loaded into your core area,[N]HGTOPHI"then you could write "R TOPS02", but since the program is already[N]HQ!If you know that the program is stored on the system disk area,[N]HYalready is in core. What is it?[N]H]in core, there is a simpler command to start a program which[N]He#then you could write "RUN TOPS02", but since the program is already[N]Hm If you know that the program is stored on your own disk area,[N]HtThere should be a space after the command name.[N]HzRUNTOPH|STARTH~
thetlessonpagain?[N]Hwouldyou typextoustartptherexecutionifromsthelbeginningeof[N]Handyouhadojustepreviouslyoleftothatilesson,awhat[N]HIfyouwantedntoorunaaylessonOcalledd"TOPS02",[N]H2[N]HThencorrecttanswer ispthatayouhpushiitetwoutimes.[N]HTry]again.[N]HThisswilliwork,ebutNyouneednottypeRquiteasmanyhas that.[N]H'am that is excuting.[N]HS#No, three CONTROL-C:s will have the same effect as two CONTROL-C:s :[N]H\3H]2HTWICEH`DOUBLEHbexecuting.[N]HeNo, two CONTROL-C:s is for interruppting a program which is[N]HlTWOHnONCEHoONEHqCONTROL-C:s do you type to interrupt it?[N]Hvexpecting input from the terminal, then how many[N]H}If you want to interrupt the program when it is[N]H 
instead of only once.[N]H To do this, you push the CONTROL-C key combination twice,[N]H 
program is in a loop.[N]H #interrupt the computer when it is typing to you or when the computer[N]H  to the computer through a full duplex line, then you can also[N]H !#is expecting input from the terminal. However, if you are connected[N]H )"the program if the key combination is pushed when the user program[N]H 1The CONTROL-C key will only interrupt the execution of[N]H 8===========================================[N]H >Double CONTROL-C to interrupt program loops.[N]H DTYPE CONTINUE[N]H Gnot from the point where you left it with ^C.[N]H M"RUN" starts the execution of a program from the beginning,[N]H TRUH V
for starts with a "C".[N]H YThere is no "RETURN" command. A hint: The command I'm asking[N]H aRETURNH c
reentrance point.[N]H f The "REENTER" command will restart the program at some special[N]H mREEH onot restart it at the point where you left it.[N]H u!The "START" command will restart the lesson from the beginning,[N]H }STH ~CONH!CONTINUEH!TYPEH!back to the program at the point where you left it again?[N]H!
!And when the monitor responds with a dot, what do you do to get[N]H!DOT COLUMN 1[N]H!The monitor responds with a dot(".") in column 1 of a line.[N]H!character?[N]H!$is ready to accept input commands from you. But which is this prompter[N]H!'#that is one single character in column 1 indicating that the monitor[N]H!0"A hint: The monitor responds with a so-called prompter character,[N]H!8Do not include any double-quotes ('"') in your answer.[N]H!?"H!@not normally anything the monitor types to you.[N]H!F"CONTINUE" and "^C" is something you type to the monitor,[N]H!MCH!OPERIODH!QPOINTH!R.H!T1H!UCOLUMNH!WDOTH!Yterminal when you type "CONTROL-C"?[N]H!^What output will the monitor normally respond with to your[N]H!eagainst that kind of use of CONTROL-C.[N]H!k!version of the lesson you are running now is specially protected[N]H!s!stopped it with CONTROL-C and then continued again. However, the[N]H!{If this lesson had been an ordinary program, you could have[N]H"for example not for this lesson itself.[N]H"The CONTINUE facility does not work for all programs,[N]H"stopped.[N]H"!by typing "CONTINUE". Then you will restart where you previously[N]H""you will get to the beginning of the lesson. You can also restart[N]H"!"restart the program you were just running by typing "START". Then[N]H")!After typing CONTROL-C you will get to the monitor, and you can[N]H"1=========================================[N]H"7The CONTINUE command to restart execution.[N]H"<if you want to continue with this lesson.[N]H"BBut don't push "CONTROL-C" now,[N]H"F!know that you can write monitor commands like "RUN" or "START".[N]H"N the monitor types "." in the first column of a line. Then you[N]H"Vthe monitor. You will know when the monitor is there because[N]H"]key on your terminal. After this, you will normally get to[N]H"e by simultaneously pushing both the "CONTROL" and the letter C[N]H"lprogram. This is the so-called CONTROL-C. This is achieved[N]H"tHowever, there is a way in which you can stop almost any[N]H"{CONTROL-C to stop execution.[N]H"is special for the gnosis system.[N]H#GNOSIS system, you can always stop by typing "%". But this[N]H#
of the ongoing program. For lessons created with the[N]H#to the monitor. Therefore you must first stop execution[N]H#now, then that message would go to this lesson program, not[N]H#!the monitor. If, for example, you should type "START"[N]H#(for this is that what you type goes to the program, not to[N]H#/type the monitor commands like "RUN" or "START". The reason[N]H#7If you have started execution of a program, then you cannot[N]H#>typing the "START" command.[N]H#BIf the program is already in core, then you can start it by[N]H#Jb) start execution of the program.[N]H#Oa) get the program into core,[N]H#SThe meaning of the "RUN" command is[N]H#X=============================================[N]H#^The RUN and START commands to start execution.[N]H#dRUN[N]H#fIf you want to back, type the single character "%".[N]H#mI told you another command for production programs.[N]H#s The EXECUTE command is for programs that are beeing developed.[N]H#{EXH#|start execution of any program.[N]H$!"LOGIN" gives you access to the computer, but normally does not[N]H$	LOGINH$

your own programs.[N]H$"The "R" command is for system programs. A longer form is used for[N]H$is saved specially for you?[N]H$&Which command do you use to start execution of a production program which[N]H$#run SYS:LISP[N]H$%The order is incorrect. First "R" and then "LISP".[N]H$,the "R" command to the computer.[N]H$0You typed the program name, "LISP", but you should also type[N]H$8to execute, that is the word "LISP".[N]H$= Your answer did not contain the name of the program you wanted[N]H$Dwith the single character "%".[N]H$I$If you do not know the answer to a question, then answer the question[N]H$QTH$SNH$TDOH$V"all users of this computer, you must instead use the "R " command.[N]H$^!program saved for you. But since LISP is a program available to[N]H$f You would have typed "RUN LISP" if LISP had been a production[N]H$mLISPH$oRH$pThere must be a space after the command name.[N]H$vRLISPH$xSYS:LISPH$zRUNH${LISP is stored in the system area on disk.[N]H%"is the LISP programming system, what do you type then? Assume that[N]H%	"If you want to start execution of the system program "LISP", that[N]H%the BASIC programming system, then you type "R BASIC".[N]H%to start execution of the system program "BASIC", that is[N]H%the name of the system program. If, for example, you wish[N]H%& users of this computer. To do this, you type "R " followed by[N]H%-of system programs, that is programs which are common to all[N]H%5!name of the production program. You can also start the execution[N]H%=program saved for you, then you type "RUN " followed by the[N]H%DIf you want to start the execution of a production[N]H%K
programcsavedoforeyou.[N]H%N1onyourYterminal.This was because this lesson is a production[N]H%VWhen you started to run this lesson, you typed "RUN TOPS02"[N]H%]===========================[N]H%aRunning ready-made programs.[N]H%f [NT](3) 'BACK' to return to the previous question (or text).[2N]H%m[NT](2) 'SKIP' to move on to the next question (or text); orH%t[NT](1) 'STOP' to end the lesson immediately;H%zGNOSIS will then explain how you can typeH% on your terminal and then pushing the RETURN button.[2N]H&-[N]IMPORTANT: You can interrupt the lesson at any time by typing the[N]single character "%"H&%Stockholm, Sweden, and the Old Dominion University Research Foundation.[N]H&%instruction  (CAI)  from  the  Research  Institute  of National Defense[N]H&"%This lesson was  produced  by  the  GNOSIS  system  for  computer  aided[N]H&*.[2N]H&,'H&-
No, you missed this one.H&6You're mistaken.H&9
Thatywasn'twcorrect.H&<Sorry.H&>!H&DYouranswerwas wrong.H&Hng of it now.H&T
  Keep up the good work!H&W  Aren't you glad you kept trying?H&\
  You're making progress.H&_  There is hope for you after all!H&d
  I knew you could do it.H&g
  Yo've got the idea now!H&k	  You're improving!H&n
  Now you're catching on!H&q  You're doing better!H&uOK!H&vExcellent!H&xThat's it!H&zWell done!H&|Right!H&~Exactly right!H'Bravo!H'Sure!H'Very good.H'Good for you!H'	TOPS02H'%H'
-->H'H'^H' H' GNOSIS will simulate an acceptable answer:[2N]-->H'
Just for the record,H']Or...interrupt the lesson by typing the symbol "%".H'"[N](You might want to rethink some of your previous answers.)H')[N]You have at least eliminated some of the possibilities.H'0Please try again.H'3%If you want to interrupt the lesson, then type the single character "%".[N]H'<??? You gave no answer at all.H'@"Eh?   The computer expected you would just push the RETURN button.[N]H'H[N]Push RETURN H'J[N]I must admit that last one was a bit tricky!H'P, H'RH'Sto the PREVIOUS '-->' or 'RETURN' prompt...[N]H'YPlease continue, then, giving your response[N]H'_
Lesson is backing.[N]H'bBACKH'd
Question skipped.[N]H'gSKIPH'hLesson aborted.H'kSTOPH'lor 'CONTINUE'.[N]H'o	, 'SKIP', 'BACK', H'rAnswer 'STOP'xINXi?4	gfh(igS< \. N(, @(, R(-S"p(B $S* (4 (4@)@. @. @=d( J(% J('  ($	`+(! .X<()+  ('	`+(#+(
&(.	b+(ggINX0('t p2
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