
Trailing-Edge - PDP-10 Archives - decuslib10-04 - 43,50323/how.sav
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 questions attempted.[2N]HJ total right out of a total of[NT]-HN right answers on first tries and[NT]-HS%)[NT]-HU%  (HWSCORES:  HY questions your answer was right on your very first try.[N]H` times.[N]OnHb questions,[N]and you gave the right answerHhDuring the lesson "HOW" you answeredHmfrom this point.  It is going all the way back to the start.[N]Ht!NOTE:  The backing procedure is unable to go back just ONE step [N]H|K/F[N]H~ Hint: The command is an abbreviation for Kill (my job) Fast. [N]Hthe BACK-slash by mistake. It looks like this: '\'. [N]H
$You forgot the slash character. It looks like this: '/'. Do not type [N]Htime to 'kiss off'? [N]H"We call it 'kissing off,' but what do we actually TYPE when it is [N]H KISSH"KH#KJOB/FH%not before! [N]H($a period prompt. After THIS prompt you will be able to log off -- but [N]H0%pause) by the words 'End of execution' and -- finally -- will give you [N]H9%computer will type 'Leaving the lesson <lessonname>' followed (after a [N]HA"to finish running all the way to the end. When it has ended, the [N]HI$lesson program is still in progress. First, the the lesson will have [N]HR#Here is one final reminder. A 'K/F' will not log you off while the [N]HZhasn't forgotten all about you in the meantime. [N]H`$attempt. However, when it comes 'UP' again, it will log you off if it [N]Hi%TRY to log off. It may not react in the normal fashion to your log off [N]Hq$Even if the computer has 'CRASHED' (i.e., stopped running), at least [N]Hz$Never leave the terminal--not even momentarily--without logging off. [N]H
off of your terminal. [N]H$In just a moment (upon completion of this lesson) you will get to log [N]HK/FH%QUE 14HWhat do you type to log off, saving all the lessons? [N]Hask someone around you for help or advice. [N]H$4. If, after a reasonable wait, the computer has not logged you off, [N]H'throw in a bunch of statistics. [N]H,$inform you that it has logged you off and, just for the record, will [N]H4$may take a while during peak loads but, eventually, the computer will [N]H=$3. Stand by until the computer actually logs you off the system. This [N]HE2. When you do (assuming you want to log out), type 'K/F'. [N]HM1. Wait until you see a period prompt at the bottom left. [N]HTHere is the procedure to follow: [N]HYThe 'K/F' command is the one required to log you off. [N]H`lower left corner of the screen. [N]He#friend from the first part of the lesson--the period prompt--in the [N]Hn$Here is why. Before we can ACTUALLY log off, we need to have our old [N]HvYOU WILL NOT REALLY BE LOGGING OFF UNTIL LATER. [N]H}$ALTHOUGH WE CAN PRACTICE THIS OPERATION DURING THE LESSON, IN REALITY [N]Htype 'K/F'. [N]H$computer perform a 'LOGOUT' for you. The correct way to do this is to [N]H#To prevent this, when you leave the terminal, you M-U-S-T have the [N]Hloyalty is not a virtue. [N]H$more input. Since others are waiting to use the machine, this kind of [N]H%#Therefore, it will wait patiently (forever) for you to give it some [N]H-still there....... [N]H1%away or unplug it. Since the computer can't see you, it thinks you are [N]H9$When you want to leave the computer for a while, you cannot just walk [N]HB%QUE 13HDWhen you are ready to move on, type 'GO ON'. [N]HJ'sees' your answer. [N]HM%succeeded. Finally, push RETURN to get the computer to tell you how it [N]HV$'RUB OUT' or 'DELETE', correct it. Next, type a CTRL-R to be sure you [N]H^$Following the arrow prompt, deliberately misspell a word. Then, using [N]Hgpush the 'R' key. Then release both. [N]Hl$The procedure is the same as before: Hold the CTRL key down while you [N]Htyou this computer's eye view. Try it out now and see. [N]H{$actually SUCCEEDED in correcting a misspelled word.) The CTRL-R gives [N]H#push the RETURN key. (You might want to know, for example, that you [N]H
$how your answer is going to look to the computer before you actually [N]H%one other useful command, the '^R' or CTRL-R. Suppose you want to know [N]H$Before we leave erasing entirely, however, I want to teach you about [N]H&
Congratulations!k[N]H)!Well,ByouTarerfinished'with.the]hardestsection'oftthis lesson.s[N]H1logzical\laciz[N]H4computer.[N]H6nsinceptheOerasedklinesisastillgvisible toeyou--butgnotatocthes[N]H>%justas itelookedcbeforeayourerasedHit.)This$shouldobeia piece ofocaket[N]HF#ittin.FThenyeraseathedwholenline]witha1'^U',iandrre-typeathetlinea[N]HN$LOOKSrATcTHISePOINTtbecauseethat is]exactlyhowyouhwill havetto typei[N]HW"earlier whenbyou wereeexperimentingHwiththe	key.IREMEMBERZHOWAITH[N]H$$pushethef'RUB OUT' orA'DELETE'ikeyafivertimes justeas youmwereydoing[N]Hg$Toaseeyhowsyour answer shouldelook,'typeOthe wordD'logzical'!and then[N]Hp"key threeptimes,sthehanswer wouldNappearkto!be 'universixty\ytx'.[N]Hx#Hint:eIftthe'wordOwas 'universixty'Ethen,uaftersusinghtheN'RUBOUT'[N]Hwordmasotheyearetdeleted.a[N]H#Hint: Itrwill appearHthateachicharactertisg'added'ptoythetoriginal [N]Hof slash. The [N]Hv#The computer types a back-slash before it types the first character [N]H~LOGZICAL\LACIZH%QUE 12Hwould look if you HAD USED IT.) [N]H#key. Just type a series of characters which imitates how the answer [N]H$back to the 'z'? (Note: DO NOT actually use the 'RUB OUT' or 'DELETE' [N]H"What does your answer look like after you have deleted 'logzical' [N]H 5[N]H"to the one which is wrong. [N]H&#Hint: You'll need to delete some of the good characters to get back [N]H.FOURH0!That deletes the 'l', 'a', 'c', and 'i' but it leaves the 'z'. [N]H8FIVEH95H;%QUE 11H=the 'RUB OUT' key? [N]H@#Suppose you had typed 'logzical.' How many times would you depress [N]HHpoliticall\l[N]HKdon't forget to put the back-slash ('\') in your answer. [N]HR"Hint: It's going to look like the last character is doubled. And [N]HZ
REALLYrerase-it.t[N]H]#Remember:Itawillere-typestheecharacteroithisedeleting. Itldoesn'tb[N]HeimitateeEXACTLYswhatathegcomputer does.e[N]Hj"That'snnotntheikind]ofslashyourshouldhbeeusingtifsyouaintendhtoe[N]Hr/Ht	(2)nyouthave begun toutypehthearesttofntheowordvortline.a[N]H{	(1)$youlhave)finished usingtthetRUB OUTwkey;yandh[N]Hltype thehSECONDHback-slasheuntilobothnthese conditionsohold: [N]H	$Thepcomputeruwill,typeonlyONEback-slashsatrthisipoint.tItewillwnot [N]Hkey.)][N]H"faking howeitiwouldulookowhenoyouodid so,nthen'yougWOULDtuseathat [N]H"course,sifsyoulwere REALLYxerasingra.characterinstead%of merelyT[N]H$!OroperhapstyousactuallyoUSEDatheo'RUB OUT'tor 'DELETE']key.%(Ofe[N]H,$slash. The back-slash runs,from northwestttoasoutheast,Hso!tospeak. [N]H4$whatever lettersyou areedeleting.fPerhaps youHtypedthe1wrong2kindofo[N]H=iTheocomputer]types!aback-slash automaticallyNbeforeittypesu[N]HD\HFPOLITICALL\LHH%QUE10HJOTHERslash'/'--youcanimitatewhatthecomputerdoes.[N]HQ"CHECK THEKEYBOARDforuthenBACK-slashd'\'.aWithithatfkey--NOTgthe.[N]HY and what the answer would look like IF you had used that key. [N]Ha$'RUB OUT' or 'DELETE' key. Rather, IMITATE what the computer would do [N]Hi"(Note: When you answer this question, DO NOT actually depress the [N]Hq'political' and used the 'RUB OUT' key to delete the 'l'? [N]Hy$What will your answer look like after you have typed 'politicall' for [N]H%QUE  9HType 'GO ON' when you are ready to proceed with the lesson. [N]H(i.e., the characters BETWEEN the two back-slash marks). [N]H$You'll notice the computer is TOTALLY IGNORANT of whatever you erased [N]H#a couple of additional characters. THEN (finally) push the RETURN. [N]H"$the characters you typed. Then--still before you push RETURN--type in [N]H+%push RETURN, use the 'RUB OUT' or 'DELETE' key to erase one or more of [N]H3#Following the arrow prompt, type in some garbage. Then, before you [N]H;#'DELETE' key, I will give you an opportunity to experiment with it. [N]HD"Before I ask you some questions about the use of the 'RUB OUT' or [N]HLtransmitted to the computer. [N]HP$the 's\s' which appears at the end of the word 'science' will NOT be [N]HY$'RETURN' the computer will react as if you had typed in 'science' and [N]Ha$(your word will then look like this: 'sciences\s'). When you hit the [N]Hj$will respond by typing a '\s' to let you know it has deleted the 's' [N]Hr$should push the 'RUB OUT' key or the 'DELETE' key once. The computer [N]H{#If you typed 'sciences' when you meant to type 'science', then you [N]H line if necessary and start over. [N]H #Thus you can erase your answer all the way back to the start of the [N]H physically from the display. [N]H #character it has deleted. It does not actually erase the character [N]H !NOTE: Every time an erasure is made, the computer RE-TYPES the [N]H %character is erased, and so on. [N]H )!last character you typed. The second time, the next-to-the-last [N]H 1%you push it, the computer types a back-slash ('\') and then erases the [N]H :#To do this, you push the 'DELETE' or 'RUB OUT' key. The first time [N]H Berase just one character at a time. [N]H G$of, say, the last character you typed in. So, you'll need some way to [N]H O$Of course, you will not want to erase the ENTIRE line just to get rid [N]H XGOH Y%QUE  8H [ON'. [N]H ]$else--something sensible. When you have experimented enough, type 'GO [N]H f"to erase it all. Then, before you push RETURN, type in something [N]H n#Following the arrow prompt, type in some garbage. Then use the '^U' [N]H vNow I'll let you get some practice using the '^U' command. [N]H ~hold it down--depress the 'U' key. Then release both keys. [N]H!"To type a CTRL-U, depress the 'CTRL' key and--while continuing to [N]H!
	(4)cType inmthe>ACCOUNTNUMBER[N]H"		(3) Type 'LOG' [N]H"	(2) Type in the PASSWORD [N]H"	(1) Push the RETURN button [N]H"things? [N]H"!One last review question: In which order do we do the following [N]H"'password[N]H")Hint: This is the secret 'code' that opens your account. [N]H"0This, of course, is known as our 'password. [N]H"6WORDH"8Our password is '<password>', of course. [N]H"=PASSWORDH"?%QUE  6H"A	needs to know? [N]H"D#in. It already knows the account number. What is the next thing it [N]H"L$Alright. Let's suppose the computer is in the process of logging you [N]H"U
in the number itself. [N]H"\#Hint: This number has a name but, if you forgot the name, just type [N]H"e
only by a comma. [N]H"h$Hint: It is expecting you to type in two fields of digits, separated [N]H"p<PASSWORD>H"rnumber). Our account number is '<account number>.' [N]H"y%validate your password until it knows where to look (i.e., the account [N]H#$The password is filed UNDER our account number. So the computer can't [N]H#
Our account number is <account number>, of course. [N]H#PROGRAMMERH#PROJECTH#NUMBER>H#<ACCOUNTH#number,' or 'ppn' (for short). [N]H# That, of course, is our 'account number,' 'project-programmer [N]H#$NUMBER>'H#&'<ACCOUNTH#(%QUE  5H#*$'#' prompt in the lower left side of the screen. What do you do next? [N]H#3#After accepting the 'LOG' command, the computer will respond with a [N]H#;Type 'LOG'[N]H#>PASSH#?PPNH#ANUMBERH#Cis enough room for you on the system. [N]H#H#That will be entered later. First, the computer has to see if there [N]H#QACCOUNTH#S	to log you in. [N]H#V%kinds of maintenance. But, if all goes well, the computer will proceed [N]H#^#logged in. Or the system may be temporarily restricted for various [N]H#f%going to be allowed at this time. There might be too many jobs already [N]H#o#This causes the computer to check and to see whether any logins are [N]H#w'LOG'H#yTYPEH#z%QUE  4H#|What is the second thing you should do? [N]H$
Push the RETURN button[N]H$keyboard. [N]H$!Hint: You push a single button located on the right side of the [N]H$input from your terminal. [N]H$"left. This is the computer's way of saying it is ready to receive [N]H$%computer IS operating, the period PROMPT '.' will appear at the bottom [N]H$$#push the RETURN key. If the terminal IS connected properly and the [N]H$,$The best way to tell whether or not the terminal is patched in is to [N]H$5#You can't log in unless the terminal is connected to the computer. [N]H$=LOGH$>switched on and proceed from that point. [N]H$D"Technically, you are right. But let's assume that the terminal is [N]H$LONH$MTURNH$OCONNECTH$Qmakes them feel important), so PLEASE DO ASK FOR HELP. [N]H$X%than willing to help you when you encounter a problem such as this (it [N]H$`#Almost ANYONE you are likely to see in a terminal room will be more [N]H$iYou don't need to remember any of this, however. [N]H$o$transmit or receive speed of the terminal might need to be adjusted. [N]H$x%the computer, (4) the computer itself might not be running, or (5) the [N]H%%terminal may not be turned on, (3) the terminal might not be connected [N]H%	#of them your fault: (1) the terminal could be out of order, (2) the [N]H%$There are several reasons why you might fail to get the prompt, none [N]H%assistance. [N]H%RETURN button, ask anybody you see around you for advice or [N]H%$$If for some reason you do NOT get a period prompt after you push the [N]H%,in. [N]H%.#that the terminal IS connected and waiting on you to type something [N]H%7$the bottom left. By this simple token, the computer indicates to you [N]H%?#The computer will then respond with a period PROMPT '.' for you on [N]H%GBUTTONH%IRETURNH%KTHEH%MPUSHH%N%QUE  3H%PWhat is the very first thing you should do at the terminal? [N]H%XI was expecting a simple 'yes' or 'no' answer from you. [N]H%_Fine. I won't bother to rehearse the steps for you. [N]H%eAlright. We will review the essential steps. [N]H%k%QUE  2H%m$sure you will remember how to do it the next time you want to log in? [N]H%v"Would you like to review the log-in procedure with me, just to be [N]H%~I don't understand your answer.[N]H&Then I'll skip the gala welcome party I had planned. [N]H&	NOH&
celebrateIalittle...s[N]H&$Well,nthen,congratulationsnforuhavingimadeaitthisTfar.iI'mtgoingTtoN[N]H&YESH&%QUEAN1H&Isrthistyourefirstatimeytoiusebacomputer?e[N]H&hmakinghisHfirstseriousaattemptftohuseltheocomputer...H[N]H&'$From,thisdpointnon,hyoulwillmhaventonpretendyyousarecastudentiwho[is[N]H&0ractualrvaluesnwouldNbehsubstitutedforsthesee<placeaholders>.f[N]H&7"course,iiflsuchnawprogramdwereUrunningeinGaOstudentsaccount,ethem[N]H&?!haveBtouse[<place'holders>Nfor)these-in]itsttypeoutrtoHyou.Of[N]H&G"SinceHOWdoesenot!knowiyour passwordaandnaccountnumber,itDwillH[N]H&O$GNOSIS manual, GNOSIS.DOC, which normally resides in the 'DOC:' area. [N]H&X$name 'HOW'. The script for this lesson appears in an appendix to the [N]H&`$computer users (usually students) how to use the computer. Hence, its [N]H&i!computer-aided instruction. It was written to teach first-time [N]H&q"The following lesson is a demonstration of the GNOSIS system for [N]H&y [NT](3) 'BACK' to return to the previous question (or text).[2N]H'[NT](2) 'SKIP' to move on to the next question (or text); orH'[NT](1) 'STOP' to end the lesson immediately;H'
No, you missed this one.H(You're mistaken.H(
Thatywasn'twcorrect.H(Sorry.H(!H(Youranswerwas wrong.H(#ng of it now.H(/
  Keep up the good work!H(3  Aren't you glad you kept trying?H(7
  You're making progress.H(;  There is hope for you after all!H(?
  I knew you could do it.H(C
  Yo've got the idea now!H(F	  You're improving!H(I
  Now you're catching on!H(M  You're doing better!H(POK!H(RExcellent!H(TThat's it!H(VWell done!H(XRight!H(ZExactly right!H(\Bravo!H(^Sure!H(`Very good.H(bGood for you!H(dHOWH(f%H(g-->H(iH(j^H(l H(mwas as follows:  H(p$Your last answer, as received by the computer after you pushed RETURN,[N]H(y GNOSIS will simulate an acceptable answer:[2N]-->H(
Just for the record,H)]Or...interrupt the lesson by typing the symbol "%".H)[N](You might want to rethink some of your previous answers.)H)[N]You have at least eliminated some of the possibilities.H)Please try again.H)%If you want to interrupt the lesson, then type the single character "%".[N]H)"??? You gave no answer at all.H)&Dr. Walter Maner, Old Dominion University, Norfolk, VA 23508[N]H).The name and address of the teacher is:[N]H)3He needs the listing to improve the lesson.[N]H)9: H);"Eh?   The computer expected you would just push the RETURN button.[N]H)C[N]Push RETURN H)E[N]I must admit that last one was a bit tricky!H)K, H)M{X)LH)Nto the PREVIOUS '-->' or 'RETURN' prompt...[N]H)TPlease continue, then, giving your response[N]H)Z
Lesson is backing.[N]H)]BACKH)_
Question skipped.[N]H)bSKIPH)cLesson aborted.H)fSTOPH)gor 'CONTINUE'.[N]H)j	, 'SKIP', 'BACK', H)mAnswer 'STOP'8p* *P*Z *	`+ggY>=}:(*+ @*  * @. *-=*<@+hx*+*"~8* KEp-=* <@zz h	`4@*,a`+*, hl dX +@ h hl"`d*,+@+h
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