
Trailing-Edge - PDP-10 Archives - decuslib10-01 - 43,50126/crsdmp.exe
There are no other files named crsdmp.exe in the archive.
?p `?x+!Xn@x
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The following are legal categories:

HARDWARE	Hardware failure (Include module/component)
SOFTWARE	Software failure (Include monitor module)
OPERATIONS	Operational error (Include reason)
PM		Preventive maintenance (F/S only)
SA		Software stand alone (Software only)
CM		Corrective maintenance (F/S only)
ENVIRONMENT	Environmental (power, air conditioning, etc)
UNKNOWN		Cause cannot be determined at this time

TIME		Change the RELOAD and/or CRASH time

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|Comments:N@yExclude:tGUnknown responce; type YES or NO@"|	PUnknown CATEGORY name @$T	|Ambigous CATEGORY name @$T	|New reload time: New crash time:  New uptime: Clear lost data flag: Unknown responce; Type YES or NO@&<	+Reload time: 
Crash time:  
Lost data flag is setIllegal time specifier	9Hour out of range	=Sunday:    Monday:    Tuesday:   Wednesday: Thursday:  Friday:    Saturday:  tUnknown DEFINE keyword	K</Unknown DEFINE category key	PNot analyzed Hardware     Software     Operations   PM           SA           CM           Environment  Installation Unknown      Help         Time         HardwareSoftwareOperationsPMSACMEnvironmentInstallationUnknownHelpTimeIllegal monitor version format	p**Lost data**
Report for System  by CRSDMP version 
   At    Current uptime: 
   From  to 
 Seq      Reload time         Uptime  / Downtime  Reasons  Comments

No crashes found

Total reloads: 
Total Uptime: 
Total Downtime: 

Breakdown by type:

Reason  #crashes downtime    %total    %down    Crashs/
                              time      time     week

Breakdown by Category:

Class      #crashes downtime     %total    %down    Crashs/
                                  time      time     week

Total System availability:     
Scheduled system availability: 
Contract system availability:  
Average uptime:   
Average downtime: 
Average reloads per week:
Contract times:

ScheduledContract categories: NONE
Output error writing report file
K.EXE**Unknown**!*U (Soft crashed)Successful dumpCrash not EXE formatCant find GETTABsDisk ill mem ref from crashInput FILOP. error (CRASH.EXE)Input read errorOutput FILOP. error (SERnnn.EXE)Output write errorNo dump takenNoYes
kHeaderzlengthEntryelengthFormatDversionCurrentreloadtimeCurrent uptimeLast reload timeLastuptimeFlagsDAEMONistarttimeFirstfrunDofMCRSDMPDate/timeSofDlastdumpLastdumpEfilencountEntries.inTfileSequencenumberReloadatimeCrashtimeUptimelastcrashWhy reloadCommentsCurrent monitorJOBVERCategoryExcludeAuxilary categoryAuxilary downtimeInitialsDump statusLast stopcodeTotal parity errorsHardware error countDump monitorDump JOBVERLast time in crashFile spec of copied crash6$	$$	CRSDMP aborting(@(@GJ:
G!R is less than crash time of  greater than 24 hours from crash time of /BEGIN and /END don't overlapTL\Too many types of crashes to summarize@p<YDown time negative for entry @q_	Pzx
No wildcarding COPY specificationd@0qBp *,s+fNo core for buffersl@{\iX@|$iXUnexpected EOF for @|TsX@Di!R@$i, waiting...Cant find GETTABs in crash file{!RCrash file not in EXE format
!RphxzAli!RIllegal memory reference reading crash file
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?SCNPDL PDL phase error
Indirect file illegal in this contextIndirect file illegal in this context if not logged inEqual sign missingDouble equal sign illegalFile switches illegal in output fileOutput switch illegal in input fileExcess arguments starting with "Kb

Illegal character "S2" following word "Junk after indirect commandToo many indirect files@@bO@5QRun linkage failure e24Wildcard illegal in /RUN specificationJhW$XIllegal protection specificationaJ~I1 NY BZ+	IHY/BEFORE and /SINCE don't overlap/ABEFORE and /ASINCE don't overlapJ(SIJh.k`+I,^5bJ+INHu[ .8+]>tP!.+C2` .+T 4" O@+ ~$u5b!R4*&4J' +#Jhe 0`f+/,X53+/LPV6@Z+;+PCan't write tmpfileIncorrect tmpfile argument format,l+k% I can't help you, please read the manualSwitches are:Standard ones:
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R+(Mnemonic date/time switch not implemented%x:D(afQ+\3"+ 2b_XDate/time out of rangeDate/time must be in the futureDate/time must be in the pastNegative number in date/timeNot known whether past or future in date/timeField too large in date/timeField zero in date/timeUnrecognized month in date/timeIllegal year format in date/timeUnrecognized name in date/timeMissing day in date/timeValue missing in date/timeHH0
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